Htc desire 500 ukr does not turn on. What to do if your HTC phone won't turn on. Internal memory malfunction

Today, when buying a phone, you cannot be 100% sure that it will work without various problems during the agreed warranty period.

Therefore, you need to be prepared for a variety of incidents. This could be a sudden reboot of the device, a stoppage of charging, or even a regular shutdown of the smartphone.

The last incident can occur in all modern models; unfortunately, phones from HTC are not free from this. Further in the article we will try to determine why the device does not want to show signs of life, and we will also try to determine ways to solve this problem.

Reasons for not being included

In fact, you can identify a decent number of reasons why HTC does not turn on:

Low battery problem

If your smartphone turns off and won’t turn on due to a low battery, then you can breathe easy. Nothing serious happened. To solve the problem, you just need to start charging your phone. If after connecting the charger there are no signs of life on the smartphone, then do not despair.

There are times when the connection between the contacts of the phone and the battery simply disappears. To solve the problem, you need to remove the battery from the device and then insert it back. The problem will be solved.

Lost connection between the power button and the phone

Such an incident can also arise while working with a smartphone. All devices, and HTC is no exception, make phones with small gaps between the button and the hole for it. This is provided so that you can conveniently turn the device on and off.

The process of working with the device can take place under different conditions, so various particles of dust, sand, etc. can get into this small gap. In this regard, the operation of the button itself is disrupted and it does not respond to presses. Therefore, the smartphone may not turn on.

To solve this problem, it is better to seek help from a specialized service center. If you wish, of course, you can clean the button yourself with alcohol, but there is a risk that after this the smartphone will not work much better.

Internal memory malfunction

As a rule, when there are problems with the internal memory, and all other microchips and contacts are working properly, then after the device vibrates 7 times, it simply shows no signs of life. In this case, it is better not to go inside the phone yourself to find the source of the problem, but it is better to immediately seek help from experts.

As preliminary steps before going to the service center, you can do the following:

If these actions do not bring the desired effect, then only a specialist can help.

The operating system does not load

This may also be one of the tasks if the device is turned off and does not turn on again.

There are several ways to solve this problem:

  1. try to solve it by manually flashing the smartphone. As a rule, the power-on problem occurs after an unsuccessful update of the operating system, which must be reinstalled. This can be done using a personal computer. It is better to install already verified firmware versions to avoid similar difficulties;
  2. contact the company's service center. The center’s specialists always have only proven methods for solving such problems, and they will be able to install a new working operating system on your smartphone without any problems.

The difficulty with the operating system is not the most noticeable, and therefore help in solving it will not cost a lot of money.

Microcircuits or battery are faulty

It's very easy to check that the HTC won't turn on due to the battery's fault. To do this, you need to open the back panel of the device and see what condition the battery is in. If it is swollen or liquid stains are visible on its surface, it is necessary to urgently replace it. The cost of this item is not very high

The burning of one of the microcircuits can be much more noticeable for your wallet. Then you will not be able to solve this issue yourself. The only option is to go to a service center for specialist help. Depending on the complexity of the work and the rarity of the chip, the price for repairs can cost up to a third of the cost of the smartphone itself.

How to behave if HTC does not turn on

Surely you are familiar with the situation when you start to panic when your smartphone does not turn on. The first thing you do is knock on it in the hope that this way you can revive it. But, of course, this doesn't help at all.

So what should you do if the device suddenly turns off and shows no signs of life?

Video: HTC Nexus One PB99100 does not turn on

What adds to the difficulty?

Of course, a switched off phone is always a problem, regardless of whether it is expensive or ultra-budget. But given the characteristics of some models, it is extremely difficult to independently verify the cause of the incident.

We are talking about HTC models that are manufactured in such a way that the battery and everything else are non-removable. In this regard, even a small problem with the battery can result in a completely major incident.

Therefore, you should not go inside your device if the simplest steps to solve the problem do not help. It is better to immediately seek qualified help from the HTC service center employees.

The article is devoted to a common problem - the HTC phone does not turn on. The main reasons for this, as well as possible solutions, are considered.

An HTC cell phone fell into water or what to do if water gets into your cell phone

Recessed HTC phone. What to do if you drowned or simply got wet.

Water can't hurt phone . Tell me, what am I doing on your site in this section then? Mine is broken. Because it’s not water that makes you stand up, but water in combination with a battery. As a result, electrochemical corrosion of the board occurs. In other words, the board of your gadget and all its elements begin to rust, rot, i.e. disintegrate, turns into dust.

