How to access the deep web and darknet? Darknet - what they search for and find on the other side of the Internet

This text was created for informational purposes only, does not call for action and does not contain links to any sites. In addition, we remind you that the production, sale and transfer of narcotic and psychotropic substances is a criminal offense in accordance with Art. 228-231 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

What is the deep internet

The Internet that we use every day is called the “surface web” (from the English “surface web”). You don't need special tools to access it - a working connection is enough. All pages of the “surface” Internet can be easily found using any search engine, and user actions on the Internet and data about them are available to Internet providers. Accordingly, they can also be tracked by law enforcement agencies in accordance with a court decision.

In addition to the surface network, there is also the deep Internet (from the English “deep web”). You cannot find pages from the deep web using a regular search engine.- they are not indexed by search engines. Therefore, it is impossible to accurately estimate the size of this segment of the Internet.

Links to pages on the deep web work in a special .onion format, so you can’t open them with a regular browser. To access the deep network, you need special programs that preserve user anonymity and encrypt traffic.

There is also darknet is a closed network within the deep internet. The concepts of “deep web” and “darknet” are often confused, but the darknet has a fundamental difference from the usual deep network.

The deep Internet is a single network hidden from search engines, but there can be several darknets, and each of them requires special access. So, to get into each of the popular darknets - Freenet, RetroShare or I2P - you need to install separate software.

Why do we need a “hidden” Internet?

There can be many reasons for creating pages on the deep web or one of the darknets. The main advantage of closed networks compared to superficial ones is, of course, anonymity. Therefore, the hidden Internet is often used for illegal activities.

Drugs, weapons, fake documents, and even people are traded on darknet trading platforms. If desired, you can also find contacts of a contract killer on the darknet.

In addition, user data often leaks onto the dark Internet - hackers who break into databases periodically leak them into closed networks. The easiest way to pay on local markets is with cryptocurrency - again, due to the fact that it allows you to remain anonymous.

Another option for illegal activity on the darknet is distribution of pirated content. However, this won’t surprise anyone even on the “surface”. And in countries where authorities are actively pursuing piracy, the dark internet comes to the aid of lovers of free content.

The deep web and darknet have gained notoriety due to the fact that they are often used by criminals. Nevertheless, Illegal activities are not the only use of hidden networks.

There, for example, human rights activists and journalists from totalitarian and authoritarian states create their pages. On the darknet, they are not afraid of either censorship or authorities. The deep Internet is an excellent platform for the fight for freedom of speech and it can be used not only for illegal purposes.

What useful things can you find on the deep web?

The deep web isn't just about sites for criminals. We have collected several links that may be useful to ordinary law-abiding citizens.

Libraries After the Russian-language library “Flibust” was blocked on the surface Internet, it moved to the “depths”. There you can find thousands of books in Russian. Flibusta has its own pages on the deep web and the I2P darknet. Other well-known deep web book resources include “The Hero of Words” and the Imperial Library of Trantor.
Rospravosudie Database of publicly available court decisions from all over Russia.
Image hosting Anonymous image hosting where you can upload jpg, png or gif files up to 20 megabytes in size for free.
Science articles A deep “mirror” of the Sci-Hub portal, which allows you to download scientific articles for free.
Anti-censorship community The multilingual community We Fight Censorship publishes materials that, for one reason or another, have been considered prohibited in different countries.
Questions and answers service The English-language Hidden Answers service works on the same principle as Answers. Some users ask questions, while others answer them. The main difference from similar “superficial” platforms is the subject matter of the questions. They are mainly devoted to cybersecurity and the deep Internet. Although there are also quite ordinary thematic sections, for example, about relationships or food.
Search engine If you want to search for something on the deep web yourself, you can use a system that allows you to search for working sites on the deep web.

“Darknet” (“DarkNet”, “DeepWeb”, “deep Internet”) is a segment of the Internet with a higher degree of anonymity, to whichit is impossible to connect through a regular browser. It concentrates communities involved in illegal activities, including trafficking in weapons, bank cards, drugs, etc. But there are also many completely legal and harmless projects - libraries, literary magazines . People choose this network to maintain privacy and freedom of speech.

How to enter the Darknet

Let's consider one of the methods. It's quite simple. Necessarydownload Tor browser from the official website . It is highly not recommended to download Tor from other resources, because... such a distribution may contain Trojans that can declassify your presence on a private network. Next you needinstall browser.

