What is analogue and digital television? Which antenna should I choose? List of digital channels, etc. Digital and analogue television

Nowadays, most people watch digital television without realizing it. On-air antennas and picture tubes have been replaced by a new generation of TV with a plasma screen and a fundamentally new signal format. When you changed your TV to a flat-screen TV and changed the antenna to the receiver, you switched from analogue to digital broadcasting. These two types of television get their name directly from the naming of the signal: digital signal and analog signal. The difference between them is quite large, as is the quality of the resulting image. In this article you can find out why analog television has become obsolete as a format; How exactly do these signals work and what is their fundamental difference.

Digital and analog television - what characterizes an analog signal

The familiar type of signal that was transmitted via an antenna or a homemade “Cheburashka” receiver is called analog. The essence of this method of transmission is its continuity and comparative slowness. The safety of such broadcasting is always under threat, which is the reason for numerous malfunctions in television operation and interference of extraneous signals. Many of the younger generation can remember how one of the federal channels suddenly began broadcasting something completely unfamiliar and not intended for broadcast, or the signal completely disappeared in bad weather.

The main advantage of analog TV was its accessibility - you extend the antenna and can watch any channels that you managed to “catch”. The disadvantages are already obvious: signal instability, its shaky security.

Digital and analogue television - characteristics of digital broadcasting

The analog signal has been replaced by digital television: fast, high-quality and clear. Such a signal is capable of covering any distance, conveying to the viewer an undistorted picture. You will not feel discomfort in bad weather. There was also no need to extend long antenna structures in order to better catch the signal. Now you just need to install a special receiver and insert the cord into the TV.

Modern TVs, however, have an analog input on the rear panel with connectors, since analogue broadcasting still remains in our country. You have the opportunity to choose which television to watch or alternate methods.

A digital signal, by its very nature, is almost impossible to inadvertently intercept or interfere with broadcasting. This type of transmission sends a signal in small but very frequent chunks.

Difference between digital and analogue television

It is quite simple to compare such signals without going into details of their technical characteristics: analog television is inferior to digital television in comfort and security, but you will not receive a digital signal for free, without illegal manipulations. This type of television is easier for providers to control.

We can summarize the main results of using two types of TV:

  • If we talk about uninterrupted broadcasting, then only a digital signal can boast of this. Its analog counterpart is too picky about distance, weather and other barriers.
  • In order to save money, it is better to use analog television - its signal is distributed throughout cities, and viewers simply “catch” it with antennas. You won't get digital TV until you have a special receiver.
  • Analogue television cannot provide subscribers with such a wide choice of different channels. A digital signal is faster and more unpretentious, so its capabilities are not limited to any number of channels.
  • When it comes to mobility, digital TV wins. You may have tried to catch at least one channel with an old small TV with an antenna while on the road or in low-lying remote areas - this is almost impossible until you find an elevated place and build huge and long antennas from cans and wires.

We can say that analog television to this day remains the most accessible, but no longer the most progressive and fastest. If you value picture quality, sound and reliability, then the benefits of digital broadcasting outweigh the benefits by a wide margin.

Very often we hear such definitions as “digital” or “discrete” signal; what is its difference from “analog”?

The essence of the difference is that the analog signal is continuous in time (blue line), while the digital signal consists of a limited set of coordinates (red dots). If we reduce everything to coordinates, then any segment of an analog signal consists of an infinite number of coordinates.

For a digital signal, the coordinates along the horizontal axis are located at regular intervals, in accordance with the sampling frequency. In the common Audio-CD format this is 44100 points per second. The vertical accuracy of the coordinate height corresponds to the bit depth of the digital signal; for 8 bits it is 256 levels, for 16 bits = 65536 and for 24 bits = 16777216 levels. The higher the bit depth (number of levels), the closer the vertical coordinates are to the original wave.

Analogue sources are: vinyl and audio cassettes. Digital sources are: CD-Audio, DVD-Audio, SA-CD (DSD) and files in WAVE and DSD formats (including derivatives of APE, Flac, Mp3, Ogg, etc.).

Advantages and disadvantages of analog signal

The advantage of an analog signal is that it is in analog form that we perceive sound with our ears. And although our auditory system converts the perceived sound stream into digital form and transmits it in this form to the brain, science and technology have not yet reached the point of connecting players and other sound sources directly in this form. Similar research is now being actively carried out for people with disabilities, and we enjoy exclusively analog sound.

