How long does it take to charge a power bank? Powerbank, portable charger: description, characteristics, instructions

Each of us spends an incalculable amount of time with a smartphone or tablet, both for work and for the soul. Most of the time consumption occurs on the road somewhere, and with Wi-Fi available almost everywhere, our life has begun to resemble a journey “from socket to socket” to recharge.

In this regard, we suggest buying a portable battery, or an external Power bank, an irreplaceable item today and therefore available in a wide range. An additional external battery Power bank, depending on the size, easily fits into a pocket or bag to extend the life of your smartphone or tablet at the right time when you need to be in touch.

A portable charger is indispensable on the road

An additional battery Power bank will always help out: on the subway, in a traffic jam, on a walk, or while traveling. It's too long to list! The scope of application of the device is so wide that it will not be difficult for you to find a use for it and appreciate its qualities while walking the dog or lying on the beach. At the same time, you will not feel any discomfort, and you can always continue to use your smartphone, phone, tablet, while remaining connected to a portable charger at one end!

Power bank device

Each additional Power bank you can buy from Medgadgets is “well-cut and tightly sewn”! This means that you can treat it a little less carefully than you are used to treating things, throw it into your bag along with other contents and not worry about its integrity. Outwardly, they resemble elegant boxes of different sizes. And, perhaps, the only thing we recommend: do not wet the portable battery, do not swim with it in the bathroom, at sea, in the pool, and do not walk for a long time in the rain. Yes, this would hardly even occur to you!

Portable Power Bank - price

The price for a portable charger is determined based, firstly, on power. And, of course, the more powerful the external battery, the higher its price. At the same time, the prices for additional external chargers are not exorbitant, and the “average” option, which is enough for several phone charges, can be chosen within 1,000 or a little over 1,000. Each manufacturer offers interesting design solutions, which also adds a few pennies to the cost, and Chinese “no name” can be purchased almost for free, but! Here you need to be very careful and keep up with the topic, otherwise you risk buying a low-quality product, the use of which can harm your equipment.

External battery at Medgadgets

Each external battery in our store is sold with a warranty from the store and the manufacturer, and most often these are gadgets from well-known brands, and both of these facts insure you in the rare event of a device malfunction. The catalog presents devices of different power and appearance, so choosing a convenient external charging option is quite easy. The Xiaomi brand has proven itself very positively in the Russian market, and therefore external charging from this Chinese manufacturer is highly recommended!

Portable charger - use

No matter how easy the portable charger is to use, you need to add a few words about operation. Most often, any additional Power bank charger is equipped with a button. And when you connect your gadget, this button must be pressed to activate your charger. The number of devices that can be charged simultaneously from one power bank is limited by USB ports. And, of course, since the perpetual motion machine has not yet been invented, the additional external charging itself also requires power!

What is Power Bank

As a summary, we would like to add that an external Power Bank is the best purchase for those who use mobile gadgets in work and life. Which means: for almost everyone! With the help of portable external chargers, you can charge your phones repeatedly while on the road or for a walk, staying connected and online. The different power of such portable batteries will provide a different number of “approaches”, while low-capacity external Power banks will charge themselves faster.

Each Power Bank that you can buy in our store is accompanied by a manufacturer’s and/or store’s warranty, which means you buy the product risk-free!

In order to use all the functions of your smartphone comfortably and for a long time, it is worth purchasing an external battery, or as it is otherwise called, a Power Bank. In this article you will learn how to properly charge an external battery, and why is it needed at all? This accessory can be quite expensive, and in any case you want it to function without interruption for as long as possible. As with any other technical devices, there are basic operating rules that allow you to extend the service life and productivity of an accessory of any brand and price category.

How to properly charge a Power Bank: secrets, features

What to do with such a useful accessory after purchasing it? Remember that buying a Power Bank is not everything, you should know how to use it correctly!

