What is Direct on Instagram, and how to use it to the fullest? Information on how to write a direct message on Instagram

In one of the latest updates, the social network Instagram received a useful feature – Direct. Now there is a full-fledged “personal” on Insta. We have made a detailed guide that will tell you how to access Direct on Instagram from a computer and how to use it on your phone. We will describe the advantages and disadvantages of the new tool, and also talk about the features of the innovation. Step-by-step instructions with explanatory screenshots will help beginners and experienced users of this media platform.

If you open the web version on a personal computer or laptop, you will not be able to use the function. It is impossible to gain access to full functionality without downloading additional programs. Insta was originally created for portable devices. If you are unable to open your account on a smartphone or tablet, read our instructions on how to launch Instagram on your computer using an Android platform emulator.

When you open the site through any browser, you will see that there is no option to upload photos or correspond with other members of the social network. We are only offered to view photos and edit page parameters. First, we need to figure out what the new regime offers us. Direct allows us to:

Now there is no need to close your profile. All you have to do is send a photo to a specific subscriber or person you follow. Other Instagram members will not see this image, so only trusted people will be able to comment and view them. If you only want to share photos with friends, family, or a trusted circle, you'll love the new feature.

“Lichka” helps teachers who teach classes online. For example, you can take photo circles, where the organizer sends examples of work to students.

The function is also used for organizing competitions - the event host receives competition entries through personal messages. In the commercial sphere, the tool also did not go unnoticed; craftsmen immediately adapted it to distribute promotional coupons and send advertising to active users. Sellers now have contact with their clients; before this they had to use various instant messengers and resources, for example, VKontakte or Facebook.

You can use the mode yourself to promote your account. If you are going to use Instagram Direct through a computer, then it will be useful for you to know that it is used for spam mailings.

This is an annoying but effective method of black PR. The administration quickly monitors such actions and blocks profiles from which advertisements will be distributed. The mode has appeared in all mobile clients that are available for the Android platform, Apple portable gadgets and devices running on the Windows Phone operating system.

How to open Direct on Instagram on a computer

The action is performed in the BlueStacks emulator, which we will describe in detail in the next section. The process itself does not differ from the standard version, so first we will look at using the function on a smartphone or tablet. Later you will apply these steps on your PC or laptop. All tools and features function equally on all platforms.

You can send a photo and at the same time create a conversation in another way: immediately click on the camera icon in the main menu and take a photo. Before publishing, you can apply filters, add a description and specify several hashtags.

At the bottom of the screen there is a field for selecting recipients. All you have to do is confirm your action and click the “Submit” button.

Both options are convenient, like other options on the social network. On iPhone, Android gadgets and Windows Phone devices, the described tools work the same way. All that remains is to figure out how to open and write to Direct Instagram from a computer. At the moment, in the web version you can edit your profile, subscribe and view content.

Direct Instagram on computer login without downloading

We will need to download the emulator from the official website - click on the link, and then click on the “Download” button. The program will not take up much space on your hard drive, installation is carried out in the standard sequence: choose where to install BlueStax, accept the user agreement and click “Next”. Is the emulator installed and ready to use? Let's move on to the instructions:

The screenshot shows what the resource looks like running on a PC. You can only take photos using a webcam; you won’t be able to open the gallery. Otherwise, there are no difficulties, correspond with subscribers, comment on posts and set up your account.

Hello, dear readers of the online magazine “site”! Today we will talk about Yandex.Direct advertising - what it is and how it works, how to properly set up advertising yourself, select keywords and much more.

After all, promotion and promotion of your business has recently been increasingly carried out via the Internet. In just a few years, a huge number of effective services have appeared that allow you to launch an advertising campaign and increase the number of clients without any specific knowledge.

The Yandex Direct system was developed specifically for promoting and advertising business projects and generating passive income for owners of web resources, the main audience being residents of Russia and the CIS countries. Note that Yandex Direct can be compared with a fairly popular service in the West Google AdWords. However, the project under consideration is not an analogue of foreign services; it has many of its own characteristics, which we will discuss in more detail.

From this article you will learn:

  • What is Yandex Direct, why it was created and how it works;
  • How to set up Yandex.Direct contextual advertising for your advertising campaign or project being promoted online;
  • What are keywords, what are they for and how are they used in Yandex Direct;
  • Advantages and disadvantages of contextual and media advertising on Yandex, their operating features.

This article will be useful for beginners and system users with an average level of knowledge. In order to find out how to make Yandex Direct work for you and how to use the system to significantly reduce the amount of work that is done for promotion, you should read the article to the end and use recommendations to consolidate the information received.

Nowadays it is quite difficult to imagine the Internet without search engines, which are used to search for almost any information.

Yandex is a fairly popular search engine in Russia and the CIS, which has many different services. A separate service called Yandex Direct became part of the search system.

Yandex Direct This is a type of contextual advertising, which has a large number of different analytics tools, used by advertisers and site owners for advertising. Almost all Internet users are familiar with this system, and do not suspect that it is their actions that allow it to exist.

An Internet user encounters Yandex Direct contextual advertising almost every day.

1. In search engine results

The process of promoting a website on the Internet is quite complicated and takes a lot of time and effort. The Yandex search engine allows you to take advantage of the “easy start” feature, which involves placing a link to the site at the top of all search results, that is, in 1-3 place, without taking into account the characteristics of the resource.

Thus, when using a search engine and entering any search query, the first results are result of using the Yandex Direct system.

However, it is worth considering that the use of Direct will not appear in the search results in the Google search engine.

Another example is various advertising blocks on websites. If we do a little analysis, we can say that in most cases after , the owners of web resources place advertisements from the system Yandex (YAN - Yandex advertising network) and Google.

In general it can be said that Direct is an advertising service.

However, this is only a superficial description of the system, since it has quite a lot of tools that can be used to achieve other goals.

