What you need to know about your profile avatar: instructions for changing for greater success. How to make a colored circle (round frame) around your avatar on Instagram

If you want to change the image in your profile or, in general, do not understand how to put an avatar on Instagram, then our publication will help you solve this problem. The formulation of how to put an avatar on Instagram is a simple action that you can perform inside the Instagram application.

In this publication, we will look in detail at how this can be done, and also tell you about the essence of an avatar on Instagram, in such areas as the company logo, branding and online stores. If you are interested in simply updating your photo on your profile, then most likely the first method described below will be enough for you, but you can read about other directions in the continuation of our material.

An easy way to put an avatar on Instagram on iOS

Launch the Instagram application and log in to your account, and then go to your profile. Directly below the number of posts, followers and subscriptions, there is an active field [Edit Profile], in which you can edit your username, write a few sentences about yourself, leave a link to your website and change your avatar. Using a touch, click and go to the [Edit profile] page. In order to change your current avatar or, in the absence of one, add a new one, you will need to make a touch click on the active inscription [Change].

After which, in the lower pop-up menu, you need to select the method by which you would like to upload and then put your avatar. In the [Change Profile Photo] menu that opens, you will be offered the following tabs; delete the current one, import from Facebook, import from Twitter, take a photo and the last one, select from the collection (of your mobile device).

Import avatar from other social networks

To do this, you will need to log in using a browser to Facebook, after which a page will appear with the inscription [You have already authorized instagram], two buttons [Cancel] and [Ok], click [Ok] and you will be redirected back to Instagram, and the place of the avatar Your photo from Facebook will be taken. Similarly, you can put an avatar on Instagram from Twitter. It’s probably not worth explaining what it means to take a photograph, but we’ll tell you about [Select from collection].

Place an avatar on Instagram from the collection

After you click [Select from collection], the albums that are created on your mobile device will open to you, all you have to do is find the desired photo, and having selected it, click the active inscription located in the upper right corner [Crop], after which the photo will appear in the profile of your account.

The method described above is a complete instruction that contains the functions of the Instagram application parameters for changing the image of your profile. But there is an alternative method, it significantly shortens the path that you need to go through inside the application to change your avatar, let's look at it.

We went through [Edit Profile], then active link [Edit], and finally cropping and adding an avatar. You can shorten such a long path by simply clicking on a photo or an empty window of your profile, clicking on it will launch the command described above, or rather, the bottom menu, in which, as you already know, you select the future avatar of your profile.

A similar method is used on devices of the Android operating system; in the same way, you make a touch click on the thumbnail of your avatar, and select on your mobile device a photo from the gallery that you would like to see in place of your avatar.

Choose an avatar on Instagram

We will not teach you or tell you how to choose the right avatar on Instagram, but we will show examples that will allow you to think about it, and in the future, draw certain conclusions in choosing an avatar.

For example, illustrator Konrad Roseth, whose unreal works were posted on Instagram, worked with brands such as Zara, Adidas, and Coca-Cola. As you may have noticed, his avatar is a real photograph. Food for thought Almost all artists, illustrators, and most creative individuals almost always put their real photo on their avatar.

With companies and online stores, everything is even simpler, they need to maintain a brand, they cannot put a photo in place of their avatar. Therefore, their avatar is, most often, the company logo, and the brand image will be the same in all social networks, since brand recognition depends on this.

What remains are thematic communities that have recently been gaining momentum, these are quotation books, funny photo accounts, miracle “businessmen” and so on, they all have avatars of very different origins that do not evoke admiration or regret.

We hope that now you can easily set an avatar on Instagram, but what it will be is up to you to decide.

Become more popular on Instagram. Order likes and subscribers.
You can place an order by .

An avatar is the first thing any visitor to your Instagram profile will encounter. This small picture should be given a lot of attention, especially if the ava is the face of your brand and reflects the essence of your business. In this publication, we will tell you what a good avatar for Instagram should look like and give several “guides” for working with this image.

What does a good ava mean?

