Using the Total Commander program. Total Commander: overview of program capabilities and basic operation

Only lazy people don't configure Total Commander

I think that most “advanced” users, after installing any program, immediately go to its Settings. And what can we say about the subject of my article, when you can customize it all day long and not get tired of it. So take a look at all the Total Commander settings, I'm sure you'll find a lot of things there that you didn't know about. But know that setting up Total Commander is not over yet. The same number of parameters are hidden from the eyes of the average user, although you can (read, need) read about all of them in the program help. You can also just download Tweak TC and try to figure out the hidden settings there.

Working with the toolbar in a new way

For those who have just switched from Explorer to Total Commander, the Total Commander toolbar may seem much more convenient. After all, you can place shortcuts to programs, internal commands, as well as to any system command. I think you also know that you can even create a subpanel. Visually it will look like just another icon. Convenient, however.

By the way, Total Commander does not re-read the icons every time the screen is updated, but stores them in a separate file, loading them only upon first launch, so working with the toolbar will be faster than with the Start menu.

The easiest way to create a shortcut to a program is to simply drag the executable file to an empty space on the panel, or wherever your heart desires, but while holding down the Shift key. Try doing the same in Explorer or FAR...

However, the interesting thing about the toolbar is not that you can launch programs from it, but that other files and folders can interact with these programs. Try dragging the directory where the mp3 files are located onto the WinAmp shortcut in the toolbar. This is the only way I run WinAmp! I think you do too now.

Now create shortcuts to Internet Explorer, Opera (the list goes on) on the panel and drag the html file onto them one by one and the browser of your choice will open it. And by dragging the html file onto the icon of your favorite text editor (html processor), you will open it in the appropriate program.

And if you create a shortcut to a folder on the toolbar (with the same simple drag and drop), then navigating to this folder using the shortcut will not be the height of perfection. Drag"n Drop from file panels to a folder shortcut will cause copying to this folder! Well, now you will no longer be biased towards the panel with buttons. It can do a lot.

Removing interface elements

Many, considering themselves experienced users, disable it, believing that it does not carry any functional load. For those who work with a keyboard and only a keyboard, this is a 100% correct solution. But for those who at least sometimes resort to the services of a mouse, I will reveal a few small tips. This panel, as it turns out, also supports Drag"n Drop, so the most convenient way to use it is not by pressing the F3, F4, F5 buttons on it, but by dragging selected files and folders onto these buttons. It’s been tested, it’s more convenient. Now right-click on F8-Delete. A context menu will open, from where you can empty the recycle bin or view its properties. And by the way, don’t tell me that you don’t need the recycle bin, or have you ever slept on the keyboard? Since we’re talking about disabling individual panels, can I? I would advise you to disable the command line. No, not because you don’t need to use it, but because it’s very easy to call (Left Arrow or Right Arrow).

Menu of frequently used catalogs - it couldn’t be more convenient

But still, I consider the menu of frequently used directories to be the main tool for navigating through directories. It is called not only through the keyboard (Ctrl+D by default), but also using the mouse - by double-clicking on the name of the current directory. I have a whole labyrinth of folders here. You can create submenus of frequently used directories and create dividers for visual convenience.

And to edit this menu, if you want to build many submenus and separators, I recommend using a third-party utility - Wincmd Directory Menu Customizer.

And don’t forget (if, of course, you knew) that it’s convenient to use alt symbols when creating a bookmark. For example, it makes sense to name a bookmark not Downloads, but &Downloads. Then, in order to go to this directory, you simply press Ctrl+D, and then D.

Setting up hot keys

A faster way can be thought of only if you assign your own hotkey combination to this directory. To do this, use the Startup menu (Launch - Change Startup menu...). Add your favorite directory to it by specifying "cd full path to the directory" without quotes as a command. All that remains is to assign hotkeys, which, unfortunately, the Start menu does not yet shine with.

Now you can go to your favorite catalog instantly.

Continuing the topic of hot keys, it must be said that Total Commander by default has a huge number of keyboard shortcuts to work with, which you just need to print out and study. But first it needs to be supplemented. Therefore, go along the path Configuration - Settings - General - Override hotkeys. Here the choice of keyboard shortcuts is quite large. So, I recommend making the following significant changes:

Ctrl+H - cm_SwitchHidSys - Enable/disable showing hidden files. Personally, I find it more convenient to work when hidden and system files do not spoil the picture with their presence. But sometimes you need to see them too. Quickly switching between these modes helps me a lot.

