What is offline mode? Enable, disable, work on different devices and applications. Statuses online and offline, what is it

Initially, online and offline (“on line” and “out of line”) are English technical terms denoting the state of special electronic equipment, but by now they have entered many languages ​​of the world as commonly used words.

The word "offline" is often used by Russian speakers in the context of using the Internet; the adjective is also used offline. Thus, the phrase “offline media” means “traditional media,” that is, any media other than online media. "Offline communication" usually means "traditional communication", that is, any communication that does not involve Internet communications, for example, correspondence via paper mail, personal or telephone communication (it should be noted that in the case of IP telephony, which acquires everything increasing popularity, voice telephone communication ceases to be “offline” in the usual sense of the word).

Sometimes a slang expression synonymous with the word “offline” is used “ in real life", that is, "not on the Internet."

The term “offline” is also used to refer to the “offline” state of some software, for example, Internet messengers or browsers. The expression “send a message offline” in relation to ICQ means sending a message to a user who is not currently online ( not "online" / « not online"): it will only receive it after it connects (" will go online»).

see also

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

See what “Offline” is in other dictionaries:

    I uncl. m.; = offline I II unchanged adj.; = offline II III adv. qualities circumstances; = offline III Explanatory Dictionary of Efremova. T.F... Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language by Efremova

    offline- recommendation offline, not recommended. offline... Universal additional practical explanatory dictionary by I. Mostitsky

    Some browsers support, in addition to online mode, when the browser tries to retrieve pages from a web server, offline mode, in which you can view saved copies of previously visited pages. Offline mode is useful when for some reason... ... Wikipedia

    Some browsers support, in addition to online mode, when the browser tries to retrieve pages from a web server, offline mode, in which you can view saved copies of previously visited pages. Offline mode is useful when for some reason... ... Wikipedia

    HTML5 improves mobile device support in web applications. New HTML 5 features standardize the use of components and technologies that are common across devices. In the previous Mobile Web standards from WML, XHTML MP and HTML4, some of these ... ... Wikipedia

    Archiving websites - saving the current version of the site in an archive. Internet sites can disappear for a number of different reasons. Site materials change over time; text may be rewritten or deleted. In this regard, it is relevant... ... Wikipedia

    Any variants of club poker in which the game is played via the Internet. Online poker is usually played using software that is downloaded and installed on a computer (Windows required). Lately there are more and more... ... Wikipedia

    This term has other meanings, see X Ray. X Ray Game engine (List) Developer ... Wikipedia

    Windows Live Messenger Type Instant messaging program Developer OS Microsoft Windows Mac OS X Xbox 360 ... Wikipedia


  • Offline, Letov E.. The collection “Offline” includes interviews with the Russian poet and musician, leader of the group “Civil Defense” Egor Letov (1964-2008), once published on the official website of the group.…
  • Real earnings on the Internet: how to ensure 100% offline prosperity, Ekaterina Lebedeva. Even 20 years ago, no one could have imagined that the virtual world would so replace the real one in every sense of the word. Why, 20, I must admit, some of us can’t believe it until...

Having rummaged through dictionaries, you can easily find out that “online” means “on line”, “in touch” (from the English “online”). And “offline” is quite the opposite when there is no connection. We are not too interested in semantic details; we will talk about the practical meaning of the above concepts. About how to live with all this.

ChromeOS and other webOS

Since online-only operating systems are advertised with such monstrous force, some clarification is necessary. For educational purposes.

Yours is a personal thing. You can store private data on the disk. All the things you don't want to show to anyone. However, these days there is an intensive washing of the gray matter between the ears, propaganda of “cloud” operating systems, ChromeOS and others like them.

The bottom line is that to work with such an OS you need to be constantly online, because nothing is stored on the computer at all. Everything is in the cloud, on the Internet. Even the most private things. And you never know who has access to the files, who is viewing them, so that a new WikiLeaks does not arise. A warrant is only needed to search household items, including computers.

But the owners recently took and gave all the personal data of European users to the US intelligence services. According to the laws of the European Union, they did not have the right to do this, but they gave it anyway, since they are an American company and cannot disobey their masters. And how can you then trust them and use their ChromeOS?

But the attitude towards confidentiality is not so bad. Few people today respect privacy even without “clouds”. The real problem is functionality that is tied to the network almost one hundred percent, except for a short-term cache in case of connection failures.

Let's give a small but concrete and quite real-life example. You urgently need to print a document, but you don’t have access to it. The provider has a fire, flood, earthquake, hurricane, magnetic storms, financial crisis, mice chewed through the wires. You never know what can happen. Well, since the printer in ChromeOS works exclusively through a “cloud” proxy process, offline printing will not take place.

