What does an asterisk mean in Lenovo? What does the asterisk in the upper right corner on Android mean?

It's hard not to notice if there's a new star icon on the top panel of your phone. What does the asterisk in the upper right corner of Android mean, should I worry? The appearance of the icon in the status bar is noted by users of the Android 5.0 Lollipop system. There is no need to worry, the symbol displays the activity of the system mode, starting from the fifth version of the OS. The mode stops working, the icon disappears from the screen and is replaced by another system one.

  1. Do not disturb.
  2. Important.

The first mode completely disables notifications about calls, messages, and application activity for a certain time. The second allows you to receive extremely important calls (calls from your favorite contacts). The third is the standard system mode, the smartphone sends all application notifications. If you set the first mode, even the alarm will not disturb you. The innovation turned out to be useful to many users. The asterisk refers to it.

If you enable the second access mode, called “Important,” this star will appear in the status bar. It will “freeze” solely for the period of time for which the mode is configured. If you want to switch to a completely silent “Do Not Disturb” mode (may be indicated as “no one” depending on the system version), the icon will change to a “stop” sign - an empty circle with a line through it. The “All” mode is indicated by the alarm clock icon. Thanks to these elements, you can always understand what mode your smartphone is in.

This was not the case in earlier versions of Android. Therefore, users who had just updated the system or bought a new device with it were bothered by the presence of an unfamiliar icon. It turned out to be completely harmless, easy to get used to, and quickly ceases to be noticeable.

What does a star mean on the Android screen?

So what does the asterisk at the top of the screen mean on Android? “Important” mode activated. While this icon is lit on your smartphone, you will only receive:

  • Calls from selected contacts.
  • Important notifications from system applications.
  • Messages from favorite contacts.
  • Reminders for events scheduled on the calendar.
  • Alarms if they are marked as important alerts.

You will only be disturbed by those people with whom you are willing to communicate while you are busy. This is a lightweight version of the “do not disturb” (or “no one” mode, depending on the device firmware), which also allows you to limit the receipt of many unnecessary notifications from applications without making additional settings. What is considered important is up to you to decide.

If necessary, you can additionally set up a schedule for turning on the mode on certain days and hours and do not have to change configurations every day. So, if you want nothing but work to disturb you on weekdays, select the appropriate settings. You will receive all extraneous messages and notifications after the mode automatically changes to “All”. You can also set the settings manually if you do not have a clear schedule.

How to remove a star on Android

If the star on the Android screen bothers you, just switch the mode. For this:

  1. Press the volume button.
  2. Not only a panel for changing the sound level will appear before your eyes, but also a selection of modes.
  3. Change with one touch to “Do not disturb” (“no one”) if you want to turn off notifications completely.
  4. Change to “Everyone” if you don’t need to limit messages.

When changing the mode, you can also adjust the duration for which the smartphone will remain in it. The asterisk from the status bar, located near the antenna, will change to a crossed out circle or a bell, which will allow you to understand what mode the device is in. The star icon does not indicate any serious problems.

If after switching the mode the star cannot be removed, try restarting your smartphone. If this does not help, it is recommended to contact a service center for diagnostics; a software error is possible; component repairs, firmware changes, or a complete reset may be required.

An asterisk in the status bar on Android means that the “important only” notification mode is activated on the smartphone. For example, to receive all notifications on your phone only from 8 to 23, but to receive calls and alarms around the clock.

In principle, this is a useful thing. By choosing this mode and customizing it for yourself, your schedule, and only for those events that are important, you can save battery power.

This function can be disabled or changed in the volume settings.

One day, you noticed that a new, mysterious star-shaped icon appeared on the notification panel of your smartphone or tablet, and after a while it also suddenly disappeared?

Don't be scared: you're just dealing with a new notification system that appeared in the Google Android operating system, version 5.0 Lollipop, and the asterisk is an indicator of one of its operating modes.

As you may already know, in this version of the Google operating system, if it is installed on your smartphone or tablet, you can set three modes for the notification system: “Do not disturb”, when no notifications or signals will disturb you, including even an alarm alarm clock; “Important” mode, where you will only receive important notifications, and “All” mode, which will display all notifications, as was the case in earlier versions of Android.

