Digital television for a summer residence without a monthly fee. On-air consoles. Satellite television in the Moscow region: the best operators


Delta H1381AF

The sites are located at different distances from the city: 10 km, 50 km and more, and from the TV tower the distance can be even greater and amount to 100 - 150 km. This is a significant distance and for stable reception of digital television in the country you need an active antenna.

Let me start with the fact that stable reception at distances of up to 30 km can be provided by passive antennas, and to ensure stable reception both in summer and winter at long distances, you need to use a more powerful one with an amplifier, and for hilly areas, as well as beyond long-range reception, even and raise it higher using the mast.

To transmit a signal in digital TV, the decimeter range (UHF) is used with frequencies of 470 - 862 MHz (channels 21-69), so when choosing an antenna for your dacha, you need to focus on them. However, you should not rely only on this type; to receive the DVB T2 standard, all-wave (broadband) ones are also applicable, capable of receiving both the decimeter range and the meter range 48 - 230 MHz.

UHF antenna for dvb t/t2 reception

Modern antennas are made of steel or aluminum and have an operating temperature range from -50 to +50 degrees with protection from external influences (snow, rain). Metal is heavier, but unlike aluminum, it is more reliable against deformation. Their forms are different, but the most effective, so to speak time-tested, broadband MV/UHF antenna is the wave channel. Such an antenna for the dacha for receiving digital TV is the best option.

The most common antennas today are “Delta” and “Locus”. They have different gains (measured in decibels, dB) or adjustable, so you need to look at their characteristics. You need to understand that an-na itself has its own amplification, just like an amplifier.

Digital antennas and amplifiers offered by sellers are nothing more than an advertising gimmick. Amplifiers, if they are not something special, by their purpose simply amplify the signal, in this case a television signal, over the entire frequency range of TV broadcasting. In the case of antennas, designating them as digital means that they are capable of receiving decimeter waves.

When installing an antenna on a mast, be sure to use grounding, even if the metal mast is on the ground. This will help drain static electricity into the ground during a thunderstorm (and of course when struck by lightning), which will prevent the amplifier from failing. Grounding the grid (reflector) of a Polish antenna improves its performance, as it reflects the signal back to the vibrators, which amplifies it.

If you intend to make an active antenna yourself, then on the “net” you can find many different solutions, even from beer cans, the only question is whether they will work effectively and I advise you not to waste time, they are not that expensive. For example, an inexpensive so-called “Polish” one for receiving digital television in the country, with a range of up to 100 - 120 km, will be just the thing.

Antenna amplifiers

“Polish” all-wave antennas use SWA amplifiers with different gains; you need to purchase them separately, depending on the distance from the tower. You can navigate using the following table:

Amplifier type Range (km) Gain (dB) Noise factor
SWA - 3 10 -30 20.5 -28 3.1
=/= – 4 Lux 20 — 45 29 — 35 3.0
=/= — 5 10 — 40 25 — 31 3.1
=/= — 6 10 — 40 25 — 30 3.1
=/= — 7 30 — 70 25 — 32 3.0
=/= — 9 30 — 70 21 — 31 3.1
=/= — 10 8 — 30 22 — 27 1.9
=/= — 14 30 — 70 28 — 37 2.8
=/= — 15 30 — 80 35 — 43 2.8
=/= — 17 30 — 100 35 — 42 2.9
=/= — 19 30 — 100 33 — 42 2.9
=/= — 555 Lux 50 — 100 34 — 43 2.2
=/= – 777 Lux 50 — 100 34 — 45 2.3
=/= — 999 80 — 120 33 — 45 2.9
=/= — 5555 80 — 120 34 — 45 2.9
=/= — 7777 100 -120 34 — 45 2.8
=/= — 9999 100 — 120 35 — 47 2.9
=/= — 2000 100 — 130 40 — 47 2.8
=/= — 3501 100 — 130 40 — 48 2.0
=/= — 6000 80 — 140 50 — 52 1.2
=/= — 9000 20 — 100 10 — 40 1.5
=/= — 9001 100 — 150 42 — 54 1.5
=/= — 9501 70 — 120 42 — 50 1.7

So let's summarize. If you need an antenna for a TV at your dacha, then if the distance from the TV tower is from 10 to 30 km, choose from indoor active antennas; if the distance is greater, choose from outdoor (outdoor) antennas. The greater the distance, the greater the gain should be. Nothing bad will happen if the antenna for the dacha has a slightly higher gain than necessary, so to speak, the margin will not hurt and then 10 or 20 channels (depending on the region) will be shown without problems.

In the modern world, summer cottages are usually located at a considerable distance from populated areas, which means they are cut off not only from most communications, but also from other benefits of civilization. That is why, when creating country houses from block containers or other improvised materials, they try to achieve the maximum level of comfort, which sometimes depends on access to a source of information, which is the TV.

Different variants

To begin with, it must be said that all the methods described in this article assume the presence of a power source. Therefore, it is necessary to have an electrical network or rent a diesel generator for a summer residence, which can meet energy needs. The presence of is also assumed, since the problem is solved only with the process of receiving the corresponding signal to it.

Satellite TV

  • This method is considered one of the most reliable and high-quality, since it has been improved for quite a long time. That is why a country satellite television set can be very different from a stationary system, having greater mobility and compactness.

  • Typically, owners of sites that are used seasonally prefer to purchase types that can be easily installed, quickly configured, and then removed. Moreover, such satellite TV for a dacha can be tuned to the same number of channels as a home system. However, the cost of such products may be higher.

  • If the site is operated all year round or there is no fear that the antenna will be cut off and stolen, then full-fledged equipment can be installed, even with a constant subscription to certain channels. Such satellite TV for the dacha can be purchased from a company that will agree to install it over a long distance. In this case, it is very important to make the first adjustment and select the required rotation of the receiving device.

Advice! Sometimes even used equipment that was left over when improving a home system is suitable for such purposes.


With the development of modern technology, it has become possible to get high-quality and full-fledged TV in the country without a dish. For this purpose, networks of mobile operators are used, which have recently been significantly improved with equipment that can increase data transfer speeds.

It is worth saying that some providers of such services offer to purchase for a small price everything necessary to access the network and connect it to the TV.

The easiest way is to buy a special TV receiver for your dacha, which has a slot for a mobile operator card. It receives the signal from the tower and transmits it directly to the TV. At the same time, there are devices that allow you to additionally distribute WI-FI, which means you can additionally get the Internet.

Special attention must be paid to the fact that it is necessary to correctly select the appropriate equipment, operator service and the provider itself. The fact is that when choosing such a television at the dacha, it is initially impossible to determine which device is better. To do this, you first need to clarify the presence of the operator’s signal, its tariffs and services, and only then can you draw a conclusion.

Advice! Recently, such a technical solution has become one of the most optimal. Especially when you consider the ever-expanding and improving networks of mobile operators.

Regular antenna

If the price of a satellite system or receiver is too high, then you have to look for alternative solutions to the problem. This may also be necessary if the dacha is located in an area where there are practically no mobile networks. At the same time, it is believed that the only alternative is an old antenna that has been proven over the years.

The beauty of this approach is that this device can be made with your own hands. Metal objects or coils of copper wire are suitable for this. It is worth saying that there are simply a huge number of varieties of such structures, which differ in the material of manufacture and range of action.

It is also necessary to mention that the instructions for setting up TVs first recommend using the antenna that was included in the package. It is also worth trying to install an intermediate signal amplifier, but in most cases it is possible to configure only a dozen local channels.

It is important to say that older TVs have a more powerful tuner than new models, which means it is worth using.

Advice! Sometimes the simplest antenna made from beer cans can be much more effective than a full-fledged store-bought product.


By studying the video in this article in more detail, you can become more familiar with this issue. At the same time, based on the article proposed above, it should be concluded that there are several quite practical ways to obtain a stable television signal.

Any FORUMHOUSE user knows: country life never lets you get bored even without television. All the time you need to build something, improve it, remove weeds, but in the evening you want to take a break from the labors of the righteous. And nothing could be better than getting together with friends and watching a football match with your favorite team on TV. Therefore, together with the users of our portal, let’s find out which antenna to install at the dacha so that the signals are received well and the price is reasonable.

Which antenna is best for a summer residence?

If at least one strongly protruding channel exceeds the maximum permissible level after the amplifier, it will “overwhelm” the amplifier (overload) and the output will be a mess of channels.

The main disadvantage of active antennas is the impossibility of adjusting the gain ("playing" by changing the supply voltage - nothing), the impossibility of Skylink rejection, the impossibility of weakening strong "crawl-out" channels.

If the outdoor antenna and the amplifier are located from each other at a distance of 0 meters to 10 meters (mast + descent into the attic), then in the vast majority of cases this does not lead to signal attenuation.

It is also necessary to remember that for the amplifier to operate normally, it is necessary that the signals arriving at its input be approximately the same and of a certain level. Any television channel (or interference from a 450 MHz cellular network, radio alarm, etc.) that greatly exceeds the level of other channels overloads the amplifier and “dirt” appears on the screen. At a very high level, the amplifier may overload so that nothing will be visible on the screen at all. In this case, it is impossible to turn off the amplifier without altering such an “antenna”.

Alexander 2 :

- X good antennas for the dacha are good, but a lot depends on the cable, I recommend taking SAT 50 or SAT 703.

And even living next to a transmitting repeater does not guarantee reliable reception.


– It seems to me that the signal from the air is getting worse and worse from year to year. I can’t say about the Moscow region, but I have TV antenna for the dacha - an ordinary inactive UHF broadcast, a year ago it showed 15 channels, and this summer 10 federal +2 regional. Here, the problem is obviously in the frequencies, which are affected by the many installed cell towers. My clients on satellite television live a hundred meters from the TV station, and still their TV shows poorly! Therefore, it is better not to rack your brains, to which outdoor antenna to choose for your dacha, and switch to satellite TV.

Alexander 2 :

– “Ultra-close” TV reception is a special case! You have to think here. Branded terrestrial antennas require installation at an angle of +5 - +10 degrees to the horizon and it is necessary not to amplify the signal, but to selectively suppress channels using notch filters.

And in order to prevent obstacles and range from affecting the quality of picture reception, digital terrestrial television was invented.

How to install an antenna at your dacha yourself

Let's look at all the stages of installing a television antenna using the example of the experience of a member of our portal.

H.J.S. :

– My garden is located a hundred km from Moscow (to the northeast), there is no data yet on the signal level and quality of reception. There are no obstacles in front of the building, the estimated height of the antenna mounting is 6m, the house has a splitter for 3 TV outlets. I would like to receive central channels in more or less decent quality. I think my a The television antenna for the dacha will be passive, larger in size and a separate amplifier for it.

Alexander 2 :

– In this case, you can install the antenna in several stages, which will allow you to choose the most optimal design. Here is a suitable installation scheme:

  • To begin, install three separate antennas for each band. You need to choose a standard mast, not a stick/pole or pipe. Don’t buy an amplifier yet, but combine the signals from three antennas on a special summing filter;
  • Then divide the signal into three tails using a divider.
  • If the picture does not suit you, then you will need a three-input range amplifier. They are usually called mast-mounted, but in our climate it is better to place them in the attic;
  • During installation, in order not to confuse anything, it is necessary to mark the cables from all three antennas.

A participant of our portal used the above-described scheme, and the results of the first test met expectations - they show all the channels from his personal rating, except for sports.

Test results:

  • Channel 1, TV Center, Channel 5 and Zvezda - shown with minor interference;
  • Home, REN TV, STS, TNT, 7TV, DTV, MTV, MUZ TV, 2X2 - show very well;
  • Russia is bad, NTV is very bad, Sports is not visible at all.

H.J.S. :

– We can say that the test result is positive, this is almost enough, the only thing I would like to see is the Sports channel, but for this you need a dish.

But besides the fact that you need to choose the right TV antennas for your dacha, you need to attach them to something. There are many wall brackets or installation matches on sale, but sometimes not a single option is suitable, and in order not to spoil the gable of a private house, it is easier to install an outdoor antenna on a tree. And it won’t even worsen its appearance!


– When installing, you don’t want to spoil the pediment of the cottage, drill siding for a bracket, etc., but next to the house there is a hundred-year-old linden tree, 15 in height, why not a mast?


– You can put both a plate and ethereal on the tree. The tree trunk does not rotate around its axis, and swinging does not lead to signal loss.

Let's see how outdoor TV antennas for a dacha can be mounted on a tree:

You can read an article about how to properly supply electricity to a private home

On FORUMHOUSE you can see our users - many of them have sites 100-200 km from the city. The installation of TV antennas is described. And if you need to fix a satellite dish on a house with a wet facade, then you can find out how to do it correctly on our forum. Even if you are completely satisfied with your TV antenna for your dacha, you can find out which one does the job better on our forum. If you are just deciding which antenna to install in your dacha or which television to choose, which may suit you best, read FORUMHOUSE.

We are so accustomed to the flow of information that without it we feel insecure. That’s why, outside the city, having more or less equipped a house, the first thing that appears is a television. And for it to work in rural areas, you need a television antenna for your dacha. It is selected depending on the location of the nearest repeater - television tower and the type of television signal that you will “catch”.

Today there are several types of signals, and accordingly, the same number of types of antennas:

Terrestrial TV antenna: what to choose for your dacha

You can say exactly which antenna to install at your dacha only in relation to each specific case. When choosing, take into account:

  • location - plain, hill, lowland;
  • the presence or absence of forests and large trees near the house;
  • distance to the nearest repeater.

The main importance is the distance to the TV tower and which one. height you can raise the antenna. Sometimes every meter matters.

Indoor or outdoor

Indoor antennas can only be installed if the repeater is in your direct line of sight. If you can see a TV tower from your summer cottage, you can try it. In order not to waste money, you can make the most simple antenna with your own hands: take a piece of wire, connect it to the corresponding connector on the TV, and walk around the room with this “antenna”, climb higher to the ceiling, closer to the window, etc. If at least some signals are caught, you can try or buy.

Outdoor antennas “catch” tens of kilometers from repeaters

If during all your movements there are no signs of a clear signal, you need an outdoor antenna, but for a reliable reception area (with lower gain). For all other cases, when the distance to the tower is tens of kilometers, an external antenna is definitely needed.

Broadband or narrowband

Since terrestrial television is broadcast in two bands - decimeter and meter, there are antennas for these bands. If the receiver “catch” a signal in only one band, they are called narrowband. They are only available for UHF or only for VHF frequencies.

There are also broadband (also called all-wave) - their design is designed so that it is possible to normally receive a signal at all frequencies. They are usually bulkier and heavier and have a long shaft. But they put up with this - a broadband television antenna for a dacha can “catch” more channels. That's why they buy them most often.

Active or passive

More attention should be paid to whether it is better to install an active or passive antenna. An active device is a device with an amplifier built into the housing. Passive ones are just hardware for which you need to buy an amplifier separately.

Active receivers with a built-in amplifier are cheaper, receive more channels, but they have a significant drawback: amplifier boards often break. Any more or less serious thunderstorm, and channels that were previously clearly received begin to “snow” or disappear altogether. Replacing the board can help the problem. To do this, you need to climb onto the roof, remove the antenna, change the board, install it again and configure it. This procedure can be repeated after each thunderstorm.

Even if thunderstorms did not affect the performance of your country antenna, still after a year and a half the number of well-received channels decreases. The quality gradually gets worse, and sooner or later, you notice that it is no longer possible to watch. The reason is oxidation of contacts and elements on the board. The receivers on the antenna are far from sealed and dust and moisture get inside, destroying the contacts and tracks. Therefore, the average lifespan of an active antenna is about a year. If it's not a thunderstorm, oxidation will finish it off.

The best antenna for a summer residence: inactive with a separate amplifier

There is nothing to help with a thunderstorm, and oxidation can be significantly slowed down if immediately after purchase, fill the board with silicone on both sides. This will protect contacts and elements from oxidation. No one will repair it anyway; if the board “flies”, you buy a new one and put it in its place. That's all the repairs. It is also useful to seal the cable connection point. Here, too, due to oxidation, there are large signal losses.

Passive antennas with separate amplifiers are good because the hardware is installed above the roof, and the amplifier is in the attic. Replacing a circuit board in the attic is much less of a hassle than replacing it on the roof. Especially in winter. They “catch” fewer channels, but the picture is “cleaner”.

There is one more plus: individual amplifiers have two adjustments - separately for the UHF range and for MV. This is useful, since sometimes some signals come with a much higher level and they “clog” weaker ones. Then there is an overlap of sound and/or image, in some cases, if some signal is very strong, it is completely “snowing”. By adjusting the sensitivity of the ranges you can save the situation. So passive antennas with separate amplifiers for the garden are the best choice.

Samsung and LG TVs generally have a “weak signal” function. In this case, you may not need an amplifier at all. Install a passive antenna at your dacha, turn on the mode, and tune in the channels. It should be good to show at least 5-6 channels.

To ground or not

Another problem that needs to be solved is whether the TV antenna for the dacha should be grounded. On the one hand, this is often the highest point. On the other hand, if it is grounded, it will catch any lightning strike that is nearby. Accordingly, you will have to change the board every time, as it will fail.

For this reason, “antenna specialists” insist that they do not need to be grounded. Especially if the device is located below the power wires. Lightning will then strike the highest grounded point. The main thing is that it is not your antenna.

Which antennas are better

As usual, in addition to the type of equipment, you have to choose a manufacturer. And this, perhaps, is no simpler. Recommendations can help. There are several popular manufacturers on the forums:

  • Locus (Locus). Antennas made in Russia. Wide range, low prices (from 480 rubles to 1.7 thousand rubles). There are both active ones - with a built-in amplifier, and passive ones.
  • Harpoon. Also a Russian-made antenna. Receives in UHF and MV zones. They are produced only in passive form and are intended for installation in areas of poor reception. Retail price - Harpoon-0416 - 1500 rubles, Harpoon-1028 - 2300 rubles.
  • Antennas "Delta" produced by JSC "NPP OST". The range here is very wide. There are both narrowly targeted only for VHF or only for UHF bands, and broadband ones. Moreover, UHF antennas can be used to receive a DVB-T2 digital television signal. Many models are equipped with an F-connector - a device through which the cable is connected: during installation, you do not need to disassemble it to connect it. Insert the conductor, stripped of insulation, into the socket. All. The cable is connected.
  • GoldMaster (GoldMaster). There are few reviews, but according to those available, it receives reliably even in the area of ​​​​uncertain reception. Even during rain, the signal quality hardly drops. The picture is still clear, without “snow”.

All other manufacturers are not particularly popular.

For inactive antennas, amplifiers are also needed. There are also preferences here:

  • LHA House Amplifier;
  • TERRA (Terra);
  • Powerful amplifiers with low noise levels Breeze, Alcad.

Antenna installation

Before starting all work, it is useful to lubricate all screws, nuts, and antenna connections with Movil or Litol, something similar in properties. If an active antenna is selected, it is better to seal the board with silicone. After such treatment, the antenna will last not a year, but much longer.

About which cable to use for connection. It’s better not to try to save money here: the losses will be too great. Therefore, take branded SAT 50 or SAT 703. The “picture” depends no less on the quality of the cable and the quality of connections than on the reception.

TV antenna for a summer residence: where and how to install

The installation location is selected taking into account where you will need to point the antenna. If the roof and wind loads allow, it can be fixed to the roof. In order to raise the receiver higher, the antenna is mounted on a mast. There are special clamps for this.

In some cases, you have to raise the antenna as high as possible - in lowlands or if trees block reception. Then telescopic rods will come in handy

There are prefabricated metal masts, and there are telescopic - folding masts. This type is more convenient, especially if the antenna is with a receiver - you will need to change the board periodically, and completely dismantling the mast every time is a pleasure. Telescopic masts can be lowered by unscrewing the locking ring. The antenna attached to the top will lower along with the top of the boom.

If you don’t need to lift it high, you can use a wooden beam or a sanded trunk of a young pine tree. This is a completely dacha option. You can use a steel pipe of not very large diameter or a corner. There are a lot of options. Selected support needs to be secured. Mounting methods are shown in the figure.

The most common antenna mount is on the pediment. It is the easiest to implement, but only if the decoration or material of the walls allows it. This is not how they are mounted on walls covered with siding, and it is too complicated. Then the option is to fasten the rod to the pipe, to the rafters, or on guy wires to the roofing material.

When attaching to the gable, the distance between the fasteners must be at least 1.5 meters. If none of these methods can be implemented for some reason, you can try to install the antenna on a powerful tree growing nearby. You can attach the antenna to the trunk and trim branches that interfere with reception. Sometimes this is the best way.

Cable fastening

When installing the antenna, the cable is lowered down along the rod. It is secured with clamps every 50-80 cm. Having lowered the cable to the level of the roofing material, it is led along the ridge (so that it is not torn off by the snow) to a bracket, with the help of which it is lowered from the roof. The bracket is mounted above the window near the TV. The cable is brought into the room through a hole in the window frame. With an upward slope, drill a hole with a slightly larger diameter than the diameter of the cable. This will prevent raindrops from getting inside the frame. The cable in front of the frame should sag slightly - this gives freedom to temperature changes.

If the television antenna for the dacha is inactive, the amplifier is installed in the attic, the cable from the antenna is led to it, and from the amplifier to the TV.

One tip: when laying, you need to avoid sharp bends. The minimum radius is at least 5 cable diameters. When fastening with staples, do not pinch it.

Watch the video to see how to cut and connect antenna cables.