XML format - What is it and how to open it?! Collect data from XML files into Excel and export

To view the XML file using the tools built into the system, you can use any available text editor (for example, Notepad). Right-click on the document, and in the context menu that appears, select the line “Open with” - “Notepad”. This viewing method differs in that the XML content with all the tags and specified parameters will open in front of you. In Notepad, you can edit the desired code and save it to the same original file.

View as a style sheet

If you want to view an XML file as a style sheet and ready-to-render document, use Microsoft Excel, which allows you to display the file as a table with attributes specified in code. To open XML in Excel, right-click on the file and then go to Open With - Microsoft Excel. The disadvantage of using this method of opening an XML file is that it cannot be displayed if the line limit in the program settings is exceeded. Therefore, Excel cannot open files that are large in size.

Viewing the XML file in a browser also provides a view of the document and its code. Almost any version of a modern browser (Internet Explorer, Firefox, Opera, Safari, Chrome) supports displaying XML files. To view a document, call the “Open with” context menu. A browser tab will open in front of you, in which you will see the necessary information or code.

Alternative editors

You can use Notepad++ to edit the XML code. Its distinctive feature is the implementation of support for code highlighting. The program will highlight the tags used in color. If you miss, for example, a closing descriptor, the program will highlight the required piece of code and you can notice and edit it. An alternative to Notepad++ is AkelPAD, which provides a similar set of tools for working with markup languages.

Viewing XML on other systems

On Linux and Mac OS operating systems, the program can also be opened using any text editor. Libre Office Calc is an analogue of Excel, and therefore is also capable of displaying rows from a document in its window. As for Mac OS, you can use both Libre Office and Excel in the version for this operating system. Like other systems, Mac OS supports opening XML using text editors.

Quite often, many users of modern computer systems and software products of various types encounter files with the .xml extension. Many people simply have no idea what kind of document this is or how to open it. Now it will be considered. At the same time, we will find out what it is and what it is needed for.

What is an XML file

Let's start, perhaps, with the fact that, from the point of view of modern computer technologies and programs used to create documents of this type, it is a text file in which the commands of the universal extensible markup language are written, which is quite reminiscent of the well-known markup tool HTML.

Typically, an XML file contains general information about an object, which is expressed descriptively (more on this later). As for the data stored in such containers, it can be databases often used for video and audio catalogs on the Internet, saved user preferences for programs and applications, as well as entire web pages.

As an example, you can take, say, an audio album of some artist. The XML file includes information about the year of release, genre, number and names of tracks, popularity, etc. However, when visiting resources on the World Wide Web, the surfer does not need to think about physically opening such an information file, since even when playing a song online in a player All data will be displayed similar to those contained in standard MP3 files in the form of ID3 tags. The information is loaded onto the track being played.

XML file type

If you look at the file, you will immediately notice that in it the properties of any object are described using tags and attributes that are set manually.

We are not talking about the basic commands of the language itself, since the average user does not need such information. The only thing that can be noted is that there is no specific number of elements used to describe an object in this format: how many are needed is specified.

How to open standard XML format

Now let's see how to open an XML file. As many have probably already understood, this is a text file, which means that the easiest way to view or edit it is to use any editor, even the most primitive one. Yes, at least the same “Notepad” from the standard Windows set.

However, everything is not so simple here. The fact is that double-clicking a file without setting the appropriate association with any program will not open. At best, the system will offer a list of the most suitable applications. You can select a program of your choice, and at the same time check the box next to the option to constantly use the selected application for all files of this type.

You can do it differently by right-clicking on the file and then selecting the “Open with...” command, after which, again, select the desired application either from the list, or specify the location of the main executable component (most often this is an EXE file).

The third way to open an XML file is to initially launch the program and then use the file open menu (in most cases this is Ctrl + O). In this case, it is absolutely not necessary to use Notepad. Please, the file opens without any problems in the same Word application and similar ones. Even Microsoft Excel is capable of opening data in this format.

However, if there is a need to edit the XML format, then it is better to use professional utilities that support language syntax, for example, Oxygen XML Editor, XML Marker or EditiX Lite Version. Naturally, these are not all utilities that can work with the file language at the highest level. Today you can find a lot of such programs.