You can enable one of these modes on the system volume and notification control panel, which is called up by briefly pressing the volume up/down key on your tablet or smartphone:

Here you can not only select the mode you are interested in, but also set the duration of its validity: indefinitely or - until the next mode change or for a certain period of time, the duration of which can be used using the on-screen buttons (+) or (-):

So, if you turn on the “Important” mode, an indicator about this will appear on the notification panel in the form of that very mysterious asterisk. In Do Not Disturb mode, the star will change to a crossed out circle icon.

What are the “Important Messages” and how can I change them? Go to the main settings menu of your device, section “Sounds and notifications”, item “Alert modes”:

As you can see in the screenshot above, here you can select those events that will relate to important alerts, including events and reminders, messages, incoming calls and messages from certain contacts, and also set a schedule for the “Important Alerts Only” mode by day of the week and even certain hours these days.

11 #2 Administrator 01/26:12

I quote Kramar: Thank you. It would also be nice to know how to get rid of the exclamation mark near Wi-Fi when the Wi-Fi is excellent! quality of connection :).

An exclamation point when there is a WiFi connection usually indicates that there is no Internet connection.

A problem similar to yours has appeared on many devices that have received the update to Android 5.0.1 and this is a fairly common error.

To get rid of it try:

1. Go to the settings menu -> WiFi -> menu button (vertical ellipsis) -> additional functions -> Frequency band -> switch from “Automatic” to “2.4 GHz only”, and then return it back to “Automatic”

2. If the first does not help, in the settings menu, WiFi item, in the list of available networks, select your network, long tap on it, and in the menu that appears, select “Change network”

In the next window, enable “advanced settings” -> IP settings -> select “Custom” and set a fixed IP address, in the IP gateway address, enter the address of your router, and set the prefix length to 24.

It is hoped that this bug will be fixed in the next builds of Lolipop.

Thank you. It would also be nice to know how to get rid of the exclamation mark near Wi-Fi when the connection is excellent! quality of connection :).

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What does the asterisk in the right corner of the screen mean on Android?

Recently, my smartphone based on the Android operating system ended up in the playful hands of my nephew. I somehow didn’t attach much importance to this, because I thought that he wouldn’t do anything serious with it. As long as it doesn't hit the floor. The child plays and let him play for himself. After the phone was returned to me, I noticed that a star appeared in the upper right corner of the screen in notifications. Here she is:

Hm. In several years of active use of Android, I have never seen anything like this! What does this asterisk mean? At this point, my professional interest was already apparent - I spent almost an hour completely studying all the sections and settings items. I rummaged through the hidden sections, even got into the engineering menu. And the casket just opened!

As it turns out, the asterisk on Android indicates that the special “Important” alert mode is enabled.

As I understand it, this feature appeared in Android 5 and 5.1. It wasn't there in earlier versions! Its meaning is that the sound is turned off for all subscribers except those who are marked as important. He was marked with this icon. To remove the star in the notification panel, simply disable this mode. She will disappear!

This is also interesting:

The star on the phone panel is lit

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It is forbidden to write answers that do not bring any benefit to the questioner from the series: “take it to the service center”, “contact the ASC”, “unprofitable”, etc. Such answers will be considered a rating increase, the answers will be deleted, and the account will be blocked.

If you undertake to help people, answer fully. Explain why, if you recommend, for example, to reflash the phone, then write how to do it. If you write that repairs are unprofitable, explain why.

Adding answers that essentially repeat existing answers on this issue will also be considered cheating.

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Let's imagine this situation: You are on the login page in your Gmail inbox, and your web browser has automatically filled in the username and password for you. Undoubtedly, this is very convenient, so you get into your account in one click without having to enter it manually your password. Sometimes we don't even remember our password.

All web browsers, for security reasons, mask the password in login form fields behind asterisks, thus making it impossible for others to see your secret words.

Today I'm going to tell Webtoon readers about a simple solution that will allow you to convert those asterisks into an actual password, without the need to use external programs or tools.

And this is how we reveal the hidden password:

  • Right-click in the password field and select the option “Inspect Element”
  • In the Element Inspector that opens, all you need to do is replace the word password on text. as shown in the picture below:

    What we did was change the field type. instead of type="password" they replaced it with type="text".

  • After this simple and quick manipulation, the previously masked password will be revealed to us.

    In the example, I used the Google Chrome browser, although this can be done in other browsers, such as Internet Explorer, Firefox and Safari. In the case of IE, press the F12 key to open the Developer Tools window, and then press CTRL + B. to activate the item selection mode.

