The promised payment is temporarily unavailable for this number. Activation via SMS message. How to enable automatic promised payment

You are a happy user of the Megafon mobile network and the amount of funds in your personal account is approaching zero. You can’t find a payment terminal or even an ATM nearby, and you urgently need to make an important call. Then the information on how to take the promised payment on a megaphone will definitely be useful to you.

The advantage is the ability to easily top up your mobile phone account. The amount that the operator will provide you directly depends on the tariff you previously selected. After its activation, the balance of your phone’s personal account will be replenished as soon as possible. Disconnection occurs automatically after 3 days; by this time, be prepared to top up your balance so as not to be left without communication at an important moment.

There is a fee for usage depending on your plan. The amount of payment and the period for which it is provided varies depending on your region. All data is given for Moscow and Moscow Region.

Depending on the category of clients you belong to, the amount available to you differs. This rule also applies to the period for which the service will be provided to you. So, what does Megafon offer to different categories of subscribers:

  1. If you are not a user of any of the existing “Unlimited Internet” service packages, you will be provided with from 100 to 300 rubles for a period of no more than 3 days;
  2. In cases where you have “Unlimited Internet” connected, Megafon will offer you from 100 to 1300 rubles. Delivery deadlines remain unchanged. As for subscribers who do not use the “Unlimited Internet” offer, money is credited for no more than 3 days;
  3. The operator offers the most favorable conditions to all users classified as “VIP clients”. Such users can take out a loan of no more than 1,300 rubles, and they are allowed not to repay it within 7 days. In order to receive the privileges of the VIP service, the subscriber must spend at least 3 thousand rubles per month from his personal account.

You can use the service from any city in Russia, even while roaming. When “Promised Payment” is connected, you cannot make mobile transfers or activate “Credit of Trust”. The size of the limit given to you directly depends on the balance of your personal account. The higher your debt, within the acceptable limit, the greater the amount the Megafon operator will provide you.

Connection methods accessible to everyone

Megafon employees thought about how to make the service accessible to all categories of citizens. After all, we are all different, for some it is more convenient to send an SMS, for others it is more convenient to use the capabilities of your personal account, and for others it is easier to call.

Let's look at each option connection method in more detail:

  1. You can make a request to the number *106# and the call key. Remember that this is the only way to activate - when your balance drops below zero;
  2. You can send a message to the special number 0006. In the text message, be sure to indicate the payment amount you need. Example: send an SMS with the text “100” to the free number 0006, soon an amount of 100 rubles will be credited to your account for three days;
  3. Through the menu of your Personal Account. To do this, simply use the code: 1052*5*1#;
  4. You can make a call to number 0006 and follow the answering machine commands;
  5. For those who like to use the Internet, the easiest way is to go to the company’s official website and connect to your personal account. Among the main menu items, find the line “Change tariff options” and select “Promised payment”. Follow the recommendations that will help you activate;
  6. Among other things, you can simply call the toll-free hotline number 8-800-550-05-00 and wait for the operator to respond.

Offer cost

In what cases will you not be able to use

Connection becomes impossible if you:

  • You recently became a subscriber to the Megafon network and have been using the SIM card for less than one month;
  • Connected to the Megafon network less than three months ago, replenishing your balance no more than twice during this time;
  • Use the “Pay when convenient” option;
  • You have an amount on your account below the threshold determined by the operator;
  • Previously used and still have not paid the debt.

For those who forget to top up their balance

So, we have found the answer to the question: how to connect the promised Megafon payment. But there are lucky people who systematically forget to pay their mobile phone bill. A negative account balance comes as a surprise to them every time. Mobile operator specialists prudently came up with the “Automatic Promised Payment” service specifically for the most forgetful citizens. Are you one of them, or just want to play it safe? Then you need to become more familiar with the terms and conditions.

To connect, simply send an empty message to the short number 000600.

After connecting the option, your personal account will be automatically replenished with a fixed amount of 300 rubles when the threshold is reached.

In addition to information about connecting the option, it is important to know how to disable automatic payment. If you wish, you can disable the service.

