How to switch to secret mode. How to enable incognito mode and what it is

If someone else uses your personal computer, they can track your browsing history. In addition, statistics about your work on the Internet are collected by the provider and search engines. If you want the current session to be impossible to track, it is recommended to enable an anonymizer plugin, such as Frigate or ZenMate, or use the incognito mode built into the Yandex browser.

Do not confuse incognito mode with the operation of proxy servers. Your IP address remains exactly the same. Sites know your location and can turn on geographic filters for you. Some users think that this mode allows you to be invisible on VKontakte and other social networks. This is not true either.

The only thing that incognito does is not allow you to collect information about your visits. Sites you visit will not appear in your web browser history. The search queries you entered will not be saved in the systems and will not affect the delivery of contextual advertising.

How to enable incognito mode

This mode allows you to be invisible to search engines. To enable it, you need to do the following:

An alternative way is to use the hotkey combination “Control” + “Shift” + “N”. The combination works with any active input language and regardless of the activation of the CapsLock key.

Working this way, Yandex will not save your browsing history. All cookies created during the session will be destroyed when the window is closed. This means that if you log in to any site, after completing your work you will automatically log out of your account.

Also, no information will remain about the downloaded files. Everything you download will be saved in a separate directory. No marks will appear in your download history.

Incognito allows you to be invisible to search engines. If you want to find something through a search engine without influencing the displayed contextual advertising, you should also use this service. Please note that if you log in to the Yandex network, the search engine will again begin collecting information about your requests.

How to be invisible on VKontakte

It is worth remembering that the described tool in no way allows you to be invisible on social networks such as VKontakte. For these purposes, there are additional programs (both separate applications and plug-ins in the Yandex browser).

The easiest plugin to use is VKinviz. This is an extension for Google Chrome, but it also works great in the Yandex browser. You can download the application from the official Google Chrome catalog. To do this, follow the link In the search bar on the left side of the window, enter the name of the add-on – Vkinviz – and press Enter.

Click on the blue “+ Install” button next to the addon name. In the pop-up window, you must confirm your intention to install the program. Wait for the installation process to complete.

Upon completion of the installation, a special icon button will appear in the Yandex browser to the right of the search bar. When you click on it, you will become invisible to all VKontakte users. It will seem to everyone that you are offline.

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Before we begin to answer the question posed in the title of this article, first we will understand what incognito mode is and why it is needed. Because not all beginners and even experienced users of the Google Chrome browser know about this function.

Why do you need incognito mode?

Each of us at least once in our lives deleted our browser history because we didn’t want anyone to see it. Or a slightly different situation: You want to log into your account or profile on a website from someone else’s computer, but you are afraid that later your data may be saved and in the future the owner of the computer who gave it to you to use can use it. So, incognito mode in the Chrome browser gives the user the opportunity to access any sites without fear that someone will be able to use his data. In simple words, this can be called a disposable cup. That is, you used it, closed it and that’s it. Absolutely no data will be stored in it. Passwords, accounts, browsing history - all this will be deleted immediately after closing the incognito tab.

How to enable incognito mode in Google Chrome?

Now that you already know why it is needed and what we are, let's talk about how to enter incognito mode. Follow the simple instructions and you will succeed.

Making sure that you have enabled incognito is very simple - the entire browser window will be black. Your browsing history in this window will not be taken into account, and no one will be able to restore your browsing data. If you want to exit, just close the tab and that's it.

One of the most successful and convenient browsers. It appeared just a few years ago, at the same time when Internet browsers such as Opera and Mozilla Firefox were widely used in the world. But despite the enormous competition, in just a few years Chrome became one of the recognized leaders.

This is not only one of the fastest browsers today, it is quite convenient and has a lot of features. For example, this is currently the only browser that has . What's the advantage of this? And such that you do not need to constantly update it, it updates itself, thanks to which sites such as VK or that work using flash technology should, in theory, always function normally for users of this browser. True, this is just a theory; in practice, problems with flash still occur. Or here’s another feature for you - incognito mode. In fact, it is also available in other browsers, but I will talk about this some other time.

So, incognito mode. What it is? This is a special mode of browser operation in which the browsing history of websites is not recorded. In other words, it ensures complete confidentiality of your Internet movements. In addition to the fact that your browsing history will not be saved, cookies will be deleted immediately after you close your browser.

