How to set up a scheduled computer shutdown in Windows! Setting a timer to automatically turn off your computer at the right time is nothing easier.


Automatic shutdown using the operating system. It is most convenient to use the utility built into the Windows operating system. The executable file of this utility is located in the System 32 folder of the system directory. It can be opened using the command line. By clicking on the “Start” button, you need to open the “Run” item. In some cases this is not available, then you need to press the button combination: Win+R. After this, the “Run” window will appear on the computer screen.

In the “Run” window, you need to enter the shutdown command with the switches -s -t -f. The -s key indicates completion of work, t – sets the time until shutdown (for the “t” key, you must additionally enter the time in seconds remaining until the appointed time), f – an instruction to turn off the device in any case, even if there are still open programs. The end result should be something like “shutdown -s -t 3600 -f” if you want to shut down the computer after an hour. After this, click OK. For help on the command, you can type “shutdown /?” without quotes into the Run window. In this case, a command line window will open with a description of all the shutdown command options.

If you successfully set the shutdown timer, a notification will appear on your desktop indicating that the session will end after the specified time. If you have Windows 10 installed, the recording will be full screen; in earlier versions (Windows 7 and 8), a pop-up notification will appear at the bottom right of the screen. At the right time, the computer will turn off automatically. To cancel the command, you need to enter shutdown -a. The shutdown operation will not be performed in this case.

The task scheduler is useful if the computer is turned off every day, according to a schedule at the same time. This feature exists in Windows starting with . Not present on earlier ones. You can launch the program through the command line by pressing the Win+R key combination and entering the command “taskschd.msc” in the window that appears. Or open manually through “Start” (in Windows 10, right-click on the Start button), where you need to select “Control Panel”. Here you need to find “administration”, (in Windows 10 System and Security - Administration), double-click “ ” and the desired program will open.

In tasks, you need to select “Action” in the top menu, and “create a simple task” in the drop-down list. Enter Automatic shutdown of Windows in the “Name” field, an arbitrary description in the “Description” field, then indicate the shutdown frequency in the window that opens and write the shutdown time. In the Action option write: “run the program”, in the Program and script line write: C:\Windows\System32\shutdown.exe and type “–s” in the argument field. Click "next" and then "done."

Run via bat file. To create such a file, you need to create a new document in and enter the special code into it:
echo off
set /p timer_off="Vvedite vremya v sekundah"
shutdown -s -t %timer_off%
Instead of N, you need to specify seconds before shutdown. Now select “file” in the top menu, “save as” there and in the “file type” field indicate “all files”. Attach the .bat extension to the end of the file name and save it in a convenient place.
To activate a file, just save it on your desktop and click on it if necessary. After the window opens, you need to enter the time in seconds before shutting down, after which the file is simply minimized, and the PC is minimized at the desired time.

There are a number of programs that you can download and install on your computer. There is no particular need for this, but sometimes the user prefers not to bother with switches and entering commands into the command line, wanting certain functions to be performed using special programs. The most famous of them:
- PC Auto Shutdown – shutdown by ;
- Wise Auto Shutdown – shuts down the computer at a specified time, numerous functions for monitoring command timing, shutdown notification, and generally expanded functionality;
- PowerOff – starts immediately after downloading, without installation;
- TimePC – can not only turn off, but also turn on the computer at a specified time;
- Shut Down – also does not require installation;
- SM Timer ends the session and shuts down the computer, a simple utility that is easy to use;
- OFFTimer.

All of these are programs that are freely available on the Internet, they are free and quite easy to use. If you have the necessary knowledge of how to download the program and install it on your computer, using them will be quite simple.

Confident computer users believe that the functions available in the system are quite sufficient to turn off the computer using a timer simply, effectively, without additional difficulties and third-party software. Moreover, there is no unnecessary risk of catching the virus. But if you are afraid to mess with your computer settings, such programs will come in handy.

The computer shutdown timer is a useful computer function that can be activated using both standard Windows tools and third-party programs. With this feature, your computer will automatically shut down at the set time. Below we will look at several ways that will allow you to set a timer to turn off your PC.

Method 1: Through the Run window

The simplest and most accessible way. To use it, you will need to open the “Run” window by pressing the keys simultaneously Win+R and enter the following command in the window that appears:

shutdown -s -t X

Where X – time remaining before turning on the computer in seconds.

A message will appear on the screen indicating that the computer will automatically shut down after the specified time.

