Bonk English step step 1 part. Download textbook Bonk - English step by step. Full course

There are people - steamships, people - airplanes... streets, cities and even stars. Fiction books are also often perceived as subjects: after all, we often say “give me Chekhov,” and not “give me Chekhov’s stories.” But the fact that there are textbook people is a rare and unusual phenomenon today. The textbook is a rather boring thing, and there are tons of them. And if a student, for example, comes to the library and asks for, not just anything, but Bonk, then the author definitely deserves to have the book named after him.

Natalia Bonk old school linguist

So what is this famous textbook, and why are there still so many rave reviews about it, even though it was written back in 1960? Firstly, let’s immediately make a reservation that its author is actually not a man, but a woman, so the surname Bonk cannot be declined. But this doesn’t matter anymore: people still call this weighty two-volume book on English in the old fashioned way Bonk.

As Natalya Aleksandrovna Bonk herself says, the textbook was written by practicing teachers (in addition to Natalya Aleksandrovna, the authors also included G. A. Kotiy, N. A. Lukyanova), and this makes it invaluable. The connection between teacher and student in the lesson is reciprocal, and an experienced teacher can feel those traditionally difficult places in English and explain them more clearly. Today, textbooks are often written by theorists who have never encountered real-life teaching.

Natalya Bonk herself is a valuable professional, she is a philologist - a linguist of the highest category, and her whole life is connected with language. Natalya Alexandrovna was born in 1924, received an excellent education: she first studied at a specialized German language school, then graduated from the MPIYA (Moscow Pedagogical Institute of Foreign Languages), worked in a group of translators, and now teaches courses for students at the Literary Institute. Gorky. There are very few such intellectuals by origin and spirit, hardworking and devoted to their profession now.

If you love to learn everything

For self-study, this is perhaps the best textbook, since it has all the sections (phonetic, lexical, grammatical), as well as a lot of reinforcing practical material. You will learn four things: speaking, listening, reading and writing, without which it is impossible to know English well. The first part of the manual consists of an introductory and main course, a lesson dictionary and reference grammar. In the introductory course there is a lot of theory, everyday words are used and the most necessary grammatical rules are given, such as all the conjugations of the verb to be in Indefinite and Continuous tenses. From the very first lessons, the author teaches vocabulary and the ability to build a dialogue, so phonetics and vocabulary are taught simultaneously and sequentially, from the basics to the very top.

When the book was published, people were not yet spoiled by the variety of tools that are available today for learning English: there was no trace of the Internet, Google translator, or video courses at that time. Therefore, the textbook pays a lot of attention to pronunciation and intonation, which are specific to the English language. Natalya Aleksandrovna and her colleagues drew diagrams by hand, where the tonality of each word was indicated with arrows, dashes, and dots. All this is very touching and shows how conscientiously the old teachers treated their subject.

Features of the English textbook

The main course focuses on vocabulary. It consists entirely of lessons, at the beginning of which there is a text, then dialogues and phrases, grammatical explanations of the text and exercises of three different types:

  • primary consolidation
  • lexico-grammatical
  • developing skills.

This training scheme is very effective: at the same time you learn not only to translate and understand the text with all the grammar, but also to independently conduct a dialogue. The dictionary and grammar reference book are “attached” to each lesson separately, that is, they contain those words and grammatical material that appear as learning progresses. Very convenient and quickly remembered. The teacher, seemingly squeezing all the juice out of the student, at the same time gives him the keys to all the doors - just study, don’t be lazy to look in dictionaries and reference books!

If the first part only teaches how to conduct dialogues at an elementary level, then in the second the author gives more complex lessons on vocabulary. Dialogues are conducted not only on everyday, but also on abstract, social, cultural topics; the texts contain excerpts from the works of writers. Explanations on grammar continue: different types of verbs and moods are left for the “snack”. There is also a reference lesson grammar, many tables, and of course dictionaries, dictionaries, continuous dictionaries... By the way, Natalya Aleksandrovna still looks into them, which she advises you: the more you know, the more you can understand.

