What does incognito mode mean in Yandex. Incognito mode in Yandex Browser: how to enable or disable it on a mobile phone in Android, iOS? What does Incognito mode mean in Yandex Browser?

Hello, dear readers of the site! You've probably heard about incognito mode in various Internet browsers. So, Yandex is no exception and it can also be used here.

Now we will take a closer look at what incognito mode means in a browser, how you can access a website using it and exit it using a computer, laptop or phone, tablet with Android. Let's talk about the work of add-ons in it.

What does incognito mode mean?

First, let's answer the question: What is incognito mode in a browser?

Incognita– this is a special mode, thanks to which the request history and the list of visited sites are not saved. This information is taken into account by the browser to display advertising on the sites you visit and to generate.

The differences between opening such a tab and a tab opened in the usual way are as follows:

1. All queries entered into the search bar will not be saved.
2. The browser does not remember the history of sites you have visited.
If you are interested, read the article by following the link.
3. Passwords that you enter when logging in to websites and social networks, and all data when autofilling are not saved. That is, if the password for the site is saved in the browser and you usually go to your profile right away, then in this case you will need to enter the password again.
4. Listened audio recordings or watched videos are not added to the cache.
5. Bookmarks that have been made will be saved.
6. All downloaded files are saved to the computer.
7. The web browser settings that you changed are saved.
8. All add-ons included in Yandex will not work (the necessary add-ons can be enabled manually).
9. After closing such a tab, all cookies will be deleted.

How to open this mode

Now let's look at how to access a website in the Yandex browser in incognito mode.

The normal page for creating a new tab looks like this:

To go to the window we need, click on the three horizontal stripes in the upper right corner and select “Incognito Mode” from the list.

This will open a new browser window. The fact that you are working incognito in it will be clear from the icon with glasses, which is located in the upper right corner of the page.

You can open such a window using hotkeys – Ctrl+Shift+N.

If you are on a website, then the page looks like this:

Opening a page in incognito mode is no different. The only difference is that it will open in a new window and there will be an icon with glasses at the top right.

If you are browsing the site in normal mode and, by clicking on a link, want to go to another page anonymously, then right-click on the link and select “Open link in Incognito mode” from the menu.

How to turn off

It is very easy to exit it in the web browser, because it is a separate open window. Accordingly, you just need to close it. To do this, click on the cross in the upper right corner of the page and the window will close.

Yandex browser add-ons in incognito mode

If you have many extensions installed and some of them you use frequently, then for convenience, you can make them work no matter how you view the pages.

First, let's open the page with additions. Click on the three horizontal bars in the upper right corner and select "Add-ons" from the list.

Find the extension you want to work with while on the page anonymously, and click the “More details” button under its description. Then check the “Allow use in Incognito mode” checkbox.

Now on the Yandex browser page opened incognito, either an extension icon will appear on the right in the address bar, or an additional item in the context menu.

Incognito mode on an Android phone

You can also visit sites in this way from a mobile phone or tablet with the Android operating system installed.

Go to Yandex and open an additional menu - this is done using the context menu button on your device. Then select “New Incognito Tab” from it.

The background of the open page will be gray, and a corresponding message will appear under the search bar: “You are in an incognito browser.” Enter the desired query or open the site you are interested in.

Here, white ones are sites opened in the browser in the usual way, and incognito tabs are highlighted in gray and are located under the appropriate heading. By clicking on the cross, you can close the selected page. To exit it, close all gray tabs.

Use incognito mode in the Yandex browser, because it is convenient and not at all difficult. For example, to log into another social network account, you do not need to leave your current profile: just open a second window anonymously and enter your username and password. This way, the entered data will not be saved, and you will not need to log into your usual profile again.

In this mode the browser will not save information about the actions performed in it. We are talking about browsing history, cookies, saved passwords, download history, autofill data, hosted application data, content licenses, and other data.

Your work in the browser becomes completely private. All information about your network activity will be deleted.