    Information Commenting on articles on the site is possible only within 90 days from the date of publication.

    The Windows operating system is a program (currently a whole set of programs) that runs other programs, controls their operation and allows you to work with them. In addition, each operating system is responsible for collaboration between computer hardware.

    We will offer you the most suitable operating system for your computer, install drivers and antivirus. This will allow you to comfortably play games, surf the Internet, and just work.

    The system reinstallation process will take about an hour.

    The cost of installing the system + installation of all necessary additional programs + licensed antivirus with registration for one year.

    Installing programs is not always easy. Sometimes a “crooked” program can ruin the entire system and it will take a lot of time to restore it.

    To ensure that everything can be opened, read and reproduced, we will install the entire necessary set of software; we also provide for the installation of custom-made programs.

    The cost of a set of software for Windows is rubles, one program from 50 rubles.

    With the availability of the Internet, there is also a greater likelihood of computer infection by malicious programs - viruses. Very often lately we have to remove so-called Blockers or Winlocks. which block your computer and require you to send a paid SMS to unlock it. Often scammers simply do not restore access. Typically it takes no more than 10 minutes to remove a banner.

    There is also a more global infection - Trojans. who use the victim’s computer to send spam and other criminal purposes of attackers.

    The cost of completely cleaning a heavily infected computer from virus rubles, removing Blocker rubles.

    To get real pleasure from watching movies online, browsing pages of various sites, and also communicate freely on social networks such as Odnoklassniki or VKontakte, fine tuning of the modem or router is required. It is also necessary to correctly enter the IP address and other important settings.

    If you plan to create a working network of several computers with free access to each other and independent access of any of the computers to the Internet, you need to have some knowledge of the intricacies of the operating system. We will do this quickly and provide access to any computer and printer on the shared network.

    The cost of setting up Internet rubles. Network setup from 300 rubles.

    Nowadays, it is impossible to imagine life without high-speed wireless Internet Wi-Fi. which opens access to the Internet not only to computers, laptops, but also to such popular devices as Tablets. Wi-Fi enabled cell phones. modern SMART TVs from Samsung and many others.

    There are several ways to set up Wi-Fi wireless Internet. and this primarily depends on the type of your connection: ADSL, FTTB (fiber optic), mobile Internet, etc. Depending on the connection, the modem, router or access point are configured differently.

    The cost of setting up a connection via Wi-Fi is rubles.

    Computer equipment sometimes behaves like a capricious child. Very often, for some reason, the computer suddenly turns off or the system starts to slow down and freeze at the most inopportune moment.

    The reasons may be different: from malfunctions of the hard drive or the output of capacitors on the motherboard. Sometimes it is enough to simply clean the oxidized contacts with an eraser. It is important to prevent computer illness so that more global troubles do not happen in the future.

    Computer diagnostics are carried out absolutely free of charge.

    Nothing is eternal under the Moon)). Like any technology, a computer sometimes breaks down. Sometimes a video card can simply fail. Due to power surges in the network or (as often happens) thunderstorms, the power supply and sound card may fail. Failure of the network card means complete loss of the Internet.

    Fortunately, a computer is somewhat similar to a construction set. And any part can be quickly and easily replaced with a new one purchased in a store.

    In any case, we will quickly determine the fault and replace the damaged part, if it cannot be repaired, with a new one.

    The cost of replacing a failed part includes the cost of the part itself. for which, upon replacement, a receipt is issued and a warranty of more than years + 100 rubles.

    Evolution is moving up at a rapid pace, and computer technology is even faster. You bought a new modern computer. All games fly, everything works quickly. But several years pass, and the once fast computer can safely be considered an old man.

    Every year the power of hardware grows and the requirements for hardware, for the same games, become more and more.

    You can help this problem. We will be happy to check the configuration of your hardware and try to replace outdated hardware with new, modern hardware as cheaply as possible. For each new part, a receipt and a warranty of 1-3 or more years are issued.

    The cost of UPGRADE computer is discussed directly with the client. Usually this is the cost of replaced parts plus rubles. It is important to note that the prices for new parts are much cheaper than store-bought parts.

    We all make mistakes. Often, due to haste or careless mouse movement, we delete important documents, photos, and then automatically empty the trash. The situation, I think, is familiar to everyone. The most important rule in such cases is to immediately turn off the computer and call a qualified specialist.

