What to write when escalating a dispute in PayPal. PayPal dispute as a way to protect yourself from scammers and unscrupulous sellers. Dispute resolution options

How to conduct a dispute on PayPal? How to respond to seller messages?
Closing and transferring the Dispute to a Claim.

After opening a Dispute, you just have to wait for a refund or a response message from the seller. You will be notified of the seller's response by e-mail, the address of which you specified when registering in the PayPal system. From the received message about the opening of a Dispute or about the message received, you can go to Problem Resolution Center(Resolution Center). You can also go to the Resolution Center from your account. PayPal To do this, you need to click on the link of the same name in the section My account .

On the page that opens, select the Dispute you need.

This way you will be taken to the Dispute page, where all information about the current Dispute is displayed in detail. Here you can perform the following operations:

  • View the messages that you have exchanged with the Seller of the product. Add information on the merits of an open Dispute or respond to the seller’s message by writing its field Post New Message and pressing the button Review & Post Message (view and send message);
  • Close open Dispute by reporting PayPal that the problems that have arisen have already been resolved directly with the Seller and assistance from Paypal not required, for this you need to select My concerns have been resolved, I want to close this dispute and press the button Continue . Be careful, it will be impossible to open a closed Dispute again;
  • Convert an open Dispute to a Claim ( Claim) so that employees PayPal with independently familiarized themselves with the situation, all the arguments of the parties to the conflict, considered the information provided and made a final decision.
    To do this you need to select I would like to end communication and escalate this dispute to a claime with PayPal and press the button Continue .

Standard decisions on PayPal Disputes transferred to a Claim Let's consider assessing the chances of the Dispute participants to make a decision in their favor when transferring the Dispute to a Claim. Since the conditions for making a decision in favor of one or the other party are not reliably known, in this division of conditions we will rely on personal experience and the experience of other users of the system PayPal.
When transferring a Dispute to a Claim, employees PayPal make a decision in favor of the Buyer if:

  • If the Buyer has not received the goods and the Seller cannot provide a tracking number to track the delivery process of the postal item via the Internet. This happens if the goods were sent to the Buyer using a shipping method that does not provide tracking along the entire IPO route;
  • The seller provided a tracking number that does not work or displays incorrect information or shows that the parcel was returned to the sender or sent to another country;
  • If there is a sufficiently significant discrepancy between the goods and the description provided by the Seller, the Buyer was able to reasonably prove the fact of non-conformity of the goods (preferably with a photo), sent the received goods back to the Seller and can confirm this by providing the IPO tracking number.
When transferring a Dispute to a Claim, employees PayPal make a decision in favor of the Seller:
  • If the Seller has provided a tracking number which shows that the goods have been shipped and the IPO is in the process of delivery (the status of the shipment is updated);
  • If the Buyer's Claims are unfounded and the Seller was able to reasonably prove this;
  • If the product does not correspond to the presented description very slightly;
  • If the Buyer during the Dispute process, if there is a controversial situation, does not present its arguments or does not respond to the Seller’s messages.
Thus, the Buyer is protected by the system PayPal. The Buyer is protected from careless Sellers (fraudsters), and the Sellers are protected from Buyers who, having received the ordered goods, begin to defraud the Sellers of their money.

In our last article, we have already described in detail, considered all the advantages of this online payment system, provided detailed information on how to withdraw money from the system for residents and. Today we continue our series of articles dedicated to this world-famous payment system.

This article will talk about PayPal dispute. What it is? Why is a dispute needed? How can it protect PayPal users from scammers? And most importantly, how to open a dispute and what evidence to provide so that the decision is in your favor? We will answer these and many other questions in our article today.

PayPal dispute or how to get money back for a purchase

First, let's figure out what a dispute is and why it exists in PayPal. Dispute is one of the functions of the PayPal payment system, which is provided free of charge to everyone who has made a purchase or made a payment. If you have previously used WebMoney, you can compare the PayPal dispute with the WebMoney arbitration.

