What to draw on a computer using paint. Computer drawing program Paint

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Computer drawing program Paint

Any computer, and to be more precise, any Windows operating system, has a certain number of “built-in” programs. These programs are usually called “Standard”, since they do not need to be specially installed. And one of these programs is for drawing. It's called Paint.

You can learn more about computer programs from the lesson “Computer Programs.”

Paint is the simplest drawing program on a computer, which children adore and is highly appreciated by many adults. It has a small set of drawing tools (brush, pencil, eraser, etc.) and a large number of colors. Paint's capabilities are very limited, but despite this, you can create almost masterpieces in it. It all depends on desire and talent.

How to open Paint

To open the Paint program on your computer, click on the “Start” button in the lower left corner of the screen.

In the list that opens, click on “All programs” (Programs).

A fairly large list will appear. Select "Standards".

Finally, open the Paint() program.

What does Paint look like?

There are two versions of the Paint program. By and large, they differ only in design.

This is what an older version of Paint looks like:

And this is what the modern version of this program looks like:

Also, on many computers, instead of the Paint program, a similar program called. We will talk about this program separately. She looks like this:

How to draw in Paint

Let's try to draw something in Paint. Left-click on the drawing tool. For example, on a brush.

Now click on the color you want (the colors are at the bottom or top of the program).

Move the cursor over the white, click on the left mouse button and, without releasing it, move the mouse.

Here's what I got:

The Paint program consists of several parts. The most important part is the white rectangle in the middle. This is our leaf, that is, the place Where we will draw.

The next, no less important part of the program is the tools. This is what, how we will draw. The tools are located either on the left or at the top (depending on the version of the Paint program).

Also, for complete drawing we will need different colors. The part of the program where you can select a color is either at the bottom left or top right (depending on the version).

Well, there is one more part of the program - the top menu. This, by the way, is the part that we will use extremely rarely.

As you already know, you can choose a color to draw either at the bottom left or at the top right. In order for the color you like to be “assigned”, you just need to click on it with the left mouse button. By the way, pay attention to the two squares next to the flowers.

If you click on a color, it will appear in the first (front) square. This means that the color is selected and you can paint with it.

And the back square is the color with which you will erase what you have drawn. By default it is white. It's better not to change it.

By the way, these are not all colors. You can choose any other color. To do this you need to change the palette.

In the old version of Paint, click on the “Palette” label (top right). The message “Change palette” will appear. Click on it.

In the new version of Paint, use the "Change Colors" button.

Drawing tools in Paint

And now the most interesting part is drawing. In the Paint program, as in life, there are several ways to draw. You can use a brush or pencil, or you can use a can of paint. There are other options: inscription, lines, shapes. Now we will look at the most popular drawing tools.

Let me remind you that the tools in the Paint program are either on the left side or on the top.

Let's start with the Pencil tool. It looks like this:

Draws with a thin line. Try drawing something. To do this, left-click on the “Pencil” tool, then click on the desired color, then move the cursor to white, click on the left mouse button and, without releasing it, move the mouse.

The next popular tool is the Brush. It looks like this:

Draws with a thicker line than the Pencil.

By the way, you can choose the thickness of the “Brush” yourself.

If you have an older version of the Paint program, then under the tools there is a window in which you can select the thickness and appearance of the line. To do this, click on any type of line and try to draw (the same as with the “Pencil”).

And if you have a new version of the program, then in order to select the thickness and appearance of the brush, you need to click on the button with a small arrow directly under the “Brush” tool. Try painting with different brushes (paint in the same way as with a “Pencil”).

The old version of Paint has a tool called the Sprayer that paints with dots. It looks like this:

The sprayer, like the brush, has different sizes. And they need to draw in the same way as with a pencil and brush.

Eraser tool. Wipe away what you drew.

"Filling". Fills the merged area with color.

To try this, draw a circle with a brush or pencil. Left-click on the fill and select a different color.

Move inside the circle and left-click once. The inside of the circle will be filled with color.

Zoom tool. Enlarges part of the picture. It is convenient to use this tool for drawing small details.

In order to enlarge part of the picture, click on the “Scale” tool and click on the place of the picture that you want to enlarge with the left mouse button. In order to return it back, that is, reduce it, right-click on the enlarged picture. If this does not work, then select the “Scale” tool again and left-click on the enlarged image.

And finally, let's talk about one more tool, which, compared to the previous ones, is not used so often.

