Where to find the Windows 7 homegroup password. What is a homegroup and how does it work. View your homegroup password

Homegroup is a functionality of the Windows operating system, introduced in version 7 and migrated to successor versions 8.1 and 10. Having appeared among the functionality of Windows 7, homegroup replaced the function of setting up shared folders for computers on the same local network as part of Windows XP. A homegroup is designed to significantly simplify the process of setting up shared resources on a small network. Thus, even an ordinary person can set up a network connection and share folders with files for public access as part of the homegroup function. To do this, the user does not need to have extensive experience working with Windows-based computers. Actually, we will consider this process below.

So, how to set up a homegroup on Windows?

Issues considered:

1. Opportunities that setting up a home group opens up

A Windows homegroup is a type of peer-to-peer workgroup with members of a network domain. Devices that are part of a Windows home group can open and play files in shared folders. Media files located on one of the HomeGroup computers do not need to be copied to another computer to play them. Windows HomeGroup features include: computers, TVs, smartphones, tablets, set-top boxes, etc.

A Windows HomeGroup is also a quick way to share files between users of networked computer devices. To send, for example, a document for editing or an executable file to another computer on the local network, you need to place it in one of the shared folders, and on another computer, copy the file to your hard drive.

What are these shared folders? These are the user profile folders “Images”, “Videos”, “Music” and, if necessary, “Documents”. These folders are pre-installed with Windows and appear in System Explorer along with drives and devices as branches in the “This PC” section.

Also, all computers in a homegroup have access to printers connected to specific computers on the network.

2. What do you need to create a home group?

To set up a home group, you need to have a version of Windows installed on all computers on the network - PCs and laptops - no lower than 7, that is, Windows 7, 8.1 and 10. And, of course, the local network itself. This can be a network that connects all devices using a router (Wi-Fi router). This can be a network using a straight cable between computers. It can also be a network between a physical computer and virtual machines, which is provided by the hypervisor.

3. Create a home group

Well, we’ve sorted out the benefits of a home group, now let’s proceed directly to the setup process. We need the Windows Control Panel. In any version of Windows - 7, 8.1 or 10 - you can get to the control panel using the in-system search. Direct links to Control Panel are located in the Start menu:

In Windows 8.1 and 10, this is the context menu on the Start button;

Once in the Windows Control Panel using any of the methods, select the “Network and Internet” section.

The window for creating a home group will open. As mentioned, the process of setting up a homegroup is made as easy as possible and is set up to follow a step-by-step guide. But this is provided that network discovery and sharing were activated immediately after installing Windows. In this case, you can immediately click the “Create home group” button. But if, for example, you are using Windows, which other users have previously worked with, and also if a modified assembly of the system is installed, the network settings necessary for the home group may not be available. Therefore, it is better to research them first. Click “Change advanced sharing settings.”

Expand the “Private (current profile)” tab. For HomeGroup to work, you need to enable the “Turn on network discovery” and “Turn on file and printer sharing” options.

This is the required minimum. But we can also make some adjustments to the home group settings for ease of use in the future. Expand the “All Networks” tab.

At the very bottom, activate the option “Disable password protected sharing.” This will allow users of network devices to seamlessly access files in shared folders and printers without the hassle of entering an account password. Click “Save changes”.

Returning to the home group creation window, click the “Create home group” button.

We will see the sharing settings window for the user profile folders mentioned above. By default, sharing is allowed for all folders except the Documents folder. This can be changed in the drop-down list next to this folder and also set it to public access. However, you can also remove sharing access for other folders for which it is set by default. We decide and click “Next”.

In the next window we will see the generated homegroup password. This password is generated on the first computer on the network where the initial setup is carried out - creating a home group. In the future, this password must be used on all computer devices on the local network when joining a homegroup. Therefore, the password must be recorded somewhere and somehow - printed, as suggested in the link below, or transmitted via Internet communication channels to other computers on the network.

Well, as for the process of creating a home group itself, it is completed. Click “Finish”.

Next, the “Home Group” section of the control panel will take on the format of a window with settings that can be changed at any time. At any time, you can block access to individual user profile folders or, conversely, open access. At any time, you can block access to individual network devices for playing multimedia content - televisions, set-top boxes, smartphones, tablets. You can view your homegroup password or make adjustments to your network settings at any time. Finally, you can leave your homegroup at any time.

4. Joining a HomeGroup

To become a member of an existing home group, we follow the same path as to create it.

