Interesting advertisement for flooring. Delights and surprises: floor advertising. Time to listen and time to talk

The modern building materials market dictates its conditions to business owners involved in the production and sale of various types of floor coverings - linoleum, laminate, parquet boards and piece parquet, cork flooring, floor tiles, etc. If a few years ago a potential buyer went to a construction supermarket (or a specialized market) to choose a coating, today he simply goes to the Internet. It is much easier to look for a seller while sitting in a comfortable chair than to knock on the doorsteps of stores, comparing prices and offers.

Naturally, the owner of a building materials and flooring store simply needs to have his own representative office online. Otherwise, its competitiveness drops significantly.

ContactGroup is ready to offer you flooring website development services - present your company on the Internet, create user-friendly catalogs of your products, and simple order forms. Development of a flooring website by our specialists is a guarantee of quality, modern solutions, convenient and rapid advancement in the market!

    Corporate website

    from 80,000 rub.

    4 - 6 weeks

    Online store

    from 100,000 rub.

    6 - 12 weeks

    Online store on 1C-Bitrix

    from 110,000 rub.

    6 - 12 weeks

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Development and creation of a flooring website:
main stages

All sites dedicated to the production and sale of floor coverings are developed by leading specialists. We work only with modern technologies. We try to work out and reflect the concept of the future website as accurately as possible, taking into account the specifics of the company’s specific type of activity.

The creation and promotion of a flooring website on the Internet is carried out in a comprehensive manner. We are interested in maximally attracting the attention of your potential clients, providing them with comfort in the process of searching, studying, and purchasing laminate or parquet boards.

The way you present your products is important. Detailed descriptions, high-quality photographs with the ability to enlarge them, clear characteristics - all this will help your customers in choosing products.

Creating a flooring website involves:

  • development of a full catalog of the products you represent, highlighting each product, convenient tools for sorting various types of floor coverings;
  • creation of separate pages for each product name, convenient tools for studying it on the site;
  • creating a home page for a flooring website, presenting your company/store in a favorable light;
  • development of site navigation that is convenient for searching the site menu;
  • development of a page describing your services (production of floor coverings, sale of parquet, laminate, boards, etc., delivery, possible installation of floor coverings, etc.);
  • creating a form for placing orders, calculating purchase volumes of floor coverings to solve specific problems.

The cost of creating a flooring website may vary, taking into account such points as:

  • how extensive the functionality of the future flooring website will be;
  • how much will it cost to register a domain (the cost of professional selection of a domain name is by agreement with the customer);
  • payment for hosting, the quality of which will largely determine the security of your resource;
  • the cost of filling the site with text, photo and video content.

We make sure to discuss with each customer the key aspects of developing a flooring website, calculate the amount of work expected, and calculate how important certain sections of the website are for your business. If we are talking about an online flooring store, the total volume of your products is calculated, etc.

After this, we will conclude a written contract with you for the work to create a website, which will specify the final cost of services and the deadlines for completing the work. With us you can always be sure of the quality guarantee and professionalism of our work!

Promoting a flooring website on the Internet

Today there are a huge number of different flooring manufacturers on the market. Many owners of construction stores and specialized markets offer products of varying quality. Naturally, it is important that all stages of promoting a flooring website in Yandex and Google are carried out as competently as possible - only this will guarantee you a constant influx of target audience to the site and increase the likelihood of increasing sales.

Professional promotion of a flooring website in search engines will provide you with a worthy place in the TOP, and at the same time, the necessary popularity, reputation, good conversion rates and natural profit growth.

We provide clients with several basic services in the field of promotion and promotion of flooring websites, online stores that sell laminate, tiles, parquet boards or piece parquet, etc.:

Any process of promoting a web resource starts with a complete study of it by our specialists. We prepare a full-fledged resource audit for our clients: we determine which issues are problematic for the analyzed flooring website, and what exactly hinders the website’s promotion and increase in its online rating. Errors will certainly be corrected. In the process of work, our specialists will regularly evaluate the results of promotion, maintain relevant statistics, and note changes in its rating.