Eyedropper tool. Needed to determine the color in the drawing. To do this, point the Eyedropper at a specific colored part of the picture and click once with the left mouse button. Then look at the set color. He has changed. That is, using the “Pipette” you can select a color in a certain place (point) of the drawing.

We've just looked at the most commonly used tools in Paint. Try to draw a similar drawing using them.

Saving a Paint drawing to your computer

Many people do not save the drawing while working, but do it at the end. The fact is that when you try to close the Paint program, having already drawn something in it, a window pops up in which the computer “asks” whether to save the changes.

If you click on the “Yes” button, the computer will open a window in which you need to select a location for the drawing, give it a name and click the “Save” button.

If you click on the “No” button, the computer will close the Paint program along with the drawing, and you will no longer be able to open it. That is, the drawing will disappear forever.

And if you click the “Cancel” button, the computer will leave the Paint program open along with the drawing. Thus, it gives you the opportunity to correct something, change the drawing.

But it’s better to save it in another way. And not at the very end of working on the drawing, but from time to time. The fact is that there is a possibility of losing the drawing. For example, a power surge or a computer freeze. If this suddenly happens, your drawing may not be saved on the computer. This means you will lose it.

By the way, this applies not only to the Paint program, but also to any other computer program (Microsoft Word, Excel, Photoshop, etc.).

In the new version of the program, instead of the “File” inscription, there is this button:

A list will open. Click on “Save As” in this list.

A new window will open. In it, the computer prompts you to select the location in which you want to record (save) our drawing.

Pay attention to the top of this window. This is where the computer "plans" to save the drawing. This part looks like this:

Or like this:

In the example in the picture, the computer prompts you to save the drawing in “My Drawings” (“Images”). In one of the lessons, we talked about the fact that it is better not to store anything in “My Drawings” (“Images”), as well as in “My Documents” (of course, if there is an alternative). Therefore, it is better to save the drawing to some Local drive, for example, to Local Drive D. That is, in this window, instead of the “My Pictures” (“Images”) folder, you need to select Local Drive D. To do this, click on the “My Computer” "("Computer") on the left side.

And after that, inside the window (in the white part of it) open the desired Local disk, that is, double-click on it with the left mouse button.

If you want to put the drawing in a folder, open it in the same window (click on it twice with the left mouse button).

After you have chosen the location where you want to save the drawing, you need to pay attention to the bottom of the window. Or rather, to the “File name” item.

This part contains the name under which the drawing will be recorded in the computer. In the example in the picture, this name is “Nameless”. If it does not suit us, then we need to delete it and print a new, suitable name.

Also pay attention to the field that is located immediately below the “File name”. It's called "File Type". By clicking on this field, we can select the appropriate format for the drawing or leave everything as is. You will learn about the formats of drawings (photos) at the end of the lesson.

Now you can close the Paint program and try opening your drawing from your computer. To do this, open the location where you saved the drawing. There should be a file with the name you typed or the standard name “Untitled”.

Picture and photo format

Drawings and photographs differ from each other not only in content, but also in other “computer” characteristics. For example, by size.

It happens that there seem to be two identical drawings, but one is three times larger in size than the other.

You can learn how to determine computer size by studying the lesson “File and Folder Size.”

Also, the drawings (photos) differ in quality. I think you have come across photographs of extremely poor quality more than once. This is visible to the naked eye. For example, two identical photographs, but one is of better quality and the other is of worse quality.

And it happens that the drawing (photograph) seems to lack colors. Here's an example.

And the file format or, in other words, the file type is responsible for all this.

You can learn about the concept of “file type” in the lesson “File Formats”.

In fact, images (drawings, photographs) come in a variety of formats. And there are a lot of these formats. We will not consider all these formats - we will consider the most popular ones.

These are formats such as bmp, gif, jpg, png, tiff.

All these formats differ from each other, first of all, in quality. And the quality differs in the number (saturation) of colors.

For example, I paint a picture using many different colors. And then suddenly some of the colors ran out, and I was forced to finish painting with what I had. Of course, I will try to do everything so that this circumstance does not greatly affect the result, but still my picture will not turn out as I would like - more faded, blurry.

That's how it is with image formats. Some formats leave all the colors, while others cut off some of them. And sometimes, because of this, the image (drawing, photograph) deteriorates. But this is to put it briefly. In fact, everything is somewhat more complicated, but I think you got the main point.