Release of the textbook English step by step

In 2001, the second Bonk “English Step by Step” was released. The foundation remained the same, but the author changed the principle of constructing phrases and dialogues, making them informal and more lively and bringing them closer to modern English. Learning to speak begins from the very first lesson. The textbook is very intelligible and has earned good reviews from pupils, students and simply those who are used to learning. Bonk herself said it best:

Its ease lies in the “transparency” of the linear structure: go through it in the sequence in which it is written, trust the textbook - you won’t go wrong

In general, the book can be characterized in one word - self-sufficiency. The conscientiousness of the author with which this work was made has turned it into a manual with which you can learn a language even while in a dense forest or in Antarctica. The clarity and accessibility of learning make it possible for people of any age to learn English.

English step by step. Bonk N.A., Levina I.I., Bonk I.A.

(Course for beginners in 2 volumes.)

M.: Rosman-Press, 2001., vol. 1 - 558s; t.2 - 380s.

The textbook is an initial English language course, which is based on a methodologically new teaching principle. Texts and exercises are based on speech patterns of modern spoken English. The course is intended for a wide range of people starting to study English. The textbook can be used in secondary and higher educational institutions, in courses, as well as for self-study of the English language. Recommended by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation as a textbook for students of non-linguistic universities.



Format: pdf/zip

Size: 13.9 MB


Format: djvu/zip (

Size: 2.6 MB

/Download file

Audio: (34 files, mp3)

Format: mp3/zip

Size: 181 MB

People.Disk (Note)




Format: pdf/zip

Size: 11.9 MB

/ Download file (Yandex - People's Disk.)

Format: djvu/zip ( is not inferior in quality to a pdf file)

Size: 3.4 MB

/Download file

Audio: (22 files, mp3)

Format: mp3/zip

Size: 142 MB



Answer Keys

Format: doc/zip

Size: 85 KB

/Download file

The same English course on CD.


CD "English step by step" 567 MB, (archive - 4 x 84 MB)

The CD "English Step by Step" can be downloaded from these links:

1) Download from Yandex. - People. Disk (rar archive - 4 x 84 MB)

/Download file pt.1 1) Enter 6 digits. 2) Press the green button. 3) On the next page (if checked)

/Download file pt.2

/Download file pt.3

/Download file pt.4

2) Or download from Rapidshare. com (rar archive - 4 x 84 MB)

/Download file pt.1

/Download file pt.2

/Download file pt.3

/Download file pt.4

Some site visitors write that empty lesson pages open without any educational materials. Absolutely right, this is exactly what happens, so be sure to read how to view ISO, nrg, etc. files downloaded from the Internet.

This disk is an absolute (to the last letter) copy 1st volume the two-volume book under consideration.

Textbook structure:

1) Lessons. The complex consists of 10 lessons, including Phonetics and Grammar. There are a lot of audio files for listening to the correct pronunciation of most examples (individual words, sentences, dialogues, text fragments. Many examples have translations into Russian.)

2) Dictionary. You can listen to the pronunciation of any word from the dictionary.

3) Phrases. A small list of the most common phrases - you can listen to the pronunciation of any.

4) Alphabet. Writing and pronunciation of letters of the English alphabet.

The manual makes a good impression due to its ease of navigation, the absence of unnecessary graphics and any “bells and whistles” and, most importantly, an abundance of audio files.

For example, large and clearly visible icons of sound files allow you, without looking closely at the text, to first listen several times to a sound fragment consisting of a phrase, short dialogue, or word, trying to understand the speech by ear, and only then can you focus your gaze on the writing of the phrase and its translation.

As already indicated, the textbook can be very useful for both secondary school students and those engaged in self-education.

On my own behalf, I would add that it would be good for every student just starting to learn English, that is, at the very beginning of the fifth grade, to have such a textbook. Issues of correct pronunciation and listening comprehension should be given due attention starting from the very first English lesson in the life of every student.