Why don't HTC cell phone manufacturers protect them from corrosion?

Well, why did you decide that? They protect and how. They cover the board with a protective layer of varnish, which is designed to protect your device.
Why then do they fail if the board is covered with a protective layer of varnish? Yes, because this varnish should not save you from swimming in the pool. The only thing that can save you from this is a diving suit. Its task is to create a protective barrier and prevent the formation of corrosion on the board if there is suddenly strong humidity. For example, a bathroom or bathhouse. And again, this barrier does not last long, which means that you should not test its strength while sitting in the steam room with friends.

The first thing to do if water gets into your phone- this is to disconnect the battery. Then immediately take it to the service center. If this is not possible, then you need to try to somehow dry the device with a hairdryer, put it on the radiator overnight, place it in a warm place for a couple of days, etc. Perhaps after this your pet will work without problems. Although, as practice shows, the lion's share of phones coming in for repair have previously been exposed to water (this is indicated by rusty spots inside, oxidation, deposits, etc.) and who knows for what real reason your gadget failed this time. In any case, it can be argued that the water that once got there played no small role
In all cases of moisture getting under the housing, the device needs to be dried and cleaned. Otherwise, partial or complete inoperability of the device may occur. Let me emphasize that it is possible, but not mandatory. But the oxidation process can take quite a long time, and it is impossible to say how the mobile phone will behave the next day or in a month. The more time has passed since moisture entered, the less likely it is to restore full functionality in the event of a breakdown.
If, after getting wet, you quickly disconnect the battery and bring it to us, then most likely you will save your pet and save your budget for repairs.

What do we do when your cell phone is dead?

Disassembling the phone;
- cleaning in an ultrasonic bath;
- removal of traces of moisture;
- cleaning the mobile phone board from corrosion;
- complete drying of the device;
- phone testing.

You can find out more about the cost and timing of HTC repairs from our specialists or manager Service center
"Service Market"
by phone or ask a question in any feedback form.
  • Block diagnostics of the HTC Desire 500 dual phone

    During block diagnostics, it is determined which specific element (Case, protective glass, sensor, printed circuit board, connectors, speakers, microphone, antenna, battery) has failed.

    Algorithm for block diagnostics of a phone:

    HTC Desire 500 dual won't charge;

    • Checking h order, if the phone charge is intact, otherwise:
    • Let's check if it's working:
    • If all of the above does not suit you, then you will need or.

    HTC Desire 500 dual Won't turn on or won't boot;

    • Checking P I'll lose charge, if the phone battery is charged then:
    • We check and see if it’s correct power button on the phone;
    • If at this stage we haven’t found the cause of the breakdown, remember - if the phone was filled with liquid, or the phone fell and stopped turning on, it will most likely be needed.

    HTC Desire 500 dual The phone does not connect to the network or does not see the SIM card;

    • Checking whether the phone detects another SIM card, if it detects then:
    • Checking Phone settings, if the settings are correct then:
    • Required.

    HTC Desire 500 dual Does not see the SD card, does not detect the flash drive;

    • Checking phone flash card, if correct then:
    • Checking flash drive connector on the phone, if it is also working, then:
    • You need to either repair the phone's motherboard.

    HTC Desire 500 dual Does not charge via USB;

    • Checking usb cable, if the cable is ok then:
    • We check if it is ok then:
    • You need or.

    HTC Desire 500 dual Not updating;

    • Checking settings, if the settings are correct, then:
    • Checking Internet connection, if the connection is stable, then you need a phone.

    HTC Desire 500 dual Does not connect to Wifi;

    • Checking Phone settings, if the settings are correct then:
    • Checking WiFi adapter telephone if ok required .

    HTC Desire 500 dual Does not see the computer;

    • Checking connection cable to the computer if the cable is intact then:
    • Checking drivers phone on the computer, if the correct drivers are installed, then:
    • Phone required.

    HTC Desire 500 dual turns on, but there is no image on the screen or it is distorted:

    • Checking for availability physical damage screen, if not then:
    • Checking display cable phone, if the cable is intact, then:
    • The phone needs repair or repair.

    The sensor on the HTC Desire 500 dual has stopped working:

    • We check the integrity for damage, if it is intact then:
    • Checking touch display cable, if intact then:
    • Phone required, or controller repair display.

