Blue stripes on the monitor. We remove horizontal stripes on the monitor screen that suddenly appeared. How? I'm telling you

The appearance of stripes on a laptop screen falls into the category of complex breakdowns. And if you hope that you will deal with this problem within a few minutes, then unfortunately, this is not the case.

Difficulty of diagnosis

Diagnosing such a problem on a laptop is much more difficult than on a regular computer. This is due, first of all, to the design features of laptops and their more complex structure.

Stripes on a laptop screen can be horizontal, vertical, black, white or colored, and the reasons for their appearance usually lie in problems with the latter’s hardware devices.

You can also see ripples on the screen, skewed images, mirror color rendition (black - gray, red - green, etc.), displaying the image as a negative.

Reasons for stripes appearing on a laptop screen

Let's look at the reasons for this phenomenon:

  • 1. The simplest reason in this situation is overheating of the video card.

For example, this situation happened with the Dell M5110 laptop. In the lower part, in the area of ​​the discrete video card (there are two of them), it got so hot that the leatherette on which it stood began to melt and stick to it.

As a result, the periodic appearance of colored stripes and ripples on the screen. The problem was partially solved by purchasing a stand with laptop coolers. Stripes appear, but very rarely.

  • 2. Complete failure of the video card.

As a rule, the main reason for such a breakdown is also overheating or hardware failure. The power supply copes well with surges in the power supply, so this reason is unlikely.

In such a situation, either stripes appear on the screen even when the OS is loading, or the laptop does not start at all.

This problem can be solved by repairing or upgrading the video card. This is not easy to do on a laptop; you need to have the skills of at least a novice electronics engineer. But we will talk about these points further.

  • 3. The system board has failed.

The situation is the same as point 2; diagnosing the problem is difficult, but possible. We will talk about this further.

  • 4. The cable has failed.

From the motherboard to the matrix there is a special cable through which the signal is transmitted.

Poor contact at the connection point, burnout or fracture of the cable can cause interruptions in signal transmission to the matrix, hence the appearance of stripes.

  • 5. Problems with the matrix, its failure.

The situation is critical, there is only one way out, the matrix requires replacement.

In this situation, it is a rare case when reinstalling or updating the video card drivers helps, and hoping that this will help is not worth it, it is indeed a rare case.

Diagnosing problems

The most important task in all this is to correctly diagnose the cause of the problem.

A complete diagnosis of the reasons for the appearance of stripes on a laptop screen can only be carried out in service centers using special equipment.

But initial diagnosis, which can also tell us a lot, is also possible at home.

Using an additional monitor

An additional monitor can be connected to a laptop via a connector VGA.

There can be two results:

  1. Everything will be displayed normally on the additional monitor;
  2. Similar bars will appear as on the laptop screen.

The result of step 1 tells us that the laptop’s video card is working, problems should be looked for in the matrix and cable of the laptop.

Result 2 tells us that there are problems with the motherboard and video card. In both cases, repairs cannot be avoided.

Checking the matrix

  • Checking the matrix at home is possible by partially deforming it.
  • Try not to push the monitor screen too much in areas where there are the largest number of stripes.
  • Then, carefully, with both hands, try to slightly bend the screen in a horizontal plane.
  • In both cases, notice how the colors of the stripes change, their contrast and brightness.
  • If changes are visible, then the cause of the breakdown is in the matrix or cable.

When do you need to change the laptop matrix?

We replace the laptop matrix in cases:

  • Provided that a parallel connected monitor is working. If, when the matrix is ​​deformed in the horizontal and vertical planes and its surface is pressed inward, the color rendition of the stripes changes, the stripes disappear and reappear.
  • The presence of stripes is observed at all stages of computer boot - BIOS, WINDOWS.
  • Ripples appeared on the screen, wide white or multi-colored stripes were visible.

  • The matrix displays the image in negative or the colors are being substituted, for example, it should be red, but green is displayed, blue is yellow, black is light gray, etc.