You can often hear that this mode supposedly allows you to move quietly between sites and remain completely unnoticed. This is not true, since all your visits to a particular resource are recorded in the logs of the site you visited. Also, logs are stored by Internet providers, since by law they are required to store them for a certain time. I wrote this so that you do not confuse the concepts.

Why do you need incognito mode?

Since this mode cannot hide me on the network, then why is it needed at all, you ask? The question is very interesting and I have an answer to it. Or rather, the answers.

  • Imagine this situation. A person close to you is planning a holiday, say a birthday. You use the same computer with him. For the holiday, you decided to give him some necessary item purchased through an online store. In this case, you can safely use incognito mode, since a loved one will not be able to detect traces of your presence on the online store website.
  • Another variant. You are logged in to the social network. You have a certain person as a friend. Let's say you want to find out whether its pages are closed to users who are not registered in VK. Of course, you can first log out of your account and then go to your friend’s page. But it’s much easier to open the browser in this mode, look at the desired page and close the browser.
  • Incognito mode is the most convenient tool for use outside the home. For example, you came to see your friends and you need to go to your mail. If you do this through this mode, then after closing the browser, all information, including the email address, will be deleted from the browser’s memory.
  • What can we say about those who like to watch “strawberries” on the Internet and at the same time want to remain invisible?

How to enable incognito mode in Chrome?

Now let's find out how to actually use this mode. And it's very easy to do.

On the right side of the browser there is a button with three bars. Click on it and a small menu will appear. In it you will see the following message: “New window in incognito mode.” Click on this item and another Google Chrome browser window will open in front of you, but in incognito mode.

It's very easy to verify this - in the upper left part of the screen you will see a spy icon.

There is another, no less simple way. You just need to press the key combination Ctrl+Shift+N (for all Windows and Linux) or Command+Shift+N for Mac.

After closing the browser, all information will be deleted.


Let me remind you once again that you won’t be able to navigate sites unnoticed in this mode - it was created only to ensure that information is not saved on your computer. In addition, if in incognito mode you go to the same search engine under your name, then everything that you searched for in it will be saved in the browser, do not forget about it.

Otherwise, this is an excellent tool for hiding your activities on the Internet from family and friends. Enjoy it for your health.

If you do not want your Internet activity to be documented by the browser, then it is not necessary to clear the log of visited sites after each web session. It is much more convenient to use incognito mode, when enabled, the browser will not save information about the user’s online activity.

What is incognito?

Incognito mode is the name of a Google Chrome feature that allows you to surf the Internet anonymously.

You will not be able to hide your activity from your provider, since the computer’s IP address will remain the same, but other users who have access to the browser will not see what sites you visit and what you look at them.

It is not saved in incognito mode:

  • History of visited sites. No entries will appear in the browser log.
  • Cookies, passwords entered and search queries.
  • Video and audio loaded into cache.

Work with incognito mode enabled remains undocumented, meaning neither you nor other users will be able to find out which sites were opened after the browser session ends.

Enabling on different browsers

As we have already figured out, incognito mode can only be enabled in the Google Chrome browser. In other browsers, the option for anonymous work is called differently. But first, let's deal with Chrome:

Anonymous mode can be launched using hotkeys - Google Chrome works with the combination Ctrl+Shift+N. In other browsers, the procedure for enabling incognito is not very different, but the option itself is called differently.


To create a private window in Opera, expand the main menu and select the item of the same name. A notification will appear in the top bar of your browser that you are in private browsing mode.

An alternative method is indicated in the same browser control menu - the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Shift+N.

In Mozilla, a private window opens after clicking the button of the same name in the control menu, which is called up by clicking on the button in the form of three horizontal stripes.

To speed up the process of starting a private session, use the combination Ctrl+Shift+P.

In the Yandex web browser, the hidden work option is activated by the combination Ctrl+Shift+N. Another way is to launch incognito through the settings.

Open the control menu, go to the "Advanced" section and launch a window in which your activity will remain unsaved after closing the browser.

If you use Safari, you've probably seen the "New Private Window" option in the File menu.

Click on it or use the specified keyboard shortcut to keep your privacy hidden from third parties.