Directly in the homegroup window we will see a notification that such and such a user has already created it and you can join it. In the same way as when creating a home group, we set up the network: we check that network discovery and sharing activity are enabled, and also disable password protection. Then click the “Join” button.

As when creating a home group, we set permissions for user profile folders. Click “Next”.

In the next window, enter the password - the password that was received during the process of creating a home group. Click “Next”.

That’s it – click “Done”.

Just like creating a HomeGroup, once you join it, the HomeGroup section of your control panel will turn into its settings.

Now you can begin active interaction between computers in your homegroup.

Have a great day!

There is a way that makes it easy to share music, videos, files between interconnected home computers and laptops. This method provides free exchange that does not require entering a login or password or creating a server.

The Homegroup is included by the developers in the Windows 7, 8, 10 operating system. Creating a Homegroup is suitable for small organizations and for home use to ensure communication between devices.

What is a Home Group and why is it needed?

Homegroup is a new level of Workgroup (workgroup), which allows computers work and exchange data on the same network. Most often, Workgroup and Homegroup are used in the offices of small organizations to exchange data between users.

This type of network construction has some advantages. Namely, entering the data library of a particular user without password and login. Nobody except computers connected to this group will not be able to view information on the network. Despite the fact that these devices may be located on the same local network.

What is needed to create

In order to create a Home Group, you must have at least two personal computers or laptops connected to the same local network. Then you need to find out what network the computers are on. It could be " Enterprise network», « Public" and necessary " Home».

This can be done by going to "". The login link is located at the bottom of the window that opens when the user clicks on the network icon in the taskbar on his computer.

Here you need to look at the point “ View active networks».

How to create a "Homegroup"

To create a homegroup in Windows 7, 8, 10, you need to stay in this window after completing the previous steps. Then do the following:

There is no need to configure anything.

How to join a homegroup

You can only join if you are using the above mentioned group. Otherwise, the computer will create a new one. But this is not worth doing, since there is already one on the network.

To join, you must follow the same steps as in the case of creation. Click on the " Net", then select " Sharing Center", Further " view active networks» and select your home network in the network location settings.

Now, when the user goes to "", he will see that his computer can be joined to the desired group.

Then you should follow the instructions:

Search files

When the group has been created on all devices, the user is given access to folders and documents any device that is in it. In order to find a file, the user needs open explorer Windows. The window will display the user folders.

Left-click on the user name and the documents to which access is allowed will open in the right part of the window.

How to share files and folders

In order to share files and printers, you need to go to the network control center. Find the item " Change settings" and enter it.

Here mark points, which are responsible for sharing.

You can deny user access to a file or several documents as follows:

How to change your homegroup password

You must change the password before connecting other devices. Otherwise, you will have to reconnect to your home network every time. To do this you need:

How to find out the password

You can find out the password by logging into the section " Other homegroup actions"(other actions). You need to click on the item “ View or print group password».

The password will be displayed in the window. It must be written down or remembered.

How to delete a homegroup

If you cannot remove a group shortcut from the desktop using the Shift + Del keys, it is recommended to use the following method:

Another method does not involve logging into the registry. Useful for regular users:

Another method would be:

  1. Open « Folder properties».
  2. Click on the tab " View».
  3. Uncheck the box " Use the Sharing Wizard».
  4. Click " Apply».
  5. Then put it back and click " OK».

After these steps, you can delete the shortcut.

Frequent malfunctions

You often can't connect to your HomeGroup. This is because all devices may have different times. To solve the problem:

  1. You need to open the item “ date and time» on all computers.
  2. Go to the " Internet time».
  3. Synchronize.

You cannot create the same group on all computers that are on the same network. On one it is created, others are only connected.

Services may be disabled " Grouping of network participants», « Homegroup provider" Find them in services and enable them. And also connect the following: “ ProtocolPNRP», « Name Publishing ServicePNRP».

See what is written under the network name in the control center “ home network" If not, then change the name. Otherwise the connection will not happen.

If you have connection problems, you need to connect the IPv6 protocol. This is done as follows:

If you cannot install it on the Windows 10 operating system, you need to reset the certificate saving function:

You can share pictures, music, videos, documents, and printers with other HomeGroup members. A home group can be protected with a password. This allows you to always choose what to share with other group members.

This section answers some common questions about home groups.

Who can see libraries in a homegroup

Libraries can only be seen by homegroup members. You can share libraries, individual files, and folders with only some members of your homegroup.

For more information, see Share libraries in a homegroup and Exclude individual files and folders from being shared in a homegroup.

Note Note: Keep in mind that children who are members of a homegroup have access to all shared libraries.