Checking the cable

  • The cable is flexible and this is understandable, because the laptop screen cannot be in the “stowed” position all the time, and this is not a computer. Deformation of the cable occurs constantly, and therefore the probability of its failure is high.
  • Slowly opening and quickly closing the lid and vice versa, observe how the strips “behave.” Any changes on the monitor screen indicate that the source of the problem is the cable.

What does the matrix cable look like for the Asus X51RL laptop.

When do you need to “deal” with a loop?

Condition – a parallel connected monitor shows a clear picture.

  • It is necessary to repair, or better yet change, the matrix cable in cases where the image on the screen is unclear, ripples, flickers periodically, or has a large number of colored and white lines.
  • While the laptop is booting and running, there are vertical columns of white pixels on the screen.
  • Opening and closing the lid “revitalizes” all these errors on the screen.

Video card

The video card requires attention if the laptop screen and a parallel connected monitor display a picture with multi-colored lines, and other errors in the image are also duplicated.

  • At the very beginning of the computer boot, there are no horizontal, vertical, black, white or colored stripes, but when Windows boots, the stripes appear.
  • When Windows boots, the image disappears and a black screen appears.
  • The laptop gets very hot in the area where the video card is located (the motherboard may also get hot).


  • The motherboard requires attention in the same cases as the video card (see above).
  • If replacing the cable, video card and matrix did not correct the situation.
  • Now let's look at ways to solve the problem with stripes on a laptop screen.

Ways to solve the problem


Problems with the cable going to the matrix most often arise in older laptop models. In new models, manufacturers are already using more advanced design solutions, thanks to which the cables last a very long time.

This is the difficulty of repair; finding such a cable for an old laptop model will be difficult, but possible.

Before you go to the radio market or electronics flea market, write down the model of the matrix, without this there is no way.

The service center is unlikely to want to sell you such a rare “spare part”, and no one will want to lose a client, but what if you decide to give the laptop to them for repair.

If you find the cable you need, you’re lucky; if not, you can try to do it yourself.

To do this, you will need some minor electronics skills, a soldering iron, solder, rosin, a tester and, most importantly, MGTF type wire.

To ring a loop with a tester, you will have to reach both ends. The repair technology is simple as hell.

We call, find a break (if there is one), and instead of the broken wire, solder a duplicate wire parallel to it.

If there is no break, then the problem lies in more expensive components.


The system board may not fail completely. As a result of overheating of its individual section, the microchip or bus responsible for exchanging data with the video card may fail.

Also pay attention to the PCMCIA slot where the video card is inserted, to see if there are any burnt or oxidized contacts there. After all, they pour tea and coffee onto laptops.

But in any case, repairs cannot be avoided. But first order diagnostics, and if you are offered to re-solder any chip or clean the contacts, you can still agree to this.

Complicated repairs to a burnt-out motherboard are not worth it; it’s easier to replace it with a new one.

Video card

The situation is similar with a video card. A video chip is soldered onto it, which may fail as a result of overheating.

Here you need to follow three paths. Let's consider them in descending order, with respect to the high cost and reliability of the work.

  1. Replace this chip immediately (expensive, but reliable);
  2. Dismantle and reinstall the same chip - Rebowling (in most cases it gives results);
  3. Warming up the chip (pay less, but in 99% of cases the problem will recur after a while).

Everyone decides for themselves which method to use.


Do not forget, before leaving your laptop for service, to agree with the technician on the prices for all types of work performed, or better yet, agree on their contract.

Also, do not forget about the certificate of work performed, which indicates the date of repair, what was changed or what was repaired, as well as the warranty.

Bottom line

Of course, it is impossible to describe all situations when stripes appear on a laptop screen.

The problem is so specific and individual that it requires separate study in each case.

It all depends on the laptop model, matrix type, design features and analysis of how often such problems appear on this particular model.

But if we take in percentage terms what was most often repaired and changed in this situation, then cases with matrix replacement are about 40%, cable replacement or repair is about 20%, video cards are about 20%, motherboards are approximately 20% (with taking into account the failure of the integrated video card).

