How to transfer old data to new iPhone. Instructions for transferring data from iPhone to iPhone

Having bought a new iPhone or iPad, almost every user first of all wants to transfer all their saved data on the old device to it. However, for some users this process is not very simple. In this article, I will try to describe in as much detail as possible the process of transferring your data to a new iPhone or iPad using iCloud and iTunes.

Important: Before you start transferring data from the old iPhone to the new one, be sure to transfer it to the new device.

How to transfer data from an old iPhone or iPad to a new one via iCloud

On an old iPhone:

1. Connect your iPhone or iPad to a Wi-Fi network.

2. Go to the menu " Settings» → iCloud →« Backup copy»

3. Press " Create a backup" If the switch " iCloud backup" is not enabled, then enable it.

4. Wait until the backup process completes.

On a new iPhone:

Note:If you have already set up your newiPhone, then you will have to perform a complete reset of all its settings. To do this, go to “Settings” → “General” → “Reset” and select “Erase content and settings.” After which, you can configure it as a new device.

1. Turn on your iPhone and follow all instructions until the " Programs and data».

2. Click " Recover from iCloud copy».

3. Enter your Apple ID and its password to log into iCloud.

4. Select the backup you previously created. You must select the most recent copy. Because it is where the most recent settings and data are saved.

5. Then all you have to do is wait until the restore process from iCloud backup is completed. After which you can safely complete setting up your iPhone or iPad.

That's all. You have successfully been able to transfer data from your old iPhone to your new one. The process of transferring data using iTunes looks similar.

How to transfer data from an old iPhone or iPad to a new one via iTunes

On an old iPhone:

Note: To complete the data transfer, you need the latest versioniTunes installed on your computer. Update to the latest version inWindows You can go to the “Help” → “Updates” menu on a Mac through the Mac App Store update mechanism. Latest versioniTunes can be downloaded from the official website .

1. Connect your old iPhone or iPad to your computer and launch iTunes.


3. Click " Create a copy now" If you need data from the “Health” and “Activity” applications to also be saved in the backup, then you need to check the box next to the “ Encrypt backup" and enter your password.

4. Wait until the backup process completes. You can check the success of the operation in the menu " Edit» → « Settings» → « Devices" The date it was created will be displayed next to the created backups.

On a new iPhone:

1. Turn on your device and follow the instructions until the " Programs and data».

2. Click " Recover from iTunes copy» → « Further».

3. Connect your new iPhone or iPad to your computer and launch iTunes.

4. Select your device in the iTunes window.

5. Click " Restore from copy» and select the previously created backup. Important! Be sure to check that you have selected the latest copy to restore. Please note the creation date and size.

6. Wait until the recovery process is completed.

7. Then simply finish setting up your iPhone or iPad.

That's all. You have successfully transferred data from your old iPhone to your new one and your device is now ready to use.

Every year, Apple pleases its fans and presents a new iPhone. Ardent fans of the brand are pursuing the goal of immediately taking possession of the new product; in principle, over time, owners of old iPhones are increasingly thinking about upgrading their smartphone. At the same time, many are afraid that they will lose data from the old iPhone, and there will be a problem transferring the phone book, SMS, photos, etc. on new. Apple has taken care of its customers and offers, in my opinion, the easiest ways to transfer information to a new iPhone. This will be discussed in this article - How to transfer data (contacts, photos, SMS, etc.) to a new iPhone (please note, it doesn’t matter which one, to which one, even from iPhone 4 to iPhone 6 plus, even from iPhone 5 on iPhone 5s) .

Apple has provided two ways to transfer information to a new smartphone:

  1. - using iCloud cloud storage;
  2. - using iTunes;

I propose to examine each of these methods in detail.

Video of transferring data and settings to a new iPhone.

Transfer data to new iPhone using iCloud.

In my opinion, the simplest method of the two. The general principle is as follows - you copy all your data and settings to Apple (iCloud) servers, then turn on your new iPhone and transfer all settings and data to the new device.

