Information and communication technologies in the professional activities of a teacher in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard. Information and communication technologies in vocational education The concept of communication and information technologies

Gryaznova Irina Sergeevna
State Public Educational Institution "Amur College of Construction and Housing and Communal Services"
Blagoveshchensk, Amur region


Keywords: information and communication technologies, pedagogical innovations, informatization of education.

The current stage of development of society poses a number of fundamentally new problems for the Russian education system, caused by political, socio-economic, ideological and other factors, among which we should highlight the need to improve the quality and accessibility of education, increase academic mobility, integration into the global scientific and educational space, creating economically optimal educational systems, strengthening connections between different levels of education.

The implementation of these priority requirements is facilitated by pedagogical innovations. Innovation in educational activities is the use of new knowledge, techniques, approaches, technologies to obtain results in the form of educational services that are distinguished by social and market demand. A study of innovation experience shows that most innovations are devoted to the development of technologies.

One of the effective ways to solve these problems is the informatization of education. Improvements in technical means of communication have led to significant progress in information exchange. The emergence of new information technologies associated with the development of computer tools and telecommunications networks has made it possible to create a qualitatively new information and educational environment as the basis for the development and improvement of the education system.

The peculiarity of information and communication technologies (ICT) is their versatility; they are a tool that is used in all branches of knowledge: humanities, natural sciences, socio-economics. Consequently, the innovative nature of ICT development directly affects other branches of knowledge that shape the worldview of a young specialist, improving the didactic and methodological presentation of knowledge, increasing the ability to perceive and generate knowledge, thereby introducing an innovative element into the comprehensive development of the individual.

The use of ICT makes it possible to significantly speed up the process of searching and transmitting information, transforming the nature of mental activity, and automating human labor. It has been proven that the level of development and implementation of information and communication technologies in production activities determines the success of any organization.
The basis of ICT is information and telecommunication systems, built on computer tools and representing information resources and hardware and software that provide storage, processing and transmission of information over a distance.

The introduction of ICT into the content of the educational process leads to the informatization of students' consciousness and their understanding of the processes of informatization in modern society (in its professional aspect). Awareness of the emerging trend in the process of informatization of education is essential. As a result, new information technologies appear in the methodological system, and graduates are prepared to master new ICTs in their future careers. Application experience has shown:
a) the information environment significantly increases students’ motivation to study disciplines;
b) informatization of education is attractive for students because the psychological stress of communication is relieved by moving from the subjective relationship “student-teacher” to the most objective relationship “student-computer-teacher”, the efficiency of student work increases, the share of creative work increases, and the opportunity to obtain additional education in the discipline within the college;
c) informatization of teaching is attractive for the teacher because it allows him to increase his productivity and improves the general information culture.

It should be noted that the individuality of learning, both in the pace of perceiving material, solving problems, making decisions, and in the way of perceiving information, lies in the sphere of the individual’s intellectual development. In a computer program, it is possible to present the same material in different forms, including those other than printing - including video clips, animation, and sound. The individuality of learning is also manifested in timely teacher-student feedback. Computer technologies make it possible to automate the educational process, reducing the labor costs of teachers and students, reducing the level of psychological stress and increasing the objectivity of knowledge assessment. The student sees the result of the work immediately after completing it, and not some time after the test, when he has already forgotten what he did. Timely information about the success of completing a task allows the teacher to build a plan for further work in a logical sequence, see gaps in the student’s knowledge, and outline ways to solve them.
The main goal of vocational education is to prepare a qualified specialist capable of effective professional work in his specialty and competitive in the labor market.

Traditional training of specialists, focused on the formation of knowledge, skills and abilities in the subject area, is increasingly lagging behind modern requirements. The basis of education should be not so much academic disciplines as ways of thinking and acting. It is necessary not only to produce a specialist who has received high-level training, but also to include him already at the training stage in the development of new technologies, adapt him to the conditions of a specific production environment, and make him a conductor of new solutions who successfully performs the functions of a manager.

With the advent of information technology, a variety of computer, training, demonstration, modeling programs, electronic reference books and textbooks, simulators, etc. began to appear. But the use of such electronic aids in the educational process is extremely rare, the reasons being the poor material and technical equipment of classrooms and the significant high cost of software. Therefore, in the best case, the teacher uses electronic teaching aids to demonstrate an experiment, a film, prepare a report, or print out any assignments. If a computer is used during classes, then it is sporadically, by the teacher - an innovator who is constantly improving his teaching skills.

In order to improve the quality of specialist training, enhance the cognitive activity of students, unlock creative potential, and organize the educational process with a high level of independence, college teachers use a variety of educational technologies in their work: student-centered learning, problem-based learning, test forms of knowledge control, block-modular learning, project method, case method, collaborative learning, multi-level learning, information and communication technologies, etc.
The administration of the educational institution pays great attention to the introduction of ICT in the educational process. The training of teaching staff and equipment of classrooms are important for the use of information and communication technologies.

To create presentations for lessons and teaching materials, teachers learned how to navigate and search for information on the Internet, obtain it and save it for subsequent use in the pedagogical process. Access to electronic libraries, databases, and portals ensures effective search and prompt receipt of the necessary information. Of particular importance in the list of electronic educational resources are interactive training programs: multimedia courses, virtual laboratories and museums, animation models, training and testing systems, necessary elements for students’ independent work. At this stage, the college management purchased interactive manuals on general education and general professional disciplines.

Currently, many college teachers have created their own websites, their own information space in which lesson materials, methodological developments, presentations, i.e. are posted. made open access to their educational and methodological materials.
Today, all college classrooms are equipped with modern computer and presentation equipment. Classrooms are equipped with software and hardware systems that represent a multimedia information environment that ensures maximum efficiency in the presentation and assimilation of educational material. The teacher has at his disposal a computer, audio and video equipment, peripheral devices: televisions, multimedia projectors, interactive whiteboards, scanners, printers, etc., i.e. the most modern equipment for presenting information in any form (text, sound, graphics, video) and conducting classes with maximum presentation effect.

Over the past few years, the level of ICT literacy and ICT competence of our teachers has grown so that they are now able to solve any problems in the field of information and communication technologies that are put before them: they are able to understand any program, technical device, and implement their original ideas using your own multimedia presentations, interactive whiteboards, and other computer equipment. The implementation of the technical component was the first stage to solve the problem of obtaining a competent teacher in the field of ICT.