Now a few words about why sometimes an XML file error appears when opening. Most often this is due to a violation of the integrity of the file itself, as well as incorrect introduction of descriptive attributes or tags. Additionally, Excel has a limit on how many rows can be displayed, so in this case the data may not be complete when opened.

Possible errors when opening an XML file as an email attachment

Sometimes errors may appear when you try to open a file that is an email attachment. Most often this applies to standard email clients like Outlook Express.

The fact is that the attachment is first saved as temporary data (very often with an additional .tmp added to the main extension), and it is this that is accessed.

To avoid this situation, you simply need to initially save the attachment in its original format to any convenient location on disk or removable media, and then use the standard methods described above.

Instead of a total

As you can see, there is nothing difficult in understanding the structure and methods of opening files of this format. Here, however, the issue of creating XML data was not fundamentally considered, since to fully understand the process you need to know at least the basics of the language itself. Otherwise, I think that users will not have any difficulties with files of this format.

XML is an extension of files that are text using Extensible Markup Language rules. In essence, it is a regular text document in which all attributes and design (font, paragraphs, indents, general layout) are regulated using tags.

Most often, such documents are created for the purpose of their further use on the Internet, since markup using Extensible Markup Language is very similar to traditional HTML layout. How to open XML? Which programs are more convenient for this and have wide functionality that also allows you to make adjustments to the text (including without using tags)?

What is XML and what is it for?

XML can be compared to a regular .docx document. But if the file created in Microsoft Word is an archive that includes both fonts and spelling and syntax check data, then XML is just text with tags. This is its advantage - in theory, you can open an XML file with any text editor. The same *.docx can be opened and worked with only in Microsoft Word.

XML files use the simplest markup, so any program can work with such documents without any plugins. At the same time, there are no restrictions in terms of visual design of the text.

How to open XML

XML is text without any encryption. Any text editor can open a file with this extension. But there is a list of programs that allow you to work with such files comfortably without having to study all sorts of tags (that is, the program will arrange them on its own).

Offline editors

The following programs are perfect for reading and editing XML documents without an Internet connection: Notepad++, XMLPad, XML Maker.


Visually similar to Notepad, integrated into Windows, but has a wider range of functions, including the ability to read and edit XML texts. The main advantage of this text editor is that it supports installing plugins, as well as viewing source code (with tags).

Notepad++ will be intuitive for regular Windows Notepad users


A distinctive feature of the editor is that it allows you to view and edit XML files with a tree-like display of tags. This is very convenient when editing XML with complex markup, when several attributes and parameters are applied to the same piece of text.

Lateral tree-like arrangement of tags is an unusual but very convenient solution used in this editor

XML Maker

Allows you to display the contents of a document in the form of a table; you can substitute the necessary tags for each selected text sample in the form of a convenient GUI (it is possible to make several selections at once). Another feature of this editor is that it is lightweight, but it does not support converting XML files.

XML Maker will be more convenient for those who are more accustomed to seeing the necessary data in table form

Online editors

Today, you can work with XML documents online without installing any additional programs on your PC. It’s enough just to have a browser, so this option is suitable not only for Windows, but also for Linux systems and MacOS.

Chrome (Chromium, Opera)

All Chromium-based browsers support reading XML files. But you won't be able to edit them. But you can display them both in their original form (with tags) and without them (with already formatted text).

Browsers running on the Chromium engine have a built-in function for viewing XML files, but editing is not provided


The resource is a combine for working with XML files. You can convert plain text into XML markup and open sites in XML form (that is, where the text is formatted with tags). The only negative is that the site is in English.

This resource for working with XML files is suitable for those whose level of English proficiency is above a high school course


Another online editor. It has a convenient two-panel mode, with which you can edit content in the form of XML markup in one window, while the other window displays how the text will ultimately look without tags.

A very convenient resource that allows you to edit the source XML file in one window, and in another see how it will look without tags

XML are text files where the text itself is formatted using tags. In source code form, these files can be opened with almost any text editor, including the built-in Windows Notepad.

XML- a standardized but extensible text markup language based on a convenient and easy-to-read syntax for both users and computers, consisting of tags, attributes and preprocessors.

