How to connect Aliexpress to a dispute. How to open and win a dispute on Aliexpress. You and the Seller: correspondence

The New Year brought new news from the AliExpress administration: the dispute (dispute) in 2017 on this site is now carried out in the interface in a modified form, and the relationship between buyers and sellers has undergone certain changes, which we will consider in our article.

The new rules are characterized by greater orderliness of actions taken by the parties to conflicts, which speeds up the resolution of disputes.

What are the main changes?

Innovations in 2017 in disputes on AliExpress affected the following actions:

  1. You can add, delete and edit videos and photographs confirming your case any number of times at any stage of the controversial procedure.
  2. From now on, you can choose one of two options for resolving the dispute: return funds for the product with or without returning it to the seller.
  3. Neither side can escalate the dispute. This will happen automatically if consensus between the seller and buyer is not reached within 7 calendar days.
  4. The dispute management interface has been greatly simplified.

Step-by-step instructions for handling disputes on AliExpress

The changed procedure for this procedure will simplify the conduct of disputes in 2017. Before opening a dispute on AliExpress, read our recommendations to ensure the conflict is resolved in your favor.

The first visit to the site will attract attention with the updated interface, which has become more convenient and understandable. We recommend conducting a dispute on AliExpress using the following algorithm:

First step. In the “My Orders” list, go to the card that reflects the problematic order and click on the “Open a dispute” link. You will be taken to a form that opens a dispute.

Second step. You will see hints in the form on the right. Click on the “Show more” link to access an updated page containing the official rules for the entire procedure in English.

Here decide on the desired result, that is:

  • Do you want to receive compensation and not return to the seller an item that did not fit;
  • Do you strive to receive full compensation after you send the goods back?

For the first dispute resolution option, select “Return only”, for the second – “Return of goods and money”. In both cases, the following form opens: field 1 – filled in according to your choice. The buyer can change his decision if necessary.

Third step. Enter the amount of the desired compensation, varying between 0.01 cents or 1 ruble (depending on the currency used to pay for the goods or the full cost of the purchase). You cannot claim a higher amount than you paid for the goods.

Fourth step. Go to the next field and detail the reasons for your return request.

Fifth step. Notice the two buttons that appear next. With their help, upload video and photo files and justify the problems that arose with the purchased product. Keep in mind: the reasons for requesting AliExpress for a refund may also change the content of the additional window on the right. If you select the message “Item is damaged” from the list in the “Problem encountered” window, a hint appears in an additional field on how to properly prepare photos uploaded to the system. True, the information is presented in English, but it is a significant help in resolving a conflict issue.

The list of encountered problems does not always contain the same options. In some cases, instead of “Item damaged,” the reason “Damaged” is displayed. When you select it, the photo hint given above is not displayed. Perhaps this can be explained by the fact that different reasons are provided for different categories. On the other hand, the issue may be due to the imperfection of the site.

Sixth step. Please note that all fields contained in the product receipt form must be filled in absolutely. They are marked with red stars. Upload at least one photo or video at once. Then you will have the opportunity to do this (add or delete) countless times and at any stage of the dispute on AliExpress starting in 2017. Photos and videos are allowed not to be uploaded only if you have not received the goods.

Seventh step. After filling out the required fields in the form, click the submit button and go to the dispute page, which looks like this:

New features of dispute management

When you open a completed and submitted dispute page, you will see a progress chart at the top.

Conducting a dispute according to the new rules is distinguished by such an innovation as time intervals. Sellers and buyers are given 7 days to independently resolve disputes. If they do not take advantage of the opportunity provided in a timely manner, then specialists from the administration of the AliExpress site will take over. They are given a week to make a decision. Thus, no more than 14 days are provided for resolving controversial issues between the parties to a trade transaction.

There can be only one exception: when the protection expires, but the goods are still en route. There is a possibility that the buyer will have to wait for the expiration of the allotted delivery period in accordance with the information contained in the card of the disputed goods.

Regarding the question of how to escalate a dispute on AliExpress, it is worth emphasizing the following: The new rules do not give this opportunity to either party. Neither sellers nor buyers voluntarily escalate it.

