How to connect a satellite dish to 2 receivers. Connecting digital DVB-T2 set-top boxes to the antenna. Selection of additional equipment

How to connect several dvb t2 set-top boxes to one antenna? A large number of digital terrestrial set-top boxes can be connected to one antenna. Depending on the number of attachments and their location, various connection schemes are used for these purposes.

Connecting digital set-top boxes to a passive antenna

If the antenna is ordinary, without an amplifier, then the set-top boxes are connected through an air divider, type SAH 204F for two TVs, type SAH 306F for three TVs, in total you can connect a maximum of eight TVs with a divider type SAH 812 F. When you need to connect more TVs, then use combinations dividers and couplers.
If, when dividing the signal into set-top boxes, the signal power is not enough, then an amplifier with autonomous power supply must be installed at the input of the divider.

Fig.1. Connection diagram for three DVB-T2 set-top boxes to a passive antenna

Fig.2. Connection diagram for two set-top boxes via the loop output of receiver 1 (set-top boxes)

The second set-top box, receiver 2, can be connected to the antenna via the loop output of receiver 1. Power to the active antenna is supplied from receiver 1.
Which connection option should I choose from the ones offered? Probably everything is determined by the conditions of the television cable wiring in the house or apartment.

Connecting digital set-top boxes to an active antenna

An active antenna usually means an antenna equipped with an amplifier. The antenna amplifier built into the antenna matching device must receive power, which is most often supplied through a coaxial cable connected to the antenna.
If there is a single digital set-top box, then the supply voltage is supplied to the antenna amplifier from the antenna socket of the set-top box, and when two or more set-top boxes are connected to the antenna, then the use of special dividers with a power pass, for example, satellite ones, is required.
The supply voltage from each of the attachments is supplied to the divider, and then from the input of the divider to the antenna amplifier.

Fig.3. Supplying power from the set-top box to the active antenna

Attention! Connecting antennas equipped with an antenna amplifier with a supply voltage of more than 10 V to a digital set-top box will have a negative effect. Connecting antennas without an amplifier, but only with a matching device, to a set-top box with activated antenna power can damage the set-top box.

Technology in our time gives a person a lot of opportunities. Not long ago, having a TV in our home that showed several channels was considered an achievement. Nowadays, TV can show hundreds of channels, but this is no longer enough. Many users want to install two TVs at once that receive satellite signals and get a high-quality image.

When purchasing and installing a satellite television set at home, few people know that this set is intended for one TV. And since the tastes of residents do not coincide when watching programs and films, many have two or even three televisions. And in this case, the owners of several televisions are faced with the problem of connecting this equipment to one antenna and dividing the signal between them.

There are two options with which you can watch TV at the same time as another:

  • Connection using 2 receivers;
  • And using the RF module.

There is a very simple way to connect one satellite dish to two TVs, but few people will like this method. This method involves using one receiver. In this method, the first device is connected to the first TV through tulips, and the third device, that is, the RF module, is connected to the second output to a tuner, which allows you to connect other monitors.

But, unfortunately, such a connection has a huge number of disadvantages. Channel control can only be done in the room where the tuner is located. And at the same time, 2 TVs show the same channels. The image quality also decreases.

Diagram for connecting a satellite dish to 2 TVs

There is an option to connect 2 TVs using a splitter or splinter, which divides the antenna signal into 2 TVs. For such work, modern equipment is used and for this reason we will not need a soldering iron, tin and rosin.

These branching patterns use screw sockets. The stripped end is inserted into the nut, and the second with a similar plug is connected to the TV. We insert the central antenna cable into a special hole in the splinter screw socket, and tighten the nut and tightly press the copper sheath of the cable to the device body.

Before carrying out work, disconnect the device from the network until final connection.

Connection instructions, step by step:

  • We buy a special cable, as much as necessary, at least 12 meters long, the image quality depends on the correct choice of cable, and a splinter with two outputs;
  • If the satellite dish is already connected to one of the TVs, then insert this end into the output port on the separator and tighten the nut;
  • Next, we cut off a small piece of cable from the coil and put the ends of a standard plug on it (the so-called head) and crimp them;
  • We perform the same crimping on the remaining section of the cable; it will make it possible to connect the signal splitter and the TV in another room;
  • We insert the plugs into the corresponding connectors on the splinter body and connect to the TV;
  • We hide the section that goes to another room under the baseboard so as not to step on it;
  • In order to shorten the length of this cable, you can drill a hole in the wall between the rooms.

After connecting the antenna to 2 TVs, we check the image quality and if it is distorted or intermittent, then we check the connection or redo the crimping.

