What not to do on YouTube: YouTube policy update and types of violations. So, what not to do on YouTube when optimizing your video?

Both a beginner and an already advanced YouTube user must know and follow all the principles of the YouTube community in order to calmly, without strikes, bans and complaints, create and promote their channel.

So, what not to do on YouTube when optimizing your video:

First, when creating a video, do not use pirated or other people’s content, even if it is in public access and no one lays claim to it. Tomorrow everything may change and copyright holders may well appear. Therefore, in order not to fall under the Content ID system, use only your videos, music, photos, texts, or officially purchase them from the copyright holders.

Do not violate the privacy of those in the video unless the person has given consent. Moreover, ideally this should be written consent, because otherwise no one can guarantee that tomorrow he will not change his mind. if there is no agreement, either do not release this video at all, or somehow cover up the faces, change the voices, and so on.

Third, use only true metadata. YouTube prohibits the use of false, misleading, or inappropriate video content. This applies to everything: tags, title, icon labels, description.

You cannot use multiples in a row in a description. keywords, simply listed separated by commas. The description must be just that: a description. The same goes for hashtags.

Fifth, don’t fill the description with a lot of unclear links. The links themselves may be clear, for example, a link to your website, a group on a social network, etc. interesting videos from the channel. But they all must be lined up and understandable. The best way to shorten links is through special services.

Sixth, the video and accompanying information should not be directly aimed at commercial activities. Those. if the purpose of the channel is only to sell and you immediately indicate in the description a link to the store, prices, etc. – you may get banned.

Good afternoon, dear readers of my blog. Today we will talk about violations on YouTube. What can't you do on YouTube? We'll start the conversation with updates from late 2015 - early 2016, which are related to the tightening of YouTube's policies.

Why did I decide to touch on this particular, in my opinion, boring topic? The fact is that I am studying and at the same time taking notes on what he tells us.

A free school does not mean that school is easy to study at. Like any school there are lessons here, homework, check, admission to the next lesson, etc.

I reached lesson #39, which has only two videos on the topic: “YouTube 2016 Policy Update” and “Types of Violations on YouTube and Penalties for Violations.”

Homework: send a screenshot of the test results, passing score - 50%.

Judging by the comments, the test is not easy to pass. I was convinced of this myself. My first attempt was unsuccessful. I only scored 40%.

And here, in fact, is a screenshot with comments on the test.

I really, really want to continue my studies at school, so I made a summary of the video lessons for myself and I hope that my summary will be useful to you as well. life situations, and during the test, if you decide to study at free school YT Denis Konovalov and you will reach lesson No. 39.

The main updates are related to the tightening of the monetization disabling policy and the tightening of sanctions for violations. In particular, if you have one strike on your channel, you either get two video blockings all over the world, or you have a violation of community principles, in addition to deteriorating the channel’s reputation and losing access to a number of functions (loading videos for more than 15 minutes, the ability to set parameters privacy with access via link or scheduled publication), you also lose the opportunity to monetize your video.

Under such conditions, monetization is temporarily disabled on the channel. If your rights were claimed unlawfully, then you can challenge all these sanctions and then monetization will be restored. If these sanctions are applied to you lawfully, then monetization can be enabled after 3 months. Provided that your channel has a good reputation and during these 3 months you do not violate the rules and conditions of monetization.

Quite an unpleasant strategy to tighten the rules. Tightening of YouTube's policies, which Lately is carried out quite often - this is the fight against the monetization of low-quality content and policies aimed at preventing violations of the rules.

Be very careful when quoting other people's content, and remember that Content ID usually doesn't recognize:

  • video fragments up to 30 seconds (guaranteed safe limit - 10 seconds);
  • music up to 3 sec.

Focus on these indicators and remember the rules of fair use and citation, so as not to receive sanctions from YouTube.

About violations of the rules

In this section we will talk about what kinds of violations there are, how not to violate them, and what to do if you do break the rules.

Types of violations:

  • strikes for copyright infringement;
  • strikes for violations of YouTube Community Guidelines;
  • removal of the channel for gross violation of community principles, for spam;
  • disabling monetization for false clicks;
  • video blocking worldwide or in some countries (Content ID);
  • match with third-party content identified by the Content ID system;
  • video rejected;
  • disabling monetization on the channel;
  • a combination of various disorders.