On the eighth day, exacerbation occurs automatically based on the fact that:

  • the buyer's offer is not accepted by the seller;
  • The buyer does not agree with the seller and his counteroffer.

The consolidation of all evidence into one place provided by the new interface is undoubtedly an additional convenience for users.

If the need arises to edit a dispute, you will not need to download the files again. Adding evidence or removing unnecessary ones is available at any time.

Changes are made to “My Decision” and affect the buyer’s terms and conditions for refunds. By clicking the change button, you can change the parameters for returning or not returning the goods to the seller, the compensation amount, as well as comments on the controversial procedure.

Using the “Add Solution” button, you can offer the seller alternative options for resolving the conflict.

In other words, if you initially chose the “Return funds only” solution, then when you add an alternative option, the system will offer you the “Return goods and money” solution. You fill out the “Refund Amount” and “Comments” fields yourself.

The innovations did not affect the cancellation of disputes at any time.

Resumption of a canceled dispute is possible if protection is in effect (taking into account an additional 15-day period from the moment of receipt of the ordered goods or automatic closing of the order according to the established delivery timer).

What could be the cause of the dispute and its evidence?

In a dispute, consistency should be observed between the reasons for the dispute and the evidence provided. If you indicate one reason, but the posted photo and video materials show completely different ones, then mediators can make a formal decision about the buyer’s unfounded claims. The result will be your loss.

Write and attach materials only on the merits of the dispute being opened:

  • When, in response to a seller’s request, a reason is given that does not correspond to the real situation, then if it escalates, this will give grounds for mediators to expose him as a fraudster and resolve the dispute not in his favor.
  • If there is at least one status of the goods being in transit, the track number is considered to be working. If you stop tracking at some stage, you must wait until the delivery deadline has passed and select the reason: “Order protection expires while the parcel is in transit.”
  • When the received device does not work, you cannot select the "Damaged Item" reason as it indicates damage in transit. In the latter case, film the process of unpacking the goods, record the condition and quality of the package for transportation.

Why is it better to write in English?

According to the rules that were in force before this year’s innovations, when opening disputes, it was possible to write comments on them only in English. Not all Russian-speaking buyers found this convenient. Now you can write in Russian, but remember that not all sellers speak it.

They either do not understand the reasons for the dispute, or pretend that they do not understand. Using an automatic translator does not always bring the desired result. In the end, the Russian text is ignored and the argument is lost.

So it follows that it is better to have a much greater chance of winning the dispute.

Innovations about AliExpress mediator solutions

Innovations in 2017 indicate that the decision of mediators is not the final point in the dispute. It is considered only a proposal to help resolve it. The buyer can reject it by offering new evidence and arguments.

Mediators may offer one or two solutions. In the latter case, you can choose the option that suits you best, or reject both. Sellers act similarly: they accept or reject moderator decisions, and, if necessary, provide new evidence.

When the buyer accepts the decision of the AliExpress team, this does not mean the dispute is closed. The seller is given some time to challenge the decision and to consider new evidence, if any is presented. Taking them into account, a new solution may be proposed that will replace the previous one, even if it has already been adopted by the parties to the dispute.

Once consensus is reached, the dispute is closed; the solution and comment are indicated. A notification is sent to the buyer’s email with a detailed explanation of the result of the dispute.

If you win the dispute, you will automatically receive money to the account that was used for payment.

This process takes about two weeks. The refund amount is indicated in the “Payment” tab.

A dispute on Aliexpress is a guarantee of the trading platform for the buyer that if he receives a substandard product or does not receive it at all, he will be able to return his money and defend his rights. But most often, sellers are in no hurry to agree to the terms of the dispute. And then the time comes for the dispute to escalate.

What does exacerbation mean?

Aliexpress is a direct intermediary between buyer and seller. Sellers place their products on the site, buyers select and order.


After placing an order, the paid amount does not go directly to the seller, but remains blocked in the Aliexpress system. The seller will receive money for the goods only when the purchase reaches the recipient (and he is completely satisfied with the parcel) or the buyer’s protection time has expired.

