How to add Skype to avast firewall exceptions. How to add a program to exceptions in Avast


The Avast antivirus program today is used by the majority of Internet users, since, unlike most analogues, it has a free version that does not oblige you to pay for the use of the software solution. Avast works correctly and provides the best possible protection against malware, but sometimes it perceives uninfected programs or files as dangerous and stops accessing them. Because of this, they do not start or open.

How to solve this problem? Is it really necessary? use another antivirus? Not at all, just add exceptions in its settings, then both the file and the program will work, Avast will not check them. To do this you need to perform a number of actions:

1. Open the antivirus, click on the “Security” tab, from there go to the “Antivirus” section, in the list that appears, go to the “File system screen” section, then to “Settings”. A file system screen settings window will appear, where you need to click on the “Exceptions” tab.


3. If you need to exclude several programs or files, respectively, indicate the path to each of them. When the paths are selected, click on the “Ok” button.

4. To consolidate the result, you can (not necessarily, but it is advisable) return to the “Antivirus” section, go to the “Behavior Screen” tab and click “Settings”.

Done, you can close the Avast window. As you can see, there is nothing complicated; after performing the above steps, both the antivirus and the components added to the exceptions will work properly.

Avast is one of the most popular anti-malware programs (read about installing it). I myself have used this antivirus for quite a long time. I want to devote this article to the question of how to add exceptions in Avast so that the program does not scan or process the file. This procedure may be necessary in several cases, for example, to avoid creating a false alarm when you are completely sure that there are no viruses in the file, but Avast reports the opposite. Also, ignoring any large directory will help speed up the hard drive scan.

Adding a folder

Many users are interested in how to add a folder to Avast exceptions (and you can read how to add it to quarantine). For example, you need to exclude a folder containing only images from the antivirus visibility range. In order to do this you should:

Website address

In order to add a specific website address to exceptions in Avast, you need to:

Avast 8.0

I know that many will also be interested in learning how to add a file to the exceptions of Avast antivirus version 8.0. To do this you will need:

  1. Open a program window on your computer or laptop. To do this, click on the antivirus icon on the taskbar next to the clock.
  2. Go to the "Settings" section.
  3. Next, go to the “Global exceptions” section.
  4. Click on the “Browse” button.
  5. Specify the path to the file or folder, then click OK.

Important! This way you can add individual folders, programs and video games to exceptions. The main thing is to first make sure that the file will not harm the computer. Otherwise, serious problems may arise.

That's all you need to know about adding certain files to your antivirus program's exceptions. If you still have any questions about how to make an exception in Avast, the video below will help you figure it out (and read about how to add exceptions to Norton antivirus). I hope I helped you with this problem and you won’t have any more difficulties.

Avast is a popular antivirus thanks to its functional free version. However, any program is not without sin, and Avast sometimes makes mistakes by deleting or adding “clean” files that are not infected with a virus to its blacklist. It is precisely for such cases that the developers came up with a list of exceptions. Users can add some files to it if they are sure that they definitely do not contain virus components. In this case, Avast ignores files and programs from the list when scanning, without deleting them in vain. Let's see how users can add files to the exclusion list.

Why add files to Avast exceptions

Sometimes an antivirus deletes files for no reason or adds them to the “sandbox” - an internal isolated environment in which the program runs with significant restrictions. This problem most often occurs among fans of pirated video games. Avast considers files that hack the game's security system to be viruses. The antivirus can also delete some program files that work directly with the system (utilities such as cleaning and optimizing the Windows registry, for example). Accordingly, the antivirus interferes with the operation of a number of programs by deleting harmless files. In such cases, you should add files to Avast exceptions.

Be careful! If you add a truly infected program to the exceptions, then nothing good will come of it. The computer will become vulnerable to virus attacks, and the antivirus will stop paying attention to the file. You should only add a file from a reliable source that you can unconditionally trust to an exception, and only if it is really necessary.

Step-by-step instructions for adding a file to the exclusion list

How to force your antivirus to ignore a folder or site

You can add not only a single file to exceptions, but also an entire folder. For example, if you want to add a program or game to the exception (although an antivirus rarely places all files in the sandbox at once), you need to write the folder address, and after the name add a backslash and an asterisk - “*”, that is, you should get something like “ C:UsersAdminProgram1*".