Please note that after the specified time has elapsed, the computer will automatically shut down, but will prompt you to save information in running programs. If you want to force the computer to shut down, you will need to add the argument "-f" . Then the command will look like this:

shutdown -s -t -f X

If for some reason you change your mind about automatically turning off the computer, then to disable the timer, again, launch the “Run” window using the Win + R keys, and in the window that appears, enter the following command:

shutdown -a

Method 2: Using the Task Scheduler

Standard program "Task Scheduler" It is also capable of setting a timer to automatically turn off the computer.

To set a timer this way, use the search in Start (for Windows 7) or call up the search bar using the keys Win+Q (for Windows 8 and higher), enter the name of the program you are looking for and open the result.

On the right side of the window, go to "Create a simple task" .

To begin, enter the name of the task, and then click the button "Further" to move on to the second stage.

In the next tab "Trigger" set item "One time" , only if you don't want your computer to shut down at regular intervals. Click the button "Further" .

Specify the date and time at which automatic shutdown will occur.

Having reached the section "Action" , leave the option checked "Run the program" .

In the column "Program or script" you will need to enter "shutdown" (without quotes), and in the column "Add arguments" indicate "-s" .

Review your changes. If everything is correct, click the button "Ready" .

If you need to cancel a timer you have set in Scheduler, go to "Task Scheduler Library" , find your task in the list, right-click on it and click on the item "Delete" .

Method 3. Using a third-party program “Shutdown Timer”

Although standard Windows tools are completely sufficient to set a timer to turn off the PC, there are also solutions from third-party developers where you do not need to enter any commands.

sleep timer is a simple utility with a basic interface. After downloading the program from the link at the end of the article, you need to install the program on your PC. As a result, a miniature program window will appear on the screen.

Hi all!

How to install without using any additional programs? Well, are you interested?

Let's put aside unnecessary words and get down to business right away!

I think that you understand the very essence of the usefulness of this feature! For example, I understood!

Every time before going to bed I watch a movie... And when my eyes close, I have no desire to get up and turn everything off!

And now everything is simple: calculate the time, set the timer ( possible with a small margin) and that's it! If you suddenly fall asleep, the computer will no longer work until the morning!

So, we need the command line " Execute...«!

A quick way to call is the Win+R key combination.

P.S. Win (or Windows) is a button on the keyboard with a window-shaped icon.

You can also call this command via “ Start - All Programs - Accessories - Run...«.

Hotkeys and similar tricks via “ Start“Judging from sources, they work on Windows 7 and Vista. But I actually have eight - everything worked ( if anything, then I'm talking about Win+R)!

I don’t know for sure about XP, if anything, go to “ Start«!

Everything should be roughly like this:

The command is immediately located in the menu “ Start«!

In Windows 7 and Vista it is also possible to drag a line into an accessible place in the menu " Start“... But let’s not complicate everything!

I hope that everything worked out for you and that this window appears in front of you:

We enter incomprehensible letters and signs into the line:

Shutdown /s -t ...

shutdown / s - t . . .

Instead of dots, we write the time we need in seconds!

Eg, 30 minutes-1800 seconds, 1 hour-3600 seconds, 2 hours-7200 seconds. etc…

Something like this:

I prescribed 10 seconds, that’s exactly what I did the first time and I advise you! Try it first!

When writing code, keep the spaces and when finished, press Enter, or the "" button. OK«!

After the countdown, the computer will shut down!

And further! You don't need to enter the command every time, because after the next opening it will already be there!

Well, that is if you don’t use the command line for any other purposes...

Nevertheless, there is salvation for this option too! Click on the small arrow in the field and the last commands we used will open to us:

And it doesn’t matter whether the computer turned off or not! They will remain there until you or the system somehow removes them!

That's it, the lesson is over!

How to set a sleep timer on a computer?
1. Open " Start«.
2. Execute...( or Win+R).
3. Write: shutdown /s -t ... ( Instead of dots, write the required number of seconds)
4. 30 minutes-1800 seconds, 1 hour-3600 seconds, 2 hours-7200 seconds...

And to restart the computer at a specified time, you can use the command:

Shutdown -r -t ...

This command also allows you to put the computer into hibernation mode.

Hibernation Mode- this is a mode of reduced power consumption,designed primarily for laptops. When you enter sleep mode, all open documents and settings are saved in memory and the computer enters a low-power mode, and when you enter hibernation mode, all open documents and programs are saved on your hard drive in the file hiberfil.sys, and then the computer turns off. Of all the power-saving modes used in Windows, Hibernate mode requires the least amount of power. If you do not plan to use the computer for a long period of time and there is no way to recharge the battery, it is recommended to put the laptop into hibernation mode.

Do not confuse with sleep mode!