Dispute is a PayPal body that resolves financial disputes between the buyer and seller (sender and recipient of money) online. As a rule, a dispute opens if the buyer receives a product that does not correspond to what was declared on the seller’s website, or the product is not received at all. This is an extreme measure, which should only be resorted to if it was not possible to resolve the issue peacefully, or agree on a refund or replacement of the product.

PayPal acts as a judge, a disinterested party. Having considered all the arguments and evidence of the parties, the company makes an appropriate decision.

What decisions can be made during the dispute?

  • If the goods are paid for but not received, then during the dispute a decision may be made to return the money for the purchase, as well as delivery costs. Here the seller either voluntarily makes a return, or PayPal will forcefully do it without his consent. Dispute resolutions are binding and no PayPal user should ignore them. Otherwise, PayPal reserves the right to block the account and freeze all funds on it.
  • If the received product does not correspond to the stated description on the seller’s website, or is damaged or defective, then the buyer also has the opportunity to return the entire purchase amount through a PayPal dispute, but will have to send the product to the seller. PayPal does not reimburse the cost of return shipping, but such minor issues can be resolved through personal correspondence with the seller.

If a dispute is open and proceedings are ongoing, but the seller decides not to complete the matter, deciding to compensate the buyer’s losses in whole or in part, then the buyer can and should close the dispute.

As you can see, a dispute is a kind of online court with which you can return money for purchases in PayPal if there were obvious violations of the transaction on the part of the seller.

Dispute algorithm

Only the buyer can open a dispute, and at his own request he provides all the documents, describes the situation, and operates with facts that confirm his rightness in this dispute.

As soon as a dispute is opened, the amount that caused the dispute is blocked on the seller’s account and becomes inaccessible until the issue is resolved. Be prepared for the seller to provide his counter-arguments, the purpose of which is to prove that he fulfilled everything in accordance with the stated conditions. A PayPal dispute is a full-fledged online trial where each party must prove that they are right.

The parties can correspond in a dispute, trying to prove and show why they are right. If, as a result of this correspondence, no solution is found, then the controversial issue is transferred to a third party - PayPal. The dispute automatically becomes a claim, and the PayPal administration acts as a magistrate, adequately assessing the arguments of both sides.

Over a period of time, PayPal studies the materials provided by the parties and makes a decision in favor of one or the other party. If the decision is in favor of the buyer, then the seller will be obliged to return the amount paid. If in favor of the seller, then the blocked funds become available again and the dispute is closed.

There are countries in which PayPal limits the ability to accept payments (almost all CIS countries, except Russia). Then the money will not be returned to the buyer’s account, but directly to the bank card that is linked to the PayPal account. Return times may vary, but within 1-2 weeks.

Deadlines for opening and conducting a disputePayPal

You need to remember that you can open a dispute no earlier than 10 days and no later than 45 days after making the payment. If you do not meet the 45 days, then PayPal will not be able to help. But how can you get your money back in this case? After all, it happens that the goods go for several months, and upon receipt it turns out that the seller was not honest. In this case, Chargeback will help you. We wrote more about this procedure in the article “”

An open dispute also has its time limits. If after 20 days the parties have not reached some kind of amicable solution, then the dispute must either be converted into a claim or closed. If you have not taken any action after 20 days, the dispute will be closed automatically and you will not be able to open it again.

When is the best time to open a dispute?

It’s clear that a dispute needs to be opened immediately after you see something wrong with your parcel. If you meet the above deadlines for opening a dispute, then it is better to first contact the seller and try to resolve the issue peacefully. If he stubbornly ignores you, then open a dispute.

When the problem concerns delivery, for example, it was promised that the goods will arrive in 14 days, but they have not been there for a month, then it is better not to rush to open a dispute, because immediately after opening, time is against you. Wait until 43-44 days before contacting PayPal.