2. Features and advantages of Yandex Direct contextual advertising + basic terms for beginners 📄

Every day millions of people go online, among whom there is a certain part of people interested in the service or product offered.

The advent of search engines made it possible to redirect most of the traffic because about 90% Internet access begins with opening the Yandex or Google PS to enter a request.

2.1. Features of advertising

Initially, the search engine and all its services are designed for Russian-speaking users, since all controls, reference Information displayed in Russian.

In America and Europe they use Google and other search engines. Therefore, using Yandex Direct you can reach a foreign audience, but the advertising campaign will be ineffective .

In other words, When entering a specific search query, the user sees an advertisement: if you followed a link from an advertiser funds are calculated, if the user did not click on the link – no funds will be charged.

Yandex.Direct allows you to flexibly control advertising costs. Control is to indicate cost per click: the higher it is, the more often the ad will be displayed, but the faster the money will leave the account.

Another point that should be noted is the minimum amount to launch an advertising campaign - it may change from time to time, but for now it is at the level 300 rubles without 18% VAT . This amount cannot be called large, but it will be enough to start an advertising campaign and set up Yandex Direct, try out all the offered tools for tracking the results of placing ads.

2.2. Advantages of Yandex Direct

The advantages of Yandex Direct include:

  1. Huge traffic , which amounts to several million unique users per day. At the same time, the number of transitions remains at a high level constantly.
  2. Widest audience . If only a certain group of people (divided by age, gender) actively use social networks, then almost everyone uses search engines.
  3. Ability to customize display time and segment . The contextual advertising system in question has developed over many years and provides the most favorable conditions for forming your own advertising company. Display time, segment, region and other settings for displaying advertising can be set based on analytical information.
  4. Precise control over the costs and effectiveness of the advertising company provided by updating statistics on the created project in real time. You can regulate expenses for a certain period of time: day, week, month.
  5. The system generates a report , which arrives to the specified email address or mobile phone in the form of an SMS message. A detailed report on an advertising campaign contains several dozen indicators.
  6. Possibility of advertising on numerous sites: in a separate block of the portal, in search results, on the partners' website And etc.

Also, the advantages of this service include the fact that it is constantly evolving, more effective methods are being developed for calculating the most suitable traffic for the created advertising campaign.

For example! The system detects a visit to the advertiser’s website, and subsequently displays to the visitor advertisements of the same advertiser on other resources.

This is done to push the user to return to the advertiser’s website and purchase a service or product. Website advertising in Yandex is very effective when selling a product or service.

2.3. Basic terms

The system uses certain terminology, which allows you to significantly simplify the setup of an advertising campaign. Below we will look at the basic terms (for example, what is ctr in Yandex Direct and so on).

The main terms include:

Cry The user action that determines the click on the specified link. This action is named because when opening a link, many people double-click the mouse.
Keyword The user's query, which is entered in the search bar, is the basis of search engines. An example of a search word could be “camera”, “laptop”, “transportation” and so on. Key phrases consisting of several keywords perform the same function.
Click through rate (CTR) One of the main indicators that determines the effectiveness of advertising placement. It is indicated as a percentage, calculated by the ratio of the number of transitions and impressions. For example, there were 100 impressions, 5 of which were clicked on. In this case, the CTR will be 5% (5/100*100%).
Quality factor An indicator that is determined by the relevance of the site and created ads. Also, other features of the advertising campaign may affect the quality coefficient.
Relevance Determining whether the displayed result matches the user's request. In this case, they often distinguish positive or negative result. An example is the case of advertising for the sale of electronics, which is displayed when requesting “ garden equipment" And " buy a TV ».
YAN Symbol for sites that are members of the Yandex advertising network.
Traffic Users who visit the resource. This definition unites all users who, for various reasons, opened the pages of the site.
Cost per click(in the system under consideration it is also called a bet) The amount that is paid to the owner of the advertising platform if the user clicks on the link. In this case, further user actions are not taken into account.

Many of the above terms are also used in other analytics or contextual advertising systems; some, for example (the YAN term) are used only in Yandex.

Yandex Direct has also introduced the following terminology, which defines a paid position in the results:

Special accommodation When choosing this method of advertising placement, you can count on the fact that it will appear above search results . This space is considered the most promising, since most users go only to the first 5 links based on search query results. Further searches are carried out only if the required information was not found.
Guaranteed impressions This placement method determines the appearance of the contextual advertising under the search result at the bottom of the first page. If the user's screen resolution allows, then the guaranteed display can be carried out to the right of the search result list.
Dynamic Impressions In this case, advertising is placed at the bottom of the second and subsequent pages, and can be moved to the right side panel for guaranteed impressions. A move occurs if the width of the user's screen allows it or if the request did not have an insufficient number of guaranteed impressions to fill the entire page.

Setting up Yandex Direct - complete step-by-step instructions on how to properly configure Yandex Direct and run advertising

3. Setting up Yandex Direct - 8 simple steps on how to set up contextual advertising in Yandex 📝

Having understood the purpose, features and advantages of the contextual advertising system in question, you can proceed to the registration stage, and then to setting up Direct. Note that to search for clients in RuNet the best place to create an advertising campaign can not found .

Step 1. Create an account and advertising campaign

Before setting up Yandex Direct, you should go to the service page. To do this, you can enter the permanent address of the service in the address bar " direct.yandex.ru" or follow the link located on the Yandex main page in the lower left corner called “Direct - place an advertisement.”

If the transition to the page is carried out at a time when the system account has already been logged in (that is, authorization has been completed), then registration not required, you can immediately proceed to setting up an advertising campaign.

Note that all Yandex services are combined under one account (a distinctive feature from Google), and if you were logged into your mail, then you no longer need to create a personal account.

If you are not logged in, page for entering login and password. Here you can also conduct registering a new account, for which it is enough to enter the specified necessary data.