Sleep modeis a low-power mode that allows you to quickly resume normal power consumption (usually within a few seconds) upon user demand. Putting your computer into sleep mode is similar to pressing the Pause button on a DVD player: the computer immediately stops all operations and is ready to continue working at any time.

Hybrid sleep mode is a mode that designed primarily for desktop computers. Hybrid sleep mode combines sleep mode and hibernation mode because all open documents and programs are stored in memory and on the hard drive and the computer is put into a low-power mode. If Hybrid Sleep is enabled, entering Sleep mode automatically puts the computer into Hybrid Sleep mode. On desktop computers, hybrid sleep is usually enabled by default.

As in normal sleep mode, during hybrid sleep the computer should not be de-energized. In the event of an unexpected power failure, the Windows operating system can restore data from the disk, but such recovery is not standard and is usually accompanied by intense load on the hard drive - do not abuse it.

And now some news... My blog was recently finally awarded Titz 10!

There were no special efforts to increase this indicator! I started a couple of times: downloaded the database, a couple of registrations and that’s it - no patience and no time!

And it got to the point where I wanted to go pay the money... And here was such a gift!

In fact, Titz has no use for me! But it’s nice to receive such a reward for your work! Maybe search engines will now show a little more respect...

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That's how things are!

User question

Good afternoon.

Tell me how you can turn off the computer at the same time (in the evening). It just often happens that I fall asleep while watching a series, and the computer remains turned off until the morning (for some reason, the settings for switching to sleep mode do not work (I set it up in the Windows control panel, in the power options section)) ...

Anastasia, Kemerovo.


Sleep mode most likely does not work because the player is open: while it is playing a file, Windows thinks that you are watching it...

In this case you need to use timer(either a separate special utility or built into Windows), to automatically turn off the computer after a certain time, for example, after 2 hours (or at a specific time: every day, say, at 12:00).

Below I will look at how this can be done (without too much fuss). So...

We use special programs

The easiest way to turn off your computer at the right time is to use special utilities. Set it up once and everything works. I'll give you a few of the best, in my humble opinion ☺.



Probably one of the most sophisticated auto switches on a computer. In addition to its main task, it can put the PC into sleep mode, hibernate, terminate the network connection, remotely turn off another PC on the network, etc.

Main advantages:

  1. A huge number of settings: a timer for a specific time, an action after the program runs (completes its work, etc.), you can set an action regarding processor load, and much more;
  2. There is a built-in diary;
  3. A log of all actions is kept;
  4. Ability to customize hot keys;
  5. Has its own task scheduler;
  6. The program starts automatically when Windows boots;
  7. Supports all popular versions of Windows: 7, 8, 10.

Switch Off

Screenshots of settings

A very simple and reliable utility for setting a timer to automatically turn off your computer. After installing the utility, an icon will appear in the taskbar (next to the clock), with which you can set all the basic settings (except for shutdown, you can set a schedule for putting the PC to sleep, rebooting, blocking all connections, etc.).

The program supports the Russian language, does not require any additional libraries, works in all versions of Windows: 2000, XP, 7, 8, 10 (32|64 bits).

sleep timer

A convenient, simple and free utility for automatically turning off a PC/laptop at a certain time (or at a specified interval). It works on a similar principle to the first one. By the way, the program does not need installation and does not require any additional ones. libraries in the system.

I would also like to note that the utility differs from many of its analogues in one detail: it has a password that protects the timer. Those. no one except you can cancel or change it. The option is more useful for work PCs than for home (in my opinion).

Shutdown PC after all downloads

(if the time when the PC downloads all files is unknown)

Many users leave the computer turned on overnight so that it downloads a list of certain files (music, movies, etc.). At night, as a rule, the speed of Internet access is higher; downloading does not interfere with anyone. In addition, not all cities in our country have unlimited Internet traffic (therefore, without night downloads - nowhere) ...

If you download programs using uTorrent, then you don’t even need to download or install anything additional. Just open the menu "Settings/Shut down Windows" , then just select what action you need: hibernation, standby, simple exit or shutdown (example in the screenshot below)

uTorrent - auto-shutdown when downloads are complete

The same option is available in most download managers (Download Master, Flashget, etc.). The screenshot below shows the capabilities of the Download Master program - in two clicks you can also set when to turn off the PC (and go to bed yourself ☺...).

Download Master - turn off the PC after all downloads are completed

Setting a timer on the command line

In Windows, you can set a timer without any utilities, simply through the command line (many novice users do not like this method, nevertheless).

First you need to call the window "Run"(or immediately open the command line). To open this window, press the button combination - WIN+R.