    There are worse tragedies. The computer's hard drive begins to crumble. and with it information. It’s even worse when the firmware crashes or a mechanical failure of the hard drive occurs.

    In most cases, the disk or information can still be recovered. Recovering deleted information depends on its recovery time. Usually the price is from 200 to 500 rubles.

    Failures of laptops, like computers, come in two types - software and hardware. In the first case, the operating system crashes or the user simply decides to replace, for example, the inconvenient Windows 8 with Windows 7 or Windows XP.

    Dealing with hardware faults is of course more difficult. This usually happens in a specialized workshop with the help of an experienced craftsman.

    Most gaming laptops start to heat up over time. The processor temperature in such cases can rise up to several degrees! This laptop is disassembled, the cooler's vent chamber is cleaned, and the thermal paste is replaced.

    The cost of cleaning a laptop is rubles, in difficult cases 1000 rubles. The cost of software and hardware malfunctions is identical to the prices of computer ones.

    The popularity of tablets based on the Android operating system is growing rapidly. Just like on a Windows system, an OS (firmware) is installed on a tablet; programs and games are also installed, of which a very large number have been produced recently.

    Hardware faults, just like with laptops, are repaired in a specialized workshop.

    The cost of installing a collection of 3D games is rubles. Firmware for tablet rubles. Hardware failures depend on the characteristics of the damage.

    Websites are primarily needed by enterprises or commercial structures that want to bring their business into the world. Websites are also created for oneself in order to find like-minded people in certain interests.

    Recently, online shopping has become very popular. Indeed, the site can be visited by many more visitors than a regular store, and it is much cheaper to maintain, since there is no need for maintenance and rent.

    Creating a website is a complex and time-consuming process, especially if it is written entirely by hand. Knowledge of programming languages ​​such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, MySQL is required. Yes, and knowledge of Photoshop will also be required.

    The cost of creating a website is from 5,000 rubles.

    How often, when we go (especially to a local one) to a computer store, we are amazed at the inflated prices. The whole point is that the store must justify itself, which is why, after assembling another computer, the store owner adds interest to the cost. Many people are mistaken in thinking that there are *unassembled* computers in the store. Remember, the finished system unit is not stamped at the factory. It is also collected in the same store. And they are often assembled by unskilled workers. This is why the front USB ports or headphone inputs, etc. may not work.

    We always make an individual order based on the needs of the PC user. Every computer part comes with a warranty of 1-3 or more years.

    The price of a new computer includes the cost of new components (individually) + 1000 rubles for assembly.

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    In this topic we will talk about the old lady “Windows XP“. The system, of course, is gradually becoming a thing of the past, but many people still have it installed because it is very unpretentious, user-friendly and does not require large system resources. I have this “OS” installed on my laptop and it works like a clock. Therefore, this topic will remain relevant for quite a long time.

    So, the majority of the Russian population, which is about 90%, use an unlicensed “OS”. I think there is no need to explain that the population of Russia simply does not have extra money, and there is simply no point in buying a “litsukha”, which costs (and this is XP.) about 3-5 thousand rubles. If, moreover, you are a respectable citizen and buy licensed programs, then you simply won’t have anything to eat with =))). Well, this is a slight digression from the topic, so to speak.

    In general, here we will talk about how to remove the so-called “Star”, this is when your system has not been authenticated and a blue star appears in the bottom right of the tray with a notification that we have purchased a fake copy of the software, or in other words “pirate”.

    In fact, it’s very easy to remove this creation of Bill Gates; just click “Start/Run” or press the hotkey combination “Windows Key + R”. In the window that appears, enter the command “ regedit" - Windows registry editor.

    Now go to the address “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\Notify“. We need to remove this “Notify” section.

    Right-click on this section and select the “Delete” command. That's all =). reboot the computer and enjoy normal system operation. True, most likely the black screen will remain, so we just install any theme from the list. Right-click on the desktop - “Properties/Themes”.

    For those who are too lazy to delete it manually, I made a simple program. Download the archive, extract the utility, run it, click the “Start removal” button. After this, reboot your computer.

  • Android OS is not as simple as it seems. This system was developed for maximum customizability, which means that for almost every component of this operating system has its own setting. This is the general principle of this operating system, which distinguishes it from its competitors.