I would like all the materials presented here to serve informational purposes, and for all those who have the opportunity to purchase the disc itself legally.


I would like to add that to quickly familiarize yourself with the manual, you only need to download the first file. After the usual unzipping and opening (using the appropriate program, of course), I got: Lessons - text everywhere, sound - only the last two lessons; Dictionary - with sound; Phrases - with sound; There is no alphabet at all. Search works.


I checked it, that is, downloaded it from my link again, unzipped it, opened it with my Alcohol-52 (you can download it, only 7 MB), everything works fine. I write in such detail because we all have different communication quality and different providers. Some have it very bad, and they begin to be indignant that the archives are “broken.” I would recommend that you try again at a different time, preferably at night or early in the morning.

Disc format: mdf/zip

Size: 5 27MB

/ Download file (Yandex - People's Disk.) 1) Enter 6 digits. 2) Press the green button. 3) On the next page (if you have Internet Explorer, then you can see a checkmark in the box) be sure to uncheck the "Install Yandex Bar" box , otherwise you won't be able to download anything. 4) Click the link and the download will begin.

Download and unzip. We get daddy Bonk. It contains two files: MDF format 660.7 MB and MDS 1Kb.

What do I do next? I open my Alcohol-52 (the link to it is just above), on the left “Search for images”, I click, a new window opens (the types of formats are indicated there - iso, mds, etc. - by default they all already have a checkmark). Select the drive where our file is located and click "Search". He'll find it pretty quickly. We select it and, either simply with the mouse, or through “add selected files to Alcohol52” (bottom left), drag it to the main (initial) panel of Alcohol52. Click on the file, the disk will open (more details on the page where you can download Alcohol).

After opening the initial window "Bonk, Part 2" you need to click "Install" at the bottom. In the usual sense, no installation occurs, a new, regular window will simply open (see the picture above).

The disk itself is the “twin brother” of Dick 1. Everything is the same. I recommend it for the audio, it’s much more convenient.

Textbook " BonkEnglish step by step. Full course” in 2 parts is intended for those who want to actively master English in all types of speech activity ( speaking, listening, reading and writing) in order to freely use this language, both in everyday communication and in their professional activities.

Year: 2015
Publisher: Eksmo
ON THE. Bonk, I.I. Levina
Format: pdf, mp3

Textbook 1+2 +Audio for the textbook
Download course
Size: 621 Mb

brief information

Task textbook- creation of solid general language training, which will allow you to move on to the language of a narrow specialty without much difficulty. The online second-hand clothing store is open in any weather, 24 hours a day and 365 days a year.

In this textbook, an attempt is made to make the task of assimilating abundant language material as easy as possible so as to confidently use it in speech with a minimum number of errors. Dosed introduction of material with immediate consolidation is ensured by a phono recording made native English speakers.

This classic textbook in two parts is a reference book for several generations of English language learners. In it you will find sequentially structured English grammar course and a lot of exercises to practice what has been covered, useful vocabulary and life dialogues, necessary information about English phonetics.

Training using the textbook is designed for 1 or 2 years. By the end of class, students master English at the level of confident users ( level B1 according to the Common European Scale of Language Competence): will master a basic course of English grammar and 1200 lexical units, and acquire free communication skills.

The manual is intended for a wide range of people studying English on your own or with a teacher. It is suitable both for those who are learning the language from scratch, and for those who want to effectively repeat a basic English course.


What questions do you need to ask to get these answers?
1. We’re going to ask ten people to lunch.
2. The job’s going to take them a month.
3. It’s going to take a week.
4. She’s going to spend the weekend with her friends.
5. I’m going to the country for my holiday.
6. Mr Smith's coming tomorrow afternoon.
7. They’re going to talk about classical music today.

Easy-to-remember dialogues - examples of modern English. Convenient arrangement of material according to the principle step by step: a piece of information - a piece of reinforcement.