After registering and logging into your account, you can again go to the Direct page, where a large button “ Place an advertisment».

After clicking on the above virtual button, a menu opens with the settings of the advertising company.

Here you can configure basic parameters:

  • Your country

After clicking on this field, a list of possible countries to select opens. Please note that the selected country determines which currency will be used in the calculation. Therefore, you should carefully consider the features of your bank and electronic payment system with a particular currency.

  • Also, upon first registration, you are given the opportunity select company type.

There are three types:

  • text and graphic advertising;
  • dynamic ads;
  • advertisements in mobile applications.

Selecting the Yandex.Direct ad type when creating a campaign - Text-graphic and dynamic ads + mobile application advertising

The ability to select dynamic ads appeared relatively recently. It is worth noting that later it will be possible to create an indefinite number of advertising companies of any type.

Click on the virtual key “ Start using the system».

The next window provides more precise settings for the advertising campaign.

Let's mark the following fields:

  1. Campaign name– free form, you can enter any name.
  2. Client name can also be anything; by default, the information that was entered when registering the mailbox is indicated.
  3. Start– the date from which the advertising campaign begins. Please note that statistics will be generated from this date. It is also possible to set the end date of this advertising campaign.
  4. Notifications– electronic messages that will contain basic information about the current state of the advertising company. By default, the email address of the active account is specified. There is a separate form for setting this parameter, which allows you to specify additional email addresses of mailboxes, the frequency of sending messages and the need to send notifications about the generation of a report. Reports are the basis for maintaining statistics, used to determine the effectiveness of an advertising campaign. It is recommended to indicate the need to send a notification when 20% account balance, as well as when changing the ad position every 60 minutes.
  5. SMS notifications– a field in which you can specify the mobile phone number to which messages will also be sent. By default, the field can be filled in, since the mobile phone is specified when registering a mailbox. It is possible to configure where to indicate the phone number, where and when messages will arrive.
  6. Strategies– the main field in which future costs and features of advertising placement are determined. This setting will be discussed in more detail below.
  7. Bid adjustments— a separate field for more precise adjustment of the cost of a click. In this submenu you can adjust the bid based on the gender and age of the traffic, set a separate price for advertising in mobile applications, indicate the target audience(due to lack of history when registering an account, the function will not be available). As a rule, data is entered based on research conducted on the behavior of the target category. For example, if you sell women’s clothing, you can increase the cost per click for a female audience over 18 years old. Please note that the system cannot read such information about traffic from a network of partners, as well as from a user who is not registered in the Yandex system.
  8. Time targeting– a section in which all time frames for displaying an advertising campaign are configured. For example, the most visits are on weekdays from 17 to 21 hours. This time period should be left marked.
  9. Advanced geographic targeting– accounting of the regions for which the advertisement is intended (only the need for accounting is indicated and a tick is placed). Read about it in more detail in a separate publication.
  10. Single display region for all ads– a parameter that allows you to configure the display of advertising only for users from certain regions. For example, if the advertisement concerns pizza delivery in Moscow, then you only need to indicate this city.
  11. Single address and telephone number for all advertisements– display of contact information on all advertisements, regardless of region and other parameters.
  12. Unified negative keywords for all company phrases– SEO component of project promotion on the Internet. You can enter all selected negative keywords separated by commas or leave the field blank. This setting allows you to exclude the possibility of an ad being displayed if the request is similar to the entered keywords, but is not related to the advertiser’s services or product. For example, if pizza is delivered to your home, you can specify the following negative words: recipe, cafe, homemade(if you search for “homemade pizza recipe,” the ad will not be shown).
  13. Settings on thematic sites. This function allows you to set up costs for advertising that is distributed through partner sites. You should leave the checkbox " Ignore user preference» in the event that the company’s activities are not highly specialized. It is recommended to reduce the maximum consumption rate on thematic sites up to 50% from the budget, leave the cost per click at 100% .
  14. Impressions for additional relevant phrases– when activating and configuring this function, you can count on the system to independently select phrases that will be similar to those previously specified by the user.
  15. Site monitoring and the ability to stop an advertising campaign, if for some reason the project ceases to exist. This setting allows you to automate the operation of the system and eliminate the possibility that advertising will be entered on broken links (a situation in which, after clicking, the user does not get to the advertiser’s page due to its absence and other reasons). The checkbox must be checked to activate the function.
  16. Metric counter and link markup- additional functions. For Metrica to work, you need to connect this service; check the box next to the “Markup of links for Metrica” field.

As a rule, the fields specified in the previous paragraph do not need to be filled in to proceed to the next stage.

  • The cost per click when displaying through mobile devices should be in the region 50% .
  • You can specify the IP addresses of prohibited sites (advertising will not be placed on them).
  • It is possible in this field to connect other services, for example, Liveinternet.ru, which will collect statistics.

Step 2. Selecting an ad display strategy

You can set up your ad display strategy in 2 ways:

  1. Manual bet management;
  2. Automatic strategies.

You can more accurately adjust your expenses in a special field - “Manual bid management”.

Features of choosing an ad display strategy include:

  1. In order to minimize your costs, in the manual bid management tab, select the item “ Show at the lowest possible position " When you select this item, you can also specify the type of preferred blocks. There is another strategy (from the automatic strategies tab) that allows you to minimize costs - “Weekly package of clicks”.
  2. It is possible to adjust the price per click - strategy " Average cost per click " When choosing this package, you can specify the average cost per click per week. The peculiarity of this strategy is that it will independently select the bet amount to attract more users based on previously entered information.
  3. The strategy is suitable for beginners Weekly budget " When choosing this strategy, there is a setting called “ Maximum conversion by goal " However, we note that it is possible to significantly increase the effectiveness of the strategy only if you connect Metrics and configure it correctly. In this case, you can count on conversion traffic at an affordable price based on the competition indicator in the system.
  4. To attract traffic from thematic sites, that is, partner sites, you should select the tab "Only in networks". With this setting, ads will be shown on various sites that are similar in topic.