For those who care about the protection of their personal information, this regime will be especially relevant. After all, your actions online are constantly are watching and keep records of statistical data. For example, the provider takes into account incoming/outgoing traffic from the PC you are using, and search engines, based on your requests, select contextual advertising to show you. This is how the browser collects all kinds of data about you.

To make surfing the web more safe We recommend using this mode of operation. It will not protect you from data collection by the provider, search engines and visited sites, but it will allow you not to save data about user actions in the browsing log, media files will not be saved in the cache, cookies, passwords, history will be cleared immediately after the end of the session. However, when authorization on any site under your account, your actions will be noticeable; you won’t be able to become “invisible” this way.

This is a great way to hide your activities from other users of the computer you use. Each user decides when there is a need to use it.

How to enable incognito in Yandex and Chrome

In Google Chrome and a very similar browser from Yandex, the procedure for enabling incognito is identical.

In the settings, mark “ New window in incognito mode" (or the same thing with a combination of clamped " Ctrl+Shift+N»).

The following window will appear.

Notice that in the upper left corner appeared hat icon with glasses (spy), which symbolizes enabled incognito.

You can also make a click right-click on any link on the network and select “ Open link in incognito mode».

It should be noted that although information about your visits will not be saved in the browser, your presence on the sites you visit can be registered one way or another. For example, in a Google account. To avoid saving history when privacy is enabled, come out temporarily also from your account. This can be done by clicking on the icon settings and selecting Web history.

Click Suspend.

Private mode in Opera

As for Opera, this mode is called Private. You can create a private tab by clicking on the menu button - Tabs and windowsCreate a private tab.

You'll see message about enabling privacy mode.

Then, a privacy icon (black glasses) will be attached to all new tabs.

The combination “ Ctrl+Shift+N».

How to disable incognito mode

You can disable it simply closing current window. The next time you open the browser, it will no longer work privately.

Yandex Browser has a very useful feature - incognito mode. Using this function allows you to hide your activities on the Internet (not to be confused with complete anonymity) from other users. We will look at the full list of advantages below.

This is a built-in browser feature, enabling it does not require installation of additional extensions or programs. It is available to users of the mobile and desktop versions of the browser by default.

What is incognito mode in Yandex Browser

While browsing the web, any browser stores a lot of data about your visit:

  • Address of pages visited;
  • Login – password entered on the site (if the function is enabled in the browser);
  • The search query that brought you to the site;
  • The Internet page is sent to the cache (this is necessary for it to load faster the next time you visit);
  • The content of the page is analyzed by the browser and sent to Yandex servers.

In the future, the information obtained can be used:

  • To display more relevant advertising to the user;
  • When generating search suggestions or news feeds in;
  • Transferred to third parties, including advertising agencies.

It turns out interesting, right? But, think for yourself - why do large search engines create their own browsers? Of course, as an advertisement for our own services and collection of necessary information.

The described mode is not a panacea for. Using incognito, your IP address, “http headers” and other service information do not change.

When visiting sites in incognito mode in Yandex Browser or any other, most of the previously collected information will not be taken into account. New data, such as browsing history and page cache, will not be collected.

How to enable incognito mode in Yandex Browser

To enable “stealth mode” on personal computers, you can use three methods.

1. Launch Yandex Browser, enter the menu and select the appropriate item. A new browser window will open - this is incognito.

2. Use hotkeys. By simultaneously pressing the key combination “Ctrl+Shift+N” you will open the desired window.

3. Right-click on the program shortcut on the taskbar and select the appropriate item.

For Android phones and tablets

Users of mobile operating systems can also use “invisibility”.

1. Launch Yandex browser on your smartphone.

2. Enter the menu and select the item shown in the screenshot.

You can exit the mode simply by closing the browser.

How to disable incognito

The described function is launched in a new window, so to disable it just close it. The data listed at the very beginning will not be saved, and you can safely continue to use the browser.

Incognito mode in the Yandex browser turned out to be so simple and at the same time useful. Don’t forget to thank the author with likes and leave comments if you have any additional questions.