As we see, in most cases it is necessary to change the matrix, but this is not a cheap undertaking; if the cost of replacing it exceeds 50% of the price of a new laptop, then there is no point in such repairs, it is easier to buy a new one.

But everyone decides for themselves. We wish that your laptop screens always delight you with clear and bright images. Good luck.

Vertical or horizontal stripes on an LCD TV screen or computer monitor are an unpleasant defect that will prevent you from using the device. Even if they periodically disappear, this still indicates a malfunction of the matrix, cable or circuit elements.

In fact, such a defect on an LCD does not always mean there is a serious technical problem. The simplest reasons for the appearance of a stripe on the screen are:

  • unfaithful picture settings(just run automatic setup);
  • The cables are poorly connected; they may be clogged or clogged with dust.

Vertical or horizontal stripes on the screen due to complex breakdowns can appear constantly or periodically, often accompanied by flickering, “stuck” frames, ripples or geometric distortions of the picture. This malfunction can occur for several reasons:

  • poor connection of the matrix cable (oxidation, breakage);
  • breakdown of the matrix itself;
  • failure of various circuit elements.

Microcracks in the cable

Any equipment is not insured against breakdowns, but in most cases they can be fixed. The downside is that the cost of some spare parts is comparable to buying a new panel - in this case it is better to refuse repairs. First, replace the part does not guarantee complete serviceability, secondly, over time, other components may also fail, then the total cost of repairs will exceed the purchase of a new TV.

If the TV panel was just purchased in a store and has not been used for more than 14 days, it should be exchanged.

It is not recommended to agree to repairs, because there is no certainty that the stripes will not appear again on your TV screen later. IN warranty period You should not carry out repairs yourself; it is more practical to take the TV to a service center. Thus, the user will not lose the warranty obligations assumed by the manufacturer, and will not aggravate the breakdown to a large scale.

Eliminating poor contact

Lines on the LCD TV screen may appear due to poor connection connections. This kind of malfunction is usually the result of poor assembly or improper use of the TV. For example, moisture getting inside the case, which can result from incorrect mechanical shocks. This reason can be established after visual inspection of the connections with the naked eye or using magnifying devices.

Oxidation of contacts on the board

You can clean it off with a blade or knife; it can be easily identified by the green coating, but if the problem is large-scale, then it is difficult to fix it yourself. Afterwards you need to check the voltage or ring the contacts with a multimeter.

Poor contact can be caused by incorrect connection of the cables; to do this, they can be disconnected and reconnected.

Another reason for the appearance of various stripes on the TV display is broken cable wiring. It can be determined by lightly pressing or moving the cable: if the image is restored, then a breakdown has been detected. Eliminating a fracture is a painstaking and delicate process. You need to use a magnifying glass to determine exactly where the wiring is broken. They can be restored by using conductive varnish or heating the contacts to a moderate temperature. Severe overheating will damage all contacts.

Restoration with conductive adhesive

Replacing the cable

In some cases you will have to change the entire matrix cable on new. First of all, you need to purchase a new part - it can be ordered at a repair shop, but before that, the year of manufacture of the TV or monitor. You can change a faulty matrix cable yourself or at a service center. For repairs, you will need a certain set of tools: screwdrivers or bits PH, PZ, TORX, HEX, SL.

The connection cable is located inside the case, therefore, it must be carefully disassembled. It is necessary to disconnect the roof, carefully unscrew all the bolts and get to the part itself.

It is important to know! The bolts are always standard and unscrew counterclockwise. In addition, many connecting cables and wires can be attached to the cover. When disassembling the TV, you should not make sudden movements to avoid breaking.

Most connections are secured using special connectors, the wires do not have to be soldered. Just press the latch (the connection principle is similar to Internet or telephone cables).

The designs of televisions from different companies, such as Samsung (Samsung), Sony (Sony), Philips (Philips), may differ slightly, so you should use the instructions, or order assembly details on the company’s official website.

Damage to the matrix or its parts

This malfunction is characterized by the presence of a vertical stripe of the same color one to two pixels wide. The defect appears on its own and can also disappear within three to four days. If the problem lasts longer than a week, this is a clear sign of serious problems.

