How to make a channel on YouTube. How to create a channel on YouTube and upload your first video! Content monetization - how it works

How to properly create a YouTube channel. I wonder if there is at least one person on the Internet who does not want to create their own channel on YouTube? I doubt. Everyone understands that the popularity of YouTube is growing every day.

It is accessible to everyone, easy to understand the functionality and, most importantly, free. YouTube makes it possible to communicate with each other, regardless of location; quickly transmit information; sell goods and services, promote your own or someone else’s brand, promote affiliate products, attract traffic to websites, blogs, channels.

YouTube provides many interesting features and functions.

What to do to access YouTube

To access YouTube, you need to register a Google account and . If you have already done this or have any registration with Google services, then write the word “youtube” in your browser or click here. A page will open with 2 login buttons: bottom left and top right.

Youtube Login Button

Any login button will lead to this page:

Enter your Google account or Gmail account information, which is the same thing. This way you are logged into the YouTube website. But this is not a YouTube channel yet.

What can you do on YouTube?

— put “Like”;
— mark videos you liked;
— make subscriptions;
— receive recommendations from YouTube.

You can not:
— add videos yourself;
— comment on other videos;
- You won’t be able to create playlists.

In order to do this, you need to properly create a YouTube channel

How to create a YouTube channel

What is important to do BEFORE creating a YouTube channel?

The channel is almost created, there is 1 last step left and now I propose to stop and answer the questions:
What channel will it be: personal or for business or company? If personal, then with your name or with a different name? What is the theme of the channel? What kind of materials will you post: news videos, educational, entertainment, children's, selling?

Important tip:
When choosing a channel topic, pay attention to 2 points:

  • Does anyone have such a topic on the Internet and is already promoted? Look, think about it, in any case, you need to know your competitor by sight.
  • Money and prospects. Let me explain - can you make money on this topic? The prospects are assessed from this point of view; in 3-5-10 the need for this topic will not disappear? For example: the passion for photography has been replaced in the market by shooting with cameras.

When you answer these questions for yourself, then enter in the browser line. Login is located in the upper right corner. Click and enter your Google account and Gmail details. You must confirm your personal information via SMS or voicemail to your phone number. This is done only once during registration. The phone number will not be linked anywhere; you can use the phone number of any person you know.

One more detail, if you are on the YouTube website using a Google account, you can click on the Add video button; YouTube will prompt you to create a channel, as in the picture:

And now you are logged into your YouTube channel.

Information is perceived by a person in several ways: visually (pictures, texts), auditory (hearing) and kinesthetically (through feeling, sensation). As you can see, hearing and vision allow you to collect and process almost all information. Therefore, watching online video files is more preferable than just reading.

One of the most popular video hosting sites today is YouTube. Its database is updated every minute and replenished with new videos, which, taking a leading place in the number of views, will bring the author very good money. But sometimes it’s not enough to just watch online; you want to post your creation and make a beautiful screensaver online. To do this, you need to open your channel on YouTube and make it beautiful. Before saving, it is better to preview it online. This process will take a few minutes.

Registration on YouTube

Registration. In order to register on the site you need a Google account. If it was not there, then it is immediately proposed to do so:

  • During this process, you need to install the photo on your Avatar. By default, the default Google image is installed. On the ava you can set both your photo and make an ava that will carry an information load about your channel. After registration is successful, move on
  • You need to click on the “create account” button in the upper right corner of the screen and fill out the form provided

  • Save entered data
  • Registration, like on any other site, requires confirmation. An email will be sent to the specified email with a link that you need to follow to complete the process.
  • You can log into the site using the newly created account (enter login and password)


On YouTube, under your name, you need to click on the “My Channel” link and enter your personal data. Moreover, the data entered in the “name” field will become the name of the channel. The name cannot be changed. Therefore, it is better to choose a name so that it reflects its essence.

That is, if you plan to post videos of your musical achievements, then the name could be, for example, “supermuza_ivanov”. After this, you need to check the uniqueness of the URL. In addition, you can make a link to your website. This will significantly improve attendance.

The next step is to create an online channel

You need to select a background for the screensaver. To design it, you can use standard background images, or you can upload your own image to the background. It is better if the background matches the channel information.

If you are going to post video reports about fishing, then a picture of a fish (fishing rod, pond) is an excellent background. To change and customize the background, you need to go sequentially:

  1. Channel themes and colors
  2. Show advanced options
  3. Background image

The size of the background image must be at least 1800*1200 pixels. Also, if you wish, you can purchase the background from companies that deal with such developments or use Photoshop. Before saving, you should do a preview.

