What is a Wi-Fi security key and why is it needed? When connecting to wifi it asks for a security code. How to find out the Wi-Fi key on your computer

In this article we will look at what a wireless WiFi network security key is and why it is needed. This is a pressing issue, as wireless networks are widespread throughout the world. At the same time, there is a risk of falling under the radar of criminals or simply lovers of “Freebies”.

But before moving directly to the main topic, it is necessary to understand how the technology itself works. This will give you a better understanding of why you need a WiFi network security key.

The essence of WiFi technology is to eliminate the need for users to use cables. This is very convenient, especially considering the widespread use of various portable equipment equipped with a wireless communication module.

In addition, users received an extremely easy and fast way to combine several devices into one group, which, in turn, allows them to exchange data, communicate, play joint games, and so on without a cable connection.

To create such groups, WiFi access points are used, which, in the vast majority of cases, are wireless routers. The range of such a router is quite large and can cover an entire apartment. Moreover, the signal is enough for several apartments in a multi-story building. Depending on the router model and the power of its antenna, one access point is quite capable of covering the area of ​​two private houses located next door.

This means that in addition to trusted persons, attackers or, as is more often the case, simple lovers of the “free” Internet, can connect to your network. This is where the Wi-Fi connection security key comes into play, preventing such people from using your local and global resources.

What is a Wi-Fi network security key: Video

What is WiFi password

So, what is a Wi-Fi security key? This is a unique code that you come up with yourself. This password blocks access to your network. In this case, it is not so much the key itself that is important, but the type of encryption. The fact is that all information that flows between the router and the PC is encrypted. And if you entered the wrong key, then your device simply will not be able to decode it.

This is done to improve security. It is worth noting that today there are three types of encryption for WiFi connections:

  • WPA2.

Let's take a quick look at these types of encryption.

How to find out the password for your WiFi connection in the router settings: Video

Types of Network Encryption

So, the first two types (WPA and WPA2) require subscribers to enter a unique password. Without it, you simply cannot connect. After checking the entered key, all data transmitted between network participants is encrypted.

This technology provides two types of security checks:

  • WPAWPA2-personal.
  • WPAWPA2-enterprise.

The difference between them is that in the first case, all group members are given one WiFi security key. In other words, all subscribers are given one passphrase, which allows access. In the second case, each user receives a unique password that works only for one computer. This method is safer. It is used exclusively in enterprises requiring an increased level of security. The first option is most widespread in private groups.

Articles on the topic

It is worth noting that modern routers support both technologies. But WPA2 still provides higher security. Therefore, if possible, you should choose it. There are still earlier models of routers that encrypt data using WPA technology.

WEP is an older type of encryption of information in Wi-Fi groups. Many modern routers still support it, as there are older subscriber devices that can only work with this technology. But it is worth noting that installing this type is not recommended, as it is easier to hack.

How to set a password on WiFi: Video

Now you know what a WiFi network security key is. But a logical question arises, where connection security is configured. It's simple. You already know that access points (wireless routers or modems) are used to create such groups. Accordingly, all network security settings must be made when setting up these devices.

What to do if you forgot your WiFi password: Video

To ensure that the WiFi network is protected from unauthorized access, a network security key was invented. It prevents unauthorized connection to the network, and also prevents traffic interception (even if an attacker receives it, he will not be able to use this information, since it will be securely encrypted).

In essence, a network security key is a set of characters that encrypts the connection between all devices on the local network. There are two common types of data encryption on WiFi networks – WPA and WPA2. The first one is now practically not used due to security problems. However, the process of obtaining the key is independent of the encryption type.

Before a connection to the network is established between your device and the router, the router will require a correct answer to the invitation, which, in fact, is the security key. Simply put, a WiFi security key is the password for a wireless network.

Occasionally, a situation may occur when the owner (or full user) of the network, for example, forgets the WiFi password and, as a result, loses access to it (cannot connect). But it's not a problem. Restoring access is very simple. Often, this simply requires resetting the router. But if for some reason you cannot reset the router configuration to default (default settings), then you can go another way.

How to find out the Wi-Fi network security key

So, suppose that the Wi-Fi network security key was forgotten, how can I find it now? The method depends on what platform the client device is running on. Below we will consider two systems - Windows (latest versions) and Android, and will also describe how to obtain the key from the router's control panel.