Replacing the matrix is ​​expensive and difficult, so if you have such problems with the image, the solution is to contact the service center if the warranty period has not expired. When an LCD TV has been in use for a long time, repairs can be carried out by specialists from any workshop.

If thin horizontal or vertical stripes of a dark color appear (they do not glow), this most often indicates Column decoder malfunctions, which is located on the matrix itself. Later, the strip will only increase in size, so do not delay your visit to the workshop.

When making repairs or replacing parts, keep the following in mind.

  1. Most conductors have a very small diameter and are easy to break.
  2. Repairing or re-soldering contacts requires skills and special equipment (for example, an infrared soldering iron, magnifying glasses).
  3. All operations are carried out with great care; incorrect movement may result in additional damage.

Vertical stripes on a TV or monitor screen are caused by malfunctions, both minor and global. If stripes appear on the display, but you are not confident in your abilities, you should not find out on your own why a stripe might appear on the screen; it is better to contact qualified specialists. But if you have some knowledge of electronics, then it is quite possible. This also applies to other device failures. For example, it’s quite possible to do it yourself. But if yours, then this may be a sign of a serious malfunction, which can only be determined with the help of special equipment.

The best TVs of 2018

TV LG 43UJ634V

TV Samsung UE50MU6100U

TV Hyundai H-LED24F402BS2

TV LG 22LH450V

TV Samsung UE22H5600

If you find that out of the blue you have appeared stripes on a computer monitor screen, then the main thing is to put aside panic and not worry; this phenomenon can be eliminated if you use the help of a specialist in time. Under no circumstances try to correct the situation yourself! This kind of problem, although it is not difficult, is only for an experienced specialist. By doing something on your own, you can only worsen the situation, which in the end can also seriously affect the upcoming repairs financially. If you value the life of your computer, then it will be better if you leave the repair work to a specialist.

If your computer screen begins to work incorrectly, stripes of various types appear on it, then this is a serious reason to diagnose the device. In this case, you can always use the services offered by our specialized service center. We will always welcome you, we will repair your device in a short time and will be able to answer why the malfunction occurred.

Our specialists have been carrying out this type of repair for several years, so it is not difficult for them to understand the cause of the problem and eliminate it. All repair work is carried out using special equipment. If after diagnostics it turns out that stripes are running across the screen due to a malfunction of any part, then we can always replace it, since we always have the necessary components at hand, and you can purchase them at any time.

We offer the lowest prices, which apply to all types of services and all details, you can see for yourself if you choose our telemama workshop. There are special advantageous offers for all our regular customers. Also, at the end of the repair, we always issue a long-term warranty on the device.

The reasons for the appearance of horizontal or vertical stripes on the computer display are as follows:

In a situation where vertical and horizontal stripes on the screen your computer, the reasons for this behavior may be the following:

  1. in 20% of cases, a malfunction occurs if the matrix itself is damaged. To correct this situation, you need to replace the screen.
  2. in 20% of cases, white stripes may appear on the screen, if there are problems in the cables, check all settings and whether all cables are well secured. If after this the interference disappears, then that was the cause of the problem.
  3. in 50% of cases, as practice shows, a black line appears on the screen when there is a problem with the video card. This situation often occurs if there has been overheating. If the cooling system is heavily contaminated or the coolers are not functioning properly, overheating may occur.
  4. in 10% of cases, color stripes on the monitor screen may also occur due to other problems; to calculate them, diagnostics must be done. You can carry out this procedure at our Telemama service center completely free of charge.

As you can see, there are many reasons why a computer display begins to work with interference, and it’s not easy to figure them out on your own. In such a case, we are always ready to help. From the above it follows that the monitor may begin to malfunction for various reasons, ranging from poor cable connections, malfunctions of the video card, display, to problems with the motherboard. To understand what exactly caused the interference on the monitor, it is necessary to carry out diagnostics. We produce all this in our specialized service center. When the first signs of a malfunction appear, contact us and we will help you fix your computer. We promise that after our repair, your PC will work as before and even better!