Internet Explorer

In the built-in Windows browser, the hidden feature is called InPrivate. It is launched through the settings, as in other browsers:

To speed up the process of enabling an anonymous session in the browser, use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Shift+P.

Microsoft Edge

The new web browser from Microsoft retains the familiar option for users to enable InPrivate browsing. To start an anonymous session:

Remember that only one window or tab works anonymously, depending on the browser. Information about sites running in other browser windows will be saved in the log and cache.

Hello, friends! If you work a lot in the Google Chrome browser, and periodically there is a need to hide your presence on certain sites, or remove the latest downloaded files from the download list, then now we’ll look at how to quickly resolve such issues.

In this article I will talk about incognito mode in the Google Chrome browser. What is it, how to browse websites using it and exit it.

What does incognito mode do in Google Chrome?

Incognito is a mode in the Internet browser that does not save the history of viewed pages and downloaded files. Let's look at its features point by point:

  1. In Google Chrome, it will allow you to view various pages on the Internet, but they will not be saved in the Browser History.
  2. The browser does not remember search phrases that you enter into the address bar.
  3. When you download files, they will not be saved in the “Downloads” section of the browser itself, but you can find them in the “Downloads” or “Downloads” folder on your device.
  4. When you turn it on, a new Chrome browser window will open. Accordingly, you can work in parallel with tabs opened in a regular window and in one that is running anonymously. You just need to switch between open windows.
  5. You will not have access to cookies stored in Chrome. And all new cookies received during the work process will be deleted after exiting the incognito window.
  6. All changes to browser settings and new bookmarks created will be saved and available in Chrome as usual.
  7. You still have access to passwords for sites saved in your browser.
  8. All extensions will not work. If desired, they can be enabled manually.
  9. The list of sites you visit is available to your provider. Your visit is also taken into account in the site counter. If the computer is working, then all information is available to the employer. When you visit social networks, you will see that you have visited the page.

How to enable the mode

To enter such a window in Google Chrome you need to do a couple of simple steps.

This is what the page for opening a new tab in Chrome looks like, opened in the most normal way.

To open it anonymously, click on the three vertical dots in the upper right corner of the browser and select “New window in incognito mode” from the menu.

If you are used to using keyboard shortcuts in the browser, then the hot keys to enable incognito mode in Chrome are: Ctrl+Shift+N.

After this, another Chrome browser window will open, but in incognito mode. This will be evidenced by the inscription on the page itself, a gray background and a hat with glasses in the upper left corner.

To open a new tab in Chrome in this window, you just need to click on the corresponding button in the line with tabs and go to the site of interest or enter the desired query.

If you need the add-ons that you have installed and enabled in Chrome to work in this window, then you need to go to the list of add-ons and enable their use in this mode.

To do this, click on the three vertical dots in the upper right corner and select “Additional tools” - “Extensions” from the list.

In the list of browser add-ons, under the desired extension, check the “Allow use in incognito mode” box.

After this, in a Chrome window opened anonymously, you will also have access to the usual extensions.

How to exit incognito mode

Exiting it into Chrome is quite simple. Since this opens a separate browser window, you just need to close it by clicking on the cross in the upper right corner.

If you do not need to close the window of the web browser itself, open incognito, and you just want to close a separate site, then click on the cross in the top line in the tab that you want to close.

Opening incognito mode from an Android phone

You can access Google Chrome in a similar way from a mobile phone or tablet. I’ll tell you in detail how to do this for devices with the Android operating system. For owners of iOS devices, everything is exactly the same.

Go to Chrome and click on the three vertical dots in the top right corner of the window. A menu will open in which select “New incognito tab”.

This is what the Chrome page looks like, opened incognito.

If you click on the “Open Tabs” button – the number in the box at the top right – then a view of all tabs will open. Gray ones are those that are open in incognito mode. If you swipe the page to the right, you'll see the tabs you've opened normally.

To close one tab, or exit it altogether, when viewing tabs, click on the three dots in the upper right corner and select “Close incognito tabs” from the menu. After this, all tabs opened anonymously will be closed.

If you need to close not all tabs, but some specific ones, then while viewing them, click on the cross, which is located on the tab on the right.

Use this mode in Chrome, it will greatly simplify your work in the browser. You will no longer need to clear your history or delete downloaded files from the corresponding list in your browser.