How to add an old photo to history. How to repost someone else's story on Instagram

The Stories function, or “Stories” in Russian localization, allows you to create photos and 10-second videos with overlay of text, emoji and handwritten notes. The key feature of such posts is that, unlike regular publications in your feed, they do not live forever and are deleted after exactly 24 hours.

Why is it necessary?

The official description of Instagram says that the new feature is needed for sharing not very important information about everyday life.

How to use it

At its core, the innovation is very similar to and works approximately the same, but with minor differences. Despite the fact that Instagram Stories does not have many options and they are all very simple, not all users can figure them out right away.

View stories

All available stories are displayed at the top of the feed in the form of circles with user avatars and are hidden while scrolling. New stories appear as they are published, and a day later they disappear without a trace. In this case, stories are sorted not in chronological order, but by the number of playback cycles and comments.

To view, you just need to tap on the circle. A photo or video will open and display for 10 seconds. Tap and hold pauses the video.

At the top, next to the username, the time of publication is shown. If the people you follow have other stories, the next ones will be shown immediately after the first one. You can switch between them by swiping left and right.

Stories that you have already viewed do not disappear from the menu, but are greyed out. They can be opened again until they are deleted after 24 hours.

You can comment on stories only using messages that are sent to Direct and are visible only to the author, and not to all subscribers. Whether this is a bug or a feature is unknown.

Creating stories

Clicking on the plus sign at the top of the feed and swiping from the edge of the screen to the right opens the menu for recording a new story. Everything is simple here: tap on the record button - we get a photo, hold it down - we shoot a video.

Shooting or uploading

You can switch the front and rear cameras or turn on the flash. It is also easy to select a media file from those that were shot over the past 24 hours: this is done by swiping down. All photos from the gallery go here, including time-lapses and branded boomerangs.


When the photo or video is ready, you can publish it after processing it. For both photos and videos, the tools are the same: filters, text and emoji, drawings.

Filters are switched in a circle with simple swipes from the edge of the screen. There are six of them in total, including a rainbow gradient like on the Instagram icon.

The added text can be enlarged or reduced, or moved around the photo. But, unfortunately, you cannot leave more than one comment. Emoji are also inserted through the text, so if you want to cover your face with an emoticon, you have to choose.

Drawing has a little more options. We have a palette and three brushes at our disposal: regular, marker and with a “neon” stroke. You can draw with everyone at once, and a bad stroke can be undone.

Are you satisfied with the result? Click the checkmark button and your video will be available to subscribers. It can be saved to the gallery both before and after.

Privacy settings, statistics

The settings and statistics screen is called up by swiping up while viewing a story. From here, the story can be saved to the gallery, deleted, or published to the main feed, turning it into a regular post. The list of spectators is displayed below. You can hide the story from any of them by clicking on the cross next to the name.

The settings, which are hidden behind the gear icon, allow you to choose who can respond to your stories and hide the story from certain subscribers. In this case, the privacy settings are remembered and applied to all subsequent publications.

How to live with it

Fine. Yes, many were hostile to Stories due to the similarity to Snapchat and the unresolved problems of Instagram, which developers should focus on. But I think the innovation is useful.

The problem of a cluttered feed, when you have to unfollow friends who post literally every step they take, has existed for a long time, and no clear solution has ever been invented. Stories can be considered the first step towards this. Over time, people should get used to the culture of behavior offered by , and start posting only truly important and noteworthy content to their feed. Everything else should go into Stories. It's true?

Moreover, it makes the stories much more interesting than ordinary photos on Instagram. Chingiz gave some useful tips on how to effectively use this fancy feature.

Don't shoot through the app

Take advantage of standard photo and video recording capabilities on your phone. The Instagram app compresses the quality of photos and videos, and it also has fewer editing options. The main disadvantage of this advice is that your phone will run out of memory faster, and you will have to copy material to third-party media more often.

Download and save footage

Enable automatic downloading of all photos and videos in your Instagram settings. You never know what material might suddenly come in handy. This is especially true for news-worthy videos and photos - perhaps your material will become important evidence of some event or you will need it later. Be sure to save everything.

