What is a Java application? What is Java technology and what are its applications

Why do you need a Java program on your computer?

A technician came to me to set up my computer. I installed Windows 7, a bunch of drivers and a dozen standard programs, obviously. So I look at the list of programs, and I seem to understand everything why they are needed. But I don’t know why I need a Java program on my computer. Is this something systemic, like a driver? Thanks for the answer.

Asuna | December 23, 2015, 6:56 pm
There are many applications and websites that do not work without Java installed.

Zhenya Vaidberg | February 19, 2015, 11:00
Java is such a programming language (object-oriented, if that says anything). The beauty of it is that Java applications can run on any platform and computer architecture with the help of a so-called Java virtual machine. Actually, when you download Java, you download this particular virtual machine to your computer, which can interpret the code.

Without installing this distribution, many of the programs, for example, OpenOffice, Minecraft, etc., simply will not work. Even the nVidia driver wrapper uses it. Therefore, it is necessary to install it.

Eugene | 16 February 2015, 09:52
Java is a special language for writing programs. For these programs to work, you need to install Java on your computer (one for all Java programs).

This distribution can be installed on a system, which is better (less hassle) and portable. There are programs in almost all categories in Java. If I'm not mistaken, they can work on a computer with any OS (not just Windows). And even on mobile devices.

Our article today will be devoted to a topic that is most likely of interest to a narrow circle of people. We will talk about the JAVA programming language. The latest technologies have long stepped forward, however, this method of programming is still used by many specialists. Let's understand this language and see what its features are. So:

What is JAVA?

As we noted just above, JAVA is a programming language, that is, the creation of programs that perform various important and secondary functions. It should be noted that JAVA is not only the language itself, but also a platform on which it is possible to create and use applications written in JAVA. Where did such an interesting name come from? JAVA is a type of coffee that is very loved by programmers. We can also see the logo corresponding to the name in many JAVA applications.

The purpose of any programming language is to write programs for the correct and efficient operation of any electronic device. Initially, JAVA was created in order to control ordinary household appliances. However, the creators of the language quickly realized the possible prospects for their work and expanded the scope of their activities.

The scope of application of JAVA is as follows:

  • Creation of desktops and applets. This product is created to order.
  • Creation of mobile applications. A separate world of programming in the JAVA universe.
  • Various server applications that are mainly focused on working with the network.

Let's talk a little about the features of the JAVA language and what JAVA update is. Its main feature is the use of bytecode. After creating a program, it is translated into bytecode, processed by a JAVA machine. A JAVA machine is a program that interprets bytecode for devices that need to be controlled. From this feature follows the main advantage of the language - its independence. The use of universal bytecode allows it to work with any device and any environment. The only problem in this case is the existence of the JAVA machine needed for this equipment, which will interpret the bytecode. Flexible security is another feature of JAVA programming. Security lies in the fact that program execution is completely under the control of the JAVA machine. Operations that exceed the program's authority are immediately aborted. As a disadvantage of the JAVA language, experts highlight the low speed of programs and algorithms. However, developers are not sitting idly by and trying to solve the problem of low performance. Various technologies have already been developed that speed up the operation of the system as a whole.

A feature of the JAVA language that requires special mention is its versatility. James Gosling, the author of the JAVA language, says that modern programming is shifting towards the development of various network applications. Well, the JAVA language perfectly meets these modern requirements. The universality of language, as Gosling notes, lies in the breadth of its application. You can write programs in JAVA for smart cards, for on-board computers, for network applications of large organizations. And these are just the main areas of work using JAVA.

What is JAVA tm? The most popular gadgets created in JAVA are applets and servlets. Let's figure out what it is. An applet is bytecode that runs in a web browser. This program provides more interactive capabilities to the user than HTML code. A servlet is also a program that runs on a server and greatly enhances its functionality.

Now I would like to touch on JAVA machines in a little more detail. As discussed above, a virtual machine operates on universal bytecode and explains or translates its execution to the hardware. Each equipment needs its own version of JAVA machine. It is possible to download JAVA machines for various devices. Enter your query into any search engine and start downloading.

As we have already mentioned, JAVA is used for mobile device programs. This means that the JAVA language is ideally suited for programming applications on phones. In recent years, touchscreen phones with software from Apple and Microsoft have become increasingly popular. JAVA is fading into the background, however, the time is not far off when this programming language will once again take a leading position in the international mobile device markets.

