Deep Internet. What is it and how to get there. Deep Web or The Invisible Side of the Internet. Deep Web: how to get there

How much do you know about the Internet? And how much does the Internet know about you?

What is deep web

Deep Web is a shadow Internet based on maximum anonymity, complete rejection of provider servers, which makes it impossible to determine who sends what, where and what. Before you get to any site via the deep web, your data is transmitted in encrypted form through the same network participants as you, which makes data transfer as anonymous as possible, but rather slow. The Deep Web now resembles in speed the very first Internet using dialup modems. The concept of the Deep Internet (Deep Web) gained popularity quite recently and still does not have a clear meaning. In a broad sense, this phrase denotes information hidden from indexing by search engines, and includes closed communities and forums, individual pages of websites prohibited from indexing, databases, as well as encrypted networks for anonymous surfing (the latter most often refers to TOR and i2p). In a narrower sense, the deep Internet is pseudo-domain spaces created using encrypted connections, ensuring user anonymity by hiding the IP address issued to him by the provider.
Typically, interest in the deep Internet is associated with the desire of more or less experienced users to find something secret on the Internet, hidden from the eyes of the majority. Novice Internet stalkers are confident that the deep Internet includes a lot of interesting information, which only through a misunderstanding turned out to be hidden from the eyes of the majority. In fact, this opinion is only partly true, and the so-called Deep Web includes both information that is not needed by the majority of law-abiding citizens (the vast majority of TOR and i2p network sites), as well as very interesting discussions and opinions of people united in a closed community, to isolate themselves from people with views and opinions that are alien to them or inexperienced newcomers in their field of activity (a typical example is closed SMO or SEO forums). In addition, the closeness of some communities makes them elite in the eyes of other users (a striking example is the closed collective blog Leper Colony).


The size of the deep web is unknown. There are relatively reliable estimates of the total number of sites leading to online databases: about 600 thousand such sites on the entire Internet and about 30 thousand in the RuNet. The most interesting thing is that the volume of information concentrated in the deep web is tens of times greater than the volume of information in the regular Internet space.

Below are some links to interesting (in my opinion, resources)

Https:// – a search engine on the Tor network and a gateway to the Internet. – a collection of M. Zillman’s resources on the deep web. – educational material with verified clickable links to Deep and Dark Web search resources. - paid deep web search engine. - a platform for collecting information about political stability, security of countries, various incidents and unrest, collecting and scanning information on the deep web. - US National Security Archive at George Washington University. is an invisible web search engine for open academic web resources belonging to the best universities and research centers in the US and UK. – a search engine on the invisible web for various publications, books, articles in the field of computer solutions and information sciences in English. – the most comprehensive file search on the Internet. Allows you to search for files in 47 formats. You can search by the author of the file, its name, or a fragment of content. Supports not only basic types of text and table files, but also compressed files, audio-video files and much more.

Http:// is a leading manufacturer of “deep web technologies” that implement a federated search approach, the creator of a number of deep web search engines, solutions for the Internet and intranet. is a search engine for collections containing the most relevant and interesting information resources created as a result of the voluntary collaboration of thousands of students, volunteers of cataloging and classification of information and leading specialists in the field of information technology. - Free search of over 50,000 of the world's largest public databases. For example, it can provide information about business applications, existing licenses, and even about participation in criminal proceedings, bankruptcies, and many, many other interesting things. is a community-supported collection of information collection and cataloging specialists on the most sought-after topics in business and science. is the world's largest virtual library, combining digital resources of many countries, educational centers, commercial organizations, etc. is the most modern system for using federated deep web search technology in business. - the first real-time deep web search engine with elements of semantic analysis. Allows you to capture news and facts that are not available to other systems. Integrates into browsers. is a virtual library of Internet resources that contains data from the libraries of many of the richest and most successful American universities.

Not of course, there are many sites that are not available on the regular network, such as WikiLeaks, Piratebay, The Hidden Wiki and a bunch of other sites, as they say: there is something for everyone...

How and who uses the Deep Web?

