How to open a local server in minecraft. Creating a good server for Minecraft

Some users sooner or later ask the question: “How to create your own server?” There could be many reasons for this. These include the need to host a website and the need to create a local network of computers. There may also be a simple desire to play with friends online, for example, in Counter-Strike. Servers these days perform quite a wide range of functions. You can turn any computer into a server, be it a laptop or even a netbook. In essence, this is a constantly running regular computer to which you can connect via FTP. It is possible to install 40-50 constantly running websites on one average laptop. However, they will function normally. Next, you will learn how to make your own hosting on your home computer and upload the site engine to it.


To create a web server we will need the Open Server program. This is a free distribution that is freely available. You can download it from the manufacturer's website. After downloading this program on your computer, you need to create a folder and install Open Server there. Nothing complicated. You don't need to know any programming languages ​​to do this. We create a "Server" folder on the desktop and install this distribution there.

After the installation is complete, go to the folder and run the .exe file. At the same time, a checkbox appears at the bottom right of the screen in the launcher. Right-click on it and select “Run”. The checkbox should turn green. Next, we check its operation. Right-click and select “My Sites”. It contains the standard localhost folder. If we click on this item, we will be redirected to a browser window with a standard page.

Website engine or CMS

Now we need to upload the site engine to this server. Let's take for example the control system of a torrent tracker. It is also free and distributed under an open license. We need to copy all the files of this system and install them in the "Server" folder.

In it we open the domains directory. It contains the localhost folder. We create a new one nearby and call it, for example, utorrent. Open it and copy our CMS files there. That's it, the site engine is flooded.

Database creation

Now you need to create a database for the site. Click on the checkbox and select “Advanced” from the list. In the drop-down menu, click on PhpMyAdmin. In the window that opens, select the root user login and leave the password field empty. Click on OK. In the window that appears, go to the “Users” tab and click on “Add user”. In the window that opens, fill in the fields. We will write the username utorrent, leave the host blank, and write any password. The main thing is to remember it, or better yet write it down. Below, in the “Database for user” field, put a dot in front of the second sentence “Create a database...” and in “Global privileges” check all the boxes. Next, click OK. After that, close the window and restart our server.

Installation of CMS

Now open “My Sites” in the menu and click on utorrent. Next comes the installation of our torrent tracker. We follow all the steps. Leave the "Server name" and "Server port" fields empty. Fill in the name of the database - utorrent, username and password. If everything is done correctly, then after completing all actions the message “Successful connection” should appear. Next you need to configure the administrator settings. You come up with them yourself. For example, admin, then password and your email. We don’t change anything in the additional parameters and move on. Click on "Login". If we now click on the main menu on the “My Site” tab on utorrent, we will find ourselves on the main page of the site.

Now all that remains is to delete the install folder, which is located in the utorrent folder in our “Server” directory on the desktop. This is done for security reasons. So we learned how to create our own server. Now all we have to do is open access to the Internet. To do this, we need to configure our server and open a specific port in the router settings.

Access to the Internet

Click on our flag and select “Settings” from the drop-down menu. Go to the "Server" tab and enter an asterisk in the "Server IP address" field. This means that our server will have access to the Internet. Now we need to find out our external IP address. To do this, just enter the word IP in the search bar of the Yandex browser. In the search results, at the top of the page, the word “your IP address” will be written. These will be the numbers we need. We select them and copy them to the clipboard.

Next, go to “Settings” in the “Aliases” tab and insert our IP address into the “Source domain” field. In the "Destination domain" field, select our utorrent. Click on “Add” and “Save”. After this, we restart the web server. When you click on utorrent in the “My Sites” window, we are taken to our site.

Opening the port

We learned how to create our own server, how to upload an engine to it and set an IP address, too. Now all we have to do is open the port for our site. Before doing this, you need to check if it is closed. We go to the website and select the “Check port” item. Enter 80 in the field and click “Check”. If it is closed, we will have a corresponding message. To open it, you need to turn off your antivirus or set an exception for port 80. We turn off our firewall or set an exception for port 80. If you are using a router, you need to open a port on it.