Use vertical shooting

When people scroll through their news feed, they hold their phone vertically. It is unlikely that they will want to turn it over to see your story. If you posted a horizontal video, users are more likely to skip it, as well as the entire story. Learn to shoot vertically and adjust your material to the wishes of the audience.

Post all content at the end of the day

This is especially important if you are located where the network does not work well, for example, outside the city. If a photo doesn't load, your story's flow will be broken. Publish all materials at the same time and only when your connection is OK. Plus, if you upload everything at once, viewers will see the entire story, rather than just one slide without context.

The video should be 5-10 seconds long

A video lasting less than five seconds is unlikely to show the whole picture, and users usually skip videos that are too long. Use the standard iPhone video trimming feature to select the best part of the recorded video. It’s better to shoot 15-20 second clips, so that later you can trim off the excess and leave only the most interesting.

The text in the story should be short and relevant

The text should be as short as possible. Instagram users tend to have a short attention span, so you only have a few seconds to keep their interest, even if you have engaging content. Use short sentences. There is no need to write long paragraphs of text. It's better to have your text start on one slide and continue on another.

Crop photos using a standard smartphone feature

Typically, smartphones and Stories use a 9:16 aspect ratio, but if you shoot with a standard camera, you'll end up with a different size photo. Crop your photos before uploading so you can then choose which element of the photo will be in the center.

Post old material with new metadata

When you process and save files through editors like Photoshop, iMovie or Premier, Instagram thinks that all this footage was shot in one day. This way, you can safely publish old photos and videos, or compose them into a long story that shows the development of events over time.

Think through the scenario

Imagine you are making a film. You should show the opening shot first, then move to the middle of the story and add details to make the story feel more personal. One of the most common mistakes people make is posting a long string of average photos without any depth or detail.

Add text using special programs

There are a limited number of fonts available on Instagram. If you want more creative text in your story, use third-party photo editors. I understand that processing photos will take more time and patience than if you simply added them to the story. However, after processing, the photos will look cooler. If you're good at graphic design, you'll definitely enjoy experimenting with the 9:16 format.

Place text correctly in the frame

You don't need to place the text too high or low, otherwise it will be covered by Instagram interface elements. Use empty areas in the frame, such as the sky or ground. Or you can take several single-color transition pictures on which you will place your text.

Ask friends, family, and co-workers to be witnesses (and tag them in your story)

Nowadays, most people have a smartphone, and where something happens there are always people. Ask people around you to comment on the situation on camera. This will make your story more interesting. Don't forget to tag participants, but don't overdo it.

The developers of the social network Instagram regularly add new features. The latest updates brought users live broadcasts, full-fledged personal messages via Direct and, of course, Stories. All modes are made intuitive and friendly for novice users. But issues that require attention still remain. For example, how to add a photo from a gallery to Instagram Story. Check out our guide for a detailed answer. Step-by-step instructions and explanatory images will help you better master the material.

Important! The media platform is designed for mobile platforms, so we will work with official applications that are available for the Android, iOS and Windows Market operating systems. At all sites, actions are carried out according to the same scheme.

Insta was not the first social network where such a regime appeared. But he gained the most fame on Insta. The “Stories” function (as it is called in the Russian localization) was developed in order to share interesting moments from life with followers. Subscribers will know that you started a story, they will receive notifications, and a corresponding icon will appear next to your avatar. If you are familiar with this section, then first learn its functions. Are you an advanced user and want to start loading images from your smartphone or tablet into Stories? Then go straight to the step-by-step instructions.

First, you should figure out how to view your friends’ Stories. Active stories are displayed in the general feed of people (a button with a picture of a house) whom you have followed. At the top you will see a panel with round avatars - tap on a certain avatar to go to the study of materials from “Stories”. To quickly work with the new mode, you need to familiarize yourself with the main features:

How to post a photo to Instagram story from a gallery

This is a standard method, but the system allows you to download pictures from the device's memory. To do this, you need to open the “Story” creation screen and swipe from bottom to top on the screen. A list of the latest videos and photos added to the gallery will appear at the bottom of the display.

You can publish pictures taken over the last 24 hours. Earlier materials will not be displayed on Insta.