If the customer is not satisfied with the quality or has not received the goods, he opens a dispute. If during the dispute the parties cannot come to a common decision, then Aliexpress employees get involved and the dispute enters the escalation stage.

Is it possible to do without exacerbation at all?

An open dispute does not always end in aggravation. There are several options when you can avoid this not entirely pleasant and sometimes quite long procedure.

1. When the customer opens a dispute, the seller is given 5 calendar days to make a decision on the further outcome of the situation.

— The seller can accept the terms and then the dispute will be closed in favor of the customer, and the paid amount will be returned to the account.

— The seller will ignore the discussion and at the end of the period given to him, the dispute will be closed automatically in favor of the buyer.

2. The seller does not agree with the terms of the dispute. The dispute moves to the next stage. The Aliexpress administration allocates 15 days for the parties to reach a common decision through discussion.

At this stage, you can make changes and edit the parameters of the dispute. This can be done an unlimited number of times.


When the dispute escalates, the ability to make changes will not be available.

When to escalate your argument

The dispute is open, there is a discussion with the seller. He does not agree with the buyer's terms in any way. When does “that” moment come when you can escalate the dispute?

  • If the store owner’s arguments initially seem unconvincing or completely crazy, you can immediately move on to the aggravation stage.
  • If the second party is clearly fraudulently trying to put pressure on the opponent and force him to close the dispute.

Such actions are often practiced by Chinese traders. They tearfully beg you to close the dispute and give 5 stars in the review, offering to transfer money bypassing the site, promising incredible discounts on future purchases, promising to send the same or similar product, but only if the dispute is resolved.

  • If the seller offers conditions that do not suit the buyer at all.

For example, a low-quality product arrived. A blouse with missing buttons and threads sticking out everywhere and the seams are sewn crookedly. The buyer wants to return 50% of the cost of the goods. And the seller, in turn, offers only 10% or send the blouse back and then he will return the money.

In this case, sending it back does not make sense, since it is paid for by the customer and is not cheap at all, and can often exceed the cost of the ordered item. But you obviously can’t wear such a product and go out in public in it. Thus, the return of half the amount will be quite justified.

But the parties cannot agree on a single solution, and then we can move on to escalating the dispute.

How to properly escalate a dispute on Aliexpress

After the dispute has entered the discussion phase and a period of 15 days has been set, the “Escalate the dispute” button appears. By clicking on it, the data is updated and the dispute moves to a new stage.

If there is no “Aggravate the dispute” button, then the seller has not yet confirmed his participation in the dispute.

The Aliexpress administration is involved in the dispute. The review can last from several days to several months.

The status now changes to “The dispute has escalated - consideration.”

The dispute has escalated, what next?

At this stage, it is necessary to constantly monitor the state of the dispute, since the administration can enter into a dialogue at any time, start asking clarifying questions or request additional evidence.

Evidence may include:

- Photos.

Good quality and clearly removed product defects.

- Video recordings.

It is best to start shooting from the moment you open the purchase package.

— Screenshots, letters.

If there are correspondence with an opponent, track code tracking or any other information that can serve as evidence, you need to take screenshots and attach them to the discussion.

Details about the status of the dispute can be seen by clicking on the highlighted link labeled: “Dispute Details.” A similar report will be sent to the e-mail attached to the site.

During an aggravation, the seller, just as before, can offer ways to resolve the dispute. At any time, you can agree to its terms, or, conversely, reject it and continue to defend your interests.

When the administration of the trading platform gets involved in solving the problem, the status of the dispute changes to “Waiting for a response from the parties.” Each party is given a certain time to respond to each other (usually 2-3 days). If no information is received within this period, the dispute is closed in favor of the opposite party.


At the stage of the debate between the parties, even if all the weighty evidence and arguments have already been exhausted and indicated, it would be correct to repeat and send them again and again. Any hesitant answer or hesitation can affect the loss of the dispute.

Ending a dispute on Aliexpress in your favor

The administration can end the dispute in the following cases:

— The parties came to a compromise.