Just send the word “STOP” to the same short number 000600.

Are you an Internet user from the Megafon provider? This option is also available for you to connect. The amount you can receive should not exceed 2,400 rubles. The service is paid for you, the cost is 50 rubles.

Just use the activation command by typing *844# and the call key on your keyboard.

Now you know how to top up your balance even when you are far from civilization. But the most important thing is to remember that it is best to repay any debts to the operator on time, otherwise you risk finding yourself without means of communication at the most inopportune moment.

Recently, more and more residents of our country are giving up home phones. And indeed, why do you need a stationary device if a mobile phone is more convenient and profitable in all respects? The subscription fee for mobile communications is much lower than for landline communications. A cell phone can be used anywhere, including at home.

There is one “but”. The mobile phone operates on a prepaid basis. You don't check your balance every minute, do you? It is enough to forget to top up your account in a timely manner, and you can suddenly find yourself without communication in the most unfavorable conditions.

What to do? is it so bad? In fact, the telecom operator Megafon has foreseen the possibility of such difficult situations arising and the package of services includes a promised payment service. Which allows you to top up your balance when your wallet is empty and there is no one to ask for a loan.

How to take the promised payment on Megafon

In Megafon, the promised payment service is paid and is not provided if you already have “Credit of Trust” activated. Connection methods may vary. There are four main options for the subscriber to choose from.

  1. Log in to Autoinformer by number 0006 and follow the voice prompts
  2. Dial USSD combination *106# and then order the promised payment
  3. Send a message to number 0006. In the text, indicate the required amount - 100 or 300 rubles
  4. Go to your personal account in the Service Guide and order a service there. However, in this case you will need a computer with an Internet connection.

How to take the promised payment on a megaphone of 50 rubles? Follow the above procedures and you will receive money on your phone. To receive a certain amount, indicate it in an SMS message. In this case, the commission will be only five rubles. What if you have to make a lot of calls and need a large amount of money? Then what are the conditions? For a loan amount of 300 rubles, the commission is already 10 rubles. So, if you are thinking about how to get the promised payment on Megafon of 100 rubles, then remember - another 5 rubles will be debited from your account for the service. Still, it’s best to regularly top up your advance payment, then you won’t have to pay any commission.

How to take the promised payment on Megafon when there is a minus

I am especially concerned about the question: will they give me money if the balance goes into negative territory? In what case will Megafon not lend money at all? You can take some money using the Credit of Trust or Promised Payment service. How to borrow on Megafon if your account is negative? There are three ways to order the promised payment if your account balance is negative.

  1. Send a message to the number 0006 and indicate the desired amount
  2. Call the number 0006
  3. Type the command *106#

However, if you have been using Megafon services for less than three months, this service will not be available.

How to take the promised payment to Megafon-modem

In fact, when the money on your Internet connection balance runs out, you receive not the promised, but a deferred payment. Because the money is given for five days and you need to top up your account on time. You don’t need to do anything and you don’t need to worry either. The operator will automatically offer you a loan for five days as soon as the money on your balance runs out.

Let's say you forgot to top up your Internet account. You launch the browser, and on the screen the green splash screen says in human language, they say, the money on your balance has run out and would you like to continue surfing on credit? The service is absolutely free. You can connect as many times as you like. Subject to timely repayment of the debt. Click the Connect button and don’t forget to top up your account within five days. There is no need to send any codes anywhere.

The validity period of the promised payment on Megafon is three days and after that the service will be disabled automatically. If a longer period is required, you need to connect the Credit of Trust.

Each person may find himself in a situation where the money on Megafon’s balance runs out at the most inopportune moment, and there is no opportunity to immediately top up the account. Especially for such cases, Megafon has developed the “Promised Payment” service, with which the subscriber can continue to use cellular services despite the inability to top up the phone balance on their own. You can take the promised payment from Megafon for up to three days, and you can independently determine the amount you would like to borrow.

Before using the “Promised Payment” service, you should familiarize yourself with its features. As part of this review, we will tell you how to take the promised payment on Megafon, and also consider the features and limitations characteristic of this service.

  • Attention
  • If you do not want to get acquainted with the features of the service from or you already have this information, then you can immediately proceed to activating the service. To do this, dial *106# or send an SMS indicating the amount (50, 100 or 300) to number 0006.

Features of the “Promised payment” service

The promised Megafon payment allows you to top up your account with 50, 100 or 300 rubles, and the service is valid for three days.

The “Promised payment” service is paid. The fee is charged for each use of the service and is debited from the balance at the time of connection. The subscriber can independently determine the amount of the promised payment, but subject to compliance with the terms of service.

  • Terms of provision of the “Promised Payment” service:
  • “Promised payment” in the amount of 50 rubles is available with a balance of up to minus 40 rubles;
  • “Promised payment” in the amount of 100 rubles is available with a balance of up to minus 70 rubles;
  • If you use Megafon services from 1 to 3 months, then the amount of the promised payment will be 50 rubles;
  • If 3 to 6 years have passed since the conclusion of the contract with the operator, and the average monthly communication costs for the last 3 months are more than 400 rubles, then the promised Megafon payment will be available in the amount of 100 and 300 rubles, and you have the right to determine the appropriate one yourself you the amount.

The credited payment is debited automatically after three days or earlier if the phone balance is topped up with the required amount. If the amount of the promised payment is 50 rubles, then the debit will occur within 24 hours after enrollment. The fee for the promised Megafon payment is debited from the balance at the time of connection.

The “Promised Payment” service cannot be used in the following cases:

  • If you have activated the “Pay whenever” service;
  • If less than 30 days have passed since the conclusion of the contract with the operator;
  • If there are not enough accruals for communication services over the past period;
  • If your balance is below the established threshold. It can be negative, but not less than a certain amount (A promised payment of 50 rubles is available with a balance of up to minus 40 rubles, an amount of 100 rubles is available with a balance of up to minus 70 rubles, an amount of 300 rubles is available with a balance of up to minus 250 rubles).
  • Attention
  • You can find out the available amount of the promised payment using the USSD command *106#.

Activation of the “Promised Payment” service on Megafon can be done in several ways. At the very beginning of the article, we provided a USSD command to activate the service, but this is by no means the only convenient way to receive the promised payment.

You can receive the promised payment from Megafon in one of the following ways:

  1. Dial *106# on your phone or *1006# ;
  2. Call 0006 and follow the voice menu prompts;
  3. Send an SMS indicating the amount (100 or 300) to number 0006;
  4. , open the “Payments” section and select the required amount.

In addition to the methods described above, it is also possible to receive the promised payment from Megafon by contacting the help center. . In addition, you can contact the nearest Megafon office and ask to activate the “Promised Payment” service. However, these two options are not very convenient and take a lot of time, so they are used extremely rarely and there is no point in paying special attention to them.

Service “Automatic promised payment”

Do you regularly forget to top up your balance, resulting in you being left without communication at the most inopportune moment? Megafon also took care of especially forgetful clients. You can activate “Automatic promised payment” in the amount of 300 rubles and no longer worry about sudden connection interruptions. The service allows you to automatically top up your phone account by 300 rubles when you reach a balance of 10 rubles.

The “Automatic Promised Payment” service does not imply any additional fee; you only need to pay 20 rubles for each payment in the amount of 300 rubles. Activation and deactivation of the “Automatic promised payment” service is carried out using the command * 106 # or through your personal account.

An alternative to the “Promised payment” service

Undoubtedly, the promised Megafon payment is very convenient and allows you to continue using cellular communications despite the inability to replenish your balance yourself. However, do not forget about other useful services available with a negative balance. The “Pay when convenient” service deserves special attention. The service allows you to stay in touch if your balance becomes negative. You are given a certain limit for free - the amount by which you can go negative. The operator sets the limit individually for each subscriber.

When determining the limit, the following factors are taken into account:

  • Average monthly expenses for cellular communication services for the last three months;
  • Duration of use of Megafon services;
  • Connected options, current tariff plan and other indicators.