When you first log in, you need to choose from two options: simply connect or configure network settings. If you want to use a browser to access a blocked site, for example, then select "connect". If you need anonymity, then you need the "customize" option. Tor works in the same way as regular browsers, but in a more complex way, which negatively affects page loading speeds. With its help, you can visit both hidden and simple sites, but not all functions will work. To make sure that it is configured correctly, follow the link

How the Tor Browser works

The essence of the work is reflected in the logo - the onion. Just like her, the connection consists of layers - a chain of proxies. Information passes through 3 randomly selected network nodes. On the client side, before sending the packet, sequential encryption occurs for each of the nodes.


It should be noted that using the Tor browser does not guarantee the anonymity of your actions.

Darknet sites

Websites on the Tor network are located in the domain zone.onion. Links to darknet sites can be found on the page The Hidden Wiki . If you are confused by the address zqktlwi4fecvo6ri.onion, then you should note that many sites on this network look similar.

Below is a list of some resources:
not Evil — search engine on the Tor network
Flibusta - book library
Hidden Answers — anonymous question and answer service
Galaxy2 - social network

A community about “Onionland” is also available on reddit . You can also find all kinds of links there.

Other networks

Tor is popular, but not the only one anonymous sit down . Many Tor projects have mirrors inI2P. Another popular network is Freenet.

Selling weapons on the Darknet

Executive Outcomes is one of the sites on the Darknet that sells weapons. According to traders, they have branches in various countries: Canada, Russia, Australia, Germany and the UK.

We sell firearms from renowned manufacturers: Beretta, Browning, Bushmaster, Glock, Kel-Tec.

The site has a huge selection of pistols of different calibers:

  • calibers 22, 25, 32, 38, 45. Price from $600 and up:


  • Beretta and its cartridges:

  • Bushmaster rifle and ammo:


"DarkNet" is a dark layer of the Internet, which can only be connected through a special browser - Tor. The darknet is characterized by a higher degree of anonymity, therefore it is where communities engaged in illegal activities are concentrated - trafficking in weapons, drugs and bank cards. But there are also legal projects - libraries, . People choose this network for the sake of freedom of speech and privacy.

How to enter the Darknet

It's quite simple. Necessary download Tor browser from the official website. It is highly not recommended to download Tor from other resources, because... such a distribution may contain Trojans that can declassify your presence on the network. Next you need install browser.

When you first log in, you need to choose from two options: simply connect or configure network settings. If you want to use a browser to access a blocked site, for example, then select "connect". If you need anonymity, then you need the "customize" option. Tor works in the same way as regular browsers, but in a more complex way, which negatively affects page loading speed. With its help, you can visit both hidden and regular sites. Make sure that it is configured correctly, follow the link -

How the Tor Browser works

The essence of the work is reflected in the logo - the onion. Just like her, the connection consists of layers - a chain of proxies. Information passes through 3 randomly selected network nodes. On the client side, before sending the packet, sequential encryption occurs for each of the nodes.

Darknet sites

You can find links to popular sites on the Russian darknet at The project was created for informational purposes. All transactions on prohibited sites of the Tor network are illegal and prosecuted by law. The project is for informational purposes only and is intended for a general understanding of the TOR network.

Websites on the Tor network are located in the domain zone .onion. Below is a list of some resources:
not Evil - search engine on the Tor network
TORCH - another search engine
Flibusta - book library
Hidden Answers - anonymous question and answer service
rutrackerripnext.onion - Mirror
rutorc6mqdinc4cz.onion - Mirror

If you are confused by the address hss3uro2hsxfogfq.onion, then you should note that almost all sites on this network look similar.

There is also a community about “Onionland” on reddit. You can also find all kinds of links there.


It should be noted that using the Tor browser does not guarantee the anonymity of your actions. Information and offers found on the Internet may be false. Beware of scammers!

How is DarkNet different from DeepWeb?

“DeepWeb” or “deep Internet” is information that is not indexed by search engines and is located in a closed part of the Internet - in private networks. For example, government data warehouses, which can only be accessed with a password.

What is the Dark Web or Darknet, how does it differ from the Deep Web, and why are these two terms always confused? We decided to help you figure it out and at the same time warn you - after all, the Darknet, for all its attractiveness, accessibility and alluring spirit of freedom and permissiveness, is a very dangerous place, wandering through which can cost you quite a lot (both literally and figuratively).

What is the Dark Web?

The Dark Web is a term that refers to a group of specific websites that exist in an encrypted network space. They cannot be found by traditional search engines and cannot be reached using traditional browsers. It is also often used by Dark Net, but do not confuse it with Dark Internet (discussed below)

Almost all Darknet or Dark Web sites hide personal data using Tor encryption tools. This network (did you know, by the way, that this is an abbreviation for The Onion Router?) may be familiar to you due to its ability to hide user identification data and network activities. You can use Tor to hide your location in a way that makes it seem like you're surfing the web from a different country than where you actually are. This is very similar to how VPN services do it.