A high-quality main profile photo should attract attention, no matter how. This could be a correctly selected frame, background, or well-chosen color. It’s very good if your profile photo reflects the essence of your business, interests, and topics. But at the same time, users trust real photos on their avatar more. Significantly increases the number of clicks to your profile - a “live” frame for your avatar, as if your story was filmed. Next, we’ll briefly tell you how to do it from your phone.

To get started, you'll need a free program: PicsArt, which you can download from the app store for your platform. Next, download and save the background for Instagram (Ista’s rainbow background) to your phone’s memory. This can be done easily by request in the browser search bar or by setting a task to the voice assistant.

  • open PicsArt and specify the downloaded background;
  • add a photo;
  • click the “Cut Shape” button (select a circle);
  • remove the transparency of the inner frame and click "Save".

How to change your avatar on Instagram?

In principle, there is nothing complicated in this process, and even the owner of “not quite straight hands” will be able to complete this procedure without outside help. So:

  • open the Instagram application;
  • go to the main page of your profile;
  • go to the “edit profile” section;
  • under your profile, click the “Edit” button;
  • select the required photo from the collection or import from other social networks. The service also offers to take an instant photo. Select the desired item from the pop-up menu.

Having selected a photo, Instagram will automatically adjust it to the desired size and move you to the settings menu. To publish a new avatar, click on the “Done” button.

How to open an avatar in full size?

In some cases, the user needs to enlarge the avatar, for example, to better see it in the photo. So, how can you view an avatar on Instagram in its original quality if the standard avatar size does not exceed 150x150 pixels?

The easiest option is to use the capabilities of the Gramotool online service.

This operation does not require registration or any payment.

If you need to view an image in an enlarged format on your smartphone, then the best application for this is Qeek - Enlarge Profile Picture.

How to open an ava on Instagram without using third-party resources? The original image can be viewed in another way without using applications and various online services. From a PC this is done as follows:

  • Log in to the desired profile and right-click on the avatar;
  • select “Open in new tab”;
  • in the address bar of the window that opens, remove, for example, vp/d12c10f06f22c22b48645a29133ze92e/5B11E58C/s150x150;
  • press Enter.

After this procedure, the original image will open, if, of course, it initially had a resolution greater than 150x150 pixels. To find out the original resolution of the original image (for example, using the search capabilities of Yandex), right-click on it and select “find this image in Yandex”.

How to save your profile photo on Instagram?

  • using third-party mobile applications;
  • via link.

For devices running Android OS, the most popular utilities are Insta Profile Downloader; Profile Picture Download for Instagram. The operating principle of these utilities is simple: enter the nickname of the user whose profile image you want to download into the program and give the command to carry out the procedure. A distinctive feature of the applications is that to download you do not need to enter registration data or even have your own profile on Insta.

But there are no applications to save your profile photo to devices running iOS. Maybe because the App Store has great respect for intellectual property, which is copyrighted content?

  • right-click on Ava;
  • select “Open image in new tab” from the list;
  • go to the tab;
  • right-click on the photo.

A similar method is used to download an avatar in a mobile application. The algorithm is as follows:

  • log in to your profile to download Ava;
  • click on the three dots icon;
  • select “Copy profile link”;
  • paste the address into the browser;
  • Long click to bring up the menu and select “open image in new tab”;
  • copy the link to the photo;

  • open in a new browser window;
  • select the address and remove the photo size from it.

Now, if everything is done correctly, the profile photo will open in its original size.

What size can I upload profile photos to Instagram?

The maximum size of a photo on Instagram in pixels is 1080 x 1080 px. Previously, the resolution of photos was 640 x 640 px. Anything larger than that Insta automatically cuts to the specified size; everything smaller is stretched to 320 px.

The photo size for the avatar is 150x150 pixels. Previously, Insta allowed you to post photos on Ava with a resolution of 110x110 px.


In this publication, we tried to consider in detail what an avatar for Instagram is, and what operations can be performed with the main profile photo. It should be understood that the quality of the photo on your profile is directly proportional to the popularity of the account on the social network. Unlike other content, an avatar on Instagram will not gain likes and subscribers, but its importance cannot be underestimated.