Ctrl+W - cm_CopyNamesToClip - Copy file names to the clipboard. You can copy one file or several. Very comfortably. Very often used.

Alt+W - cm_CopyFullNamesToClip - Copy names with paths to the clipboard. Often, when setting up programs, the path to a particular file is required. Well, you don’t have to type it manually!

Shift+Home - cm_OpenDesktop - Open the desktop in Total Commander. Sometimes it is convenient to start navigation from there. Plus, there may be various debris that needs to be removed. And from there you can go to both My Documents and the Recycle Bin. And by the way, you can open the desktop by typing “\\” without quotes in the command line.

Alt+Home - cm_OpenControls - Open the Windows control panel in Total Commander.

Alt+K - cm_OpenRecycled - Open the recycle bin in Total Commander. Many people, working in Total Commander, still use the trash can in Explorer. Don't repeat their mistakes.

Shift+BackSpace - cm_GoToRoot - Go to the root directory. No comments. Well, I hope you know that BackSpace is used to move up one level?

Also, for myself personally, I set up calling the menu of frequently used directories to Left Arrow and redefined file renaming to F2 and reread directory (update) to Ctrl+R. And you decide for yourself what is more convenient for you. The file, which is located in the folder with Total Commander installed, will help you learn a lot of new things and decide on your own hotkeys. This file lists all Total Commander internal commands. It is clear that you can add your own keyboard shortcuts to any of them. If you have good Russification installed, then the file should also be Russified.

Total Commander coloring page and search terms

Coloring folders and files is not as important as it might seem, since different colors for different files is not only beautiful, but also improves orientation among many files. It is best to colorize using search terms (templates). Commands - Search for files - specify the conditions (for example *.zip;*.rar;*.ha;*.lha;*.bz2;*.arj;*.imp;*.ace;), specify additional conditions and save this template , giving it a nice name, such as Archivers. You can create not only such logical templates as Executable files, Images, Hidden and system files, but also such interesting ones as Files changed within an hour, within a day, within 3 days, compressed files and directories. If you are too lazy to do this, and even if you are not, I advise you to use the special program Aezay TC Color Presets, with which you can freely import and export color schemes. There are also several interesting color schemes included, including my own.

Subsequently, you can use the search conditions when working in file panels. You press plus on the numeric keypad and select the one you need from the list of available templates - all files matching this template will be selected. The same can be done for Display only... (Ctrl+F12). You can even create a template for finding a phrase in the text and display only files that contain the key phrase or word. Pretty nice.

Menu customization - the final touch

You can even edit the menu in Total Commander. Look in the Totalcmd\Languages ​​folder, find the file WCMD_RUS.MNU, make a backup copy and you can edit it. You can remove unused menu items, rearrange them as you please, add other lines using any commands from However, you can do it easier by downloading a ready-made extended Russian or English menu from the site http://site

Comments in Total Commander. What you've been dreaming about for a long time...

Probably, among all the requests to improve the functionality of Total Commander, support for comments was the most requested. Is this what you wanted too? And now, starting with the turning point version 5.5 (this is when the program was renamed from Windows Commander), the dream came true.

To open the window with comments, press Ctrl+Shift+F2. Well, Ctrl+Z - create/edit a comment for the file. And if you move your cursor over a file, you will see a comment plus some useful information in the tooltip. In Windows XP, when you hover over mp3 files, you can view information from the tag - artist, composition, album, year, bitrate, etc. I won’t reveal all the secrets, try experimenting with different types of files. Just remember that tooltips will only work if you have the checkboxes in Settings - Display - Tooltips - Win32 style tips/notes (if available).

Naturally, all comments are stored somewhere. For this, either descript.ion or files.bbs files are used. So don't bother deleting them. Setting your preferences in this regard is carried out in Settings - Operations - Comments on files.

What we don’t have, we’ll add. Total Commander plugins

Personally, I have always respected those programs that can connect additional plugins. How you use a constructor to build the program of your dreams. The main thing is to find the necessary part. Total Commander already has a fair number of useful tools (group file renaming, directory synchronization, FTP client, file comparison, powerful file search), but you have to admit, you always want something extra. Total Commander has supported plugins since time immemorial. But these were only archiving plugins, and starting with version 5.5, the plugins received a second wind - File System plugins and Lister plugins appeared, and as a result, within a month after the appearance of new plugin APIs, we saw a boom in plugins. New plugins and updated versions appear almost every day, but I will be consistent and tell you first about the first type of plugins - Packer Plugins.