And now about the formats.

BMP– format of drawings. It can be used to store the drawings you have drawn on your computer. But this format is not used on the Internet due to its large volume. That is, if you want to “post” your drawing on a forum or social network, pay attention to the format. It must be gif, jpg or png.

GIF– a popular drawing format. It allows you to save drawings without loss of quality, but with a limited number of colors - 256. This format is very common on the Internet. By the way, it creates small animated (moving) pictures.

JPG– format of photographs and paintings with a large number of colors. In this format, you can save an image both without and with loss of quality.

PNG– modern format of drawings. The image in this format is small in size without loss of quality. Very convenient: the file is small and the quality is good. By the way, this format supports transparency well.

TIFF– image format of very good quality (no compression). And, accordingly, the size of such images is huge. This format is used when quality is of great importance. For example, when creating business cards, booklets, magazine covers.

So how to choose the appropriate format?! Of course, it depends on the situation. But you can follow a fairly simple principle:

If this is a drawing made in the Paint program, which you are going to keep on your computer and not “take out” on the Internet, then bmp.

If there is an animation or drawing with a small number of colors that you are going to publish on the Internet, then gif

If the photo is jpg (jpeg)

If there is a drawing where there are many colors or some transparent parts, then png

If a drawing, photo for printing (business cards, booklets, posters, etc.) - then tiff.

When working with drawings and photographs, quite often you need to put an inscription on the image itself. You can, of course, try to do this “manually” - draw with a brush or pencil in the Paint program. But it’s unlikely that you’ll be able to make a neat, beautiful inscription this way. For this purpose, the Paint program has a special tool with which you can print text on an image.

How to print text on a drawing or photo

To type text on an image, it must be open in Paint.

If you have an older version of Paint, then at the top left of this program there is the inscription “File”. Click on it, and in the list that opens, click on “Open”.

And if you have a new version of Paint, click on the small arrow button at the top left.

A list will open. Click on "Open".

As soon as you click on “Open”, a window will appear. In this window you need to find and select the drawing or photograph on which you want to put an inscription. Typically the computer will prompt you to select an image from the My Pictures (Pictures) folder. You can choose any other place. To do this, use the left side of the window.

When you open the desired location and find a drawing (photo), double-click on it with the left mouse button so that it opens in the Paint program. Let me remind you that you can find the desired picture (photo) faster if you change the “View” (right in the empty space in the window - “View”).

Now let’s print the text on the drawing (photo). To do this, click on the “Text” tool.

Then click on the color with which you want to print the text on the image.

Release the left mouse button and type the text.

How to change the font and size of letters

To change the font, letter size, and make text bold, italic, or underlined, use the “Font” (Text) panel.

This panel usually appears at the top when you type text on a drawing.

It happens that in the old version of Paint the text editing panel does not appear. In this case, you need to right-click on the text field and select “Text Attributes Panel”.

Don't forget to highlight the text you want to change!

Let's say I started typing text and wanted to increase its size. First of all, I need to select the text that I want to change. To do this, you need to press the left mouse button at the end of the printed text and, without releasing it, drag it to the beginning.

When the text is highlighted (colored), you can change the size of the letters. To do this you need to use the text editing panel

Drawing lines and shapes in Paint

In previous lessons we learned how to draw and print text on drawings (photos) in the Paint program. In this lesson we will learn how to draw lines and shapes. After all, without this it is impossible to implement many ideas. For example, the following drawing is drawn with only lines and shapes.

In order to draw lines, the Paint program has a special “Line” tool. It is located in the same place as all other tools - either on the left or on the top (depending on the version of Paint).

Click on it with the left mouse button. Then choose the color you want to draw the line with. Let me remind you that in the old version of the Paint program the colors are in the bottom left, and in the new version they are in the top right.

You can also select the line thickness. The old version of Paint has a special field for selecting thickness. Left-click on the appropriate type.

In the new version of the program, to select the thickness, you need to click on the “Thickness” button and select the appropriate type from the proposed list.

By the way, in the new version of the Paint program you can choose not only the thickness, but also the type of line (pastel, oil, watercolor, marker, and so on). There is a special “Contour” button for this.

Having selected the color and type of line, move the cursor (arrow) over white, click on the left mouse button and, without releasing it, move the mouse to the side. When you stretch the line to the desired size, release the mouse button.