Step 3. Creating an ad in Yandex.Direct

After completing the first step, the ad creation stage begins.

Let's look at the fields that are required to create ads:

  1. Group name. You can enter any information by which the group will be tracked (For example, “New ad group”)
  2. Ad type. Previously, this parameter was specified, but you can change it if necessary. It is recommended to choose a text-graphic type of advertising, as this type of advertising is most effective.
  3. Heading. When creating a headline, it is recommended to include a key phrase and include a call to action. It is also advisable to use words that attract the attention of most users ( discount, free, benefit ). Please note that there is a limit on the length of the title (33 characters), which means it should be succinct and concise. On the right is an example of what the ad will look like once it's published.
  4. Announcement text will be located under the heading and differ significantly from it. This field should reflect the entire essence of the request, and you can provide contact information. The message length limit is 75 characters.
  5. Link– the address to which the transition will be made when you click on the message. You must only specify an existing web address.
  6. Display link. In some cases, the link is quite large and unattractive. In this field you can enter any link that will be displayed in the ad.
  7. Add-ons. Many ads contain images that attract attention. In this field you can upload an image. Quick links allow you to redirect a user from one ad to multiple pages. For example, when creating an advertisement for the provision of pizza delivery services, you can specify separate links to the section “ M menu », « Udelivery terms », « ABOUTcompanies " and so on. This category also includes “Clarifications” – a small text that appears at the bottom of the ad. Here you can indicate the benefits of the service provided or product sold.
  8. Address and telephone. In this field you can check the box, which allows you to display the location of the object on maps.

After entering the above information, you can also add more 49 ads per group and configure them according to all parameters.

Separately, it should be noted the field located on this page, which concerns the input and selection of keywords.

Step 4: Create Mobile Ads

By default, ads are created to display ads on computers. However, the proliferation of mobile phones and tablets has determined that the strategy of creating a separate advertising campaign for mobile devices can bear fruit.

To create mobile ads, check the box at the top of the window, after clicking which the ad goes mobile and you will be able to edit the click price in the “Bid Adjustments” tab.

Features of setting up an ad for mobile devices include the following points:

  1. Select ad type: text-graphic or simply graphic. The first option is more effective.
  2. Enter the message title. In this case, it should be short and concise; you do not need to enter a phone number or address.
  3. The ad text should also not be voluminous., as this often irritates mobile device users.
  4. Site link and display link are entered in the same way as when creating an ad for display on a computer.
  5. The add-ons field is no different either.
  6. Particular attention should be paid indicating the phone number. When it is displayed, mobile device users can call you or your employees in just one click, which is quite convenient and effective. Therefore, when setting up a mobile ad, we recommend filling out this field.

To the right of the presented form there is a small thumbnail that will display how the created ad will look based on the information entered.

Step 5. Selection of keywords for Yandex.Direct ads

As previously noted, the service in question has quite a lot of useful tools. The third step is the stage of using one of them - selection of keywords.

The developers allow you to use other programs to select keywords. All collected “keys” are inserted into the specified field, separated by commas.

But the built-in keyword selection tool also produces good results.

Selection of keywords for Yandex Direct

To start collecting:

  1. Press the virtual button “ find the words " After this, a window appears in which you can enter the word or phrase of interest. For example, in the case of selling cameras, you can enter in the field the words “camera”, “buy a camera”, “photo camera Moscow”, in the case of selling apartments in Moscow - “buy an apartment in Moscow”, “apartment in Moscow price”. Note that you will be able to change your search query multiple times to find keywords.
  2. After entering a word or phrase, two lists appear: one concerns the entered query and related words, the other displays what was searched for along with the entered query. In this case, the frequency of impressions per month is indicated, which is taken into account when creating a list of key queries.

Step 6. Selecting bets and undergoing moderation

In this step, you need to set a price for placing ad units. To save your budget, we recommend specifying the total cost per click for the entire ad or for all phrases.

Therefore, the bet in the future must be set according to the statistics obtained. Perhaps the cost of some ineffective phrases should be reduced, and the cost of other key phrases should be increased.

Then you will have to undergo moderation of the created advertising campaign.

If the moderator refuses to publish your advertisements, you will receive a corresponding message indicating the reason for the refusal.

As a rule, many advertisements created taking into account the requirements for advertising materials are moderated, since a participant in the system brings significant income to Yandex.

But errors that are associated with incorrect spelling of words can cause publication refusal.

The most common reasons for receiving a refusal include:

  1. If the advertisement concerns the distribution and review of alcoholic beverages or drugs (prohibited goods or services).
  2. A certain group of products must be distributed only with permission: medical drugs, provision of medical services, provision of financial services– documents will not be displayed in the message itself, but Yandex, acting as an intermediary, must comply with established laws obtain supporting documents.
  3. If the images contain logos and contact information, the moderator can also send the ad for correction.
  4. Special requirements are given to how the title and text of the ad will be displayed. Quite often, in an effort to make advertising more noticeable, they use capital letters when writing all text - according to established rules, this is prohibited.

Step 7. Budget forecast in Yandex.Direct

Only with careful calculation and planning of an advertising campaign can you expect that the funds invested in advertising will be beneficial.

To do this, you need to leave a specific goal that is achieved when using the Yandex Direct service. For example, in the case of promoting a business card website, one of the goals will be to attract targeted traffic, some of which will call the manager or place an order for services or goods.