Archive plugins

The original idea of ​​creating these plugins was to support those archives in Total Commander that are not supported in the standard package (although there are many supported formats in the standard package). Thus, purely archiving plugins include HA Plugin and Multiarc (about twenty supported formats, including 7zip, cab, imp), PPmd, Bzip2 and others. But the desire to implement the impossible led to the appearance of archiving plugins whose purpose does not correspond to the original idea. This is CatalogMaker - a cataloger of disks and directories, AVI - the creation of avi animations from a sequence of BMP and JPG images and their frame-by-frame viewing with the ability to extract frames and audio; IMG - working with floppy disk images; DBX - work with Outlook Express mail databases; ISO - reading CD-ROM images and many others. And the Far2WC plugin allows you to use many archiver plugins written for FAR, for example DocFile Browser and Resource Browser. Using the Resource Browser, you can enter exe or dll files, view and extract resources, such as icons, splash screens), and complete with integrated IrfanView or XnView we get a very interesting and convenient tool for working with resources.

The second coming of plugins - FS plugins

As with archiving plugins, the variety of FS plugins goes far beyond their original purpose. Classic plugins in this regard include WinCE - which allows access to a PocketPC or other Windows CE device connected via ActiveSync (and do not forget that there is a Total Commander specifically for pocket computers), Ext2+Reiser - which allows access to Linux Ext2 -partitions and Reiser-partitions available on the computer. It would also be a stretch to include the SFTP plugin - for creating SFTP connections via SSH2. The following list of FS plugins is mainly the result of the inventive minds of programmers. They are also the most interesting.

The first to appear was Procfs, which implements the task manager in Total Commander. It shows a list of running tasks, the amount of memory consumed and much more interesting things (Try Ctrl+Q, F3, F5, Enter).

The convenience of these plugins lies primarily in the fact that you work with the tasks you need from the familiar and very convenient Total Commander interface, while using all its advantages. Working with the registry plugin, you can add selected registry branches directly to the menu of frequently used directories, and export branches with a banal F5 and even copy and move keys and values ​​as in an ordinary two-panel file manager.

You will truly appreciate the convenience of working with the Uninstall plugin for removing applications installed on the system. Take my word for it, this is much more convenient than calling up the slow Add Remove Applications applet, which I already forgot about.

It is impossible to list all the plugins in one article, in one line, however, I will say that there are also such interesting FS plugins as Shared Files for viewing files opened by network users, Services for managing services, Temporary Drive - a temporary Total Commander panel (finally it came true! ) and some others, but their number will continue to grow.

Lister plugins. Using the GUI to its full potential

It must be said that even without plugins, Lister (the built-in viewer) was a very powerful tool and could do a lot (including a huge number of graphic formats through the integrated IrfanView or XnView), and after the advent of plugins, Lister turned into a monster that seems to be able to do anything.

Word File Viewer For Lister made viewing MS Word documents beautiful and fast (but without graphics and formatting), Office Plugin made it possible to view MS Word and Excel documents through Microsoft converters, thanks to which graphics and some formatting appeared, IEView Plugin simply uses MS WebBrowser control (read Internet Explorer must be present) and can thus view several dozen file formats ideally. This is html, shtml, mht, eml, doc, dot, xls, pdf, if you have the Quick View Plus monster installed - .vsd;.ppt;.xml;.xsl;.asp;.drw;.lwp;.prz;. wpd;.qpw;.uue;.zip;.123;.gz;.tar; and if you have the Autocad viewer installed in the system, also .dwg;.dxf;.dwf;.rml;.ipt;.iam;.idw. Of course, viewing the same PDF file will be comparable in speed to opening Acrobat Reader itself, and viewing an MS Excel document will be comparable to launching Microsoft Excel, but this drawback is compensated by the convenience of working in the Total Commander environment (Ctrl+Q), provided you have a sufficiently powerful computer. If, however, the speed does not suit you, there is a faster plugin or plain text.

But what’s most interesting is that Explorer is integrated into Total Commander as a child window in quick view mode via IEView, and we can get all the benefits of Explorer (such as viewing thumbnail images) in Total Commander. Combined with the convenience of working with Ctrl+Q, this gives a very interesting result. In fact, no matter what file or folder you come across in a directory while navigating in Quick View mode, you will see their essence in the opposite panel. This I'm sure you'll like.

