Windows 8.1 username. Account types. How to open a service to change account settings

Despite the fact that Windows 8 has a more convenient and practical interface, many still ask various questions regarding the launch of a particular management service, as well as the use of the operating system. One of these issues is changing the user in Windows 8.

Here's the thing. Despite the fact that this OS, although convenient, still has significant differences from the previous version, to which everyone is already so accustomed. Because of these differences, certain difficulties arise. Before moving directly to the instructions for changing profiles, let's look at what they are and why they are needed.

What is an account and why is it needed?

This is a kind of separate system for each user. For example, at home, several family members work on one computer, each of whom wants to customize Windows for themselves and organize the desktop at their own discretion. This is precisely why different profiles are needed, which allow you to create a separate desktop for each.

Moreover, changing the user in OS Windows 8 allows you to customize the OS for yourself, installing different applications, design, and so on. In this case, each user uses personal data and passwords that are not available to others. In other words, in each browser profile you can safely save keys and other important information, since it cannot be seen or learned from another account.

How to change Windows 8 user: Video

Account Types

There are only three types of users in Windows 8, and there is no limit to the number of accounts you can create. This is important to know, since each of these types has different rights to manage and use the PC.

It is worth noting that Windows 8 creates two accounts automatically at the time of installation and disables them independently, allowing the computer owner to create his own account. These are the three types:

  • An administrator is an account created automatically. It provides full rights and access to all controls without restrictions. Moreover, if you go to this profile, you get the opportunity to manage all other accounts and make absolutely any changes. It is the administrator who can. But other users are not able to create an administrator profile. Because of this, this desktop is created automatically. It is worth noting that by default this account is disabled. That is, it cannot be opened. In order to enter it, you must first activate it.
  • Standard profile - created by the user when Windows is first loaded. From this account you can also change system settings, but only those that do not affect other desktops. The difference from the first one is that with standard rights to make any settings. In other words, in order to change PC settings, you will need to run services as an administrator.
  • Guest profile – required for temporary users. However, while in a guest account, you cannot make any changes or install software. At the same time, it is possible to use what has already been installed by the administrator - applications and services for accessing the Internet.

To manage other desktops, you must be logged in as an administrator. So we come to the question of how to change the user in Windows 8.

How to delete an account in Windows 8: Video

How to change profile

Now you know the types of desktops and their capabilities, but how to change your account in Windows 8? The developers have slightly changed this procedure, thereby confusing users a little. To do this, you will have to go to the start menu (enter the tiled menu - Metro).

Here in the upper right corner you will see an icon displaying the name of the current profile. To exit it, simply click on the icon and you will see several options for further actions. All you have to do is select the account you need or log out and log into another one.

It is worth noting that if you immediately switch to another profile, the previous system will remain open. It’s more correct to do this: first log out of your current account, and only after that log into the desired one. Now you know how to change your account in Windows 8. As you can see, everything is extremely simple.

Changing username in Windows 8: Video

Very often the modern user asks himself the question: is it possible to change my profile name? The answer to this question is very simple, of course it is possible. The developers of Windows OS have foreseen this need. But now we need to figure out how to do this.

Changing the profile name in the Windows 8 operating system

The process of changing your name can be divided into the following options:

  1. The name changes, but in the system storage it remains the same. This option is very common, but you should not give it preference, as some problems will remain unresolved. For example, you will still not be able to install a certain program that you could not install earlier, due to the fact that the characters from the Russian language have not been corrected to Latin.
  2. Absolutely all data about you changes, and there will be no further difficulties with incorrect names of user folders. This way of solving the problem is more complex and may require certain knowledge.

Now you need to take a closer look at each method of changing the name for different options.

Method 1: Microsoft main site

If you are registered on the official website, then this option is just for you. The process will take a certain period of time due to the need to synchronize your device and account. To get started, follow these steps:

Method 2: Control Panel

Thanks to this option, you can change the name on the screen when you turn it on and in several other elements. But in the repository the name will remain the same. If you are satisfied with this change option, then follow these steps:

A very common situation is when there are several accounts on the computer at once. If you need to change the name of one of the entries, but you are logged into the system under a different profile, then this will also not cause any difficulties. The main condition is the presence of administration rights. In this case, you can easily make any changes to the records of other users on your computer. To do this you need:

Method 3: special tool

This option will help you change not only the name for the greeting, but also in the system storage. To get started, you need a tool "Local Users and Groups". There may be difficulties with this method, but it is still worth describing. Follow these steps to start the process:

  1. Hold down the keys Win+R and enter the command lusrmgr.msc into the context menu. Click "OK".

  2. A section will appear in the center of the screen "Users", go to it.

  3. A list of existing accounts will appear on the screen. In column "Name" the old name is indicated, and in the column "Full name" a new nickname is indicated, selected the previous time. Select the desired user and right-click on it. In the tab that appears, click on the line "Rename".