Next to the Line tool there is another interesting tool - Curved Line.

You can also choose the color and thickness of the line, and in the new version of the program, also the outline.

Make the necessary adjustments and draw a line. Then point at the place where the bend should be, click on the left mouse button and, without releasing it, move the mouse in the desired direction. Release the left mouse button when you have curved the line the way you want.

Now let's start drawing the figures. There is a whole set of tools for this.

Let's start with the Oval tool (in the old version - Ellipse).

You need to draw an oval in the same way as a line: press the left mouse button and, without releasing it, “stretch” it to the desired size.

or- rectangle. Just as in the case of an oval, in the old version of the Paint program you can select the type (regular, opaque, colored) of the rectangle. And in the new version - its thickness, outline, fill. It is also drawn.

All other figures have the same settings. The Polygon tool deserves special attention. Using it, you can draw shapes of various shapes.

To do this, press the left mouse button and, without releasing it, draw a line. This will be the first side of the polygon. To draw the next side, simply click once where you want the end to be.

Try drawing each of the shapes in Paint with different settings.

How to change a drawing

In the Paint program, you can not only draw a picture, but also change it. For example, turn over, reduce or enlarge part of the picture, copy (reproduce).

And in order to do all this, you need to learn how to highlight a picture or part of a picture. That is, before changing something in the drawing (flip, enlarge, copy), we need to select the very part that we want to change. There are two tools for this – rectangular selection and free-form selection.

How to select a picture or part of a picture

Let's learn how to select using the Rectangular Selection tool.

Select the Rectangular Marquee Tool. If you have an older version of the Paint program, then to do this you need to click the special “Selection” button in the part of the program where the tools are located (on the left).

And if you have a new version of the Paint program, then you need to click on the “Select” inscription and from the small window that opens, select the “Rectangular area” item.

Once you have selected the desired tool, move the cursor over the part of the image that you want to select. If you need to select the entire picture, then move the cursor to any corner of it.

Press the left mouse button and, without releasing it, stretch the rectangular window to the desired size.

This is how you select a picture or part of a picture in the Paint program.

But using the Free Shape Selection tool, you can select a part of an image of a certain shape.

If you have an older version of the Paint program, then to do this you need to click a special button in the part of the program where the tools are located (on the left).

And if you have a new version of the Paint program, then you need to click on the “Select” inscription and from the small window that opens, select the “Custom Area” item.

Once you have selected the desired tool, move the cursor over the part of the image that you want to select. Press the left mouse button and, without releasing it, outline the drawing.

When you release the left mouse button, the part of the drawing that you outlined will be inside the rectangle. That's how it should be.

And now I’ve talked about how to change a drawing or part of a drawing.

How to change a picture or part of a picture

First, let's talk about how to change the size of a picture or part of a picture.

When you select a picture or part of it, the selected fragment is placed in a rectangle. This happens when using both the Rectangular Marquee Tool and the Freeform Selection Tool.

There are small squares on this rectangle. If you hover over any square, it will change to a double-headed arrow. At this moment, you need to press the left mouse button and, without releasing it, drag it to the side to the desired size.

But in order to move part of the drawing to another place on the sheet, you need to place the cursor inside the rectangle. The arrow will become four-sided. Click on the left mouse button and, without releasing it, drag the selected part to the desired location.

And in order to rotate the selected part of the picture or multiply it, you need to right-click inside the rectangle and select the appropriate item.

To rotate, select “Flip/Rotate...” (Rotate).

To copy part of the picture (reproduce), select “Copy”, and then right-click in another part of the sheet and select “Paste” from the list that appears.

When you are finished working with the selected area, left-click on the empty space. The selection will disappear.

More details on drawing in version 7 can be found here: http://windows. /ru-RU/windows7/Using-Paint

Paint.NET is a clear, easy-to-use, yet very powerful graphics editor. What is equally important is that anyone can download paint net in Russian for free. A nice addition to this software is the complete absence of advertising, both during installation and during operation. In terms of functionality, Paint.NET is superior to regular Paint, but somewhat inferior to the GIMP graphics editor.

After you have downloaded Paint for drawing and installed it, you can proceed to loading the image: you just need to drag it with the mouse or open it using the file dialog.

If it remains unclear how to crop drawings (photos) in paint, use help.

