How to take photos with a webcam and get good pictures. How to take a photo from a webcam online

They say that the history of auto photography began with the unforgettable “Well, just wait!” Remember, there the wolf, having taken the camera from a harmless little animal, clicks it this way and that, posing and making faces, just like modern girls in front of the lenses of web cameras. By the way, how do they use a webcam on a laptop or other computer?

As for a regular PC...

Here, in principle, everything is simple. Because, as a rule, an external device is used, popularly called a “webcam”. This device is supplied to users complete with all the necessary drivers. Therefore, using it will not be difficult, provided that the software is adequately connected.

Often external cameras are equipped with a button, like regular digital cameras. Click and the photo is ready. But even if this button is not present, it is not difficult to take a photo.

To take a photo on webcam:

  • connect the camera and install drivers;
  • go to “My Computer”;
  • Find your webcam in the “Scanners and Cameras” tab and launch it by double-clicking;
  • in the window that appears, take a photo by clicking the “Take a new photo” option on the control panel;
  • We save the finished photo in the usual way.

Built-in cameras on a laptop or netbook are a completely different matter.

Due to the seemingly strange whim of producers, they do shoot, but only video and only online. But taking a photo with their help is not so easy. In fact, there is nothing strange about this. The first cameras were designed strictly for transmitting digital video over the network, and the pictures taken with their help were of very low quality.

Nowadays, technology has stepped forward, the video frame has acquired decent image clarity, but the question of how to take a photo with a webcam on a laptop has not lost its relevance. Because, unlike an external camera, the laptop device does not even have a button that you can press to take a photo. And to satisfy this desire you have to tinker.

Webcam photos on HP laptops

The friendliest software in this regard is HP laptop software. Everything is simple there: through the “Start” menu - “All Programs” we find “HP-camera”. Next, if desired, we set the necessary settings - coarse (size and self-timer delay) and more subtle (contrast, brightness, color saturation, etc.).

When you use the button in the lower right corner of the program window, a photo will be taken and saved in the “Pictures” folder.

Photo using software

Find your webcam in “My Computer” or in “Start” - “Control Panel” and launch it by double-clicking.

Depending on the laptop model and the parameters of the software installed on it, the further picture on the monitor may be different. But with an intuitive interface and the presence of this very intuition in the user, figuring out how to take a picture will not be difficult.

The algorithm for finding answers to the question of how to take a photo with a webcam on a laptop will be as follows:

  • Find the control panel.
  • Find the camera start button on it. It may be called, for example, “Take a new photo.” By the way, this button may look like an active link, this should not confuse you.
  • Use the indicated button (or link).
  • Save the image in the way that is familiar to you. This can be done, for example, using the right mouse button and the drop-down context menu.

If there are no signs of a camera in “My Computer”

This happens, but it doesn’t matter. We look for and download to our thankless laptop the program necessary for our purposes. It can be paid or free, modest in its capabilities and with advanced functionality. In any case, the program installed on your laptop will have a friendly and understandable interface for you. You can easily understand how to take a photo with a webcam on a laptop, and therefore it makes no sense to explain the procedure for each of them sequentially.

Let us just mention in passing that some of them have the ability not only to produce photographs, but also to revive them - to animate them. This makes working with them a real pleasure. For example, “Online Web” with effects is very common. Even a novice user can take photos with it and make a collage or a beautiful composition.

But that's not all

It's simple:

  • go to your profile in the designated resource;
  • point at your avatar and select “Upload a new photo” in the pop-up menu;
  • the program developers will ask you to do the following: either select a photo from one available on your PC, or take a photo right away if your computer is equipped with a webcam;
  • select the “take an instant photo” link and then follow all the instructions.

If you have Skype, you can take a photo via webcam using it. To do this, you need to go to the “Tools” tab of this resource, select “Settings” there and then “Video Settings”. Photos are obtained by selecting the "Take photo" option.

Even a child can take a photo of his own image on a computer using a webcam. Here is a video that confirms my words, in which a child explains how to do this.

If you have XP and the camera is already connected and the drivers are installed, then you need to go to My Computer, there is a Web Camera tab at the very bottom. Click on it twice and the camera will open. In the left column there is Take a new photo.

Nothing is easy how to take a photo of yourself on a webcam.

I have an external one installed webcam on computer, I just turn it on, adjust the lens to my favorite one, if I like what I see, then I just press the button that is at the top of the webcam - the picture is ready. Or go to My Computer, click on your webcam icon and find the Take Photo function.