Making a banner and header

A banner is a type of advertising. It is also worth placing a corresponding image on it (fishing - fishing rod) and the inscription: enter, press enter, and so on. It is the banner that should attract the visitor’s attention when viewing pictures with a similar video. And often, when searching for new files, we see either a gray background or an avatar.

The banner must carry a semantic load, so you need to carefully think through the text for the inscription. Its size should be small so as not to overload the design. Also, it is best to make a banner with animation, and its optimal weight is no more than 30kb. Before saving, it is worth doing a preview.

Stream on YouTube

You can also make your own stream on YouTube. Stream – broadcast of a game. This could be a football match or a stream of the final battle of the Dota game. This information must be included on the stream channel banner. Also, its design will be unique.

How to make a header for a youtube channel?

A beautiful header design for your channel cover is half the success. On the splash screen you need to place information about your channel in a concise form, preferably with animation. This can be done in any graphic editor. Also, the header can be placed on the headband.

I've been noticing this trend lately. If I type a phrase in the search bar of the browser and then go to the search results, the first thing I do is look at what is in the search results from the video. I got lazy or something, I don’t know. But it's not about me, it's about the general trend. The fact that the visual is much better perceived is already a scientific fact. Judging by the growth in the number of videos on the Internet, I’m not the only one who noticed this. Since such a wave has started, it’s time to start your own YouTube channel. Let's figure it out how to make a YouTube channel and how to design it.

Why on YouTube, you ask? Yes, because now it is the largest video hosting in the world and the most promising. But let's take things in order.

YouTube was no exception. At first, everyone perceived it as pampering. Well, what could be there? Cool videos that teenagers shoot on their mobile phones, or politicians filmed on a hidden camera. That was the attitude.

But enterprising people realized that the possibilities of YouTube are simply endless. And after it became possible to show advertising in videos and thereby earn money, this social network was instantly included in the set of popular online earnings.

The Internet is filled with a huge amount of information and users who just a couple of years ago greedily absorbed terabytes of printed posts have now drowned in this sea of ​​information and switched their attention to video. It is more visual, less stressful and much better absorbed. Therefore, serving in video format is considered the most promising direction compared to others.

Now that YouTube is one of the three most visited Internet resources in the world, it definitely needs to be given increased attention. Based on the above conclusions, there is no doubt about the need to create your own channel on YouTube video hosting.

Therefore, I am opening a series of articles on the topic of creating and promoting your channel on YouTube, as well as promoting your Internet projects with the help of it and monetizing your channel. It is also necessary to consider the issue of recruiting subscribers - this is perhaps the most important point. There will be no views - you don’t have to do everything else. This is a very multifaceted topic and not as simple as it seems at first glance. In the future, I will consider this issue in more detail, so I recommend subscribing to blog updates.

So, today we will consider the initial stage - this is, directly, the creation of the channel itself. Okay, enough water, let's go.

How to make a channel on YouTube?

YouTube was acquired by Google several years ago. Based on this, to create a channel, you need an account on Google+. We go into it and select YouTube (step 1). To create a new channel, select My channel (step 2).

You are asked to specify a photo for registration (by default, the photo that is used in your Google+ account is placed). If you want to place another one, click Change (step 1) and choose where to load it from. You can place a logo in place of the photo, which will show the thematic focus of the channel. We also indicate your user data (point 2). Click Continue.

Let's start setting up the channel header.

Let's figure out how to design our YouTube channel

Look at the screenshot shown above. Let's add channel design (point 1). Recommended background image size: 2560 x 1440. Such a large image is necessary for correct display on various types of devices (computer, smartphone or TV). You can install it from the Internet, from your computer, or select it from the gallery. Let's choose the latter.

You can, of course, take a well-worn picture from the gallery, but I suggest you pay attention to. Here you can buy stylized channel design for a ridiculous price. The purchase package includes a channel design template and video covers in psd formats. That is, you can always change or add something to them in Photoshop.

What am I saying, watch the video:

The channel has been designed, now let's move on to setting up the links that will be displayed in the header. This is an important point, because if a visitor to your channel is interested in the content and wants to learn more about you, this is where our links will come in handy. This is one of the possible options for getting visitors to your Internet resource from YouTube.

The links appear in two groups. The main resource is indicated (point 1) (you can indicate your website, blog or) and the second group includes links to you on popular social networks (there are a lot of them, you can choose the one you need from the list) (point 2). I indicate popular social networks in our country (VKontakte, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram). We've decided. Click Finish (step 3).