This is done in its settings. They vary depending on the manufacturer. You also need to disable the firewall. After the changes have been made, we check the port again. If the message "Port is open" appears, then everything is fine. Now, if we enter our external IP address, we will be taken to our website. Everything is working. Thus, we learned how to create our own server.

Creating your own Minecraft server is easy! In this article I will talk about all the intricacies of setting up and creating minecraft servers using the OS X Lion (and Debian Linux) operating system as an example. This article will not discuss automatic startup of servers when the computer is rebooted, because Different startup scripts are used for each operating system. I will also not consider questions about setting up routers and firewalls.

Where to begin?

If you want to make your own server, you need to decide where this server will be located. You can host a Minecraft server on your home computer or on hosting. If you have little money, you need to find a specialized gaming hosting; the cost per player on such hosting can reach up to 60 rubles. If you have a lot of money, you can order a VDS (virtual dedicated server) or Dedicated Server (dedicated server). It is best to purchase this type of server abroad, because... on the territory of the Russian Federation and Ukraine, the cost of VDS or Dedicated Server is unreasonably high! VDS (or Dedicated) is profitable to purchase when you make a good server for 100 slots or more.

If you decide to host a minecraft server on your home computer, you will need:

1. Real IP address (accessible from the Internet). I answer the most common question, where to get a real IP address. It is purchased from your ISP. In Moscow, this service costs approximately from 100 to 300 rubles.
2. Stable Internet connection channel (from 10 Mbit/sec)
3. Router (regular or WiFi) with PortForwarding or PortMapping capabilities. Needed to open the port for the game
4. A system unit with a supply of RAM (for example, if you use Windows 7 x64, you need at least 4GB of RAM, 2GB will go to the operating system and you can allocate 2GB to run your server for 20 players).
5. It is advisable that no programs are running on this computer. I do not recommend playing any games or using programs on the server computer, as this will negatively affect the server's performance

Creating a Minecraft server

After purchasing the necessary devices, a stable Internet channel, and a real IP address, you need to create and configure a Minecraft server. Now I will tell you how this is done using the example of a “native” (not modified) bukkit server. Bukkit is a version of Minecraft that supports plugins. The official minecraft server does not support plugins yet. So,

1 step. Download Minecraft from the Internet

Download the bukkit server from the site You need to download the stable version. On the website it is marked as Recommended Build. If you download the Betta or Development version, do not be surprised if the server performs poorly (crashes, displays numerous errors in the console). In UNIX operating systems (Linux or OS X) you can download with the commands

$ curl -O

$ wget

Step 2. Rename the server to server.jar

Rename the downloaded file to server.jar. If you decide to install BETA or Development Build, the file name will be slightly different from craftbukkit.jar. Make it a rule to name the server file the same. To rename craftbukkit-1.5.1-R0.3-20130424.084500-7.jar to server.jar you need to enter the command

$ mv craftbukkit-1.5.1-R0.3-20130424.084500-7.jar server.jar

Step 3. Create scripts for starting and shutting down the minecraft server

We make a start script and a forced stop script. The start script is needed to start the server. And a forced stop script in order to hard shut down a completely frozen minecraft server. If you have allocated little RAM to your server and use heavy //cut //set or any other commands, freezes may occur. And when it is no longer possible to turn off the server from the game, a forced stop script comes to the rescue. I call it Scripts for starting and stopping the server are ordinary text files; you can create them with any text editor. I usually use the Vi editor (if anyone is interested, google its description). So, let's create a starting script

The vi editor will open and create the file. A special feature of the Vi editor is that it initially opens the file in read mode. To add information there, you need to go into insert mode, to do this, press the i key on your keyboard and enter the following two lines

screen -S minecraft java -Xincgc -Xmx1G -Xms256M -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -XX:+CMSIncrementalPacing -XX:ParallelGCThreads=4 -XX:+AggressiveOpts -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -jar server.jar