Charging to 100% ensures battery stability.If you have chosen a battery that suits you personally, the first step is to charge it 100% in one charge. There is also such a thing as drip charging. What it is? This is when the battery of a gadget (smartphone or tablet), or the power bank is charged for some time after the indicator shows 100%. Trickle charging is carried out at low current. You can recognize this process using a special application that is available on the Internet. Each user can order a device that measures voltage, current, and the amount of energy consumed. It's called a USB tester; taking into account all these details, you can increase the service life of your external battery.

Reaching the maximum capacity

It is recommended to carry out about 3-5 full charge/discharge cycles so that the external battery reaches its maximum capacity. Thus, the operation statistics are rewritten, and the accessory does not discharge so quickly.

Why can't you completely discharge a power bank?

Lithium-ion batteries, even new and modern ones, are an important component of a mobile device. They function correctly only if they are not constantly discharged to zero. Battery life is shortened, it is worth monitoring timely power supply. When the battery reaches 20 - 10%, it is worth using a network charger or an external battery.

How to understand that the external battery is charged

Modern Power Banks are equipped with charging status indicators. It can be LED, then in the instructions for using the accessory it will be noted which color means full readiness for use, and which, on the contrary, indicates an insufficient charge level. Some external batteries are equipped with a digital percentage performance indicator - everything is easy here, the display shows the current status. How long does it take to charge an external battery?- the charging time of this accessory is individual, depending on the capacity and specifications provided by the manufacturer.

Only 100% - this is the correct result for correct operation

It is recommended to charge the PowerBank only to 100%. No matter what manufacturers say, modern devices still have a memory effect, so if the battery is constantly not fully charged, it will no longer be possible to charge it 100%.

An exception

We have already written that the battery cannot be discharged 100%, but sometimes this is necessary. Once a quarter (3 months) it is worth carrying out a preventative discharge of the accessory, completely, so that in the future it will work properly. This helps to calibrate it and reset the charging boundaries.

How long does it take to charge an external battery?

Depending on the capacity of the external battery, its recharging time changes. If it is a high-capacity accessory intended for a new tablet model, its charging time will increase. Pay attention to the manufacturer's recommendations indicated on the packaging, as well as to the charging process sensors - digital or light indicator, we have already mentioned them earlier. The question is How long does it take to charge an external battery? very common, but everyone will find the answer to it on the box with the accessory!

Why do we need additional accessories in principle?

In the store site you can purchase useful and important accessories for Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge, and other smartphones and tablets. Each of them performs its task and makes working with the device more comfortable and easier. Charging accessories include a USB cable that will charge the gadget from a PC. A wireless and network charger will also replace a broken or lost original charger that came with the gadget. A car charger is an excellent gift for the driver; it charges the device from the cigarette lighter, charges quickly, safely and 100% efficiently. The time you use a smartphone or tablet on the road increases several times, even if you use it as a navigator - this process consumes a lot of energy. Memory card + external storage device, adapter, headphones, camera lenses and monopod for creating non-standard selfie photos - each accessory will make working with the device more interesting and better. A stand, a stylus with a silicone tip, headphones and a portable speaker: the listed accessories are a step towards improving the device, be it a mobile phone or a larger device - a tablet. Now you know everything about using Power Bank, all you have to do is choose the right one and of high quality. Happy shopping!

  • The portable charger type is known to every person who has a smartphone or tablet. It would seem that everything is as simple as shelling pears: connect and charge the battery of any gadget. You can recharge your phone or tablet while on the train or in a cafe - the best option in those conditions when the battery runs low and needs urgent power. However, in order for the charger to work as long as possible, you should not take things like the power bank operating instructions lightly; it is important to know how to use an external battery and how to properly charge your phone or tablet.

    What is this memory?

    In stores and on the Internet, you can purchase any power bank that suits the gadget in terms of output voltage and connector.

    We are talking about a device that can be used to charge the battery if there is no outlet nearby. Therefore, it is important that the power itself is properly charged. This will allow it to fully perform its main functions.

    How to properly charge the power bank itself

    Since this charger itself is a battery, you need to be able to charge it correctly. After purchasing a power bank, you should keep in mind that it was partially charged at the factory, but before you start using it, it won’t hurt to connect it to a power source.