Email can be used... partly offline. Yes, no need to rub your eyes in amazement! An Internet connection is required only in two cases:

  1. to receive messages;
  2. to send letters.

However, there is one catch: you need a postal one. For example, Mozilla Thunderbird. Let's consider it.

Do you work on multiple computers? One - for example, in the editorial office where you work as a journalist, the second - on your table at home, the third - a netbook with which you go on business trips. Therefore, it is more convenient to carry mail with you on a flash drive. So, go to, find in the “Applications” section there a portable version of Thunderbird (Russian-language - via the “Languages” link), download and unpack it onto your removable media. Flash memory in a regular mp3 player will do, why not.

If there is only one computer, then it is advisable to acquire a regular version that is permanently installed in the system. You should only get it from http://www.mozilla.org/ and nowhere else! (Nowhere at all!)

Connect to the Internet and launch Thunderbird for the first time. The program will prompt you to create an account. She will configure the parameters for connecting to servers herself. And downloads the mail.

That's it, you can disconnect from the network! That is, go offline. Calmly read the correspondence, delete what is unnecessary, and respond to what is necessary. All your replies, all new letters after clicking the send button will be saved in the “Outbox” folder. (Before pressing, the buttons are added to “Drafts” as you write.)

Outbox is a secure storage facility where messages will wait patiently until they reach the Internet. Once you're online again, your mail will be sent immediately after you launch Thunderbird.

Now let's look at the settings. In the program menu: “Tools” -> “Account Options” -> “Copies and Folders”. There, by default, it most likely states that drafts, sent letters and templates should be stored on a server on the network, and not in the program itself. Well, someone really wants to control your correspondence, what can you do?

Therefore, you need to set the switches in such a way that everything is stored only in local folders. Instead of “Sent”, located at your e-mail address, you should simply indicate “Poisoned”. And also simply “Drafts”, “Archive” and “Templates”. Those in front of which this address is not displayed.

That's all, now you can actually use email partially offline, connecting to the network only to receive and send messages.

In addition to email, people use instant messaging clients. In the post-Soviet space - most often ICQ. Some people need (or just want) to stay online all the time so that they can be contacted at any time. Some people do not want to be distracted by idle chatter, tearing themselves away from more important matters.

It will probably be useful for everyone to know that ICQ can be removed from autorun. Go to settings and uncheck the option that launches the program when you turn on the computer.

The fact is that ICQ can work like regular email. We wrote a message to a person who is offline - he will receive it as soon as he connects to the Internet and launches his copy of the program.

Therefore, there is absolutely no need to sit and wait for a person to appear online and his “daisy” to turn green. Write and let me know when you can chat with him.


There is no need to live online all the time. Often, work requires concentration, and pop-up notifications about new messages are at first simply distracting, and then begin to irritate. And in general, many interesting things exist offline, including real life.

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Last edit: 2011-10-30 06:07:49

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Good afternoon Tell me, please, what is meant by the term “offline n-database”? I hope very much for your help. Best regards, Maria

This is a database that does not require the Internet to access. For example, saved on a computer.

Question No. 297509

Dear Certificate! How to correctly write the English term off-price in Russian and how to correctly “join” it with nouns (for example, shop, department store, etc.)? 1. off-price store (by analogy with offline store) 2. off-price store (literal translation) 3. off-price store 4. off-price store 5. off-price store, etc. Thank you very much in advance!

Russian help desk response

There is no dictionary fixation. The first option is preferable.

Question No. 297135

Hello. Help me find the correct answer to the question: The correct spelling of the word offline was previously as follows: offline. Why did its spelling change? Select one answer: 1) two f in a word is contrary to the norms of the Russian language 2) at the beginning of the 21st century, the vocabulary norm associated with words describing work on the network changed 3) when borrowed words with a double f are consolidated in the Russian language, only one f remains 4) both spellings are correct and recorded in dictionaries. Thank you for your help.

Russian help desk response

The compilers of the “Russian Spelling Dictionary” of the Russian Academy of Sciences E. V. Beshenkova and O. E. Ivanova in the book “The Theory and Practice of Standardizing Russian Writing” (M., 2017) write that the basis for codifying spellings offline And offshore became a spelling precedent: these words were fixed with one f on the model of Anglicisms with the same initial part, for example: office, offset, offside.

Question No. 293383

Please tell me, is there a need for a hyphen between “online” and “shopping” in this sentence? The Internet erases the boundaries between offline and online purchases for users.

Russian help desk response

Words offline n And online have long been written in Cyrillic. Correctly: between offline and online purchases.

