What to do if your iPhone won’t boot (the “White Apple” or “Eternal Chamomile” problem). Recovering iPad without losing jailbreak

And iPads are very often disappointed with jailbreak. Based on the results of the “hacking,” they expect to receive open gadgets that don’t mind all Apple’s restrictions - but in fact they become owners of “buggy” mobile devices that work extremely unstable. It is logical that they want to remove jailbreak - just so that their iPhones will become convenient and fast again.

Another common reason for not jailbreaking is the desire to receive warranty support from Apple. It is known that the manufacturer does not repair devices that have been hacked, so before asking for help, the user must carefully cover up all traces of the “criminal” procedure. How to remove jailbreak from iPhone without a trace, we will tell you in this article.

This method of removing jailbreak is the easiest and safest: you just need to restore your iPhone from a backup by clicking the corresponding button in iTunes.

The advantage of this jailbreak removal method is that the user has the opportunity to save important information on the mobile device. However, the method also has a drawback: “Traces are not covered” thoroughly enough.

Even though the user brings the device for repair in a state unjailbroken, experts will quickly figure out that the iPhone was subjected to forbidden procedure. In this case, the current state of the gadget will not matter - repairs will still be refused. Therefore, if the owner of an iPhone intends to transfer his gadget to the service, it is better for him to demolish Jailbreak in another way - through the button " Restore iPhone...».

When iTunes will offer to create a backup copy, you must refuse - select the option “ Don't create a backup».

With this method of recovery iTunes independently download the current version of the operating system and install it on the mobile device. Naturally, in this case, the owner of the gadget will lose part of the data, but will receive “ clean» smartphone, without traces of jailbreak.

How to remove jailbreak if iTunes does not recognize the device?

What iTunes does not see the connected “hacked” iPhone, this is a consequence of the “glitchiness” that was mentioned at the beginning of the article. Most often, owners of older iPhone models suffer from such problems - 4 And 4S; After installing a jailbreak, the “four” may completely turn into a “brick” that does not show any signs of life and is not recognized by the PC.

There is a way to get out of such a difficult situation - you should act like this:

Step 1. Enter your smartphone into DFU-mode. After connecting the gadget to the PC, press " Home" And " Power" for 10 seconds, then release " Power", continuing to hold " Home» (more details about what constitutes DFU-Mode we talked about in the article “DFU mode on iPhone 4 and 5”).

Step 2. IN iTunes The following message will appear:

Click " OK", then " Restore iPhone..." You will get an iPhone without jailbreak, but again you will lose some valuable data.

How to remove jailbreak without flashing?

Another way to jailbreak and reset your Apple device is to use the “self-destruct” tweak Cydia Eraser(in past - Cydia Impactor), developed by the creator Cydia Jay Freeman. This method has a number of significant advantages:

  • The gadget is not re-flashed - the iPhone continues to run on the same version of iOS.
  • There are no traces of jailbreak left.
  • No computer needed, delete Jailbreak carried out directly from your mobile device.

The method also has disadvantages:

  • It is not relevant for all iOS, but only for versions 8.1 — 8.4 . There are reviews on the Internet saying that the tweak Cydia Eraser helps on iOS 9, but this information is unconfirmed.
  • The tweak will delete all user information - along with traces of tampering with the file system.
  • The method is quite complicated - only experienced iPhone users can handle it; beginners are recommended to resort to flashing it.

If you still consider yourself a pro in the field of mobile technology, try jailbreaking via Cydia Eraser. This is done like this:

Step 1. Go to the store Cydia and go to the repository Cydia/Telesphoreo(present in the list of sources by default).

Step 2. Choose a section " Utilities».

Step 3. Find the tweak in the list of utilities Cydia Eraser and install it.

Step 4. Launch the tweak - at the bottom of the main screen you will see a button " Erase All Data, Unjailbreak Device". Click this button.

Image: applenovinky.cz

Step 5. You will be prompted to confirm that you want to delete all data on your iPhone:

Select the option " Delete All" After this, you will see a command line on the screen listing the operations involved in removing jailbreak.

There is no need to press anything else - just wait 5-10 minutes for the process to complete!

When Cydia Eraser will do its job, the iPhone will reboot and the same welcome message that you probably saw when you initially activated the gadget will appear on the screen.