    • The power source can be either a computer or directly an electrical network , to which the power bank is connected;
    • connection must be made via an adapter with a USB connector ;
    • USB cable connector connects to power ;
    • the indicator on the device will light up or digital display , indicating the degree of charge;
    • It is important to remember that the maximum charging time is 4 hours ;
    • When charging is complete, the power bank indicator will let you know changing color, blinking, on the digital display, if there is one, it will be 100%;
    • It is also important to remember how to turn off the device correctly - after finishing, you must first disconnect the power from the outlet, and then remove the USB cord from it.

    How to properly charge your phone or tablet using power

    This is obvious, but just in case let's clarify:

    • First you need to connect the cable to the power ;
    • then the micro-usb cable should be connected to the gadget , in need of charging;
    • the indicator light or display will light up ;
    • battery is included, charging time here depends on what type of device is being charged - to know the exact time, you need to read the manual for using this device itself. Always use it if you have any operational questions.

    How to handle a power bank

    Like any other battery or gadget, a power bank should not be kept near open sources of fire or water to avoid damage to the device. It is not recommended to connect the power bank to the network without using a special adapter, so that an accidental power surge does not damage it and it suddenly turns off. If you use power correctly, this won't happen. Many Internet videos show how some electronics enthusiast disassembles this battery into parts, but doing this yourself is also not worth it, as it can cause irreparable damage to a working device.

    One of the advantages of a power bank is that it is lightweight and portable: you can take it with you anywhere, putting it in your bag or pocket. For example, products from Xiaomi (Xiaomi) stand out for their brevity and compactness. However, it is the lightness that can cause an accidental fall, breakage or loss of the device. Therefore, when using a power bank, you should not put it in the back pocket of your trousers, or in a place where it could easily fall out or accidentally break.

    If dirty, do not use wet wipes or water. ABOUT Clean the cover only with a soft, dry cloth and do not keep it near contaminated areas. , because any cleaning using water or humidity may harm it. It is also worth remembering that Power bank does not like temperature changes in the form of extreme cold or heat . Like a mobile phone or computer, the device you are using should not be left in direct sunlight.

    Regarding the output voltage, never charge a power bank if the network U is 5 volts or more.

    What else should be considered during operation

    When a power bank is charging itself, or charging another gadget, it usually heats up. And you shouldn't be afraid of this. Once charging is complete, it will cool down quickly.

    If the power bank has not been used for 80 days or more, it should be fully charged before using it again. If we work with it correctly, R Once every three months, the power bank should undergo a full “charge-discharge” cycle to maintain its capacity at the proper level.

    Do not allow small children to play with the charger to avoid accidents or damage to the device itself. Also never Power switches should not be left switched on in a closed space during operation. . The charger heats up, and if it is in a bag or pocket at that moment, it may overheat. Plus, of course, it can be harmful to the health of its owner.

    And of course, you should use power banks in “company” with those USB cables and devices that are compatible with them.

    So, there is nothing complicated about how to use a power bank. If the user reads the power bank operating instructions carefully and all its instructions are followed, the device will serve the owner for as long as possible, and possible troubles will not occur. And you don’t have to rack your brains about why or the tablet.

    As the performance of mobile devices increases, so do their power demands. A standard one or a smartphone can keep the gadget operational for 2-3 days under average load conditions. Obviously, this will not be enough if you are planning a week-long trip to nature or a trip where there may not be a possibility of recharging. For such cases, special devices are provided called powerbank - a portable charger that has a large capacity to power the same smartphones, tablets, cameras, etc.

    What is a powerbank?

    Externally, such devices resemble the same handsets of mobile phones. The standard form factor is a small cylinder or rectangle in which the working filling is located. Plastic or metal is used as the shell. The second option for finishing the case increases strength, and the first makes the design of the powerbank lighter. A portable charger of this type differs only in appearance from conventional mobile batteries, but it is manufactured according to the same principles. As a rule, the filling consists of a Li-ion element, characterized by its small size and fairly high capacity.