Tor users use this network by connecting through a series of virtual tunnels rather than a direct connection, thus allowing organizations and individuals to exchange information over public networks without revealing their privacy. Tor is effective at circumventing Internet censorship, allowing users to browse sites that would otherwise be prohibited on the regular Internet.

Criminals of various stripes, terrorists, drug dealers, hired killers feel at ease in these open spaces, although from time to time information leaks into the media.

Tor can also be used by software developers to create new and improve old communications tools with built-in privacy protection.

Hidden services allow individuals to create websites without revealing the IP address and true location of the webmaster. For example, Tor is used to discuss socially problematic topics: chat rooms and web forums are formed for victims of domestic violence or people with certain diseases.

Journalists can freely and safely correspond with dissidents and denouncers of regimes. Non-governmental organization (NGO) staff have access to correspondence with families when they are away from their home country, without publicly disclosing that they are working with the organization.

It is clear that such a place cannot be bypassed by the military, special services, and law enforcement agencies to ensure the secrecy of their messages and tasks. They also use the Deep Web to search for terrorists, other criminal elements and their illegal actions.

What currency is used on the Deep Web

A frequently used currency in the deep web of black markets is Bitcoin, and they do not exist in physical form, but computers and sometimes entire computer centers are used to acquire them.
What sets Bitcoins apart from regular currencies is the fact that it is impossible to track their owners and the chain of transactions, which makes them the most preferred form of payment for illegal businesses.

Most likely, this space will be under the control of supervisory authorities in the near future, but time does not stand still and we should certainly expect the emergence of new programs and browsers, since the secret Internet allows you to cash out huge amounts of money.

P.S. this is my first post, if there is anything wrong...

In the modern world, there are very few people left on the globe who have no idea about the World Wide Web. At the end of the 20th century, the Internet burst into human life and reliably occupied the niche of an ideal and limitless assistant in solving problems of communication and information search. Now it is simply impossible to imagine the absence of the Internet, and with it the possibility of obtaining an answer to any question of interest. The Internet allows not only instant data exchange, but also successful business development, self-education, solving international issues, conducting monetary transactions, organizing leisure time, and much more.

There is no doubt that the Web provides a huge advantage, but as it turns out, there is also a dark side to it. Few people know that only 15-20% of the Internet is accessible. The rest of the Web is secret and is called the deep Internet. Modern technologies have made it possible to create a Network to maintain absolute user anonymity, bypassing the tracking of provider servers. This network is called the Deep Web - the shadow Internet. The specifics of the Deep Web are unconditional anonymity, absolute independence from the provider’s server, which eliminates the possibility of determining what information users exchange. This secret exchange is called Onion Routing. The Deep Web is not indexed by search engines.

On the territory of the shadow Internet there are commercial websites where they sell weapons, drugs, and fake documents. There are limitless “testing grounds” for preparing coups d’etat and solving all sorts of military issues. This invisible Internet contains more than 8,000 terabytes of information (600 billion individual documents), a huge volume compared to the 20 billion of the “surface” Internet.

Logging into the Deep Web is not difficult, you just need to know how. Let's consider several questions regarding the possibility of entering the shadow Network.

How to enter the hidden Internet?

To enter any Deep Web site, user data is encrypted and sent in this form through the same network participants. The disadvantage of this data transfer being anonymous is its rather low speed.

To access the dark Internet, you use a browser (or browser plugin) created based on the Tor project. This project was developed by the US military, and then declassified and its codes were transferred to independent development companies. Tor is the dominant technology that uses onion routing. The network allows the senders and recipients of messages to remain anonymous and protects the content of these messages as they pass through it.

All connections on the Tor hidden network are anonymous: neither the ISP nor the site owner will be able to find out who you really are (when using HTTPS). This works because the network replaces your computer's real address with a fake one.

How to use Tor?

The use of Tor is simple. The user downloads the Tor browser to the computer and connects to the network, launching it. And from now on, a person can anonymously and absolutely fearlessly roam the deep Internet. No additional settings or complicated steps! And for those who want to access the Tor network from an Android device, there is Tor for Android. And be sure to visit the sites from which it is easiest to start getting acquainted with the network.