The toolbar, which is a small window containing icons for basic editing options, opens by default. You will be pleased with the functionality of this editor: here you can select not only rectangular, oval or round, but also arbitrary areas of the image, there is a magic wand for selecting areas of the same color, the ability to draw arbitrary shapes, and much more.

The built-in paint net help contains lessons and examples of using the program, which will help you quickly master this graphic application. This is very useful, especially if you are using the program for the first time and do not know, for example, how to crop a photo in Paint or how to insert text onto an image in Paint.

In the “Image” menu, you will be presented with options such as rotating the picture at a certain angle, mirroring it, and resizing it. In addition, Paint does not allow working with image layers. As you add each subsequent layer, its icon will appear in the upper right corner. The Correction function allows you to play with hue and saturation, brightness and contrast of colors, darkening and lightening of images, and more. Paint.NET also has about 30 graphic effects, including various types of blur, distortion and image style adjustments (negative, sketch, etc.).

Based on all of the above, we can conclude that Paint.NET is intended for those who have already “outgrown” Paint, but do not have the opportunity or desire to master such complex professional programs as Photoshop and GIMP.

We remind you that the paint net program can be downloaded for free, so we will not describe the shortcomings (there are not many of them, since the paint program is for simple drawing (photo editing)). It falls under the category of free software. And if you decide to Photoshop in Paint, we recommend downloading Photoshop itself.

Necessary system requirements to install the program:

  • 1 GHz processor;
  • 1 GB of free RAM;
  • add-on for windows .NET Framework 4.5.

Earlier I wrote that various actions on a computer are performed by using the corresponding programs. So you already know that text is written in a program - a text editor, the simplest of which is called Notepad. You can even draw on a computer using a program - a graphic editor. A text document with a name is a text file. Similarly, a graphic document, such as a photograph, drawing or drawing, is a graphic file.
Work with this type of documents is carried out in graphic editor.

There are different graphic editors, just like text editors. One of the well-known programs is a graphic editor Photoshop with great potential. This program is paid, again far from cheap, sometimes it can be installed on a computer when you purchase it and, of course, is included in the price. There are other free graphic editors that are not inferior in capabilities to the Photoshop editor.

The simplest program - a graphic editor, supplied with the Windows operating system and installed on your computer, is called Paint. For all its simplicity graphic editor Paint knows how to do many useful, interesting and beautiful things. Having mastered this editor, you will later be able to easily use other “cooler” graphic editors.

Using a graphic editor Paint you can view photos, copy them, cut out part of the photo, inscribe, and also create your own multi-colored drawing or a painting (if you have artistic abilities), design a personalized greeting card, draw a garden plan, etc.

Place the cursor on the "Start" button in the lower left corner of the monitor screen, move the cursor higher until the inscription "All programs", the inscription will be highlighted in blue.
A column with a list of programs will appear on the right. Move the cursor to the right in this column and select the inscription “Standard” from the list; the inscription will be highlighted in blue.
Another column with a list will appear on the right.
Move the cursor to the right in this column and select the inscription " Paint", the inscription will be highlighted in blue. Click on this inscription.


This tutorial was previously written for a previous version of the Paint program included with the Windows XP operating system. Currently, the Windows 10 operating system includes a new version of the Paint graphics editor. The interface (appearance) of the editor has changed, the layout of the panels and some inscriptions have changed. The principle of operation of the program remains the same.
I will show some changes for Windows 10 here in red text, accompanied by new pictures. Read everything else from the previous text.

A window will open, at the top of which there is the inscription “Untitled - Paint”. In order to expand this window to full screen, select “View” in the top line, select “Zoom” in the drop-down menu, and click “Large”. A large white field appeared in front of us - a space for work. When you zoomed in, not the entire field fit on the screen; scroll engines appeared at the bottom and right. By clicking on them with the left button and holding, you can drag the sliders one to the right, the other down to view the entire image. If this seems inconvenient to you, return the previous scale.

A window will open, at the top of which there is the inscription “Untitled – Paint”. In order to expand this window to full screen, select “View” in the top line, select “Zoom” in the drop-down menu, and click “Enlarge”.
When you zoomed in, not the entire field fit on the screen; scroll engines appeared at the bottom and right. By clicking on them with the left button and holding, you can drag the sliders one to the right, the other down to view the entire image. If this seems inconvenient to you, return the previous scale.
Next, click “Home”.