What do these symbols mean?
#/bin/bash- path to the command interpreter (required)
screen -S minecraft is a window manager with terminal emulation. It is needed if you are running the server via remote access using SSH (on a VDS or Dedicated Server. When running the minecraft server without screen, after closing the SSH client, the server will stop working. Therefore, if you plan to remotely turn on and off the server, run it using this utility. On my hosting, instead of "-S minecraft" I usually enter "-S mcXXXXX" or "-S xcXXXXX", where XXXXX is the port on which the server is running.
java -Xincgc -Xmx1G -Xms256M -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -XX:+CMSIncrementalPacing -XX:ParallelGCThreads=4 -XX:+AggressiveOpts -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -jar server.jar- actually starting the Minecraft server. The description of the keys is as follows: -Xmx1G- maximum amount of RAM per server; -Xms256M- minimum amount of RAM per server; -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8- use UTF8 encoding for files; -jar server.jar- path to the server; You can read the description of other parameters in the Java help.

Now let's create a forced stop script, This script looks for the process ID that has occupied the specified port, for example, 25565, and unloads the process from memory by its ID. So,

Go to insert mode (press the i key). And we write the text

PID=`lsof -i -P | grep ":25565 (LISTEN)" | awk "(print $2)"`
if [ "$PID" != "" ]; then
echo "Killing MineCraft Server PID=$PID"
kill -9 $PID
echo "MineCraft not running"

To save, press the Esc key and write: wq! and press the Enter key.

The scripts are ready, now to be able to run them, you need to give the appropriate rights using the command

Step 4 First server launch

Just enter the command

If you have configured everything correctly, the minecraft server will start and all the missing files will be created. In the future, you can put plugins in the plugins folder and change the minecraft server settings in the file. When installing plugins, be careful, because... some of them only work with a certain version of the server, and can create additional load, causing the server to lag. I recommend downloading plugins from the official bukkit website

Over time, the single-player game ceases to arouse the same interest and the moment comes when an irresistible desire appears to take part in an online game.

But what if you don't want to play with strangers that you don't know at all, but just want to play with your friends? Then you can create your own small server to play through. And perhaps in the future you will want to create your own large project, designed for a huge number of people. In both cases, you will need to know how to make your own server for Minecraft.

In fact, creating Minecraft servers is very simple. First, you will need the necessary kernel that will keep your game server running. Today, the most current kernels for game servers are Vanilla Server and BUKKIT. The first type of kernel is intended for those cases when a player wants to create a home server to play with friends. The second type is intended for very serious projects. This type of core supports all the most necessary plugins, from creating spawn points and protecting territories to global plugins that create their own unique features on the server.

Having chosen a suitable kernel, we need to figure out how to run it. To do this, you need to follow several steps to help you do this:

  • We create a folder in the right place where our server will be located.
  • We move our kernel, which we will use, to this folder.
  • Create a .bat file called “start.bat”. We enter the following there:

For 32-bit versions of Windows:

java -Xincgc -Xmx1G -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -jar craftbukkit.jar

For 64-bit versions of Windows:

@echo off
"%ProgramFiles(x86)%Javajre7injava.exe" -Xms1024M -Xmx1024M -jar -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 craftbukkit.jar nogui

Where craftbukkit.jar is the name of our kernel. If you wish, you can change the name of the kernel.

After you have launched the kernel, the console will appear. In it you can observe all the processes currently occurring on the server. When you first start, you should wait a while as the map is created and the first settings are made. Don't be alarmed if new files and folders appear after the first launch of the kernel - these are the main files of your server. There is no need to delete them under any circumstances; each file is responsible for a specific part of the server. If you know English, then you can figure out what this or that file does. Thus, the Plugins folder allows you to upload plugins there for their work on the server, and a .log file makes it possible to carefully study its logs in order to identify errors and eliminate them in time.