What to do if the transaction was carried out oneBay

PayPal is owned by .so they are very closely related. If you made a purchase at a world-famous auction, and as a result some questions arose for the seller, then you can open a dispute both on eBay and PayPal.

But many experienced users note that if you purchase through eBay, you should open a dispute on their website. What is this connected with? Perhaps this way you can resolve the issue faster and get your money back.

But there is one feature that is a big plus for residents of Ukraine and those countries in which PayPal has established a restriction on accepting payments. As a result of a dispute on eBay, which is resolved in your favor, you will receive money not to your bank account, but in the form of a payment check, which can be used to make purchases on any eBay service. Agree, it’s not very convenient, especially if you want to return real money. Therefore, it is better to open a dispute with PayPal.

By the way, you can read more about disputes between sellers and buyers at the world’s largest auction in our article: “”.

Article on the topic:

How to return money for a purchase in PayPal: algorithm for opening a dispute

  • First, you need to log in to PayPal and go to the “My Account” tab (1), where you select “History” (2). Next, use the search (3), with which you will find the desired transaction. Having found the required payment, click the “more details” button (4).
  • You will see detailed information about the transaction, which will indicate when, to whom, and how much you paid. If this is the payment regarding which a dispute has arisen, then click on the link “Problem Resolution Center” (5)

  • In the problem resolution center, you need to select an item where you indicate what issue the dispute has arisen about. If your problem is that the paid item has not been received, or it does not match the description on the seller’s website, then select the desired item (6) and click “Continue” (7)

  • Next, you need to indicate in more detail what problem you are facing. If the item was paid for, but you did not receive it within the specified period, then select the first item; if the item was received, but not the one you ordered, or it is damaged, then select the second one and click the “Next” button (9)

  • Now you need to provide additional information regarding the transaction. First, select which product category your purchase belongs to (10), and then enter all additional information that you consider necessary (11). It is worth noting that PayPal does not have a Russian-language support service, so you will have to state the essence of your problem in English. Many experienced users note that pictures, screenshots, photographs, and other graphic evidence that you are right can tip the scales in your favor. This is a very effective way of proving. You will not attach any photos to the dispute, so you need to upload them to a file hosting service and provide a link. Do not use dubious services, because they can be blocked by PayPal antiviruses, and then employees will not receive your photos.

Many people have a problem describing their problem in English. But there is also a way out. There are a huge number of template requests on the Internet, which you can slightly adjust based on your situation.

Once you have finished describing the problem, copy the entire text just in case. After all, if you typed it for a long time, the session time could have expired, and after clicking “Send”, all the text would be lost.

  • All. From this moment on, the dispute is officially considered open. Pay attention to the date (13), when the dispute will be automatically closed if you do not come to a common solution with the seller, or do not convert it into a claim. Each time the seller responds, you will receive a notification to the email specified when.

Checking the status of the dispute. Closing. Translation into a claim.

  • You can check the status of your dispute, read your opponent’s response, or respond to a claim at any time. To do this, you need to log in to the website, click on the “Open disputes and claims” tab (14) in the “Problem Resolution Center”. Next, you will see a list of all open disputes (if there are several of them), among which you need to select the one that interests you.

  • Now you have reached a page where various actions regarding this dispute are available:
  1. Review the messages that you have already exchanged with the seller. There is also a mini-chat available here, in which you will conduct correspondence (16)
  2. Close the Dispute, indicating that the problems that have arisen have already been resolved and PayPal’s assistance is no longer required; to do this, select “My concerns” have been resolved, I want to close this dispute” (17) and click “Continue” (19). We remind you that it will no longer be possible to reopen a closed Dispute.
  3. Or turn the dispute into a claim (18), and then a third party - PayPal - gets involved in resolving the issue

PayPal Dispute: Claim Resolution Options

As you already understand, there can be two options for resolving claims: in favor of the buyer, and in favor of the seller. But in what cases does PayPal tip the scales one way or the other? You will never know the decision-making criteria from official sources, so you have to analyze special cases found on various forums and draw certain conclusions.