    However, there are different versions of such drives. The standard design is one that allows you to charge tablets and smartphones at home via a USB interface. But there are also special modifications, which include the D-Lex Powerbank model - a portable starter-charger designed for use in a car. This drive is powered from a 12 V car power supply and, thanks to two USB outputs, allows you to charge mobile gadgets. This model is also distinguished by the presence of a flashlight and impact-resistant plastic in the body. If we talk about functionality, then with the help of D-Lex the driver can also start the engine.

    Main characteristics

    When choosing battery storage devices, two performance indicators should be taken into account - the capacity itself and the charging current. To begin with, it is worth considering the capacity, which on average ranges from 10,000 to 20,000 thousand mAh. For example, one of the best representatives of the segment, the Xiaomi Power Bank device of the Mi modification, provides the user with 16,000 mAh. But here we must take into account that dividing the capacitive potential by the volume of the target battery will not give an idea of ​​the complete replenishment cycles of the battery. To understand the actual possibility of servicing a mobile device, for example, it is necessary to cut off about 30-40% of the received capacity.

    As for the current strength, on average it is 0.5-3 A. The lower level is optimal for modest consumers in the form of low-power phones, smartphones and flashlights. A tablet or a high-performance camera may require 3 A. It is advisable to follow the recommendations of the device manufacturer and select a power bank for this value. with the wrong current strength can also perform its task, but the energy efficiency of this process will be reduced.

    Models from Xiaomi

    This manufacturer is a leader in the segment, successfully competing with market giants such as Apple and Samsung. Although Chinese developers do not offer anything fundamentally new, releasing completely traditional and already standardized solutions. The simplest Xiaomi product from this family can be called a 5000 mAh modification. This drive has modest dimensions of 12.5x5.9x1 cm and a light weight of 156 grams. That is, the device is smaller than many of today's smartphones. What’s also important is that the 5000 mAh Xiaomi Power Bank has flat batteries provided with modern surge protection. User interaction with the device is facilitated by an LED charge level indicator. If we talk about the shortcomings, then we can safely include only one single USB port.

    GP Powerbank series models

    Quite an unusual line, the representatives of which cannot be called full-fledged powerbank devices. GP models are rather in the intermediate niche between battery storage and chargers. Such devices are designed to replenish the charge in batteries and some versions of batteries separately from the phone. In this case, the GP Powerbank device itself must be connected to a 220 V outlet during servicing. The fundamental difference from full-fledged drives is the absence of the possibility of autonomous charging via USB. Nevertheless, such devices also find application. In particular, the GP PB420 modification allows you to simultaneously charge 4 AA and AAA nickel-metal hydride batteries.

    Model with solar panels Solar PowerBank

    The idea of ​​connecting solar generators to mobile consumers has long been mastered by the largest companies, but on the path of each concept in one form or another there are always stopping factors that do not allow launching mass production. However, the Solar PowerBank device with a solar battery has made significant progress in this direction, offering users a new approach to energy supply.

    This is an external storage battery that does not require a 220 V outlet. The device’s 20,000 mAh capacity is replenished using solar energy, which makes the device practically free to maintain. But there are also disadvantages to such powerbank models. The portable charger can only be charged with energy in good weather and in summer. The rest of the time you will have to resort to a standard system for filling the container from an outlet.

    User manual

    To start working with the drive, you need to connect the target device to the USB interface. The process of filling with energy will start automatically. The current status of the battery being serviced will be indicated by the indicator on the drive display. Again, do not forget that an outlet is not required to perform this procedure in this case, since the powerbank is a portable charger. How to charge multiple batteries with different amperages? As a rule, models that provide multiple USB outputs supply different current levels to each circuit. A common example of a three-channel device is a configuration with 1, 2, and 3 A ports.