Further growth in the ICT competence of teachers is inevitable, as the college administration sets new tasks for the development of information and communication technologies.
The possibilities of informatization of education are limitless. College teachers, having become ICT-competent, strive to use innovative achievements and developments in the field of computer solutions and the latest technical discoveries in their work.

1. Ivanov D.A. What challenges of modern society are answered by the use of the concepts of key competence and competency-based approach in education? / Competencies and competency-based approach in modern education // Series “Assessing the quality of education” / Responsible. ed. Kurneshova L. E. M.: Moscow. Center for Quality Education, 2008.
2. Khutorskoy A.V. Key competencies and educational standards//Internet magazine “Eidos”. – 2002. – April 23. –
3. Khutorskoy A.V. Technology for designing key and subject competencies // Internet magazine “Eidos”. – 2005. – December 12. –
4. Mattis V. Innovations today, traditions tomorrow.
5. Gorbacheva V.G. Fundamentals of innovative processes in educational activities: M.: Prosveshchenie, 2013
6. Berezhnova E.V. Fundamentals of educational and research activities: Textbook. M.: Education, 2006.


Information communication technologies (ICT) can offer ever-increasing opportunities for the development of education systems in all countries of the world community. The use of ICT and multimedia technologies in the system of technical and vocational education can radically change the existing education system. The organization of the educational process can become more innovative in the sense that analytical, practical and experimental principles of learning will be widely used, which will make it possible to orient the entire learning process of each individual student.

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At the present stage of development, the information society is trying to solve its problems with the help of information technology. If one considers the numerous areas in which technology has changed life in the 20th century, these efforts should be successful.

Now that information and communication technologies (ICT) have arrived in education, there is great hope for them, but one must be especially prudent in their use, remembering the statement of K. Shannon that one key cannot open all doors. Educational institutions lay the foundations for the future; they prepare students who will become tomorrow's citizens and leaders. The basis of this direction is to improve the quality and improve the results of teaching and learning through the use of ICT.

The use of ICT and multimedia technologies in education can radically change the existing education system. The organization of the educational process can become more innovative in the sense that analytical, practical and experimental principles of learning will be widely used, which will help guide the entire learning process of each individual student.

When using ICT in the system of technical and vocational education, a number of ethical problems arise. Firstly, the use of ICT in various areas of human activity entails the creation of an information-oriented society. Thus, by teaching computer skills, teachers prepare for life in a new society.

Another ethical problem that arises when using ICT in the system of technical and vocational education is the availability of ICT, which consists of accessibility and comfort. Increased accessibility has been achieved through various changes in computer systems, most notably the development of personal computers and computer networks. Comfort is achieved by using a graphical interface and functional standards.

And finally, the third problem is assessing the effectiveness of ICT in the system of technical and vocational education, which includes, on the one hand, the feasibility of using technology, and, on the other, ways of using it.

The education system is focused on the formation of reproductive skills, which boil down to the ability to remember and reproduce information. The unique capabilities of new technologies make it possible to develop skills and abilities of a higher level, including the ability to reflect, compare, synthesize and analyze, identify connections and find ways to solve complex problems, planning and group interaction, that is, everything that is called “high” in the literature. -level thinking” and where the use of ICT can be most effective. In the process of taking advantage of ICTs and the benefits they bring, educators may experience a change in the way they think about their work, and this change is not always based on carefully considered choices.

Educators must remember that technology involved in the educational environment becomes part of the educational process that existed before its use. However, as time passes and technology becomes more commonplace, it opens up new opportunities to change their activities. At this stage, the goals of education may change. These changes can lead to improved education, the main thing is that the choice is thoughtful; Educators should not be led by technology.

The introduction of ICT in the system of technical and vocational education should be accompanied by a discussion, during which teachers will have the opportunity to become familiar with new technologies and evaluate the merits of ICT. At the same time, it is especially important to prevent a shift in attention from the content and meaning of education to the method of transmitting the material. We are moving at great speed towards a world in which the ability to learn, generalize, analyze and transfer knowledge from one subject area to another will be the key to a person achieving professional success.

The role of the teacher in the information society is changing: he ceases to be an authoritarian and the only source of knowledge, and becomes a leader and assistant to students in the educational process. Students are given the opportunity to independently seek the knowledge they need in a rapidly changing world, and therefore they require a significant number of individual learning strategies that would allow each of them to become active participants in the learning process and critically approach the knowledge provided to them.

The idea of ​​interactive learning implies mutual responsibility for the quality of learning of both the teacher and students. In achieving this goal, it is important to support your own learning process and assimilation of knowledge in order to be able to independently develop effective learning strategies for yourself .

The use of multimedia, as a rule, makes it possible to provide students with more opportunities for independent and independent work, as well as to flexibly vary their study schedules. Undoubtedly, there are new teaching methods, new pedagogy, new tools and new resources available to the teacher.

Multimedia has many definitions, and almost all of them agree that multimedia includes text, graphics, animation, video and audio information in an integrated presentation, allowing for different ways of structuring and presentation.

Considering multimedia as a learning tool, multimedia products and Internet services can be used in a variety of academic contexts to develop creative skills and critical thinking. Multimedia can be used to improve the quality of education in individual subject areas and disciplines at the intersection of several subject areas.

The skill of constructing knowledge about learning (understanding the learning process; metacognition) allows learners to become experts in their own learning process. Understanding how to learn allows you to find and apply successful strategies in any subject area. One of the goals is to develop each student's understanding of the idea of ​​learning and the mechanisms of functioning of his own memory.

Multimedia products and Internet services provide the greatest opportunities to increase the effectiveness of the learning process:

  • simultaneous use of several channels of perception of students in the learning process, thereby achieving integration of information delivered by several different senses;
  • the ability to simulate complex real situations and experiments;
  • visualization of abstract information through dynamic representation of processes;
  • the opportunity to develop students' cognitive structures and interpretations by framing the studied material in a broad educational, social, historical context, and connecting the educational material with the student's interpretation.

In fact, we are dealing with the principle of visibility in teaching, which was developed a long time ago, but requires further scientific development in the new conditions of using ICT in education. Multimedia is an extremely useful and fruitful educational technology due to its inherent qualities of interactivity, flexibility, and integration of various types of visual educational information, as well as its ability to take into account the individual characteristics of students and help increase their motivation. The possibility of interactivity is one of the most significant advantages of digital multimedia compared to other means of presenting information.

Interactivity refers to the process of providing information in response to user requests. Interactivity allows, within certain limits, to control the presentation of information: students can individually change settings, study the results, and also respond to program requests about specific user preferences. They can also set the delivery rate and number of repetitions to suit their individual academic needs.