    Android is an open operating system, each user can use any explorer to detect system files and perform any actions on them - with consequences, of course. Unlike Windows Phone or iOS, with which such manipulations cannot be carried out, Android relied on the openness of its architecture, and this is what made it so popular among developers.

    As a reward for all this - countless applications(and especially free applications), the ability to develop and modify native programs. But not everyone likes such freedom of action, and sometimes carefree “users” manage to get into the settings and adjust them in such a way that the only way out is a complete reset of the settings.

    Fortunately, if you see an asterisk at the top of the screen, then you won’t have to resort to such measures - everything is much simpler.

    A star appears in the status bar. This top of screen, which the system highlights in a different color. On it you can find information about the charge of your battery, network, as well as notification icons from other applications and, perhaps, the time.

    Notifications on the line are divided into two blocks: a block with time and notifications from applications, which are aligned from left to right, as well as a block with battery status and network connection information - this block is centered from right to left.

    If an asterisk appears, it will be located in the right notification block. The star itself is five-pointed, with a fill. If you see that your phone's symptoms match this description, then continue reading.

    The asterisk on top means that the device has “Important” mode is turned on. Starting with Android 5.0 Lollipop, users have three notification modes: All, Do Not Disturb, and Important. With the first two everything is clear; in these cases you either receive or do not receive notifications.

    The last mode was invented so that the user could receive notifications from a certain circle of people or applications. This is useful if you are waiting for a call from a partner or, for example, you need to see a notification from a package tracking application. There can be many situations.

    This option is very easy to configure. In system settings, select the tab "Sounds and notifications" then “Alert Modes”, and then you will need to select your preferred option: “Events and Reminders” and/or “Messages”.

    In the latter case, the “Calls and Messages” tab will open. In this tab you can mark those most important contacts, calls and messages from whom you will receive in the “Important” mode.

    You can also set up app alerts for this mode. In the Sounds and Notifications tab, find the Application Notifications tab. After this, you will be able to control notifications from each application installed on your device.

    You can turn off notifications completely, make them a priority, set the option to display notifications in the background, and much more. When you prioritize an application, you will receive notifications from it in the “Important” mode.

    Interestingly, you can activate or deactivate the “Important” mode Scheduled. In the settings, you can set the days or time of day when this mode will turn on by default.

    Please remember that the structure of the settings menu may vary on each individual device. Therefore, if you find an asterisk at the top of the screen on your Android and cannot find the necessary settings using the path described in this article, just try to find the path to the necessary settings on the Internet according to your phone model.

    If this doesn't work, don't hesitate. contact support your device, this option is also available in the Android settings.

    I note that the “Only important notifications” mode is very convenient. Sometimes you can get to an important meeting, but at the same time wait for an even more important call. In short, this mode appeared for a reason, but as a result of feedback from users.

    Therefore, you should not scold Android developers - they honestly care about the functionality of operating systems, pay attention to user needs. In general, Android is a very finely tuned system, so each settings option in it needs to be changed with caution.

    Don't forget to lock your phone, especially if it's a child can take and never mindlessly play with Android settings - according to users of this operating system, it can be difficult to find the way back in this maze.

    Even very advanced smartphone users can discover unexpected icons on the screen that seem to come out of nowhere. And then what to do with them, and an even more important question - what do they mean - has to be decided experimentally. A similar situation is even more common if the gadget falls into the hands of a small child - his interest will be enough to unearth all the hidden capabilities of your phone. This article will talk about how to remove the star on your phone.

    Where did the asterisk come from and what does it mean?

    Every phone of any brand - from Chinese models to well-known Apple devices - has a lot of settings in its functionality. As a rule, users initially set the standard settings for the gadget to which they are accustomed and which are most convenient for them. And this is a matter of personal taste and preference.

    However, many of the options remain unclaimed, especially if they are an innovative solution from the operating system manufacturer. So, the star on the phone at the top of the screen is just one of these options. It is specific only to Android operating systems from version 5.0 and higher. And its meaning is very simply deciphered - this is the mode of operation of the phone when exclusively “important” messages and calls are received.

    Important! This version of the smartphone’s operation is one of the versions of the “Normal” and “Do Not Disturb” modes. You can set it either for a specific time or according to any schedule.

    Removing the star from the display

    In fact, there is absolutely no difficulty in removing a star from your phone screen. For this:

    1. Go to the basic menu of your gadget - this can be done by clicking on the gear icon.
    2. Next, go to the “Modes” settings.
    3. There, uncheck the box or click “Disable” next to the “Important” tab.