So, the files are installed, and now you need to turn off the console. You won't be able to log into the server and play on it yet. Now we need to figure out the game settings. To do this, you need to open the file and look at it carefully. Again, if you more or less know English, you will probably be able to understand where everything is written and what it is responsible for. For now, the best way to get started is to know a few basic parameters that will help you quickly set up your server. Each parameter can be either true or false, or a specific variable.

server-por t= 25565 - this parameter is responsible for the server port. We strongly do not recommend changing it, because... port 25565 is standard for Minecraft servers. It may be different on hosting sites, but it is best to leave it as it is.

level-name=world - the name of your world. Rename your world folder to the name you choose.

pvp = true - this parameter is initially enabled on the server. It allows normal players to damage others. They will be able to arrange various duels, but it may also happen that stronger players begin to kill civilians without their consent, so this parameter should be disabled, that is, set the value false instead of true.

difficulty = 1 — difficulty level. Can take 4 values ​​simultaneously, ranging from the simplest level (0) to the most complex (3).

white-list = false - if you enable this parameter, then only those who are on the so-called “white list” will be able to access the server. For this purpose, there is a special whitelist.txt file in the root folder of your server. By specifying all the player nicknames in this file, separated by a line, they will be able to get to the server, while others will not. This parameter is best used when technical work needs to be done on the server.

online-mode = true - it is because of this parameter that you may encounter the problem that you cannot access your server. He is responsible for ensuring that only licensed accounts can play on your server. By setting the value to false, the server will be available to absolutely all players.

server-ip= — IP of the game server. Leave it blank because... the server itself will determine its address. This is usually your computer's IP. You can find it on any site that allows you to do this.

max-players = 20 - the maximum number of players who can play on your server. The more powerful the computer, the larger the number you can make.

motd = A Minecraft Server - a short description or name of the server that will be displayed in the list of servers. Typically, such text can be decorated with various symbols, and you can even change the color using some plugins.

Having configured the settings file, we can save it and start our server. When the server starts, you can already start promoting it, but here another problem arises. This problem is that the server does not have a single plugin, without which there will be a huge number of . This problem can be fixed in several ways: enable on the game server the ability to log in only to a select few, namely those who are on the white list, or finally download normal plugins that will limit the server from intruders.

The server is ready, the plugins are installed and everything seems to be configured. You can start the server and log into it. How can I access it? Just add it to the list of game servers and enter the required IP address. Where can I find it? The easiest way is to enter the localhost address if you are running the server on a local machine. Usually this method works with high probability. However, if nothing happens, it is enough to enter the IP of the computer, which is recognized through special services, for example

I think that in this tutorial I described all the basic possibilities in terms of creating a server. All that remains for you is to develop it, add more and more useful plugins, update the core, and of course, promote your server and make it very popular.

Every person should at least try to play Minecraft. There is a high chance that this game will become your favorite. Of course, there will be those who won’t like it, because many people don’t like the “sandbox” genre as such, but there’s no arguing about tastes. The main thing is not to give up on this game until you try it in all variations. For example, some people mistakenly believe that Minecraft is an exclusively single-player game that cannot be played online. But this is not so - it has a fairly developed and intriguing multiplayer mode. Moreover, absolutely anyone can create a server, so this makes the game even more attractive. But in order to invite your friends, you should figure out how to make your own server in Minecraft.

Downloading the necessary files

Naturally, you cannot create a server out of thin air. You do not have the necessary files on your computer that would allow you to generate a multiplayer world and keep other players connected to it. But how to make your own server? To do this, you will need a special file that will improve your game client and allow you to make multiplayer games. It is called minecraft_server, but it can have different extensions - both .jar and .exe. When you download it, you will take the first step towards becoming a Minecraft host. But there is still a long way to go, and you will need a lot more knowledge to figure out how to make your own server.

Running a file

So, you have a downloaded file that will allow you to turn your computer into a Minecraft server. But how to achieve this? How to make your own server from one file? To do this, you need to run it, but be careful - look where you downloaded this file. It should be in the "Minecraft" folder. If it is located in any other place on your computer, then do not run it, but move it to the desired location. Just make sure that it is located in the game folder and launch it. In this case, the system may ask you for permission several times for certain functions - you will have to allow everything that is asked of you. But don't worry - this is usually only permission to run the file itself, as well as to use Java. This is all absolutely safe, since it was downloaded from the official Minecraft website, and there is no threat to your computer.