All computer accounts will belong to the homegroup

Yes, all accounts (excluding guest accounts) will begin to belong to the home group. Everyone will be able to control access to their own libraries.

Changing the network location

  1. Open Network and Sharing Center.
  2. Select Work network, home network or Sharing network and select the desired network location type.

Note: Computers that belong to a domain can join a homegroup, but cannot share files with other computers in the homegroup. They can only access regular files.

How to turn off a computer from a homegroup

To remove your computer from a homegroup, follow these steps:

  1. Click the button Leave homegroup, and then the Finish button.

How to delete a homegroup

If all members leave the homegroup, the homegroup will disappear.

Forgot your homegroup password

To find out homegroup password, follow these steps on a computer that is a member of your homegroup.

  1. Open the HomeGroup folder.
  2. Click the button View or print your homegroup password.

What is a home group?

Simply put: home group is an evolution of the Workgroup feature, which is used in all operating systems.Home group is a group of Windows computers and devices that can share content with each other.What is shared in a homegroup is not shared with other computers on the same network that are not part of home group. Computers that are part home group no need to enter a username and password every time you connect to something shared on home group, as is the case with older operating systems.

IN home group You can connect Windows 7 and Windows 8 computers and devices.According to the project, there are no restrictions on the number of computers that can join home group.

How to install Windows 8 so you can join a HomeGroup?

Every time you connect your computer to a new network, Windows 7 prompts you to choose the type of network. If you selecthome network , this means you are on a trusted network of computers and Windows 7 allows you to use the home group.

On Windows 7 home group not available forpublic orworkers networks. In Windows 8, when connecting to a new network, you must indicate whether you want to enable sharing or not.In order to be able to join home group in the future, you must choose“Yes, enable sharing and connect to devices” .

Now that you've set up Windows 7 and Windows 8 correctly, here's how to create your first HomeGroup.

First, find out whether it exists on your network or nothome group

To do this, you must open shared networks .

In the windowShared Network Control Center ,there is a section called"View active networks" . There you will see the network you are connected to, its type and whether you have joined home group or not.If home group not on your network, you will see a line that says"Home Group: All Ready to Create" .

If home group was created by another computer or device, the same line will say"Home Group: Available to Join" .

If your computer or device is already part of home group, the line will indicate:"Home Group: Registration" .

If you have joined home group, and you want to create another partition, you must first exit the current one home group, and then create another one. For inall computers and devices that are part of home group, you need to do the same.Then, only one of them will create a new one home group and others to join him.

How to Create a HomeGroup in Windows 7 and Windows 8

For creating home group,click or tap"Ready to Create" link in the windowNetworks and switching center .Also, you can openwindow home group and start from there.This window can be launched like this:“Control Panel->Network and Internet->Network Center - Home Group” .

First, click or tap"Create a home group" .

The wizard will start "Create a homegroup" which will write some information about this feature and how it works.Click on the Next button.

After a couple of seconds, it is created home group and Windows, generates a random password that other computers and devices must use in order to join home group. Write it down, or if you don't like entering it all the time or forget about it, read the section on how you can change this password.

Click or press a buttonFinish and you will go out the windowhome group , in which you can set the functions and how it will work.

How to change your homegroup password

change Password home group can be done from any computer that has joined it.Unfortunately, if you change the password after other computers have joined, you will need to repeat the entry on all of them and get them to join home group again.Therefore, it is best if you change your password home group, as soon as you have created it, before other computers and devices join it. To change the password, open the windowHomegroup . In chapter"Other HomeGroup Actions" , press"Change password" .

The wizard will start , who will ask what you want to do ,sch click or click"Change password" .

By default, Windows will generate a new password.But I'm sure you'll want to enter your password.Remove the newly generated password and enter a custom password.Just make sure it's at least eight characters long so the operating system accepts it as a valid password.When finished, click the Next button.

The wizard will then notify you that the password has been successfully changed.

Click on the buttonReady , and you're done.

Where to find your homegroup password

If you want to add another computer to home group but you have forgotten your password, you can access it very easily. To do this, use one of the computers included in home group. Go to windowhome group and look in the section"other homegroup activities" . Click or tap on the link that says"view or print homegroup password" .

The password is now shown in the yellow box.You can write it down or print it using the button"Print this page" .

When you're done, close the window.

How to Join a HomeGroup in Windows 7 and Windows 8

After home group has been created and a password has been set, it is time for other computers to join it. Go to the other computers that you want to join and openShared networks . Click or tap the line that says"Homegroup: Available to join" .