In the upper left corner you see toolbar, and at the bottom left is a color palette. Your cursor on the white field has taken the shape of a pencil, and the button with the image of a pencil is pressed on the toolbar.
Select any color from the palette by clicking the mouse and move the cursor across the field. The pencil will draw a line with the selected color.

A color palette appeared at the top right, the “Tools” panel appeared at the top left, and the cursor took the shape of a cross.
Click on the pencil in “Tools”.
Select any color from the palette by clicking the mouse and move the cursor across the field. The pencil will draw a line with the selected color.
Choose a brush instead of a pencil, change the color from the palette.

Select a brush instead of a pencil, change the color from the palette, select the brush size at the bottom of the toolbar (try different ones), move the brush across the field.

Below the pencil there is a button with a spray icon. Click on it and change the color. Briefly click on the white field, another time click and hold longer.
Depending on the duration, the spray will be less or more filled. The spot size is also selectable at the bottom of the toolbar.

Click on the arrow in the “Brushes” tool, a panel with different options will open, one of them is “Sprayer”.
Briefly click on the white field, another time click and hold longer.
Depending on the duration, the spray will be less or more filled.

If you select one of the lines in the Thickness panel, it will determine the size of the spray spot.
The thickness of the brush is also selected.

In the "Shapes" panel, select the "Line", "Rectangle" buttons, at the bottom of the toolbar, set the line thickness in the "Thickness" panel. To draw a line, place the cursor, click and, without releasing, drag further. To view an enlarged picture, click on the magnifying glass on the toolbar and click on the image. At the top of the toolbar there is an "Eraser" button, click on it, then drag along the drawn lines to erase them. You can also select the eraser size in the Weight panel by selecting the line thickness.

To draw a rectangle, place the cursor, click and, without releasing, drag along the diagonal of the rectangle. Using the "Ellipse" button you can draw both an ellipse and a circle, practice.
There is also a button "Rectangle with rounded corners". When you hover over the buttons, read the tooltips. The polygon is drawn like this. Click the Polygon button. Place the cursor on the field, click and, without releasing, drag to the next corner of the future polygon, release, click again in the same place and drag to another corner, etc.
The resulting closed polygon (any closed contour) can be filled inside with color. Click on the Fill paint can in the toolbar, having previously selected a color, and click inside the outline.
There is also a "Curve" button. Select it. Place the cursor, click and, without releasing, drag, for example, from top to bottom vertically, release, you get a vertical straight line. Move the cursor to the line, for example, in the middle, click and, without releasing, drag, for example, to the left. Let go, you get a concave blue line.

It's time to save our experimental drawing. Click "File, Save As", double click open the "My Documents" folder, there is a "My Pictures" folder in it, open it.
Place the cursor in the "File name" line and enter the name, for example, "Figure_1", do not put quotation marks, do not put a space, instead of a space put an underscore (at the top of the keyboard while simultaneously pressing the Shift key with your left hand) or a dash.
Click "Save". The file name “figure_1.bmp” will appear at the top above the white work field; the computer has added a dot and the extension “bmp”, which is used for this picture file in this graphic editor.

To view an enlarged picture, click on the magnifying glass on the toolbar and at the bottom of the panel, click on the desired magnification scale. At the top of the toolbar there is an "Eraser" button, click on it, then drag along the drawn lines to erase them. You can also select the eraser size at the bottom of the panel. After you have erased something, click “Edit, Undo” in the top line, everything will appear again. Thus the program allows you to undo the last three actions.

You can delete everything drawn in another way. Click Edit, Select All, then click "Del" key on the keyboard. Try it, then return the drawing using the "Edit, Undo" method. Click “Edit, Select All” again, the cursor changes to a cross. Place a cross on the picture, press the left mouse button and, without releasing it, drag the entire picture to the free field. To remove the selection (the dotted line around the picture), click on the free field outside the dotted line.

After you have erased something, click the “Undo” arrow in the top line, everything will appear again. Thus, the program allows you to undo the last three actions.

You can delete everything drawn in another way. In the top line, open the “Select” arrow and select “Select All”.

You can return the drawing using the “Return” arrow.

To delete one of the shapes, open the “Select” button at the top and select “Rectangular Area”.

To delete one of the shapes, click the “Selection” rectangle on the toolbar, place the cursor in the upper left corner above the shape and drag it to the lower right corner, release. The figure is highlighted with a dotted line, press the "Del" key. Undo the last two actions: deleting and moving the picture. Save the document: "File, Save".
Now click the "View, View Picture" button. To return to the previous state, left-click on the picture field.

