Electronic journal mrko registration for teachers. Electronic magazine mrko. Electronic magazine mrko for teachers

Digital technologies are increasingly covering all areas of our lives, and in order to check a student’s grades, it is not at all necessary to ask him to show his diary. Now parents can always keep abreast of their child’s progress in subjects by using a service such as pgu mos ru electronic diary.

In fact, this is a digital analogue of a regular paper diary, which is available online 24 hours a day. Wherever you are, on vacation, on a business trip, etc. – if you have access to the Internet, you will always be aware of your child’s current grades.

How to log into the electronic diary

You can start a student diary on the website pgu.mos.ru. PSU stands for Government Services Portal.

This is a very useful online resource for Muscovites, which summarizes all available government services in one place: take a coupon for an appointment with a doctor at a clinic, submit readings on electricity meters, enroll a child in a kindergarten or school, submit an application to the registry office, and much more.

In order to use the electronic diary of the MRKO (Moscow Register of Education Quality), the school where your child is studying must be connected to the portal of PGU Mos RU. You can find out about this possibility from the management of the educational institution, but a large number of Moscow schools have already been connected, and this process is actively continuing.

The class teacher gives students login information (login and password) for MRKO and with their help parents gain access to the diary. However, first you need to register on the government services portal itself.

Registration and access

Friends, do you think this kind of digital technology is useful? Is an electronic diary capable of disciplining students and stimulating them to get high grades? If you are a parent of a schoolchild, how do you personally assess the usefulness of such innovations? Share in the comments.

It is very easy to access the electronic diary. All you need to do is register on the Mos.ru website and enter some personal data.

How to access the electronic diary?

Access to the electronic diary of Moscow schoolchildren has undergone significant changes since September 1, 2017. Updates and improvements to the electronic diary and journal (ED) system have made it possible for parents and students to access personal accounts through the Moscow Mayor’s website.

If you want to take advantage of this unique opportunity to gain access, first of all, register on the website www.mos.ru.

For parents

The student’s electronic diary is one of the many services available to users of the Mos.ru portal. To use it you need:

When personal information is entered correctly through the mos.ru portal, the child’s father or mother receives a “direct connection” to the educational system, and the procedure for logging into the electronic diary takes place automatically. To enter the diary, you just need to select the appropriate service in the site menu and you will be taken to the dnevnik.mos.ru site page.

For the student

The Moscow Register of Quality of Education (MRKO) provides for the registration of a personal account for each participant in the educational process. That is, an application for access to the electronic diary is drawn up on behalf of the father or mother and each student.

To gain access to a child’s electronic diary, you will need:

  1. Go to the Moscow government services website.
  2. Create an account for your child. To successfully register a new user, your student must have a valid e-mail and mobile phone number.
  3. Transfer information about the child to the educational institution. Make sure that the information on the website and in the school matches.

Add a trusted person

In some cases, it is required that information about the student can be obtained by someone other than the parents. For example, a nanny or a tutor. To do this, they must be added to the list of trusted persons (AP), following the instructions:

Send data to school

To gain access to Moscow's electronic education system, parents will be required to transfer personal data to the school. The list of required information includes:

  • passport details (full name);
  • SNILS number;
  • phone number;
  • E-mail address.

Access problems and errors

Sometimes users have problems and errors accessing the electronic diary. Most often they are associated with incorrect data entered during registration or transferred to the educational institution.

If you are unable to enter the diary, you need to check all the data and make the necessary adjustments on the website or contact the teacher and correct the information available at the school.

How to restore access?

Sometimes users encounter login problems and are tormented by the question of why there is no access to their personal account.

If you cannot log into your personal account on the Mos.ru website and use the “electronic diary” service because you have forgotten your login information, solving the problem is simple:

Mobile applications for login

To constantly monitor your child’s progress at school, you can use mobile applications for Android (Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kazan, etc.). Anyone can download the selected application through PlayMarket or AppStore using the link -. For example, the latest version of the Moscow State Services application is available for download completely free of charge.

The student’s online educational journal is designed to provide all the necessary information about the child’s educational process to his parents in a convenient form. It is located on the website mrko.mos.ru, but access to it is provided only through the portal of State Services of the city of Moscow. where you need to enter your personal username and password. More detailed instructions for logging into the magazine can be found at.

In order to register in the MRKO journal, you need to request access data from the student's class teacher. Although, as a rule, this information is provided immediately after the start of the educational process. The account validity period applies to one training code, then they must be requested again. It is not possible to register in the electronic journal yourself. This is done only through representatives of the educational institution.

The responsible person will issue you with a separate login and password (matching each other) for the student and for the parents. Subsequently, the data can be changed at your discretion. Next, you need to go to the government services portal, where you can register using the data provided.