As you can see, for this method you only need an old and a new smartphone connected to a Wi-Fi network with Internet access, and of course remember the Apple ID and password that was used on the previous iPhone.

The first step is to transfer all data to the iCloud cloud; to do this, go to Settings on your old iPhone.

Select the iCloud menu.

Click "Storage & Copies".

At the very bottom of the window the time of the last copy will be indicated (if you have the backup function enabled); if you want to create a fresh version, click the "Create a copy" button.

After a few minutes you will see the time of the last copy.

After this, you can put it aside, turn off your old iPhone, or reset it to factory settings.

Let's start transferring information to the new iPhone. It should be noted that before setting up, you need to reset the settings to factory defaults, which WILL DELETE ALL INFORMATION. If the phone is new, then this procedure does not need to be done.

When you turn it on for the first time, you need to perform basic settings:
- select language and country;
- indicate whether geolocation services should be enabled;
- connect to a Wi-Fi network.
Next, select "Recover from iCloud backup".

After that, enter the Apple ID and password that you used on your old iPhone.

Accept the terms of the agreement.

Select the latest backup version.

After this, the process of copying data and settings from the old iPhone to the new one will begin.

After transferring the data, the smartphone will reboot and a window will appear indicating that the backup was restored successfully.

A window will appear confirming that the settings have been restored.

For some time, the iPhone will restore applications, you will see this by the icons changing from darkened to standard.

After a few minutes (depending on the number of installed applications), all settings and data will be transferred. Congratulations:)

Copy information and settings from old iPhone to new using iTunes.

For this method you will need a new and old iPhone, a computer/laptop with iTunes installed (preferably the latest version) and a cable connecting to the computer. General diagram in the figure.

Connect your old iPhone to your computer/laptop using a cable and launch iTunes. Wait until the program detects your device. Select it in the top menu, then in the Backup field, select "This PC" and click the "Back up now" button.

While the backup is running, a window about synchronizing programs will appear, select "With copies of programs."

At the end of the copying, you will see the time of the last backup in iTunes.

After that, reset your new iPhone to factory settings, if you are turning it on for the first time, you do not need to reset anything. Disconnect your old iPhone from your computer/laptop and connect the new one.

Turn on your smartphone and specify the settings:
- language and country;
- whether to enable location services;
- Wi-Fi network.
Then a window will appear in which you need to select “Recover from iTunes copy.”

A window will appear in iTunes asking you to restore from backup, select "Restore from backup" and click the "Continue" button.

A recovery indicator will appear on your computer/laptop.

After the recovery is complete, wait until the programs are synchronized.

That's all. Your new iPhone 5, 5s, 6 or 6 plus will come with all your contacts, photos, SMS, applications that were on the previous iPhone.

Transferring data from an old iOS device to a new iPhone or iPad is not difficult, especially when it is available in iCloud cloud storage. However, this process can take quite a long time. In this material we will tell you how to transfer data as quickly as possible, so that later you don’t have to make any effort at all.

In contact with

Let's simulate a situation in which, for example, you want to exchange your old iPhone 4s or 5 for a new one and transfer all your data to it.

1. Current firmware

To get started, it is recommended to install the latest firmware version for your old iOS device. In order for absolutely all data and settings to be completely transferred from the old to the new gadget, both devices must have identical software(ideally the latest version of iOS). You can check the installed software version along the path Settings -> Basic -> About this device -> Version.

2. Create a backup copy

Connect your old iPhone or any other iOS gadget to your Mac or PC and launch iTunes (you can download iTunes for your computer). Go to the tab with the connected gadget and in the left side menu of “Settings” select the “Browse” menu. There are two ways to create backups through iTunes: to iCloud or directly to your computer. Use the second option, because a local copy is made many times faster than when using an Internet connection.

The procedure is as follows:

1 . Select a backup method " This computer».