Within the framework of this article, I did not try to teach you how to use Total Commander - it is not realistic. I just wanted to show you the capabilities of this file manager, and the fact that if it can’t do something, then it’s quite possible that you just don’t know that Total Commander can do it. Likewise, it is impossible to describe all the plugins for Total Commander in one article. Over the last month alone, about twenty new Lister and File System plugins have appeared (and it’s interesting that most of these plugins were written by programmers from the post-Soviet space). And this indicates that the functionality of your favorite file manager will continue to grow every day, literally.

Well, if you want to learn how to use Total Commander effectively - read the help, or even better, read review and training articles on the Russian-language site All about Total Commander - It is on this site that you can download all the utility plugins and files mentioned and not mentioned in this article, and also find answers to most of your questions. Well, if you are a programmer and want to help other users, write your own plugin. And if you have any questions about how to write a plugin, welcome to the Russian Total Commander Plugring Team, for questions about joining, please contact me personally.

The Total Commander file manager has truly outstanding functionality that most of its fans are not even aware of - usually only basic file operations and document viewing options are used. And in this article I have compiled the Top 5 not the most famous, but very useful functions of Total Commander that I use every day.

CTRL+B. This key combination allows you to show all the files in a given folder and subdirectories without this very folder structure, that is, “all in one heap.” For example, you need to see which file is the oldest or largest (to delete them in order to clean up the disk), and also perform a batch rename. Otherwise, you would have to do this for each folder separately. Pressing CTRL+B again (or the disk button) returns to the normal view. Moreover, if you managed to move the cursor to the desired file, then pressing CTRL+B again will take you to the folder where it is located, and the file itself will remain in focus under the cursor.

Batch renaming. A powerful built-in function that allows you to rename tens or thousands (and sometimes tens of thousands) of files at once using a specific algorithm. For example, you need to substitute a serial number at the beginning, change the extension to another, cut off or add part of the name, remove the extension, substitute the date or time, change the case of characters from lowercase to uppercase and vice versa, etc. Moreover, before renaming, it is possible to sort , by date, size or title. You can not rename all the files in a directory, but only a few - then you need to select them first.

Folder size calculation. Allows you to calculate the size of folders by pressing Shift+Alt+Enter. It is very convenient to evaluate where the space on your hard drive has gone - the operation is performed in the root directory, or to find out which folder takes up the most space (for example, on a flash drive) and requires cleaning. The list output can be sorted by size (as well as files). The operation is similar to pressing the Spacebar on a directory, but applies to all folders at once.

Creating a copy of the file in the same directory, renaming without changing the extension. Everyone is familiar with the F5 (copy) and F6 (move) buttons, but few people know that pressing Shift+F5 allows you to copy a file to the same folder (changing the name), and pressing Shift+F6 allows you to rename the file without opening additional windows directly in the panel without affecting the file extension (it will not change).

Logging into exe archives and CD and DVD images (iso, img) as folders. This function allows you to enter different archives as directories and perform standard operations, including those listed above (for example, calculating the size of directories). In addition, by pressing CTRL+Page Down you can also enter self-extracting archives with the exe extension or CD and DVD images.

It is very useful. For example, to open an archived exe file without running it. If such an exe file was infected with a virus, then it will be possible to add or extract files from it without infection. It may also be necessary to extract one file from a CD or DVD image. Usually, to do this, you need to write the image file to a physical disk or mount it into the system (which only Windows 10 and later can do without installing additional programs).

Daily use of these functions will make working with files and documents much easier and save a lot of time. Let me remind you that although Total Commander is paid, the author does not prohibit the use of the demo version, which has full functionality and differs from the purchased version only in that it displays an additional window with a reminder at startup.

It is the simplest and most convenient program to work with disks and files. With its help, you can easily and quickly select, copy, move, delete folders, unpack archives, run programs as an administrator and perform many other operations. This file manager is recognized as an indispensable program for all PC users.

IMPORTANT! In some cases, when unpacking an archive using WinRAR and 7-Zip, the user may encounter the problem that the installation file is missing in the folder. Standard archivers may not move exe files. Total Commander solves this problem.

Total Commander interface overview

The Total Commander interface has a classic two-panel design, which is convenient when performing various operations with files on different drives.

At the top of the program window there is an optional menu. Below it are the toolbar icons. Below are buttons for the most frequently used operations.

How to work with disks?

To select a drive and start working with it, click on the drive letter. The contents of the disk will open in one part of the program window. In another part you can view the contents of another media. This is useful when comparing content.

You can open disk files and folders by double clicking.

How to search for files in Total Commander?

In order not to open every drive and folder in search of the desired file, Total Commander has a search function. To use it you need to do the following:

  • Click the “Search files” button on the toolbar.