The XML format is used in several directions at once:

  • website layout
  • systematic design of tables
  • Database
  • application launch settings

Readability is the main idea of ​​an XML document. Even without additional tools, you can open a file and, having quickly glanced over the described symbols, you can easily figure out what instructions are embedded inside, and what events will be triggered when used directly for their intended purpose.

The markup language is based on the Unicode encoding (UTF-8 and UTF-16) and is easily adjusted to any specific needs (the main thing is to follow some mandatory rules - for example, place a mandatory construct in the first line of the document that determines the version of XML, encoding and connected libraries). But these are just nuances - it’s much more important to understand how you can open an XML document and get informative text, and not a set of illegible characters.

So, let's look at popular methods for opening an XML file.

2. Open XML via Notepad

The Windows operating system in a pre-installed state is immediately capable of interacting with files of almost any text format. Yes, not all information looks in its original form (some characters are displayed incorrectly due to unreadable encoding) and yet catching the main essence is not a problem! The main thing is to be patient and try all possible settings. Which? Instructions below:

1. The first task is to download the desired file to your computer in any folder. Then all you have to do is look into Start by typing “Notepad” in the search, and then open the document.

Or go to the specific directory where the XML document is loaded, and from there call up the interaction menu and select the desired action.

If “Notepad” does not appear in the called list, you will have to click on the “Select another application” item. And from there click on the required button.

2. As a result, the document is opened in its original form. Tags, attributes, description of actions. Yes, it’s not very informative (only programmers and layout designers will understand the essence), and therefore it’s worth looking for alternative sources of inspiration.

3. Open XML through browsers

Since the XML format appeared for the experimental “construction” of sites (at the moment the layout niche is occupied by HTML and CSS style sheets), then Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox can easily perceive all the information hidden in documents. Moreover, they display all tags and attributes not only in the form of text, but also in accordance with a certain design (if a table is described inside, then the output will appear information arranged along the shelves of lines and columns).

How to load XML into browser? Elementary! You can calmly drag the required document into any open window, and then all you have to do is observe the result.

And here is all the text on the screen, in the search bar - the directory where the opened file is located, and in the center of the screen - several recommendations directly from the browser. For example, Google Chrome can warn you whether the syntax is broken somewhere, whether additional edits are needed, and why, in fact, problems arise.

In Firefox the situation is the same, however, errors and warnings are displayed in Russian!

Should you always open XML through a browser? It is impossible to answer the question unambiguously. On the one hand, you can immediately see what the format looks like not “on paper”, but in action. In addition, there is no need to select an encoding (it is determined automatically), and there is no need to install additional programs. But that is only from the side of direct use. If you need edits, changes, or at least some interaction with documents, then you definitely can’t do without additional applications.

4. XML files through Microsoft Office products

The Microsoft software package can interact with XML files, but only in terms of displaying the final information (after all the processors embedded in the document have been executed), and not for direct interaction and editing. Both Word and Excel will work like calculators in which you entered a whole example and clicked the “Calculate” button. As a result, the result will appear on the screen, without any additional information.

4.1. Open XML in Microsoft Word:

1. There are two ways, just like with a notepad. You can either directly open the application and select “Open” from the drop-down menu.

Or go to the required directory and from there, right-click, bring up a list of actions.

2. Regardless of the chosen route, the result is the same. Some specific information will appear on the screen without tags or attributes, just bare text.

As Word notes, the office suite is not enough to display XML in a different form; additional plugins and instructions installed “from above” are needed. Otherwise, you may not count on full interaction.

4.2. Open XML in Microsoft Excel:

1. The initial steps are still the same.

2. One of the real differences is the need to select a script when interacting with XML. Should Excel open all the data as a table or as a workbook with specific tasks.

3. You can try different options, but the result is the same as in Word - text that appears after processing all tags, attributes and processes, but divided into cells.

In short, the Microsoft office software package does not perform even half of the required tasks - it does not allow you to edit text, does not display system data, and even has difficulty processing some information and often produces errors. In addition, in the latest versions of Word and Excel for 2016, developers have practically abandoned the ability to interact with XML, and therefore you definitely shouldn’t count on such a squeaky working assistant.