It's time to save our experimental drawing. Click "File, Save As". In the previous version it was possible to select only the BMP format. In the new version of the Paint editor, other saving formats have appeared, with other extensions. You can use any of them, there are some differences that are not significant for you. The most commonly used JPEG format, providing a small file size.

Windows 10 doesn't have the same My Pictures folder, so click Pictures and create a new Pictures folder, double-click it and save the picture.

If you have artistic abilities and skills, you can draw a portrait of yourself, or an animal, or a flower, and then use it as an avatar, for example in a real-time communication program. To create your own avatar (if you don’t have a photo on your computer), you can draw some geometric pattern or symbol.

Select your pattern using a rectangular selection, click "Edit, Copy to File", your "My Pictures" folder will open, give the file a name, for example "avatar_1", click "Save".
The system will add a dot and the letters "bmp" to the name. You already know that these letters are called extensions and are used to help the computer understand which program should open a given file. The "bmp" extension corresponds to the Paint graphics editor.
The file "avatar_1.bmp" is in the folder. To see how it turned out, click "File, Open", click on the avatar image, then "Open". Read how to insert an avatar in lesson No. 10.

Select your pattern using a rectangular selection, click on the “Crop” button at the top, then: File, Save As, Image in JPG format, your “Pictures” folder will open, give the file a name, for example “avatar_1”, click “Save”. The system will add a dot and the letters "jpg" to the name.

If you want to paint a picture or draw a sketch of the layout of your garden plot, but in the process of work you are afraid that you will spoil everything that has already been drawn, I recommend that from time to time you save intermediate versions of the work under different names, for example, “plan_1, plan_2, plan_3” etc. The final result of the site plan can be called "plan_done", and after reviewing, when you are sure that the sketch is complete and correct, delete all intermediate options.
To delete an unnecessary intermediate file, go to the “My Documents, My Pictures” folder, select the file, click on it, then press the “Del” key.

Paint is a standard Windows graphics editor that many users use for drawing. This article will discuss several online versions of Paint analogues.

If you need to work with Paint online, i.e. through the online version of the browser, then for these purposes there is a sufficient number of simple graphic editors that do not require installation on a computer. Of course, they are all significantly inferior to the original Paint, but as a simple replacement they are fine.

An online version of Paint with a completely simple interface and a minimum of tools. This online service is a very simple drawing tool that has a limited color palette, Brush tools with adjustable size, Eraser and Fill. The finished image can be saved to your computer in PNG format in one click.

If Paint Online is too easy, then Sumo Paint will definitely please you. This graphic editor has a wide range of tools, various shapes of brushes, allows you to work with layers, as well as load an existing image from your computer for further work with it. In general, the functionality of this editor is comparable not to Paint, but to Adobe Photoshop - if you are familiar with this program, then you will not have to understand the interface. However, it should be noted that Sumo Paint has a rather complex interface without support for the Russian language, which will be quite difficult for beginners to understand.

This service is rather a children's drawing game with beautiful animation and a simple interface. There are no special tools here: only a brush with the ability to adjust the size, a color palette and creating a new page.

Instead of a cursor, drawing is done with a full-fledged felt-tip pen, but the most interesting thing is that the entire drawing process can be reproduced from the very beginning. The finished image can be saved to a computer or printed immediately.

All three services are not very similar to standard Paint, but each of them has its own flavor. Please note that for each online editor to work correctly, you must have the latest version of the Adobe Flash Player plugin in your browser.

In the modern world, computerized technology is so developed that from an early age, we get used to gadgets and cannot imagine life without them. For example, paintings created using specialized programs will cause no less delight than those painted with brushes and paints on canvas. Advanced users, designers, artists, use specialized tablets to display graphics. But if you are new to this business and you have a desire to learn how to depict drawings using a computer, decide what exactly you want and what level of your computer knowledge. There are free graphic editors, with the help of their tools you can create spectacular drawings.

What drawing programs are there?

Remember, there are two types of files, vector and raster, their difference is in the set of programs and tools. Without going into a detailed analysis, we note that, in vector files, the image consists of curves, with shading functions. When you open this file, the editor program compiles everything from scratch. But in raster, the picture consists of a set of dots, it is the most universal, but the weight takes up more space.
Before you start studying graphics programs, decide what exactly you want and select the appropriate program:
Adobe Photoshop is a very difficult and powerful graphics editor for beginners. It is more suitable for professional photo processing, design, and websites. It is, of course, possible to learn how to draw using this program, but it will take a lot of time, you will spend a lot of effort, whether you need it.