In terms of popularity, Instagram is perhaps comparable only to social media. networks such as Facebook and VKontakte, and in a sense is itself a social network. network. That is, it is assumed that you need to create an account and add a photo to your profile. An avatar is an important thing in any profile, since it plays the role of a business card (they are greeted by their clothes). And on Instagram, avatars are perhaps the only way to tell potential subscribers who you are. Therefore, today we will talk about how to put a picture or photo on your profile picture on Instagram.

You can use the Instagram service from any mobile device - tablet or smartphone. Accordingly, you can log into your account “directly” from the browser or using the application. Because of this, the way you manage your profile pictures on Instagram varies slightly.

  1. Open the Instagram mobile application.
  2. At the very bottom, in the right corner, you need to click on the person’s image. Click and open your profile.
  3. Click on the “Edit profile” link.
  4. Click on the circle with the image of a person’s silhouette in the upper left corner. It is here in the application that you can save pictures on your Avatar.

Pictures for Instagram that can be used to create avatars can be uploaded in three ways:

If there is a large (or at least some) selection of photographs or other images potentially suitable for an avatar, preference should be given to those that are well “rounded.”

Important! On Instagram, the avatar is round in shape, and this must be kept in mind: the selected image should fit well into the circle so that the main thing fits in the center, and there is enough space left around the edges.

Upload the selected image into the form and move the circle to the area that should become the avatar. The circle can not only be shifted, but also compressed or stretched by clicking on a point on the circle. If you want to pass the image through filters, you need to do this before uploading it to your profile.

The development of modern technological progress is such that Instagram, a service supposedly designed for visual perception (and therefore theoretically optimal for use on a large screen), is in reality most used on mobile devices. Publications from users we follow find us in a variety of places - on the road, in a store, at a picnic with friends. And the desire to publish new photos can also find us anywhere. It is not surprising that installing or changing an avatar, in most cases, is more relevant on a mobile device.

However, sometimes situations arise when the question arises of how to set an avatar from a computer. We risk upsetting those who want to know how this is done: almost nothing.

Important! Instagram does not allow you to manage your profile from a browser on your computer.

The Instagram network is focused on . Logging in through a browser on your computer allows you to view and comment on photos, but does not allow you to edit your profile. The only way that exists today is to use the Blue Stacks emulator service, which is downloaded from the official website.

What pictures are ideal for avatars?

Before proceeding with the installation, remember that as an avatar you should choose an image that will best serve the purpose of the account. The different purposes that avatars serve require a different approach.

If your account was created primarily to share photos and videos with friends, your first avatar would be a photo of yourself. You can use not your personal portrait, but a photograph in which several faces are visible (friends or family, for example). But don’t forget about the round shape, because of which the picture for your avatar on Instagram must be chosen taking into account the cropping of the outer areas to make a circle. We remember that if potential familiar subscribers cannot immediately identify the user by nickname, ava is their only opportunity to “recognize” him.

If you already had an avatar once installed, and now it’s time to change it (or you’ve lived without an avatar all this time and finally decided to install it), then for the main circle of subscribers you no longer need any introductions and can easily choose any a picture you like.

However, since new subscribers will still appear, it is still worth considering that pictures suitable for avatars of girls and boys are usually different, and in this you should not deviate from the expectations of subscribers.

But the choice of image on the avatar is already room for the imagination of its owner, and it can be completely subordinated to an image that is associated with the mood or lifestyle of the owner. By the way, often a very interesting selection is offered by sites where you can view and download free pictures for avatars on Instagram.

If the account belongs to a commercial company or its representative, it is reasonable to set as an avatar an image of a logo, a picture with a slogan or an image that evokes the desired associations among potential subscribers. By the way, an avatar can serve as a very effective tool for promoting your account or blog if you choose the image wisely.

  1. Instagram does not obey the laws of “rectangular” images, in which the height is greater or, conversely, less than the width. All images have square proportions (height equals width) with dimensions 110x110 pixels.
  2. Image is important. Every 2 out of 3 people look at their avatar during the search process. Therefore, it is worth choosing a picture of good quality and a logical semantic load, which will successfully convey the desired visual “message” at first glance.
  3. When choosing an image, remember that in the application on your phone it will be reduced and all the small details will be indistinguishable. Therefore, choose a picture whose essence will not be lost when reduced.
  4. For the same reason, reducing the image is better to avoid an abundance of colors. The optimal picture is with a laconic color scheme and correctly.
  5. If the goal of an account (whether personal or commercial) is to attract as many followers as possible, the meaning of the profile picture should convey the content of the account as accurately as possible.