Strikes for copyright infringement

This occurs when a copyright holder or person purporting to be a copyright holder manually submits a notification.

If you receive a strike, you receive a notification, and in the “Copyright” section appears - “ bad reputation" and a warning is displayed. Information will be available to you: video title, video ID, information about the applicant. If you receive a complaint about several videos at once, this will be one warning.

The strike leads to the loss of some functions, namely: you cannot upload videos for more than 15 minutes, use external annotations, the ability to monetize videos remains. If you receive 3 strikes, your channel will be deleted within 7 days; if you receive 4 strikes, your channel will be deleted instantly.

A notification about this sad event comes to your email, which contains the following information: which video was deleted, who submitted the application and information about the number of strikes on your channel. If you have 3 strikes, you will be notified that the channel will be deleted after 7 days.

If your channel is deleted, the picture will be as follows.

What to do if you received a strike for copyright infringement?

  1. Ask the copyright holder to withdraw the strike in a tactful manner
  2. Submit a counter-notification if the strike is illegal or not sent by the copyright holder (when you click on the link to the counter-notice, the contacts of the copyright holder will be displayed). Send a counter-notification (the complaint was filed by mistake) if you know that this is definitely not the copyright holder, but simply an ill-wisher or your competitor. In this case, your video will be restored. What to do?
  • Send a request to restore the channel if it is blocked
  • Contact the media network for help
  1. Do not host other people’s content, especially if it is protected by the copyright holder; check the video for safety.

Strike for violating YouTube community guidelines

When does it happen? They are punished for spam and misrepresentation. Issued after review by YouTube employees. The form for filing such a complaint is located under any video.

When you click on the “complain” button, a window opens with options for violations.

Usually they complain about spam or misrepresentation, fraud. Misleading text can be attached to almost any channel (title, description, incorrect tags).

Strikes for community violations can be issued without the participation of people. This applies, for example, when listing tags in the description. A notification of a violation comes by email, where the type of violation is stated in black and white, for example, a notification about false video icons.

What to do?

Do not delete this video from your channel and submit an application to appeal the decision with a clear reasoning for your decision. In this case, you may be recognized as right. If there is an obvious violation, you will not be able to challenge the strike, submit a request to restore the channel

  • do not mislead viewers with the title and description of your video
  • don't put a false intro on your video
  • do not write tags in the title or description
  • don't upload more than 20 videos
  • do not upload videos with the same description and title
  • do not run more than 10 channels from one browser

Deletion of a channel for gross violation can occur without strikes at the same time after numerous complaints about the video or scanning by YouTube robots. In this case, you can make a request to restore the channel.

Blocking videos worldwide

This is the most serious violation. Blocking affects your copyright reputation; it can occur immediately after a video is uploaded and is determined automatically by the Content ID system. With 1-2 blockings, the copyright reputation remains good, if more than two blockings, this spoils the copyright reputation. You lose some features of your channel for 30 days, and monetization may be disabled.

Video blocking in some countries

It can happen immediately after loading or after some time. This type of blocking does not spoil the reputation of your channel. The blocking is related to the content of the video: video, audio, audiovisual.

What to do?

If the blocking is legitimate, delete the video. If it is unlawful, challenge it.

Match with third party content

This is the least dangerous blocking and does not spoil the reputation of the channel. Types of matches: visual, audio and audio-visual. If the sound recording is the same, it can be deleted using YouTube and YouTube allows you to delete the musical accompaniment of a video for which copyright is claimed. You can again monetize this video for your benefit.

What to do?

Delete the video or leave it for traffic without the possibility of recovery. If it is unlawful, challenge it.

The copyright holder receives a notification request indicating the video, who uploaded it, and the percentage of matches. The copyright holder has the right to choose: withdraw the application (so you can monetize this video), remove the video from your channel, or leave everything as is.

Video rejected.

If a video is rejected when re-uploaded, it does not affect your reputation.

Reasons for deviations.

  1. If a video is rejected due to inappropriate content (often these are videos that had strikes on other channels). Usually this does not lead to a deterioration in reputation, but it is better to delete the video.
  2. If the video is too long, and your channel is not confirmed via SMS, or there are restrictions on video uploading.

Any three warnings may result in monetization being disabled.