  4. Specify a new nickname and confirm the action with the key "Enter".
  5. At the top of the window, enter the address C:\Users and click on "Enter".

  6. In the list that appears, select the folder that you want to rename, and also right-click, and then the column "Rename". Provide a new name and close File Explorer.

  7. Next, press the key combination again Win+R and enter Regedit in the empty field. Click the button "Enter" for confirmation.

  8. The window opened "Registry Editor". On the left side of the screen, select a folder "Computer".

  9. From the list provided, open "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE", and from the following list, open the folder "SOFTWARE".

  10. Now select the document "Microsoft", then folder "Windows NT" and section "CurrentVersion".

  11. In the column "ProfileList" There are several folders with strange names. You need to open each of these folders and find the line next to "ProfileImagePath" the nickname you need to change.

  12. Open this line and in the field called "Meaning" enter a new name. Be sure to check that the names here and in "Explorer" were the same. Click on the key "OK", close the window and you can continue working under a new nickname.

Method 4: User Accounts

A similar method to the previous one is to use the tool "Control userpasswords2". To start using, do the following:

Method 5: Command Line Actions

Using this option, you can significantly reduce the number of actions described above. To use the “Command Line” option, follow these steps:

Thus, the most basic options with which you can rename a user account in the Windows 8 operating system have been described in detail above. Before using any of the proposed methods, pay attention to whether it is suitable for completely changing the nickname.

After the release of Windows 8, users, both beginners and advanced, had many questions regarding the new interface of this operating system. For example, some “users” do not know how to change the username in Windows 8 or create a new “account”. Let's help them solve these problems.

After reading this article, you can easily add other users and change account names if the need arises.

How to add an account?

Let's assume that someone else is using the computer besides you. Agree, it’s not very convenient when every “user” adds shortcuts to the programs that he needs for work or entertainment to his “Desktop”. Perhaps you don't like the screensaver your colleague or relative chose. In general, there are a lot of inconveniences. That is why, before learning how to change the username in Windows 8, it is recommended that you learn how to create a separate account for each “user”.

So, move your mouse pointer to the right area of ​​the screen to bring up the Charms panel. Now head to Settings and then go to Control Panel. Here you are interested in the subsection with accounts.

After going to it, go to the “Manage another account” item and at the bottom click “Add a new user”.

Now click the “Add account” button and go through all the registration steps one by one. This process should not cause any difficulties.

How to change username in Windows 8?

In fact, giving a different name to an “account” in Windows 8 is not as difficult as it seems. Of course, the algorithm of actions will differ from the same “seven” or Windows XP, but even a novice “user” should not have any difficulties.

    So, in Windows 8, the following sequence of steps will help you change your username:

    Open “PU” and go to the “Accounts” section.

    Select the “Change name” option.

    Write your new name in the space provided.

The last step is to click the “Rename” button.

You have learned how to change your username on this operating system. Agree, it’s very easy. The whole process will only take you a few minutes.

By the way, the “Control Panel” can be opened not through the Charms Bar, but in a slightly different way. Call the “Run” utility and enter the phrase “control panel” there.

You can also use the search bar located on the Home screen. In this case, write in Russian – “control panel”.


If there is someone else working on the computer besides you, practice creating new “accounts” and give them appropriate names. Most likely, your relatives or colleagues will be grateful to you, because everyone wants to customize the device according to their needs and preferences.

At the same time, do not forget to set a password for your “account” and advise other users to do this.

An account in the Windows operating system is nothing more than a way to identify users, thanks to which the operating system can apply specific settings for each user. An account for Windows is the same as your full name and passport number for you. Anyone who uses Windows OS is under an account, since the system does not accept work without it.

Based on the authorization method, two groups can be distinguished:

  • local account;
  • a network account, for authorization under which you need to connect to a remote Microsoft server.

The peculiarity of network recordings is that by using them, you get all the capabilities of the new operating system, as well as access to all services. The only problem with these entries: if there is no connection to the Microsoft authorization server, logging into the computer will not be completed. As for local records, they have limited access to the system’s network services, but are more than self-sufficient for full-fledged operation.