How to connect 2 TVs to one tuner

To successfully connect 2 TVs to one satellite, you need to have the right tool.


  • The simplest cable stripping tool;
  • Satellite dish or standard antenna;
  • Tuner;
  • Splitter or splinter for 2 outputs;
  • 2 TVs;
  • A set of necessary cables.

If one TV is located, for example, in the living room, and the second in another room, then we connect the nearest TV with a receiver and a purchased cable. We turn on the TV in the hall and start tuning.

We perform the following actions:

  • Press the menu button;
  • We determine and mark the desired source for the signal;
  • In the found source, mark the connector to which the TV is connected;
  • We search for programs;
  • After the search is complete, we remove channels with low-quality images from the list.

Now we’ll tell you how to connect a second TV to the tuner. We measure the minimum distance from TV to TV. We run the cable along the baseboard so as not to touch it when walking around the rooms.

Next, we take a high-frequency or regular television-type cable, which is connected to the output on the back panel of the tuner, the other end to the antenna input, which is located on the TV. After connecting, all that remains is to configure the TV.

Optimal connection of two TVs to one satellite dish

In order to properly connect 2 TVs to one satellite and make it possible to view different channels on these TVs, you need to connect each of them to its own tuner. Once the signal reaches the tuner, the signal can be divided as you wish and you can view your favorite channels without disturbing the other occupant of the house.

All channels are switched on the tuner - this makes it possible to watch different channels on two TVs at the same time.

Making such a connection is not cheap, but there is no such method.

A separate such device is installed in each room. The connection is made in a chain. When connected in a chain, all devices are connected to the loop-through output.

How to install a satellite dish on 2 TVs (video)

After you read our article, you realized that there are many options for connecting. Each of them has not only its own characteristics, but also certain difficulties. Based on this, we can say that for some it will be easier to occupy their free time and cope with the task on their own, while others will decide to spend money and turn to the experts. In any case, both options have a right to exist.

Tricolor TV has become so widespread among Russian residents that it can be compared to dishes or an iron, since these items are necessary for humanity every day. The system has a number of advantages: high quality and immunity from interference - this is the motto of Tricolor TV. Even schoolchildren know that this is the best option for receiving satellite digital television.

Residents have no questions about the quality of the system, but everyone wants to expand the potential and improve the quality of the signal depicting pictures on the device screen. A small part of the Russian population has old television receivers, while others have modernized analogues.

One receiver - two TVs

The latest Tricolor kits allow you to connect more than one TV to one antenna. However, there are several cases to consider:

  • Two TVs can watch the same channels;
  • And in the case of various programs, financial costs are required, but the possibility of implementation is there.

Watching the same channels on two devices requires a signal divider and a long cable. If the receiver has a multi-output function, then there is no need for a divider.

Implement one device using HDMI, and the second through the antenna connector. It is important to consider the functions of the second TV; it may not provide these requirements. You can watch different channels on two units only if you purchase a new client and a second receiver. It will now include two tuners and LNB connections. It will act as a server and its client as a receiver on the resulting local network.

You can also organize communication using a wireless network, that is, a router and Wi-Fi. TVs will become independent from each other, as they will have remote controls. However, there is one thing - high cost. Here you need to think about how easier it is - choose two sets or one with the ability to connect to two or more devices.

Receiver GS E501/GS C591 on multiple devices

For the connection process to be successful, you should configure an antenna that has a converter with a pair of outputs. The coaxial cable allows you to mount the GS E501 (server) connectors with the converter together. The equipment set usually includes twisted pair cable. If not available, pinout is done manually.

Then the SIM card is inserted into the card reader accordingly. All actions are performed exclusively on a de-energized device. The setup is as follows:

Thanks to Tricolor TV, Russian residents will be able to watch different programs on several units simultaneously, using just one Tricolor MultiStart card.

First step. Preparatory work.

Attention! During electrical installation work, all equipment must be disconnected from the power supply.

You will need a high-frequency television cable from the kit, two “F” connectors. These connectors are included in the package. Attach the "F" connectors to the ends of the cable. .

Second step. Installation of a satellite splitter.

The satellite splitter is attached to any section of cable that connects your first receiver to the antenna.

  • Select the insertion location where the satellite splitter will be placed and cut the cable at this location with a sharp knife.
  • Attach an “F” connector to each section of the cable.
  • Connect the cable coming from the satellite dish to the “IN” input of the satellite divider.
  • Connect the cable coming from your first receiver to the “OUT” output of the satellite splitter.

As a result, your first receiver and antenna are connected by a cable, into which the satellite signal divider is now “embedded”.

Third step. Connecting the cable to the second (new) receiver.