Tap on the image you like and send it to Stories. You can upload several photos at once. With video recordings the procedure is similar. As you can see, the function is made intuitive for novice users. Some participants on the Instagram media platform mistakenly believe that an image taken is a separate story. No, in 24 hours you can create a full-fledged “Story”.

For example, in the morning you added the first photo, followers looked at it, liked it, and commented on the post. A few hours later you took a few more pictures. For subscribers, the icon became colored, so the system announced the continuation of the story. Followers will see a single narrative.

Important! You can do one “Story” per day. After 24 hours, it is automatically deleted from the server and you can describe new interesting events that are happening in your life.

How to post a photo to Instagram Story from the gallery

We have discussed in detail how to work with this mode. Users are also interested in whether it is possible to delete stories. Yes, to do this you should open an active “Story”, which you share with your followers. On the image or short video there is a button for additional parameters, made in the form of three dots. Click on it to open the context menu. In the list you will see the “Delete” button, tap on it to get rid of the component. This way you can clear “Story” completely.

The social network Instagram has long had an option with which you can tell stories. This function is called"Stories", which everyone calls differently. For some it's stories, for some it's stories, and for others it's memorable moments. This function means adding a photo or video that appears in your friends’ Stories, but it is not displayed among the photos of the user account itself.

Using Stories allows you not to edit each image, deviate from the general style of the account and upload any photos and videos, even the strangest ones, knowing thattheir lifespan is 24 hours.

Opinions among SMM specialists regarding the innovation differ. Some people are delighted with the opportunity to shoot and watch short videos, while others find it annoying. Please note that if this option is not to your liking and you have not included them in your , it means you simply don’t know how to use it correctly!

All the most important things about Instagram stories

Stories location

The most common question is: where is such a function as Stories located? In order to use them, you need to open your friends feed. There, at the top of the window, you will see a line with avatars. Availabilityred rimaround the photo indicates the presence of new “stories”. Your photo will be the first in this feed. If you do not have “stories”, then your avatar will have a blue plus. If you click on it, you can start creating your story.

To start viewing stories, you need to click on the other person's avatar. Further stories will follow one after another. The system automatically recognizes which of them you have already viewed, starting displaying from new entries. Also, when visiting another person's profile, pay attention to whether their profile picture is surrounded by a red rim. If yes, then this is a sign of the presence of current “stories”, to view which you just need to click on this photo.

How to add a story to Instagram

To create a story, you need to click on the camera, which is located at the top of your friends feed on the left side. To add a new story, you need to click on this icon again. All created stories will be automatically arranged in the order in which they were added.

The camera will open after clicking on the camera icon. Double tapping is responsible for switching between the rear and front cameras. The same action can be performed by clicking the circular arrows located at the bottom of the screen.

A photo can be taken by pressing the round button located at the bottom center, which is white. To start recording video, you must hold this button. The start of a recording is symbolized by the fact that a colored stripe will run around it.

It is possible to zoom in and out of video. You can do this by swiping up without lifting your finger from the phone screen. This way the zoom will work. To reverse the action, just swipe your finger down.

At the end of 2016, Instagram users had the opportunity to shoot videos directly in Stories with the BOOMERANG option - small looped ones. Stories also allows you to shoot videos without holding down the record button, thanks to the hands-free option.

Stories has markers and stickers to help you decorate your post. Additions in this area appear regularly, allowing you to make stories unique and more colorful.

An excellent feature is adding stories to the gallery without publishing them online. So, a video with all the stickers and drawings may appear on your phone. To save, you must click on the downward arrow located in the lower left corner. To publish, you need to click on the plus sign located below, under which there is the inscription “Your story”. To send “Stories” to friends, you need to click on the paper airplane icon, which is also located at the bottom of the screen. Those Stories that were sent in private messages will also be automatically deleted over time.

Adding an old photo to Stories

A photo, video, or screenshot that is already on your phone can be added to Stories. The only requirement is that they must have been made no more than a day ago. To add, find the required frame, select it, and then edit it as a regular photo.

Gluing Stories

There is no need for such a function. You just need to do one story after another. They will automatically line up in a folding chain. When working with videos, keep in mind that loading a new video should only occur after the previous one has completely downloaded. In another situation, stories may line up in the wrong sequence.