Moreover, the ability to provide a user experience tailored to the needs of students distinguishes the multimedia computer from any other means of presenting information that does not require active human participation. Like the use of textbooks, the use of multimedia educational tools enriches teaching strategies only when the teacher not only delivers information, but also guides, supports and assists students in the learning process.

The use of multimedia allows students to independently work on educational materials and independently decide how to study the materials, in what sequence and how to use the interactive capabilities of multimedia programs, and how to implement joint work with other members of the educational group. Thus, students become active participants in the educational process.

Learners can influence their own learning process by tailoring it to their individual abilities and preferences. They can study exactly the material that interests them, repeat the material as many times as they need, and this helps remove many of the obstacles to their individual perception.

Some college students are unable to take advantage of the freedom that self-paced learning through hypertext-based multimedia provides.

Often, confusing and complex presentation methods can cause the user to be distracted from the material being studied due to various inconsistencies. Their attention is scattered; moreover, the nonlinear structure of multimedia information exposes the user to the “temptation” of following the proposed links, which (if used ineptly) can distract the student from the main stream of presentation of the material. The enormous amount of information presented by multimedia applications can also be a distraction during the learning process.

Human short-term memory has very limited capabilities; As a rule, an ordinary person is able to confidently remember and operate simultaneously with only seven different mental categories. When a student is presented with multiple types of multimedia information simultaneously, a situation may arise in which the student is distracted (“jumping”) from some types of information to attend to others, and as a result, the integrity of the learning material remains poorly understood. The level of user interaction with the program still remains at a very low level, and is still very far from the level of communication between people.

Possibilities for “feedback” to the user in computer-based educational applications are, as a rule, very limited. In most cases, computers cannot replace face-to-face teaching, but only expand (supplement) its capabilities. As a rule, the application's “feedback” is limited to monitoring students' answers to questions at the “right/wrong” level, and does not support the ability to dynamically select different learning strategies, and does not provide in-depth comments on the correct or incorrect answer. A multimedia application is unable to identify a student's individual needs or challenges and therefore cannot respond to them like a teacher.

In addition, creating audio, video and graphics is much more difficult and expensive than writing regular textbook text. Software and hardware must be properly configured to ensure seamless use of learning materials. Multimedia applications have higher system requirements than simple text editing tools, etc.

An insufficiently fast Internet connection leads to poor quality of sound, image, video, as well as long delays when downloading files, which can negatively affect the effectiveness of the educational process using ICT.

Multimedia applications (programs, products) can be used as one of many possible learning environments, applicable in numerous academic contexts in which students master educational material and participate in dialogue with other students and teachers about the essence of their learning process

Integrating multimedia requires a deep analytical, practical and experimental approach that places the learner at the center of the learning process. The learning process in the system of technical and vocational education is focused on students, so they must develop the skills to independently find the information necessary to form knowledge. This means that it is necessary to use various methods of individual learning that would allow each of them to become an active participant in the learning process and critically approach the material being studied.

Thus, there is no doubt that information and communication technologies can offer increasing opportunities for the development of the technical and vocational education system in Kazakhstan.


  1. Apatova N.V. Information technologies in school education. M.: IOSH RAO, - 1994.
  2. Grebenev I.V. Methodological problems of computerization of schooling. //Pedagogy. - No. 5. -1994.
  3. Galishnikova E.M. Using an interactive Smart board in the learning process // Teacher. – 2007. – No. 4. – P. 8-10.
  4. Zakharova I.G. Information technologies in education: Proc. aid for students higher ped. textbook establishments. – M., - 2003.

The current stage of development of society is characterized by a number of features, which should, first of all, include: the increased importance of intellectual work focused on the use of a global information resource; the need for accessible and prompt communication between individual specialists and creative teams to solve joint research problems and work on common projects; integrative nature of processes covering science, technology, education.

These features of modern society are characterized by the process of informatization, the essence of which is the continuous increase in the level of both professional and information competence of each specialist. The main characteristics of information and communication technologies (ICT), as a new area of ​​scientific and technological progress, which significantly distinguish them from scientific and industrial ones, are:

The dynamism of improving generations of technical, software and hardware tools (changes in generations of computer technology, information and communications are occurring at an accelerating pace);

The need for continuous training of developers and users of information systems in connection with the ever-increasing level of technical and technological complexity of the components that make up ICT tools;

The impact of the use of modern ICT on the development of productive forces and significant changes in industrial relations;

High potential efficiency of realizing the capabilities of modern ICT in the areas of automation of information activities, information interaction and organizational management.

ICT tools have certain didactic capabilities, the implementation of which creates the prerequisites for intensifying the educational process, as well as creating methods aimed at developing the student’s intelligence, enhancing cognitive activity, and independently generating knowledge and producing information. The main ones include /2/:

An interactive dialogue between the user and ICT tools, which is characterized by the fact that each user request causes a response from the system and, conversely, the latter’s response requires a user reaction;

Computer visualization of educational information about the object or process being studied (visual representation on the screen of: the object, its components or their models; the process or its model, including hidden in the real world; graphic interpretation of the studied pattern of the process being studied);

Computer modeling of studied or researched objects, their relationships, processes, phenomena, both real and “virtual” (representation on the screen of a mathematical, information-descriptive, visual model is adequate to the original);

Audio accompaniment of information, synchronous and asynchronous in relation to the presented material;

Presentation of information based on hypermedia - technologies for combining and presenting audio, animation, graphic, text information using hypertext links;

Archiving, storing large volumes of information with the ability to easily access it, transfer it, and replicate it;

Automation of computing, information and retrieval processes;

Processing the results of the experiment with the possibility of repeated educational repetition of a fragment or the experiment itself;

Automation of processes of information and methodological support, organizational management of educational activities and monitoring of learning results.

In domestic scientific developments, the implementation of the capabilities of ICT tools in the field of education, including vocational education, is carried out by the branch of pedagogical science - informatization of education , which is considered as a purposefully organized process of providing the education sector with methodology, technology and practice of development and optimal use of ICT tools used in comfortable and health-saving conditions, focused on the implementation of learning goals, individual development, including subsystems of training and education /3/.

Despite the fact that nowadays no one can be surprised by the presence of computer equipment in an educational institution or the possibility of access to the global information network, methodologically, the traditional approach dominates in education with all the ensuing contradictions due to the unrealization of the capabilities of ICT tools in order to improve the education system, adequately to the needs modernity. It is also important that the speed of changes occurring in areas related to the improvement and development of ICT has no analogues in the past, and education, in turn, uses these technologies in a lagging mode and, moreover, not in the most active way, “ ... the knowledge acquired in educational institutions increasingly becomes obsolete before graduates have time to receive diplomas and certificates” /4/.