When the file is unzipped, you will find that there is much more content in your Minecraft folder. Congratulations - now you can create your own servers. But, of course, you also need to learn this. You know how to download and install a server on your computer, and now you need to understand how to make a server in Minecraft in the game itself.

Defining and setting IP

You might definitely be intimidated by the number of files that will appear after unpacking. Questions about the Minecraft folder may immediately arise: how to make a server out of all this? But you don't have to worry - you only need one file called, which is where you will make all the changes that will affect how your server will function. You can open it with regular Notepad, because the changes will be exclusively text.

The first thing you need to do is change the server IP address in this file. Since you are creating it on your computer, you need to indicate your own IP address. If you don’t know how to do this, then the problem can be solved simply - there are a large number of services on the Internet that will tell you network information about your computer for free in two seconds. Remember - you only need the IP address, you copy and paste it into the appropriate line of the file. Make sure to save your address as you will need to provide it when you start your server after setup. Minecraft servers are monitored by IP, so you should be sure to enter it correctly - moreover, an incorrect address will lead to a game error, and you will not be able to try yourself as an admin.

An important point - the map

Pay attention to the line level-name, for which the default value is World. This means that the world in which the game will take place is created randomly. This is a standard scheme that is present in both single-player and multiplayer games, and it does not matter whether you tried to find out how to make a server without Hamachi, using other software, and so on.

By default, the world is always created randomly, and if you want something different, you will have to change everything yourself. To do this, you will need a map that you created or downloaded from the Internet, which you would like to apply to your server. Having placed it in the "Minecraft" folder, you must copy its name and replace it with the world value in the level-name line. Only in this case you will not get a random world in which a multiplayer battle will take place, but a specific and specified one.

Other properties that can be changed

You should not think that these are the only two parameters you can change when interacting with this document. It contains absolutely all the properties of the Minecraft world, and you can change all of them. For example, you can enable or disable the Nether, allow or disable flight, and so on. There are quite a large number of settings, each item among which is very important. Don't skip the line that sets the maximum number of players if you don't want your server to be too busy. Enable PvP if you want players to be able to damage each other. In general, the scope for imagination is very wide, and you can customize your world as you please. You should also figure out how to make a server with mods to give your players even more options.

How to add a server to the game

You already know how to download the necessary files, install the server on your computer, and configure it. The final step remains - launch. You shouldn’t have any problems here, since everything is done extremely simply. You need to start the game, go into multiplayer mode and instead of joining other servers, select the option to create your own. There you will need two items - its name, as well as your IP address, which you should have remembered even when you edited it in a text file. After filling these two cells, you will be taken to the game world, which will become the basis of your server. Here you can already build, extract resources, hunt animals and fight mobs, that is, do everything that you can do in a standard game. But why do you need a server for one?

Adding new players

If you have already created your server and are ready to host guests on it, then you won’t need much - you just need to invite a couple of friends to create the appearance of activity. Then other players will also become interested and join. Moreover, many Minecraft fans prefer to play in those worlds where nothing has happened yet, rather than where various events have already happened. So you are unlikely to be left without players.

Common Mistakes

You should always remember that the version of the game for everyone must match the installed version of the server. If they differ, then the player simply will not be able to connect to the server. This is the most common mistake in the multiplayer environment. You will also receive an error message if you try to log into the server using a login that you have not yet registered. And, of course, do not forget to check the permissions for Java in your antivirus - without it, playing online simply will not work.

All Minecraft players have thought about: - “How to create a Minecraft server?” , "How to open ports on a computer?", "How to start a minecraft server?" Everyone wants to feel the power of the administration over the server players, or simply finding a suitable server to play with friends is not so easy. Since not every player can afford to rent expensive hosting for a minecraft server. we will look at options for running a server on a computer. We will talk about these and a few more questions in part in this article.