As we can see, setting a photo to your avatar on Instagram is very simple. It's important to get creative and choose the exact image that will best represent you to each potential follower.

How to make that very “live” frame for your avatar yourself, as if your story was filmed (and when it is actually filmed, there will even be two circles on your Instagram avatar)? A question that has already stirred more than one inquisitive mind of an Instagrammer these days! Do you want me to tell you? Use it while I'm good!

Step-by-step instructions on how to make a circle frame on your Instagram profile photo

1. Download the PicsArt program, it is free, and everything we need in it is also free. It is important! Because many advisors list programs for which you will have to pay for advanced functionality. Not here.

2. Download from the Internet (okay, Google, download it for me) background for Instagram, that is, the Instagram background, which is what you see in the photo as a frame. Save it to your phone album.

3. Go to PicsArt and select the same rainbow background from the album as a photo.

4. Next, click on the “Add Photo” button below. Choose your photo for your avatar. Then again at the bottom you will see the “cut shape” button: click it and select the circle shape. So your circle will be dressed in the iris. Reduce the size of the inner frame to a minimum or remove its transparency in the next step, when your circle finally appears on the rainbow background. Save.

5. Open Instagram and edit your avatar. Choose our saved masterpiece and insert it evenly into the circle.

Looks neat. It's actually much easier to do than I described. I tried to explain the whole algorithm on my fingers.

By the way, you can show off and make a frame of a different, bright, eye-catching color. To do this, you need to go to the LiPix application and select a frame with a circle there. Insert your photo inside, and select the background color (which will later become the bright shell of the photo) to whatever your heart desires with one touch on the gamma. To place it evenly on your avatar, you can again use PicsArt and cut off a circle according to the well-known pattern. But those who don’t have hands made of faux leather can handle it just like that.

I don’t know why everyone needs this frame, but since there’s a wedding like this, cut the last cucumber!

For those who found it useful, put some money in the comments!💸💸💸 And write your secrets for creating bright avatars. There must be a lot of us, selfless madmen!😂

The main content that is used on Instagram is photographs. You can upload them to your profile, or you can add them to stories - short videos that disappear 24 hours after uploading. However, one of the main roles is played by the image that is installed on the account avatar. It serves as the “face” of Instagram. Today we will tell you how this photo can be changed.

How to change ava on Instagram from your phone

The most convenient way to set up your profile is from a smartphone or tablet, since Instagram is primarily a mobile application. Below we will describe step by step how to change your avatar on Insta in different versions of the program - for Android and iOS.


If you have an Android-based gadget, then you can change your profile photo on Instagram as follows:

Ready! After this, a new avatar will be installed on your Instagram.



In the mobile application for iOS devices, you can also upload a new photo to your Instagram profile. This is done like this:

Ready! After these steps, a new photo will be installed on your Instagram account.

How to change the main photo on Instagram from a computer

There is no official modification of Instagram developed for PCs and laptops. There is a website where you can use only basic functions: view the news feed, like and comment on posts, follow and unfollow other accounts, and also change basic profile settings. These include the ability to change your avatar.

This is done like this:

Now you have changed your main photo in your account through the official Instagram website.

There is also another way to upload a new photo via PC. To do this, you will need to use the site's fine settings and go to the developer menu. Please note that this method is only suitable for experienced users. The course of action is as follows:

After these steps, you will see the same view of Instagram that is used in mobile applications. You can change your profile photo similar to the algorithms for Android and iPhone:

  1. Click on the man symbol (upper right corner).
  2. Click on "Edit profile".
  3. We find "Change profile photo".
  4. Click on "Upload a photo".
  5. Select the desired photo and confirm our actions.

Ready! After completing all the steps listed above, you will also set a new avatar for yourself on Instagram.



There are several ways to change your profile photo on Instagram. This can be done both in mobile applications for different OS, and through the official website on a PC or laptop.