At the same time, it is well known that the educational process, like no other, for its effective passage requires the implementation of the principles of scientificity, accessibility, systematicity, a certain structuring of the presentation of educational information, and professionally significant information intended for assimilation by a modern student is strictly expanded in content and structure, becomes more complicated, which undoubtedly creates certain difficulties for its presentation, extraction, assimilation and use. All this entails the need to create a new education strategy, including scientific research in the field of informatization of vocational education, based on a revision of the paradigm of professional training of a highly qualified specialist in the context of the use of ICT tools.

The main fundamental studies of pedagogical science in the field of scientific foundations for the development of informatization of vocational education in the conditions of mass communication and globalization of modern society include the following: conceptual - philosophical, scientific - pedagogical, physiological and hygienic, engineering - programming, ergonomic, socio - economic, normative legal. Currently, research is also being conducted on the general patterns and features of vocational education in connection with the use of ICT tools, conceptual models are being developed and research prototypes of software tools and systems are being designed to ensure the implementation of the capabilities of ICT tools in professional activities and in the process of preparing for its implementation.

Informatization of education is currently considered as a new area of ​​pedagogical knowledge, which is focused on providing the education sector with methodology, technology and practice for solving the following problems and tasks /1/:

Scientific, pedagogical, methodological, normative, technological and technical prerequisites for the development of education in the conditions of mass communication and globalization of the modern information society;

Creation of a methodological basis for selecting the content of education, developing methods and organizational forms of training and education that correspond to the tasks of developing the student’s personality in modern conditions of the information society of mass communication and globalization;

Methodological justification and development of innovative models and development of existing pedagogical technologies for the use of ICT tools in various levels of education, including forms, methods, and teaching aids;

Creation of methodological training systems focused on the development of the student’s intellectual potential, on the formation of skills to independently acquire knowledge, carry out activities for collecting, processing, transferring, storing information resources, and producing information;

Development of research and demonstration prototypes of electronic educational tools, including software tools and systems;

Use of the distributed information resource Internet and development of technologies for information interaction for educational purposes based on global telecommunications;

Production of pedagogical applications in networks based on the potential of a distributed information resource of open educational systems of telecommunication access;

Development of tools and systems for automating the processing of educational research, demonstration, laboratory experiments, both real and “virtual”;

Creation and application of automation tools for psychological and pedagogical testing, diagnostic methods for monitoring and assessing the level of knowledge of students, their advancement in learning, establishing the intellectual potential of the student;

Implementation of pedagogical and ergonomic assessment of computer technology, information and communication technologies used in the field of education;

Improving the mechanisms for managing the education system through the use of automated databases and data banks of scientific and pedagogical information, information and methodological materials, telecommunication networks, as well as improving the processes of informatization of management of an educational institution (system of educational institutions).

So, the field of activity has been determined, I want to believe that scientists and teachers will adequately cope with the assigned tasks and offer a universal concept for the modernization of vocational education based on ICT.


1. Robert I.V., Polyakov V.A. Main directions of scientific research in the field of informatization of vocational education. M.: “Education and Informatics”, 2004. - 68 p.

2. Semenova N.G. Creation and practical implementation of multimedia lecture courses. Orenburg: OSU, 2004. - 128 p.

3. Robert I.V. Scientific and pedagogical research in the field of informatization of vocational education // Scientific notes. Vol. 14. - M.: IIO RAO, 2004.

4. Turchenko V.P. Paradigms of education strategy // Educator. - 1998. - No. 4.

Bibliographic link

Semenova N.G., Vakulyuk V.M. INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES IN PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION // Modern problems of science and education. – 2006. – No. 6.;
URL: (access date: 02/01/2020). We bring to your attention magazines published by the publishing house "Academy of Natural Sciences"


"European University "Business Triangle"


according to the advanced training program (PC)

“Updating the activities of the life safety teacher-organizer

in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard"


« Information and communication technologies in the professional activities of life safety teachers »

Abstract prepared by:

Emelyanova Irina Valentinovna

Job title:

life safety teacher

Place of work:

MBOU "School No. 21" Angarsk

Contract number and date:

2016/01-6866-12 dated 12/06/2016

4 January 2016

Angarsk, Irkutsk region

Russian Federation


Education in the 21st century is built on principles that differ in many ways from previous centuries. Thus, the fundamental categories in the learning process were the development of the student’s personality, the formation of general abilities and erudition in accordance with the individual capabilities and characteristics of each, the formation of an elementary culture of activity, mastery of the main components of educational activity, and the formation of readiness for self-education. A natural step to achieve new learning outcomes was the search for new pedagogical tools that would suit the modern generation of students. Modern innovative education at school provides for a significant expansion of the role of information technology as an effective means of self-development, self-improvement, self-education and self-control of students in the educational process

In this regard, information technologies are currently widely used in education. The most popular areas of use of information technology in the practice of Russian educational institutions are:

    Computer programs and educational systems (computer textbooks, diagnostic and test systems, simulators and simulation programs, laboratory complexes, expert systems, databases and knowledge bases in various fields, applied and instrumental software).

    Information environments based on databases and knowledge bases.

    Telecommunication systems that implement e-mail, teleconferencing and allow access to global communication networks.

    Electronic desktop printing houses that allow individual, high-speed production of textbooks and documents on various media.

    Electronic libraries of both a distributed and centralized nature, allowing for a new way of providing students with access to global information resources.

Today it is necessary that every teacher in any school discipline can prepare and teach a lesson using ICT. Such a lesson is visual, colorful, informative, interactive, and saves time for the teacher and student. It allows the student to work at his own pace, and gives the teacher the opportunity to quickly monitor and evaluate learning results.

1. Advantages of using ICT in life safety lessons

The specifics of each academic subject dictate its own requirements for working with information. Life safety lessons are more specific, unlike other school subjects, both in methodological, didactic, and technological aspects. The possibilities of using the Internet in life safety lessons are as follows:

    Free search of Internet resources on a given topic;

    Studying a specific Internet resource as a didactic tool in life safety lessons.

Thus, the Internet has enormous information and didactic capabilities in preparing and conducting life safety lessons.