In this case, the buyer himself can confirm the end of the dispute by clicking on the “Accept” dispute button. You can also cancel at any stage and then the dispute will be automatically closed without the possibility of renewal.

— One of the parties did not give an answer during the debate. The dispute is closed in favor of the opposite side.

— The administration independently made a decision in favor of one of the parties during the discussion.

If the decision is made in favor of the buyer, a status indicating the completion of the dispute will appear. And in the tab with financial information there will be a column with a note about the return of funds. Approximate return times will also be visible.


A decision may be made to refund a completely different amount than the buyer or seller requested. Aliexpress administrators have the right to make their own decisions on the refund amount.

If the decision is made in favor of the seller, the dispute status will change to completed and the funds will be transferred to the account of the winning party.

If the administration decides that it is necessary to return the goods, a line will appear to enter the track code, and within 10 days it will be necessary to send the unsuccessful purchase back to China.

Information about completed disputes can be found in the “Returns and Disputes” tab.

The decision made by the Aliexpress judges is unambiguous and cannot be disputed. This means that before the start of the dispute itself and its escalation, it is necessary to prepare significant, high-quality evidence and indicate the really important reasons for the dispute.

In this article we will look at a situation where you opened a dispute on Aliexpress, but the seller does not agree with your decision and does not want to return the money. In this situation, he usually offers his solution to the dispute. This is either a meager refund, or a refund of the requested amount with the goods sent back to China, or even “No return, no refund.”

After the seller has put forward his decision on the dispute to you, you will receive a notification about this by mail from your postal address [email protected] Text of the letter:

Seller Offered New Solution
Dear A******y M********v
Regarding your order: 303***************2, the seller offered new solution. You may log in to*************2 to check the new solution.

Translated as:

The seller offered a new solution.

Dear ……….

For your order number 303***************2, the seller has proposed a new solution. You can follow the link*************2 to view the new solution.

We can also see this new decision of the seller in the details of your dispute. It will be displayed in a special sign to the right of your decision. In the “Decision” field you will see what compensation the seller is willing to pay. His arguments or appeal to you will be visible in the “Comments” field. And under the comments you will see two buttons: “Accept” and “Reject”.

If you are satisfied with the refund amount, you can click “Accept”. If you are not satisfied with the amount that the seller is ready to return, and you want to reject it by showing disagreement, then you need click the “Reject” button

After you click the “Reject” button, you will see a window informing you that even after declining, you will still have the opportunity to accept the seller’s offer. Here you will need to click the “Submit” button to complete the process of rejecting the seller’s offer.

That's it, the seller's offer is rejected. And in the details of the dispute, where the seller’s decision is displayed, you will see the inscription “The buyer rejected the offer.”

After you have rejected the seller's decision, you will have the opportunity to change your mind and ultimately accept this decision. Therefore, rejection of the seller’s decision does not play a special role, unlike acceptance. If you click on the “accept” button, you will have no way back. The decision made will mean that you are satisfied with the amount that the seller offered you, even if it is zero, as in the example above. The dispute will eventually be closed without the ability to open it again.

What happens if I do not reject the seller's offer?

Rejection of the seller's offer is essentially an indicator that you are not satisfied with this decision regarding the amount of compensation. This is information both for the seller, so that he can make another offer, and for mediators, when the dispute escalates, so that they understand that the buyer does not agree.

If you ignore the seller’s decision, that is, do not accept or reject it, then 15 days after the date the dispute was opened, it will move to the escalation stage. The Aliexpress team will assume that you do not agree with the seller and will make an interim decision based on proposals from both parties, as well as taking into account all evidence from the buyer and seller.

Have a question? Write it in the comments or chat

The interface of the dispute page has also changed.
For this reason, many buyers had many questions: how to open a dispute under the new rules? How to answer it? And most importantly, what to do after the dispute escalates?

Let us remind you that at the moment, if the buyer does not manage to reach an agreement with the seller within 7 days, the dispute automatically escalates.
And it becomes unclear to buyers what to do next. Let's look at this situation.