The Windows operating system stores information about all connections that it has ever established (unless, of course, the user himself deliberately erased this data).

To get a security key for WiFi, you need to go to the “Network and Sharing Center” (click on the corresponding icon on the taskbar). After this, in the list that appears, you will need to find the name of the desired network, click on it, and select “Properties” in the context menu that appears. In the window that opens, you will need to check the checkbox with the label “Display entered characters”, after which the required password will be displayed in the “Network security key” text field.

Find out the network security key for Android
Now let’s look at another question: how to find out the network security key on Android. Here, it should be noted that the process of obtaining a WiFi password is somewhat more complicated than on desktop Windows.

You won’t be able to get it out through the standard system interface, so you’ll need to look for the key in the system files. But there is one nuance here - they can only be accessed when the device is Rooted. The method for obtaining superuser rights depends on the device model (relevant information can be obtained on specialized websites).

But let's assume that the phone/tablet has Root. In this case, you will additionally need to install a third-party file manager, with which you can access the system partition. The most popular such application is Root Explorer (distributed for free through Google Play).

After installation, you will need to open the application and grant it superuser rights. Then you need to go to the folder located at: data/music/wifi. It will contain many files, but wifi passwords are stored in only one of them - wpa_supplicant.conf. We open it using any application that can read text documents (for example, through a web browser) and look for the name of the network. Next to it will be the required security key.
It seems difficult, but in reality it is not very difficult. However, if you don’t want to look for this data yourself, you can use a special application and make the task easier, but more on that below.

Get the security key in the Router control panel

To find out the WiFi security key in the router's control panel, you must first connect to it. To do this, we find out the IP address of the device (it is usually written on a sticker located on the bottom of the equipment). If it is not there, then from a computer running Windows we enter the ipconfig command and look for the “default gateway”, the value of which will be the address of the router.

We enter the received IP into the address bar of the browser, enter the username and password in the welcome dialog box, and log in to the system. Next we find the Wireless tab, and the Wireless Security subsection. There we look for a field with the PSK Password label - what is written in it is the security key.

It should be noted that the names of the sections may differ depending on the router model. Also, in the panels of some routers, before the corresponding interface elements appear, you must click on “Advanced settings”.

Programs that allow you to find out the security key

For Android devices There are many applications on the Google Play Market that allow you to retrieve information about security keys. And all of them, it should be noted, require root rights. The most popular of them is WiFi Pass - it is free and its interface is very simple.

Once downloaded, you will need to run it and then grant it the required privileges. When this is done, a list of networks to which the device has ever connected will be displayed. We look for the name of the desired WiFi, and tap on the icon with the image of an eye, after which the security key will be displayed on the screen.

It should be noted that the desired network may not be in the list. It's okay - tapping on the button with arrows in the upper right corner of the screen will update the list, after which the name of the Wi-Fi you are looking for will be displayed on the screen.

Programs for obtaining a security key from someone else's WiFi under Windows: The easiest way to get a security key from someone else's WiFi is to use password guessing applications (brute force). For Windows, the most popular program tailored for these purposes is Aircrack-ng, and for Android - WIBR. You can learn how to use them from manuls, of which there are a huge number on the Internet.
It should be noted that the use of relevant programs is punishable by law.

If you have forgotten the password for the wireless network to which you are currently connected, you can easily find it out through your computer without downloading third-party software. This situation often occurs when guests come to you and ask to use the Wi-Fi network, but you connected it so long ago that you forgot all the passwords. If you have a Windows operating system installed, then you have two additional ways to find out the network security key through your computer. In other situations, it is better to view it in a browser through the router settings. Look at all the options in this article and choose the most convenient one for yourself.

How to find out the network security key in Windows

This operating system is quite flexible, so you can easily see the passwords and keys that you entered yourself. You just need to have access to a computer that is connected to a Wi-Fi network.

How to find out the network security key through the computer tray

  • The fastest way to find out the WiFi password. Just look for the network icon in the tray on your computer. It is located next to the date and time, and may look like an antenna or network sign on a phone.
  • Select the network from which you want to find out the password. Your computer must be connected to it.
    Right-click on its name.
  • Select "Properties" from the list that appears.

  • A window will open in which your password is written. By default, password characters are protected by display settings. Check the box next to the words “Display characters entered” to see the password.

How to find out the network security key through the Network Sharing Center

If you cannot find out the password using the previous method for some reason. Then you can get to the properties window for this network in another way.