The budget calculation process is as follows:

  1. Region selection. As a rule, to reduce costs, many companies and individuals select the region for which advertising will be displayed. This is quite useful, for example, in the case of providing services in Moscow - it is not worth displaying advertising for residents of Belarus or abroad, as this will lead to unnecessary, unreasonable costs.
  2. Next field – calculation parameters. This section specifies the duration of the advertising campaign, the selected types of sites on which the information will be displayed, as well as the currency in which payments will be made.
  3. The most important parameter is keywords. When promoting a project using different keywords, a different budget is required. In this window you can also select key phrases and words, and here you can enter your own list of keys separated by commas. It is possible to specify stop words in a list.
  4. After entering all the keywords and phrases, press the virtual “Calculate” button and get a detailed table for each keyword.
  5. The system can mark words that should be excluded from the list.

Budget calculation depends on the selected keywords and advertising placements.

Step 8. Yandex media advertising - Using media-contextual banners (image ads)

Due to its visual appeal and the ability to display Flash videos, such a block has a high click-through rate). Modern technologies that are used in the search engine allow you to display a banner to the required target audience, which is essential reduces costs.

However, this advertising method has significant shortcomings. One of them - payment for ad impressions, and not for clicks on them. And in order for the advertising effectiveness to be high, you need to achieve a high block CTR (click-through rate).

It is recommended to use this advertising method only after achieving your goals when working with contextual advertising, since Yandex display advertising requires a larger budget, and the result may be far from predicted.

4. Correct selection of Yandex Direct keywords in practice 📊

There are two main methods for compiling a keyword list:

  1. Manually, by using the built-in tool or other programs. Exist paid And free programs that are not very different from each other. As a rule, the difference lies only in the speed of data processing, the number of specified parameters and the ability to convert information into tables for use in other programs.
  2. Using already prepared key lists, which are sold by parsers. You can create such lists of key phrases yourself. However, their effectiveness will differ slightly. It is important to remember that the effectiveness, cost and frequency of keywords and phrases may vary depending on the seasonality of the product or service, time of year, etc.

There are several programs that can effectively sort through keywords and select the ones most suitable for the entered query. Such programs include “ Sloboob », « Keycollector "and some free services, for example, " Rokee ».

To collect keywords and classify them, a special file is created in Excel, since it is in it that you can enter tables with several columns: keyword, request frequency per month and others.

Important! The formation of high prices for popular queries is determined by the fact that competitors also decide to use them to promote their project.

The emergence of a new popular query, which previously had a low frequency of use in the search engine, can significantly reduce advertising costs. That is why it is recommended to carry out constant filtering out key queries using special programs.

4.1. High-quality keyword selection for Yandex Direct for free

  1. The ability to think in categories in your field of activity allows you to significantly reduce costs, since there is quite a lot of competition for “direct requests” (For example, buying an apartment in Moscow). If you have information about how your potential client thinks, how he looks for the most suitable product or service, you can select unique keywords and phrases , which do not have a high frequency of use, but a high click-through rate (CTR). For many beginners key card consists of 100 words, which are also used by well-promoted competitors with large budgets.
  2. Also, to effectively select keys, you should learn analyze the advertising strategy of your closest competitors : what is their key map, what time do they advertise, what audience is it aimed at. Based on the above information, it should be concluded that to begin with you need to find your competitors. At the same time, there is no need to pay attention to well-known brands and companies, since they can afford to spend large sums on advertising to maintain audience engagement.
  3. Should look for indirect situations in which you can attract a client . For example, if a girl wants to buy a new dress, then there is a high probability that she will also want to buy shoes along with the dress. That is why in some cases a very effective advertising method is using related queries.

It should be remembered that some keywords have a high frequency, but do not lead to a lot of active traffic that is ready to make purchases and order goods or services.

For example, when searching in Yandex for the query “smartphone”, the user can both search for a smartphone to purchase, as well as the definition and purpose of this device.

Therefore, it is necessary to choose commercial key phrases rather than informational ones. For example, “buy an apartment,” “order renovations.”

4.2. How to use the Yandex Wordstat service

To use the Yandex Wordstat service you should:

  1. Create an account in Yandex. If it has already been created earlier, then you will not have to carry out the registration procedure.
  2. Know basic symbols, which can be used in the system (will be discussed below).
  3. Have an understanding of why the service was created and how it works. Yandex Wordstat is used to analyze search queries, which allows you to determine the frequency of use of words and phrases when searching in the system. The same tool is also available in Yandex Direct when creating advertising - the operating algorithm is similar.
  4. Know how to use the tools provided.

When you go to the page of this tool, a search bar is displayed in which you can enter any word, their combination or character set.

After entering, a monthly report will be displayed containing information on the entered key and related queries. Information about the frequency of use of the key during the month is also indicated.

Therefore, you should consider what kind of traffic you need to buy. Special service characters allow you to expand the capabilities of this tool.

How to use the Yandex Direct service - the main system operators

4.3. What symbols are used in Yandex Wordstat

To obtain a more accurate result of selecting keys, special characters are used, which an experienced marketer practically cannot do without. The use of symbols is a kind of key filter (weeding out unnecessary phrases).

The main symbols of Yandex.Wordstat are:

  1. Quotes (“key”)- are used to select statistics on the frequency of use of only the word or phrase they have highlighted. The result also includes word forms with other endings.
  2. Exclamation mark ("!key")- a tool for fixing the morphological ending. In this case, the fixation passes only the word in front of which this symbol was set. To find out how many times a month they ask a request in Yandex - buy an apartment in Moscow, you need to type in the service - “!buy!an apartment!in!Moscow”.

By using two symbols together, you can get the key with the most accurate frequency of its use over a certain period of time. This information is most important when calculating the cost of attracting traffic. The next step is to calculate the CTR (click-through rate).

Additional special characters are:

  1. Vertical bar "|"– a tool used for quick selection of semantics. It is used when it is necessary to compare several keys based on query frequency.
  2. Square brackets ""– a tool for fixing syntax order.
  3. "+" sign— the plus symbol is entered if you need to find phrases with stop words, which include conjunctions, prepositions, and particles.
  4. Sign "-" is a minus symbol that is used to exclude a word or stop word from an expression.
  5. Two parentheses "()" group the use of all special characters from the above list.

All special characters can significantly increase the efficiency of the service. Without their use, you have to sift out the results yourself, which takes quite a lot of time.

4.4. What is competitiveness in advertising and by what indicators should it be assessed?

Competitiveness can be assessed using the following indicators:

  • The lifetime of the resource. A site created several years earlier, as a rule, receives more privileges from the search engine;
  • How much contextual advertising was created, paid for and placed;
  • What is the frequency of the request;
  • Is there a change in the demand indicator depending on the time of year;
  • Regional location is taken into account;
  • TOP sites by key request;
  • and others.

Collection and analysis of all indicators allows you to obtain a certain KEI - an index of the effectiveness of the keywords used.

From the above information we can conclude:

  1. When the price per click increases, the advertisement will be placed in the most advantageous location for the advertiser;
  2. The cost per click is formed according to the highest price that they are willing to pay to get to 1st place;
  3. Studying statistics and selecting working keys allows you to reduce costs.

5. How to track advertising effectiveness 🛠💎

Yandex Direct has a tool for tracking the effectiveness of advertising campaigns - Metrica.

The main indicators of Metrics are:

  1. Click through rate (CTR)
  2. Conversion rate.
  3. Separate indicators of the number of impressions and clicks.
  4. Account quality.
  5. A metric related to the actions of a referred client to the advertiser’s website: conversion rate, percentage of the target audience, number of transactions and the average amount for them.
  6. Revenues and profits.

The first 5 indicators can be obtained from Yandex Metrica, for which they are used UTM tags.

The last indicator “income and expenses” is calculated by the advertiser independently. As a rule, it is profit, in the case of selling a product or providing services, indicates the effectiveness of the advertising company, and other indicators can be used to adjust it.

Using UTM tags

A fairly effective tool for advertising on the Internet are UTM tags . They allow you to track traffic and identify campaigns that brought unique visitors.

Yandex Direct also allows you to use this tool to increase the effectiveness of advertising campaigns. Unfortunately, there is no built-in tool, but you can use free services (for example, utmurl.ru and others).

The procedure for creating UTM tags is as follows:

  1. We insert the target URL, indicate the source, title, campaign channel, keyword and generate a tag. It is the information entered in the additional fields that will be used to track the URL when it is used. Therefore, you should enter detailed information in UTM tag description.
  2. Go to Metrica in the section “Standard reports – Source – UTM tags”. Enter the generated links into the specified fields.

After this, when collecting information about the traffic of a web resource (site, etc.), the entered information will be displayed when generating a UTM tag.

6. Qualified training assistance Yandex Direct

The costs spent on advertising and the effectiveness of the advertising campaign depend on the correct settings in Yandex Direct. It is also worth noting that a separate profession has appeared - Directologist, which consists of preparing and setting up advertising in Yandex.Direct.

That is why some companies began to provide training services for setting up and using a contextual advertising system.

1) Unibrains.ru

A company that provides the opportunity to attend free introductory webinars. The center was founded by the holding Kokoc Group, which has been providing IT services for many years. The created training programs receive certificates at the Russian Economic University. G.V. Plekhanov. The courses include many hours of practical training on real projects with cases.

2) I-media.ru

The company provides training and offers services in the field. It was founded more than 13 years ago.

All employees of the company are practitioners who work on real orders of their clients. The company focuses on Google tools.

3) Seoschool.ru

The company also provides training services in SEO optimization of web resources. The company has the opportunity to get quick advice via the Internet.

On the website you can find statistics on her work on promoting and thanking clients.

All training courses that bring real benefits are paid. Free webinars are aimed at attracting customers, since the information provided is usually of a general nature.

7. Yandex Direct advertising: prices, budget forecast, cost per month 📈

You can only answer the question of how much advertising on Yandex Direct will cost by relying on your own experience. This is due to the fact that the company does not provide such information.

The most important issues regarding the budget include:

7.1. Minimum order amount Yandex Direct

Beginners are always interested in what the minimum investment is required to launch advertising in Yandex.Direct. According to the rules of the service, the minimum amount spent on advertising is 300 rubles.

However, practice shows that using Direct services is much more expensive - without a budget of 17,000 rubles or more It is almost impossible to achieve an acceptable result in the system. This is due to the fact that a click on one request can cost about 50 -200 rubles and more.

7.2. Cost per click

For this indicator, a minimum amount has also been established - 30 kopecks . In practice, it is almost impossible to meet such a cost per click.

The average cost per click in Yandex.Direct is 20-40 rubles. In some cases, the price reaches 300 rubles or more.

7.3. Budget forecast in Yandex Direct

To get the result you can use the link " Budget forecast " As a rule, it takes a beginner about one hour to count, professional 15 minutes.

To calculate the budget of an advertising campaign, 10-30 queries are used. It should be taken into account that the result obtained approximate. As practice shows, the result obtained follows multiply by 2 more. At the same time, the number of impressions and transitions will remain approximately unchanged, since the increase in the budget occurs due to an increase in the estimated cost of one click.

7.4. Budgets for contextual advertising in Yandex in various topics (cost of advertising in Direct per month)

You don’t have to do your own budget calculation, but take the average statistical figures. For Moscow when promoting and advertising a project in a topic of average popularity The minimum monthly budget amount is 30,000 rubles , maximum 150,000 rubles. In the regions, these figures will be several times lower.


  1. For advancement you will need at least 60 thousand rubles, and the optimal budget can be called 150 t.r..
  2. Advertising of banking products/services costs several times more: minimum budget 300 rubles, recommended 1 million rubles. per month.
  3. Website promotion will cost at least 80 thousand rubles, on average 150 thousand rubles are required.
  4. Providing legal services: minimum budget 50 tr., average 100 tr.

8. Yandex Direct Certificate - what is it and how to become a certified specialist? 📋

Yandex Direct has many different tools that you need to know how to work with.

Yandex Direct certificate is issued subject to certain conditions. The issuance of such a certificate makes it possible to call oneself a certified Yandex Direct specialist.

Yandex Direct certification - how to get a Yandex Direct certificate, who can get it and how to check it

The certificate can be sent either electronically or in kind via mail.

The most common questions regarding certification in the system are:

8.1. Who can access the certification?

Almost any advertiser can receive a certificate. An exception is the case when an employee working for an advertising agency works under a common account.

  1. For 3 months, the advertising budget must exceed 9,000 rubles.
  2. The account must not be inactive for more than 6 months.

Conditions for gaining access to certification are subject to change. Therefore, check with the service itself for accurate information.

8.2. How to get a Yandex Direct certificate?

If you apply for the test, the applicant will have to answer 42 questions, from which to make a mistake you can only do 3 of them. You have about 30 minutes to complete the test.

If you fail the first attempt, you have the opportunity to take the test in a week, the next attempt in 3 months, and the last one in 6 months. If they were not enough, then the whole cycleyou can go through it again.

In tests, as a rule, there is only one correct answer. Once you start taking the test, you cannot refuse to take it.

The questions in the test are asked on the following topics:

  1. Rules for forming and displaying cost per click.
  2. Rules for using keywords and negative keywords.
  3. Features of advertising company statistics.
  4. Setting parameters for an advertising campaign.

8.3. How to check the certificate?

When taking the test, real contact information (First Name, Last Name) is entered. To check the result, on the Yandex.Expert service, select the “Certificate Authenticity Verification” tab, indicate the certificate number and the owner’s last name, after which the result will be displayed.

Checking companies, agencies and individuals for Yandex Direct certification

In conclusion, we note that the certificate issued for the login used in Yandex.Direct. Therefore, advertising agency employees must create their own accounts. We also note that the validity period of the issued certificate only 1 year, after which you will have to take the test again.

9. Yandex Direct coupons and promotional codes - how to get, buy, activate 📜

Promotional codes allow new users to reduce the cost of contextual advertising. In this case, the amount that is not debited when activating the promotional code reaches 10,000 rubles.

9.1. How to get a Direct promotional code?

Recently, the number of coupons has decreased significantly. You can receive them in different cases, for example, when opening an account in Alfa Bank or at the time attending Yandex events.

Some users sell promotional codes through social networks, specialized forums and other platforms.

You can save on contextual advertising if you create an account without VAT (tax will not be withheld 18% from the amount contributed for advertising). Any non-resident of the Russian Federation, where according to the law there is no VAT tax, can create a Yandex Direct account without VAT. (For example, a Swiss citizen)

9.2. How to activate a Yandex Direct promotional code?

To activate a promotional code, there is a special field that appears when you select a payment method for the service. By entering the necessary information, a certain amount will be debited from the invoice for the advertising campaign.

Only a new user of the service can activate a promotional code. To re-activate another promotional code, you need to create a new account in Yandex.

If a large number of coupons are activated for the same project, then this project may be blacklisted by Yandex moderators.

10. Directologist - who is he and what does he do 💸

The director must be able to:

  • select key phrases for which ad units will be displayed;
  • create attractive advertisements;
  • select and upload pictures for advertisements;
  • configure all important characteristics and parameters of advertisements.

In addition to the responsibilities listed, directors must be able to:

  • conduct an analysis of the customer's competitors;
  • conduct advertising campaigns;
  • optimize existing advertising;
  • prepare reports;
  • conduct an audit of advertising campaigns (for Yandex search, for YAN, search + YAN);

For example, you can order an analysis of your advertising campaign to reduce the cost of transitions, reduce the cost of attracting new customers, and so on.

The profession of a director is in great demand among many advertising agencies, which means it is highly paid.

Direct on Instagram is a very convenient thing that allows you to personally send a user a photo, video, message, and only you and your interlocutor will see it. Your post will not appear in the feed.

You can access Direct on Instagram only through the application for mobile phones and tablets by downloading the application.

Where is the direct message on Instagram?

So, where is the direct message on Instagram? Everything is very simple. Log in to your personal page through the Instagram application. Next, look at the top panel - in the upper right corner you will see a mailbox in the form of a waste paper basket, click on it.

Direct messages on Instagram.

You have logged into your Instagram account. In the upper right corner there is a “+” sign, which means “add”. You will be asked to select a photo or video from your Instagram collection or take a new photo/video. Next, you go through the process of processing your publication. A new Instagram window appears. Here you can add a caption to your post. Now you need to mark who your message will be sent to. The maximum number is 15 people. When everything is ready, click on the green checkmark in the upper right corner. You can write direct messages on Instagram to users you do not follow. To do this, click "Search". When a new window appears, write the name of the user you are going to send a direct message on Instagram. We finish sending again with a green tick. Those people who follow you will receive the message automatically, and those who do not will receive the message for consideration in their Instagram Direct mailboxes.

There are times when you need to know whether your friend received the direct message you sent or not. So the message is sent immediately, so the user will receive it immediately. Whether he looked at it or not is another question. How to find out? Everything is very simple. If your friend's avatar is “discolored,” this means that he has not yet opened a message from you. If your friend's avatar is in color and displays a green check mark, then he has viewed your message. If a friend liked your post in Direct, a heart will appear instead of a check mark.

How to view direct messages on Instagram?

When you receive a personal message on Instagram, you will immediately know about it. First, a notification will appear in the top (or bottom) panel on your phone that they have written to you in direct message. When you open the Instagram application, you will be able to see that same mailbox, and next to it there will be the number “1” in a red circle - this indicates that one new message is waiting for you. If the number is different, then more messages from different users await you in Instagram direct.