The disadvantage of an analog signal is the ability to store, transmit and replicate the signal. When recording to magnetic tape or vinyl, the quality of the signal will depend on the properties of the tape or vinyl. Over time, the tape demagnetizes and the quality of the recorded signal deteriorates. Each read gradually destroys the media, and rewriting introduces additional distortion, where additional deviations are added by the next media (tape or vinyl), reading, writing and signal transmission devices.

Making a copy of an analog signal is the same as copying a photograph by taking a photograph of it again.

Advantages and disadvantages of digital signal

The advantages of a digital signal include accuracy when copying and transmitting an audio stream, where the original is no different from the copy.

The main disadvantage is that the digital signal is an intermediate stage and the accuracy of the final analog signal will depend on how detailed and accurately the sound wave is described by coordinates. It is quite logical that the more points there are and the more accurate the coordinates are, the more accurate the wave will be. But there is still no consensus on what number of coordinates and the accuracy of the data is sufficient to say that the digital representation of the signal is sufficient to accurately restore the analog signal, indistinguishable from the original by our ears.

In terms of data volumes, the capacity of a regular analog audio cassette is only about 700-1.1 MB, while a regular CD holds 700 MB. This gives an idea of ​​the need for high capacity media. And this gives rise to a separate war of compromises with different requirements for the number of describing points and the accuracy of coordinates.

Today, it is considered quite sufficient to represent a sound wave with a sampling frequency of 44.1 kHz and a bit depth of 16 bits. At a sampling rate of 44.1 kHz, it is possible to reconstruct a signal up to 22 kHz. As psychoacoustic studies show, a further increase in the sampling frequency is not noticeable, but an increase in the bit depth gives a subjective improvement.

How DACs build a wave

A DAC is a digital-to-analog converter, an element that converts digital sound into analog. We will look superficially at the basic principles. If the comments indicate an interest in considering a number of points in more detail, a separate material will be released.

Multibit DACs

Very often, a wave is represented as steps, which is due to the architecture of the first generation of multi-bit R-2R DACs, which operate similarly to a relay switch.

The DAC input receives the value of the next vertical coordinate and at each clock cycle it switches the current (voltage) level to the appropriate level until the next change.

Although it is believed that the human ear can hear no higher than 20 kHz, and according to Nyquist theory it is possible to restore the signal up to 22 kHz, the question remains about the quality of this signal after restoration. In the high-frequency region, the resulting “stepped” waveform is usually far from the original one. The easiest way out of the situation is to increase the sampling rate when recording, but this leads to a significant and undesirable increase in file size.

An alternative is to artificially increase the DAC playback sampling rate by adding intermediate values. Those. we imagine a continuous wave path (gray dotted line) smoothly connecting the original coordinates (red dots) and add intermediate points on this line (dark purple).

When increasing the sampling frequency, it is usually necessary to increase the bit depth so that the coordinates are closer to the approximated wave.

Thanks to intermediate coordinates, it is possible to reduce the “steps” and build a wave closer to the original.

When you see a boost function from 44.1 to 192 kHz in a player or external DAC, it is a function of adding intermediate coordinates, not restoring or creating sound in the region above 20 kHz.

Initially, these were separate SRC chips before the DAC, which then migrated directly to the DAC chips themselves. Today you can find solutions where such a chip is added to modern DACs, this is done in order to provide an alternative to the built-in algorithms in the DAC and sometimes get even better sound (as for example, this is done in the Hidizs AP100).

The main refusal in the industry from multibit DACs occurred due to the impossibility of further technological development of quality indicators with current production technologies and the higher cost compared to “pulse” DACs with comparable characteristics. However, in Hi-End products, preference is often given to old multi-bit DACs rather than new solutions with technically better characteristics.

Switching DACs

At the end of the 70s, an alternative version of DACs based on a “pulse” architecture – “delta-sigma” – became widespread. Pulse DAC technology enabled the emergence of ultra-fast switches and allowed the use of high carrier frequencies.

The signal amplitude is the average value of the pulse amplitudes (pulses of equal amplitude are shown in green, and the resulting sound wave is shown in white).

For example, a sequence of eight cycles of five pulses will give an average amplitude (1+1+1+0+0+1+1+0)/8=0.625. The higher the carrier frequency, the more pulses are smoothed and a more accurate amplitude value is obtained. This made it possible to present the audio stream in one-bit form with a wide dynamic range.

Averaging can be done with a regular analog filter, and if such a set of pulses is applied directly to the speaker, then at the output we will get sound, and ultra high frequencies will not be reproduced due to the high inertia of the emitter. PWM amplifiers work on this principle in class D, where the energy density of pulses is created not by their number, but by the duration of each pulse (which is easier to implement, but cannot be described with a simple binary code).

A multibit DAC can be thought of as a printer capable of applying pantone color. Delta-Sigma is an inkjet printer with a limited range of colors, but due to the ability to apply very small dots (compared to an antler printer), it produces more shades due to the different density of dots per unit surface.

In an image, we usually do not see individual dots due to the low resolution of the eye, but only the average tone. Likewise, the ear does not hear impulses individually.

Ultimately, with current technologies in pulsed DACs, it is possible to obtain a wave close to what should theoretically be obtained when approximating intermediate coordinates.

It should be noted that after the advent of the delta-sigma DAC, the relevance of drawing a “digital wave” in steps disappeared, because This is how modern DACs do not build a wave in steps. It is correct to construct a discrete signal with dots connected by a smooth line.

Are switching DACs ideal?

But in practice, not everything is rosy, and there are a number of problems and limitations.

Because Since the overwhelming number of records are stored in a multi-bit signal, conversion to a pulse signal using the “bit to bit” principle requires an unnecessarily high carrier frequency, which modern DACs do not support.

The main function of modern pulse DACs is to convert a multi-bit signal into a single-bit signal with a relatively low carrier frequency with data decimation. Basically, it is these algorithms that determine the final sound quality of pulse DACs.

To reduce the problem of high carrier frequency, the audio stream is divided into several one-bit streams, where each stream is responsible for its bit group, which is equivalent to a multiple of the carrier frequency of the number of streams. Such DACs are called multibit delta-sigma.

Today, pulsed DACs have received a second wind in high-speed general-purpose chips in products from NAD and Chord due to the ability to flexibly program conversion algorithms.

DSD format

After the widespread use of delta-sigma DACs, it was quite logical for the emergence of a format for recording binary code directly to delta-sigma encoding. This format is called DSD (Direct Stream Digital).

The format was not widely used for several reasons. Editing files in this format turned out to be unnecessarily limited: you cannot mix streams, adjust volume, or apply equalization. This means that without loss of quality, you can only archive analog recordings and produce two-microphone recording of live performances without further processing. In a word, you can’t really earn money.

In the fight against piracy, SA-CD format discs were not (and are still not) supported by computers, which makes it impossible to make copies of them. No copies – no wide audience. It was possible to play DSD audio content only from a separate SA-CD player from a proprietary disc. If for the PCM format there is an SPDIF standard for digital data transfer from a source to a separate DAC, then for the DSD format there is no standard and the first pirated copies of SA-CD discs were digitized from the analog outputs of SA-CD players (although the situation seems stupid, but in reality some recordings were released only on SA-CD, or the same recording on Audio-CD was deliberately made of poor quality to promote SA-CD).

The turning point occurred with the release of SONY game consoles, where the SA-CD disc was automatically copied to the console’s hard drive before playback. Fans of the DSD format took advantage of this. The appearance of pirated recordings stimulated the market to release separate DACs for playing DSD streams. Most external DACs with DSD support today support USB data transfer using the DoP format as a separate encoding of the digital signal via SPDIF.

Carrier frequencies for DSD are relatively small, 2.8 and 5.6 MHz, but this audio stream does not require any data reduction conversion and is quite competitive with high-resolution formats such as DVD-Audio.

There is no clear answer to the question of which is better, DSP or PCM. It all depends on the quality of implementation of a particular DAC and the talent of the sound engineer when recording the final file.

General conclusion

Analog sound is what we hear and perceive as the world around us with our eyes. Digital sound is a set of coordinates that describe a sound wave, and which we cannot hear directly without conversion to an analog signal.

An analog signal recorded directly onto an audio cassette or vinyl cannot be re-recorded without loss of quality, while a wave in digital representation can be copied bit for bit.

Digital recording formats are a constant trade-off between the amount of coordinate accuracy versus file size, and any digital signal is only an approximation of the original analog signal. However, the different levels of technology for recording and reproducing a digital signal and storing on media for an analog signal give more advantages to the digital representation of the signal, similar to a digital camera versus a film camera.

Every day people are faced with the use of electronic devices. Modern life is impossible without them. After all, we are talking about TV, radio, computer, telephone, multicooker and so on. Previously, just a few years ago, no one thought about what signal was used in each working device. Now the words “analog”, “digital”, “discrete” have been around for a long time. Some types of signals listed are of high quality and reliable.

Digital transmission came into use much later than analogue. This is due to the fact that such a signal is much easier to maintain, and the technology at that time was not so improved.

Every person encounters the concept of “discreteness” all the time. If you translate this word from Latin, it will mean “discontinuity.” Delving far into science, we can say that a discrete signal is a method of transmitting information, which implies a change in time of the carrier medium. The latter takes any value from all possible. Now discreteness is fading into the background, after the decision was made to produce systems on a chip. They are holistic, and all components closely interact with each other. In discreteness, everything is exactly the opposite - each detail is completed and connected to others through special communication lines.


A signal is a special code that is transmitted into space by one or more systems. This formulation is general.

In the field of information and communications, a signal is a special data carrier that is used to transmit messages. It can be created, but not accepted; the latter condition is not necessary. If the signal is a message, then “catching” it is considered necessary.

The described code is specified by a mathematical function. It characterizes all possible changes in parameters. In radio engineering theory, this model is considered basic. In it, noise was called an analogue of the signal. It represents a function of time that freely interacts with the transmitted code and distorts it.

The article describes the types of signals: discrete, analog and digital. The basic theory on the topic described is also briefly given.

Types of signals

There are several signals available. Let's look at what types there are.

  1. According to the physical medium of the data carrier, electrical, optical, acoustic and electromagnetic signals are divided. There are several other species, but they are little known.
  2. According to the method of setting, signals are divided into regular and irregular. The first are deterministic methods of data transmission, which are specified by an analytical function. Random ones are formulated using the theory of probability, and they also take on any values ​​at different periods of time.
  3. Depending on the functions that describe all signal parameters, data transmission methods can be analog, discrete, digital (a method that is quantized in level). They are used to power many electrical appliances.

Now the reader knows all types of signal transmission. It won’t be difficult for anyone to understand them; the main thing is to think a little and remember the school physics course.

Why is the signal processed?

The signal is processed in order to transmit and receive information that is encrypted in it. Once it is extracted, it can be used in a variety of ways. In some situations it will be reformatted.

There is another reason for processing all the signals. It consists of a slight compression of frequencies (so as not to damage the information). After this, it is formatted and transmitted at slow speeds.

Analog and digital signals use special techniques. In particular, filtering, convolution, correlation. They are necessary to restore the signal if it is damaged or has noise.

Creation and formation

Often, an analog-to-digital converter (ADC) is needed to generate signals. Most often, both of them are used only in situations where DSP technologies are used. In other cases, only using a DAC will do.

When creating physical analog codes with the further use of digital methods, they rely on the information received, which is transmitted from special devices.

Dynamic range

It is calculated by the difference between the higher and lower volume levels, which are expressed in decibels. It completely depends on the work and the characteristics of the performance. We are talking about both musical tracks and ordinary dialogues between people. If we take, for example, an announcer who reads the news, then his dynamic range fluctuates around 25-30 dB. And while reading any work, it can rise to 50 dB.

Analog signal

An analog signal is a time-continuous method of data transmission. Its disadvantage is the presence of noise, which sometimes leads to a complete loss of information. Very often situations arise that it is impossible to determine where the important data is in the code and where there are ordinary distortions.

It is because of this that digital signal processing has gained great popularity and is gradually replacing analog.

Digital signal

A digital signal is special; it is described by discrete functions. Its amplitude can take on a certain value from those already specified. If an analog signal is capable of arriving with a huge amount of noise, then a digital signal filters out most of the received noise.

In addition, this type of data transmission transfers information without unnecessary semantic load. Several codes can be sent at once through one physical channel.

There are no types of digital signal, since it stands out as a separate and independent method of data transmission. It represents a binary stream. Nowadays, this signal is considered the most popular. This is due to ease of use.

Application of digital signal

How does a digital electrical signal differ from others? Because he is capable of performing complete regeneration in the repeater. When a signal with the slightest interference arrives at a communication equipment, it immediately changes its form to digital. This allows, for example, a television tower to generate a signal again, but without the noise effect.

If the code arrives with large distortions, then, unfortunately, it cannot be restored. If we take analog communications in comparison, then in a similar situation a repeater can extract part of the data, spending a lot of energy.

When discussing cellular communications of different formats, if there is strong distortion on a digital line, it is almost impossible to talk, since words or entire phrases are not audible. In this case, analog communication is more effective, because you can continue to conduct a dialogue.