Well, in conclusion, in order to finally answer the question of what JAVA is, we will touch upon such an important area of ​​JAVA programming as programming JAVA games. You can watch these games on your mobile phones. The JAVA language is perfectly suited for creating such products.

New technologies are developing at an incredible pace. Not long ago, humanity could not imagine all the conveniences that people enjoy today. Our lives have been greatly facilitated by computer technology, without which it is no longer possible to imagine tomorrow.

  • Translation

It's easy to forget the significance of a technology once it streaks like a comet through the collective consciousness and dies a fiery death beyond the horizon. For example, Cobol - once this language was iconic for an entire era, but now it can only be compared to rotten fish. These days, any hipster programmer will tell you that Cobol is a complete crap, old and useless language. Java may be the next victim of "topical" judgments.

The peak sales of books on Java are far in the past. Seasoned Java utilities are no longer sexy enough for magazine covers. Java is already 19 years old, and progressive developers are passionate about such fashionable and current technologies as Node.js, Objective-C, Dart, Go, etc., wondering: “Java? Is this Web 1.0 artifact still alive?

A quick search on Dice.com shows that Java work is plentiful. If for iOS there are about 2500 offers, for Java there are more than 17000. Of course, you cannot rely entirely on these numbers. But the fact that on Dice.com the market for work in Java is potentially seven times larger than for the latest iOS suggests that “old Java” is doing pretty well.

Maybe it's because Java offers a better business plan than handing over 30 percent of Apple's revenue and crossing your fingers and hoping your app makes the Top 25. In most cases, Java solves problems that are more useful than helping angry birds take revenge on equally evil pigs. Java is the basis of a number of platforms designed for software development and ensuring efficient operation on systems with different chip architectures. Java helps solve problems for developers of server, client and embedded systems.

Before we forget Java's enormous contribution to the IT industry and its role today, I would like to share 12 compelling reasons why Java is not just surviving, but thriving these days.

Don't call it a comeback; Java has not gone anywhere, it dominates here and everywhere.

Reason No. 1: Unsinkable in the world of politics (often dirty)

The world of technology never gave Java a day to rest; its enemies were numerous and well-armed. Despite this, the language flourished. Many of its detractors are surprised that Java is still in good health. They too often listened to the opinions of Java haters and did not try to understand the reasons for its success.

Java's first big enemy was Microsoft. This company saw in Java the most worthy successor to the unity that at that time only MS-DOS offered. Redmond has criticized and fought Java from the very beginning. Java was not a success for desktop application development, in part because the magical Java Virtual Machine was too slow to start up. Despite minor slowdowns, in general, Java applications on Windows are quite usable.

For some inexplicable reason, Steve Jobs never liked Java. Even when Mac was largely ignored by everyone except Adobe, Java wasn't given a chance. Java compatibility could boost Mac development, but for Apple, Java has always been a supporting player. (In general, iOS phones run smoother than my Android, so maybe Steve was right)

Java has also suffered from numerous internal infighting. IBM loved the language, but always fought with Sun. IBM's decision to name its wonderful IDE "Eclipse" was received rather coldly by the Sun people (the Sun guys never understood business as well as IBM did).

Despite all the missteps of its creators, Java rapidly strengthened its position on servers and became suitable for use in the desktop segment. Every technology must swim against the political tide, and in the case of Java, it has persevered, proving itself to be a great tool for solving problems.

Reason #2: The Magic of Streams

One of the strengths of the Java Virtual Machine has always been its ability to juggle multiple threads with ease. The JVM is optimized for large multi-core machines and can handle hundreds of threads without any problems. Thanks to this ability, other languages ​​have appeared on the JVM - cross-compilers and emulators are being created that run on top of the JVM.

These magical powers are used by many high traffic websites. Developers write code on their laptop and then deploy the application to a powerful server where it takes full advantage of multi-core power.

Ruby is one of the modern competitors of Java. It has a cleaner syntax, reminiscent of living English. But still, when Ruby lovers need high performance, they turn to JRuby. This is a version of Ruby that runs on top of the JVM, providing much better performance under heavy multi-threaded workloads. Having invested a lot of effort into working reliably with threads, Sun engineers made the right decision.