Information technologies make it possible to implement the principles of a differentiated and individual approach to learning. During classes, the teacher gives each student the opportunity to independently work with educational information, which allows him to analyze the new material in detail according to his own scheme.

The use of computer technologies makes it possible to increase the level of self-education and motivation for educational activities; provides completely new opportunities for creativity, acquisition and consolidation of various professional skills, and of course, corresponds to the social order that the state imposes on the school.

Multimedia technologies open up opportunities for teachers to abandon the routine teaching activities inherent in traditional teaching, giving him the opportunity to use intellectual forms of work, freeing him from presenting a significant part of the educational material and routine operations associated with the development of skills.

The main goal of a teacher who uses information and computer technologies in teaching life safety is an effective method of overcoming the complexity of studying the material by relying on the activation of the formation of students’ skills and abilities, the development of mental thinking and imagination.

Using information and computer technologies in life safety lessons, the teacher implements a productive model of teaching, that is, the study of the material occurs not for the sake of getting to know the material itself (with a possible subsequent assessment of the depth of this acquaintance through answers to questions), as in the productive model, but for the sake of solving a specific problem . Interactive learning promotes the involvement of all students in the learning process, provides the opportunity to understand and reflect on what they know and think. This creates conditions under which the student feels successful, intellectually competent and, which makes the learning process itself productive.

In the practice of teaching life safety to schoolchildren, both knowledge-oriented and personality-oriented approaches are observed. The life safety course provides not only for the acquisition of theoretical knowledge, but also for the formation of certain skills and behavior habits of the student in emergency situations of a natural, social, or man-made nature. With the first of these approaches, there is an academicism in the teaching content, a predominance of the teacher’s activity over the student’s activity, and the presence of negative stimulation. If a person-centered approach is implemented, the practical aspect of the material being studied and the priority of positive stimulation are ensured. Practical work during the life safety lesson in the future will help students overcome stress when danger arises in real conditions, make the only correct decision that will minimize injuries and deaths, material losses, and protect themselves.

Conducting lessons using information technology is a powerful incentive for learning. Through such lessons, students’ mental processes are activated: perception, attention, memory, thinking; the arousal of cognitive interest occurs much more actively and quickly. A person by nature trusts his eyes more, and more than 80% of information is perceived and remembered through the visual analyzer. The didactic advantages of lessons using information technology are the creation of an effect of presence (“I saw it!”), students develop interest, a desire to learn and see more.

Currently, computer support for the course of any subject, including life safety, has been developed. Without replacing a textbook or other teaching aids, electronic publications have their own didactic functions. They are not strictly tied to any specific textbook; they present the most significant issues in the content of education for basic and high school. In addition to using these textbooks, I make presentations in which I include the necessary diagrams, tables, drawings and videos.

Some people think that the use of information communication technologies allows the teacher to relax during the lesson, because a computer with an installed program does everything for him. However, developing lessons and using information technology requires a lot of personal time. And this work is almost impossible at school, so video digitization, scanning, and Internet searches are most often carried out using a home computer. But all these costs are justified when you see the results of the fruits of your labor in the classroom.

2. Use of ICT in life safety lessons

Preparing printed handouts

The use of ICT allows you to create handouts faster and more efficiently compared to standard “hand drawing” and subsequent rewriting (or photocopying). Documents created on a computer can be easily edited and printed again and again. You can enter, edit and format text, and insert pictures, tables and charts into it. You can create various documents, prepare handouts for lessons, test texts, tests, and help schoolchildren prepare explanatory notes for creative projects. And also quickly and efficiently produce the required number of cards for each topic.

The specificity of the subject of life safety makes it necessary to use many photographs, drawings, and diagrams as visual material. You can get all this at your disposal as follows:

    Take photographs yourself or use ready-made ones from various multimedia sources;

    Make drawings and diagrams using graphic editors or use them from books, newspapers, magazines and multimedia sources.

The easiest way is to scan an image. This is a simple process and children know it well after the first year of studying computer science.

Multimedia support for life safety lessons

When studying the material, the life safety teacher needs illustrated posters, diagrams, graphs, and videos. Modern information technologies make it possible to fully and interestingly illustrate the content of educational material using computer presentations (slide films). A distinctive feature of such benefits is entertainment, and not just information content.

The use of multimedia technology, on the one hand, makes the teacher’s work easier, on the other hand, it obliges not only to master the computer, but also to plan lessons more carefully for more effective teaching.

The lessons use the main forms of interaction between teacher and students.

Passive method – interaction between students and teacher, in which the teacher is the main actor and controls the course of the lesson, and students act as passive listeners. From the point of view of modern pedagogical technologies and the effectiveness of students’ assimilation of educational material, the passive method is considered the most ineffective. When choosing this method, the presentation is mainly illustrative.

Active method -teacher and students interact with each other during the lesson. Students are not passive listeners, but active participants.

The interactive method - in contrast to active methods, is focused on broader interaction of students not only with the teacher, but also with each other, on the dominance of student activity in the learning process. The teacher’s place in an interactive lesson is the direction of student interaction with each other to achieve the goal of the lesson. As practice has shown, the use of presentations in any case increases the cognitive value of the lesson and its effectiveness, regardless of the teaching method.

The structure of a combined lesson using multimedia technology has significant advantages. With the help of presentation, I try to make each stage of the lesson more dense, visual and informational. However, excessive use of presentations in the classroom can lead not only to a decrease in its effectiveness, but also to a decrease in students’ interest in the subject as such. Therefore, when designing a lesson using a presentation, it is necessary to take into account the child’s age and the characteristics of his perception. For example, the use of graphs and diagrams is inappropriate for younger students; on the contrary, vivid images contribute to a more complete perception of new material. In addition, I always follow the rules for using presentations and vary from 25 to several minutes in accordance with the percentage distribution of lesson time proposed by D. Kolb. Of course, presentation cannot completely replace traditional methods of working in the classroom, such as oral response, written work and others.

For each stage of the lesson using a presentation in my work, I follow certain rules.

At the initial stage of the lesson (organizational and content setting or motivation)designed to concentrate students' attention on the topic, interest them, show the need and benefits of studying new material, I use slides to create a problem situation with subsequent formulation of the topic by the students themselves. This is facilitated by the number of slides, certain animation effects, and the information content of the image (drawings, photographs, graphs, diagrams). It is worth noting that the use of statistical tables on a slide is inappropriate, since they are difficult to perceive and analyze by schoolchildren of any age.

When creating such slides, I use: speech, music, visual (illustrations with captions) accompaniment, depending on the topic of the lesson. At the same time, the main directions of my work are:

Formation of skills to analyze, compare, highlight the main thing, generalize, draw conclusions;

- development of associative thinking.