  • Open your computer tray and click on the networks icon again. Click on the “Network and Sharing Center” link.

  • Here you will see the connected wireless network, you need to click on the link in the middle of the window.

  • In the window that appears, select the “Wireless Network Properties” field.

  • Now go to the “Security” tab.

  • You find yourself in the already familiar window with the password for the Wi-Fi connection. Check the box to display the symbols and find out your wireless network key.

How to find out the network security key through the router settings

This option is suitable for all operating systems, since you work directly with the router.

  • You can access the settings of your router or router through a browser. Just enter the following port in the address bar: or
  • The default password and login for all routers is “admin” without quotes. If you changed this parameter, then enter your username and password.

  • Once in the menu, select “Wireless Mode”.

  • Now go to the “Wireless Security” tab.
  • Here you can find the password for the Wi-Fi network in the “Wireless Network Password” section. Write it down and keep it in a safe place so you never forget it.

This question has become quite relevant and widespread, since now most people use a wireless network. The use of Wi-Fi technology is the most popular nowadays.

Since now the choice of gadgets is large and new models appear all the time, which you can read about, the ability to access the Internet anywhere is extremely important.

The Wi-Fi network has already entered the life of every person who uses the World Wide Web. It is very convenient, the data transfer speed is always high and you can connect to it almost anywhere.

What are the main advantages of a wireless network? Here are some characteristics:

  • no need to use a cable;
  • accessible connection;
  • high speed;
  • you can combine several gadgets and devices at once;
  • The signal is sent using a special router.

As has already become clear, when using such a network there are no special problems or difficulties; a person can use the Internet and exchange data without much effort.

What is a security key

Many people, when connecting to a wireless network using a laptop, wonder what a security key is.

This is a special code that you come up with yourself, which allows you to completely block access to your network. For example, this often happens when a person lives a short distance away and other people can connect to your wireless connection if the security key is not installed.

When creating such a password, pay attention not to the key, but to the choice of encryption type. This is due to the fact that when a PC communicates with a wireless connection, the data is completely encrypted.

If you enter the wrong password, the laptop may simply not decode it, and then some difficulties will arise. All this is provided for the complete security of your data and all information that is stored or transmitted over the connection.

  • click on the Internet icon in the lower right corner (tray);
  • select an access point;
  • enter and confirm the password.

Before entering the Rostelecom network key into the equipment settings or simply finding it out, you need to determine the IP address of the router. This will allow you to access the device settings and specify the security combination for the access point.

Apparently, there is no point in saying that most users have encountered a situation where, when trying to connect to a wireless network, the system prompts them to enter the so-called network security key.

What it is, what it is used for and how to recognize it will be discussed further. Let's consider several options for basic actions that will help even those who have forgotten the set combination for connecting via Wi-Fi.

Wi-Fi network security key: what is it and what is it used for?

Let's start with the definition itself. Network security is known to absolutely all users of computers and mobile devices. Looking at the abstruse name, not everyone can figure out what we are talking about.

In fact, this is a password set in the wireless connection settings to prevent someone else from using it and gaining access to confidential data, for example, when organizing home wireless networks with shared access to files and folders.

Where to get a network security key: options

Many users, entrusting the configuration of wireless connection parameters to the provider’s specialists or outside acquaintances, often forget to write down the created password. And only then, for example, when restoring the system after critical failures or when completely reinstalling it, do they bite their elbows, remembering the required combination to access the connection and painfully figuring out how to find out the key. To do this, you can try the following steps:

  • network tools for Windows systems for desktop computers and laptops;
  • setting router parameters;
  • third party programs;
  • brute force (using brute force) to calculate the password of someone else's connection.

If the first three options are standard and are used in all Windows systems, and the key is determined through a mobile device, then the use of brute force, from the point of view of legality or moral and ethical considerations, can be considered an illegal act. We will consider all options, including gross intervention, but solely for general information purposes.

Using connection settings

So, how do you find out the network security key that is set for the connection configured on the user's computer or laptop?

In the simplest case, when working with operating systems Windows 7 and lower, after calling the properties of the current connection, the necessary section with a security tab will immediately open, where below the password entry field, which by default is shown as asterisks or dots, you need to check the box for displaying entered characters . After completing these steps, the network security key can be written down, copied, or saved, for example, in a text file.