Features of kernels for minecraft

To run the server, the developers created server cores. They are our main part of the server, which determine the version of the server.
We have created where the most common versions of cores for the minecraft server are located with download links from the site and a description of each core and its features. You can choose the right kernel for you.
We will consider from the simplest kernels for the minecraft server to the most complex.

Description of the core for the Minecraft server


Vanilla Core- this is the very first kernel that is released after the version of the game itself is published, then assemblies of other kernels are created on its basis. You cannot install mods or plugins for Minecraft on the Vanilla core. It can be downloaded from the official website


CraftBukkit - aims to make it easier for developers to create plugins, since CraftBukkit can support plugins that are written only for this core.


Spigot core created on the basis of the CraftBukkit kernel and is designed to replace the “big brother” with stability and performance as it allocates even less RAM. In addition, all plugins written for CraftBukkit will also work on Spigot, but Spigot also has its own plugins that are not available to CraftBukkit.


PaperSpigot core is a third-party improvement to the Spigot core that requires even less RAM and is perfect for installing plugins on it. All plugins designed for Spigot will install perfectly on PaperSpigot.

MCPC plus

MCPC plus core is a server modification which, unlike its older brother (MCPC) which was created on the basis of Bukkit, MCPC plus is written from scratch, and allows you to install mods and plugins on the minecraft server without any porting.


Cauldron Core is a server modification based on MCPC plus which is created for installing both mods and plugins on the server. Minecraft is already built into it, and installing mods with this core will not be difficult. This kernel was developed by combining the efforts of the Swedish developers of server server kernels Spigot, Cauldron and Bukkit.

Choosing a kernel for creating a server

This is one of the most important issues when creating a server. First, you must select the version of your server, then will this server have mods, or will it only have plugins.

For a server with only plugins, server cores such as PaperSpigot, Spigot, CraftBukkit, and of course Vanila are excellent.

For a server with mods, you can use the Cauldron and MCPC plus kernels.

You can find all server cores

1) Create a folder future server and go to it.
2) Download your chosen server core
3) In the same folder, create a text document and call it starter.bat(you can name the file whatever you want, the main thing is that it has an extension .bat)
4) Right-click on the file and click "Change". It is better to use an editor to edit server files

5) Write the value in the file -

@ECHO OFF SET BINDIR=%~dp0 CD /D "%BINDIR%" java -Xincgc -Xmx1G -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -jar paperspigot-1.11.2.jar

where paperspigot-1.11.2.jar is the name of your kernel.. Save the file

6) Launch our created file by double-clicking the left mouse button.

The server console should appear, and after a while it should close so that you can agree to the rules EULA.

7) Several folders have appeared in the folder with our server, we now need a file with the name eula.txt. Open it and change the value false on true. Then save the document and close.

8) We launch ours again starter.bat. The console should appear and the server should boot completely.
We write in English letters in the console stop And press Enter thereby stopping the server.

After which the server will save all files and the console will close.

Approximately the same folders and files will appear in the server folder as in the screenshot below.

9) Now in the folder with the server, open our main server settings file -, and immediately change the value online-mode=true on online-mode=false, thus we will be able to access the server from pirated versions of Minecraft. Save the file.

generator-settings- sets the template for generating a superflat world;

allow-nether- determines the possibility of transition to the Lower World. By default, this setting is set to true. If set to false, then all players from the Nether will be moved to the normal one;

level-name- the name of the folder with map files that will be used during the game. The folder is located in the same directory where the server files are located. If there is no such directory, the server automatically creates a new world and places it in a directory with the same name;

enable-query- when set to true, activates the GameSpy4 protocol to listen to the server;

allow-flight- allows flights around the world of Minecraft. The default value is false (flights are prohibited);

server-port- indicates the port that will be used by the game server. The standard port for Minecraft is 25565. It is not recommended to change the value of this parameter;

level-type- determines the type of world (DEFAUT/FLAT/LARGEBIOMES);