Image: yalujailbreak.org

Activate your iPhone again, from scratch. You will make sure that the device is “clean” and the operating system version is the same as it was before use Cydia Eraser.


The consequence of removing jailbreak from an Apple device is almost always the loss of all user data - no matter what method you use. Therefore, if valuable information is stored on your iPhone, it is better to think seven times about the advisability of “hacking” the file system before cutting it off once - installing a jailbreak.

If, through carelessness, you have already hacked your device and are faced with the need to return the gadget to its normal, “closed” state, be sure to make a backup before you begin the jailbreak removal procedure. From the backup copy, you can then “get” the necessary information using one of the file managers.

Last weekend, Cydia creator Jay Freeman made a big release. The developer, known online as Saurik, has released the Cydia Impactor utility, which allows you to return a jailbroken iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch to the official firmware without having to restore the device through iTunes. We have written detailed instructions showing how to use Cydia Impactor correctly.

Often, users of Apple mobile devices with a jailbreak installed are disappointed in the “free” iOS. The reasons for this are the slow operation of iOS, strange crashes of applications downloaded from the App Store and other problems that never appeared on the official firmware.

Similar problems arise due to tweaks from Cydia, or rather, inept handling of them. Often, users install beta versions of tweaks from the alternative application store, or some unknown tools from not the most experienced developers. After which the “brakes” begin.

Even more often, it happens that iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch users simply want to “demolish” the jailbreak for a subsequent smooth transition to a new version of iOS. At the same time, I want to save all the files and not bother with restoring the firmware via iTunes.

In any of these cases, the Cydia Impactor utility can now help, allowing you to return the official firmware to your Apple mobile device.

Attention! Using Cydia Impactor means deleting all files from your mobile device, so be sure to back it up via iTunes or iCloud.

Step 1: Using iTunes, iCloud, or an alternative like , back up your mobile device data

Step 2: Make sure your iPhone, iPad, or iPod Touch has more than 20% battery charge

Step 3: Find the Cydia Impactor package in Cydia and install it

Step 4: Launch Cydia Impactor

Step 5: Click the button delete all data and unjailbreak device»

Step 6. Confirm deleting all information and rolling back jailbreak by clicking " Delete All»

Step 7. Wait for the operation to complete and follow the standard mobile device activation procedure

More than once we encountered a problem when, after rebooting the device or simply a system failure, the phone refused to boot. The crash can occur at different stages of the download. Sometimes it is a “hanging apple”, and sometimes it is a constantly spinning “daisy”. Today I will tell you how you can return everything to working condition without major losses.

In contact with

So, we have a jailbroken iDevice that refuses to boot. This situation can occur as a result of several actions:

  • errors in custom firmware;
  • incompatibility ;
  • interference with the file system, etc.

I would like to note right away that the easiest way out of the situation is to reflash the device and start again. This option may not always suit you due to the fact that you can lose certain data, programs, photos, and music. Even if you use, flashing and restoring data can take a lot of time. Let's deal with all the points in order. If you are the owner of a locked iPhone and have not yet used it, then when upgrading the firmware, you are strictly contraindicated from using the official firmware. You only need to install custom ones that do not upgrade the modem version. You can download this firmware for any iPhone at . It will help you further.

Our firmwares are not so-called assemblies. Those. Apart from the modem of the required version, nothing has been changed or added to them. If you downloaded the assembly from another place, it may include some tweaks or innovations and, at the discretion of the author, something may be removed from it. Always be careful with such firmware and read reviews from other users who have already used them. Successful installation of such an assembly does not guarantee its stable operation in the future. Often, after installing such firmware, you can use the phone for a long time, and then at one point try to reboot it and get a frozen device. If this is exactly the case for you, most likely only flashing it to our custom firmware will help you, and not assembling it with additional software. If the situation arose due to incompatibility of tweaks, it is advisable to identify the tweak after which the problem appeared, so as not to install it in the future. I recommend rebooting your device after installing each tweak. Yes, some will say that this is not necessary and gone are the days when even Windows asked to reboot after installing any program, but I will answer that this is the most reliable way to identify problematic tweaks.