Similarly, you can access the necessary settings in the Network and Sharing Center, which is located in the standard Control Panel (in Windows 10, it is most easily called by the control command in the Run console). Here you simply select your connection, go to the wireless network properties and use the same security tab.

Information about the security key in the router settings

You can find out the Wi-Fi network security key just as easily in the router settings. To do this, first, through any available browser, you should log into the router’s web interface by entering combinations like or 1.1 at the end in the address bar, enter your username and password (usually admin for both fields), and then go to the wireless connection security menu (Wireless Security).

Here a special field will be shown, designated as PSK Password or something like that, where the required access combination will be highlighted.

How to find out the access password on mobile devices?

As for mobile devices, they can also use the activation of the password display field. However, it is not always possible to determine the network security key in this way. In Android operating systems, the password is hidden quite deeply; finding it without root rights can be quite problematic. However, if you install them, for example, using the Kingo Root driver installation and ensure yourself superuser rights, there will be no problems.

In this case, you will additionally need to install some kind of file manager like Root Explorer, go to the data\music\wifi path on the internal drive, find the wpa_supplicant.conf configuration file there, open it using any program for working with text documents (browser or built-in manager tool) and find the name of the desired network (SSID). Next to the name the required network security key used for access will be indicated.

You can also use special applets like WiFi Password, after calling which absolutely all connections that have ever been made from this device will be shown. Next, all that remains is to activate the field for displaying the network security key and view the necessary data.

Note: on mobile devices, similar to Windows systems, you can enter the settings of the router you are using through a browser and view the password in its parameters. But this is quite inconvenient.

Calculating the password for someone else's connection

As for brute force, in most cases specialized programs are used to crack passwords.

For Windows, the most popular utility is Aircrack-ng, and for mobile devices running Android systems - the WBR program. For obvious reasons, questions related to their use and detailed instructions are not discussed.

Usually, before connecting to a Wi-Fi network based on the Rostelecom Internet, you need to find out and enter the security key. A security password installed on routers allows you to prevent unauthorized persons from connecting to your network, so you can see it quite often. The security key is set exclusively by the owner of the equipment and cannot be changed without his knowledge (except in cases of a hacker attack).

How to find out the Wi-Fi security key of the Rostelecom network

If you are thinking about how to find out the security key from Rostelecom's Wi-Fi, first you should understand the types of networks. There are internal networks, for example, home or work ones, where the Internet is supplied to the router and then distributed to devices using Wi-Fi technology. There is also another type of Internet connection, namely those installed by Rostelecom itself. If the first option involves the owner choosing a key, then using the second, you will need to obtain a password for access from the operator. Wi-Fi hotspots are now becoming especially popular in suburban areas where a wired network connection is not available.

Let's take a closer look at the first option - a personal wireless router. To install the security key, you will need to enter the device settings menu. On most models of elementary, intermediate and even professional classes, you can change parameters using an intuitive web interface.

Here, depending on the manufacturer and firmware, the menu may differ, but the main items will always be present, among which you will need to find the wireless network settings. In this tab you can either change or set, or simply find out the already installed security key.

If you want to find out the network key in a simpler way and have a Windows device that is already successfully connected to the Internet from Rostelecom via Wi-Fi, then you can do this directly in the operating system:

  • go to the network control center;
  • go to the tab for changing adapter parameters;
  • select the desired Wi-Fi adapter and double-click on it with the left mouse button;
  • here we follow the path of the “wireless network properties - security” tabs;
  • We check the item “Display entered characters” and see the set password.

Attention! When choosing an adapter, do not confuse the settings opened by right-clicking and double-left clicking. In the “Properties” tab, which can be accessed using the left button, you cannot find the item responsible for the access point password.

Unfortunately, it is not possible to find out the security key of the Rostelecom Wi-Fi network on mobile phones with Android and IOS using standard means.

Where and how to enter the network key to the Rostelecom router

If you have a question about how and where exactly you need to enter the network key to the Rostelecom router, then you should read the more detailed connection instructions. First, you will need to find out the manufacturer and model of the router. The most common routers for home and office Internet use today are entry-level and mid-level routers. The most popular routers on the Russian market are represented by the following companies: , TP-Link, Asus, Tenda, as well as some other brands hidden behind the Rostelecom logo.

The second step is to determine the IP address of the router. The most common combinations are and In order to find out which IP is used by default in the router, you need to find printed instructions for the equipment or download a PDF document from the official website of the device manufacturer.