If a website runs through Tor, it has much the same effect, and even magnifies it. Sites designated as the Tor Hidden Service are only accessible when connected to the Tor network. Simply put, if you don't connect to this network, you won't get anything.

Pseudo-suffix “Hidden Services. onion" does not work with DNS servers, and Hidden Services URLs are a 16-character alphanumeric set automatically generated using a public encryption key at the time the site is created. You can copy the Tor link and try to open it in a regular browser, but this will lead you to a dead end.

To visit a Dark Web site using Tor encryption, the Internet user will have to use Tor themselves. Just as an end user's IP address bounces through multiple layers of encryption to get to another IP address on the Tor network, the same is true for Internet sites. Each node knows only those nodes that are directly connected to it (it knows nothing about how your PC connects to the web server). Any transition from one node to another is carried out using its own set of encryption keys. This reduces performance and speed, but significantly improves the security of your anonymous movements.

There are several levels of privacy, even greater than the already secret fact that you are using Tor to visit a regular Internet site.

What follows from this? That Darknet sites can be visited by anyone, but it is extremely difficult to figure out which people are behind them. But this can become dangerous - in certain cases.

Silk Road to Oblivion and others

But not all Dark Web sites use Tor encryption. Some people use similar services, such as I2P or Silk Road Reloaded. The visitor will have to use the same decryption method that is used on the site being visited, and - what is critical - know exactly how to find this site, even to the point of manually entering a link just to visit this site.

Notorious examples of Darknet sites include Silk Road (which translates to "Silk Road") and its derivatives. Silk Road was (and probably still is) a site for buying and selling drugs "for recreational purposes" - for those who want to relax in an illegal way from time to time. This is one example of the Dark Web being used for nefarious purposes.

The dark web made headlines in August 2015 after it was revealed that 10 GB of information had been stolen from Ashley Madison, a site designed to provide a convenient way for bored spouses to cheat on their partners, all of which was posted on the vastness of the Dark Web.

The hackers who stole the data threatened to spread it across the Internet unless the site shut down, and he has operated under that threat ever since. Now the spouses of Ashley Madison subscribers have begun to receive blackmail letters demanding the transfer of $2,500 in bitcoins - or all personal data will be made public.

In March 2015, the British government established a dedicated Dark Web Cybercrime Unit, specifically targeting organized crime and child pornography. The National Crime Agency (NCA) and the British intelligence unit GCHQ together created the Joint Operations Section (JOC) for this purpose.

But there are still completely acceptable reasons for using the Darknet. We are talking about freedom of information.

The population of closed countries with a totalitarian system can sometimes only communicate with the outside world through the Dark Web. And recent revelations of surveillance by American and British government intelligence agencies of the Internet activities of their citizens and you may lead you to the sensible idea of ​​transferring your online communications to the Darknet. (I’ll stay on Facebook, but I just like the attention.)

What is the Deep Web?

Although the terms Deep Web and Dark Web are often used interchangeably, they are by no means equivalent. There is some nuance here. The name Deep Web generally refers to all sites that cannot be found through search engines.

Thus, the Deep Web includes not only the Dark Web, but also all user databases, mail pages, abandoned sites and personal pages, online forums with mandatory registration, and paid online content. There are a huge number of such pages, and most of them exist for the most common reasons.

For example, as an online publication, we have "mock" versions of all our web pages, blocked from being indexed by search engines, so that we can test the content and design of a publication before releasing it to the public. Therefore, every page publicly viewable on this internet site (and literally millions of similar pages and sites) has a duplicate on the deep web.

The content management system in which I am preparing this article is also located on the deep web. Here you have another hidden duplicate for each page of the public site. At the same time, our working corporate network is also closed from search engines and password protected. And since all this has existed for about 20 years, our network has become quite overgrown with secret duplicates.

Do you use online access to your bank account? Your password-protected data is somewhere deep in the tenets of the Deep Web. And if you estimate how many pages a single Gmail account generates, then the true size of the “deep web” will become at least approximately clear.

This is why newspapers and popular news outlets regularly return to horror stories about the “90% of the Internet” consisting of the “dark web.” They simply confuse the risky and generally evil Dark Web with the vastly larger but largely benign ocean of the Deep Web.

At the same time, they equate with each other such actions as deliberate concealment of activities from the law and normal protection from search engine access for the sake of maintaining confidentiality or simply for banal work purposes.

What is the Dark Web?