The average person or even an advanced Internet user is poorly aware of what is happening on the World Wide Web. The surface of the network is widely known and accepted even in communist countries search engines and portals such as: Google, Facebook, Amazon, Komando, eBay, Yahoo, Bing and everything else that any search site finds.

By the way, an interesting fact is that even today’s largest search monster, Google, surveys from 4 to 16 percent of the global network, depending on the relevance of the query and indexing. In other words, you and I are like surface sailing ships, we sail where the “search” wind blows and we see what is on the surface of the water - no further than our nose.

Deep Web

Below the surface of the digital sea exists the deep web. There you will find abandoned and unattended websites that have been collecting dust for years without moderation or maintenance, databases of research firms, government databases and other things that are not intended for the public, simply put - not indexed by search robots. You could spend years exploring this wealth of information.

Dark Web

There is an even deeper and more dangerous place - the so-called dark web. They sell illegal substances, weapons, counterfeit money, stolen cards, fake degrees or even passports, cloned debit cards, safe-cracking tools and even heavy weapons.

Dark websites also allow you to hire a hitman or escort, buy someone's identity, or indulge in child pornography. Imagine how different this Internet is from the one you and I use every day, without even thinking about what is happening in the depths of the network.

Finding dark places on the Internet is not easy, even if you try very hard - you need to know exactly the meeting place (specific address on the Internet) and how to get to it.

Famous examples of “closing” Dark Web resources

Of course, in most countries there are entire programs developed by intelligence services to combat online trafficking in people, weapons and drugs. The fight against the illegal use of insider information, illegally obtained data of citizens and their bank cards is growing every day. A striking example of such opposition is the arrest in San Francisco of Ross Ulbricht, owner of the Silk Road online trading platform. Ross faces charges of hacking, money laundering and drug trafficking.

The work of the intelligence services

Asking questions, how is this possible in a world so transparent for intelligence services, when not only is it not a problem to record telephone calls - they are transmitted digitally with weak encoding by default, but also what you watch on TV is not particularly difficult to find out. For those who are not aware or in a tank, a modern TV is a regular computer with built-in analog-to-digital tuners and a large display. Firstly, a person first needs to get “under the hood” of these very special services, remember how Stirlitz was under the hood of Mueller? It’s the same in the modern world, focused surveillance, wiretapping and analytics are an expensive pleasure, if every senile person from an Internet forum is taken under control, then no budget will be enough, even the pension fund will not help plug the holes. Secondly, characters like Ulbricht use “holes” in the developed digital models pre-installed by the special services for their mercantile needs; in most cases, illegal immigrants and attackers resort to “The Onion Router,” an anonymous network connection protected from eavesdropping and calculation of the addressee’s location.


Traffic anonymity is ensured mainly due to the distributed network of information transfer servers. Various cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin (not to be confused with personalized digital money such as Webmoney, etc.) are used to support illegal activities. Cryptocurrencies are distinguished by the fact that they provide complete anonymity. Regarding Bitcoin, the rule is simple: on whose digital device the wallet with it is located is the dad. For example, for Ross Ulbricht, the FBI determined the profitability of the business from drugs alone at $213.9 million. You can imagine, if such amounts were turned over only on one site and for one position, then this explains the epic growth of bitcoin quotes over a couple of years from cents up to a thousand dollars. Demand on exchange exchanges drives growth. And after the closure of this site, Bitcoin gradually decreased in value.

Attempts to counter the Dark Web

Analyzing all of the above, we ask ourselves the question: will everything really remain at the level of unsystematic operational work to counter everything illegal that happens on the World Wide Web? The answer is already in sight: DARPA (the US Department of Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) has come up with a new Memex engine capable of opening TOR and other hidden networks. Tens of thousands of anonymous sites are visible to Memex without any difficulty. The system is capable of indexing all areas of the dark Internet, ignored by conventional search engines.

We can only hope that, as usually happens, the intelligence services will not start using Memex for banal espionage and other less than legal activities, but will begin to combat trafficking in people, weapons and drugs.