At ContactGroup we promote flooring websites in search engines. With us you will pay only for the actual results obtained.

Demonstration of the flooring website

What a website for the sale of flooring, developed by our specialists, will look like. We offer you one example of such work.

Today it is so difficult to surprise a person! And if we are talking about advertising, then the task seems almost impossible. But there is a type of advertising that, due to its location, creative idea and quality of execution, not only attracts attention, but also... We are talking about outdoor advertising. Marketing research conducted by GFK showed that most people spontaneously recall just such advertising.

Such advertising owes its success to both non-standard arrangement, so creative execution. Firstly, it is common for a person to lower his head and look at the floor when walking - which means he will not miss the floor graphics. Secondly, the advertiser has many ways and opportunities to make an advertisement so that visitors not only look at it with admiration, but also take pictures nearby.

1. Well remembered;

2. Attracts the attention of buyers;

3. It is possible to use new technologies, for example, 3D images;

1. The most popular type of floor advertising are stickers. Their undoubted advantages: they can be placed on any surface, they are highly wear-resistant, you can simulate a 3D image, and after removal there are no traces left.

2. Volumetric graphic images - expensive high-quality pictures with visual effect presence. Performed in single quantities.

3. The floor image in combination with the real structure creates an advertising composition that is attractive to the visitor. Can be interactive.

4. Sensitive Floor. The so-called “sensitive floor” is implemented using projectors that respond to movement.

We invite you to consider striking examples of outdoor advertising.

By order of the Sport Life company, the floors of some metro stations in Kyiv were branded. It turned out quite realistic, and it was definitely impossible to pass by.

For example, the cost of advertising in a large city per 1 sq.m. is 16,000 rubles/month, prices for the production of advertising stickers depend on the selected materials and start from 5,000 rubles/sq.m. A 3-meter sticker at one metro station will cost 65,000 rubles per month. You need to understand that such placements take a very long time to be approved and the price can vary significantly depending on many factors. If traffic is high, film reinstallation will have to be done several times a month.

The cost of placing outdoor advertising in will be lower: for the production of a sticker it will require from 1,000 rubles/sq.m, for placement - from 2,000 to 15,000 rubles/sq.m. depending on the location and level of the dispenser. That is, in a big city in a commercial complex, advertising will cost about 4,000 per sq.m., in a small city - 1,000 - 2,000 sq.m.

Floor advertising can help you stand out from your competitors, form a loyal attitude to the company. And if you manage to create a truly creative and interesting picture, then it will not only be remembered by potential clients, but will also be passed on by word of mouth via social networks and the Internet. This will have a positive impact not only on company image, but will also significantly help increase sales.

Experience with sales training for designers in the United States has shown that many aspects of these programs are applicable to training flooring retailers. Training may require you to change the way you present your product and how you treat customers.

If you want to make such changes, they will later help you “ignite” the buyer, and then additional discounts or, for example, methods of delivering goods will fade into the background.

Before moving on to specific examples, let's look at the basic principles of working with a client.

The main rule of trading, and this is always worth remembering, is that you are selling trust. Not the product, but the trust. Building trust is based on three principles: trust in your excellent knowledge of product characteristics; faith in your advice regarding flooring design; faith in your integrity as a businessman.

Let's find out what builds trust and how to show the buyer what you are capable of. We bring to your attention simple techniques that will help you become successful.

Speak their language

Of course, this postulate does not mean at all that you will have to speak a foreign language. This means that you must have complete information about the client’s social status: newlyweds, pensioners, young parents, yuppies or others. You should approach the client individually, this will help you create a strong “connection” with him. What is very important, such a “connection” will allow one to determine his preferences in design.

Exceeding Expectations

You have established the first contact with the client, determined his preferences for design and coating texture, now it is time to select samples. This short break is an ideal opportunity to offer the client a cup of tea or coffee, and during this time have time to prepare well for the presentation. You must have booklets about floor coverings in the interior, photographs received after laying the floor coverings from your clients. Buyers love to look at such visualizations and “try” them on themselves. All this will help you get closer to solving the tasks assigned to you.