You can also add the URL of a site to the exception if Avast stubbornly prevents you from downloading something from it.

  1. To do this, go to the “URL addresses” tab.
  2. Enter the URL.
  3. If a specific file is needed, then write its full address (
  4. If this is a whole site or a site category, then the logic is the same as with folders: add an asterisk. Only with a regular slash - for example,*.

Advanced settings

The settings window contains tabs in which you can add files to exceptions for the “DeepScreen” and “Strong Mode” modes. This can be useful, especially for new programmers. DeepScreen almost always blocks the launch of programs written in the Visual Studio programming environment. Therefore, it is worth examining these two modes:

  • DeepScreen is an intelligent system that allows Avast to promptly recognize viruses. If this mode is enabled, the system-level antivirus scans running processes. And if one of the processes begins to perform suspicious operations, then DeepScreen places the process files in a sandbox. A very useful and necessary function, but sometimes it makes mistakes. If DeepScreen blocks the programs you need, simply add them to the exception specifically for DeepScreen.
  • Hard mode is a very strict blocking scenario. Any suspicious programs that want to perform any actions with system files and settings fall into the sandbox. Since this mode is unreasonably strict, only beginners and inexperienced users should enable it. However, the mode has its own list of exceptions to which you can add the necessary programs or files.

Video instructions for using the program

It is important to be able to use the antivirus exclusion list, because any program is imperfect, and an antivirus one even more so. Trying to protect your computer, Avast, like a good mother, sometimes goes too far and considers completely harmless files to be a virus. But you should use the list of exceptions carefully. If the file actually turns out to be a virus program, you will open the way for it. So think twice before adding anything to your antivirus exclusions.

The Avast antivirus protection system is very popular today. This is due to its simplicity, accessibility and effectiveness of anti-virus protection, thanks to which Avast works quickly and efficiently on PCs of varying performance. Of course, for the most complete protection, Internet Security is better - a more comprehensive add-on that has many add-ons. But even when using the basic version of this program, you can guarantee reliable data protection and safe work on the Internet.

How to add Avast antivirus to an exception?

When using this antivirus, many people have a question: how to add a program to the Avast antivirus exception? This is quite simple to do, and you don’t have to carry out complicated manipulations with files or folders. To do this you just need:

  • open the Avast interface, which is done by clicking on the program icon;
  • go to the settings menu by clicking on the corresponding tab on the left side of the window that opens;
  • in the “General” section there is an “Exceptions” item, which is intended to perform the necessary actions.

You can add not only programs, but also websites to exceptions. This is done by switching between the corresponding tabs (“Path to files” or “URL addresses”). To add a program to the exceptions, you need to click the “Browse” button, which will allow you to select any element to be added to the list of exceptions. You just need to find the required program in Explorer, check the box and confirm adding the file to the exclusion list. Before you add Avast antivirus to the exceptions, you need to make sure that you specify the path to the program, and not to its shortcut. The latter is usually located on the desktop, while the program files are placed in the system folder on the hard drive.

The required site is added to the exclusion list in the same way. Only instead of the path to the file you will need to specify the URL, and then also confirm the changes. It is noteworthy that exceptions can be managed not only when scanning in standard mode, but in enhanced mode or CyberCapture. However, files may not be excluded from all components, at the discretion of the user.

Hello everyone, today I’ll tell you how to add a program to exceptions in Avast. Why does the question arise about how to add it to exceptions in Avast? It’s just sometimes necessary to add a program to exceptions so that the antivirus does not scan it. This applies to many completely legal programs that require rights, but from an antivirus point of view they are questionable. For example, control panels for which you need to run a server on a computer and allow the client access to it. Or file-sharing network clients that allow remote users to download files from your computer. Therefore, it is important to know how to add exceptions in Avasta.

By default, Avast antivirus constantly monitors files and folders on your computer. However, you can manually set exceptions. Avast provides a standard method for this.

Before adding to exceptions, update your Avast to the latest version, since in older versions everything is done a little differently.

Avast add to exceptions

In addition to files, you can add sites to exceptions that you know are not phishing or malicious. To do this, you need to enter or paste their addresses in the same way in the URLs tab. An important point: by adding a site to the exceptions, you refuse to check all pages of this domain. To include a specific page in exceptions, enter its exact address.