Exacerbation of the dispute under the new rules.

So, you did not reach an agreement with the seller and the dispute automatically escalated.
Next, a table appears on the dispute page, which displays the decision of AliExpress mediators, where the buyer is asked to make this decision.

Often, the offer of mediators regarding the amount of refund satisfies the buyer and he makes this decision by clicking on the “Accept” button. But, with surprise, he observes that, despite the fact that he agreed to the decision of the Aliexpress administration, the dispute is not closed. And the buyer becomes unclear what to do next.

Let's figure out what you need to do after you have made the AliExpress decision? And why isn’t the dispute closed in your favor immediately after that?

The secret is that the decision put forward by AliExpress mediators is not final. It is intermediate. The buyer and seller are given a certain period of time during which they can somehow argue against this decision, putting forward new evidence or new proposals for the opponent’s side. The time during which the dispute will be pending is indicated in the decision of the dispute team, which is located at the link ‘ Details of the dispute‘. It states exactly what evidence is required from you, and response time. After this time, AliExpress may change its decision, or leave everything as is, and finally close the dispute.

To summarize, I would like to remind you that it is very useful check the details of the dispute and, if nothing is required from you, and you have already accepted the interim solution from Aliexpress, then we just have to wait for the development of events.

How to get money back from Aliexpress. Read the article on how to open a dispute, how to negotiate with the seller, how to win a dispute and get your money back.

The concept of “dispute” on Aliexpress.

Dispute on Aliexpress

The concept of “dispute”, or more precisely “dispute”, should be understood as the exchange of information between the buyer and seller through the site Aliexpress in relation to goods already ordered and paid for. The dispute is included in the AliExpress program Buyer Protection. Is it possible to return money and goods from Ali? Yes, using the Protection program you can return both money and goods. But under certain conditions. In this article we will look at different situations.

Since the sales network is quite large and there are a lot of buyers, the rules for conducting disputes on ordered goods are optimized every year taking into account the needs and convenience of customers.

When to open a dispute.

The initiator of the dispute is the customer who does not agree with what he received in his order, or the order was not received, although all deadlines have expired. A dispute is different from personal correspondence with the Seller, therefore, if there are complaints about the product, the goods have not been received, or the package has been sent to another address, open a dispute in the system, to which, if necessary, the Aliexpress Administration (mediators) gets involved after a while. Mediators consider the dispute if the Seller does not agree in the dispute. If the Seller agrees with the claims you make, the dispute is considered closed, the order is also closed, and your money is returned. In any case, the Seller is not authorized to dispose of money from a purchase that is in dispute and the order has not been closed, that is, the Buyer has claims. As soon as the dispute is resolved, the money until then held by the intermediary (namely Aliexpress) is transferred to the Seller’s account or returned to the Buyer.

Most importantly, the seller will not receive your money until the order status is COMPLETED. If you want to receive a refund or a refund, do not miss the end of order protection.

When there is no need to open a dispute.

Repeated disputes regarding the same product are not opened (re-sending, replacement of defective items, etc.). Try to resolve everything in one dispute.

If your track is not yet tracked (or not tracked at all), this is not a reason to open a dispute.

The dispute is opened BEFORE the expiration of the protection period. In some cases it may open AFTER, but it is in your best interest to be proactive and not delay. Typically, a dispute is opened by the Customer from a week to one day BEFORE the end of the protection period.

Motivation for the dispute and collection of facts.

– Collect all the necessary facts and evidence that you acted correctly and correctly regarding the order, and there were no omissions on your part.

– Weigh your arguments well. If this concerns the goods received, collect evidence that you expected to see something different and why, and if the goods were not received, that you indicated the correct delivery address.

– Use a simple and unambiguous method of expression, make sure that the claims in English (and only in English) sound correct.

– Add photos and videos, this will serve as a good evidence base. Therefore, when you receive an order with an expensive product, take a video of the opening of the package. If the product consists of parts, film the assembly process; if it is a piece of equipment, also capture the moment it is turned on. The video must be of good quality, controversial points must be visible immediately.