It looks like this (as I already mentioned, in two groups).

Now let's indicate the description of our channel (point 1). This description is necessary so that the visitor understands what the channel is about. Therefore, you need to briefly and succinctly describe its topic. The description will appear on the main page of your account. Click Finish (step 2).

Basic YouTube channel settings

Now let's look at the main points of the account. To do this, go to YouTube Settings (step 1). We are presented with the setup menu (point 2). We will return to it below. Let's go to Account information and click Advanced (point 3).

If you pay attention to the address bar, your channel is indicated in it by an obscure set of letters. To make it more or less acceptable, click Create custom url. here we ONLY 1 TIME We can indicate what you would like your channel to be called.

IN Linked accounts We connect social networks to which cross-posting will occur after the video is published.

Now let's look at setting up the channel itself. There are several very important points here that I would like to draw attention to.

See the screenshot below.

To connect additional functions to the created channel (custom video icons, working with advertising, etc.), you need to confirm your account by phone (step 1). To do this, indicate its number and then enter the numbers from the sent SMS.

At the very beginning, we can upload videos for no more than 15 minutes. Here we click the Enable button (point 2) to be able to download longer videos.

After confirming your account, you will be able to create a channel trailer. Don't neglect this. You can make a small but bright video that will characterize the general focus of the channel. This requires an idea and imagination. You can make a video using various video and graphic editors. I will also write about this in future articles.

In many ways, the success of the channel consists of these components: the trailer, the design, the overall attractive style of the videos. That's right, and not from the videos themselves. Even if they are the most useful in the world, but without a bright and provocative design, they will remain unnoticed.

Another interesting option is in Channel setup – In-Video advertising placement. It will help you promote your brand or resource. Here you can specify the place where the so-called watermark (personal photo or logo) will appear during the display and will be a link to your channel with the number of subscribers. You can also define one PRIORITY video or playlist, which will be displayed as link impressions on all your videos.

Also important functionality is presented in YouTube Analytics (point 1). Here we see a wide menu (item 2), which allows you to analyze behavioral factors when viewing your videos, detailed information, activity, likes and comments. I won't describe it in detail. There's nothing complicated there.

In the next article we will look at how to add videos to a YouTube channel.

Well, that seems to be it. Lots of pictures and letters, but nothing, the main thing is the result! Today we made a channel onYouTubeand figured out how to register your channel onYouTube. Now you can regularly upload high-quality videos and gain subscribers and views. We will consider how to do this, as well as how you can make money from this, in the following articles. Therefore, subscribe to blog updates. See you soon, bye!

Video on how to start a YouTube channel:

Read more interesting things on the blog

How to format an article? Make a beautiful picture

Introduction to YouTube

YouTube is a platform with over 400 hours of video added every minute on a variety of topics. They are watched and discussed by users from all over the world. Anyone can upload a video to our website. All you need to do is create a channel and follow a simple rule: the content must comply with the community guidelines.

Before creating your own channel, it is better to find out how others do it. We offer you advice from authors who have already achieved success on Youtube.

  1. Pay attention to the little things. Creating a channel doesn’t just mean coming up with an idea and bringing it to life. You need to choose a name, set settings and take care of other details. This step should not be skipped, but it is not difficult. Just follow our recommendations and you will succeed.
  2. Make your videos easy to find. Experienced creators first think about how viewers will search for their content before naming their videos, adding metadata, and creating icons. The more accurately you guess viewers’ requests, the more popular your channel will be. Of course, some of your videos may become popular without all this, but if you want stability, then it is better to follow already proven tips.
  3. Keep viewers interested. Once you have your own audience, you will have the task of keeping their interest. There are several ways to do this. For example, viewers will probably love it if you organize your videos into playlists and post content regularly.
  4. Interact with your subscribers. Attracting an audience is not everything. Communicate with your subscribers as actively as possible not only on YouTube, but also on other social platforms. This way your channel will have truly loyal fans.


Is it true that a viral video can make your channel popular for a long time?

A viral video can gain a large number of views and even make you famous, like, for example, the author of the GrumpyCat channel. But this does not at all guarantee your further success. If you want to gain a loyal audience, try to make all your videos equally interesting. (Video in English.)

Decide on the format of your videos, come up with a concept and follow it.

If you're interested in an example of a channel with a consistent style, check out Michelle Phan's page. Her videos were shot without much expense, but in a single concept. (Video in English.)