The decision is made in favor of buyers most often if:

  • If the goods are not delivered to the recipients and the seller cannot confirm or prove its delivery. As a rule, it is confirmed by providing a tracking number, with which you can track the progress of delivery. If the parcel is sent in a way that does not provide for online tracking, then the decision will not be made in favor of the seller. But the buyer also needs to play it safe and take a document confirming that such a parcel did not arrive at his post office
  • If the tracking number provided by the seller does not work, it displays incorrect information or shows that the parcel has been returned to the sender.
  • If the received product does not correspond to the description, and the buyer was able to reasonably confirm this by providing photo and video evidence. Also the item must be sent back.

The decision is made in favor of the seller

  • The seller provided a tracking number, which shows that the parcel has been delivered or is in the process of delivery.
  • If the buyer's claims are unfounded and the seller has proven that the problem is fictitious.
  • If the product does not correspond to the description very slightly, and this does not affect the possibility of its full use. For example, in the player the screen does not glow yellow, as indicated on the website, but blue.
  • If during the dispute the buyer does not argue his position, does not present arguments, does not answer the questions posed, simply ignoring them.

That's probably all. In this article, we looked at what a PayPal dispute is, how to open it and handle it correctly. Now you know how you can get your money back for a purchase using the PayPal dispute mechanism.

What is a Dispute on PayPal?

ChSpor is a free tool provided by the payment system PayPal, to all customers who paid for goods or services through their account in PayPal. This opportunity is only available registered system users PayPal, for this reason, I strongly recommend that you register before paying for any product and then make a payment. In short, it is not advisable to pay for goods through a guest account. PayPal. Since the dispute is PayPal and dispute on eBay are conducted according to similar rules; in what follows, the word “dispute” is understood as “dispute” and vice versa. A dispute is a type of online dispute between the sender of funds (Buyer) and their recipient (Seller). The dispute is opened by the Buyer:

  • if he has not received the ordered goods;
  • or promised services were not performed;
  • The goods received do not correspond to the stated description.
During the dispute, the parties must come to a solution that suits both parties. If such a decision is not made, the Dispute may be transferred to a Claim. This can be done in
within 20 calendar days, otherwise the Dispute will be automatically closed. After the Dispute is converted into a Claim, it will be reviewed by the staff PayPal, who will independently consider all the arguments and evidence of the parties and then make a final decision on the problem that has arisen.

Rules for disputes PayPal During the Dispute, the following decisions may be made:

  • If a Dispute is opened due to non-receipt of the goods, the Buyer can return all money paid, including delivery costs. Funds can be returned at the will of the Seller or forcibly. 
  • If the item received is damaged or not as described, then the Buyer may receive a refund of all monies paid. To do this, he must send the goods back to the Seller using a delivery method that provides online tracking. The cost of return shipping is not reimbursed; this is resolved during the dialogue between the parties.
  • The buyer can independently close the Dispute if the seller has fully returned the money paid ( full refund), performed a partial refund ( partial refund) or sent a replacement product.
Thus, according to the rules and conditions of Disputes on PayPal and on eBay there is practically no difference.
When paying for a purchase at an auction eBay by using PayPal a dispute can be opened on any of the two platforms. If you wish, you can open a Dispute on two sites at once. eBay still recommends opening a Dispute on your site.
But since the payment system PayPal belongs eBay.Inc then you won’t be able to “return” the money twice. As soon as one of the Disputes is closed, the other one will automatically close.
A dispute can be opened by the Buyer who describes the current situation. If necessary, adds the necessary materials (photos or even video recordings). 45 days are allotted for opening a Dispute after payment for the goods; after this period it is impossible to open a Dispute.