Instructions. How to open command prompt in different versions of Windows -

Then you need to enter one of the following commands in the “Open” line and click OK:

  1. shutdown -s -t 600 - shuts down the computer after 10 minutes (“600” is the time specified in seconds);
  2. shutdown -s -t 1800 - off. in 30 minutes;
  3. shutdown -s -t 3600 - off. After 1 hour;
  4. shutdown -s -t 3600 -f - shutdown the PC after 1 hour, all programs will be closed forcibly (thanks to the "-f" switch).

shutdown -s -t 3600 (shutdown PC after an hour)

After entering the command, you will see a message in the notification area that Windows will shut down in so many years (example in the screenshot below) ...

If you want to cancel the timer- open the Run window again and enter the shutdown -a command.

Using a timer in the task scheduler

The good thing about the task scheduler is that you can set not only a timer, but also the execution of any other tasks: for example, launching a program in certain cases. Very convenient so you don't forget anything.

And so, all the actions of working with the task scheduler in order:


And everything is on a timer. Uok, but...

It's no secret that nowadays a computer makes life a lot easier. It's easy to use and really helps save a lot of time searching for information. It is also often used for entertainment. Many people watch TV series, movies or play games. It often happens like this: you watch a movie on your computer, and after the final credits roll, you don’t want to get up and turn it off. Knowing special commands, you can avoid these operations. The computer can be set to auto-shutdown. via the command line will make watching movies more comfortable. This will explain the procedure, as well as a shortcut that acts as a shutdown button.

Shutting down the computer via the command line

Absolutely any user can do this. The shutdown computer command will help you with this. First, you need to enter the control line itself. To do this, click "Start", hover over "All Programs" and try to find "Accessories" there. When you click on it, the Windows menu will open in front of you, which can make your work easier. One of these programs - Open it, a black window will appear in front of you. This is what we are looking for. You can use it to control your computer. You can also turn off your PC or set it on a timer. In order to set it for a certain time, just enter the command “Turn off the computer” through the command line. You need to write the text shutdown in English letters. In English this translates as “close”. However, entering just this command is not enough. You need to additionally put "-" and the English letter "s". The entire code looks like this: "shutdown-s". Once you press Enter, the computer's shutdown button will work.

How to set your computer to auto shutdown via the command line?

Now we will talk about how to make your PC more convenient. It would be nice to do it yourself after some period of time. This can also be done via the command line. You need to enter it through “Start” / “All Programs” / “Accessories” / “Command Prompt”. Next, in the open black window, you enter the same command as for shutdown - “shutdown-s”. But you need to add an entry to it that the computer should be turned off not now, but after some time, that is, add “-t” separated by a space. This will let the computer know that it should turn off after a certain time. Next, you should specify the time in seconds after which your computer should shut down. Let’s say that by writing “shutdown -s -t 10”, wait for it to shut down in ten seconds. If you write shutdown -s -t 6000, the computer will be turned off after 100 minutes. We would like to remind you that 10 minutes before the end of work, a window with the remaining time will appear on the screen. If you wish to cancel the shutdown, you can do so. You can see how to carry out this action below in the article.

How to cancel turning off your computer?

If you needed to put your PC on a timer, but then you changed your mind and do not need this action, you need to enter the code “shutdown -a” at the command line. After this, the previous operation will be canceled and you can continue working.

Computer shutdown shortcut

Agree, it is convenient if you can turn off the computer from the icon on the desktop. You don't need to go into "start-up-shutdown" every time. Simply clicking on the icon will trigger shutdown. You can do this yourself and it won't take much of your time.

How to create a shutdown shortcut?

If you decide to create a shortcut to turn off your computer, there are a few steps you need to follow. You will succeed if you follow the instructions. To do this, on an empty space on the desktop, right-click to open it and select “Create”. Next, click on “shortcut”. A simple icon will be created on your desktop. After its formation, a window will pop up with the question “For which element do you need to create a shortcut?” It will have an input line called “specify the location of the object.” In it you need to write text similar to the control words for turning off the computer via the command line. But it will be a little different. The command will look like this: Shutdown.exe -s -t 00. After entering the command, press Enter. Next you have to name the folder. You can call it “turning off the computer” or something else - whatever is convenient or whatever you like. Click the "Finish" button and the folder is created. You can also change the icon for this shortcut. Right-click on it, then select "Properties". Go to the "Shortcut" section and at the bottom you will see "Change Icon". Click, select the one you like, click “Save” and “Done”. Place this symbol separately from the others so that you don’t accidentally turn off your PC later. We hope this article helped you understand what the shutdown command is and how to create a shortcut for it.