  • A small window will open. If you know what drive the file is on, you can specify it.

  • By going to the “Search Templates” tab, you can specify the file type.

  • After all the parameters for the search have been specified, you should click on the “Start Search” button.

  • The search results will be displayed in the same window.

  • Clicking on the desired result will open the file.

What operations can be performed on files and folders?

Selecting files and folders. There are several ways to select the necessary elements in Total Commander.

  • By right-clicking on an element.
  • The combination “Ctrl + left mouse button”.

If you need to select several files, then hold down the “Ctrl” key and use the “up” and “down” keys to select the required number of files or click on the folders with the left mouse button.

The selected files will be colored in a different color.

Copying. You can also copy an element in several ways.

  • Using the key combination “Ctrl+C”;
  • By selecting the file with one click and pressing “F5”;
  • Using the button at the bottom of the program's working window.

Moving files. In order to move a file, you should perform a few simple steps:

  • Select the file with one click of the left mouse button. In the second window, open the drive or folder to which you want to move the file. Click "Move". We confirm the operation.

  • Or simply drag and drop the desired element.

Deleting files. In order to delete the desired file or folder, you should select it and press the “Delete” key or select a special button on the toolbar.

Packing and unpacking files. The Total Commander file manager can replace any archiver. It can be used to pack and unpack files. To do this, just select the archive and click “Unpack”.

Or select several files (or one) and click “Pack”.

The archive has been created.

Setting up an FTP connection in Total Commander

To create an FTP connection, follow these steps:

  • Click on the “Connect to FTP server” icon.

Total Commander is a simple file manager at first glance, which has so many useful functions and capabilities that both beginners and advanced users will definitely find something they need. Let's look at some of the most popular and simple ones.

First of all, the good thing about Total Commander is that it makes it very easy to work with files and folders. When you launch the program, you will see a window that is divided into two parts. In each part you can select the required file.

To do this, click on the name of the desired disk in the panel at the top of the window. This will open a list of all folders and files that are on the disk.

All you have to do is open the folder with the required file or click on the file name if it is located in the root of the disk. (Fig. 1)

Total Commander allows you to perform basic actions with files with just one click: copy, move, rename, delete. For example, you need to copy a file from one folder to another. Open the folder in which this file is located on the left side of the window, and on the right - the folder into which this file needs to be copied. Next, simply drag the file with the left button from one part of the window to another. Alternatively, you can use the F5 hotkey. (Fig. 2)

Moving files is done in a similar way, but instead of the F5 button, F6 is used. If you're dragging manually, hold down the Shift key while dragging. (Fig. 3)

If you need to select several files in a row to perform operations on them, hold down the Shift key and click on the name of the first and last file. In this case, all files in the list between them will be selected. (Fig. 4)

If the files are not nearby, click on them while holding the Ctrl key. (Fig. 5)

It often becomes necessary to change the file extension if you saved it in the wrong format, or if your computer does not support some formats. Slowly double-click the left button or press Shift+F6. Now you can change the extension or rename the file. (Fig. 6)

With Total Commander you can quickly view files without opening them. To do this, use the F3 key. The F8 key is used to delete files.

Navigation in the program is very convenient. Let’s say that to go directly to the root of the disk, you should press the “\” button. To go up one level, use the ".." button or double-click on the first line "[..]". For convenience, you can sort folders and files by various parameters: name, size, date or type.

To make it easier to work in the program, I recommend studying the settings. Select the menu item Configuration / Settings. A window like this will open. (Fig. 7)

If you're just starting out with Total Commander, proceed with caution and only change basic settings. For example, you can make the file's context menu invoked by right-clicking. To do this, in the left part of the Settings window, select Basic Operations. In the window that opens, select the Left button switch (as is customary in Windows) in the Mouse selection item. After this, you can rename, delete, copy files, and select a program to view by just right-clicking, as in the Windows environment. (Fig. 8)

Also, using the settings, you can change the interface language, window design, column contents, appearance of disk and partition buttons, display of hidden files, etc. As you can see, the program’s capabilities are quite wide, the main thing is to learn how to use them correctly.

Remote work with high wages

Surely, many of you have had to use at least once in your life file managers. The most popular of this kind of programs is undoubtedly Total Commander. It has enormous functionality and an incredibly user-friendly interface that you can customize individually.

I won't describe every setting element. I will only touch on those that, in my opinion, can really be useful for many users. We will consider the configuration features using the example of the version 8.01 , which is the most relevant at the moment.