Work out a strategy

First, think over the general concept of the channel and decide in which direction it will develop. Formulate a set of rules and follow them both when creating and processing videos, and when choosing elements of your corporate identity.

The main thing is to sincerely love your job. If after a year you lose interest in what you do, your subscribers will lose it too. Also, be original. There are practically no limits on YouTube, and you need to take advantage of it.

To understand what you want your channel to look like, ask yourself these questions:

  • What do I want to offer the audience? What does “success” mean to me?
  • What genre will my channel be? Do other authors work in this genre? Which one do I like better and why?
  • Who are your viewers?
  • What will my channel be like in five years?
  • What are my favorite authors and why do I like their work?

Here are some valuable tips to help you as you start creating videos.

  • Create a schedule for filming and publishing and put it on your calendar. Look at what you have planned: do you have enough time to prepare, shoot and edit all these videos?
  • Think about the design of your channel. What will its icon and banner look like? Sketch your ideas and try to implement them.
  • Check out the reports YouTube Analytics and decide which metrics are most important to you. For example, you can track success by the number of subscribers and viewing time, by the degree of popularity of the channel in different countries, and by many other criteria.

Think ahead. This will help you create a channel that viewers will definitely love.


  • Be original
  • Consider all possible ideas
  • Set goals
  • Make sketches
  • Make a plan

Channel name

If you decide to create a channel, the first thing you need to do is think carefully about its name. Why pay so much attention to this? It's simple: as a rule, the name remains with the channel forever. Therefore, take his choice seriously. Don’t forget that the name is also an element of corporate identity. It should be related to your overall concept and reflect the theme of the channel.

Log into your YouTube account, click on the round icon in the top right corner, and then click on the gear icon. A page will open where you can create a new channel, rename an existing one and find out its ID.

A new channel needs to be configured. Connect to your social media accounts, set your privacy settings, and choose your alert settings. It's also worth considering whether you want to use additional features, such as adding your own icons. If yes, you will need to go through.

You can then replace the default channel icon and background image to create your own style. All that remains is to add a description and tell what your page is about. You can do this on the “About Channel” tab.


  • Think carefully about your channel name
  • Set your preferences
  • Add an icon and background image

Your first video on YouTube

So, you have created a channel and thought about how you will develop it. It's time to upload your first video. Important advice: pay attention to the title, description and icon of the video - they largely determine whether viewers will pay attention to the video. Below are a few principles to follow when publishing.

  • Choose catchy names. Most often, viewers decide whether to watch a video or not based on its title. Therefore, make your headlines so that they encourage viewing. Read more about how to come up with an attractive video title here.
  • Add descriptions. In them you can tell what the video is about. Try to place the most important information at the beginning: to read the entire description, you need to expand it, and the first two sentences are always visible. If you want, you can also add a list of contributors and creators, a link to your site, contact information, and other details. Read more about the descriptions here.
  • Add tags. Select them as accurately as possible. If the tags are correct, your videos will be easy to find. Remember to follow our community guidelines: only add tags that truly reflect the content of the video.
  • Choose your icons carefully. The icon is the first thing viewers see when they find your video. Make it so that it reflects the content of the video and looks equally good on any screen size. Don't forget that if you want to add your own icons, you need to go through channel confirmation procedure. Read more about video icons here.
  • Use the YouTube video editor. It allows you to add effects to an already downloaded video.
  • Add tips and annotations to your videos. They can invite viewers to watch your other videos, buy your products, or, for example, subscribe to a channel.


  • Upload video
  • Make sure the title, description, and thumbnail of the video go together
  • Provide accurate metadata
  • Add hints and annotations to attract viewers to your other videos

Icons reflect video content

A look at the thumbnail for almost every DIY video on Threadbanger's channel gives you an idea of ​​what the host will be doing this time.

Further development of the channel

When your channel gains a certain number of subscribers, you will have a new task: retaining your audience. Here are some tips to help you with this.

  • Post videos on a schedule. It is more convenient for viewers to follow the channel if they know when to expect new episodes. You can tell on what days you publish videos in the trailer or in the videos themselves, as well as on the main page of the channel - by leaving a note on the background image. Remember to stick to a schedule - this will strengthen your connection with your audience. Read more…
  • Create a channel trailer. Just like a movie trailer, it is there to get viewers interested. Show your best: this is the best way to attract the attention of those who have not yet subscribed to your channel.
  • Organize your content. To make it easier for viewers to find what interests them on the channel, collect videos into playlists and distribute them into sections. A playlist is a collection in which your videos appear in a certain order. Sections are needed to group videos and playlists by topic.