But there is no such button on the laptop; the webcam is already built-in (for example, HP Camera). We follow this path: start menu - all programs - HP HP Camera. In the settings we set the autorun time, the picture size, and in the driver properties - brightness, saturation, etc. Then on the right in the menu for selecting shooting modes you will see a camera icon - click and smile, the autorun report has started. You can do without autorun - in the lower right corner of the window, click on the round button on the image.

I also downloaded the free LiveWebCam program, although you can find many such programs on the Internet to take a picture from a webcam, for example: VirtualDub, with its help you can capture a picture or video from a webcam.

There are different situations, but a photo needs to be taken and everyone remembers the webcam on the laptop. In addition to instructions, I always need a video, so I also attach a video showing how this can be done. Many methods have already been described above, I will not repeat them. The child generally shows, but does everything so confidently that you can follow him and take pictures.

You can take a photo of yourself or even make a video using many different programs. The Internet is full of them, both paid and free, for example these: WebCam Surveyor, WebCam PLUS. But this WebCamMonitor can be used in security mode, that is, it can detect movement in the room and take photographs at set intervals. It can give a sound signal, that is, it can be used as a radio-video nanny. You can know what your children are doing. Even on vacation you can be busy in your home. There are other interesting functions, you just need to learn how to use this program correctly, but it’s not difficult to learn.

There are many different programs on laptops; they are usually pre-installed, like youcam, but for a computer, if you bought a camera separately, you need to download and install it. If the question is about the angle or just about photographing yourself on camera, what came to mind is this

How can you take pictures with a webcam on a computer, netbook, or laptop?

  1. To take a photo using a webcam, you can use the native laptop program - it is often included when purchasing a computer, as well as a camera. For example, on laptops from HP this program is called HP Camera, which can be launched through the Start menu, All Programs, HP, HP Camera.
  2. On my HP, I set the self-timer parameters, photo size, etc. in the settings menu. If you need more detailed settings, for example, saturation, brightness, etc., then I find such settings in the driver properties.
  3. A camera icon appears on the right side of the mode selection menu, by clicking which I turn video recording on or off. If I want to take a photo without using the self-timer, I press the button (I have a round one at the bottom right in the program window). And my Windows 7 saves the photo automatically in images.
  4. You can also use the standard Windows program through the start, control panel, and there are scanners and cameras. There we select the built-in camera or a camera connected via USB (by the way, for some reason my built-in one shows as if it is connected externally via USB - but this does not affect anything).
  5. Here a window opens with a shoot button, which is located under the camera viewfinder image. The photo is immediately displayed in the window on the right. To save it, you need to click on the photo, highlight it, and just click further. We are asked to enter the path and name of the image to save.
  6. It is also possible to use the Paint program, the standard Windows graphics editor, to take a picture.
  7. I open the Paint editor (you can go through Start, all programs, standard ones, and Paint is located there). There in the menu there is an item to receive from a camera or from a scanner. And there you can continue to work, according to the instructions that I described above. Here you can immediately edit the photo you took,
  8. You can use numerous webcam programs, which many developers often offer for free on the Internet. For example, such a free program is here. It's called Live WebCam.
  9. We simply launch this program, click on take a photo, and before doing so, if necessary, make the necessary settings, for example, automatic shooting. But see for yourself in more detail at the link.
  • Why not just make a screen print? Alt + Print Skpin, then open any editor, even the same Point, press paste, then save. And from the saved one, cut off the edges on which the screen image remains.

    As already said, the easiest way is to take a separate frame either on Skype or in the program that is usually included with the webcam. If this should be not only a photo, but also a video, then you can use special programs to capture your video and the video of your interlocutor. The best program that I have used so far is Pamela for Skype.

    With it, you can not only record screenshots and videos, but also save the chat and connect a free answering machine.

    Hello everyone, my dear friends and guests of my blog. Today I will tell you how to take a photo with effects on your laptop’s webcam without any programs and absolutely free. Naturally, many people urgently need to capture themselves. You can use a photo shot, or film yourself using some program. But it is not always possible to install the program. But it doesn't matter! I'll show you some cool ways that will help us with this. And you don't have to install anything!

    Yes, I said that in today’s article we will not install any programs, but this case is an exception, so we won’t have to install anything. To take a photo on a webcam in Windows 8 or 10, we just need to use a standard application already installed.

    The captured photos will be located on your computer in the folder “Images” - “Camera Album”. There you can always see what you ended up with. By the way, I want to say that the photos come out in pretty good quality, if you take into account the laptop’s built-in camera.


    Picachoo is a good free online webcam photography service. The service has three functions: creating a regular photo, burst shooting or GIF animation. I'll show you how to work with it using an ordinary photo as an example.