Dear fellow citizens, be understanding with the sellers; they cannot speed up the delivery of your goods, which depends on the speed of the postal and customs services of the two countries. For this reason, opening a Dispute due to non-receipt of goods should take 43-44 days after payment. After opening a Dispute, you will have another 20 days to receive the goods or your money.
Attention! The deadline for opening a dispute is PayPal have been changed: now a dispute can be opened within 180 calendar days after payment for the goods. But you still shouldn’t delay opening a dispute, as this will not lead to anything good. The rules are the same, 40-44 days have passed, and the goods are not in the mail, open a dispute.

In case the received product does not correspond to the description, is damaged, etc. then you should open a Dispute immediately after this has become clear, having first tried to resolve this problem directly with the Seller, but in any case, do not forget about the 44-day rule.
How to open a Dispute on PayPalIn order to open a Dispute on PayPal You need to do a few simple steps. First you need to log in to your account. PayPal, from which you paid for this product. Go to the section My account (usually after authorization, the user is automatically redirected to this section).
Since enough time has passed since payment for the item, this transaction will not be displayed in the list of recent actions. Select a subtab Operations history or follow the link View all transactions .

Using date search tools or various sorting methods, find the operation you need and click on the link Details

You will be presented with information on the selected transaction, check all the information, if this is the transaction for which you are having problems, then click on the link Resolution Center

The procedure for opening a Dispute on PayPal. And the first thing you need to do is indicate exactly what problem you are facing. If you have not received the goods or the received goods do not correspond to the description provided, then use the radio point to select the item Product dispute and press the button Continue .

  • I have not received the goods;
  • I received my item, but it is not as described.
Select your problem using the radio point and press the button Continue .

Depending on what problem you have with the product (which you indicated at the previous stage), you will be presented with two slightly different pages. First, let’s look at a form that’s easier to fill out and less voluminous.” The item is not received“. You need Specify product category and fill in the field with Message to the seller. In this field, you need to describe the current situation, briefly recount the correspondence with the seller regarding this lot and offer the most convenient way to solve the problem:

  • resend the goods;
  • return money;
  • wait some more time, but no more than 20 days, because otherwise the Dispute will be closed automatically and it will be impossible to return the money.

Despite the fact that the page with the form is translated into Russian, users do not have Russian-language support, so the message text must be filled out in English, no more than 2000 characters.

The situation is a little more complicated with filling out a similar form if the Buyer received a product that did not correspond to the description or there was nothing at all in the mailbox. In such a case, you must fill out the message field for the seller in the same way and select the purchase category.

Evaluate the need for photographs of the received product and/or its defects, and if they confirm that you are right, then it is much better if they are presented by you. It is advisable to upload photos to a quality resource ( Google Picasa, Flickr or others), since many Russian-language free photo hosting sites may contain suspicious scripts and elements that cause the site to be blocked by anti-virus programs of the seller and employees PayPal.

You also need to use the “check” switches to answer the question “ What exactly does the product not match the description?“, setting them opposite the points that are most relevant to the current situation. At the very bottom of this form, do not forget to indicate how much you would like to receive a refund from the seller. To do this, select the “tick” switch next to the line “ I would like to request a refund of $...”and indicate the amount of compensation in US dollars.

Adequately assess the amount of material damage caused to you and compare it with the cost of the goods and delivery. In most cases, you can specify an amount of 20-80% of the cost of the goods. In some situations, you can indicate 100%, but then most likely you will be obliged to send the goods to the Seller using a delivery method that provides for online tracking, and only when the seller receives the goods will he be obliged to return the money. You will have to pay the cost of return shipping out of your own pocket. For this reason, it may be easier to agree to a partial refund ( partial refund).

Regardless of which form you filled out, check that all fields are filled out correctly and copy the text of the message to the seller to the clipboard and click the button Continue .