– It will be even better if you can comment on the discrepancy in English, since you will more accurately tell the nuances that you are interested in correcting. If you do not communicate in English, describe the problem in writing. You can use Google translator or other programs. Be persistent, the seller must find out what is wrong.

– Take screenshots of parcel tracking if the parcel went to another address or was not delivered on time.

What the Buyer should not do.

The situation of starting a dispute for the Seller is not a very pleasant procedure, delaying the moment of receiving money, so he will try to resolve the dispute in the following ways without damage to himself:

– will offer to pay you via PayPal – refuse, you must receive the money through Aliexpress and that’s the end of it, otherwise there are no guarantees;

- will suggest that you send the product back to him, and he will send you another, high-quality one, without any additional payments - refuse, often people do not wait for their orders and no one returns their money (although there have been conscientious sellers, but you don’t know when and with whom you take risks).

Opening a dispute.

A dispute is opened if the order is in transit for more than 10 days and is in the “Waiting for confirmation” status. If your order has not yet begun to be transported, do not open a dispute.

To start the dispute process, open order list, select the required order, tick the specific product and click the “Open dispute” button.

Or click next to the order number on More details.

Don't press the button Confirm receipt of goods! Click on Open dispute.

Points of dispute.

In the window that opens, you will be asked to fill out the items regarding your claim.

In the “Expected decision” item, you will be offered two options for the outcome: either you want your money back and you return the product, or they simply return your money (for example, the product was not delivered to you). If you select the "Return Item and Refund" option, be prepared to be provided with the shipping costs (not required, but in most cases this is what happens). Only when the seller receives the goods does he undertake to send (return) your money to you, and not earlier.

Request for return or money or product and money on aliexpress

At other points you can also choose the most optimal option for you. We advise you to think about it and not rush.

aliexpress dispute dispute on aliexpress

Items marked with a red asterisk are required. There will also be tips on the right, check them out.

Dispute with Aliexpress if the goods have not arrived.


  • The reason for the dispute is a fairly important point. Try to choose your specific and very compelling reason, otherwise the dispute may simply be rejected.
  • For example, you should not select the “No tracking information” offer - the dispute may be rejected for “invalid reason”.
  • Not the most favorable reason for the dispute is “Problems at customs”, since the Seller is not the deciding party here, the dispute will not be resolved in your favor. Try to find other grounds for the dispute.
  • In addition to the fact that the dispute is in English, and not in Russian, try to describe the problem in detail, and comment on photo and video materials even in obvious things and details. This will make it more clear to both the Seller and the Aliexpress administration.
  • Your video file as an addition to the dispute must be processed and attached. Links (to YouTube, Google Drive, etc. are usually not taken into account in disputes).

Dispute status.

The dispute has a countdown - no more than 5 days should pass from the moment it is opened to its completion. It is during this time that the Seller must offer you a solution to the dispute, otherwise the dispute is automatically closed, and your conditions and claims are also automatically considered accepted. Therefore, and not only because of this, put your conditions in the most favorable position for yourself.

The seller will not ignore the dispute and, naturally, will try to win it in his favor. But, however, experienced sellers often do the following - they offer a solution to the issue shortly before the end of the dispute. Why is this being done? To increase the time of the dispute. After all, by making a counter offer to you, he thereby resets the timer. After the Seller’s decision on your claim appears, you will see two options for what to do: click the “Accept” button of the Seller’s offer and “Reject” it.

How to proceed?

- Do not hurry. Of course, you can always agree to the Seller’s terms. Read carefully to see if you understand everything exactly what you will get in return for your inconveniences, and if the Seller is simply superb and is ready to reimburse you for everything, still do not rush to make a decision with the “Accept” button and consult on the forum. Perhaps not everything is so tempting.

- Don't rush again. You will always have time to refuse too. Look through the forums, perhaps someone has already encountered a similar problem and you can gain experience in responding to similar offers from sellers.

– Even if you think for a long, long time and time passes by itself, nothing bad will happen - the administration will intervene and say who is right and who is wrong. Although, whether you take a passive wait-and-see position or not is a matter of your principle. And we shouldn’t forget that silence is a sign of consent. The administration will decide that you have left things to chance, since you are no longer interested in the outcome of the dispute, and then the Seller can get his.