    Important! When mastering a new gadget, sometimes many different and seemingly simple questions arise. In order not to waste extra time and nerves, the easiest way is to have clear tips for such cases, which we have already prepared for you:

    Video material

    All is ready! Your smartphone will now work in the interface you are familiar with, without any unexpected settings or bugs. Of course, provided that the gadget does not accidentally unlock in a pocket or purse, or that an advanced child can no longer reach it. Good luck!

    Google has made a lot of changes in the new update of its Android 5 Lollipop mobile OS. This is the largest update to date. As part of this update, we received: a Material Design user interface, the look of which even I liked, a built-in battery saving program - Project Volta, and expanded notification functionality.

    Android 5 lock screen notifications

    Notifications can be closed or expanded for reading by sliding your finger down on the screen, or you can double-tap on the popup to open the application that sent the notification.

    Now, when you make an urgent call, you don’t have to frantically rummage through applications, wasting time.

    Interacting with pop-up notifications

    Heads Up is another new release from Lollipop. It introduces a new way to work with notifications on your device. The card at the top of the screen will show the app that sent the notification and allow you to interact with it.

    Now in Lollipop, notifications appear as Heads Up popups, and use part of the screen.

    For example, if we use Twitter, we can immediately retweet and add tweets to favorites.

    Lollipop 5 Quick Settings Panel

    Previously, you had to tap the settings panel icon in the top right corner or swipe down with two fingers. Now it's easier: a single tap on the notification panel will open notifications, which is quite logical.

    What's new is this: now a double swipe from the notification center gives access to brightness settings, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, network, Flight mode, auto-rotate screen, flashlight, GPS, screen sharing and (really) a flashlight!

    For lovers of everything dark, a color inversion mode has appeared in the special features section :)

    Where is the silent mode?

    For some reason, the new version does not have a silent mode. There are two options - either sound or vibration. But there is no third mode, when notifications were not accompanied by sound or vibration!

    If an app is marked as a priority, your phone will either vibrate or make a sound when you receive a notification from it. But if critical notifications are accompanied by sound, then this will not be silent mode.

    It turns out that you can turn on silent mode in the Nexus 9. However, a bug (or intended) in the software means that even in silent mode the phone continues to vibrate. This option is not available on smartphones themselves. I think this way we are being forced to use new interrupt modes on smartphones.

    Sound Modes

    Lollipop offers us a method called "Interrupts". You can get into it by changing the volume.

    Under the volume bar, you will be offered three options to choose from - "All", "Priority" And "None". In “All” mode, all notifications that our device receives will be shown.
    “Priority” mode – only important things

    Priority Applications

    If we select the “Priority” mode, we will only receive notifications from applications set as “priority” in the settings, as well as from the calendar and alarm clock.

    By default, all applications in Android applications are non-priority. This means that in this mode, the smartphone will not vibrate or beep when notifications arrive from them.

    If you select notification settings, a list of all installed applications will appear. By going through them one at a time, you can block notifications completely or mark the application as a priority and determine whether the notification will be accompanied by sound or vibration, or mark them as private so that they do not show notifications at all.

    If you want complete silence in this mode, all applications must be blocked from sending notifications.

    None mode

    In this mode, the device does not produce any signals at all. Even the alarm clock won't ring. So beware of using this mode if you plan to wake up early.

    New icons in the status bar

    When you switch notification modes, you will see new icons in the status bar. When you turn on the Priority mode, a star will appear, and when you use the None mode, a prohibition icon will appear.

    Setting up interrupts in Lollipop

    By selecting “Sound and notifications” in the settings, you can configure interruptions and select the type of priority for events, calls and messages. Also set the time interval and days when this mode will be activated.

    For example, set the mode to None at night so that a random message does not interrupt your sleep ( Previously, only Motorola had such goodies, but now Motorola’s patents have been honestly bought by Google).

    You can choose which applications will be able to issue notifications that will be visible on the lock screen, and which applications will hide their “secrets”.

    I hope I've covered the notifications section of Lollipop in sufficient detail. It seems that everything is very confusing, but in fact it’s quite easy to figure it out, easy to get used to, and then it’s difficult to live without such fine adjustments ( verified by personal experience, there was once a Motorola with such modes).