How to change operator while maintaining the megaphone number. How to switch to Tele2 from Beeline while saving the number. Keeping your old mobile number with your existing operator

In Russia, since the beginning of 2014, subscribers have been provided with the service of transferring a mobile number from one operator to another. And if earlier during such a migration some difficulties could arise, now all this can be done as quickly and simply as possible, without losing your number. What is the algorithm of actions? How to switch to another operator while keeping your number? What do I need to do? Especially for you, we have studied this problem in detail and prepared a publication describing a detailed action plan for changing your number.

Number porting - what is it?

A mobile phone with Internet access and many applications has long become commonplace. In the ongoing battle for potential customers, mobile operators are coming up with ever new lucrative offers and tariffs. Until recently, if you needed to switch from one operator to another, you would have to go through some very unpleasant troubles, but now you have a unique opportunity to save your number. All this became real thanks to the adoption of the corresponding law, which the press called the “abolition of mobile slavery.”

The name of the service is Mobile Number Portability. Its essence is that by submitting the appropriate application, you can keep your current mobile number even if there is a need to change provider. How does all this happen in practice? What documents do I need to provide? Is there a possibility of any difficulties arising?

Transfer from operator: important rules

Regardless of which operator’s SIM card you are switching from, keeping your number, there are several general rules that do not change:

This service is paid. The cost of the transition is 100 rubles. But there are some differences in additional costs. Therefore, find out what the price of the SIM card and package of additional services will be.

Mobile Number Portability is a service that you won’t be able to use very often. You can switch to another operator while keeping your number only after two months from the moment you began to be serviced by another cellular company.

Making a transfer is available only to the owner of the SIM card, that is, to the person whose name was registered to this phone number. The owner must apply in person, providing a passport and writing a corresponding application. And only in exceptional cases can this be done using a notarized power of attorney.

There are restrictions regarding switching to another operator while maintaining the number. They concern regionality. In other words, if your region of residence is Moscow and Moscow Region, then you will not be able to change your Moscow number in any other region.

Your mobile number will remain the same, the operator issues a SIM card immediately after concluding a service agreement. You will have to connect all services previously connected to your phone again. Mobile numbers that have been blocked for some reason will not be eligible for the Mobile Number Portability service.

Is it necessary to inform the operator about the transition?

The Law on Mobile Number Portability is, first of all, on the side of consumers of mobile services, that is, subscribers. If you decide that for some reason it is necessary to change the operator, no one obliges you to tell him this. You just need to contact the company you are transferring to.

All about translation deadlines

At the legislative level, there are certain deadlines that a mobile company must adhere to when transferring a number. For legal entities that have submitted a corresponding application, the specified mobile numbers are renewed for one month (29 calendar days). For individuals, such a transition will take place as quickly as possible – no more than eight days. The company will need this time to verify the subscriber’s personal data.

But what to do during this period? Can I use mobile services? And what operator actually provides them? For eight (for individuals) and 29 (for legal entities), subscribers continue to use the services of the so-called donor until they receive the corresponding SMS message indicating the exact time and date of the transition.

However, there are some nuances. Those subscribers who have already completed the transfer procedure often warn that it is extremely important that at the time of transfer there is no so-called zero or negative balance on the donor operator’s SIM card. After all, if there are no funds on the phone account, the transfer may be refused.

Beeline: changing operator and saving number

In order to become a Beeline subscriber and at the same time save your mobile phone number, you need to do several steps:

  1. First of all, contact the office of the new operator, not forgetting your passport. They will help you write the appropriate application. If it is not possible to be present in person at the office, you can leave an online application on the company’s official website.
  2. Next, you need to conclude an agreement with Beeline and get a SIM card, having previously selected one or another tariff plan. When ordering online, you can order delivery of the SIM card and contract free of charge on the website.
  3. After this, you must pay 100 rubles for the transfer.
  4. The company will consider the application within eight days. All this time you will use the SIM card of your previous operator. But at the same time, try to avoid a negative or zero balance. The Beeline SIM card is also valid, but a temporary number will be connected to it.
  5. A day before the transfer, the subscriber will receive a message informing them exactly when it will be possible to transfer the Beeline SIM card to their phone.