    The microphone does not work on HTC Desire 500 dual;

    • Checking Phone settings, if the settings are correct then:
    • We check if it is intact:
    • Let's check if it works microphone controller on the phone if it works then:
    • Required.

  • Replacing the HTC Desire 500 dual phone screen

    Display- Part screen, which shows the image and is located behind Damaged display HTC Desire 500 dual phone, whether defective pixels or blurry screen, makes it difficult or impossible to work with the HTC Desire 500 dual, because the image loses its sharpness and clarity.

    Damaged display will not “cure” over time, but maybe permanently go out at the most inopportune moment, which can cause great inconvenience. If The display on the HTC Desire 500 dual is faulty- You can contact our service center.

  • Replacing the touch glass of the HTC Desire 500 dual phone

    Changing the protective glass of the HTC Desire 500 dual phone.

    The display of the HTC Desire 500 dual mobile phone is protected from damage by a special protective glass. If glass it will crack or chip as a result of a fall, then display your phone is at risk: it may also be damaged, and the image may become “blurry” or the Desire 500 dual phone will stop displaying altogether. If dust or small debris gets behind the glass, it will further damage it. Our service center specialists can replace the protective glass of the HTC Desire 500 dual phone to prevent possible .

  • Replacing the phone connector on HTC Desire 500 dual

    Every day we listen to music on the phone, connect the charger, connect the phone to the computer, and naturally these connectors are subject to constant wear and tear, which subsequently leads to breakdowns of the HTC Desire 500 dual connectors.

    We can replace HTC Desire 500 dual connectors with the following types:

    • USB connector;
    • Charging connector;
    • Audio connector.

    How to determine that your phone connector is broken:

    • The usb connector on the HTC Desire 500 dual is broken:
      • When connecting a USB cable, the computer does not detect HTC Desire 500 dual, or the connected device is not detected, or external signs of failure are visible - the core of the connector is broken, the outer part of the connector is broken. Also, when connecting another cable, the same problems occur.
    • The charger connector on the HTC Desire 500 dual is broken:
      • HTC Desire 500 dual does not charge when the charger is connected, the connector is visible as broken. You can also determine that the connector is faulty by connecting another charger. If the charging connector is externally intact, but the phone does not charge, then repair of the phone's system board will probably be necessary.
    • The audio jack on HTC Desire 500 dual is broken:
      • When connecting headphones there is no sound, or external damage is visible. The problem may also be in the phone settings or firmware.

    Repair of HTC Desire 500 dual phone connectors.

    Repairing any HTC Desire 500 dual connector involves unsoldering the broken connector from the system board and replacing it with a similar new connector.

    You should not put off repairing the HTC Desire 500 dual connector until the connector finally fails, because... its use in semi-working condition may damage the elements located next to the connector, and as a result, it may be necessary to restore the board or replace adjacent elements.

Smartphones and tablets have become a part of our lives; their freezes and glitches often throw users off balance. In this article you will find out why the HTC Desire 500 Dual SIM does not turn on, turns off or freezes.

The article contains a list of recommendations, the implementation of which will help you return your mobile device to its former life | We have prepared a small list of recommendations that will help restore the functionality of your Android device).

HTC Desire 500 Dual SIM does not turn on, turns off or freezes, what should I do?

This can be caused by various reasons, for example:

  • The battery is discharged below the permissible level - regularly discharge the battery to almost 0 and charge it completely, do not operate the device at temperatures below -10, this will make it last longer
  • The charger connector is damaged - try charging the battery with another charger; if charging is successful, then the first charger has a damaged connector;
  • Software failure (rare for Unix systems, which includes Android, but the failure could have been caused by some application) - do a complete Hard Reset / Wipe Data reset;
  • The phone was floating in water, place it in 100% alcohol for a minute, then take it out and dry it with a hairdryer. Alcohol evaporates instantly, unlike water;
  • Abuse, being run over by a car, being thrown down stairs, thrown against walls and floors, playing football and handball with a smartphone, and so on - buy a new phone or try taking it to a service center.

Why your phone may not turn on or freeze. Video.

Your HTC phone won't turn on? There may be several reasons for this. However, if none of the proposed situations describes your problem, then service specialists will always help you.