You and the Seller: correspondence.

Often in comments on a dispute, Buyers spend a lot of time on indignation and evidence, and the Seller zealously assures that an unfortunate misunderstanding has occurred and now everything will be clarified in the best possible way. We remind you that the Seller’s agreements with you do not have legal force; they are aimed at resolving your indignation and, as a result, closing your dispute. If you close the dispute at this stage, you can only rely on the nobility of the Seller. Alas, if it does not appear and they forget about you, you, unfortunately, will not be able to open a dispute for the same reason according to the established rules.

If you have stopped tracking the track, the Seller is unlikely to help you in any way in correspondence. Open a dispute. Notify the Seller that for such and such a reason you have opened a dispute, where all the facts are given. All.

Standard algorithm of actions in case of dispute

  1. You are at a loss and ask the Seller a question in correspondence.
  2. The seller replies that everything will be settled, the goods are about to arrive, or he (if the goods are of poor quality) will send you the same product again.
  3. Nothing is being settled. You suspect that it is better to open a dispute.
  4. Open a dispute. The seller is embarrassed, says that “we agreed, why did you open a dispute”, agrees with you that he will send the same product, but in good condition, but on time, but in the desired color, style, size - in general, the one you ordered initially .

Your reaction: if you want, agree, if you want, reject the Seller’s offer. We advise you to decline. You are taking a risk.

If rejected, Seller No. makes concessions to you and agrees to return the money if the goods really did not reach you or are of poor quality, but says that he will pay through PayPal.

Your actions: you can agree, you can reject the offer to work through PayPal. We advise you to decline. You are taking a risk.

  1. An “offended” Seller may reject your dispute (called a zero refund). His right. But your dispute will still be considered by Aliexpress mediators, and whether the Seller will be right remains to be seen.

Read more about canceling a dispute.

The dispute can be canceled if the order protection period has not yet expired. After the protection period expires, the order is closed and a new dispute cannot be opened.

Before the dispute is canceled, you can request an extension of order protection from the Seller. If the Seller doesn't mind, make sure he actually extended the deadline.


  • A dispute for which the protection period has expired cannot be canceled!
  • Do not confuse the dispute timer with the protection period!

If the Seller has indeed extended the protection period, and you see this on your screen, you can click the “Cancel dispute” button. Your dispute will be closed as a canceled dispute. You can now open a new dispute.

Be careful!

– Making a decision by the Seller and canceling a dispute are two different things, do not confuse them!

– Dispute cancellation occurs only after you click the “Dispute Cancel” button.


  1. The seller offers you to close the current dispute with the goal that you make a new order for a symbolic price of $0.01, and undertakes to deliver your order to you in the best possible condition. If your previous order cost, say, $100, and you close it, then if the Seller fails to fulfill his promise on the new order, he will only owe you $0.01. You will not be able to open a dispute over a $100 order again!
  2. The seller “understands” your frustration and offers you a refund of the money spent via PayPal with the note “For the product”. We caution that if you agree to return your money in this way, and, accordingly, close the dispute at the request of the seller, then Aliexpress can no longer interfere with your further financial relations with this Seller. They sent you money, you received it, and the Seller may well open a dispute against you in PayPal for not receiving the goods from you that he paid you for! You can already guess the outcome of the dispute. But this is already a dispute on PayPal.
  3. The seller asks to send the goods back to him. OK! But with one condition - you discuss and formalize such an agreement through a dispute, through an argument. Open a dispute with the condition “Return of goods and funds”. We warn you that simple correspondence with the Seller does not provide guarantees. Document everything through official documentation, which will then become a winning moment for you.


In the new interface, you can change the reason for the dispute (dispute) in the current dispute. To do this, click the link in the title of the dispute. You can also change the description of the dispute and add evidence, or delete facts that are no longer significant.

Changing the reason for the dispute.