Compared to a personal computer, on laptops it is much more difficult to understand why a vertical stripe appeared on the monitor and how to remove it, since almost the entire structure is one piece. This is a very annoying problem. It seems like you don’t use your laptop all the time, and you handle it with care, but the problem still arises. Let's find out the reasons for its occurrence, as well as ways to combat it.

Causes of stripes on the screen

Stripes on laptop screens can appear for various reasons:

  • Damage (poor contact, break) of the cable from the matrix to the device board.
  • Failure of the matrix itself (only replacement will help here).
  • Faulty video card (sometimes repair or replacement of the video card is possible).
  • Faulty motherboard (often due to overheating components).

Important! On your own, you can only remove the video card driver and then install it again, although this is unlikely to help.

Finding the cause of the malfunction

Before you remove stripes on your computer monitor, you first need to try to determine by eye the cause of the malfunction:

  1. To initially diagnose the cause of stripes on a laptop monitor screen, you will need a regular monitor that should be connected to the laptop. If the image on this monitor is excellent, without artifacts or stripes, then the problem lies in the cable or matrix. If there are also stripes on the monitor, then you will have to repair or replace the video card or motherboard.
  2. Checking the matrix's response to physical impact: try with both hands, bending and twisting the screen, and also try to lightly press it with your finger - of course, without fanaticism. If the stripes change, it means the cable or matrix is ​​faulty.
  3. Pay attention to whether the stripes disappear or change when you open and close the laptop lid. Try both fast and slow. Changes in any direction indicate a malfunction of the matrix cable.

Important! It is worth considering that stripes and dead pixels are completely different problems. Therefore, if you experience a similar phenomenon, read our separate review about colored and black.

How can you visually determine the cause of a malfunction?

The matrix of a mobile computer needs to be replaced if:

  • Vertical stripes appear and disappear when the screen is torsed and bent, but on an external monitor everything is fine.
  • Only one side of the screen works, while the other is completely white or with other artifacts (or a wide white stripe in any part of the matrix).
  • There is a characteristic ripple on the screen.
  • There are multi-colored stripes on the screen.
  • When the matrix is ​​bent, the image becomes blurred.
  • All colors are displayed in negative, that is, black - in white, and white - in black.

Important! Repair or replacement of the matrix is ​​needed if there are many different colored lines on the screen or the image ripples and flickers, but when you move the laptop lid, the picture changes. The external monitor works without problems.

What to do with a failed cable?

So, what to do if the problem is caused by a broken cable?

  1. Give it to the service center.
  2. Search on the Internet or on the market for the same cable for the same matrix model, but this is unlikely due to the wide range of names.
  3. Try to repair the old cable. To do this you will need a soldering iron, MGTF wire, a regular tester and electronics skills. The essence of the repair is to search for a broken cable conductor using a tester, and then replace it with a new one. The new MGTF wiring should be placed on top of the old one and soldered at both ends.

Important! You can use ordinary thin and strong copper wires - just MGTF are the most common. They can be bought in stores and radio markets.

What to do with a faulty motherboard or video card?

If the motherboard or built-in video card is faulty, the laptop will have to be repaired. This is not a cheap pleasure, so be sure to ask for agreement on the price of the repair.

If the video chip malfunctions, you may be offered three “treatment” options:

  1. Warming up the chip is the cheapest option, but there is no guarantee that it will help, and besides, the malfunction may occur again later.
  2. Chip reballing is a more expensive method, but if the chip is faulty, this option gives a 99% success rate.
  3. A complete chip replacement is also 99% successful, but this option is much more expensive than reballing, and it’s not a fact that replacing the chip is so necessary.

Important! The motherboard could fail due to overheating, due to oxidation of the contacts, or could be slightly rusty due to, for example, spilled coffee. The repair options are the same as for the video card, plus some additional measures.

If the problem turns out to be global, and besides, your computer model is already obsolete, it makes sense to think about buying a new one. Here we offer the following reviews to help you.