The next option for your choice is a program called Corel Draw. This is also an advanced editor that helps to recreate images of unusual properties. It is usually used for processing logos and design purposes. Large selection of tools, multitasking.
And so, it is recommended for a beginner with basic computer knowledge to use the standard MS Paint program. Designed for those with little experience, helping to create a simple image. Packed with the usual functions that allow you to draw and edit images.

Introducing Paint

In every Windows, there are native, so to speak, programs that are added to the system initially and are considered standard. They do not require paid updates; among them there is a special Paint program. Of course, this is not a professional editor, its functions are limited, but for a beginner who wants to learn how to draw, this is enough. To get started, click the Start button and find the tab - All Programs. Then the list is Standard, and the Paint shortcut is hidden in it. After launching this program, draw something; on the left are the tools for use. You can select a brush of the desired shade in the palette panel located below. Point the cursor at a readable part of the sheet and using the left mouse button, holding it, draw an object. Similar actions can be done with the rest of the proposed tools.

Having completed your work, you can save the picture if you wish by going to Files, click – Save As, select the intended location, and give the file a name instead of “Untitled”. Please pay attention to the field below - File type, select the desired format, save the image.

Paint Tools

After an introductory acquaintance with the program, we can analyze the actions in detail and proceed to more complex drawings. The panel itself of this program is similar to the Word interface. You already know where the toolbar is, so let’s start to understand them, let’s start drawing and practicing.
A brush is a tool with which we draw something; its functionality allows you to choose a different shape and thickness. We point at the middle of the sheet, that is, our canvas, and according to the description above, draw any image.
A pencil, similar to a brush, allows you to freely draw thin lines.
The Spray tool paints with dots, just like the real thing. You can also change colors.
The next Paint function is Fill, which allows you to fill the entire host with the selected color, giving it a background, as well as individual elements of the picture.
The eraser, like real stationery, erases parts of the image if necessary.
Using the Text function, you can make an arbitrary inscription on the picture. At the same time, an additional panel will appear where you can select the font, size, style. You can also change the background of the text itself.
In addition to arbitrary lines, you have access to tools with ready-made shapes, such as a rectangle, circle, oval, stars and a lot of other geometric shapes. Their size, outline color and elongation can be adjusted as desired.

Drawing lessons in the Paint editor

Now, using the disassembled tools, let’s draw a banal and simple picture. We divide the canvas into two parts, drawing a horizontal line. In the middle of this line, use an eraser to make a small space and insert a rectangle, on top exactly along the contour, draw a triangle and you get a frame, the simplest image of a house. Using fill, we paint the lower part of the horizontal line with green color, this will be our grass, and the upper part can be made slightly blue - it will represent the sky. Using the Spray tool, white, we make clouds, and a black brush, we depict the ticks of the birds. Next is the flight of your imagination - draw windows on the house, on the sides of it, tree bushes, also using either a brush or ready-made graphic shapes. And of course, don’t forget about the sun. You can add text, congratulations, making, for example, a postcard, all that remains is to save it.

Changing or adding an inscription on a picture, or inserting/cutting an element on a photo. You just need to go to the panel in File, Open, select an image and work with it. As you can see, this program has a wide range of capabilities, of course, there are also disadvantages. Lack of function, Autosave limits use, do not forget to save your work. And if you make a mistake, you can cancel actions only three steps back; the editor doesn’t remember more.

Graphics tablet

I want to say a little more about computer artistic capabilities. For the convenience of artists and designers, we invented such an interesting gadget. This tool facilitates hand-drawn images directly into the tablet. It consists of a pen (pen), a flat tablet and sometimes a special mouse. Using a special pen, you can draw like a drawing board. Graphic tablets are used, in particular, to create images, similar to working with a classic piece of paper, and are used to transfer finished images to a computer. Many tablets have a transparent, removable plastic cover, under which you can put a picture, a photograph, you can trace the image, copy it.

And the pen on one side is sharp, on the other it is like an eraser, available for erasing blots. In general, the thing is very interesting and multifunctional. But you need to prepare to master this difficult technique.

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