If you are a fan of “digging” in the file system (it doesn’t matter which program you use, or) - it is important to remember that you have full access to all files, changing which may affect performance. If you are trying to replace graphics manually, or change system files, be sure to save the originals and reboot after the manipulation.

We have figured out the reasons that can cause the “White Apple”, now let’s talk about how it can be fixed (without reflashing, of course). First, you need to completely turn off the phone by disconnecting it from the PC or charger. After this, hold down the “Home” and “Power” buttons for 40 seconds. This will make the phone turn off completely. Now press the “Power” button and wait for the device to boot. In most cases, the crash occurs at the final stage of loading iOS, when the graphical shell is loaded. The rest of the phone's modules have already begun to function, but it's difficult to see. To understand that the phone is in this stage, you need to make an incoming call to it from another phone. If the operator reports that the phone is out of range or turned off, it is obvious that the freeze occurred at an earlier stage. If the beeps are heard, then the phone is stuck at the final stage of loading, which means you can access its file system.

Now you can use programs and copy any data from the device without any problems: applications, photos, music, contacts, messages. Also in this mode, you can return system files to their place (of course, if the originals remain).

If in your case the problem is not in the problematic firmware or in replacing system files, but in the incorrect operation of tweaks, you need to boot the phone in Safe mode. The device gets into it if there is a software failure or a tweak is installed “crookedly”. In this mode, all tweaks and programs from Cydia are completely disabled, and the application store itself is available for launch. From personal experience I will say that from version to version of iOS its stability increases and getting into safe mode on my iPhone 4 with iOS 5.1.1 is quite a rare occurrence, unlike the old 3GS with iOS 4.3.3, not to mention the iPhone 2G and iOS 3. Also, always pay attention to the authors’ warnings in Cydia regarding the compatibility of tweaks with iOS versions. To boot the phone immediately into “Safe mode”, you need to turn it off completely (press and hold the “home” and “power” buttons for 20 seconds). Now hold down the volume up button “+” and start turning on the device. Do not release “+” until the phone is fully loaded. If it really is a matter of incompatibility between tweaks, the iPhone will boot into “no tweaks” mode and you can go to Cydia and remove the tweak that caused the trouble. If it is difficult to understand which tweak caused the crash, remove those that were added recently. After this, you can try to restart your phone again in normal mode. If it doesn’t work, try repeating the operation and removing other tweaks.

Thus, you can try to bring the device back to life without the need for firmware and further restoration of everything necessary. If these tips did not help you, the problem is much more serious and firmware upgrades cannot be avoided. However, you should not be afraid of it, because the probability of damaging the device is close to zero, due to the fact that the loading area is reliably protected from third-party interference. This means that it will be possible to “save” the iDevice by flashing it in most cases.

If the iPhone does not turn on, the reason for this is most often a software failure: errors in the firmware, an incorrect jailbreak, a tweak conflict. But the problem can also arise due to hardware faults, for which you will have to contact a service center.

Black screen

If the screen darkens, freezes or goes dark, the path to restoring the device’s functionality should begin with a forced reboot.

  • On iPhone 7 and 7 Plus, hold down the Sleep/Wake button and the Volume Down key to restart. Hold the buttons for 10 seconds until the Apple logo appears.
  • On iPhone 6S and earlier models, press the Sleep/Wake and Home buttons for 10 seconds.

If the logo does not appear, connect the phone to the charger and leave it for an hour - the iPhone may simply be dead. If the icon does not appear on the screen within an hour

charging, check the cable, connector, adapter. Make sure the connector is not clogged and that the cable and adapter are in good condition.

Only original components should be used. Charging with cheap car adapters and fake cables can lead to the failure of the power controller, as a result of which the battery will not physically receive a charge due to the lack of the appropriate command.

Stuck on startup

If you see a red or blue screen with the Apple logo when you try to turn on your device, try updating the software through iTunes:

  1. Connect your phone to your PC, open iTunes.
  2. Force restart your iPhone. Don't release the buttons when the Apple logo appears. Hold them until you see the phone enter recovery mode.
  3. A window will appear in iTunes asking you to restore or update your device. Select update.

iTunes will download and attempt to install the latest version of iOS without erasing your data. The device remains in recovery mode for no more than 15 minutes. If after this period the problem is not resolved, you will have to repeat the steps - force a restart of the iPhone and choose to update it again.