Adding to the confusion, the term Dark Internet is sometimes used to describe the following examples of networks, databases, or even websites that cannot be found on the open Internet. In this case, this happens either for technical reasons, or because they contain some kind of private information not for public use.

The main practical difference is that the Dark Web or Deep Web are usually used by news people to refer to corners of the Internet full of dangers and hidden agendas, while the "dark web" is just boring warehouses where scientists store raw data for your further research.

But, of course, you are interested in how to get on the Darknet

Technically it's not particularly difficult. You just need to install and run Tor. Download the Tor Browser Bundle from - all the necessary tools are already contained there. Open the downloaded archive, select a location on your hard drive for the files after unpacking, then open the folder and run the Start Tor Browser file. That's all, actually.

The Vidalia control panel will automatically connect to the mysterious encrypted network and, when connected, open a browser. To disconnect from the Tor network, simply close the browser.

Depending on what you intend to do, some conspiracy theorists recommend covering your laptop's webcam with duct tape to prevent your overly curious and tech-savvy "big brother" from spying on you. In this case, we can recommend wearing a tin foil hat at the same time.

The hardest part is figuring out where, what, and how to look on the Dark Web. This is where we leave you, reader, and wish you good luck and safe searching. And one more warning before you go any further: by logging into the Dark Web, you have a real chance of getting to all those sites that the tabloids scare us with. This means that right now you could be just a couple of clicks away from places offering drugs, weapons and - frankly - even worse.

Aggregators like Reddit offer long lists of links, as do some Wiki pages, a list that offers access to some really dirty places. If you wish, you can briefly familiarize yourself with them, but we would not recommend that you do so.

Also keep in mind: Darknet sites go down from time to time - such is their dark nature. And if good customer support is important to you, stay away from the darkness and closer to the light!

Once again, please heed our warning: this article is not an attempt to either inspire or condone your further, possibly illegal or immoral behavior.

The age of the Internet has come, dear friends, because sometimes you can’t live without it. I know everything and know how to use popular services, so to speak, on the white Internet controlled by the government and search engines. But what happens on the other side, what remains uncontrolled and what is forbidden? How to get there? And what can you find there?

What is Darknet

It is this place - or rather, everything that cannot be found by simple means using search engines - that is called Deepweeb (Deep Web or simply and elegantly Darknet). You can find anything on the darknet from books to the biggest perversions and even to buying drugs and ordering murders, violence, and real mega hackers.

The question arises, is all this legal? Unfortunately, no, the government is trying to introduce its agents there to fight this, but so far everything has been unsuccessful. To ensure that this zone remained uncontrolled, Bitcoin and various special services for working with it were invented. I walked through the darknet in manual mode because I’m quite familiar with it and even registered on hacker forums (that’s where I get my inspiration, so to speak) and I can say with confidence that among all the heaps of garbage that are there, you can find a lot of useful things!

Complete Guide to Darknet

  1. This not the only one way, but one of the most popular and understandable for ordinary users. Install (I recommend it as it gives an additional level of anonymity on the Internet) The problem is that on the darknet all sites end in .onion and only this browser will open them.
  2. It is very difficult to find something you need because search engines on the darknet really have poor results. You can use the built-in search engine, but I recommend using Torch or Fess. There is also a Google (Grams) on the darknet, but it is very far from the real Google in terms of search results. But search engines won’t help you much, since all the most interesting things are on forums that often require registration and the best forums, and especially hacker forums, require you to pass a test or donate a small part of a bitcoin!
  3. IN darknet There are already ready-made catalogs to simplify the search, which works very crookedly. The most popular is Hidden Wiki where half of the links do not work for various reasons. There is also a Russian Godnotaba And HD WIKI, Tor Links, OnionDir and 5 more that I can’t disclose because I don’t trade links from the darknet! I think anyone who is interested in all this can find it all themselves.
  4. The currency of the Darknet is not the dollar or the euro or even the ruble. This Bitcoin! Hackers started using this currency from the moment it appeared and over time Bitcoin became very popular and very expensive! It is very difficult to control it, so everything that is sold on the darknet is sold for Bitcoin. I recommend using Electrum for shopping on the darknet, I found this wallet to be very convenient and reliable.
Is the Darknet Dangerous? Or Useful?

Be careful! At first glance, the darknet may look like a schoolboy’s joke with crooked sites and graphics like in the 90s, but this is a very dangerous zone full of Trojans and viruses from the newest to the oldest. I can’t help but add that it’s also full of scammers who are ready to skin anyone for a couple of bitcoins.

UPD: We started a series of articles about the darknet

  • The first of them: