To make charging go faster. Video: charging and connecting a smartphone to TV via an HDMI adapter. Which phones charge quickly?

If the charge level of a mobile phone drops, and you need to make a lot of calls or other manipulations with the gadget, you need to save its energy or look for ways to extend its operation. There are a number of methods with their own advantages and disadvantages that will help you recharge your mobile without the usual charging.

Charging your phone via USB port

If in the house, or in the place where you are, there is a USB cable and a computer, laptop, tablet, mini PC or TV with the appropriate connector, then you can charge your phone without any problems. What to do: insert the cable into the main device (op-amp) and watch it charge. An important condition is that the phone must have a working socket, and the op-amp must be fully charged or connected to the network. The charging speed under such conditions is no less than when connecting a conventional charger.

As a rule, the standard package of smartphones includes a USB cable (mini or micro depending on the type of gadget). The wire can also be found in the packaging of a camera, tablet, e-reader and other devices. There shouldn't be any difficulties. The cable can be designed to connect several phones at once.

Induction charger

The developers of some iPhone models and mobile phones on the Android operating system provide a wireless or inductive charger. The charger looks like a round or square platform. You need to place the phone on it and, thanks to the alternating magnetic field, the cell phone will receive the energy necessary for operation.

This charger is sold in any mobile accessory store, but you need to get used to it. The downside is the short range, which means that the gadget needs to be laid out in a special way to ensure charging. This type of charger is very popular among mobile phone owners whose corresponding connector is broken.

PowerBank for phone

Almost every user has an external battery, or PowerBank. This is a real salvation for those who practically never let go of their phone. The device has a corresponding charging connector and a USB cable that connects the gadget to a power source.

In a few minutes, the mobile phone will receive a certain percentage of charge. The main condition for the operation of an external battery is that it pre-charges itself. This energy source has a delivery speed no worse than that of a standard charging device.

Solar panels for charging

An effective way to charge your phone without charging is solar panels. The method is relevant if you are in an open area, in nature, far from civilization. It is necessary that the weather be cloudless or partly cloudy. The charging principle is simple. The small unit is equipped with photocells, the cells of which absorb solar energy and transmit it to the phone through a cord.

Such a device can be intended for one or more gadgets.

Solar panels store energy for a long time, but they will charge the device more slowly than standard charging.

This is because the photovoltaic cells themselves are very small and cannot produce more energy.

How to charge a battery using a frog

If you don’t have a regular charger at hand, you can charge your phone without a charger using the so-called “frog” method. To do this, you need to remove the battery and insert it into a special power supply. Such chargers, as a rule, come as universal devices.

The phone battery connector can change sizes. To prevent the battery from dangling and touching the contacts, there is a “slider” that moves easily, thereby adjusting the unit to the size of the battery. You can often find devices on sale that are designed for only one type of battery, but today this is already a rarity.

Direct connection to battery terminals

If you are unable to charge your phone without a charger using one of the above methods, you can use the laboratory method, for which you will need:

  • mobile phone battery;
  • old charger;
  • electrical network.

On the old charger, strip the end of the cord so that the red (+) and blue (-) wires are exposed, and separate them slightly.

To further ensure your safety, use rubber gloves. Work order:

  1. Remove the battery from the mobile phone, find the plus and minus there.
  2. Attach a blue wire to the positive and a red wire to the negative.
  3. Secure the device with tape or use electrical tape.
  4. Place the structure on a surface free from various objects and plug it into the network.

If connected correctly, the device will instantly begin to charge. It is highly not recommended to charge the battery in this way to the maximum level. Charge enough to make a call or send a message and disconnect the device.

Extreme ways

There are also more extreme “folk” methods for charging, but they should be used only when absolutely necessary, as they can harm the owner of the phone and others. The described methods, if they work, provide a small charge, which is enough for a couple of minutes of a call.

Turn off your phone
THE CHARGING INDICATOR WILL REFUND SIGNIFICANTLY FASTER IF THE DEVICE IS TURNED OFF. This way it won’t waste a single precious watt and, accordingly, extra minutes of your time. When turned off, all electricity will go directly to the battery and will not be wasted on other hardware processes.

Charge your phone from a wall outlet
YOUR PHONE WILL CHARGE FASTER FROM A WALL OUTLET rather than via a USB port. It's also worth making sure your charger is high-powered enough - some models deliver less milliamps than a cell phone can handle, which increases its actual charging time.
According to the manufacturing companies, the fastest charging is carried out when the device is connected to an outlet using the cable and USB power adapter supplied in the kit. However, you can risk replacing the standard charger with a higher power one, designed for a larger number of milliamps.

Optimize USB Charging
First, you should figure out what USB ports your computer has. Today they are equipped with three types: USB 1.0, 2.0 or 3.0. The first and second are capable of providing a current of 500 mA, while USB 3.0 is almost twice as much - up to 900 mA. Depending on the type of USB to which your smartphone or tablet is connected, charging time can vary greatly. A separate USB wall port that can provide up to 1500mA is an even more efficient charging method.
To further speed up the process, don't sync your smartphone with your computer and disconnect any other USB devices that might be consuming power. Remember also that if you are connected to a laptop that is not connected to the network, you need to ensure that it does not go into sleep mode.

Maintain temperature conditions
HIGH AND LOW TEMPERATURES ARE DAMAGED to batteries. Do not keep your charging phone in the sun, near a heater, or near an open window in winter. The best temperature for this process is around +22 °C.

Use an app that speeds up battery replenishment
ASUS HAS DEVELOPED A FREE TWEK APPLICATION AI CHARGER, which helps charge mobile devices faster. The program allows you to output about 1000 mA through a standard USB port, thereby almost doubling the charging of devices. Depending on the different types of gadgets used, the current may increase even more. And although manufacturers do not disclose the technological aspects of the utility, many users talk about its effectiveness. Ai Charger is compatible not only with Asus boards, but with computers from other manufacturers.

Buy a USB charging adapter
GET YOURSELF A CHARGING ADAPTER. The device, which looks like a small USB flash drive, can increase its output current to 2100 mA when a phone or tablet is connected to it. The time to fully charge a mobile phone can be reduced by 4 times. Install the Y cable
PURCHASE A Y-WIRE with two USB cables that will provide the combined power of two USB ports on your computer and transfer maximum power to one device.

Handle the battery correctly
In order to quickly and successfully charge batteries, manufacturing companies advise handling them correctly. For example, Apple in its recommendations states: “To maintain a lithium battery in good condition, it is necessary that the electrons in it are periodically in motion.” To do this, it is recommended to fully charge and discharge the battery at least once a month.

Progress is moving forward by leaps and bounds, and our smartphones are becoming larger, their screens are becoming wider. But the batteries, unfortunately, don’t change much. Therefore, until now, almost all of us, coming home from work or school, put our phones on charge - regardless of their model.

However, during stressful times, it’s difficult to find time to let your smartphone “replenish your strength.” For example, if your workday is filled with business meetings or you're simply on your feet all day, you may only have 5-10 minutes or so to connect your device to a power source. Thus, the goal is to get maximum charge in the shortest possible time. Use the following tips to quickly charge your phone in short periods of time, and you'll still have your phone feeling fresh and energized at the end of the day.

Turn on airplane mode

This is one of the most effective ways to get your phone to charge quickly when you have 5 minutes between meetings or only half an hour before the train. The trick is to limit the amount of energy your phone uses while it's charging. This is precisely why the “Airplane Mode” function exists, available not only on modern smartphones, but also on old push-button phones.

This mode is much more important than you think. Without constantly searching for wireless hotspots, checking installed apps for messages, notifications and new versions, and without having to communicate with base stations to maintain cellular connectivity, your phone will consume much less power than usual.

Airplane mode is a great way to save battery power.

Think of charging your phone as like filling a container with water, such as a bathtub. The bathtub will fill with water much faster if there are no leaks and the drain is firmly plugged. This mode has an obvious (and quite significant for some) disadvantage - you will not receive any messages or calls while the phone is in airplane mode. On the other hand, if the device only charges for a few minutes at a time, then you can be patient.

In fact, you can leave your smartphone in airplane mode even after you charge it. The battery will drain much more slowly if the phone is cut off from the outside world. As a bonus, it will not distract you during a business meeting or meeting. Who knows, maybe you don’t even need to check your VK page every 2 minutes...

Leave your phone alone

By the way, about increased attention to the phone. The charge indicator of your smartphone is red, you have very little time to charge, you are nervous and check how charged it is every half a minute? Resist the temptation to look at your phone again, this will only slow down the process.

Large, bright displays on modern smartphones are quite power-hungry, and are usually the main consumers of battery power. Don't be tempted to check for messages or do anything else with your phone while it's charging. Plug it in and then forget about it until you have to unplug your smartphone from the power source.

Don't pick up your phone!

If you can't afford to use the mode, then your option is to turn off notification sounds and place the phone face down. This way you will be less tempted to grab it and start wasting its energy while charging. Ten minutes of continuous charging will give your phone's battery more power than ten minutes of charging while simultaneously looking at pictures on the Internet or texting with friends.

This applies to any interaction with a smartphone, be it games, movies, streaming audio, or viewing photos taken. If you take a few minutes to charge your device, you may be able to find something to do that doesn't involve your phone. Read a book or something.

Connect your smartphone to a power outlet

Gone are the days of unique connectors, and now every smartphone is equipped with a unified USB port. And the ability to charge your phone using your laptop is of course very convenient if you don't have a wall outlet nearby. The problem is, USB charging speeds don't compare to what a regular wall outlet can offer (though exact speeds vary depending on the technology involved).

The socket will charge your smartphone faster than a computer's USB port.

If you decide to charge your phone via USB, try to connect it to the most modern computer possible. New USB standards increase the power available to devices - for example, USB 3.0 allows you to charge your phone at almost the same speed as a regular wall outlet. Again, this depends on what device you're plugging into the power source (as manufacturers take different approaches), but the newer the better.

Ultimately, this means that five minutes of charging from a wall outlet will give your phone more than five minutes of charging from a laptop. Therefore, always use a power outlet if possible.

It is also advisable to use the exact charger that came with your phone. It's likely been made specifically to charge your device as efficiently as possible, and similar third-party chargers may not provide enough power to your battery.

Buy a smartphone with fast charging functionality

Fast charging technology is expected in modern phones almost everywhere except the iPhone (for now). If you're shopping for a new phone and are looking for one that can charge efficiently after just a few minutes of charging, try to find one that offers this feature.

Quick Charge from Qualcomm is one of the most competitive technologies at the moment, and the latest version 4.0 will likely be supported by a number of phones launching this year. Some manufacturers have their own analogues: technology Dash Charge on the latest flagship OnePlus, for example, promises to charge your phone's battery from 0 to 90 percent in just an hour.

OnePlus offers fast charging technology

Of course, it’s better to wait for feedback from experienced users than to blindly trust manufacturers’ promises, but fast charging technology is a very real thing, and not just a marketing gimmick.

If you're willing to spend a little money but don't want to get rid of your current phone just yet, a portable charger is your option. The market is full of models of very different capacities, so with the help of this gadget your phone can be charged even while it is lying at the bottom of the bag. The only problem is that you also have to charge the charger itself...

Dying smartphone battery is an all-too-common problem in the modern world, with devices always seeming to fail when you need them most. Let's look at a few quick hacks that will help you charge your phone faster when you should have left the house five minutes ago.

Method 1 – flight mode

The easiest way to speed up the charging process is to switch your phone to airplane mode before plugging in the charger. This feature turns off cellular, Bluetooth, radio, and Wi-Fi services that silently suppress power in the background, even when you're not using your phone. Whether you're an Android, iOS, or Windows Phone user, you can turn on Airplane mode by tapping the Settings app on the Home screen, then selecting Airplane Mode and sliding the switch to the On position. You'll know this mode is enabled by the small airplane icon that will appear at the top of your phone's screen. Entering Airplane mode means you won't be able to make or receive calls, text messages, data or GPS until you return to your phone's normal settings.

Method 2 – original charging

When it comes to how to charge your phone, the best choice is the official wall chargers that come with your smartphone. Simply put, it's an adapter + USB cable. Wall charging delivers current much faster than USB ports on a laptop or computer, and the original charger will work better than cheap imitation third-party cables.