All these tips will help you attract new subscribers, increase watch time on your videos, and become a popular creator.


  • Create a publishing schedule
  • Add a channel trailer
  • Place videos in playlists and create sections


How to turn viewers into loyal fans

Cassandra Bankson and sWooZie give tips on how to get your first hundred subscribers.

The channel trailer attracts the attention of viewers

Brief step-by-step instructions for those who intend to make money on their videos using.

The article is large and consists of two parts:

  1. How to create a channel on YouTube to make money
  2. How to make money on Youtube

But first, a warning that will open your eyes to making money on YouTube and probably won’t appeal to many.

Can you make money on Youtube?

I won’t repeat what YouTube is, how many hours of videos are uploaded to it every minute, and how many millions of dollars some channel owners earn on YouTube.

I will only say that in any business that requires creativity, only those with talent can make money.

Why? Because your YouTube channel is your personal Hollywood.

In Big Hollywood, dozens of films are created every year, but barely one in ten becomes famous. Most films barely make back their budgets, and some don't even make it to the big box office. But Hollywood employs specialists, talented scriptwriters, directors, and actors.

You will have to create and publish more videos on your channel than Hollywood. You will have to be a screenwriter, a director, an actor, and an editor - in a word, a person with multifaceted talent.

Because the videos on your channel should be interesting.

If your videos are uninteresting, they simply won’t be watched. They won’t watch, which means they won’t subscribe to the channel, won’t like, write comments - they’ll simply leave the channel.

And no amount of tricks or tricks can force you to force people to watch something they are not interested in.

Therefore, before creating a channel and dreaming of making money on YouTube, you need to find your talent and learn how to make interesting videos.

And you also need to be patient and persistent. Because a YouTube channel is a project for many years, perhaps for life. The first results will be noticeable in a few months. And if you abandon the channel after a year, is it worth starting?

And further. Youtube has passed its peak of popularity. The outflow of users to today's more popular projects has begun. The number of restrictions for channel authors and requirements for video quality is growing. Making money on YouTube is no longer as easy and fast as it was five years ago.

If you are still ready to create and develop your channel on YouTube, then there are two big parts waiting for you:

  1. How to create a channel - it will take 10-15 minutes and
  2. How to make money on YouTube, the main ways.

Registering a YouTube account

Access to all Google services occurs through a single account. To get a Google account, just register a mailbox at

Click To come in. That's it, the channel has been created, you can start designing and configuring it.

Channel design

Your channel should look professional. To do this, add a logo, header and trailer to it.

If the channel is intended to promote yourself as an expert, use your professional photo as a logo. If it’s thematic, choose an image that reflects the essence of the channel and keep in mind that the logo will be round.

The logo can be added in the section Channel > Form style. Click the button Add channel logo and select a picture on your computer.

For the header you need a high-quality picture in size 2560 x 1440 pixels, revealing the theme of the channel. Keep in mind that on computers and smartphones only the middle part of the image measuring 1546 x 423 pixels will be visible, and it will differ on different monitors.

A trailer is needed to briefly tell a viewer who comes to your channel for the first time what your video content is about and to encourage them to subscribe. A channel trailer is like a movie trailer: it is needed to interest viewers.

First you need to upload a video no longer than 2 minutes long. Then in the section Channel > Recommended Content click the button Select channel promotional video. Check the box in the pop-up window Allow my channels and videos to participate in the program and press the button Accept.

Then select a video shorter than 2 minutes and click the button Save.

The trailer will only be seen by users who have not yet subscribed to your channel. Subscribers are invited to watch a recommended video.

Channel setup

Create playlists - these are sections or headings of your videos.

Go to the section Video Manager > Playlists and press New playlist. Enter a title and description for the playlist, being careful to use keywords. For a channel, 5 to 10 playlists are enough.

You can select channel settings that will make it easier to download videos. Go to the section Channel > Additionally > Account information, indicate the country and list, separated by spaces, keywords that reflect the topic of the channel. They will help attract targeted visitors to your channel. Click Save at the bottom of the page.

indicate the category the videos belong to.

In field Name Enter part of the title that is common to all videos. You can use the channel name or keywords.

In field Description You can enter the general part of the video description. This could be, for example, a list of your playlists with links to them, links to your other channels, social media accounts, websites, etc.

In field Tags list key phrases and words related to the topic of the channel. Phrases of two or more words must be enclosed in quotation marks.

Then check all the boxes and click Save at the top of the page.