How to change operator and switch to Megafon

Those who have decided to switch to Megafon can use two methods:

  • leave a request online;
  • in the communication salon.

The algorithm of actions is as follows:

  1. Leave a request online or bring your passport to the salon. In this case, it is necessary to conclude an appropriate agreement, select a tariff and receive a Megafon SIM card.
  2. Then you need to pay for the service (100 rubles).
  3. After 8 days, the operator will notify you by SMS that you can change the SIM card to Megafon.

About the responsibility of operators

Article 46 of the Law “On Communications” states that the company is responsible for violating the deadlines for transferring a mobile number. In other words, if after eight days the transfer is still not completed, the operator who violated the deadlines must provide the client with free use of cellular communications until the period when the change is actually made while maintaining the number.

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“Mobile slavery” was abolished in Russia five years ago, so now anyone who is dissatisfied with the quality of service or existing tariffs, for example, Megafon, can switch to more acceptable conditions for another operator (in our case, MTS), and without losing your old number.

In addition, it makes sense to switch to Megafon while maintaining the MTS number if your entire family or work colleagues chose this particular company because of some special privileges like bonuses and other things. In any case, the transition from one cellular provider to another is accompanied by a certain series of nuances that must be overcome step by step.

So, let's try to figure out whether it is possible to switch from Megafon to MTS, how long it will take, as well as what strength and nerves this procedure will require. Let's consider all the pitfalls and outline a certain set of instructions for successfully completing the task.

In order to switch from Megafon to MTS, keeping the number, you will need:

  1. Wish.
  2. Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation.
  3. About 100 rubles in cash.


Preliminary verification of passport data

The procedure differs from the standard scenario in that in most cases you will not have to see or hear your actual operator. The advantages of this arrangement are quite obvious: you will be freed from persuasion to stay on some additional conditions with new bonuses, a loyalty program that came from somewhere and other brainwashing. If the mobile service provider did not have enough of all those months/years that you were with him to make his client satisfied with the quality and level of services, then it means that this is a bad (at least for you) operator.

But it may very well turn out that a trip to Megafon cannot be avoided. This happens in cases where the details of your passport specified in the contract differ from those actually presented in the salon of the operator to whom you want to switch. Keep this in mind before switching from Megafon to MTS.

In general, there can be only two reasons here:

  1. Error of the current operator when entering your passport data during the execution of the contract.
  2. Changing your passport details.

The first problem is easily solved without a visit to the salon: we find our old contract with Megafon, check the data and continue the re-registration procedure. If your passport has changed, then a personal visit to MTS cannot be avoided. Also keep these nuances in mind before switching from Megafon to MTS.

Let's go to the salon

We take a Russian citizen’s passport and go to any nearby MTS salon. In general, the competition between the “big three” (MTS, Megafon and Beeline) is very high, so your desire to switch to “us” will be received, if not with delight, then with due cordiality for sure.

The first thing you will be asked to do is show your passport and fill out a relatively short form to transfer your subscriber number. Here you must indicate the correct phone number of the previous operator. Pay special attention to this point before switching from your Megafon number to MTS. Here you can decide on the tariff you like from MTS.


Next, you need to sign the proposed agreement on the provision of communication services with the new company and pay about 100 rubles for this service. Along with a copy of the signed agreement, you will be given a brand new SIM card, which, by the way, will not start making you happy with your connection right away. Also keep this in mind before switching from Megafon to MTS, and do not sound the alarm ahead of time.

Generally speaking, the entire procedure from starting a conversation with an operator about changing a cellular company to leaving the phone shop with a contract and a SIM card in hand takes no more than 20 minutes, unless, of course, it’s rush hour and there are no long queues. In fact, there is no talk of any critical time expenditure. As for nerves, it’s unlikely that pretty and competent cashier girls will ruin your mood.


According to the current law on the provision of communication services to the population, the former provider is obliged to reconnect your subscriber number to the new cellular provider within eight days. Keep this in mind before switching from Megafon to MTS.

After you sign an agreement with the new operator, you should receive an SMS from the old one with words of gratitude for the time spent with them and the use of services, and most importantly - the approximate date of transfer of your subscriber number.

If everything went as it should, then after the first SMS you will receive the next one, which should inform you about the successful verification (preliminary) of your data for subsequent transfer.

Important points

Before switching from Megafon to MTS, the consultant will strongly recommend that you “not go into the red” for the entire transition period. If your balance becomes negative, the system may record a debt to the previous operator and refuse to port your subscriber number.

About a day before the end of the procedure, you will receive another SMS about the need to change the SIM card of the old mobile operator to a new card from MTS.

Successful transfer

On the day of transfer indicated in the message, the SIM card from Megafon will no longer be valid. That is, telephone communication and the transmission of any messages will not work on the old card, and the only thing that will remain is the Internet.

Sometimes unpleasant moments happen when the old SIM card stops working and the new one has not yet connected, but, as a rule, this transition period does not last more than five hours.

There are a lot of rumors on the Internet about problems with communication immediately after the number is transferred, but such issues either do not affect everyone, or there are good reasons for this (MTS tower is further than Megafon, etc.). But in most cases everything goes fine and without any incidents. It would also be useful to keep this in mind before switching from Megafon to MTS.


You can immediately upset the owners of city numbers. The only thing that MTS can do in this case is to transfer only the federal version of your subscriber number, that is, ten characters. The short number will remain at the discretion of Megafon and, whatever one may say, cannot be transferred.

In addition, the transfer cannot be carried out if your number is blocked for any reason (minus balance, inactivity, etc.). The procedure is also not possible if the subscriber is registered in another region.

In addition to these conditions, it is worth mentioning separately the methods of payment for a new subscriber number after the transition. In some cases, it is impossible to pay for communications using bank cards or all kinds of “Dixies”, “Kukuruz” and other things. At first (about two weeks), you can top up your balance only in the MTS salon and nothing else. For some online personalities this is quite a critical problem, but for others it is a bit of an inconvenience.

Many people who want to improve the quality of telephone services are thinking about how to change their operator while maintaining their phone number. In this case, all acquaintances and friends will be able to reach the subscriber using their old contacts and will not have to notify them additionally. Depending on which operator is used for communication and which service provider is needed in the future, the methods of change, their cost and timing will vary. Let's look at this information in more detail.

Is it possible to change mobile operator without changing the number?

It is possible to change your cellular service provider to another one, while keeping the previously used set of identifying numbers. Although this procedure takes time, after it each subscriber will have the desired service parameters and their old contacts. Different cellular providers carry out the change process in different ways, but in all cases the first step will be to contact the future service provider company to clarify the details.

A prerequisite for changing the operator is the repayment of all debts to him. To carry out this procedure, you need to contact the old company and look at the status of the subscriber’s accounts. Next, you should go to the new operator, conclude a service agreement with them, after which a temporary SIM card will be issued. In the next step, the old provider will transfer information about the number to the second, and the subscriber will be able to receive a previously used contact that is serviced by the new mobile provider.

Every person who wants to receive good and high-quality services on the mobile network must understand that he can change the service company at any time at minimal cost, without affecting his combination of identification numbers. This was legislatively confirmed by the leadership of the Russian Federation in order for the cellular coverage market to be transparent and competitive.

Changing mobile operator while maintaining the number in different companies

Companies carry out the number transfer procedure in different ways. Cellular providers carry out this process with great effort, since such a transition must transfer a large amount of information, and the old provider loses a client. In such conditions, firms are forced to maintain high quality of services provided in order to minimize the number of users changing mobile providers.

Change operator in Tele2

  • The first step is to contact the support service of the existing operator or find a service agreement among your home documents, which indicates the person to whom the number was registered. Only the person for whom the contract was signed can change the supplier. If you change your passport details, you will have to inform the operator.
  • Pay off all existing debts to your old cellular provider. Ideally, the account balance will be zero, but positive is also allowed
  • Contact any office of the Tele2 operator and sign a new service agreement. Here the client will be issued a new SIM card for temporary use while the data transfer process is carried out.
  • A day before the mobile provider on the old card is changed, the user will receive a notification. Therefore, during this period it is worth rearranging the SIM to receive the full range of services.