    The only disadvantage of this method is that after saving, the name of the Pikachu website will appear on the photo in the lower right corner. But it can always be removed using, for example, .


    An excellent service for online photos. And, to be honest, I liked it even more than the first option. But here you will no longer be able to take serial photos and GIF animations. But everything here is also absolutely free for you.

    In general, I really liked this service, and my daughter and I probably hung out for half an hour selecting various effects, and there really are a lot of them there. Some are simply beautiful, and some are simply very funny). I am sure that you will also hang out in this service for half an hour, or even more.

    The undoubted advantage of this service compared to the first one is that there are no watermarks or logos. And of course there are just a whole bunch of effects here! You'll get tired of watching everyone).


    Another pretty good service, which many even put in first place. Let's see how you can take photos with fashion effects here.

    Shoot yourself

    If you want to quickly and easily take a photo on a webcam, then you won’t find a better solution than Shoot yourself. Well, I'm kidding, you can find anything. But in any case, because of its simplicity, it received its recognition. Let's see how to work with it.

    That's all. Your express photo is ready. Just be prepared that you won’t have to count on any effects.

    Of course, in reality this is all for fun, and if you want to do really cool work with photos, then I recommend you check out these cool tutorials on photoshop. They are really very cool and look just right. Everything is told in simple language that even a novice user can understand. Highly recommend.

    Well, if you want to record video from your webcam, I recommend that you familiarize yourself with. There I describe in detail the coolest services.

    Well, I guess I’ll end here. Please tell me, which service did you use the most to take photos from a webcam and

    Well, with this I say goodbye to you. Don't forget to subscribe to my blog updates. Good luck to you. Bye bye!

    Best regards, Dmitry Kostin.

    How to take a photo from a webcam? This is the question I will try to answer for you. Using the webcam that you have on your computer or laptop, you can not only use it for video conversations on Odnoklassniki, VKontakte, Skype,, etc. A webcam can serve you as a camera or video camera. Using a special program you can take photos and videos.

    So, in order to take a photo from a webcam you will need a webcam with drivers installed on it and a special program called Live WebCam.

    (downloads: 6931)

    Download and install Live WebCam. Launch it.

    Wait until the image appears on the screen. Point the webcam at the desired location and click on the button To take a photo.
    The image will be saved in a special folder.
    To view all the pictures you have taken, click on the button View archive. A window with your photos will open.
    To configure the program, click on the button Settings.

    In this small window you can Check or uncheck the fields

    • Run in minimized mode + autostart.
    • Notify with sound when a photo is taken.
    • Support for full screen applications.
    You can also specify folder to save images. Click on the button with the image of three dots ( ... ) and indicate the path.

    Select the format of the created images by clicking on the button Image format.

    After completing all settings, click OK.

    Second way To take a photo from a webcam is to use an Internet service. Open your browser and enter in the address bar .

    You can take your photo online. To do this, wait until your image appears on the monitor screen and click on the button To take a photo.

    Today, not a single laptop can do without a built-in web camera, and purchasing it separately is not particularly difficult. But most users remember this device with the inclusion of Skype or the VK video calling service. However, you can also take photographs using a webcam.

    The easiest way to take a photo is to use the standard Windows XP utility. To do this, open “My Computer” and find the “USB video device” shortcut.

    If all drivers are installed correctly, the camera control window will open, in which you just need to click “Take a new photo”. The resulting photo can be saved, printed, or deleted.

    Webcam programs

    But the standard Windows program, unfortunately, has very little functionality (the standard tool for working with a webcam is missing in the latest versions of the operating system). There are a number of special programs that significantly expand the capabilities of a regular camera:

    • LiveWebCam– allows you to take automatic pictures at certain periods of time, using your computer as a paparazzi at a party.
    • EasyWebCam– the most universal program and works with almost all cameras. It has a large selection of settings and additional functions, which makes it somewhat cumbersome and difficult to use.
    • LiveWebCam– one of the best programs, and it’s free. After downloading and installation, a window opens in which you can see the image. By simply clicking on the “Take photo” button, you immediately get the desired result.

    Online service for webcam

    If you have the Internet, you can use numerous online services to obtain photos. For them to work correctly, it is desirable to have the latest version. On the Internet you can find a wide variety of resources that allow you to get interesting results:

    • Webcamleo, thanks to its effects, has the opportunity to take creative photos that will delight all your friends on social networks.
    •– no less convenient service. By going to his website, we allow Flash Player access to the web camera.

    After setting the resolution, click on the corresponding button. Having installed the camera in the desired position, we get a picture. If desired, you can use the reportage shooting function or delay timer.