2 . Click on the button Create a copy now«.

3 . Wait until the backup is completed.

3. Data recovery

Immediately after purchasing a new device, turn it on and connect it to your PC or Mac. Launch iTunes, which will offer to set up your iPhone as new or restore from an iCloud or iTunes copy. Select " Recover from iTunes copy» and select the latest current backup created on your computer.

After entering your login and password once and then rebooting your iPhone, all you have to do is set up Touch ID, because fingerprint data is not transferred to any servers or from device to device, and is stored strictly on one gadget.

Purchasing a new device is always a joyful and long-awaited event, however, you will need old files and documents, as well as some applications, on the new device no less than on the old one. It is possible to transfer all your data without losing your valuable files from one iPhone phone to another without any hassle if you back up your files to iCloud. You can also transfer data from your applications: measurements and metrics, many other options can be transferred through iTunes. Thus, with the correct settings, you will not lose a single piece of information from the old media, and you will start using the new iPhone with familiar applications, documents and program indicators.

How to transfer data from one iPhone to another via iCloud

  • This is the most reliable and simplest option for saving all system files. You don't need to buy or download third-party software on your phone. All you need: your old iPhone, new phone, free iCloud storage space.
  • Take your old phone and set up iCloud backup. To do this, go to your phone settings and find the line “iCloud backup”. Make sure all the files you want to transfer to your next device are on your phone, click “Back up.” If you have an English-language iPhone firmware, then look for the “iCloud Backup” option.
  • Creating a copy will take anywhere from a few minutes to an hour, depending on the amount of data on your phone and iCloud storage capacity. If you don't have enough backup space, purchase additional gigabytes from iCloud or delete everything unnecessary from your phone to reduce the amount of data.
  • Once the backup is complete, you will be ready for the next step.
  • Now take the new device in your hands and start it, insert the SIM card from the old iPhone. Follow all the necessary steps to set up your iPhone: set your location, sync your Apple Watch, set the device's date and time. As soon as you see a notification on your phone asking you to sign in to iCloud, enter all the data that was on your previous phone. You need to remember your Apple ID and password. If you purchased applications and products from several Apple IDs, you will have to enter them all.
  • It is very important to insert your old SIM card. If it turns out that the card is damaged or you need a different format, then you should contact your mobile operator’s service center with a request to reissue the SIM card.
  • Tap “Restore from iCloud Backup” on the screen. Your old files and data will immediately begin to be copied to your phone. The process will take from a few minutes to an hour, depending on the amount of data. Remember to make sure that you are restoring the exact backup you made last. To do this, simply look at the date and time the copies were created.

How to transfer data from one iPhone to another via iTunes

You can back up your device to iTunes instead of iCloud. Many will find this method much more convenient, since the whole process takes less time and is carried out from a computer or laptop. Anything you need:

  • Both iPhone devices: both old and new.
  • Adapter cord for computer.
  • Your computer or laptop.

First, connect your old phone to your computer and log into iTunes. In the “Browse” tab you will see the “Create a copy now” button. However, first set the copy options:

If you check the box next to “Encrypt iPhone backup,” all account passwords will be transferred to the new device. If you remove it, then such data will not be transferred, and information from iHealth applications will also remain untouched.

The process will take a little time, and below you will see how much space your backup has taken up and how much is left.

Now connect the new device to your computer and in the same tab, click on the “Recover from iTunes copy” button. Select the copy that was most recently made. Click “Restore”.

Now all files will be copied to the same directories as on the previous device, your SMS messages, call data, passwords, browser and application settings will be completely updated on the new device. Now you're ready to use your new iPhone as comfortably as your old one.

Don't forget to sync your Apple Watch with your phone if you have one. This can be done just as easily through iTunes. To avoid losing previously received values ​​in your smartwatch, encrypt the connection when transferring data to iTunes, and you will receive all the settings in their previous form.