Hello. In web marketing, the concept of “offer” is used - an offer/special offer. How to write correctly, with one “f” (by analogy with traffic) or with two? So far I have only seen a variant with two “f”, but, as far as I understand, writing is simplified in Russian. Thank you!

Russian help desk response

There is no dictionary fixation. This is a recent borrowing, so it's best to keep two letters for now f. If this word becomes established in the Russian language, then over time it may “lose” one f(as happened with the words office, traffic, offline and etc.).

Question No. 283069
Please tell me how to correctly write triple combinations of words with 2 hyphens or 1, for example:
offline n master class or offline n master class.
After all, guided by the rule: “The first parts of complex words online and offline are appended with a hyphen: online discussion, online reference book, offline browser”
But what if the second part of the word is also written with a hyphen?

Russian help desk response

Correct spelling with two hyphens: offline master class.

Question No. 282052
Please tell me whether a comma is needed before “or” in this message (displayed to the user when the online broadcast is unavailable):
"The premises are not involved in the event,
or recording is done offline."
And what rule applies in this case?

Russian help desk response

Union or connects parts of a complex sentence, so a comma is needed before it. Please pay attention to spelling: in offline mode.

Question No. 275943
Hello. Should offline and online be inclined - to offline, from online? For example: offline clients?

Russian help desk response

You need to decline if the words offline and online are used as nouns: clients from offline to.

Question No. 270565

How to correctly write complex words with "off-".
For example, in this sentence:
"Flavor masks off-notes in the finished product"

Also the word "off-line" is of interest.

Thank you.

Russian help desk response

Right: offline n. What are "off notes"? Maybe use Latin: off-notes?

Question No. 264084
Good afternoon, dear literates!
I have a question for you about writing a borrowed foreign word.
Now the Russian language has the word “online”. It is immutable. In addition, this is the 1st part of a complex word, which is written with a hyphen. For example, an online conference.
I have a question about the word "offline". The word is unchangeable.
Is it written separately or, by analogy with the word “online,” is it the first part of a complex word and should it be written with a hyphen? For example, offline conference.
Thanks for the help.

Russian help desk response

Writing offline n similar to writing online. Like the first part of compound words offline n appended with a hyphen: offline conference.

Question No. 257090
Good afternoon
Please tell me whether the phrase “to be online/offline” is written grammatically correctly. The fact is that in the Spelling Dictionary these words are indicated as unchangeable! So it’s only correct: “to be online/offline”?
Thank you in advance for your response!

Russian help desk response

In colloquial speech such combinations are possible.

Question No. 252723
Why is the word “offline” written with one letter “f”, and not with two (“offline”)?

And are there any typos in the online version of the spelling dictionary running on your website?

Russian help desk response

Word offline n written without typos, spelling correct - with one letter F.

Question No. 245983
Hello, Help!
I would like to especially note that you are doing a great job of developing the Russian language in the countries of the former USSR. For us, non-native Russian speakers, this is felt in a special way. Over the course of 2 years, constantly asking you questions, I became more literate. He also stopped speaking the rough language. Received a lot of useful information. For all this, thank you very much.
I also have a big request to ask of you. Is it possible for you to send electronically the questions and answers that have accumulated over the years (from the help desk, all answers)? This would help me, my colleagues, friends and many others to resolve the issue of studying the GREAT RUSSIAN LANGUAGE. This is a request from a non-Russian person who treats this language with great love.
I really hope that you will technically complete all this and send it to me. May God grant you creative development and good luck!
With great hope of receiving your request,

Russian help desk response

Thanks for the kind words!

The answers (along with the search engine) are available on the Help page of our portal. Unfortunately, we cannot make a new archive offline.

Question No. 245302
Which is correct: on-line version, online version or online version (same with off-line)? Thank you!

Russian help desk response

Correctly: online version, offline n version.

Even at the beginning of the emergence of the VKontakte network, offline mode was not intended. What's the point offlineIn contact with? This means being online, watching the news, writing on the wall, but remaining invisible to other users. It must be said that no special button has yet been invented. However, you can hide from your friends and still use the power of the network.

How to sitIn contact withoffline?

To stay on the VKontakte social network, hiding from your friends, you can use the method described below. In principle, it is not difficult to understand what to doofflineIn contact withfrom computer. First you need to download from the website qip.ru, then install the qip program, which is quite well-known and tested. This program will help you log into your account. There are two options. You can view all services for promoting and promoting a VKontakte account or group.

  1. Upon request, you must enter your username and password, and then click on the small arrow to the right of the “Login” button. Next, select the status “Visible”/“Invisible”.
  2. Click the “Login” button, and then change the status to “Invisible”. This is done in the main window, namely, in the menu below. Another option is to right-click on the tray icon. Place the cursor on “Change status” and make a selection.