In this case, together with the children, I identify the problem and ways to solve it.

At the next stage of the lesson - checking the depth of understanding and strength of students’ knowledge,I use a presentation to display at any time on the screen the information that is the basis for testing knowledge and updating it. I have the opportunity to return to previously covered topics, directly restore notes, the course of the previous lesson, use visual cues, which contributes to the development of long-term memory, strengthening intra-subject and inter-subject connections. I sometimes put this part of the lesson before the goal-setting stage, especially if the lesson is a continuation of learning new things or generalizing previously covered material.

At the stage of studying the main material, I select tasks that, when completed, ensure that students acquire new knowledge, skills and abilities. Thus, when creating this part of the educational presentation, I adhere to the basic requirement - the slide should contain only useful information that reflects the goals and objectives of the lesson. I pay special attention to the selection of information and illustrative material indicating authors, titles, events, dates.

When working interactively, the process of acquiring new knowledge occurs in the interaction of students with each other, as well as with the teacher. Working with a presentation allows me to visually fill out pre-prepared forms (lesson notes). At the same time, I teach children to formulate the main thoughts and express them specifically and concisely. When designing slides, I plan to gradually fill out cause-and-effect diagrams using knowledge on new material or other subjects. Presentations have a certain advantage in developing practical skills when, using slide changes or animation, I consistently demonstrate each step of action. In this case, not only does their illustration become more vivid, but the time for individual work with the child also increases.

Slides can also be of an instructive nature in anticipation of any actions, fixing the order of their sequence.

When consolidating the studied material, diagnosing the strength of knowledge acquisition, and assessing work in the lesson, I create presentations based on the principles of flexibility, clarity, and impartiality. When choosing this approach, I allow each student to evaluate their successes, identify mistakes, and correct them. In this case, the advantage of the presentation is that, with the correct design, it allows not only to give the correct answer, but also to illustrate it with a fragment of the lesson.

Using a presentation winning during reflection, instruction on homework,summing up the lesson, since it allows you to quickly restore the entire course of the lesson and focus on the parts that are significant for doing your homework. At the same time, students are forced to become active participants, remember their own reasoning and restate the main ideas.

In the final part of the lesson, the presentation allows me to return to the beginning and build a dialogue about achieving the goals and objectives. As a result of finishing the lesson this way, I already have information about the success of learning the new material.

In addition, I use the following presentation in my work:

    as an element of health-saving technology - eye gymnastics (relaxation, motor).

    for the development of cognitive processes;

    patriotic education;

    formation of a culture and skills of independent design and research activities.

The use of multimedia technology in a modern lesson expands the possibilities of teacher creativity and his participation in the process of updating education, and develops competencies at various levels of both teacher and student.

Monitoring the level of knowledge using test tasks

Tests in the modern educational process are widely introduced into the practice of studying many subjects, including in teaching the discipline “Fundamentals of Life Safety.”

If we talk about the methodology for using tests, it is very diverse. Using tests you can perform many functions. This way, during training, you can inform students, present numbers and facts, and support the material presented with data from tests. A heuristic option is possible, when we give a test and possible answers. The student must find the correct answer and explain why it is correct and the others are wrong.

Computer control, which includes materials for diagnosing the level of sensitization, has a number of advantages:

    saves time on identifying errors;

    computer control is carried out in a differentiated manner, taking into account the individual capabilities of students;

    Statistical processing of the results makes it possible to assess the quality of learning the material on the topic studied.

Working with tests develops students' independent work skills. As a result of the use of test tasks, student activity increases and the quality of knowledge increases.


Under modern conditions of schooling, it is impossible to do without modern information and communication technologies. Their use increases students' motivation to learn. The teacher must have computer skills and be able to use the computer as a convenient tool in his daily activities.

The computer facilitates the work of a life safety teacher at school, storing a lot of data and programs needed in work, helping to quickly prepare plans, reports, reports and draft orders; in essence, it is a whole working complex that ensures a quick search for the necessary information and its presentation in a convenient way. user view.

The use of ICT in teaching contributes to the discovery, preservation and development of individual abilities in schoolchildren, a unique combination of personal qualities inherent in each person; formation of students’ cognitive abilities, desire for improvement; ensuring the complexity of the study of the phenomena of reality, the inextricability of the relationship between natural science, technology, humanities and art; constant dynamic updating of the content, forms and methods of the teaching and upbringing process.

The main results of using ICT in life safety lessons:

    Increasing the level of independence and initiative of students in the classroom;

    Positive attitude of students towards the subject of life safety, towards the teacher, towards each other;

    Designation of the objective focus of students’ activities on the development of their personality;

    The emergence and growth of cognitive interest among students;

    Educational and developmental progress of the personality that arose during the lesson.

From all of the above, one single conclusion can be drawn: the use of information and communication technologies in teaching life safety is one of the essential means of realizing the goals and objectives of the learning process.


    Polat, E.S. New pedagogical and information technologies in the education system: textbook. aid for students pedagogical universities and higher education systems. qualified ped. personnel / E.S. Polat, M.Yu. Bukharkina, M.V. Moiseeva, A.V. Petrov. – M.: Academy, 1999.

    Innovative pedagogical technologies: Active learning [Text]: textbook. aid for students higher professional institutions education / A. P. Panfilova. - 2nd ed., erased. - M.: Academy, 2011. - 192 p.

    Zakharova, I. G. Information technologies in education [Text]: textbook. aid for students universities studying pedagogical specialist. / I. G. Zakharova. - 6th ed., erased. - M.: Academy, 2010. - 189 p.

    Stavrova O.B. The use of computers in the professional activities of teachers / O.B. Stavrova. – Moscow: Intellect-Center, 2007. – 144 p.