Adding a filter

To add a filter, you just need to swipe your finger across the screen from right to left, changing them.

The desire to comment and insert text into Instagram posts has successfully transferred to stories. People around you like photos supplemented with captions much more. Everyone wants to get some explanation for your photo, understand the mood, etc.

Luckily, Stories allows you to add captions to photos, videos, and even boomerang videos. To insert an inscription, you need to click on the “Aa” button, which is located in the upper right corner. After clicking, a keyboard and a color picker will appear, allowing you to make your text more attractive. Double-clicking on the desired color will open a rich palette of shades.

The printed text can be enlarged or reduced. This can be done by touching the screen with two fingers, spreading them apart to zoom in and pinching them to zoom out. You can also use taps to adjust the tilt of attached text.


A unique feature is inserting a link in Instagram stories to the accounts of other users. Android does not allow you to put a link to your profile and to many profiles of those whose subscribers you are not. To attach an active link to someone else's Instagram account, we recommend that you first follow this user. If someone tags you in their story, you will receive a notification about it.

The Instagram option presented includes 5 different markers. With their help, you can perform various actions: draw, write and create a background for text. A background may be needed when the written text is difficult to read in the selected photo/video. To draw with a marker, you just move your finger across the screen. You can change the marker size on the left side of the screen.


It is possible to create a solid colored background in stories; you just need to select a marker, set the desired color and hold your finger on the screen for a couple of seconds. To create a background for text, you need to click on the A sign, which is located in the square in the center of the screen. One press is responsible for a dark background, and a double press for a light one. A third press is required to cancel.

Pause in stories

Let’s imagine that in the “history” there is a text that cannot be read in the allotted time. To do this, there is a pause, which is triggered when you touch the screen with your finger while viewing stories.

View history

To switch between stories, you need to click on the right side of the screen to open the next story, and on the left to return to the previous ones.

How can you respond to History?

It is worth emphasizing that stories are not posts, so there is no possibility of commenting and leaving likes. To make a response, you must send it to the author in direct message. There is a special button at the bottom of the screen for this. If it is missing, it means the author has forbidden you to respond to his stories. You can configure this parameter in your profile settings.

View on PC

In order to view and create stories from a PC, you need to install the Instagram application for your computer. It is similar to the program we are used to. In it you can view the feed, leave comments, chat in direct messages, create Stories, etc.

Geolocation and hashtag in Stories: adding

Among the many stickers, you can find geolocation marks and a hashtag that can be placed in the story. By clicking on a given geolocation or hashtag, you will see posts that have similar data. It is worth noting that it is possible to add several hashtags for one story. Remember that stories that have a geo-tag are displayed among the stories of all stories with the same tag.

The need for hashtags comes down to adding your own tags.

Recently, the social network Instagram introduced a new “Stories” feature. It caused a huge stir among resource users. But not the entire social network audience knows about the features, for example, how to add an additional photo to an Instagram story and whether such an operation can be performed. After studying this review, the reader will receive comprehensive answers.

The developers have added a new tool to diversify communication on Insta. Users began to share more short but fascinating moments from everyday life. To launch the add-on, click on the “Stories” button, which is located on the main page next to your avatar.

The feed also now shows stories from your subscribers or people you follow. By clicking on it, you can read the description, like or comment on what you see. New events on Instagram are highlighted in red, and the highlight disappears when the story is viewed. This way you can find out which posts have been reviewed. To view Stories, click on the user icon.

For those users who have not yet become familiar with the new mode, we have prepared detailed instructions:

Instagram offers several shooting modes; to see them, you need to swipe at the bottom of the screen. The panel has buttons “Normal”, “Hands Free”, “Boomerang”. As for hands-free, in this mode you don't have to hold the shutter button to record a short video. Boomerang allows you to make loop recordings. Don’t forget about the key that allows you to switch between the front camera and the main one (located on the back panel of your device).

After saving, you can notify all subscribers; they received a notification when they were added to the photo. We can also add pictures from the gallery of a smartphone or tablet. IMPORTANT! You can add photos taken over the last 24 hours. Swipe from bottom to top and the gallery will open.