  • Route the cable from the divider installation location to the second receiver.
  • Connect the cable to the free “OUT” socket of the satellite divider.
  • Connect the second end of the cable to the “LNB IN” socket of the new receiver.

Fourth step. Search for channels.

Connect the second receiver to the TV according to the operating instructions.

To set up TV channels (the channels may already be set up upon purchase):

  • Press the "menu" button on your receiver's remote control.
  • select “search for TRICOLOR TV channels”.
  • click "OK" button
  • update the channel list by following the prompts on the TV screen.

We wish you pleasant viewing!

Other options for connecting multiple receivers to one antenna

A common situation is when there are several televisions in the house and it is necessary that they all show satellite television. The option of watching one channel on all TVs is not often in demand; it usually requires that all TVs operate independently of each other. This requires installing its own receiver for each TV and connecting these satellite receivers to one antenna. This article will help you independently connect several satellite receivers, connect and configure related equipment.

If you have a Tricolor TV dish installed and all your receivers are equipped with LNB OUT outputs (DRE 4000, DRE 5000, DRE 5001, DRS 5003, DRE 7300, GS 7300, GS 8302), then the easiest way to connect is to sequentially install the receivers one after another . In this case, the input signal goes to the LNB IN input and comes out of the LNB OUT.

This connection method has two significant drawbacks: firstly, each satellite receiver requires that all previous receivers in the chain be included in the network, and secondly, channels in only one polarization will be available for viewing. This is not an obstacle if you only watch Tricolor TV channels, because... they are all broadcast in exactly the same polarization. But in the public domain there are a number of channels that broadcast in a different polarization and problems will arise when viewing channels at the same time. Also, this scheme is not suitable if at least one of the receivers is tuned to NTV+ channels.

If your receiver does not have an LNB OUT output, then you need to use the following connection diagram, which also eliminates the need to keep the receivers connected to the network, but still preserves the problem with polarizations. A satellite splitter is used for switching. The number of divider outputs must correspond to the number of satellite receivers. You should not take a divider with a supply of outputs, because this entails unnecessary signal loss.

If, when watching Tricolor TV, open additional channels are still required, then you need to install a converter with several outputs on the antenna and connect each receiver to a separate one. You can use a converter with 2 or 4 outputs.

The same scheme occurs if you have several receivers (up to 4), some of which are for Tricolor TV, and some for NTV+. This combination is possible because both of these operators broadcast to the same satellite.

The following switching option is used if you have more than 4 receivers and need to view channels in 2 polarizations. In this case, you need a converter with two outputs, a multiswitch with two inputs for a satellite signal and the required number of outputs for receivers. As a result, you get a system that does not depend on polarization and the choice of receiver of the desired operator.

If you receive a signal from a satellite that broadcasts in 2 bands and 2 polarizations (Hot Bird, Astra, Sirius, etc.), then this scheme is preserved, but you need to install a converter with 4 outputs and a multiswitch with 4 inputs.

How to connect two receivers at the same time?

Master's answer:

A receiver is a small device that receives a television signal from a satellite and then sends it to your TV screen. This technology is used when connecting satellite television and dishes. There is an additional input on the rear panel of the receiver, with which you can connect another device.

In order to connect two receivers into one single system that will work in series, you will need to first connect the first device to the satellite dish, and then connect the second receiver to it. The reliability of your system will depend entirely on the first device, since it is from it that the entire structure will be controlled and powered.

With this connection method, the second receiver will only be responsible for receiving the signal. If you have selected the serial connection method, you must turn off the power on the slave machine by clicking on the corresponding option. If you do not take this into account, you may have great difficulties while watching TV programs received from satellite.

The daisy chain connection method is most advisable to use only if the user wants to assign each individual receiver its own task that it will perform. For example, the first one will receive and transmit a signal only for pay TV channels, and the second one will carry out the same manipulations with free programs. The reliability and performance of the serial system increases dramatically. In addition, you can easily test a new receiver that you use as a slave.

If you have purchased a good and high-quality satellite dish, then you can also invest in a good converter that will have several additional outputs. In this case, each receiver will perform the functions of an independent device and will work autonomously.

There are converter models that, thanks to their additional functions, will save you from the problems of using multiple receivers. If we consider from the point of view of the relationship between price and quality, then many of these devices are in no way inferior to their individual analogues.

If you are deciding which receiver is best to choose, then you need to pay attention to those models that have a large number of different decoders. It is best if there are as many of them as possible. A prerequisite is the presence of a DTS decoder, otherwise you simply will not be able to view discs that were recorded using this technology. Buy equipment only from official representatives of companies that produce high-quality receivers and other satellite equipment.