After this, you can consider that your Dispute is on PayPal open. You will be shown a message indicating that the Dispute is open and information about the Dispute and the date when it will be automatically closed. Please note this period (20 days from the opening of the Dispute, in this example it is 03/20/2013), before this moment you must resolve all problems with this product or transfer the Dispute to a Claim ( clay); otherwise, it will be impossible to return the money.

Dispute is a useful tool provided free of charge by PayPal to everyone who used it to make a payment. It is a kind of online dispute between the sender of funds (Buyer) and their recipient (Seller), opened first if the paid item is not received or does not correspond to the description stated during the sale. During the Dispute, if the parties were unable to reach a solution that suits both parties, PayPal is involved as an arbitrator, where they independently familiarize themselves with the arguments of the parties and make a decision.

What decisions can be made during the dispute?

If the goods are not received, using a Dispute, the Buyer can return the entire amount paid, including delivery costs. The return procedure can be carried out either by the Seller, voluntarily, or by PayPal, but forcibly, if the decision on the Dispute is made in favor of the Buyer.

If the received product does not correspond to the description, is damaged, etc., then the Buyer can also return the entire amount using the Dispute procedure, but for this he will need to send the product back to the Seller, in a way that involves tracking the delivery progress via the Internet and providing a number parcels. The cost of sending the goods back is not compensated; this issue is already resolved through mutual agreements between the parties.

The Buyer can close the Dispute at any time on his own if the parties reach an agreement and the Seller himself returns the funds paid, either in full (full refund) or partially (partial refund) or sends a replacement product.

Dispute algorithm

The dispute is opened by the Buyer, providing, if desired, all the information about the current situation, attaching links to photographs (if relevant), etc.

As soon as a Dispute is opened, an amount equivalent to that paid is blocked on the Seller’s account and remains inaccessible until it is closed. The Seller, if desired, also responds in the Dispute, providing counterarguments.

In this way, the parties can discuss until they reach a mutual agreement. Then the Buyer can close the Dispute with the wording that all problems have been resolved. If the parties do not find mutual understanding, the Buyer transfers the Dispute to a Claim and then PayPal will act as an arbitrator. This is when the information provided by the parties during the discussion will come in handy.

PayPal reviews the information provided and makes a decision in favor of one of the parties. If in favor of the Seller, then the blocked funds in his account become available again, if in favor of the Buyer, then the funds are returned to him. If the Buyer, due to certain restrictions imposed by PayPal, cannot accept payments (and this rule applies to residents of the Russian Federation, Ukraine, Kazakhstan), then the funds are returned not to the account, but directly to the payment card that was used. Return times vary and average 1-2 weeks.

Deadlines for opening and conducting a dispute

Dispute opens not earlier than in 10 and not later than 45 days from the date of payment. It cannot be opened before or after this period.

After opening, within 20 days The dispute must either be closed or converted by the Buyer into a Claim, and then PayPal will handle the case and make a decision. If, after 20 days from the moment of opening, none of these actions have been completed, the Dispute will close automatically and it will no longer be possible to open it again.

When to open a dispute

If you purchased a particular product abroad, do not forget that international delivery times can vary significantly and a Dispute opened too early will turn against you, because “everything about everything” is given 20 days. Therefore, if the problem concerns delivery, then it is more advisable to open a Dispute on the 43-44th day.

If the purchased product is received, but does not correspond to the description, then a Dispute is opened upon the fact. Remember that Dispute is not a panacea and before opening it, you should always contact the Seller and try to resolve all the problems with him yourself.

If the transaction was carried out on eBay

If the transaction for which you are going to open a Dispute was carried out on eBay, then this is not a problem - you can open and conduct a Dispute either on the eBay website or on the PayPal website. But eBay, nevertheless, in this case recommends opening and conducting a Dispute on their website.

Algorithm for opening a dispute on PayPal

Having finished with the description, just in case, copy what you typed to the clipboard (if composing the text took a long time, the authorization session may be lost and you will have to type everything again) and click “Continue” ( 12 ).