All user accounts can also be divided...

by type of rights and opportunities provided:

  • administrators;
  • users;
  • "Guest" account.
  1. Administrators are those who can completely and without restrictions make changes to the settings and functionality of the computer. They have no barriers, since this is one of the key accounts. The administrator account is present on any computer running the Windows operating system.
  2. Users - they are slightly limited in access and configuration rights, but they can easily install and configure programs and components specifically for themselves. The parameters and settings of each user are stored separately, so no one interferes with anyone.
  3. Guest is an account so that anyone can come in and just see what you have. Most often, this account is disabled by the system (security policy). Enabled by administrator. The guest can only view permitted files and folders and access the network. This is where its functionality ends.

Change user name, password, user account type in Windows 8.1

In order to make changes to accounts, you must have administrator rights, since having these rights will make it possible to manipulate accounts. It should be noted right away that you cannot remove the only administrator, as well as transfer him to the category of users, as this will lead to uncontrollability of the computer. An administrator can manage any account, even without a password.

Change account type

In order to change the account type, you need to open the “Control Panel”, switch the display mode to “Category”

then select the “Account and Family Safety” section.

Changing your password and username

Changing the password can also be done from the control panel, then “Account and Family Safety”, then “Change account type” (This will help display all users at once).

We select the desired user, and then change the necessary data.

The password is changed by the administrator without saving the previous one. To change your name or password, use the menu items. Then confirm the changes by clicking the button.

The Windows 8 operating system, according to the developers, is the most convenient and provides easy and quick access to all controls. However, given the significant differences between the new OS and its predecessors, you need to get used to it and study a little. For example, many people ask the question, how to change the username in Windows 8?

In fact, the G8 controls themselves are no different from the previous version of Windows. The only difference is how to launch them. This is exactly what this article will discuss.

How to open a service to change account settings

There are many ways to launch this service. Which one to choose depends on you and the goals you are pursuing. So, let's look at all the methods in detail.

The first way to change the account name in Windows 8 is to launch the service through the Control Panel. To do this, go to your desktop and move your mouse cursor to the upper right corner. A pop-up menu will appear in which you should launch “Options”. After this you need to open "".

In the window that appears, you need to select the “Accounts and Family Safety” section, after which you just need to open “Accounts”. In the menu that opens, you will see the account that is currently in use. Click manage another account and select the one that needs to be renamed - in my case it is “Alexander”. Read how to create other accounts. As a rule, the system creates three accounts in total:

  • Guest.
  • User account.

The first two are systemic. They are automatically created and disabled. Of course, you can enable them, but usually this is not necessary. In this case, the first account provides full rights, without restrictions. In other words, you can perform any action.

You should only use it if you know your PC well. The second is a guest account, which is enabled only if the computer is used by non-regular users, for example, in offices and public purposes.

The last option is a user account, which is created when the operating system first boots. So, in the window that opens, you need to click “manage another account.” Here you should select your entry and in the window that appears, click “change name”.

As you can see, everything is extremely simple. You just need to know some rules and key combinations that can always be found on the Internet. The developers have really created a new, even more convenient operating system that provides quick access to all management services. Moreover, Windows 8 has synchronization with a shared server, so other users can find you using the data you provided when registering.

In addition, there is another way to change the username in Windows 8.

Changing username in Windows 8: Video

Changing your account name using the Run service

First, let's start the required service. You can do this in three ways:

  • Using the key combination Win+R;
  • Using search;
  • Through Windows 8 Explorer.

So, we launch the service and write “lusrmgr.msc” in it. Press "Enter". So you start a service to manage accounts. All accounts are displayed here and you can manage them all. The same service can be opened in Explorer by right-clicking on my computer and selecting “manage”.

In the window displaying all system accounts, select the one that needs to be renamed and right-click. Next, select “rename” and enter the desired name. Press “Enter” and close all windows. It is worth noting that this is the simplest and fastest method on how to rename a user in Windows 8.

However, you should be aware that the first method only changes the full name of the account. However, the login remains the same.

In other words, the login name remains the same as it was - only the name that is displayed on the welcome screen changes. Therefore, you need to choose one method or another depending on what goals you are pursuing. Now you know two methods on how to change your username in Windows 8.

Run Service in Windows 8: Video

Change account on the official Microsoft website

In addition to the above methods, you can change your username on the official Microsoft website ( To do this, follow the link and log into your account using your registered email and password.

Next, on the “overview” page, you need to select “Change name” and enter the first name and last name that you want to use in the future. After that, click “save”. Close all windows and reboot the system.

A reboot is necessary because the new account name is displayed on the site immediately, but Windows 8 needs a reboot to synchronize. You will then see your new name when you log in.

These are three main methods that are available to everyone and do not require special knowledge. Which one to use is up to you.

How to change account in Windows 8: Video