  • To switch to MTS with the MNP service, you need to go to any office of the company with identification documents (original passport) and information about the old number (which is registered to the same person).
  • Decide on the tariff at which you will be served by the new provider, pay for the transfer services.
  • Get a temporary SIM so that you can make and receive calls during the transfer period. Such a card will receive messages from MTS about the status of the application and the process of transition to a new supplier.
  • The temporary SIM card will receive information indicating the exact time and date when the cards need to be rearranged. After this, all relations with the old mobile communications provider will be severed and the subscriber will begin service with MTS.

In Megafon

  • For the convenience of its subscribers, Megafon has created an online form on its website ( After entering the data into it, the cellular provider receives information about the future client, in addition, it delivers the necessary SIM cards and contracts free of charge.
  • When concluding official documents, the client must have a passport or power of attorney to manage other people’s data.
  • At the moment when Megafon specialists deliver the contracts, they advise on the spot on possible tariffs and select the best possible options to suit the client’s requirements. Payment is also accepted here for porting a number from one company to another.

On Beeline

  • Beeline provides several options for number porting. In the first case, you need to make an appointment at the office and come there with all the documents to formalize the contract.
  • In the second option, all materials will be delivered by Beeline couriers to the client’s home. There, service agreements will be drawn up and the best tariffs will be selected.
  • Only a federal number can be transferred, not a city number. However, there may be restrictions in the form of unavailability of calls or SMS.

Transition cost and timing

The timing of the transition from one operator to another while maintaining the number may be different, it all depends on the desires and state of information about the client who is being transferred. The waiting period can last from several hours to 6 months, but in most cases this transfer is carried out within 1-2 days. The cost of the transition is standard for all mobile communication providers (Beeline, MTS, Megafon, Tele2), it is 100 rubles per operation.

Other additional fees may be imposed by individual companies for service in special tariff plans, installation of new features or enhanced communication capabilities. During a consultation with specialists from Beeline, MTS, Megafon or Tele2, it is worth clarifying all the points of interest and asking what the payment will be charged for. Here you need to clarify the transition time that will be needed, because this data will be the most reliable, since it takes into account the specifics of the client.

More than four hundred thousand people expressed their desire to switch to another operator, while leaving their phone number. Rossvyaz recorded 446,256 applications. However, only half of them (259,939 people) successfully got rid of the shackles of mobile slavery.

In theory, the process is simple: you come to the office of the operator whose subscriber you plan to become, write an application, and sign an agreement. According to the law, no later than 8 days later the number will be transferred to another operator. The document usually even indicates the exact time of transition.

In fact, not everyone succeeds in changing operators the first time. What could be the catch? We found out what pitfalls can await you on the way to a new operator, and found answers to non-standard questions from subscribers.

I wasn't transferred, why?

There may be several reasons. Firstly, if the SIM card was issued not to you, but to friends or relatives. An application to port a number can only be submitted by the person to whom a specific number is registered. If another person does this, a notarized power of attorney for the representative is required.

Secondly, an error could have crept into the application - they made a mistake in the passport number or wrote Ezhikov instead of the last name Yozhikov (as written in the document). The same problem if you grew up and changed your passport or, for example, got married, changed your last name, but did not notify the operator.

Alena Yarushina, press secretary of the Motiv company:

When submitting an application, the subscriber’s passport data must completely match the subscriber’s passport data located in the database of the current operator. Therefore, carefully check each letter in the spelling of your last name, first name, and patronymic. Pay special attention to the letters “E” and “E”. If you changed your passport, surname or place of residence (registration) and did not inform your operator about this, you will need to come to his office again before the change and make changes to the database.

How long will they carry?