Reason #3: Java as the first programming language

Java is the primary language for Advanced Placement Computer Science (AP), the curriculum and exams for high school students in the United States. This means that Java is often students' first programming language. Thus, Java continues to be with them “through thick and thin.” When students later learn new programming languages, they compare them to what is available in Java. Even if they change Java to something else, their opinion is still based on what they learned “in first grade.”

Java has many advantages for learning computer science. Some programmers hate specifying data types, often calling it a "safety net" in programming. This may sound strange, but it's a great way for beginners to understand how a computer works. The requirement to specify data types forces them to think about the internal structure of the system.

Some of the newest languages ​​don't use curly braces because it's annoying for developers to format them correctly. This may be true in some cases, but these same curly braces can be useful for new programmers to understand the nesting of blocks of code.

Someone tries to promote their own language, and in most cases creates a language with a less strict syntax than Java. This is great, but the simpler, cleaner syntax comes with its own dangers that show up later. Some people feel that airbags limit their programming freedom, but Java instills good habits from the very beginning. In the future, having gained experience, former “newbies” will be able to tame more elegant and dangerous designs.

Reason #4: (Almost) Cross-Platform Compatibility

Java was not the first language for writing cross-platform applications, but it has become the most popular. This does not mean full compatibility across platforms - missing libraries or incompatible versions of libraries will easily bury your code. You cannot take desktop application code compiled under JRE 1.7 and run it on a phone in Java ME. A miracle won't happen.

Sun, and now Oracle, are making the most of cross-platform. When code doesn't work, it's usually clear what the problem is. If you are using the correct versions of Java and have enough memory, your code will work. Java developers can develop an application on their computer and then deploy it to the target platform, be it a phone or a server. If the required libraries are available for the compiler, the code will work. It's priceless.

Reason #5: Continued success of Java on chips

Java has never been a popular tool for developing desktop applications, but it has flourished in the mobile segment of the market, which has recently exploded. The Android platform is built on Java through and through, and Android devices are currently outselling iPhones.

This dominance is nothing new. A stripped-down version of the language and virtual machine known as Java ME has been widely used in many so-called feature phones, which number in the millions around the world.

When you put it all together, Java's dominance is staggering.

Reason #6: Blu-Ray

The Java language, once called "Oak", was intended for TV receivers, where Sun wanted to dominate. It wasn't possible to stick to the plan exactly, but Java still managed to find a cozy spot in the living room. The Blu-Ray standard is built around Java, and anyone who wants to add additional content to Blu-Ray will need to use a Java compiler.

Blu-Ray discs are more than just raw video. You can change/add additional functionality and interactivity using Java code. Blu-Ray discs are a mixture of compressed video and Java bytecode.

Reason #7: Curly braces just work

Fans of fancy languages ​​like Ruby, Python, or CoffeeScript look on condescendingly as Java (and C) force programmers to insert curly braces to explicitly mark the beginning and end of each block of code. Parentheses, curly brackets, and even square brackets are all the bane of these progressive developers. (I don't like parentheses myself, and I'm still nostalgic for how in some versions of Lisp you can close all open parentheses with one square bracket)

But changing punctuation does not eliminate complexity, it hides it. Using white space to indicate attachments forces you to intuitively see what you cannot see. Indicating nesting with spaces works great if your expression fits on one line, but becomes terrible if you have multiple levels of nesting. When I write in Python, I notice that I count and recalculate indentations. Just because code looks like English doesn't mean it's as easy to understand as an English sentence.

Reason #8: Groovy

If Java programmers need a cleaner and simpler syntax, dynamic typing, this is not a reason to run to newfangled languages. They can use Groovy, a neat Java hack with a preprocessor that produces JVM bytecode. The language is fully integrated with Java - you can safely call Java libraries from Groovy code. It's like Java with some bells and whistles.

This flexibility allows programmers to independently design solutions to their problems. When Groovy is slower (this often happens when using dynamic method calls), the programmer can always rewrite performance-critical pieces of code in core Java.

Reason #9: JVM

The JVM was built and optimized for typed code with a static context generated by the javac compiler, but over time language developers realized that the JVM could run code written in languages ​​other than Java. If the compiler produces correct Java bytecode, the JVM doesn't care what language it was written in. The developers of Haskell, Scala, Clojure and jumped on the bandwagon of the “powerful Java electric locomotive” by creating their own compilers.