The product must be a "star"

Let the product come to the fore. You are just the "host" receiving guests and offering them design options. The client’s interest will immediately become noticeable, and he will fix his gaze on the option of combining different coatings that he likes, for example, ceramic tiles, laminate and carpet. You can assume that from now on you are in emotional contact with him.

Lay out the selected samples, building a design that will “guide” the client, gradually increasing the degree of his attention. Offer interesting design options for the room, such as a beautiful ceramic tile medallion in the foyer or decorative listels (wallpaper strip) to create unique border designs.
You will notice a gradually increasing level of buyer confidence due to your ability to visualize a design, that is, your ability to move from abstraction to concrete objects. And here is the result: you have created a design that is attractive from the buyer's point of view. They liked it, but they only had one question left: “How soon can all this be done?”

Sell ​​benefits, not features

Of course, during the sales process it is useful to remember the technical characteristics of the product, but this is not the main thing. The main thing is its advantages, only they control emotions. These are the ones you should focus your efforts on. Explain to the client what benefits he will receive with the purchase of a particular product.

So, when offering a more expensive and higher quality carpet, tell them that it retains heat better, that it has a more comfortable surface, that it is pleasant to walk on barefoot, that it is impossible to slip and fall on it, that it has excellent soundproofing properties compared to other carpets - These are all very important benefits. For comparison, let's look at the technical parameters of our hypothetical carpet: stain-resistant surface, weight is 1.7 kg per m2, made of 100% nylon thread, etc. All these parameters are indicated on the back of the carpet. Now do you feel the difference in the descriptions?

Focus on the value of upgrades

Offering an upgrade is a bit of a ploy when making a deal. Buyers don't like being offered an upgrade because they've already fallen in love with a particular product.

In such a situation, don’t even try to sell them something else, even of better quality!

However, upgrades provide certain value to the buyer, that is, short-term and long-term benefits.

In the process of communicating with a client, you can get so carried away by talking about the benefits of the product that you simply “forget” to listen. You won't hear what the client is telling you. As it is written in one book: “A person has two ears and only one mouth. Therefore, to be successful in sales, you must learn to use them in proportion. Try to listen twice as much as you speak.” This is a well-known fact, but be objective when assessing your own abilities. We assure you that there is no such seller in the world who does not need to learn to listen.

Suggest Green Design

Green Design, that is, “green”, environmentally friendly design. Recently, products with this designation (green mark) have been very popular, especially in the carpet sector. Today, people want to be environmentally responsible, so they choose products that won't one day end up in industrial waste landfills. The good news is that more carpet manufacturers are developing and implementing green technologies. The green movement around the world is a reality. Think green, offer green label products to your customers.

Take advantage of every opportunity

Well, it happened. The client likes you and the product that is offered to him. "So what now?" - you ask. But now the best sellers offer upgrades in a way that does not irritate the client. At this stage, the buyer is so charmed by your manners, knowledge of the product and the store's assortment that he favors the upgrade. Moreover, along with the upgrade, you can sell related products (installation glue, various tools, plinths, etc.), and you will also be thanked for it. They will tell friends and acquaintances about you, and rest assured, the buyer will return to you when he needs to buy something else.

All of the above sales techniques and secrets add value not only to you personally, but also to the company as a whole. However, do not be fooled into thinking that you have already mastered everything you learned from our article. Professionalism in sales and creativity in design are improved throughout life. The techniques that we described will allow you to find your own path to success and develop your own style. With each successful sale, you will understand your customers better and find a common language with them.

Translated by Roman Khaburgaev
Annette Cagliari, National Floor Trends Magazine

It is traditional to make floors in an apartment neutral and not attract attention. Kvartblog decided to figure out what options are available on the market for those who are not afraid of experiments and love extraordinary solutions. We looked at the pros and cons of five unusual floor coverings that not everyone will decide on.