To open the menu settings Total Commander, you need to select Configuration --> Setting... After this, a window will open containing a large number of different tabs.

Window view

The tab allows you to configure components of the main Total Commander window. A check mark placed in front of each element, accordingly, enables the display of this interface element.

Toolbar– this is a special panel located under the main menu of Total Commander. Contains a number keys, which may be useful during your work.

Drive buttons– in my opinion, a very useful interface element. Located below the toolbar and contains buttons for all devices installed on your system (hard drives, physical, virtual drives, flash drives, external media). It is convenient because you can switch between disks using the mouse pointer.

Two dial button panels– Drive panels appear above both panels in Total Commander.

Flat– disabling this element makes the disk buttons voluminous.

Disc selection window– the element is located below the dial buttons. Allows you to select a drive from a drop-down menu.

Folder Tabs– the element allows you to open several tabs at once within one panel. You can switch between tabs using either the mouse pointer or hotkeys Ctrl + Tab , Shift + Ctrl + Tab .

File panel title (with current name)– the element is located below the folders tab. Contains complete path to the folder from which you are currently viewing files. The path can be copied using the mouse pointer.

Tab headers– in other words, column headings with the characteristics of the files being viewed (name, type, size, date).

Status bar– located at the bottom of the Total Commander window. Contains information about size selected files/folders, general quantity files/folders at this level.

Function key buttons- located at the very bottom. Serve to perform operations over files/folders (view, edit, copy, move, create directory, exit). Each button has a label containing a hotkey associated with it. Those. You can control it with both the mouse and the keyboard.

Flat interface– when turned on, some elements seem to merge with each other.

Show hidden/system files– enables the display of hidden files, which is often useful.

Long file names– the setting is necessary for the correct display of long file names, as well as Cyrillic characters in names.

Show square brackets around folder names– I personally find this setting incredibly annoying.

Sorting method- feel free to put it alphabetically.

Sorting directories– it’s better to set As files, otherwise the folders will not be organized.


Here are the only interesting settings:

Display the number of folders below– will be displayed in the status bar.

Dimensions in panels + In the status bar– sets the format for displaying file/folder sizes. It all depends on the user's preferences. For me, for example, it is convenient to display it in the form floating (x.x K/M/G)– the size is displayed in kilobytes/megabytes/gigabytes, rounded to the nearest tenth.

Folder Tabs

Place tabs in multiple rows– when the setting is enabled, the tabs are arranged in several rows one below the other. If the setting is turned off, then you will have to scroll through the tabs using special arrows.

Open a new tab next to the current one– some may find it convenient.

Mark locked tabs with a star *- any tab can be blocked using the context menu called by the mouse. In this case, when you try to close this tab, the program will ask you for confirmation to delete the tab.

Basic Operations

Prohibiting the simultaneous launch of several copies of TotalCmd– when the setting is disabled, multiple copies of the program can be launched. Sometimes such a need arises.

When renaming, highlight only the file name– very convenient, no additional steps required to avoid editing extensions.

Mouse selection– I personally prefer the left button.

Quick search

Search the current directory– sets the file search method. Those. You start typing the name on the keyboard, and Total Commander finds the files. In my opinion, the most convenient way is Letter only.

I see no point in considering the remaining settings. If someone needs it, I think they can figure it out themselves.

There are some more Total Commander interface settings available through the menu. On the menu View you can select the type of display of the panel columns (short, detailed, comments, custom set of columns).

Menu View --> Panels one above the other allows you to change the location of Total Commander panels relative to each other.

You can also organize the display of files (by name, type, date/time, size, no sorting).

Switch between panels conveniently using a hotkey Tab. Source selection is also possible using Alt + F1(for the left panel) and Alt + F2(for the right one).

With help Alt + F7 starts search files. You can ask mask, if you know what specific file format you are looking for, in the form *.format. Using this mask, all files of the format will be found format. You can specify a specific search location (I mean a folder), you can search in all local drives, or in some specific one.

On the search tab Additionally you can set the interval dates, within which the required file was created. Here you can also set size, relative to which the search will be performed.

Selection files are produced by pressing a key Space. At the same time, the size of the selected files/folders is calculated. A very useful function is contained in the menu Selection--> section Copy. You can simply copy file names, as well as full paths to files, to the clipboard.

Sometimes another function is useful - Files --> Change attributes . It allows you to set the attributes of the selected files, as well as change the date the file was created/modified.

As a result, now you and I know how powerful a file manager Total Commander is. And I have not yet described all of its capabilities.