The appeal is obvious. Sun/Oracle does their part to create a cross-platform environment, and everyone else takes advantage of it. Sun/Oracle engineers polish the platform and worry about compatibility, and we write code in the language we like.

Microsoft borrowed this idea (and much more) when it created C# and its approach to creating compilers for languages ​​that run on the C# VM (CLR). C# programmers say that they can write in different languages ​​- however, only on a VM under Windows. Amazing flexibility!

Reason #10: The NoSQL Revolution, Built Largely on Java

Once upon a time, a database was an inscrutable black box that stored information and responded to queries quickly and efficiently. Then came the NoSQL revolution - programmers realized that they could write their own databases and adapt the code to their needs. Most of the major players in the NoSQL market were written in Java. Cassandra, Lucene, ElasticSearch, HBase and neo4j are just a few examples. In addition, there are some ACID-compliant databases written in Haskell that run on the JVM.

These databases are usually open source and easy to embed. Some people run them as independent services, others build their code (in the form of libraries) into their own stack. In any case, Java's status as a working language at the database level ensures that Java developers will have an easier time understanding and working with these databases. Encodings or line separators won't bother Java developers.

Reason #11: Minecraft rules this century

While Ruby continues to gain its share of fans, the next generation is falling in love with Java. Why? One word: Minecraft. It is written in Java. Young gamers who want to expand Minecraft must know Java in order to write plugins for Minecraft. This guarantees that grown-up “kids” will certainly write in Java.

Reason #12: Open Source

Sun has always been one of the leaders in the Open Source community, but it has never decided to completely free Java. This did not stop Java programmers from writing a bunch of excellent libraries and projects under free open licenses. The Apache Project continues to provide many Java projects under a license that doesn't require much in return.

Sun stopped releasing most of the code under the GPL in 2007. Since then, Sun and its new owner, Oracle, have tried to be good stewards of the Java language. Sure, Oracle has tarnished its reputation with lawsuits against Google, but other than that, the platform can largely be considered open and free.

Haters abound, but Java is moving forward

Java certainly has its share of problems. Java haters will continue to drool and pound their keyboards, posting malicious comments on the Internet. The garbage collector can cause hiccups and shaking. Data typing is a chore and cannot eliminate truly bad code. Annotations are too complex. New features in Java are not evolving as quickly as they have in the past. The curly braces add some clutter. This list goes on and on.

However, none of the competing technologies has been able to land so widely and deeply on the shores of the IT industry. While some of Java's problems are fairly easy to fix, fixes usually introduce problems of their own.

After all, that's one of the benefits of Java. It can be changed and used for almost any task. You can replace most libraries with your own code if you need specific functionality. Java is a very flexible open source language. Regardless of language and platform limitations, almost any problem can be solved with relative ease. This means that Java programmers continue to be among the most productive. Even though Java books no longer dominate the bestseller list and Oracle doesn't release updates as often as it would like, Java continues to not only live, but thrive.

Hello everyone Let's talk about what Java Update Scheduler is, what kind of program is it? Well, the first and probably most important thing is that this is not a virus, that’s already good! This is a Java component that sometimes, from time to time, checks for a new version of Java. If there is a new version, then most likely you will be given a message saying that there is a new version of Java and you need to download it. Or it may be that it will be installed automatically, some programs are updated this way, for example Google Chrome

This thing, Java Update Scheduler, runs under a process called jusched.exe, so if you see it in the manager, you will already know what it is. Yes, you can disable it in the same manager, but this is NOT a solution to the problem, because it will most likely appear again later.

It’s strange, of course, but I don’t have the jusched.exe process in the manager. I don’t even know why, maybe it’s in older versions of Java? Or maybe they complained about it a lot and decided to remove it? Well, I don’t know how it really is, but I don’t have it, period.

But there are other processes, these are javaw.exe, jp2launcher.exe, jucheck.exe, well, look for yourself:

Yes, there are quite a few Java processes, and one of them definitely checks for updates, so to speak, checks them, this is jucheck.exe. But then it’s not clear why jusched.exe is needed?

I looked for the file jusched.exe on the disk and finally found it, it is located in the Java Update folder, which means it definitely belongs to the update:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Java\Java Update

I right-clicked on the file and selected Properties there, look, it also says that this is Java Update Scheduler:

But as you can see, there is the word Scheduler, which means that perhaps this has something to do with the scheduler, maybe this process creates a task in the scheduler regarding the Java update?