Liquid tile

Liquid tiles are also called “living floors”. This material is a multilayer polycarbonate plate, inside of which there is a pattern (tile thickness is approximately 7.5 mm).A unique feature of the floors is that they change their appearance whenever you press them, that is, after someone walks on them.

Such floors are often used in public spaces such as nightclubs and bars, but more recently they have begun to appear in apartment projects. Their optimal use is in the bathroom and children's rooms (kids will be delighted and will “torture” these tiles until they get tired of them). You can see this for yourself by watching the video.

This is a fairly rare material, poorly represented on our market, so its price is appropriate: about 7,000 rubles. per tile measuring 50x50 cm. Since the material is expensive and very impressive, it is rarely laid over the entire floor: usually they make a strip of such tiles or cover a small area for games with it.


  • high impact resistance (you can jump and walk on the tiles in heels);
  • anti-slip surface;
  • moisture resistance (suitable for bathrooms);
  • children like it.


  • high price;
  • this tile is not allowed“cut” or adjust its size: the gel may leak out and the tile will be damaged. This also explains why they do not cover the entire surface of the room;
  • it cannot be placed on heated floors;
  • it does not tolerate temperatures below 12 degrees, so it is not suitable for terraces.


This flooring is also called natural linoleum. It is made from cork, jute and vegetable resin, sometimes chalk, wood flour and linseed oil are added to the composition. Unlike linoleum, this coating is environmentally friendly, durable, does not cause allergies, and most importantly, has bactericidal properties, due to which mold does not grow under the marmoleum. This material is quite new on the market, so its long-term properties have been poorly studied: no one knows for sure what will happen to it after 20 years.


  • ease of installation;
  • large selection (all colors and shades);
  • does not fade in sunlight;
  • it can be used together with heated floors;
  • You can combine different types of marmoleum to create designs.


  • marmoleum is fragile at the edges and does not cut well;
  • it is easy to damage during transportation.


Wooden floors in the bathroom are practically never made due to the fact that wood deteriorates from constant interaction with water. But this does not apply to all types of wood. Teak, which grows in Southeast Asia, is used to make the decks of ships and yachts - it is ideal for interiors with high humidity, that is, for bathrooms. Due to its high cost, it is still rarely seen in Russian apartments, but it looks impressive due to its special caramel color.


  • excellent moisture resistance;
  • practically not deformed;
  • considered durable.


  • high price.

Glass floor

Glass floors are not uncommon: they can be seen in shopping centers and even in museums. But floors made of especially durable tempered glass still rarely appear in homes. As a rule, the floors are not made entirely of glass, but only the so-called “windows in the floor” are left in the usual floor covering. Under such windows you can create niches and place anything in them: decorative stones, dry plants, photographs (for example, a photo from a tower to make guests afraid of heights) - there is room for imagination.


  • glass is very durable and difficult to break;
  • wear resistance, fire resistance, moisture resistance;
  • infinitely many design options.


  • high cost (however, they are not laid out throughout the apartment, but only in a small area, so the price may be acceptable);
  • slippery surface (this problem can be solved usingsandblasting machine, which makes the glass rougher);
  • the appearance of scratches (the floor can be saved by gluing a special film).

Cork covering

Until recently, cork floors were rare, but the situation is changing, and designers have begun to use them in their projects (mainly in children's rooms). Cork floors are very pleasant to walk on. This is because they are softer than wood or laminate floors, but harder than carpet. It is believed that walking on such floors can even relieve fatigue and stress on the spine (perhaps this is the machinations of marketers).


  • good sound insulation;
  • do not cause allergies;
  • the coating can be cut, painted and even digitally printed.


  • poor moisture resistance;
  • the cost is higher than that of laminate and linoleum;
  • cork floors are easily damaged (dents may remain from heels or heavy furniture).

Even with unusual floors, the interior can be stylish and look decent. If you follow these simple rules, you can achieve this:

  1. At least one of the three components (floor, ceiling or walls) must be neutral.
  2. After choosing the gender you needchoose the right window frames and interior doors - they must be combined.

Following this advice, you can fit any floor, even a very non-standard one, into your interior.