    Despite the obvious benefits of portable drives of this type, using them as universal assistants is not always convenient. After all, this means that along with the same smartphone you will have to carry an auxiliary charging unit. Particularly impractical in this regard is a power bank with a solar battery, which, thanks to the accumulation panels, is rather large in size and also requires being outdoors. And yet there are cases when it is impossible to do without an additional and independent source of energy. This can be not only long trips or trips out of town, but also excessive loads on the smartphone on weekdays, when the charge runs out within a few hours.

    Power Bank 2600 - universal charger

    Hello, my dear readers! Today I will talk about the portable charger Power Bank 2600. A mobile phone for me is a universal and irreplaceable thing. During the day, with its help, I listen to music, read books, go online, watch videos, and do much more.

    Unfortunately, this quickly drains battery power, so very often my phone turns off at the most inopportune moment when I need to make an important call. One friend, knowing about my problem, decided to help me out and gave me a Power Bank charger. Previously, I did not even suspect the existence of such a device, but, by the way, it is very useful and convenient. Now I’ll tell you more about it.

    My review of the universal charger Power Bank 2600

    What is Power Bank

    This device, despite its small size, is equipped with a fairly powerful built-in battery, which makes it a reliable external source of energy for many electronic devices actively used in everyday life.

    The device was packaged in a small cardboard case with a transparent plastic window. Along with the device, the kit included additional adapters and instructions.

    The charger looks like a small keychain; it even has a special ring on it. This keychain can easily fit in a small handbag or even a pocket. What distinguishes the Power Bank from a regular key fob is the presence of two ports – USB and micro USB. The device is also equipped with an LED indicator that shows the battery charge level.

    Its shape is rectangular, the body is made of high-quality plastic. Power Bank comes in several colors, you can choose neutral white and black, or more cheerful yellow, pink, blue and green.

    Device dimensions:

    • Length – 10.6 cm;
    • Width – 2.6 cm;
    • Height – 2.6 cm.

    Weight – 72.5 g.


    • Battery: polymer lithium, capacity – 2600 mAh;
    • Input: voltage – 5 V, current – ​​1000 mA;
    • Output: voltage – DC 5 V, current – ​​1500 mA.

    What devices is Power Bank suitable for?

    Due to the fact that the vast majority of modern electronic devices are equipped with standard USB ports, Power Bank is a universal device. Thus, you can use it to charge:

    • mobile phone;
    • digital camera;
    • video camera;
    • tablet;
    • player;
    • GPS navigator;
    • game console;
    • many other devices.

    In order to ensure complete safety of expensive electronic devices when charging using a Power Bank, this device is equipped with six protection functions:

    • from short circuit;
    • from energy overload;
    • from increased charge;
    • from overvoltage;
    • from overcharging;
    • from overheating.

    The high quality of the charger's electrical circuit prevents energy loss and ensures its energy efficiency at 90%. Thus, the Power Bank battery is enough to fully charge the smartphone battery several times. Obviously, the presence of such a device allows you to forget about situations when your mobile phone runs out of charge and turns off in the middle of the day.

    How to use the device

    Before you start using the Power Bank, you need to charge its battery. To do this, using the included adapter, you need to connect the device to a personal computer, with the help of which charging will occur. So I did. After connecting to the computer, the LED indicator on the device lit up, which meant that the battery had started charging. When it was fully charged, the indicator went off. The whole process lasted a little over two hours.

    After this, the Power Bank can be used to recharge a smartphone or other electronic devices. To do this, you just need to connect a portable charger to them using a cable with a USB connector and wait for the device to be fully charged; this may take from one to several hours depending on the battery capacity.

    A power bank can also act as a flashlight. To turn on the light, you need to press and hold the power button.

    I am very glad that thanks to a friend I got this wonderful charger. I attached it to my keys and always carry it with me just in case, and it has helped me out more than once. Now I can listen to music and watch movies on my smartphone as much as I want without fear that it will run out and I will be left without connection. The device also saves me if I forget to charge my phone at home. It is very comfortable!

    And the Power Bank is simply irreplaceable on various trips or on country holidays. With it I can charge my phone, camera or tablet at any time, so I don’t have to worry about getting bored without music or not being able to take a photo as a keepsake.