To do this, go to the website. We log in to your account, and if you don’t have one, you will have to register by following the instructions of the service. Log in and go to the “Education” section; as a rule, a link to the section is displayed in the “Popular services” list. Next, select “Electronic student diary”, and then “Get a service”.

Click “Add account” and fill in all the fields according to the data received from the school. If everything is entered correctly, you will be redirected to the EZD MRKO website mrko.mos.ru and log in to the journal. To change your login and password, you must follow the “Personal Data” link, where you enter new data.

Now the entrance will be carried out using them. Please note that this must also be done through the website, and not through mrko.mos.ru (this will not be possible through it).

How can school representatives register in the electronic journal?

To register school representatives in the electronic journal of MRKO, you must send a request to the email address [email protected] on the official letterhead of the institution with the signature of the head. Where it is necessary to indicate the details of the person who will administer:

  • appointment order number;
  • administrator's email address;
  • contact number;
  • SNILS.

When the application is reviewed, information on using the system, as well as administrator access data, will be sent to the address specified in the application. Then he himself will be able to create accounts for the institution’s employees, students and their representatives.

Electronic diary services as additional support for “paper” class journals and diaries have already been quite widely used in Russian schools for the last six years.

The Moscow Register of Education Quality, as a unified platform for collecting data on monitoring the performance of metropolitan schools, began full operation on September 1, 2014. It is he who can become a monopolist in the field of electronic academic records services in the capital.

Parents are shown advertising banners. Ads are not shown to users who log in as a student or teacher.

Schedule is filled automatically (taking into account the frequency of classes) - everything is familiar. Reporting periods: quarter, trimester, year.

Feedback from parents: The grade book records grades reviewed by parents and comments.

Different access rights for teachers, class teachers, head teachers. Subject teachers have access to the subjects in their classes, and the head teacher has access to the subjects of the entire school.

Parental control and gradebook. Source: elzhur.ru

Reporting: is formed (academic performance, attendance) in the form of tables and graphs. Export to different formats (Excel, pdf), standard printable version.

Modular interface: grade diary, teacher's journal, lesson and homework pages - separate modules.

Various grading systems: 5 points, 10 points, 100 points, pass/fail.

Reporting periods: standard (quarters, trimesters, semesters). Reporting is generated based on academic performance and attendance; You can also generate custom reports.

: advertising on all pages of the web resource.

Feedback from parents: not provided.

Feedback from students: yes (the student can attach a file with completed homework).

This is what one version of viewing a teacher’s journal looks like. Source: diary.ru

Additional services: media library of educational materials (dictionaries, fiction and educational literature), the ability to create a custom school website.


Most of the information on the main page of MRKO is devoted to video tutorials on how to log into the system, since it is integrated with the State Services portal. Access to the system for students and teachers is granted after the school has registered in the MRKO system and reorganized its information system. But without an account on the State Services portal, parents will not be able to see their children’s grades: they enter the diary through the website of the State Services portal.

Functionality: ???

We did not see any screenshots or information about the functionality of the diary on the official website for teachers: neither what the teacher’s journal looks like, nor how performance statistics are collected, nor how reports are filled out. Considering that Moscow teachers are being voluntarily and compulsorily transferred to using this electronic journal, it is doubly offensive not to know in advance what you will be working with for the whole year.

MCCS promised to make every effort to carry out a painless integration of already functioning platforms for electronic progress recording into its system. But so far this procedure is quite painful.

Integration of electronic diaries with MRKO

Diary RU is the only existing electronic journal system that receives government support. Its implementation since 2009 has been supported by the national project “Education” and the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. Therefore, the comment that the press service of Dnevnik.ru gave to the Roem.ru project is full of calm and confidence (for now):

In order to respect the rights of educational organizations to independently choose information systems, and developer organizations to freedom of competition in accordance with clause 8 of Art. 3 of the Federal Law of July 27, 2006 N 149-FZ “On information, information technologies and information protection” and Art. 15 of the Federal Law of July 26, 2006 N 135-FZ “On the Protection of Competition”, MRKO must be able to integrate with third-party electronic railway systems, which is confirmed by a quote from I. Kalina. In this regard, Moscow schools continue to work in the Dnevnik.ru system.

And here Eljur has already encountered a lack of support for the integration of electronic journals with MRKO. At the same time, MCKO strongly opposes providing the possibility of integrating other electronic journals with its service. November 11, 2014, Director of the Moscow Center for Education and Culture A.I. Rytov responded to numerous requests from Elzhur to develop mechanisms for correctly uploading data from their electronic journal to MRKO:

“...we inform you that resolving issues of implementing organizational and technical algorithms for online data exchange between EZhD MRKO and other electronic journals is not within the competence of GAU MCKO.”

Which somewhat hints that MKRO is not going to support automation procedures for transferring existing data.