enable-rcon- opens remote access to the server console. By default it is disabled (false);

level-seed- input data for the level generator. To be able to create random worlds, this field must be left blank;

force-gamemode- sets the standard game mode for players connecting to the server;

server-ip- indicates the IP address that will be used by players to connect to the server;

max-build-height- indicates the maximum height of a building on the server. Its value must be a multiple of 16 (64, 96, 256, etc.);

spawn-npcs- allows (if set to true) or prohibits (if set to false) the appearance of NPCs in villages;

white-list- enables and disables the use of a white list of players on the server. If set to true, the administrator will be able to create a white list by manually adding player nicknames to it. If the value is false, then any user who knows its IP address and port can access the server;

spawn-animals- allows automatic spawning of friendly mobs if set to true);

snooper-enabled- allows the server to send statistics and data to developers;

hardcore- enables Hardcore mode on the server;

texture-pac- texture file that will be used when the player connects to the server. The value of this parameter is the name of the zip archive with textures, which is stored in the same directory as the server;

online-mode- includes verification of premium accounts of users connecting to the server. If this parameter is set to true, only premium account holders will be able to access the server. If account verification is disabled (set to false), then any users can access the server (including, for example, players who have faked their nickname), which creates additional security risks. When checking is disabled, you can play Minecraft over a local network, without access to the Internet;

pvp - allows or prohibits players from fighting each other. If this parameter is true, then players can destroy each other. If set to false, players cannot deal direct damage to each other;

difficulty- sets the difficulty level of the game. Can take values ​​from 0 (easiest) to 3 (most difficult);

gamemode- indicates which game mode will be set for players entering the server. Can take the following values: 0 - Survival, 1-Creative, 2-Adventure;

player-idle-timeout- inactivity time (in minutes), after which players are automatically disconnected from the server;

max-players- maximum allowed number of players on the server (from 0 to 999);

spawn-monsters- allows (if set to true) the generation of hostile mobs;

generate-structures- enables (true)/disables (false) the generation of structures (treasuries, fortresses, villages);

view-distance- adjusts the radius of updated chunks to be sent to the player; can take values ​​from 3 to 15.

10) Start the server again by running starter.bat.

After the server is fully loaded, you will be able to log into the server. Using an IP address or localhost. These are local addresses of your computer, and at this address you will be able to connect to the server that is running only from your computer.

To make the most of your server, you need to give your nickname an OP. The easiest way to do this is to write in the running server console
op VashNik Everything in the console is written in Latin (English) letters.
For example, my nickname in the game SyRauk
So in order to register the op I need to register in the console
op SyRauk You need to write without "/" (slash)

After entering the command, press ENTER

The case does not matter. (You can write with either a small or a capital letter)

Article extracted from site article

Minecraft Admin Commands

/clear [object number] [additional data]- Clears the specified player's inventory of all items or specific IDs.

/debug- Starts debug mode or stops it.

/defaultgamemode- Allows you to change the default mode for new players on the server.

/difficulty- Changes the difficulty of the game, 0 - peaceful, 1 - easy, 2 - normal, 3 - difficult.

/enchant [level]- Enchant an item in your hands to the level specified in the command.

/gamemode [target]- Changes the game mode for the specified player. Survival (survival, s or 0), Creativity (creative, c or 1), Adventure (adventure, a or 2). For the command to work, the player must be online.

/gamerule [value]- Allows you to change a few basic rules. The value must be true or false.


doFireTick- if false, stops the spread of fire.
doMobLoot- if false, mobs do not drop drops.
doMobSpawning- when false, prohibits mob spawning.
doTileDrops- if false, objects do not fall out of destructible blocks.
keepInventory- if true, after death the player does not lose the contents of his inventory.
mobGriefing- if false, mobs cannot destroy blocks (creeper explosions do not spoil the landscape).
commandBlockOutput- if false, the command block does not output anything to the chat when executing commands.

/give [amount] [additional information]- Gives the player an item specified by block ID.

/help [page | team] ? [page | team]- Displays a list of all available console commands.