If the Seller asks to change the reason for the dispute, pay attention to what goals he is pursuing. Naturally, the Seller wants to preserve his good name, but if he asks you instead of “Poor quality product” or “Counterfeit” to write “Product not needed”, i.e. personal reasons, then you can either allow this to happen or protect future customers from the Seller’s dubious integrity.

The seller may offer to change the reason for the dispute that you are allegedly returning the goods. Be careful, the return cost may be higher than the cost of your item.

If the change in the reasons for the dispute are generally objective and adequate, we can agree.

The seller offers a solution to the dispute

Within 5 days from the date you open a dispute, the Seller must offer you a solution to your issue. It must be officially presented in the dispute as the “Seller’s Decision.” Any other correspondence and personal agreements with the Seller have no legal force.

Solution "Return of goods and money"

If the Seller offered the “Return of goods and money” solution, then you must send the goods to the Seller within 10 days and provide him with the tracking number of the shipment. Be careful, if you do not adhere to the deadlines, the Seller will win the dispute in his favor and will not be obliged to return your money, the dispute, as well as the order will be closed with a decision in favor of the Seller. You can receive money for this dispute if the Seller confirms receipt of the goods you returned and a dispute is not opened against you. But there are also nuances here - sending the goods back can be quite expensive, and the goods themselves can be damaged in transit, or even not be delivered to the addressee at all.

Money Back Solution

If the Seller’s decision on this claim contains “0” (“Zero”), this means that the Seller does not agree to return the money, he rejects your dispute. Press the “Accept” button only when you are satisfied with the amount that the Seller will supply as refund to you. Aliexpress guarantees a refund within 10 working days (sometimes the period increases to 15 days). Please count weekends and holidays (in China) as non-working days. On the Aliexpress website, in the “Payments of your order” tab, a refund schedule will appear within 24 hours, and it will also be reflected in your list of orders in the “Refund Stages” item.

You are not satisfied with the Seller's decision

If you opened a dispute, expressed what you would like to receive as a result of the dispute, and the Seller does not agree, escalate the dispute. Exacerbation of a dispute is the involvement of the Aliexpress administration in resolving the dispute. The date when arbitrators from Aliexpress will join your dispute is indicated on the top graph of the dispute. When you click the “Reject” button when the Seller’s decision is unfavorable for you, you thereby speed up Aliexpress’s intervention. You also have the “Accept” button available in case you change your mind and still agree to the Seller’s decision. The seller may offer you other solutions before you escalate the dispute. You should not be persuaded and change your requirements.

And, if you do not intend to give in to the Seller, and the Seller does not make those concessions and those decisions that seem logical and fair to you, escalate the dispute by involving mediators from Aliexpress - reject the Seller’s decision and mediators will be involved automatically.

Escalation of the dispute

First of all, it is necessary to indicate that aggravation of the dispute with the involvement of Aliexpress arbitrators does not guarantee the fulfillment of your requirements in the dispute. Yes, it is likely that if the argument is presented clearly and in English, and photographs and video materials are attached that directly indicate shortcomings in the Seller’s work, then you will win the dispute. But if this is not the case and there is no evidence or there is clearly insufficient evidence, who will win the argument is still unknown.

What is the correct argument in your dispute from the administration's point of view? Of course, as in any other case - who violated the terms of the contract. It is from this point of view that your dispute will be resolved. Who violated and whether there was a violation, what led to the dispute, who and how wants to resolve the conflict, the Seller or the Customer - all this will play a role in the resolution of the dispute by the Aliexpress administration.

As proof, the seller provided a screenshot of the track of some “left” parcel.

Important! Refunds will only be made using the method used to pay for the order.


You can contact the Aliexpress administration with any questions via chat on the website. Use the opportunities available to you to communicate in English. The Aliexpress administration is doing everything possible to ensure that buyers do not encounter dishonest transactions via the Internet, therefore they insistently ask to use the free product verification service on Aliexpress. Happy shopping on Aliexpress!

Aliexpress can and should return the money if all conditions are met. Is it possible to win an argument? Open dispute need to win. Provide all the evidence that you are right and you will get your money back.