Or openwindow Homegroup and press"Join" .

The wizard starts "Join HomeGroup" . Click or click Next.

Then, you need to enter your password home group and click Next. In Windows 8, you may not be required to enter this password if you used your Microsoft account on another computer connected to the same home group. Windows 8 stores and syncs settings, including password home group. So, enter the password and proceed to the password verification step. Then, you will be notified whether or not the computer is connected to home group. Click or tapReady , and you're done.

Repeat this procedure on all other computers and devices that you want to join home group.

How to Access Your Public Posts in HomeGroup

After home group created and all computers are connected, access to their shared libraries and devices will become very easy.In Windows 8, you need to openConductor and go to the sectionhome group . There you can view all the Microsoft accounts used online, the computers they are used on, and what they do in home group.

On Windows 7, openWindows Explorer and go to the sectionhome group . There you can see each user account used on each of the computers included in home group and what they do.

Double-click or tap on any of them to view their shared files, folders, and devices.There will be no need for you to enter any username and password.Home group will handle access for you.

How to Leave a HomeGroup in Windows 7 and Windows 8

If you want to get out home group, first of all you need to open the windowhome group . Then click the button or click the link"Leave HomeGroup" , which is in the section"Other HomeGroup Actions" .

A wizard will open. "Leave HomeGroup" , which asks what you want to do.Click or tap"Leave HomeGroup" .

After a few seconds, you will receive a notification that the procedure has been completed successfully.

Click the buttonReady , and you're done.


As you can see, home group simplifies data exchange between computers.If you have computers with multiple non-Microsoft operating systems installed, there is no reason why you shouldn't use them.

The homegroup functionality, which is available in Windows 10, makes it easy to connect devices to a common local network, even for an ordinary user. Therefore, if you are planning to create a shared network between your computers in the house, you need to learn how to create a home group in Windows 10 and configure it.

Creation and configuration

When you create a group, the folders that are installed with Windows 10 will be publicly accessible: images, videos, music, documents, printers, and devices (find out how to share folders in the article “”). Copy files into them that you want to open for other users.

Before starting the process, make sure that all the devices you connect meet the necessary requirements:

  • OS installed is at least Windows 7;
  • they are connected to the network via a wired or wireless connection using a Wi-Fi router.

To set up a homegroup, go to .

RMB on the Start menu → control panel (turn on display by category) → Network and Internet → Homegroup.

Microsoft has made the process of creating a network as easy as possible, so follow the instructions. But to avoid any problems during setup, check the sharing and network discovery properties for the device.

  1. In the “Home Group” window → Change advanced sharing settings... → expand the “Private” tab.
  2. Select the radio buttons for “Turn on network discovery” and “Turn on file and printer sharing.”
  3. Open the “All Networks” tab and select the “Enable sharing so that network users can read and write files in shared folders” and “Disable password-protected sharing” → save changes.

In the “Homegroup” window, click “Create a homegroup” → Next → specify the folders to which you share access (these are standard Windows 10 folders) → Next.

After setting up your home network, a password will appear on the first computer, which will be needed to connect other devices. This completes the creation process.


RMB on the Start menu → control panel (turn on display by category) → Network and Internet → Homegroup → Join → Next → open the access folders → Next → enter the homegroup password → Next → Done.

Possible problems

After upgrading your computer to Windows 10 (read how to do this in the article “”), problems often arise when using a home group: sharing does not work, you cannot change the password, leave the group or create one. To correct the situation, proceed as follows.

  1. Turn off all computers on your home network except the one on which you are fixing the problem.
  2. Go to: OS drive → Windows → ServiceProfiles → LocalService → AppData → Roaming → PeerNetworking → delete the idstore.sst file → reboot the device.

    Important! At the same time, enable the display of hidden files and folders, otherwise the AppData directory will be inaccessible.

  3. Go to the homegroup creation window → its creation icon will appear.
  4. Turn on all PCs and connect to the network.

RMB on the Start menu → control panel (turn on display by category) → Network and Internet → Homegroup → group settings will be displayed → Show or print homegroup password.


To delete a homegroup, log out of it.

RMB on the Start menu → control panel (turn on display by category) → Network and Internet → Homegroup → Exit homegroup → select “Exit homegroup” → confirm the actions.


Creating a homegroup in Windows 10 is a process that is as simplified as possible. Follow the instructions and prompts of the system, after checking the necessary settings. In this case, access will only be granted to shared OS folders. If necessary, you can change your homegroup or leave it.