However, it is almost impossible to protect someone completely from all the “negativity”. Including the special services. Therefore, all their attempts to protect anyone from themselves will be in vain. A person chooses what to do and protect himself from anything only each of us can do independently.

It would seem that everything is known about the World Wide Web, but in reality there are hidden places that some users are still just beginning to learn about. We invite you to find out what the black Internet is and how to enter the black Internet.

What is the black internet?

Not every user of the World Wide Web knows that there is access to the black Internet. It is also often called the deep or dark internet. There is often a lot of confusion with these terms, but by and large they all mean the same thing – the hidden part of the Internet. There are sites here that are not indexed by search engines and therefore can only be reached using a direct link.

There are also sites among them that require you to know and use a password to access. There are also resources that work on the TOR network. Sites in this network have their own domain – ONION, which is not officially registered anywhere. However, this does not prevent you from using it if you have software for working with TOR. Using this domain, you can easily distinguish links to regular sites on the traditional network from links to black Internet resources hosted on the TOR network.

Does the black internet exist?

Myth or reality? There are actually a lot of rumors and speculations floating around the deep web. However, we can say with confidence that such a network exists. At the same time, access to the black Internet is not difficult. Anyone who wants to learn as much as possible about the hidden part of the World Wide Web can get there. Anyone who still doubts can try to get into the deep network now.

Black Internet - what is there?

The very name of the network is frightening and alarming, but at the same time it arouses the interest of the average user and the desire to find out what is on the black Internet. This place is a network invisible to the user and search robots. Due to the fact that search engines cannot index information on this network, it is not so easy for the average user to see the information posted here.

For its anonymity, this part of the Internet is loved by everyone who wants to remain anonymous and those involved in illegal activities. Thus, with the help of the sites located here, illegal substances, pornography, etc. are sold. The problem is that new ones grow in place of closed large resources and it is much more difficult to fight them than with the same, for example, drug laboratories in real life. Yes, and identifying and arresting a seller who is located on one side of the planet and using a server on the other side of the planet is not always within the capabilities of the law enforcement officers.

Black Internet - how to get there?

Nowadays, probably only the lazy don’t know how to use the Internet. However, there is a network that not everyone knows about. Having heard about the deep Internet, the average user often thinks about something special and very complex. However, in reality, understanding how to access the black Internet is very easy. To make such a trip, you need to have the desire and access to the World Wide Web. To go to the deep Internet, you need to install a browser on your computer - TOR.

How to get to the deep Internet through TOP?

Finding yourself in a black network is not very difficult. To access the deep Internet, the TOR Browser is often used. It has the following properties:

  1. TOR is able to ensure communication confidentiality and prevent navigation surveillance.
  2. Protects against various types of surveillance by website owners and providers.
  3. Hides data about the user's physical location.
  4. Capable of blocking all security threats.
  5. Does not require special installation and runs from all media.
  6. Does not require special knowledge and is accessible to beginners.

How to use the black internet?

To understand how to surf the dark web, you need to understand that there can be no search engines there and all transitions are made through existing lists of links. You also need to know that the speed of the black Internet is so slow that you can’t do it without patience. Otherwise, everything is intuitive. Before going deep, users want to know what they can find on the black internet. Those who have been here say that the deep network provides:

  1. Market for counterfeit documents and identity documents.
  2. Places where illegal substances are traded.
  3. Equipment and equipment stores.
  4. Selling credit cards – data is obtained from skimmers installed on ATMs. Such information will not cost much, but a PIN code and a scan of the card will cost more.

Why is the black internet dangerous?

Going to the black internet or can it be dangerous? Such thoughts can occur to anyone who first heard about the existence of the other side of the World Wide Web. In fact, downloading a browser and logging into the deep internet itself is not dangerous. However, if there is such a desire to use the capabilities of the black Internet, then it’s worth thinking about how such an adventure could end.

Due to the endless information feeds of social networks, not everyone thinks about what is “floating” on the surface. They “float” in the media, blogs and public sites, which include chat rooms, forums and hardcore porn. But sometimes strange photos and videos emerge from the depths of the invisible web. Deep web (English - deep network) is a part of the Internet that is not indexed by conventional search engines, therefore its users are not identified in the systems. It is believed to be 5 thousand times larger than the tip of the iceberg.