Returning to the point that Direct is only available in mobile applications, I would like to say the following: If you want to use Instagram from a computer and use Direct at the same time (although it is not so easy in the regular version), just install the Bluestacks program on your computer. You will receive the full android version on your computer. Have a nice chat with direct on Instagram.

Using the social network Instagram, many users may ask the question: “What is direct on Instagram and where is it located?” Having heard about this strange word somewhere. Direct on Instagram is an analogue of personal messages in instant messengers. Using Direct, you can exchange personal photos, videos, write private messages, and so on. This feature is like a combination of email and private messaging. Using direct makes it very easy to use the social network, but how can you find and use it on Instagram?

Opening Direct in the Instagram mobile app

So, where is the direct message on Instagram? When you open the Instagram application, on the main page there will be a button with a paper airplane at the top right, this is the direct message. This feature works the same on both iPhones and Android smartphones, so it doesn't matter what kind of smartphone you have. Please note that to do this, you must download the latest version of the Instagram application from the official application store. This will not happen through a mobile browser.

It is noteworthy that you can select several profiles at once and write one message to them. Very convenient for... For a spammer, perhaps. But let's not talk about them. After identifying people you are interested in, we write a message and send it. You can select a maximum of 15 accounts at a time.

Direct in the desktop version of Instagram

If you don’t have a mobile device or don’t want to use it, there is a way out. After all, Direct is also available on a computer, but only for owners of Windows 8, 10 and higher. Where in the computer version of Instagram Direct read below. First, we need to download the Instagram application from the Windows Store. Unfortunately, this method is not suitable for Mac owners; they will have to uncover their mobile phones. Going to the Windows Store, download Instagram to your computer and launch it. In order not to search for the program again, you can install it using the following link: https://www.microsoft.com/ru-ru/store/p/instagram/9nblggh5l9xt?rtc=1&source=lp

Having installed Instagram for your computer on Windows, open the program and look for a button with the paper airplane we are already familiar with. Here, in fact, the method is no different from the mobile version. When clicked, a menu opens with correspondence and search for interlocutors - nothing special.

Unfortunately, the method does not work without the application. You cannot fully surf Instagram in a browser; you can only view photos and profiles by logging into your account. You can’t upload photos, set up your profile, and even more so write in direct messages in the browser version of Instagram.

Direct on a computer via an emulator

The salvation for some people will be an Android emulator for computers. For example, Nox Player or Bluestacks 3 and so on. You can download them for free on the official website and, once running, get a full-fledged machine that emulates an Android device. You actually get a smartphone in a computer. Thus, we go to Google Play (or Play Market) and download Instagram there, then follow the steps from the first point about the airplane and blah, blah, blah...

Here are all the ways to log into Instagram Direct. The thing is extremely useful and, in general, is available to everyone without any particularly complex restrictions. Enjoy it for your health!

How to log into Direct on Instagram, because it is not only a means for publishing photos and videos, it can also be used to exchange personal messages with users. And therefore, many novice users are interested in the question of where to find Instagram Direct.

The developers of the new generation social network constantly delight fans with innovations. The ability to send personal messages did not appear immediately; initially, Instagram was used only for publishing media content. But now there is a personal social network messenger - Direct.

What is Instagram Direct

The messenger for Instagram users was added relatively recently, in 2013. With this innovation, users have the opportunity to share photos or videos not with all their subscribers, but only with some. It's easy to use - as soon as you receive a new SMS, you see a notification about it on the main screen of your phone. But how can you open and view direct messages on Instagram later, because notifications are immediately deleted.

Logging into the service of this social network is not difficult - all you need to do is click one button. It is not very noticeable, but those who are interested in how to enter Direct on Instagram need to know the location of the button.

You will see the button when you go to your news feed. It is located at the top, on the right side.

How to find on Instagram Direct

This feature was immediately loved by users and even attracted new people. Now, not every entry needs to be made public; you can simply discuss some photos with friends or send them as souvenirs. But some people have a logical question: where is the direct message on Instagram? There is no icon resembling a message here, and there is also no corresponding inscription. Indeed, it can be difficult to immediately understand how to find Instagram in the messenger; the icon is inconspicuous, and when you scroll through the feed with publications, it remains outside the smartphone screen.

But by clicking on the button, you will be taken to a list of all sent and received messages that are stored on your device for a very long time.

Direct app is missing

Some social network users also wonder why I don’t have a direct message on Instagram. This cannot be, since this function is available in any program, regardless of whether you are logged in from a smartphone or computer, regardless of the operating system you use on your gadget, the messenger is always there.

If you don't have the direct icon on Instagram, the program may have malfunctioned. In this case, you just need to restart it and the icon should appear.

Another possible option is that you simply did not notice the icon, since it is small and inconspicuous, and even disappears if you scroll down the feed. Go back upstairs and carefully examine the object panel.

Direct - how to use

To use this feature, you need to know what the icons mean on Instagram Direct.

To send a message, log into your account and click on the “+” icon. It means "add". You can select any file, process it and prepare it for sending. You can send a file via PM to any user, even someone you don’t follow. The maximum number of users per sending is 15 people. To send, you need to click on the button with a green checkmark.

The instagram direct application, whose Instagram icon is quite inconspicuous, is very simple and easy to use, allows you to expand the functionality of the site and makes it a full-fledged social network. When you send a message to subscribers, they immediately receive a notification, and if the message is sent to other people, you need to log in to the messaging service to read it.

When you receive a file or text, be it a photo or video, you can rate it. If you don’t know what a heart means in a direct message on Instagram, then here it performs the same function as in any other social network - a heart is a like. You can also share received messages with other friends by clicking on the arrow next to the heart under the file.