Be careful: suspicious charging cables are associated with electrical shock and overheating, so we recommend avoiding counterfeits and using chargers approved by your phone manufacturer.

While a wall outlet is best, sometimes it's more convenient to plug your phone into the USB port on your laptop. The downside here is that the USB port's power output is much lower, which slows down charging times significantly. The process may take several hours to go from a low battery to a fully charged battery. You can also work with a slower USB port output if charging time is rushing you.

Another interesting tip: buy specially designed cables with two USB male connectors and one micro USB connector - you can charge one device at a time using power from two USB ports.

If you're an iPhone owner and have a newer Macbook or iMac at home, your Apple product will automatically recognize your iPhone when you plug it in and increase power output to your phone to speed up charging.

Method 3 - replacing a more powerful power supply

If you're not happy with how quickly your device charges from a wall outlet, your phone may be compatible with fast charging accessories, such as an HTC fast charger or a Samsung fast charging pad. New Android devices support super-fast charging, which basically just boosts your smartphone's power without damaging the battery - meaning you can charge your phone to 100% in a short period of time. Another new technology, Qualcomm Quick Charge 2.0 is a fast charging technology for next-generation phones and tablets with select Snapdragon processors. In its own lab tests, Qualcomm found that a Quick Charge 2.0 device with a 3,300mAh battery was able to reach 60 percent capacity in 30 minutes.

Method 4 – external battery (power bank)

Additionally, you can also purchase a power bank for emergencies when you can't plug into an outlet. Good external batteries range from $50 to $100 depending on capacity and capabilities, and best of all, they can charge your phone and help make sure you're not stuck with a dead device on those days when you need a smartphone.


Knowing how to charge your phone faster is necessary, because in the modern world time is an integral factor. While all of these tips are designed to help you get extra and faster charge for your phone, we do not recommend using these tips on a daily basis. Overall, slow and steady charging is much better and safer for your phone.

So, imagine that you come home in the evening. It doesn’t matter from work, from school or just after shopping. The only important thing is that a friend unexpectedly called you and asked you to meet in an hour at a cafe. And, as usually happens, at the end of the conversation your phone announced that the battery was low. This is a very dear person to you, so it will not be possible to refuse or reschedule the meeting. You understand that the journey will take you about 20-30 minutes, which means you have about half an hour left to charge the phone, which is 15-20% of the charge. Few, even very few. After all, you have never been to this cafe before and you may have to call your friend and find out where it is and where he is. But you are not sure that by this moment your smartphone will not run out.

Any modern mobile device continues its vigorous activity even in the background. Updating social networks, weather widgets, news, balance, exchange rates and other services takes a lot of energy. Of course, you can turn off all synchronization on your phone manually, but this will take time that you no longer have. But that's not all. The radio module of the smartphone constantly scans the cellular network, which also consumes quite a lot of battery resources. Yes, you can enable Airplane mode. Then all processes that used the mobile network will stop working. However, there will still be many system processes that do not depend on the presence of communication. So what to do?

The solution is simple. You must completely turn off your smartphone/tablet and connect it to a power source. When turned off, the device will not waste energy, but only receive it. In other words, all 100% of the charge entering the battery will remain in it. Charging time is significantly reduced.

On the contrary, when the device is turned on, it also receives 100% charge, but immediately about 50% is spent on maintaining system processes and other services. Therefore, in reality, the gadget only gets half a charge, which increases the charging time.

Let's return to our story. Immediately after your friend called, you turned off your phone and set it to charge, while you began to get ready for the meeting. In half an hour you are completely ready. Unplug your phone from charging, press the power button and go put on your shoes. Then leave the house, close the door and look at the screen of your smartphone. Oh, miracle! It was charged 50-60%. When used sparingly, this is enough to call your friend several times and even order a taxi at the end of the evening.

Extra 20% charge

As a bonus, I want to tell you about another useful trick: how to increase your phone's charge by 20%. You may have noticed how a fully charged smartphone for some reason lost 20-30% of its charge for a very short period of time (15-20 minutes), and then the charge went on as usual.