It is precisely because of such problems that repeaters form a digital signal very often in order to reduce the gap in the communication line.

Discrete signal

Nowadays, every person uses a mobile phone or some kind of “dialer” on their computer. One of the tasks of devices or software is to transmit a signal, in this case a voice stream. To carry a continuous wave, a channel is required that has the highest level of throughput. That is why the decision was made to use a discrete signal. It does not create the wave itself, but its digital appearance. Why? Because the transmission comes from technology (for example, a telephone or computer). What are the advantages of this type of information transfer? With its help, the total amount of transmitted data is reduced, and batch sending is also easier to organize.

The concept of “sampling” has long been steadily used in the work of computer technology. Thanks to this signal, not continuous information is transmitted, which is completely encoded with special symbols and letters, but data collected in special blocks. They are separate and complete particles. This encoding method has long been relegated to the background, but has not disappeared completely. It can be used to easily transmit small pieces of information.

Comparison of digital and analog signals

When buying equipment, hardly anyone thinks about what types of signals are used in this or that device, and even more so about their environment and nature. But sometimes you still have to understand the concepts.

It has long been clear that analog technologies are losing demand, because their use is irrational. In return comes digital communication. We need to understand what we are talking about and what humanity is refusing.

In short, an analog signal is a method of transmitting information that involves describing data in continuous functions of time. In fact, speaking specifically, the amplitude of oscillations can be equal to any value within certain limits.

Digital signal processing is described by discrete time functions. In other words, the amplitude of oscillations of this method is equal to strictly specified values.

Moving from theory to practice, it must be said that the analog signal is characterized by interference. There are no such problems with digital, because it successfully “smoothes” them out. Thanks to new technologies, this method of data transfer is capable of restoring all the original information on its own without the intervention of a scientist.

Speaking about television, we can already say with confidence: analogue transmission has long outlived its usefulness. Most consumers are switching to a digital signal. The disadvantage of the latter is that while any device can receive analog transmission, a more modern method requires only special equipment. Although the demand for the outdated method has long fallen, these types of signals are still not able to completely disappear from everyday life.

More aimed at working with digital broadcasting. It is considered more progressive and advanced. However, to understand what its advantage is, you need to study the terminology more deeply.

Analog TV

Analog television is built on the basis of an analog signal. It runs continuously, which is not an indicator of quality. After all, if there is a signal, the whole picture and sound suffers. Among the advantages of an analog signal is the fact that it is easily picked up by ordinary broadcast. But despite its obvious advantages, the analog signal today is considered obsolete and is rarely used anywhere. The disadvantages of analog TV are poor quality signal, lack of a secure connection, etc.

Televisions operating with an analog signal can be found in the provinces. Digital TV is not profitable for small towns. And people get used to it and don’t want to change their traditions.

In addition, an analog signal cannot reveal the full potential of modern video equipment: plasma and liquid crystal televisions.

Digital television

Cable TV

Cable television by its name determines only the method of transmitting information, but not the signal. So, for example, a digital or analog signal prepared for transmission can be transmitted in one or another transmission medium: via copper cable, ether, etc.

Therefore, you should not separate cable TV into a separate type, because it can be both digital and analog.

Before you choose the best TV option for you, be sure to weigh all your options. Evaluate the equipment you have in your home. After all, if you have a tube one, the digital signal will be problematic, but modern LCD TVs have analog connectors. Also take an interest in what opportunities your television providers offer you.

Transmitting images and sound over vast distances is a long-standing dream of mankind. Before the advent of writing, people passed plot drawings on papyrus to each other. In ancient legends, ancient people talked about magical artifacts with the help of which you can communicate and see your interlocutor from another country. Russian folk tales mention a blue plate with a pouring apple, which can show what is happening in a particular place.

In the 20th century, this miracle became a reality. Modern people cannot imagine their life without television. On average, each person spends 5 hours a day watching television.

History of origin

The creation of modern television was made possible thanks to the efforts of several generations of scientists, inventors and engineers. In 1933, scientist V. Zvorykin invented a cathode tube. This device is the main part of most TV models. Three years later, the first electric television receiver was created. It was a wooden box with a small screen.

In the Soviet Union, the first mass-produced TV model appeared in 1949. It was called KVN 49. The device included a special lens that magnified the image. It was necessary to pour distilled water into it.

In the early 50s of the last century, the Central Studio was organized on Shabolovka, which broadcast throughout the Soviet Union. The first color television in the USSR was created in 1967. In the same year, broadcasts of Soviet television programs began in color.

Analog TV

Analog television is one of the broadcasting options in which the signal is transmitted in analog format. An example of such a signal is the transmission of sound in wired telephones. An electronic membrane detects air vibrations during a conversation and transmits it over a distance using a similar electrical signal.

Analog TV is connected using a regular terrestrial antenna. It can be indoor or outdoor. Cable television operators also provide this type of signal connection service. To install analog cable television, you will need a standard cable.

Digital television

What is the difference between analogue and digital television? Modern TVs are capable of displaying images in high quality. Digital broadcasting became available only in the 90s of the last century. It uses an encrypted signal. An example of a digital signal is the transmission of messages using Morse code. Dots and dashes are replaced with the numbers 1 and 0.

Development of television systems

Digital technology has long been used as part of the television system in analogue television. The signal was converted to analog and transmitted to television receivers. After some time, hybrid television networks appeared. Fully digital systems emerged in the late 1980s. This type of television ensures signal transmission without distortion or interference. The digital broadcasting method allows you to receive a signal without loss of quality even in a moving car. Unlike a continuous analog signal, a digital signal is transmitted in several portions, which are separated by pauses. This virtually eliminates its distortion. If the signal reaches the receiver, it is received in its original quality. But sometimes blurry squares may appear on the screen. Also, other useful information in the form of teletext can be transmitted through this channel.

Connecting to digital TV

Old-style televisions can be connected to digital television using a special device - a receiver. This device converts the signal to analog.

You will also need a decimeter antenna. The set-top box can transmit a signal to several receivers at once. But at the same time, the same program will be broadcast on each device. To broadcast different channels, you need to purchase a set-top box for each TV. At the same time, it must support the modern DVB-T2 format. The connection process does not require special knowledge and skills. Any student can handle it. The disadvantages of this connection method include the use of two control panels.

Transition to digital television

Analogue television is an outdated type of signal transmission. The possibilities for its development have been exhausted. This signal is inferior to digital in terms of image quality and number of available channels. Its quality depends on the distance from the transmitting television tower. The analog signal travels over a distance of no more than 100 km. Digital television has much more advantages.

Ten digital channels can fit on one frequency occupied by an analog channel. This set is called multiplex. Many countries have gone completely digital. According to the international agreement of June 17, 2015, most states undertake to release frequencies that interfere with digital television broadcasts in neighboring countries. Many of them have already done this. However, some states are in no hurry to switch to digital. Their government fears mass protests. Often analogue TV is the most effective means of warning the population in the event of natural disasters.

Shutdown in Russia

When will analogue television be switched off in Russia? In the Russian Federation, the transition to digital is planned for early 2019. This date was postponed several times, and it was unclear when analogue television would be switched off in Russia. The corresponding decision was made back in 2009. The government planned to complete the gradual transition to digital television in 2015. But due to the difficult economic situation, this period was extended for several years.

Many TV viewers are concerned about the question of when analogue television will be turned off in Russia. To implement the transition, it is necessary to provide access to digital television to 95 percent of the country's population. For this purpose, 2 packages of free TV channels and radio stations were created. The first package included 10 federal channels. The second multiplex was created with funds from television companies. Before 2010, 40 percent of Russians received no more than 4 channels on their TVs. Free digital “buttons” have become publicly available throughout Russia. Almost any Russian can watch television programs in high quality.

The creation of a third package of free channels is currently being discussed. It should include regional programs. But experts believe that launching this package is not economically feasible. To create it, you need to free up additional frequencies. This will only become possible after turning off analogue television. The only region where third multiplexes are already available is Crimea. He inherited the Ukrainian infrastructure.

When will analogue television be switched off in Russia? Next year the state will stop subsidizing it. This means that analogue channels will be able to continue operating only at their own expense. Most of them are already broadcast in digital format. To understand which channels will be muted after the transition, you just need to turn on the TV. Channels that will end analogue in 2019 will have an "A" next to their logo.


Switching to a new TV format is a long and expensive process. Regional channels will be the first to suffer from the shutdown of analogue television broadcasting. Many of them do not have expensive equipment for broadcasting in digital format. Only in a few regions they are already duplicated. Also, after the transition to digital, low-income segments of the population may be left without television altogether. An indoor antenna for analog television will become a useless item. Charitable organizations can solve the problem by covering the costs of purchasing the necessary equipment. It is also planned to provide government subsidies in the form of free distribution of digital TV set-top boxes to those in need.