In your application, you have the right to indicate the desired date for porting your number. The only legal restriction: the number cannot be transferred to the network before the eighth day for subscribers - individuals and the 29th day for subscribers - legal entities. If you did not indicate any date in the application, then the number is automatically transferred to the new operator’s network on the ninth or 30th day, respectively.

Will there be any communication interruptions?

According to the law, interruptions in outgoing communications when moving from one operator to another should not last more than 30 minutes, and incoming communications - more than 6 hours. In fact, the “technological break” in the provision of communication services to the subscriber is usually less. Be prepared that you will be “out of reach” for some time. For convenience, you can schedule a number transfer at night. But there is a catch - at night it is not so easy to top up your balance with a new operator - you will have 0 on your account (if you had money on the balance of your previous operator, it will not be automatically transferred).

However, some operators give gifts to transferred subscribers as a sign of hospitality. “Immediately after porting the number, new subscribers are activated. This will allow you not to be left without communication and make urgent calls before the first top-up. However, we still recommend that especially sociable subscribers plan to port their number during the daytime,” advises Alena Yarushina.

How to top up your balance after porting a number?

The abolition of mobile slavery has also added work to financial institutions. Previously, whether a phone number belonged to a cellular operator was determined by a directory of operators and DEF codes (the first three digits that made it possible to identify the operator). Now banks and payment systems also need to take into account the database of ported numbers. If mobile operators submit information about the transfer to this database in a timely manner, then it will be impossible to top up the account of the previous operator. In other words, if you changed operator X to operator Y, and then accidentally decided to top up your phone balance by transferring money to the old operator X, then your payment transaction will be refused.

Banks had to update their systems - this primarily affected online banking and mobile banking.

Press service of the Ural Bank of Sberbank of Russia:

Sberbank notes that the “mobile banking” service is currently being finalized. For now, users with a ported number to pay for mobile communications are recommended to indicate the operator directly in the Mobile Bank SMS command (for example, “MTS 200” to pay for their phone number or “MTS 9ХХХХХХХХ 200” to pay for any other number).

Regional banks also updated their banking software. Thus, a new menu item has appeared in all UBRD ATMs - “Payment when changing operator”. Changes have also occurred in the Internet bank: now subscribers who have changed operators, when making payments via the Internet in the “Mobile communications” section, need to select the item “Payment for communications when changing operators (MNP service - switching while maintaining the number)”

“When paying, the client needs to work a little - choose his new operator. But the payment will arrive without delay and exactly to the address,” says Konstantin Kotelnikov, head of the UBRD information technology directorate.

Cellular operators themselves advise that in the first few hours after porting a number, top up your balance directly at the sales and service offices of the new operator or using express payment cards.

I changed my mind. I stay!

If you suddenly decide to stay with your previous operator, then you can refuse the application only until 00:00 on the fifth day from the date of submission of the application.

Can I see everyone?

You can try at least all operators, alternately changing one for another: the number of transitions is not limited by law. The operator can be changed once every 70 days. This is due to internal procedure and interaction between operators. The transfer is possible only if the subscriber has no debts to the previous operator. And the previous operator can send information about the subscriber’s debt to the new operator within 30 to 60 days; another 10 days are given to pay off the debt. This is where the 70 days come from.

How are direct landline numbers transferred?

No way. Unfortunately, this is not possible now - only a federal number (9xx-xxx-xx-xx) is allowed to be transferred. It is also important to take into account that the number is transferred only within the region of the Federation in which it was registered with the current operator. That is, if you moved from Chelyabinsk to Yekaterinburg, then you will not be able to keep your Chelyabinsk number.

Who should I contact if any difficulties arise during the transfer?

The transfer is handled by the operator you plan to switch to. The current operator is only checking the possibility of transfer. This means that the subscriber must contact the new operator for all questions. This can be done with the help of subscribers - in real time the subscriber will be helped to resolve any issues, including those related to changing the operator.

Mobile slavery - this is what the inability to transfer the service of your number to another mobile operator was called for a long time. Cellular companies vying with each other insisted that this would be very difficult. But when such an opportunity was required at the legislative level, a solution was immediately found. In this review, we will tell you how to switch to another operator while keeping your number. There is nothing complicated about it.