There are several ways to become “faceless” and plunge into the depths. The simplest is using the Tor browser, which establishes an anonymous network connection, bypassing the provider’s servers. Data is transmitted in encrypted form through the same network participants - hence the slow data transfer. Also, many sites on the invisible web require registration or fees, making them even more difficult to use. But here it is almost impossible to determine who sends what, where and what.

Downloading Tor on the regular Internet is no problem. Outwardly, it resembles the Mozilla Firefox browser. It was developed by the US Navy, and they use it to avoid becoming an unnecessary target for surveillance by intelligence agencies. Those who avoid it (surveillance) for good reason “make” the deep web - due to anonymity, it becomes a quiet corner where a huge amount of prohibited content is located, turning into a kind of bottom of the Internet.

Invisible Wikipedia

Web surfing on the lower layers of the Internet is carried out by people who call themselves netstalkers. Conventionally, they divide the Internet into several levels. In order to wade deep into the network, you need to have not only technical knowledge, but also the ability to find codes encrypted in pictures, audio files and even in dreams, and use them as a key for gradual immersion.

Netstalkers call the visible network level D. Level C opens the deep web. A kind of guide to this layer is the Hidden Wiki. It is a catalog of links to resources that cannot be opened at level D. All of them are not on the familiar .com or .ru domains, but on the pseudo-domain .onion. Links also do not fit into the usual framework. There are no beautiful names here, the address often consists of a chaotic set of numbers and letters, and entry to the site is carried out either after registration or after entering a password found on special forums.

In this version, Wikipedia will tell you where drugs, weapons, stolen electronics, child and adult pornography are sold. Due to the fact that the owners and clients of such resources are constantly being hunted by the cyber police of all countries, the sites' addresses often change. You definitely won’t be able to follow the same link in a year. They also periodically “lie” - there are many people on the Internet who do not want to put up with the proximity of immoral content. Sites with child pornography are the most resistant to such attacks - there is too much money at stake in this business to allow “moralizers” to set their own terms of the game.

Drugs are the most popular product on the “light” deep web. The most famous platform for selling drugs is the Silk Road store. After the site's alleged founder, Ross William Ulbtricht, was arrested in 2013, Silk Road 2.0 was released, supposedly unrelated to the original. The store became a record holder for money turnover and aroused the envy of its competitors, who periodically “destroyed” it with DDos attacks. He also contributed to the growing attractiveness of the electronic currency Bitcoin. Bitcoin, which has become a popular and fashionable electronic currency, came out of the deep web. They are used to pay now - only they guarantee anonymity to the buyer.

The deep web is mostly English-language, but there are also local sites. The Russian Internet is home to many markets selling stolen electronics, smuggled black caviar, counterfeit dollars, passports and license plates. One of these sites is similar to the popular Silk Road site and is called Russian Road. Another similarity is that the sale of child pornography and the services of killers are prohibited here. Many sites that sell illegal goods do not post immoral content on their site for ethical reasons.

They say that it is possible to sell drugs or weapons because their sale is not prohibited in all countries, therefore their danger is conditional. The danger of immoral content is obvious.

Most people in the “depths” have a lighter attitude towards life. The founders of the Hitman Network are three hired killers who will do their job in the United States and Canada for about 10 thousand dollars. They estimate their work in Europe to be a little more expensive, at 12 thousand dollars. Everything happens as in a regular online store. You select the quantity of the “product” and click “buy now”. The killers promise to contact the customer within two days and complete the job within three. Although these guys also have their limitations - they warn that they do not kill children under sixteen and top 10 politicians. To order a murder, you need to have a sufficient amount of bitcoins in your account, so it won’t be a joke. Everything is serious here, there are even discounts - 1% of orders from attracted customers.

Another popular product is weapons. On the Black Market website you can order weapons anywhere in the world. Today, the Bitcoin rate is so high that for two or three Bitcoins you can buy a Desert Eagle pistol (one Bitcoin is equal to approximately $592), which is $300 cheaper than in stores. The owners say they have several warehouses with drugs and weapons. “We know many ways to hide them in packages,” they assure.