  1. Once logged into your account on PayPal.com, go to the “My Account” tabs ( 1 ) and "History" ( 2 ). Then using the search tools ( 3 ) find the transaction (payment) for which you need to open a Dispute. When the required transaction is found, click “Details” next to it ( 4 ).
  2. Here is detailed information about this operation. Check it out and if this is the transaction we need, follow the link to the “Problem Resolution Center” ( 5 ).
  3. In the “Problem Resolution Center” you need to indicate exactly what situation you are facing. If the paid item is not received or does not correspond to the description, then select the appropriate item ( 6 ) and click “Continue” ( 7 ).
  4. Then you need to clarify the essence of the problem ( 8 ), if the purchased item has not been received, select the first option: “I haven't received my item”; if the parcel has been received, but its contents do not correspond to the sales description, the item is simply missing or damaged, then select the second option: “I received my item, but it is significantly not as described." After the selection is made, click “Continue” ( 9 ).
  5. Now you need to provide additional information regarding the transaction. First, select which product category your purchase belongs to ( 10 ), and then enter any additional information you think is necessary ( 11 ). Unfortunately, PayPal does not have a Russian-language user support service, so you will have to present it in English. Try to present the situation succinctly; if necessary, provide links to photographs, having previously posted them on the network; for this you can use the Google Picasa or Imageshack.us service, but it is advisable not to use not very well-known Russian-language free services - downloads from them may be blocked by antivirus software programs. Photos, according to reviews from many users, are an extremely effective argument.
  6. The dispute can be considered open. Please note the date when it will automatically close ( 13 ), unless you close it yourself or transfer it to a Claim. When the Seller responds, you will be notified by e-mail.

Algorithm for conducting a dispute. Closing, transfer to claim.

  1. You can check the current status of the Dispute, add information or respond to your opponent at any time by logging into PayPal.com and clicking on the “Open Disputes and Claims” link (14) in the “Problem Resolution Center”. On the next page you need to select the desired Dispute (15).
  2. On the next page you need to select the desired Dispute (15).
  3. You are now on a page where all the information regarding the current Dispute is presented. Here you can:
    1. Review the messages that you have exchanged with the Seller. Add information or reply to a message ( 16 ), by typing it and clicking “Review & Post” (preview and send).
    2. Close the Dispute, indicating that the problems that have arisen have already been resolved and PayPal’s assistance is no longer required; to do this, you must select “My concerns” have been resolved, I want to close this dispute” ( 17 ) and click “Continue” ( 19 ). We remind you that it will no longer be possible to reopen a closed Dispute.
    3. Convert the Dispute to a Claim so that PayPal can familiarize itself with the situation, review the information provided and make a final decision. To do this, you need to select “I would like to end communication and escalate this dispute to a claime with PayPal” ( 18 ) and click “Continue”.

Standard Claims Resolution Options

Let's look at what decisions PayPal usually makes in standard situations if the Dispute is transferred by the Buyer to a Claim. Since it is very problematic to obtain this information from official sources, here we rely on the experience and stories of other users.

The decision is made in favor of the Buyer:

  • If the goods are not received and the Seller cannot provide a number to track the progress of delivery of the parcel via the Internet (tracking number). For example, if the parcel was sent in a way that does not provide online tracking.
  • If the tracking number provided by him does not work, it displays incorrect information or shows that the parcel has been returned to the sender.
  • If the received goods do not correspond to the description, if the Buyer was able to convincingly prove this fact (preferably with a photo), he sent the received goods back and can confirm this by providing the tracking number of the parcel.

The decision is made in favor of the Seller:

  • If he provided a tracking number, it is clear that the parcel has been sent and is in the process of delivery.
  • If the Buyer's claims regarding the goods received are obviously unfounded and the Seller has proven this.
  • If the product does not correspond to the description, it is extremely minor.
  • If during the Dispute, if there is a controversial situation, the Buyer does not present his arguments or give reasons for them or simply ignores the discussion.