Now modeofflineIn contact with included. By the way, the versatility of the program is that it can be used on any social network. Additional material about the “invisibility” VKontakte is available at link .

You can also use this mode on a phone running Android OS. To do this you need to download the very popular Kate Mobile program. Here, offline mode is active if you are in the application itself. It should be taken into account that initially the application leaves you online. This can be fixed in the settings. Find the item “Be offline if possible.” The changes made are saved. Now the next time you launch this application you will be offline. There is one condition under which these changes remain in effect: you cannot send posts to the wall. But you can read messages, send them, view news, photos, and enjoy music until you get bored. To get reposts on a VKontakte post, go to this page .

VKontakte has, as an alternative, a mobile service called APIdog, written in JavaScript. APIdog is the answer to the question, how to sitIn contact withoffline. You can use all the network features. However, if you leave notes on the wall, you will immediately find yourself online. To activate offline mode, go to “Settings” and check the box next to “Enable auto-update of dialogs (long-poll)”. You need to click the “Save” button, then “Restart long-poll”. If this is not done, then in Dialogs you will have to work with the “Update” button, otherwise you will not be able to see the messages. All actions must be saved. If you want to restrict some users' access to your VKontakte information, here is how you can do this.

Despite various shortcomings of the service, the necessary offline function will allow you to hide from other users, but at the same time be aware of all the news. If you need votes to participate in the VKontakte competition, you can purchase them here

Initially online And offline(“on line” and “out line”) are English technical terms denoting the state of special electronic equipment, but by now they have entered many languages ​​of the world as common words.

The word "offline" is often used by Russian speakers in the context of using the Internet; the adjective is also used offline. Thus, the phrase “offline media” means “traditional media,” that is, any media other than online media. "Offline communication" usually means "traditional communication", that is, any communication that does not involve Internet communications, for example, correspondence via paper mail, personal or telephone communication (it should be noted that in the case of IP telephony, which acquires everything increasing popularity, voice telephone communication ceases to be “offline” in the usual sense of the word).

Sometimes a slang expression synonymous with the word “offline” is used “ in real life", that is, "not on the Internet."

The term “offline” is also used to refer to the “offline” state of some software, for example, Internet messengers or browsers. The expression “send a message offline” in relation to ICQ means sending a message to a user who is not currently online ( not "online" / « not online"): it will only receive it after it connects (" will go online»).


see also

  • Real life


Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

  • Official ranking of snooker players for the 2009/2010 season
  • Official website of the city

See what “Offline” is in other dictionaries:

    OFFLINE- (English off line outside the line), 1) lack of connection to the Internet (see INTERNET). 2) Off the Internet (about the media (see MASS MEDIA)) ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    offline- noun, number of synonyms: 1 autonomous (4) ASIS synonym dictionary. V.N. Trishin. 2013… Synonym dictionary

    offline- In the context of payment and settlement systems, the term may refer to the transmission of transfer instructions by users via voice, written or faxed instructions, which must then be entered into the transfer processing system... Technical Translator's Guide

    offline- I uncl. m.; = offline I II unchanged adj.; = offline II III adv. qualities circumstances; = offline III Explanatory Dictionary of Efremova. T.F... Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language by Efremova

    offline- offline, and unism... Russian spelling dictionary

    Offline browser- Some browsers support, in addition to online mode, when the browser tries to retrieve pages from a web server, offline mode, in which you can view saved copies of previously visited pages. Offline mode is useful when for some reason... ... Wikipedia

    offline mode- autonominis režimas statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: engl. autonomous behavior local mode; native mode; off line mode; off line operation vok. Eigenmodus, m; geräteinterner Betrieb, m; rechnerunabhängiger Betrieb, m; unabhängiger… … Automatikos terminų žodynas

    Offline- Offline (English offline, “disconnected from the network”) is a slang term usually applied to something not related to the Internet, as opposed to “online”. Initially, online and offline (“on line” and “off line”) are English technical terms, ... ... Wikipedia

    ROPO- ROPO search online, buy offline. The process of searching the Internet to obtain necessary information about a product before purchasing it offline. Contents 1 ROPO in online marketing 2 ROPO effect in action ... Wikipedia

    History of Mozilla Firefox- Merge Mozilla Firefox... Wikipedia


  • Offline (ed. 2017), Egor Letov. The collection `Offline` includes interviews with the Russian poet and musician, leader of the group `Civil Defense` Yegor Letov (1964-2008), once published on the official website of the group.…