In general, the channel is ready to launch. Now you need to shoot and publish interesting, exciting videos at least 2-3 times a week and no more than 2-3 times a day and engage in (not to be confused with promotion!) channel.

Earning money in the Youtube affiliate program

This is how the Youtube affiliate program works. This is the simplest, but least profitable way to make money on YouTube.

By becoming a member of the Youtube affiliate program, you can earn money without even thinking about monetizing your videos. Everything is already built into YouTube.

However, not every channel owner can connect to the YouTube affiliate program. After a recent scandal, YouTube employees manually check channels for compliance with YouTube rules, copyright compliance and the absence of “bad” content.

And in order to save themselves from unnecessary work, they no longer accept new channels into the affiliate program. And rightly so. About 90% of channels on YouTube are unfinished and abandoned channels that the authors have not visited for years, as well as empty ones or with inflated subscribers.

In order not to delve into this garbage, YouTube only accepts into the affiliate program channels that have gained at least 1,000 subscribers and have at least 4,000 hours of video views.

This way, channels that are overused and uninteresting to viewers, on which there is simply no one to watch advertisements, are cut off.

How to join the Youtube affiliate program

First you need to confirm that the channel belongs to you. Go to the page Creative studio > Channel > Status and functions and press the button Confirm.

On the next page, enter the code that will be sent to you via SMS.

When the channel is confirmed, in the section Status and functions A checkmark will appear under the channel name Confirmed.

Then you need to link your YouTube channel to your Adsense account. If there were no violations of YouTube rules on your channel, it already has at least 1000 subscribers and at least 4000 hours of watching your videos, then the Monetization will be written Maybe.

Click the button there Turn on. Now you need to complete three steps to enable monetization.

Step 1. Accept the terms of the affiliate program - click the button Begin. On the pop-up window Apply for monetization check all the boxes and click I accept.

Step 2. Link your Adsense account to the channel - click the button Begin. On the next page Monetization click the button below Further. On the Adsense program page, click the button To come in. Then indicate what language your channel is in and click the button Save and continue. On the next page, enter your information - first and last name, your mailing address, phone number and time zone. Check which notifications you want to receive from Adsense and click the button Send a request. On the Adsense Terms and Conditions window that pops up, check the box I accept the agreement and press the button Accept.

All you have to do is wait for your channel to pass manual verification and be approved. This may take several days.

You will receive an email notification containing your Adsense account ID. You can use this account to earn money on other channels, as well as on your websites.

According to Google rules, an individual can only have one Adsense account.

How much can you earn in the YouTube affiliate program?

Earnings in the Youtube affiliate program are determined as the product of the number of clicks on ads and the cost per click.

The more viewers on the channel, the more videos are watched and the more clicks. It's clear.

On channels with a frivolous, entertaining theme, viewers react sluggishly to ads, so there are few people willing to place ads there, there is no competition, and advertisers set a minimum bid per click.

On channels where a solvent audience “lives”, for example, automobile, real estate or business channels, there are much more people willing to show advertising. There is high competition and advertisers are forced to charge hundreds of rubles per click just to beat their competitors and show their ads.

So, if for comparison we use income per thousand video impressions (views), then on entertainment channels it can amount to fractions of a ruble, and on business channels hundreds of rubles for every average thousand views.

Do you want to know how much YouTube bloggers actually earn? See this rating.

Earnings from selling affiliated products and services

Another way to make money from your videos, often more profitable than earning money from the Youtube affiliate program, is to participate in other affiliate programs.

For example, commodity - these are numerous online stores, CPA - networks. Or info-affiliate programs that sell all sorts of courses and trainings. Or in affiliate programs of services, for example, providing services for setting up contextual advertising.

Such affiliate programs pay either a percentage of the order value or a fixed amount for each order. You just need to make sure that your viewer wants to go to the site using your affiliate link.

Your viewers will probably want to see a detailed analysis of the product, right down to its opening, comparison with analogues and, most importantly, why this product is more profitable than others and why it is worth placing an order right now.

Only members of the Youtube affiliate program can do this. To do this, you need to add and confirm your site in the section Creative studio > Channel > Additionally > Related website.

You can then create tooltips and end screens with a link to your site. All that remains is to create separate pages - redirects to redirect visitors to your affiliate links.

In fact, redirection is prohibited by YouTube rules. However, there is still no information that YouTube punishes for this. To reduce the risk, you can open partner sites on your site using a frame.

To do this, make pages like tovar1.htm

And put the following code in them: