What a screenshot. How to take a screenshot on a computer using the Print Screen key

Computer users often have problems with their operating system. Having turned to friends and acquaintances, they often hear in response: “Send me a screenshot of the screen.” There can be many situations when you may need to take a screenshot. But what is it and how to take a screenshot on a computer?

A screenshot is a snapshot of your computer display. It can be obtained in various ways, from standard operating system tools to third-party programs.

Taking a screenshot in Windows

1. Print Screen button

Perhaps the easiest way to take a screenshot on a PC is to use the Print Screen button on your keyboard. Depending on the size of the button (written abbreviated on laptops), Print Screen may be designated differently - PrtScr, PrtSc or PrtScn.

Find the “PrtSc” button on the keyboard and click on it. It is usually located in the top row after the F12 button. After clicking it, a screenshot of your screen will be copied to the system clipboard.

Then open “Start”, find the “Programs → Accessories” folder and open the “Paint” application. Everyone knows that Paint is the “standard” Windows drawing tool. After opening Paint, click “Edit” (in Windows XP) and “Paste.” You can use a combination of the "ctrl" and "V" keys on your keyboard.

After this action, the screenshot will “appear” on your screen. Click the “File” tab → “Save As” or the icon for saving the file as a floppy disk and save the image to any location convenient for you.

More details about taking a screen using the Print Screen button are described in the following video:

2. Scissors program in Win7

Windows 7 has an interesting program - “Scissors”. It allows you to get rid of the above-described manipulations. Open the Start menu and find the Snipping app in standard programs. Having launched the program, select the desired area and click “Create”.

3. Taking a screenshot in Windows 8

Taking a screenshot of your screen has become much easier in Microsoft's latest operating system. Simply press the Win (the Microsoft logo button) + PrtScn button on your keyboard at the same time, and the screenshot will automatically be copied to the “My Pictures” folder in the Image Library.

Taking a screenshot in Mac OS

How to take a screenshot on a computer if Mac OS is installed on it? Don't worry, Apple developers have worked hard to make this process easier. Just press 3 buttons on the keyboard at the same time - ⌘ Cmd + 3 + Shift, and the screenshot will appear on the desktop. If you only need a snapshot of the active part of the screen, you will also have to hold down the “Space” button.

Using the software

As you can see, the process of taking a screenshot from a computer screen does not take more than 1-2 minutes.

Greetings, friends, as I promised, with the beginning of spring I will begin to write more on my favorite blog, which I try so tirelessly to promote. Today on the agenda is a very interesting topic, namely, how to take a screenshot on a computer.

Agree that this topic will definitely be useful to you, since we very often use ordinary screenshots and images in one activity or another. What can I say, I, as a blogger, come across them almost every day. I am sure that this article will be interesting to you, so I recommend that you start reading it and read it to the end).

Let's figure out what a screenshot is. In fact, you may have encountered this, but you might not know what it is. A screen is a quick image of your screen at the moment. That is, with the help of screenshots, you can show what exactly is happening on your computer, relatively speaking.

They are very important, especially if you are involved in blogging, online business or just like to have fun. For example, you are playing a cool game and then something unexpectedly happens (well, it happens), you want to share it with others, you take a screenshot and send it. It’s very simple, and believe me, a blogger with 4 years of experience, the ability to make high-quality screenshots will be very useful to you.

Here, for example, is a screenshot of part of the desktop.

If you watch this article to the end, you will be able to take any images of games, your desktop, and so on. I will try not to disappoint you.

Let's take a simple screenshot on your computer!

Well, friends, I told you about the importance of screenshots, now let's learn how to make them in the most standard way.

To do this, decide what you want to do. For example, I need to send a friend a screenshot of my blog, to do this I go to it so that it appears on my monitor and press the button on the keyboard: “PrtSc SysRq”. This is what I call it, in other words, you need to find the Preent Screen key. This key is located on the right, top part of the keyboard.

Believe me, you won’t confuse it with any other key, it’s the only one with that name. Well, in the picture, I sent it to you, just in case, so that you can quickly find your bearings.

Now, after this, we need to go to the standard PAINT program. To do this, click: “Start” - “ Programs» — « Standard» — « PAINT».

There, click the “Insert” tab and, voila, our screen appears. All that remains for us is to save it; to do this, click “File” - “Save As” at the top and select a folder to save.

That's it, we took a screenshot of our screen, and in a matter of minutes. I won’t say that it is very difficult, but there are other ways that I will also tell you about. The essence of this simple method is that you do not need to install additional programs or understand them, everything can be done quickly, efficiently and without additional tools.

Programs for creating screenshots!

Friends, in fact, there are many programs, but I looked, to be honest, they did not impress me. Moreover, some of them seem to be downloaded for free, and then it turns out that you need to pay for them.

In short, so far I have found 2 quality programs that I recommend to you. I use them, so I will recommend them to you, and you can decide for yourself whether it’s worth it or not.

First program – ScreenCapture!

Quite an interesting program, which I recently became acquainted with, but which I really like. A very simple program, to use it, all you need to do is download it. Here I will not give a link to download it, just copy its name and enter it in the search engine. I'm sure you found it and downloaded it to your computer, now let's take a screenshot using it.

By the way, run the program, at the bottom, if it works normally, you will see a small tab on which it says: “ScreenCapture is ready to work.” If this does not appear to you, then we can recommend that you remove and install this program again.

To take a screenshot, we need to do:

1. Launch the program, see if everything is correct, if the program is ready, then move on to step 2.
2. We go to the place where we will take the screenshot. For example, I went to a website about films and clicked the “” button.

3. After this, we can not change anything, but we can circle exactly the area of ​​the screen that we need. Next, a window will pop up: “Save selected area”, click “OK” and the program will tell us that our image is available at such and such an address.

4. Follow this link and see our screen. In order to save it to your computer, you need to click on the “SAVE ORIGINAL” tab.

5. That's all, our image is ready, you can use it for your own purposes, for example, put it on your screensaver, send it to your friends, and so on.

Advantages of this program:
1. It allows you to make quick screenshots, which is very important for me.
2. Doesn't require much time.
3. The images themselves are of excellent quality.
4. You can add a comment to the images.
5. If you need to send a screenshot to your friend or customer, then you only need to provide a link to this photo. Agree, it’s convenient.

True, there is one drawback here, which is that if you need to take a screenshot and you don’t have access to the Internet, then, alas, you will have to use other methods. For example, an alternative may be the standard method, which I described to you a little higher. By the way, I wrote about a useful program in my previous article, I recommend that you read it as well.

Second program - Screenshoter!

Also, a GREAT program that I liked because of its simplicity. Again, there are a lot of such programs, but this is MEGA simple. Download it and we can use it.

The program itself is small, occupying a small area on your screen.

You can use it simply (well, for me, certainly), to do this, select “File name”, there are options such as numbering (pictures will be called numbers in order) or date and time, well, it’s clear.

Select the name of the future snapshot and click “Screenshot”. That's all, we've made a high-quality screenshot that you won't be ashamed to share with your friends, acquaintances, business partners, and so on.

I could describe its advantages here, but if you download it and take at least one picture, you will understand everything yourself; I’ve never seen a simpler program, to be honest. In general, friends, these are simple ways that will allow you to take screenshots on your computer.

I will end here, I hope that this article was useful, relevant, and most importantly informative for you. I myself don’t like to pour water, so I told everything that I knew myself; if I missed something, then I’m sorry, write about it in the comments, I will definitely add it.

Have a good day everyone, visit me as often as possible, I will regularly post useful articles.

Sincerely, Yuri Vatsenko!

Hello friends. Are you faced with the need to take a screenshot? Then read this article and I will tell you several ways to take a screenshot.

The Internet has become an integral part of the daily life of each of us. We visit social networks every day, communicate on forums, look for solutions to any problems, and also give advice to other people on solving these problems. And sometimes, when an explanation of a question needs to be supported by visual information, screenshots come to our aid.

The definition of this word is quite simple - it is a screenshot of any electronic device, which includes a computer monitor, smartphone and other modern gadgets. It would seem that what could be simpler than taking a screenshot? But some people face difficulties when it comes to taking a screenshot and turn to search engines for help.

If you are one of those people, then read this article in which I will tell you several ways to take a screenshot of your computer screen.

Print Screen button

The easiest way to take a screenshot is to use the Print Screen button. In order not to bother you with searching for this key, I took a photo in which I highlighted it. On a regular computer keyboard, this button is located here:

If you have a laptop, the Print Screen key is located here:

So, where is it, we figured it out, what next? And then press this key. Perhaps some of you will say that when you pressed the key, nothing happened or will look for where the screenshot was saved. But take your time, since the screenshot is saved only in the memory buffer, and to get it, we need to open the Paint graphic editor.

I think each of you is familiar with this editor, but just in case, I’ll still write where you can find it: Start - Programs - Accessories - Paint. Open it and click insert:

After this, a screenshot of your screen will be inserted into the window, which you can edit if you wish:

That’s basically it, after that all we have to do is save our snapshot in any convenient folder by clicking on the save icon:

This method is suitable for absolutely everyone, as it works in all versions of Windows.

Scissors tool

Another way to take a screenshot of your computer screen is to use the Snipping Tool, but if you have Windows XP or earlier, this method will not work for you, since the tool is only available in Windows 7 and 8.

You can find this tool in the same folder as Paint. Opening the scissors:

Click Create and select the area of ​​the screen that you need to capture. After this, a captured screen fragment will appear in front of you, on which you can also perform some minor actions and save it:

Where to upload a screenshot

Each of us has our own reasons why we need to take a screenshot, but, as a rule, most pictures are taken in order to post them on the Internet. Of course, you can post the resulting photo on your website or on a page on a social network, but how to post it on a third-party site?

Especially for this, there are photo hosting sites created just for posting your image there. They work quite simply: you upload your screenshot there, in response you are given a link to your image, which can be placed on any website. Let's take an example of one of these services to see how they work. I'm used to using photo hosting Radical, so I’ll use his example to show you how to upload a screenshot. I open it:

Select an image to upload and click “Upload”. After this, your image will download and you will receive links for posting it on other web resources:

Third-party screenshot programs

How long do you think it will take to take a screenshot of your screen using the methods I described above and upload it to a photo hosting site? I think you will spend no more than two minutes on this. But each of us values ​​our time very much and does not want to waste even these precious minutes looking for easier ways to take a screenshot.

And no matter how funny it may sound, such a method really exists. It allows you to kill two birds with one stone; in our case, take a screenshot and upload it to a photo hosting site in one click. This method means using third-party programs to take a screenshot. There are also a lot of similar programs, but I recommend choosing Lightshot, which you can download here link.

After installing this program, you just need to click the Print Screen button, after which you will need to select the area in which you need to take a screenshot, and it is ready. You will immediately be asked to edit the resulting screenshot, or save it, either on your computer or upload it to a photo hosting site, after which you will be given a link to your image.

Unfortunately, I can’t take screenshots of working with this program, since when it starts, the desktop becomes inactive, but I think you can figure it out without me, since everything is extremely simple.

Often, computer and Internet users are faced with the need to take a picture of what is happening on the computer screen, in other words, to photograph the screen or part of it. Such a picture is scientifically called a screenshot (from the English word screenshot).

A screenshot is a screenshot, that is, an image (photograph) of what a person sees on a computer monitor.

Here are a few examples of when and why it may be needed:

  1. You are faced with some kind of computer problem or question and decide to ask a friend for help via email. Explaining everything that happens on your computer in words is too long and not always appropriate. But photographing and demonstrating the “problematic” moment is just right. It's both fast and convenient!
  2. You are writing instructions for working with a specific computer program. It will be simply wonderful if you add illustrations to it (as in this article, for example).
  3. You are a student and want your work in a computer discipline (essay, coursework, diploma) to be highly appreciated. In this case, illustrations will be a big plus.
  4. You love playing computer games and would like to “capture” interesting moments.

How to take a screenshot in Windows. Print Screen button

If you need to take screenshots from time to time, that is, not a lot and not often, then the easiest way is to use the Print Screen button (it can also be called “Prt Scr”) on the computer keyboard.

As a rule, after pressing it, nothing happens - no clicks, no flashes. But the photographed screen will already be “fixed” in the computer’s memory.

Then you should open some image processing program(Paint, Photoshop or another similar one) or Microsoft Word program and insert the photographed screen inside.

I will show you how this is done in the Paint program, since this is a standard program and is available on almost every computer.

Finally, open the Paint program (Paint.net).

Click on the "Insert" button or on the "Edit" item and select "Paste".

That's it - the screenshot has been inserted! Now all that remains is to save it on your computer (File - Save As...).

If you want to insert this image into Microsoft Word, place the blinking cursor in the desired place on the sheet, right-click and select “Insert”.

Let's summarize. If you want to do full screenshot, need to:

  • press the Print Screen button on your keyboard
  • open Paint, Photoshop or Microsoft Word
  • insert a photo into it
  • save on computer

In case you need to do a snapshot of just one window which is currently open, press the Alt and Print Screen key combination, paste it into the desired program and save.

This method is universal, that is, it is suitable for any version of Windows.

Screenshot via Snipping Tool

If you have Windows Vista, Windows 7 or 8 installed on your computer, there is a more convenient way to “photograph” the screen. This is a small program called “Scissors” (Snipping Tool). Let's talk about it in more detail.

Click on the Start button in the lower left corner of the screen.

A list will open. Select “All Programs” (“Programs”) from it.

A fairly large list will appear. Select "Standards".

Finally, open the Snipping Tool.

If you do not have such a program, it means that it is simply not “built-in” into your system. In this case, take pictures using the previous method.

Most likely, a small window will appear, and the rest of the screen will seem to “fog up”.

The cursor will be in the form of a plus sign. With this plus sign you need to select the desired part of the screen or the entire screen, that is, press the left mouse button and, without releasing it, drag over this part. As soon as you release the left mouse button, the part you selected will be “cut out” and “added” to a special small program.

In it you can make some edits and save the resulting screenshot to your computer (File - Save As...).

Programs for taking screenshots

If you need to take screenshots often, it is better to use special programs for creating and editing screenshots. There are a lot of such programs. There are great paid options, such as SnagIt or FastStone Capture. But there are no less wonderful free versions.

I've tried many of them. I’ll tell you about those that I especially liked and that I use myself.

Screenshot Maker is a very convenient, fast program with many features. You can “photograph” the entire screen or part of it, change the resulting image, save it in different formats and with different quality settings.

You can download this program (Free version) from the official website or by clicking on the link.

Hot Key Screenshot is perfect for those who love computer games. It will quickly create a screenshot using the assigned key and save it to the computer in a special pic folder (located in the program folder). No installation required.

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. Everyone or a laptop at one time or another is faced with the question: how to take a screenshot (or in other words, a snapshot - read more) of the screen, for example, in order to then send it to someone. Sometimes there are no special programs on your computer that help you implement all this quickly and efficiently.

It doesn’t matter, because the built-in capabilities of Windows (even in old XP) are quite enough to implement this task. If you use Windows 7, 8 or Vista, then they even have a special built-in program called “Scissors” for this purpose. So be sure to cope if you read the relevant section of this publication.

The second frequently asked question is: how to take a screenshot on your phone running Android, iOS (this operating system is used on iPhone and iPad), Windows Phone (used, for example, on Nokia Lumia), Sinbain and other OS. If you are encountering this for the first time, the answers will not be obvious to you.

And finally, I want to devote some of my time to describing specialized programs that allow you not only to take all imaginable screenshots on your computer and laptop, but also to automatically upload them to the Internet so that whoever you give the link to can view them and download them if desired. . I hope it will be interesting.

How to take a screenshot on a computer or laptop in Windows XP, 7 and 8

The most ancient and proven way to take screenshots on a computer is still the key "Print Screen". It is usually located at the top right of the keyboard, as shown in the following figure:

True, on different types of keyboards (depending on its size and purpose), instead of “Print Screen” it may be written: PrntScrn, PrtSc, PrtScn, PrtScr or something similar.

On laptops to take a screenshot, you may need to press not just one key, but a combination of them: Fn + Print Screen. The fact is that laptops (especially small ones) use a truncated keyboard, some of the keys of which are accessible only by holding down the additional Fn key, usually located at the bottom of the keyboard (these virtual keys will be written in the same color as the Fn inscription).

When you press the Print Screen key (or Fn + PrtScn in the case of a laptop), a screenshot of everything that was displayed on the screen of your computer or laptop at that moment will be copied. If you need to take a screenshot of only the currently active program window (which currently has focus), then you should use the key combination Alt+PrintScreen.

Okay, we can assume that we have learned how to take screenshots. Now is the time to learn how to use them, i.e. save them in the form of graphic files, which can then, for example, be sent to someone, inserted into a website (as I do) or stored in a secluded place. To do this, you will need to paste screenshots from your computer’s clipboard into any graphics program you have on your computer or laptop (off the top of my head, I can give examples of Photoshop, IrfanView, and dozens of others).

If there is nothing like this (you haven’t installed it, or you are working on someone else’s computer), then the Windows operating system itself has a built-in free graphics editor, Paint. Even if he is not perfect (or rather simply wretched), but to “develop” the screenshot taken will do just fine. So, in order to fish Point out of the wilds of the software built into Windows, you will need to do the following manipulations: “Start” - “Programs” - “Accessories” - “Paint”.

Now, in an open graphic editor (Point or any other), select “File” - “Create” from the top menu (or press the Ctrl+N combination), and then type the Ctrl+V key combination (or select “Edit” from the top menu - "Insert"). The screenshot previously copied to the clipboard will be pasted into the editor window, and you can, if necessary, properly process it (crop, add captions, highlights, etc.).

At this stage, we have achieved that we finally saw with our own eyes the screenshot we made and even managed to mock (process) it, but this is not enough. It will still need to be saved as a graphic file (most often used for this). To do this, you can use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+S, or select “File” - “Save As” from the top menu. All that remains is to select the desired format and give the file a name. All. Now you can do whatever your heart desires with it.

How to take screenshots in the Scissors program from Windows 7 and 8

There is one obvious drawback in the method of taking screenshots described above - the process itself does not occur in an explicit form, and for those who encountered this for the first time, it may seem that after clicking the “Print Screen” button, nothing happened at all. However, in Windows Vista, 7 and 8, a new tool called “Scissors” has appeared, which allows you to take screenshots in a much more understandable and visual way. In the same program they can be processed and saved as a graphic file.

The “Scissors” program lives in the same place as the Point discussed just above: “Start” - “Programs” - “Standard” - “Scissors”. As a result, you will see a tiny program window, and the rest of the screen will seem to be overexposed.

It is assumed that you are already ready to select the desired area of ​​the screen on your computer or laptop in order to take a screenshot of it. If this is the case, then hold down the left button and select the fragment. If what is open at the moment is not what you wanted to “capture”, then click on the “Create” button in the “Scissors” program window (or click on Escape) so that it is pressed out. After that, open what you want to screenshot, and again click on the “Create” button, then select the required area of ​​the screen.