/publish- Provides access to the world via a local network.

/say- Shows a message in pink to all players.

/spawnpoint [target] [x] [y] [z]- Allows you to set the spawn point for the player at the specified coordinates. If coordinates were not specified, the spawn point will be your current position.

/time set- Allows you to change the time of day. Time can be specified as a numeric value, where 0 is dawn, 6000 is noon, 12000 is sunset and 18000 is midnight.

/time add- Adds the specified amount of time to the current one.

/toggledownfall - Allows you to enable or disable precipitation.

/tp , /tp- Makes it possible to teleport a player specified by name to another or to the entered coordinates.

/weather- Allows you to change the weather for a specific time specified in seconds.

/xp- Gives a specific player the specified amount of experience, from 0 to 5000. If you enter L after the number, the specified number of levels will be added. In addition, levels can be lowered, for example -10L will reduce the player's level by 10.

/ban [reason]- Allows you to block a player’s access to the server by nickname.

/ban-ip- Allows you to block a player’s access to the server by IP address.

/pardon- Allows you to unblock the specified player from accessing the server.

/pardon-ip- Removes the specified IP address from the blacklist.

/banlist- Allows you to see a list of all players blocked on the server.

/op- Gives the specified player operator privileges.

/deop- Takes away operator privileges from the player.

/kick [reason]- Kicks the specified player from the server.

/list- Displays a list of all players online.

/save-all- Forcefully saves all changes to the server.

/save-on- Allows the server to make automatic saves.

/save-off- Prevents the server from performing automatic saving.

/stop- Shuts down the server.

/whitelist list- Displays a list of players in the whitelist.

/whitelist- Adds or removes a player to the whitelist.

/whitelist- Enables or disables the use of a whitelist on the server.

/whitelist reload- Reloads the whitelist, that is, updates it in accordance with the white-list.txt file (can be used when white-list.txt is modified manually).

Even more commands for the minecraft server have been written

How to open ports for a minecraft server

If you have ever used Skype or torrent or created a game server on your computer, you have encountered the problem of opening ports on the router and setting up a firewall or firewall. If in the case of programs like Skype or for example uTorrent it is much simpler, since they themselves configure and open ports automatically using UPNP (Universal Plug And Play) technology - Universal automatic configuration of network devices., and add themselves to the firewall exclusion list themselves , then setting up a game or web server requires the user to do all this manually.

Before moving directly to practice, let's define the terminology:

Port- application address on the local computer. It is tied to the IP address of your computer and it looks something like this: . In this case this is the IP address, and what remains after the colon is the port, that is 80 . Ports are needed in order to determine for which program the information received from the network was intended. There are 65,536 ports in total, which is two to the sixteenth power. Some of them are reserved. For example, port 80 is used by servers to work with HTTP and port 444 is used to work with HTTPS. If you need to create your own web server, then you will need to open both of these ports for incoming and outgoing connections. By the way, ports are used by two protocols, TCP and UDP, and the difference between them is that TCP allows you to create a connection in which all data is checked and reaches the recipient guaranteed, without errors. And UPD transmits data without integrity checks and does not guarantee delivery, which is not entirely good. But due to the unreliability of the UDP protocol, the load on the server is reduced, so it is very often used in online games where many players play simultaneously, and for streaming video, for example, with Skype. Sometimes ports are used by viruses to remotely connect and transfer user data to attacker servers; for this, there are programs for filtering ports, they can be called differently Firewall, firewall, firewall, and so on. But they have one goal - to prevent viruses from working normally, and vice versa - to do everything possible to ensure that ordinary programs work correctly. For example, if your computer is connected to the Internet through a router, and this router has a firewall, and you have a firewall installed on your computer and the rules of these firewalls prohibit accepting and receiving traffic, for example, on port 5000, then until you configure both of these filters, then A program using this port will not work correctly.
I hope now you understand more or less what a port is and what a firewall is used for. And now you can move on to the most interesting and useful thing, the settings.

Video instruction.

Information for this article was taken from the news site