Compared to a personal computer, on laptops it is much more difficult to understand why a vertical stripe appeared on the monitor and how to remove it, since almost the entire structure is one piece. This is a very annoying problem. It seems like you don’t use your laptop all the time, and you handle it with care, but the problem still arises. Let's find out the reasons for its occurrence, as well as ways to combat it.

Stripes on laptop screens can appear for various reasons:

  • Damage (poor contact, break) of the cable from the matrix to the device board.
  • Failure of the matrix itself (only replacement will help here).
  • Faulty video card (sometimes repair or replacement of the video card is possible).
  • Faulty motherboard (often due to overheating components).

The forecast is disappointing: in almost all cases repairs are required at a service center. At home, you can only replace the video card, and only if it is not built-in. Some “Kulibins” may try to replace the matrix or cable with their own hands, but it is worth taking into account many nuances, which we will discuss below.

Important! On your own, you can only remove the video card driver and then install it again, although this is unlikely to help.

Finding the cause of the malfunction

Before you remove stripes on your computer monitor, you first need to try to determine by eye the cause of the malfunction:

  • To initially diagnose the cause of stripes on a laptop monitor screen, you will need a regular monitor that should be connected to the laptop. If the image on this monitor is excellent, without artifacts and stripes, then the problem lies in the cable or matrix. If there are also stripes on the monitor, then you will have to repair or replace the video card or motherboard.
  • Checking the matrix's response to physical impact: try with both hands to bend and twist the screen, and also try to lightly press it with your finger - of course, without fanaticism. If the stripes change, it means the cable or matrix is ​​faulty.
  • Pay attention to whether the stripes disappear or change when you open and close the laptop lid. Try both fast and slow. Changes in any direction indicate a malfunction of the matrix cable.

How can you visually determine the cause of a malfunction?

The matrix of a mobile computer needs to be replaced if:

  • Vertical stripes appear and disappear when the screen is torsed and bent, but on an external monitor everything is fine.
  • Only one side of the screen works, while the other is completely white or with other artifacts (or a wide white stripe in any part of the matrix).
  • There is a characteristic ripple on the screen.
  • There are multi-colored stripes on the screen.
  • When the matrix is ​​bent, the image becomes blurred.
  • All colors are displayed in negative, that is, black in white, and white in black.

Important! Repair or replacement of the matrix is ​​needed if there are many different colored lines on the screen or the image ripples and flickers, but when you move the laptop lid, the picture changes. The external monitor works without problems.

What to do with a failed cable?

So, what to do if the problem is caused by a broken cable?

  • Give it to the service center.
  • Search on the Internet or on the market for the same cable for the same matrix model, but this is unlikely due to the wide range of names.
  • Try to repair the old cable. To do this you will need a soldering iron, MGTF wire, a regular tester and electronics skills. The essence of the repair is to search for a broken cable conductor using a tester, and then replace it with a new one. The new MGTF wiring should be placed on top of the old one and soldered at both ends.

Important! You can use ordinary thin and strong copper wires - MGTF is simply the most common. They can be bought in stores and radio markets.

What to do with a faulty motherboard or video card?

If the motherboard or built-in video card is faulty, the laptop will have to be repaired. This is not a cheap pleasure, so be sure to ask for agreement on the price of the repair.

If the video chip malfunctions, you may be offered three “treatment” options:

  • Warming up the chip is the cheapest option, but there is no guarantee that it will help, and besides, the malfunction may occur again later.
  • Chip reballing is a more expensive method, but if the chip is faulty, this option gives a 99% success rate.
  • A complete chip replacement is also 99% success, but this option is much more expensive than reballing, and it is not a fact that replacing the chip is so necessary.

Important! The motherboard could fail due to overheating, due to oxidation of the contacts, or could be slightly rusty due to, for example, spilled coffee. The repair options are the same as for the video card, plus some additional measures.


Thus, in this article we looked at the question of how to remove stripes on a computer monitor. This problem is not uncommon, so it is advisable for every laptop user to know why it can occur, as well as how to fix it.