Incognito mode in Chrome is one of the simplest and best ways for us, ordinary mortals, to travel the Internet without leaving traces of the resources we visit on our device.

Still, many misunderstandings arise about what this regime can protect against and what it cannot. Let's dot all the i's: the incognito mod is ideal for browsing sites or resources that you don't want anyone to know you were there. It's also a great option for searching for specific topics that you don't want tied to your Google search history (Google stores all your searches as normal).

BUT, be careful - this is not absolute privacy! Your ISP or some websites may still be able to track you. Okay, let's figure out how it all works and how to get the most positive experience.

How does incognito work?

In simple words: incognito mode is when you browse Internet resources, and data about visiting these resources is not saved in the history of your smartphone or is not synchronized with your Google account. For the Chrome browser it sounds like this: “everything that happens in incognito mode stays there.” Despite everything said, you are not 100% protected from prying eyes. Remember: your Internet service provider, your employer (if you're surfing the web at work), or the site you're visiting can view your activity. Also, files downloaded in incognito mode do not leave a record of their download, but physically exist on your device.

How to open an incognito tab

To get started, launch the Chrome browser. In the upper right corner you will find three vertical dots. We click on them. In the menu that opens, select the item: “New incognito tab.” If everything is done correctly, then you will see a page with a gray background and a “spy” icon (as in the screenshot below).

The incognito mode indicator is the same “spy icon” (hat and glasses) in the upper left corner. There is also a field for entering a URL or search query. Enjoy!

A few more words about managing incognito tabs. For devices with Android OS 5 and above, make sure that the “Match tabs and applications” option is enabled. If you do this, then when you click on the navigation square at the bottom of the device, a multi-task menu will launch, where, along with open applications, incognito tabs will also be displayed. Otherwise, your incognito tabs will be grouped with regular Chrome tabs. Click on the number in the upper right corner to switch between tabs. Remember: incognito tabs, like regular tabs, remain open unless you explicitly close them (to do this, click on the “close” icon in the list of tabs). When the “Combine tabs and applications” option is enabled, the fastest way to close incognito pages is to click on the “close all incognito tabs” notification.

Finally, let's say this: the incognito mod is useful, but it is not an invisibility mode!

Incognito means “anonymous.” Using this mode, the user can freely navigate through website pages, participate in forms, chats, and visit social networks. However, the passwords and logins that he enters are not saved.

When a network user visits a website, the device stores not only all his personal data (passwords, logins, nicknames), but also all the actions he performs on the page. Much data is stored in the form of “cookies” (often passwords and logins in unencrypted form). You can find each transition to the next page in the “History” of your device.

You may not always have a phone or tablet nearby when you need it (to visit, for example, your page on a social network), or maybe there is simply no way to connect the device to the network. In such cases, people turn to those who are nearby with a request to borrow a phone.

But after your innocent entertainment, passwords from sites and forums visited from it are saved. If you trust the person from whom you borrowed the device, or are not hiding anything from him, then remembering all personal data is not scary. If this is not observed, then you need to act in “Incognito” mode to protect yourself.

Keep in mind: In Internet cafes and Apple devices, all data is saved.

If desired, it will not be difficult for the permanent owner of a phone or tablet to find out your personal data, so when working with them it is strongly recommended to use the “Incognito” mode.

How to enable incognito in Yandex browser ios?

It doesn’t matter which Apple device you use (iPhone, iPad), the process for enabling Incognito mode is almost the same:

  • Turn on Yandex Browser.
  • Go to your browser settings.
  • A list will immediately appear, go to the “Advanced” function (in some versions the transition is available right away: “Tab”, “New Tab”, “Open a new window in Incognito mode”, click on it).

IoS user in Incognito mode

If you managed to enable incognito mode in Yandex Browser, a new window will appear in front of you. It will depict a man in a hat and glasses, the background usually turns black by this time.
The system warns you, and before entering the request, a message appears on the page stating that you are in incognito mode and no personal data that will be entered will be saved.