The first stage is preparatory

In order to switch to another operator while keeping your number, you need to do three things:

  • Choose a suitable operator - most likely, you already have some preferences, since you are puzzled by this question.
  • Choose a tariff plan according to your needs.
  • Organize your personal information on your number.

The last point is the most important pitfall when switching from another operator. The subscriber must ensure that the data in the contract is up to date. After all, from the moment he purchased the number, his last name or passport could have changed. Do the following - arm yourself with your passport and visit the office of your current operator, ask a consultant to check your passport data and put it in order if any differences suddenly become apparent.

Remember that if your personal data does not match, you will not be able to switch your number to another operator. The first stage of the transfer is reconciliation. And if it fails, the current cellular operator will interrupt the operation and you will still have to update your data.

Choosing an operator is simple. Typically, subscribers focus on coverage area, voice quality and mobile Internet speed. A typical example is that a subscriber bought a property in a rural area and discovered that his mobile phone did not work there. To stay in touch, you need to purchase a SIM card from another mobile operator or switch to it without changing your number. The latter option is more preferable, as it allows you not to lose your contacts (very important for business people and businesses).

Choosing a tariff plan is even easier - go to the website of the selected operator and check out the current tariffs. Select the optimal option for the number of minutes, gigabytes and SMS. If you are looking for cheap prices, go to Tele2. If you need maximum services, then Beeline and MegaFon win here. The advantages of MTS tariffs are the availability of special offers for on-network and international roaming.

Please note that it is impossible to switch to another operator with a landline number - this is a minus of the switching procedure.

Stage two – submitting an application

Updating your personal data and choosing a tariff is over. The next step is to write an application to transfer your number to another operator. You will need a passport to fill out the application. Visit the nearest office of the selected company, inform the consultant of your intentions, inform about the selected tariff plan, and sign the prepared transfer form. After this, you will receive a new SIM card.

There are some differences in the SIM cards issued - in some places they are paid, in others they are free, in others they have a temporary number, in others they are without a temporary number.

The cost of the transition is 100 rubles, the maximum period is 8 days. That is, your number will be transferred in a little more than a week. It is also possible to set an individual transition date. But it should not exceed 180 days from the date of writing the application.

The third stage – reconciliation, waiting and transition

Having written an application to transfer your number to another operator, you will have to withstand a small flow of SMS. First, both operators will tell you that the application has been accepted. Then both participants will talk about the results of data reconciliation - if they match, the transition date will be indicated. Then the most interesting thing begins - the current operator will begin to beg you to stay. In most cases, employees call subscribers and promise good discounts on subscription fees. It is up to the subscribers themselves to decide whether to accept the offer or refuse to continue the transition.

On the transition date (it will take place at 12 o'clock at night), you need to remove the old SIM card from the phone and install a new one. The old SIM card will no longer be active and can be scrapped. A new SIM card may experience connection interruptions for the first 6 hours, so don’t be surprised by broken Internet, terrible dialing, or your inaccessibility to callers. By morning the connection will be fully established, and your phone number will be serviced in the network of the new operator.

Reasons for refusal to transfer and other subtleties

There are several reasons for failure that are common to all operators:

  • Passport data mismatch.
  • Availability of debt on the number.
  • The number is serviced in a different region.
  • Less than 60 days have passed since the date of the previous transition (according to some sources - less than 70 days).
  • The number is blocked.

It will be useful to know that the transition fee is charged by the new operator. And the balance of funds on the balance of the old operator is not transferred to the balance of the new one. But you can pick it up at the nearest office by writing a corresponding application.

If anything remains unclear, call the hotline of the selected operator:

  • Yota – 8-800-550-00-07.
  • MTS – 8-800-250-08-90 or 0890.
  • Beeline – 8-800-700-0611 or 0611.
  • MegaFon – 8-800-550-05-00 or 0500.
  • Tele2 – 611 or by direct regional number (check on the Tele2 website).

You can also ask our expert any questions you have in the comments.