  • § 3. Orthoepic and accentological norms of the Russian literary language. Reference material
  • O R P H O E P H E N O R M S
  • Characteristics of stress in Russian
  • A ccentologi cal norms
  • Didactic material
  • § 4. Lexical and phraseological norms of the Russian literary language. Reference material
  • L e x i c h e o f Errors
  • Errors in the use of phrases:
  • Didactic material
  • 3. Correspondence between adjectives and nouns with which you can
  • 6. There are errors in the use of paronyms in the sentences:
  • § 5. Morphological norms of the Russian literary language. Reference material
  • Noun
  • II. Adjective
  • 2.1 Short adjectives
  • 3.2 Collective numerals both - both
  • IV. Pronoun.
  • V. Verb
  • 8.2. Prepositions in view of, instead of, like, as a result of, like, over, about,
  • 8.4. Be able to distinguish between prepositions and independent parts of speech
  • Didactic material
  • 1. Having met him by chance in the theater,
  • 2. When getting a job,
  • 3. Having lost the significance of the defensive structure by this time,
  • 4.When starting to work on the abstract,
  • § 6. Syntactic norms of the Russian literary language. Reference material
  • S yn tactic Norms
  • 3.Choosing the correct case and preposition
  • 4. Use of participial phrases
  • 5. Homogeneous members of the sentence
  • 6. Coordination of the predicate with the subject
  • 7. Use of participial phrase
  • 8. Application coordination
  • Didactic material
  • Dictionary of concepts and terms
  • Topic 1.3. Speech etiquette. Control questions
  • § 7. Speech etiquette. Norms and rules of business etiquette. Ethical standards of relationships with colleagues, partners, clients. Reference material
  • Formulas of speech etiquette
  • Didactic material
  • Dictionary of concepts and terms
  • Topic 1.4. The use of information and communication technologies in professional activities. Control questions
  • § 8. The concept of information and communication technologies. Use of information and communication technologies in specialist training. Reference material
  • Didactic material
  • Dictionary of concepts and terms
  • Where to look for what
  • Functional and semantic types of speech: description, narration, reasoning
  • Means of expressing logical connections.
  • Drawing up different types of plans
  • Preparation of the introductory and concluding parts of the speech. Rules for writing an introduction and conclusion to a speech.
  • Techniques used in the final part of the speech
  • Didactic material
  • § 10. Editing the text of the speech. Reference material
  • Some types of grammatical errors
  • Didactic material
  • Assignments to the text
  • § 11. Speech activity and its types. Reference material
  • Didactic material
  • § 12. Conditions for successful communication. Reference material
  • Causes of communication failures
  • Didactic material
  • § 13. Oral conversation. Conversation. Business conversation. Reference material
  • Genres of speech communication
  • Didactic material
  • § 14. Basic qualities of speech. Features of sounding speech. Nonverbal means of communication. Reference material
  • Didactic material
  • Dictionary of concepts and terms
  • Topic 2.2. Practical style. Control questions
  • § 15. The concept of practical stylistics. Functional speech styles. Reference material
  • Main types of language use
  • Therefore, the following speech styles are distinguished:
  • Didactic material
  • § 16. Scientific style. Types of information processing of text (synopsis, thematic summary, abstract). Reference material
  • Linguistic features of scientific style
  • Features of the popular science substyle
  • Types of information processing of text
  • Types of notes
  • The procedure for preparing notes
  • Working on a thematic summary
  • How to write an essay
  • Abstract structure
  • Didactic material
  • Linguistic features of official business style
  • Standards for using clerical words
  • Types of documents
  • Forms of appeal, presentation of requests, expressions of gratitude, methods of argumentation in production situations.
  • Methods of argumentation
  • Didactic material
  • § 18. Official business style of speech. Preparation of business documentation. Reference material
  • Administrative and organizational documents.
  • Information and reference documents.
  • Speech errors made when drawing up documents
  • Some types of medical records
  • Didactic material
  • § 19. Journalistic style of speech. Persuasive genres. Reference material
  • Linguistic features of journalistic style
  • Comparative characteristics of scientific and journalistic speeches
  • Basic speech actions of the presenter
  • Basic speech acts of disputants
  • Types of questions
  • Analysis of the speech
  • Didactic material
  • § 20. Journalistic style of speech. Basic techniques and techniques for communicating with colleagues, partners, clients: rules of listening, conversation, persuasion, counseling. Reference material
  • Communication styles
  • General tips for communicating with colleagues, partners, clients
  • Rules for listening and conversation
  • Features of consulting
  • Basic counseling techniques
  • Conditions for successful consultation
  • Didactic material
  • § 21. Conversational style of speech. Forms and methods of communication with patients. Reference material
  • Some reasons for non-compliance with the treatment plan (medical prescriptions):
  • Didactic material
  • Product quality
  • § 22. Conversational style of speech. Ways to communicate effectively with colleagues, management, patients and their environment. Reference material
  • The main syntactic structures used in the dialogue “health worker – patient”:
  • Didactic material
  • Dictionary of concepts and terms
  • List of recommended literature
  • Dictionary of concepts and terms

    Speech etiquette– developed rules of speech behavior, a system of speech communication formulas.

    Speech etiquette formulas- these are standard ready-made constructions that are regularly used in correct communication.

    Etiquette- this is a set of rules of good manners accepted in a given society and establishing standards of behavior for people in certain situations.

    Iatrogenesis- unfavorable changes in the mental state and psychogenic reactions that contribute to the emergence of neuroses that appear as a result of incorrect (unqualified) actions of a medical worker exercising an unintentional suggestive influence on the patient (for example, due to careless statements about the severity of the disease, unfavorable prognosis of the disease; careless references to the poor outcome of similar diseases in other people, etc.).

    Topic 1.4. The use of information and communication technologies in professional activities. Control questions

      General concept of information and communication technologies (ICT).

      ICT tasks.

      Classification of ICT tools.

      Psychological and pedagogical features of the use of ICT.

      Forms of using information and communication technologies in specialist training.

    § 8. The concept of information and communication technologies. Use of information and communication technologies in specialist training. Reference material

    The creation and development of the information society in the modern world involves the widespread use of information and communication technologies (ICT) in professional activities, which is determined by a number of factors:

    ● the introduction of ICT significantly accelerates the transfer of knowledge and accumulated social experience of humanity not only from generation to generation, but also from one person to another.

    ● modern ICT, improving the quality of training and education, allows a person to more successfully adapt to ongoing social changes.

    Information and communication technologies (ICT)- a set of methods, production processes and software and hardware integrated for the purpose of collecting, processing, storing, distributing, displaying and using information in the interests of its users.

    The use of ICT used in the field of education aims to implement the following tasks, such as:

    Support and development of systematic thinking;

    Support for all types of cognitive activities in the acquisition of knowledge, development and consolidation of skills and abilities;

    Implementation of the principle of individualization of the educational process while maintaining its integrity.

    Educational ICT tools can be classified according to a number of parameters:

    1. According to the pedagogical tasks being solved:

    Tools that provide basic training (electronic textbooks, training systems, knowledge control systems);

    Practical training tools (problems, workshops, virtual constructors, simulation programs, simulators);

    Auxiliary tools (encyclopedias, dictionaries, reading books, educational computer games, multimedia training sessions);

    Complex tools (distance learning courses).