5. Official editors for opening XML

The list of programs specializing in interaction with XML is huge, which is why it is impossible to list even half of the options. Therefore, here are instructions for use using the example of XML Marker, a freely distributed tool that accepts different encodings, highlights syntax, and displays both the document tree and all text information at the same time. In addition, the developers promise automatic updates that correct some errors and shortcomings, a whole collection of additional tips and tricks that allow, for example, to get rid of some errors when entering (even some incorrectly specified tags at the end of the information code can lead to problems during playback ).

Additional advantages include support for different languages, the ability to change formats, and incredible data processing speed (even tables consisting of thousands of cells open in a matter of seconds). And, since such an editor is so omnipotent, why not proceed with the installation?

1. First of all, you will have to look at the official website. And in the menu on the left find the Download button.

On the page that opens, all you have to do is select the version you need to download. There are several options available - both very “ancient” and “tested”, and the latest with all the necessary updates. There are also several options for which server to save everything from - it’s a matter of taste (in any case, the distribution weighs only a few tens of megabytes).

Accept all licenses and user agreement.

Select a folder for installation (there is no huge difference).

The last step is to choose whether you need shortcuts on the desktop and in the Start menu, and whether to associate the XML format with the program. If there is no such need, then you can safely uncheck all the boxes.

After the installation is complete, all that remains is to launch the tool and start using it directly.

3. So, to launch the desired file, you need to click on the “File” item and call up the drop-down menu, then click on “Open” to directly go to the search.

After opening, all the information saved in the document will appear on the screen, with support for all attributes and tags. In addition, you will be able to edit and change any data, and then view visual copies in an additional window.

Well, briefly about the key features. On the left is the hierarchy of all data (which tags are added up, what information is more important and everything else), on the right is the highlighted code, and at the bottom is the display. If any errors appear, the system will immediately warn you about everything, and will even highlight the place where urgent changes are needed.

In general, an ideal tool for those who not only discover something, but actually interact and apply it.

The downside is the price. The developers offer either a subscription fee with money transferred every month, or a one-time payment. However, you can try the tool completely free of charge without functional limitations, but on a trial basis.

6. Edit XML files online

If the need to pay real money for a virtual product is not to your liking, then your last option is to use an editor that reads the XML format online. There are many resources with similar functionality, but the main assistant is located at xmlgrid.net

One of the key features is launching the desired file through the direct “Open” tab. You can also insert a link to the document and apply tags and attributes manually and from scratch. In addition to the playback, you can watch a demo about the XML language, where the developers tried to explain how to use various features and use cases for markup.

Extension.xml inherent in files with text data in XML format.

Initially, the language was created for use on the World Wide Web. The developers wanted to make it a worthy replacement for HTML, but their idea didn’t work out. As a result, XML ended up in its current place. The eXtensible Markup Language describes the document and software (less commonly) that reads such files.

XML has a simple syntax. It is convenient to use in the process of creating documents for quick processing in high-quality Internet reading programs. Developers choose this language for its simplicity, extensibility, and convenience. Note that XML is based on Unicode encodings. The language has the ability to freely extend markup (there are restrictions only in the syntactic rules of the language), which is why it is called extensible. The developer will be able to use it to solve almost any problem.

XML has now gained immense popularity on the Internet. This extension is often used in document management. Note that it was XML that became the “progenitor” of many modern formats, for example, (familiar to e-book lovers) or YML.

How to complete the discovery process?

Many people ask what programs are there to read XML files; you can open it in a browser. To do this, you can use, for example, Mozilla Firefox (in this case you need to select the version with the XML Viewer plugin) or Internet Explorer. To view a file that has the .xml extension on your computer through a browser, you need to launch it, press the “Ctrl + O” key combination (if your PC is controlled by the MacOS operating system, then you need to use the “Command + O” key combination). After that, you select the xml file that you need and press “ENTER”. Any document that has a .xml extension can also be opened using a text editor. For example, notepad will help you with viewing and editing. The developers of this extension recommend opening the xml file using the software for which it was created.

You can learn more about the list of programs that will help you open files with the XML extension on your computer on our website.