The “Pay when it’s convenient” service is provided free of charge and does not require a subscription fee. The service is incompatible with the “Promised payment” service. You can activate the service using the command *550*1# or by sending an SMS with the number “1” to the number 5050. You can learn more about the service on the official Megafon website.

Perhaps everyone is familiar with the situation when the money on your phone balance runs out at the most inopportune moment. If the balance is negative, the subscriber is deprived of the opportunity to fully use cellular services. Making calls, sending messages, accessing the Internet - all this becomes impossible if the money in your personal account runs out. Cellular operators understand that a huge number of customers face this situation every day, and to help them, special services have been developed that can be used even with a negative balance. Today all operators have similar offers, Megafon being one of them.

The Megafon company cares about its customers and evidence of this is a number of services that can help out a subscriber in difficult times. For example, any subscriber without money in his account can call for free or at the expense of the interlocutor. However, these are far from the only services that may be useful for those whose balance is less than zero. Thus, a very popular service today is “Promised payment”. By connecting this option, Megafon subscribers can receive a certain amount of money for temporary use, which will be transferred to their phone account. Below we will look at how to take the promised payment on a megaphone, and also find out what features are typical for this service. If you don’t have the desire or time to read the entire article, you can read the brief information about the service.

  • brief information
  • USSD command - *106# (if your number is already blocked, only this method works);
    SMS message - send an SMS to the short number 0006 indicating the amount of the promised payment in numbers in the text of the message;
    USSD menu of your Personal Account - *105*2*5*1 #;
    IVR service control number is 0006.

“Promised payment” service

Any service has its own characteristics and has a number of certain restrictions, and “Promised Payment” is no exception to the rule. Before you take the promised payment on a megaphone, you should read the terms and conditions of this service.

Amounts and terms of the promised payment on Megafon

The amount of money that will be credited to the subscriber’s phone account as part of the “Trust Payment” service will differ depending on which category of clients the recipient of the service belongs to. The same applies to the period during which the promised payment will be valid. If you do not use one of the Unlimited Internet packages available from the Megafon operator, you will be able to receive a payment in the amount of 100, 200 or 300 rubles. In this case, the validity period of the service will be 3 days. For clients with a connected Unlimited Internet package, slightly different conditions for the provision of the “Promised Payment” service apply. For such subscribers, it is possible to receive a temporary use payment in the amount of 100, 200, 500, 800, 1100 or 1300 rubles, for a period. The validity period of the promised payment, as in the previous case, does not exceed three days, after which the subscriber must return the borrowed funds.

The most attractive conditions apply to subscribers in the “VIP-client” category. Having this client status, you will be able to receive the promised payment in the amount of up to 1,300 rubles, while the validity period of the service increases to one week. The “VIP client” category includes subscribers whose communication costs exceed 3 thousand rubles. It should also be noted that the service is only available if the debt on the account is not below the activation threshold. That is, if your balance is less than 100 rubles, then you will not be able to receive the promised payment for this amount. There is a fee for activating the service, the amount of which depends on the amount of the promised payment. The fee is debited from the subscriber's account upon expiration of the service. So, we have figured out the features of this service, now let's find out how to take the promised payment on a megaphone.

How to take the promised payment on Megafon - 6 ways

The Megafon operator has provided several ways to activate the “Promised Payment” service. There is no fundamental difference between them, so you can choose any option that is most convenient for you. So, at the time of writing, the following methods were relevant:

  1. USSD command - * 106 # . It should be noted that this is the only working method for subscribers whose number is already blocked due to a negative balance;
  2. SMS message - send an SMS to number 0006, indicating in the text of the message the amount of the promised payment. For example, if you need to receive 100 rubles to your personal account, then in the message text input field simply enter the numbers “100” and send an SMS to number 0006;
  3. USSD menu of your Personal Account - dial the command on your phone: * 105 * 2 * 5 * 1 # ;
  4. IVR service control number- call number 0006 and follow the instructions of the automatic informant;
  5. Personal account Megafon- You can also connect to the “Promised Payment” service on the operator’s official website. To do this, you need to find the “Services and tariff” section in the main menu, select the “Change tariff options” item and go to the “Promised payment” item, then follow the system prompts to top up your account with the required amount;
  6. Call the contact center- the service can also be activated through the customer support center. The method is far from the most convenient, since it often requires spending a lot of time, nevertheless, this option should still be noted.