Problems after jailbreak

If the iPhone stops turning on after jailbreaking, then the reason for this may be one of the tweaks installed from Cydia. To test this hypothesis:

  1. Hold down the volume up key.
  2. Try turning on the device again without releasing the Volume Up button.

When turned on this way, the iPhone starts without tweaks. If the method worked, then you need to determine which program from Cydia caused the failure and remove it. The only way to identify a problematic tweak is to erase programs one by one and check the functionality of the device.

If the smartphone does not turn on without tweaks, you will have to remove the jailbreak. This can be done through iTunes by flashing the device.

  1. Connect your phone and launch iTunes on your computer.
  2. Put your smartphone into DFU mode. To do this, you need to hold the Power and Home buttons (Volume Down on iPhone 7) for 10 seconds, then release the Power key and continue to hold the Home button (Volume Down on iPhone 7) until iTunes notifies you that The device is detected in recovery mode.
  3. Click "Restore iPhone".

iTunes will download and install the latest firmware, removing the jailbreak. Additional features available after the system has been hacked will again be lost, but the phone will turn on and work normally. You can remove a jailbreak without firmware using a special tweak in Cydia, but you simply won’t be able to get to it on an iPhone that won’t turn on.

Contacting the service center

If, after applying the above methods, the iPhone still does not turn on, contact a service center. The help of specialists will definitely be needed in the following cases:

  1. The screen remains dark after a forced reboot and charging.
  2. The screen remains dark, but vibration is felt and notification sounds are heard.
  3. The screen works, but does not respond to touches or gestures.
  4. The device cannot be restarted due to mechanical damage to the buttons.
  5. The phone is stuck on the logo screen, shows one color and is not detected in iTunes.

You should not try to disassemble the iPhone yourself without special tools and relevant skills. If serious problems occur, contact the service center - this solution will save time and money.

No matter how serious the consequences of jailbreak, users still continue to hack their smartphones. The idea of ​​hacking is very attractive to iPhone owners, because they can expand the usual boundaries of interaction with gadgets, install third-party applications, and change the user interface the way they need. But along with these advantages, there are also several disadvantages that many are not aware of. Unauthorized access to the kernel can lead to a huge number of bugs. The most common error after jailbreak is the iPhone does not turn on and the apple is lit on the screen. You can solve this problem yourself. No need to visit service centers or call Apple support. Moreover, the guarantee is automatically canceled after a hack. Just download the program and use the desired function.

iPhone 7/7 Plus/6/6s/SE/5/5s/4/4s does not turn on after jailbreak

One of the possible problems after jailbreaking a device is the inability to boot the smartphone. The device either reboots cyclically, or the iPhone constantly shows an apple, sometimes the screen does not turn on at all. In short, the iPhone won't start. This can happen if you used an unfinished hacking tool. Sometimes the cause may be one of the installed tweaks, which leads to unstable operation of the system. Always pay attention to what you install on your iOS device - the addon may contain a virus. There may be some other glitch in the system.

What to do if the iPhone does not turn on and the apple hangs?

There is no point in turning to service centers for help - you will waste a lot of time and money. And you can solve the problem yourself by using the program as intended. The Tenorshare ReiBoot utility can restore the correct operation of your device in just a couple of clicks and a few minutes spent. Detailed instructions for using the software are below.

iPhone won't start after jailbreak: how to fix it

1. Download Tenorshare ReiBoot to your computer or Mac from the official website. Install the utility and run it.

2. Connect your iPhone using a USB cable. The program identifies your device.

4. Wait for the process to complete. The “Exit Recovery Mode” button should become active. Click on it. Your smartphone will be restarted and ready to use.

Now you know how to use the Tenorshare ReiBoot program to solve the problem of an apple appearing on the iPhone screen. Use this method if simply restarting the iPhone does not help, its screen does not turn on and the apple hangs all the time. The main advantage of Tenorshare ReiBoot is the quick fix of the error, plus you can download the utility completely free of charge. Please note the extended list of supported devices. By the way, hacking a device can cause other errors, which can also be corrected using this tool. To do this, you need to use the “Solve all iOS freezes” option.