So, what is the solution to remove the jusched.exe process forever? You can simply delete the Java Update folder from here:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Java

And then you will get rid of all sorts of things that relate to updating Java. Because it’s not that difficult to go to the official website and manually install a new version of Java, I think you agree with me.

You can also disable checking for updates; oddly enough, there is a setting for this. Press the Win + R buttons and write the following command there:

A window with icons will open, here you need to find the Java icon and click on it once:

A window with Java settings will appear, here you need to go to the Update tab and there uncheck the automatic update box, this checkbox:

Click OK and that’s it, you’ve disabled automatic Java updates

In principle, this is enough. I personally delete the Java Update folder; I like this method better. And if anything, I myself can manually download a new version of Java and install it, it’s not difficult for me.

But you can simply disable the jusched.exe process, and do it safely, you never know, in case you don’t want to change the settings or delete the Java Update folder. Disabling is safe and you can return everything back at any time, there is no point in telling me how to do this, because I have already talked about this with an example

Many users encounter a Java program on their computers and a completely logical question arises - what kind of program is this and what is it for?

Java is a technology that is used to develop online applications, that is, programs that launch and run directly in your browser.

Such applications significantly expand the capabilities of the Internet and with the help of Java technology we can play online games, communicate in various online chats, upload photos and videos to various sites, and much, much more.

But in order to take advantage of all these benefits, you must have Java installed on your computer. That is, it is a special program that allows you to run Java content directly in your browser. If the environment is not installed on your computer, then many online applications and websites simply will not work. Usually in this case, when you visit a web page containing Java content, a message appears asking you to download and install Java on your computer. Many people do this without even thinking, and then questions arise like: “what kind of program is this?”, “how did it get on my computer?” and “what is it for?”

Also, after installation on your computer, Java will monitor the appearance of new updates on the official website and as soon as they appear, you will receive a message asking you to install them.

Since Java applications are very popular and are used everywhere on the Internet, attackers can use them for their own purposes. This means that you should always update Java on your computer, as updates fix discovered vulnerabilities and improve security and stability.

More detailed information about Java technology, as well as answers to the most frequently asked questions regarding Java, can be found on the official website - http://www.java.com

You can also download the latest version of Java from the official website.


Why do you need Java on a computer or laptop?

If you see Java in the list of installed programs, but don’t know why it is needed, this article is for you. Many users ask why Java is needed on a computer or laptop, how it was installed, and what it does. Let's figure it out.

Why is Java needed?

Java is a free platform that is designed to run applications written in the Java programming language of the same name. Many programs and web applications run in Java. What is this platform?

The JRE - Java Runtime Environment - is most often installed on the computers of ordinary users. Roughly speaking, this is a container within which Java programs are launched and run. It provides security, stability and environment for some of the software on your computer.

Previously, Java was actively used to write “applets” - small applications that run directly in the browser. For example, a calendar, guest book or online chat. Currently, JavaScript is used for these purposes, which does not require Java installed. But still, many sites on the bottomless Internet operate on this technology. And if you don't have Java, then such sites will not work correctly and you will not be able to interact with them. The site does not respond to your actions? Perhaps the reason lies in the lack of Java.

More widely, Java was and is used to create desktop applications. Therefore, some programs simply cannot work without Java installed. For example, the popular game Minecraft runs entirely inside a Java virtual machine. And if you are involved in programming, then some IDEs (software development environments) also require Java to run.

Where does Java come from on my computer?

Java is often installed immediately after installing Windows or another OS as a utility program. It may have been installed by the person who installed Windows for you, or it may have come pre-installed on your PC or laptop. Or some application that requires Java has installed it on the PC. Just know that this is not a malicious application at all, and there is no need to remove it while cleaning your computer. It’s not for nothing that we included Java in the list of necessary programs for Windows.

From time to time, you may see notifications asking you to update Java. With each update, the Java platform is improved, vulnerabilities are addressed, and bugs are fixed. I recommend agreeing and updating it. This also applies to other software - periodically update your antiviruses, the programs you use, and your operating system. Now you know why you need Java on a PC and what it does.

If you find an error, please select a piece of text and press Ctrl+Enter.