For example:

  • 2 strikes and one block worldwide;
  • 1 strike and 2 blocks;
  • 1 strike for copyright, 1 strike for community guidelines and one worldwide video blocking.

Monetization will be disabled:

  1. for cheating;
  2. for three warnings.

Monetization can be disabled for 30 days, in case of gross violations - indefinitely.

P.S. It looks like my training in free school YT Denis Konovalov stopped at lesson #39. My notes didn't help me.

I was hoping to get an answer to the question that interested me - “How to transfer youtube channel another Google account while maintaining the number of views, settings and subscribers.” The answer to this question is in lesson 56 of the school.

I’ll wait another day, maybe the teacher will have mercy and open access to a lesson on analyzing testing errors. What results did you get? Write in the comments!

Best regards, Natalya Krasnova.

Hello, friends. Well done for looking at this article. Today I will tell you about the basic rules of YouTube, which will save you from blocking and deleting both individual videos and the entire channel that you run or are just starting to run.

Many, in pursuit of ratings and attracting attention to their videos, do things that they later regret. And some even face criminal liability and imprisonment for uploading videos that cross the boundaries of normality.

But I hope everyone here is reasonable, knows the basic laws and what content cannot be posted on the Internet. I think it’s not worth writing about such things as violence against people and animals, depictions of cruelty, terrorism, threats to physical health, pornography and others, and that’s understandable.

I want to talk about what can cause your channel to get hit on the head by the YouTube community. For what violations are user channels banned and videos deleted?

What is prohibited by YouTube rules?

I re-read everything 3 times today official tips and rules for video hosting to write down the main, most interesting points and write this article.

Explicit scenes of a sexual nature

It is clear that all pornography is prohibited on YouTube. But he also does not allow nude private parts of the body in the video. This applies to everything, even if you touch a baby, your video will most likely be deleted.

Therefore, if you are going to use some elements of eroticism in your videos, then be sure to make sure that all participants are wearing underwear and their intimate parts are covered.

Manifestation of hatred

YouTube rules prohibit posting videos that contain statements against individuals or groups of people on a certain basis.

For example:

- religion,
- race and ethnic origin,
- disability,
- sexual orientation,
- gender,
- age,
- etc.


Threats against a certain person Also banned on YouTube. You should not threaten anyone with harm in your videos.

Deception of users

Deception includes not only fraud and illegal extraction Money from users, which is criminally punishable. On YouTube it is also considered cheating, for example: wrong name video to attract attention. When the title of the video is one, but the video is completely different.

For this they ban and delete the video.

Creating a channel and impersonating another person is also considered cheating. This applies to the moment when fake channels are created famous people and are trying to make money from it.

Other people's content

YouTube has certain licenses for uploaded videos. There are videos that you can download and upload to your channel, and you won’t get anything for it, but there are those for which the channel receives fines, and in this case the video is blocked. We will talk about these licenses and “gray” channels in a separate article, where I will tell you how you can make money using other people’s videos.

YouTube also monitors any elements of other people’s content in your video, be it music, excerpts from films, etc. If these elements also have licenses, then you will receive fines and the video will be blocked. Therefore, be careful when using music in videos. I will also tell you separately where to get music and how it can be used without violations.

Spam in videos and comments

On YouTube it is forbidden to upload videos and write a lot of comments that represent aggressive advertising and their main purpose is to redirect the user to some other website.

Spam has not worked for a long time, everyone is full and does not pay attention to it.

You're only making things worse for yourself with spam, please clean game, learn to attract traffic correctly.

Artificially attracting traffic

All promotions and artificial attraction of traffic also do not work; moreover, YouTube algorithms monitor and punish this.

Harmful and dangerous content

YouTube does not tolerate content that incites violence, or any dangerous or illegal behavior that could cause serious injury or death. You should not show in your videos what is dangerous to repeat.

This rule also includes the use of drugs and alcohol in the video.

Confidential data

Well, the last point for which you can be punished is the publication of a person’s personal data without his consent.


In conclusion, I want to encourage you to be adequate YouTube users, did not violate all these rules when posting videos and promoted their channel using white-collar methods. And when prohibited videos were discovered, a complaint was sent against them.

I wish you all great success.

If you have questions regarding any YouTube rules, ask them in the comments.