In the hidden wiki directory, you can find many sites offering fake documents. In such stores, feedback is only possible by email, and the emails do not belong to the real owners of the sites. Usually these are hacked mailboxes of people who have nothing to do with dark affairs.

Hackers can help you get into someone else's mail. The deep web contains a huge number of their forums and sites with hacking and espionage services. In the world of information technology, they can do almost anything, even destroy a person’s reputation by accusing him of pedophilia. At the same time, prices for hacker services are relatively low - ranging from $200 to $500.

The deep web gives enormous scope to financial services with which you can quickly get rich. Here you can buy machines for copying plastic cards, stolen PayPal accounts, and “launder” bitcoins. A separate column is occupied by commercial services offering to purchase stolen equipment, for example, unlocked iPhones for a third of the real price. Many sites try to make money from a little bit of everything. Such hodgepodge markets offer equipment for creating drugs, fake doctorates, and registration of emigration.

The hidden Internet is a convenient platform for political and terrorist sites prohibited “at the top.” For example, this is where the blog of Chechen separatists, Kavkaz-Center, which is recognized as extremist in Russia, operates. WikiLeaks also appeared on the deep web.

On the brink

In addition to prohibited content, the top layer of the deep web contains sites that are not only illegal, but also immoral. In terms of cruelty, they are on the verge of a deeper horrific level. The owners of such sites are engaged in the supply of slaves, they shoot snuff videos - short videos of people being killed, with preliminary torture or perversion. Most often this is sexual violence against women and children. Here you can also find sites for lovers of sex with the dead, communities of bestiality, suicides and cannibals. A huge business is made from all this. Of course, you could be arrested for storing such content on disks.

The lower strata are not so much immoral as they are strange and paranormal. Netstalkers, people who search on the Internet for things that are not reflected in search engines, say that there is no mysticism here. Only the impact on the psyche. From time to time, strange photographs and videos come to the surface. Most often these are surreal, at first glance, chaotic and meaningless shots, made in the best traditions of Japanese horror. It is believed that the lower strata are the refuge of both madmen and scientists.

Netstalkers say that at level B there are secret government sites, numbered radio stations, and their own YouTube without censorship. According to their version, the upper, public level D is controlled from this depth.

Here are examples of what netstalkers find:

Broadcasting from the cells in which the children were sitting was detected. Apparently they were on sale. A certain clown was also found, already in another broadcast. This was a recording, since external movement was noticeable, but the clown itself did not move for a week, although it was clear that it was a living person. Then the camera turned off. A room was also found in which there was daylight all the time, around the clock, seven days a week. The broadcast was not interrupted. There are no screenshots, because at those moments there was no time for them.

It is believed that getting to the lower levels is difficult not technically, but psychologically. If you can stand the content, you move on. If not, you remain in the middle, and the only obstacle is in your head. The nature of the content can affect the psyche. According to legend, this is because at the lower levels there are secret government developments in the field of psychotronic and cybernetic weapons. Or they are “made” by brilliant and crazy loners.

We suspect that some of these phenomena have acquired an independent life, almost intelligence, and somehow they managed to punch a hole in the information reality, netstalkers say.

Level A controls the top layer of the deep web, and the most mysterious level is called the Quiet House. It is believed that once here, they never return to the real world. They say that here you can find answers to all questions and go crazy. Here, as in a forum, there is nothing but a white background and answers, where everything that happens to the world is explained.

What happens at the bottom is actually unknown. There is a lot of skepticism about such legends. But the danger of the deep web is not in its structure, but in the fact that when access to it is open and all restrictions of society are removed, we are left alone with our conscience. At this moment we must decide what we allow ourselves to see and what will not harm our psyche. How can we use the acquired knowledge? Meanwhile, despite the fact that the creators of sites on the deep web do everything to prevent a random user from accessing them, its content leaks out and affects the surface. And this is not only the popularization of the Bitcoin cryptocurrency and the Tor browser.