    2. By functions in the organization of the educational process:

    Information and educational (electronic libraries, electronic books, electronic periodicals, dictionaries, reference books, educational computer programs, information systems);

    Interactive (e-mail, electronic teleconferences);

    Search engines (directories, search engines).

    3. By information type:

    Electronic and information resources with text information (textbooks, study guides, problem books, tests, dictionaries, reference books, encyclopedias, periodicals, numerical data, software and educational materials);

    Electronic and information resources with visual information (collections: photographs, portraits, illustrations, video fragments of processes and phenomena, demonstrations of experiments, video tours; statistical and dynamic models, interactive models; symbolic objects: diagrams, diagrams);

    Electronic and information resources with audio information (sound recordings of poems, didactic speech material, musical works, sounds of living and inanimate nature, synchronized audio objects);

    Electronic and information resources with audio and video information (audio and video objects of living and inanimate nature, subject excursions);

    Electronic and information resources with combined information (textbooks, teaching aids, primary sources, anthologies, problem books, encyclopedias, dictionaries, periodicals).

    with combined information (textbooks, teaching aids, primary sources, anthologies, problem books, encyclopedias, dictionaries, periodicals).

    ICT capabilities can be used:

    When creating interactive tables, posters and other digital educational resources on individual topics and sections of the academic discipline,

    To create individual test mini-lessons;

    To create interactive homework and simulators for students’ independent work.

    Educational and methodological aspect . Electronic and information resources can be used as educational and methodological support for the educational process. The teacher can use various educational ICT tools in preparation for the lesson; directly when explaining new material, to consolidate acquired knowledge, in the process of monitoring the quality of knowledge; to organize students’ independent study of additional material, etc. Computer tests and test tasks can be used to carry out various types of control and assessment of knowledge.

    The development of human activity is determined by a change in one or another of its structural components: the subject, the goal, the content of the activity, the system of actions that ensure the achievement of the goal, the means of performing these actions. In this case, the change occurs not in any single link, but in the entire structure of activity. As a result, traditional forms of human activity in the sphere of labor, cognition and communication are being transformed and new forms are emerging. Modern ICT tools have become a new means, an instrument of human activity.

    The use of ICT tools as a tool means the emergence of new forms of mental, mnemonic, creative activity, which can be considered as the historical development of human mental processes and continue to develop the principles of the historical development of activity in relation to the conditions of the transition to a post-industrial society. The assimilation of knowledge presupposes mastery of a system of generalizations that constitute the main content of knowledge.

    The nature of ICT tools has a very definite influence on the formation and development of human mental structures, including thinking. Printed text, which until recently was the main source of information, is built on the principle of abstracting content from reality and is organized as a sequence of phrases in reading order from left to right, which develops the skills of mental activity, which has a structure similar to the structure of printed text, which is characterized by such features as linearity , consistency, analyticity, hierarchy.

    Other media of mass communication - photography, cinema, radio, television - have a structure that is significantly different from the structure of print. Images and sounds do not direct the train of thought of the listener or viewer from one object to another with intermediate conclusions, as in the perception of printed information. Instead, they create models of recognition that appeal to the sensory side of the subject.

    Just as printed materials and technical means of mass communication have led to a gigantic expansion of the possibilities of human cognition, recording and transfer of experience, the computer increases the potential of human thinking and causes certain changes in the structure of mental activity. The main processes are the organization and interpretation of information. It can be encoded and presented on the display screen in the form of mathematical symbols, tables, graphs and diagrams, images of processes, complemented by sound, color images, etc.

    The learning environment shapes such characteristics of thinking as a tendency to experiment, flexibility, coherence, and structure. These characteristics correspond to cognitive processes associated with creativity and problem solving. Thus, understanding the essence of phenomena and tactics for solving problems are described as the ability to perceive seemingly obvious facts in a new way, find a way to connect seemingly unrelated things, and establish original connections between new and old information.

    ICT tools contribute to the development of the student’s thinking, orient him to the search for obvious and non-obvious systemic connections and patterns. The computer is a powerful tool for helping to understand many phenomena and patterns, however, one must remember that it inevitably enslaves the mind, which as a result has only a set of memorized facts and skills. A simple communication of knowledge, mastery of a programming language, and the ability to program itself are only the first step towards realizing its capabilities. Only training that instills thinking skills, and thinking of a new type, which differs in a certain way from thinking formed on the basis of handling printed information and using mass media, can be considered truly effective.

    Thus, in connection with the use of ICT, ideas not only about thinking, but also about other mental functions: perception, memory, ideas, emotions, etc. are subject to revision.

    The inclusion of ICT helps to improve and diversify traditional forms of transmission and assimilation of educational material.

    Forms of ICT:

    Electronic textbooks and various manuals, formatted as digital educational resources, expand the possibilities of working with text and create the prerequisites for in-depth mastery of the material.

    A didactic game, supported by ICT, acquires, in addition to simulation modeling of the systems, phenomena, processes being studied, clarity in the design of the solution and the results of the game itself and the actions of the team.

    The use of multimedia tools in the training of specialists provides the opportunity to combine the necessary information in different forms (text, sound, video, etc.).

    ICT in teaching aims students to develop certain skills and abilities of independent activity, ensuring the transition to self-education. How the cognitive interests of students are activated in the classical lecture and seminar system of education using ICT can be considered when analyzing traditional forms of classes.

    1. Computer programs should not be used for entertainment purposes or for the sole purpose of increasing interest in a subject by displaying visual objects. In the language development of a student, it is important to use multimedia tools (ICT) not only as illustrative material, but also as a basis for structuring and systematizing information, creative application of acquired knowledge, those. illustrations should support cognitive activity, not replace it .

    2. When using ICT it is important intensify work with text, increase the volume of communicative exercises, intensify cognitive activity students by reducing time spent on other types of work, such as various types of cheating.

    3. Necessary create problematic situations, develop the creative potential of students; do not overload educational material using ICT(excessive use of computers can cause harm and reduce performance).

    4. To develop communicative competence, it is necessary to think through the interaction of students in a group, therefore atIt is important to plan group tasks when using ICT. Thanks to the discussion and design of the educational process, its participants, as they gain experience in discussions, acquire many useful skills and properties: to highlight and express their position and perceive someone else’s; obey general rules and develop on this basis methods of self-regulation and adequate self-esteem, etc.