Please note that the result of an HTC smartphone not turning on may be due to careless handling of the device, a software glitch, or a manufacturing defect. The same reasons may be due to the fact that the device “does not catch”, does not charge, or even reboots itself. If you need to “heal” your HTC phone as quickly as possible, then immediately take it to a workshop or, if your device is under warranty, to a service center.

However, first, let’s try to revive the smartphone ourselves. First of all, put your phone on charge and charge it for as long as possible, about a day. The device may be completely discharged. The second option is to remove the battery and put it back in place. If this does not help, run to the service center.

The technicians will find out what caused the malfunction: mechanical impact on the HTC phone, moisture on it (perhaps the contacts inside the device have oxidized), they will check the operation of the smartphone’s battery, the charging connector, and whether the power button and microcircuits are in order. As a result of this, when a “diagnosis” is made, either repair of some component of the device or its complete replacement will be required.

A common reason that an HTC phone does not turn on is incorrectly selected software, and as a result, the device does not work correctly. In this case, you need to “reflash” the smartphone, either yourself or from service specialists.

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Does not turn on after discharge and changing the battery does not help

Good day, Anatoly. Bring it in for diagnostics, it’s free. Then we can give you an idea of ​​the cost.

The phone is very durable and has a metal body. Fell from the sofa onto the floor, there were carpets on the floor, the blow didn’t seem to be strong and the sofa wasn’t high. Afterwards it worked, but when I tried to start the game, it turned off and couldn’t be turned on again, only the touch buttons at the bottom of the screen blinked, the battery was not low. When I try to charge, the indicator on the phone does not light up. What could it be and can I resuscitate it myself?

Hello Julia. Most likely, you won’t be able to revive the smartphone yourself; there can be many reasons. We still advise you to contact the service center.

Sincerely, Administrator of the GrandFon SC.

The phone fell off the sofa, the shutdown screen appeared and did not respond to attempts to turn it on, only when it is put on charge the red light flashes - could it be the power wires that have come off or the battery needs to be replaced (the phone gets hot when charging)

Good afternoon, Mihai Oung. There may be many reasons for this behavior; you need to open it and diagnose the smartphone.

Sincerely, Administrator of the GrandFon SC.

does not turn on, but when you try to put it on charge (it turns on the red battery and restarts on its own and does not charge higher)

Good day, Alex. The battery may have failed.

Sincerely, Administrator of the GrandFon SC.

Doesn't turn on or charge after 10 days of use

Hello, Sergey. Our diagnostics are free, come and see what the problem is.

Sincerely, Administrator of the GrandFon SC.

It doesn’t turn on at all, there are no reactions, if the screen didn’t turn on, it would heat up a little, but it doesn’t even charge. Tried another battery.

Good day, Rostislav. Yes, the problem may be in the memory chip. Only motherboard replacement.

Sincerely, Administrator of the GrandFon SC.

The phone got caught in the rain, as a result the lock button starts to malfunction, then the phone suddenly turns off by itself and won’t turn on, I put it on charge at home, the red light stopped working!

Hello, Sergey. The approximate cost of repairs is 1300-1500.

Sincerely, Administrator of the GrandFon SC.

The phone does not turn on and when you put it on charge, the red light starts blinking endlessly.

Hello, Denis. The approximate cost of repairs is 1300-1500.

Sincerely, Administrator of the GrandFon SC.

It won't turn on and most likely won't charge.

Hello, Alexander. Bring it in for inspection and after diagnosis we will give you an estimate on the cost of repairs.

Sincerely, Administrator of the GrandFon SC.

Doesn't turn on

Good afternoon, Odeg. Bring your smartphone for diagnostics, after the inspection we will clarify the information on the cost of repairs.

Sincerely, Administrator of the GrandFon SC.

Victor Deineko January 31, 2018 - 23:48 HTS PNO 7110 5VDC=1A FCCID: NM8PN07110 801е

I was surfing the browser and suddenly showed an error and turned off and won’t turn on anymore, what could be wrong with it?

Good day, Victor Deineko. Unfortunately, without diagnostics it is impossible to find out what the problem is; there can be many reasons.

Sincerely, Administrator of the GrandFon SC.

The phone just went dark, won’t charge, won’t reboot, won’t turn on, what should I do?

Good afternoon, Timofey. Contact the service center for diagnostics.

Sincerely, Administrator of the GrandFon SC.

Hello. The HTC DESIRE 310 phone does not turn on and does not charge. Black screen, no signs of life. What is the problem and what is the cost of the service?