Default used to select a rectangular area, but if you click on the arrow to the right of the “Create” button, you can choose one of four options:

  1. Free form - you are free to circle the desired area with the mouse cursor or a graphic pen (if you use one)
  2. Rectangle - default
  3. Window - a screenshot of the window of the program that will be located under the mouse cursor will be taken (for clarity, it will be surrounded by a red frame)
  4. Whole screen - in this case the program takes a screenshot of everything that is currently displayed on the screen (except for the mouse cursor)

What makes this method better than using the “Print Screen” button is that you will immediately see the screenshot taken in the window of the graphic editor built into “Scissors”, where you can draw on something using the three available tools: a pen, marker and eraser.

The functionality of the “Scissors” editor doesn’t even reach Point, but it will be possible to quickly scribble something on a screen (I’m getting greedy in this regard, because I use a professional program to work with screenshots, which will be discussed below). In general, when you have made the necessary notes, you can safely press the button with the floppy disk to save screen in the form of a graphic file in Gif, Png or Jpg format, and it is also possible to do this in the form of a separate Html file (it is not very clear, however, for what purpose).

There is also a button on the program panel for sending a screenshot as an email attachment, for example, when you took a screenshot to show it to someone. Again, there are options for third-party programs for computers and laptops that allow you to automatically upload screenshots taken to the network and give everyone access to them, but we’ll talk about them a little later.

And finally, by selecting “Tools” - “Options” from the top menu, you will have access to the limited settings of this program.

In my opinion, the developers of Windows 7 and 8 could have added a little functionality to this built-in program so that it would not look so unpresentable in terms of editing screenshots. .

Yes, I also forgot to say that “Scissors” allows you to take a screenshot of, for example, a drop-down menu. To do this, you will need to open this menu and press the key combination “Ctrl+Print Screen”. A screenshot of the desired menu will be taken, which can then be cropped and saved.

Programs for working with screenshots in Windows

First, I’ll tell you a little more about the programs that I use myself, and then I’ll give a list of other popular applications for working with screenshots.

One of the most popular software on my computer is . It has a lot of capabilities and can be useful not only for a webmaster, but also just in the household for solving a number of everyday tasks, one way or another related to taking a screenshot or recording video from the screen.

The program has powerful functionality for both taking screenshots and processing them. For example, it easily allows you to take a photo of a web page that takes up more than one screen (it takes a long time to scroll to the end).

For this purpose, there is a universal and convenient “All in one” operating mode, when by pressing the red button or the Print Screen key (when Snagit is running, this key starts working specifically for this application, and not for copying the screen to the clipboard), you can easily do whatever you please.

For example, if you press the “Print Screen” button and move the mouse cursor to the application window from which you would like to take a photo, then magic happens. By moving the cursor over different places in the window, you will see that either the entire window, or the menu, or some other internal divisions will be automatically selected. Those. you don’t need to aim precisely to draw a frame around the fragment you want to capture.

But you can also work in normal mode, selecting the desired area while holding down the left mouse button, and at the same time you can aim accurately, because a magnifying glass appears under the cursor, magnifying the point of contact of the cursor with the screen.

With the help of Snagit, you can capture video from the screen and do much more. And already about possibilities for processing screenshots on your computer or laptop In general, songs can be composed. Here it will probably be easiest to provide a few screenshots so that the greatness of this creation can be understood:

There are a number of other programs that are roughly on par with Snagit:

  1. FastStone Capture— a good screenshot for a laptop or computer, not overloaded with anything unnecessary.
  2. PicPick— allows you to quickly take a screenshot of the computer screen or any selected area of ​​it, including scrolling windows. In terms of functionality it is very close to Snagit, except that it can’t capture video. The built-in editor allows you to actually professionally process the resulting image.

Programs for taking and uploading screenshots from a computer to the Internet

Clip2net can not only take screenshots and record videos from the screen, but also allows you to instantly post the whole thing on the Internet (the link to the screenshot will be automatically copied to the clipboard and you just need to paste it into an email, website, forum or blog). As a result, you will not need to use your own hosting or one of Yandex Disk, Dropbox, etc.

After taking a screenshot, the program will open a window for editing the captured image. If you do not need this operation, then in the Clip2net settings, check the “Immediate download” box. In the editing window you can use standard tools (inserting labels, selections, arrows):

Clip2net is not a unique program of its kind, and there are several good ones on the market. programs for quickly sharing screenshots:

  1. Joxi— a good screenshot with the ability to instantly publish. They are edited directly when the desired area of ​​the screen is selected, i.e. without going to the editor window.
  2. Lightshot— allows you to quickly take a screenshot, add notes to it, draw arrows and other shapes with a pencil. When a file is saved on a computer, it is immediately assigned a unique name, and you can immediately send it to the developers’ server and instantly receive a link to it, which is very convenient.
  3. — outrageously simple and concise to use. There seems to be nothing superfluous in it, but everything that is there hits the bull's eye (in my experienced opinion). Actually, the idea, as far as I understand, was taken from the Apple people (Mac) - you activate the key combination and the picture with the screenshot will immediately fall on the desktop.
  4. , which not long ago learned how to take screenshots and upload them to its own Yandex cloud with a link to them. The program has a fairly convenient graphic editor that allows you to add arrows, frames, lines, etc. to the screenshot. things.
  5. Monosnap is also a very good service that allows you to take, process and post online not only screenshots, but also screencasts (video captures from the screen). It also allows you to organize access to your desktop or webcam in real time.
  6. Skitch— a simple screenshot and screencaster, but with somewhat poorer functionality than the services described above. However, it allows you to send screenshots from your computer or laptop to Evernote, of which it is a part.
  7. Jet Screenshot- allows you to capture the entire screen, the active window or a selected area, and then crop the resulting screen, add arrows, circle the desired area or insert an inscription. In the program settings, you can specify where the final file will be saved - on a computer (laptop) or on a developer server with a link to it.

How to take screenshots on a phone (Android, iOS and other platforms)

Also quite an interesting question. If everything about a computer or laptop is more or less clear, the problem is not how to do it, but how to do it in the most optimal and convenient way. But it’s a little more difficult to understand how to take a screenshot of a mobile phone or smartphone, because there is no special button for this purpose, but a combination of control keys is used, which will differ for different types of mobile operating systems.

Let's start with iOS, on which phones from the Apple campaign ( iPad and iPhone). In order to take a screenshot, you will need to hold two buttons for several seconds: “Power” (sleep/wake) and “Home”. The resulting images are saved in the Photos application on your device as part of the operating system.

How to take a screenshot on Android

The Android operating system has several versions, for which the method of taking screenshots differs. In addition, phone manufacturers also sometimes make their own adjustments (for example, on my old Samsung Galaxy S3, a screenshot is taken by swiping the edge of the palm across the screen from left to right). Actually, I’ll try to summarize the information I have on different types of devices:

  1. Android 1 and 2— devices running on this OS did not have a built-in ability to take screenshots, so we had to install third-party applications to help do this. The methods for taking screenshots in this case depended on the application you chose.
  2. Android 3.2- starting from this version and before the appearance of the four, to take a screenshot of the screen it was enough to hold down the “Recent programs” button for a while.
  3. Android 4— a screenshot is taken after briefly holding the “Volume Down” and “Power” keys.
  4. Samsung running Android— most often, this phone manufacturer allows you to take screenshots by holding down a pair of “Home” and “Power” buttons, or “Back” and “Home”.
  5. HTC running Android- hold down the Home and Power buttons for a few seconds

Screenshots obtained in this way from an Android phone are saved in the “Gallery” application, which comes with the OS.

There is also such an operating system for mobile phones as Windows Phone, on which, for example, the fairly popular Nokia Lumia phones work. In Windows Phone 8, to take a screenshot, you just need to press the “Power” button (on the right side of the phone) and the “Win” button (at the bottom of the phone screen). But in Windows Phone 8.1 everything has changed a bit - you need to click on “Power” and “Volume Up”.

Good luck to you! See you soon on the pages of the blog site

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