Deadlines for opening and conducting a dispute
A dispute can be opened no earlier than 10 days after payment and no later than 180 days from the date of payment. After opening a dispute (dispute), within 20 days, it must be transferred to a claim, otherwise it will be automatically closed not in your favor. The dispute will close automatically and it will no longer be possible to open it again.

How to open a dispute in Paypal:

I. Go to the Paypal website and go through authorization. Next, go to the “My Account (1) and History (2)” tab. Now we need to find the required payment (transaction) for which we want to open a dispute.
In the found transaction, click “Details” (4).

II. We check the correctness of our search. Whether we found the transaction correctly or not. Follow the link “Problem Resolution Center” (5)

III. In the Problem Resolution Center, you must indicate the situation you are faced with. Select the most appropriate option (6) for your situation and click “Continue” (7).

IV. Clarify the essence of the problem (8). If you have not received the product, then select: “I haven't received my item”, if you received the product, but it does not correspond to what you bought (product description) or the product is missing, damaged, then select: “I received my item, but it is significantly not as described.”
Clicks “Next” - “Continue” (9).

V. You need to select additional information about the purchase category and you can also leave a message where you must indicate the additional information that you consider necessary (11).
Remember that the text must be written only in English. Paypal does not have a Russian-speaking support service. State the situation concisely, clearly and as truthfully as possible. PayPal really values ​​​​photos and videos. It is best to post photos on: Google Picasa or Imageshack.us. The radical has problems with display.
If you speak English poorly, use our recommendations and ready-made phrases:

Having finished with the description, just in case, copy what you typed into the buffer (if composing the text took a long time, the authorization session may be lost and you will have to type everything again) and click “Continue” (12).

VI. Congratulations - you have successfully opened a dispute. Remember that the dispute will be automatically closed (13) after a certain time if you do not turn it into a Claim. If the seller answers you, you will receive an email notification.

What decisions can be made during the dispute?:

If the item is not received, with the help of a Dispute, the Buyer can return the entire amount paid, including delivery costs. The return procedure can be carried out either by the Seller, voluntarily, or by PayPal, but forcibly, if the decision on the Dispute is made in favor of the Buyer.

If the item received does not match the description, is damaged, etc., then the Buyer can also return the entire amount using the Dispute procedure, but for this he will need to send the goods back to the Seller in a way that involves tracking the delivery progress via the Internet and providing the parcel number. The cost of sending the goods back is not compensated; this issue is already resolved through mutual agreements between the parties.

The buyer can close the Dispute at any time independently, if the parties came to an agreement and the Seller himself returned the funds paid, either in full (full refund) or partially (partial refund) or sent a replacement product.

Dispute algorithm
The dispute is opened by the Buyer, providing, if desired, all the information about the current situation, attaching links to photographs (if relevant), etc.
As soon as a Dispute is opened, an amount equivalent to that paid is blocked on the Seller’s account and remains inaccessible until it is closed. The Seller, if desired, also responds in the Dispute, providing counterarguments.
In this way, the parties can discuss until they reach a mutual agreement. Then the Buyer can close the Dispute with the wording that all problems have been resolved. If the parties do not find mutual understanding, the Buyer transfers the Dispute to a Claim and then PayPal will act as an arbitrator. This is when the information provided by the parties during the discussion will come in handy.

PayPal reviews the information provided and makes a decision in favor of one of the parties. If in favor of the Seller, then the blocked funds in his account become available again, if in favor of the Buyer, then the funds are returned to him. If the Buyer, due to certain restrictions imposed by PayPal, cannot accept payments (and this rule applies to residents of the Russian Federation, Ukraine, Kazakhstan), then the funds are returned not to the account, but directly to the payment card that was used. Return times vary and average 1-2 weeks.

You will find more detailed information on our website.