How and why do you need to install Java on your computer?

Until recently, the Java architecture was known only to advanced users and developers, but today a lot has changed. As it turns out, many programs are currently written in this free programming language, which provides good prospects for their development. In particular, the client of the famous game Minecraft is written on it, and therefore many users began to be interested in how to install Java on a computer. If you are also interested, we invite you to read this article.

However, before talking about the installation process, one cannot help but pay a little attention to the technology itself. Java is a programming environment and computing environment developed and maintained by Sun Microsystems Corporation. Its peculiarity is that this environment is cross-platform and is used in many mobile devices and even in spacecraft. In short, if you work in some application that uses this technology (and you almost certainly do), then you should definitely install Java on your computer.

Why do you need to install Java?

Considering the prevalence, cross-platform and complete openness of the code, one should not be surprised at the huge number of sites and applications that will not work without this technology. If you do not install Java on your computer, then all this wealth may either refuse to function at all, or will begin to work not entirely correctly. By the way, it is Java that underlies the much-loved Android mobile OS, whose market share continues to increase at an accelerated pace.

We install the application

Before installing Java on your computer, you need to check whether an older version is installed on it. To do this, you will need to run a command line emulation application on your computer. If you are a beginner, then click on the “Start” button, look for the item called “Run” there, and then enter “CMD” (without quotes) in the command field. Press Enter or the OK button.

After this, a command line window will appear in front of you, in which the cursor will blink on a black background. Copy (without quotes) and paste the Java-version command into it using the Copy-Paste command and the mouse (the Ctrl+V keyboard shortcut does not work). After this you can press Enter.

If you already have this program on your computer, then in the first line you will see something like: “Java-version 1.5.0”. If you see a message like this, you don’t have to install anything. Otherwise, you must continue with the installation.

But! The previous operation requires us to launch the command line in administrator mode, and in the way described above it most often starts from a simple user. This doesn't suit us. To be sure to run the utility with administrator privileges, you need to do things a little differently.

To do this, click on the “Start” button again, look for the “Search programs and files” field there, enter CMD there, then in the window that appears with the search results, find (as a rule, only this line will be there) the file of the same name. Right-click on it and select “Run as administrator” from the context menu. All! It's time to install the Java program on your computer.

After downloading the installation file, double-click on it with the left mouse button. The “Installation Wizard” window will appear, in which you need to click on the Install button, after which the installation process will begin. Depending on the power of your PC and Internet capabilities, it may take different times. Finally, click on the Close button.

So you have learned how to install Java correctly!


About java technology, what it is needed for and where to download new versions

Java technology allows web applications and applets to run in a secure isolated environment on a Java virtual machine on any operating system on any device. Thanks to its versatility and applicability in everything from super computers, cars to cell phones, Java has become so widespread and popular among developers. Users do not notice it, but use it every day on their computer, laptop, both simple and the most advanced, cell phone for surfing the Internet, playing games and reading books. Why is it necessary to update the Java package? The fact is that virus and malware developers are not asleep and strive to use Java vulnerabilities for their own purposes, because it is through scripts using exploits in Java that it is easiest to inject malicious code onto a user’s machine through a browser from special Internet resources. Therefore, updating the Java package is mandatory for those users who are concerned about the security of their own information, the overall performance and stability of their computer or laptop.

After such a description, which I hope is understandable, I would like to believe that ordinary computer users will not have the question “What is Java for?”

And now the main question is “Where can I download new versions of Java?” To download and subsequently install, you must follow the links below and select the green button in the upper right corner - Download Latest Version. After this, downloading and installing the Java platform on your computer or laptop will not be difficult. Just follow the installation wizard.

I further recommend watching the video. Those who know English and are a little involved in IT will like it. Subtle humor about Java and the .NET platform from Microsoft. Java at its best! On the other hand, Microsoft has windows 7, an operating system that can be installed in Moscow, and Oracle, in addition to Java, has OpenOffice.org (or it was), MySQL, Virtual Box (with which you can try the new windows 8, not reinstalling the current system), Solaris and much more. So, they are worthy opponents, we wish them good luck! Thus, we figured out in general terms what Java is needed for and where to download new versions. Everything is obvious and simple. After all, system administrators often have much more complicated situations, where it is difficult to find a simple solution (this is a joke).