After that, go to the browser on a computer connected to the network by wire or wireless, and enter the IP in the address bar. By pressing the enter key, we will be taken to the main page of the router settings. For example, let's take the TL-WR1043ND router. In the TP-Link interface, you need to select the “Wireless Mode” tab located in the left sidebar. Here you can configure all the parameters of the Wi-Fi access point. If you are only interested in the security key, select the “Wireless Security” subcategory. If WPA2-PSK or another version is selected, unless security is disabled, the required combination will be indicated in the field labeled “PSK Password”. When changing parameters, do not forget to save them with the appropriate button.

You can find out and enter your own Internet-based network security key from Rostelecom in the settings of your own router. For users who for some reason do not have access to the web interface of the equipment (public device in an Internet cafe, etc.), there is an option to check the password using their operating system. But this method can only be used if you already have a device connected to the network.

The network security key is a password that you can use to connect to a working Wi-Fi network. The secure operation of a wireless network directly depends on it. Its main task is to protect the Wi-Fi user (owner) from unauthorized connection to it. Some may think that such a connection, in general, will not interfere much with working on the Internet. In fact, it is fraught with a significant decrease in Internet speed. Therefore, the closest attention must be paid to creating a password.

In addition to the actual complexity of the password being created, the degree of security of a Wi-Fi wireless network is largely influenced by the type of data encryption. The importance of the type of encryption is explained by the fact that all data transmitted within a particular network is encrypted. Such a system allows you to protect yourself from unauthorized connections, because without knowing the password, a third-party user using his device simply will not be able to decrypt the data transmitted within the wireless network.

Types of network encryption

"Network security key mismatch" error on laptop. What to do?

Almost always, this error appears due to an incorrectly specified password. A computer is a machine, and if it says that the password is incorrect, then it is so.

  • First of all, we check the password and enter it again.
  • Uncheck "Hide characters" (if installed), to see the password you specify.
  • Also, you need to check if Caps Lock is turned on. After all, the letter “a” and “A” are different characters in the password.
  • Check the keyboard layout, the password must be entered in English letters.

If you have forgotten your password, you can look it up in the router settings, or on another computer that previously connected to this network. How to remember the password, I wrote in the article:.

If you couldn’t fix the “Network security key mismatch” error, then change the password on your Wi-Fi router according to these instructions: . With the new password everything should connect.

Error: "Invalid key or passphrase"

After entering the password and clicking the Ok button, a message may also appear in the pop-up window: "Invalid key or passphrase".

This error appears if you specify key of less than 8 characters (and you have WPA2 encryption method set). In such a situation, you need in the settings of your router set the correct password for the Wi-Fi network. I wrote in the instructions how to do this on different routers:

Change adapter settings.

  • click on the Internet icon in the lower right corner (tray);
  • select an access point;
  • enter and confirm the password.

Before entering the Rostelecom network key into the equipment settings or simply finding it out, you need to determine the IP address of the router. This will allow you to access the device settings and specify the security combination for the access point.

How to find out the network security key?

It is not without reason that Microsoft employees pay great attention to network security. The measures they take allow owners of installed Windows not to worry about attackers using their data. The users themselves can only save the passwords that are automatically created during setup and not transfer them to strangers. At the same time, it is possible to find out the network security key if it is lost.

Home group

A homegroup password is required to protect your network from unauthorized connections from other computers. It is automatically generated and provided to the user after the homegroup itself is created. The algorithm for recovering lost code looks like this:

  1. press the “Start” button;
  2. click on the “Control Panel” link;
  3. in the window that opens, select “Network and Internet”;
  4. Click on “Network and Sharing Center”;

The code displayed should be written down and used to join another computer to this homegroup.

If you set the system notification area of ​​your desktop (bottom right corner) to display the connections icon, it will be even easier to find your network security key. For this:

  1. right-click on the connections icon (depending on the installed theme, it may look different);
  2. select “Network and Sharing Center”;
  3. here we click on the “Home Group” link (lower left corner);
  4. In the new window, select “Show or print homegroup password.”
  5. The network security key is a password that you can use to connect to a working Wi-Fi network. The secure operation of a wireless network directly depends on it. Its main task...

    The network security key is a password that you can use to connect to a working Wi-Fi network. The secure operation of a wireless network directly depends on it. Its main task...