Automatic promised payment

It should also be said about the ability of Megafon subscribers to activate “Automatic promised payment”. Thanks to this service, subscribers of the Megafon operator can automatically top up their phone account by 300 rubles when they reach a certain limit. To activate the service, send an empty SMS to 000600. To disable the service, you need to send a message with the text STOP and STOP to the number 000600.

The promised payment is also available to Megafon Internet users. You can receive up to 2,400 rubles as part of the “Promised Payment” service if you use one of the following options: “Internet S 2014”, “Internet L 2014” or “Internet M 2014”. You will have to pay 50 rubles to connect the service. USSD command to activate the service - * 844 # . Knowing how to take the promised payment on a megaphone, you can always stay in touch.

An alternative to the “Promised payment” service

In addition to the “Promised Payment” service, the Megafon company provides its subscribers with the opportunity to take advantage of other similar options. For example, you can use the “Credit of Trust” service. It seems possible to activate the “Credit of Trust” option in two ways:

  • You can activate a loan from Megafon with an additional connection fee. To activate the option, you must first put a certain amount on your phone balance and subsequently the system will provide the subscriber with a loan for temporary use for the same amount. To activate the service, use the USSD command: * 138 # . Next, follow the system instructions. As part of the “Credit of Trust” service on Megafon, you can receive an amount ranging from 300 to 1,700 rubles.
  • The “Credit of Trust” service can also be activated without paying for the service connection. To activate the option, the subscriber must contact the Megafon office located in his locality and inform about his desire to activate this service. Be sure to have your passport with you. The maximum credit limit in this case will be determined individually for each subscriber and depend on communication costs. The more money the subscriber spends, the larger the credit limit will be.

This is where we will end this article. Now you know how to take the promised payment on a megaphone and what service can replace it. We hope the above information was useful to you. In addition, we have prepared a short video instruction.

Sometimes subscribers are caught by surprise when their mobile balance suddenly goes negative and there is no way to top it up. At the same time, you cannot contact anyone or go online even to pay a bill from your e-wallet or bank card.

In such a case, the operator provides several ways to stay in touch even if your account balance is zero or even minus. If you still have access to the global network, then you can go to official site the promised payment to Megafon and arrange it there. If not, it doesn’t matter, you can manage the option without the Internet.

This review will help you learn in detail what Megafon’s promised payment is, how to use the service and under what conditions it is provided.

To enable the promised Megafon payment, if your account is negative, you must use one of the methods offered by the operator. Currently, the following options are available to subscribers:

  • via SMS to 0006 indicating the amount you need in the message;
  • by calling the number 0006 , where, following the autoinformer’s prompts, you can easily top up your balance;
  • by dialing a combination of numbers to order the promised payment from Megafon - ✶1006# or ✶106#;
  • on official website companies;
  • in the subscriber's personal account.

Important! There is a fee for using the option, which depends on the region of connection and the amount of the advance. This commission is charged each time you use the service and is immediately withdrawn in full from your mobile account at the time of connection.

For example, if you want to take the promised payment on Megafon from your phone for 50 rubles for 3 days, then you should take into account the main terms of provision:

  • The subscriber's service period must be at least 1 month;
  • the number of account top-ups for the entire time is at least 2;
  • The maximum allowable minus at the time of request is 40 rubles.

Similar restrictions apply when using any other amount.

If a subscriber forgets to keep track of the balance and replenish the balance on time, then it is possible to activate an automatic payment for a fixed amount when the balance reaches 10 rubles. Activation is performed both through a personal account on the website, and through a call or sending an SMS to the number 0006 with the text “AVTO” or “AUTO” (without quotes).