English course book for beginners- English Language Course for Beginners 1987 - The manual is an initial English language course, which is based on a methodologically new teaching principle. The dosed introduction of phonetic-orthoepic material with its consolidation serves as the basis for the intensive accumulation of vocabulary, speech stereotypes, and grammatical structures; high quality of assimilation. Texts and exercises are based on examples of modern spoken English. The course is intended for a wide range of people starting to study English.

English for international cooperation 1992 - The textbook is intended for individuals learning English for use in the field of international cooperation. Can be used in stationary educational institutions, courses, as well as for self-study of English. A dosed introduction of abundant grammatical material, modern text topics, a carefully developed vocabulary and a rational system of exercises make the textbook effective and easy to learn.

English Step by Step - 2001 Edition:

Volume 1
The textbook is an initial English language course (1st part of the complex), which is based on a methodologically new teaching principle. The dosed introduction of phonetic-orthoepic material with its immediate consolidation serves as the basis for the intensive accumulation of active vocabulary, speech stereotypes, grammatical structures and ensures high quality of assimilation. Texts and exercises are based on speech patterns of modern spoken English. The course is intended for a wide range of people starting to study English. The textbook can be used in secondary and higher educational institutions, in courses, as well as for self-study of the English language.

Volume 2
The textbook is the second part of the English step-by-step complex. Together with the first part, it covers all the basic structures of the English language and expands the vocabulary to 2900 lexical units. The text material contains many new topics characteristic of modern life. Dialogues reflect the most likely communication situations. Discussion texts are educational or problematic. An effective system of exercises strengthens speaking skills. The textbook can be used in higher and secondary educational institutions, courses, as well as for independent study of the English language.

We also invite you to download interactive training course- this is an absolute computer copy of the textbook English step by step. The program has a user-friendly interface, is easy to use, includes an abundance of material and many audio files.

Workbook 2006- A collection of additional materials that expand the system of exercises in volume 1 of the textbook. It includes a system of various exercises on the main sections of grammar. The manual can be used in higher and secondary educational institutions, in courses, as well as for independent study of the English language.

English for Advanced Learners. Advanced level 2009- The textbook is intended for people who are fairly fluent in English, and is designed to consolidate and significantly expand previously acquired knowledge and skills. Each complex lesson includes interesting and educational texts, new vocabulary, and exercises to reinforce grammar. Keys are given to complex tasks. The textbook can be used in higher and secondary educational institutions, courses, as well as for independent study of the English language. Completed audio disc.

English Step by Step Parts 1 and 2 - New Edition 2015:

This classic textbook in two parts is a reference book for several generations of English language learners. In it you will find a consistently structured course of English grammar and many exercises for practicing what you have learned, useful vocabulary and life dialogues, and necessary information about English phonetics. The disc, read by native speakers, will help develop listening skills and work on pronunciation. All exercises are provided keys. Training using the textbook is designed for 1 or 2 years. By the end of the classes, students will master English at the level of confident users (level B1 on the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages): they will master a basic course of English grammar and 1200 lexical units, and acquire free communication skills. The manual is intended for a wide range of people learning English independently or with a teacher. It is suitable both for those who are learning the language from scratch, and for those who want to effectively repeat a basic English course.

English Step by Step Part 3 - New Edition 2015:- an advanced continuation of the main textbook for deeper learning.

Collection additional exercises and texts for reading for the textbook English step by step 2015 - The book includes additional materials that expand the system of exercises in the textbook “English Step by Step”. The purpose of the collection is to complement and diversify the system of exercises of the main course. The tasks offered in the book will help to bring the skill of using grammatical forms to automaticity, expand your vocabulary, and texts in English will improve reading skills and instill the habit of independent reading in English for pleasure. The manual is intended for a wide range of people learning English independently or with a teacher. It is suitable for both beginners and those who want to repeat a basic English course.

Classical grammar to English textbooks: rules, exercises, keys 2018 - This book is for those who need to focus on grammar. It is devoted to the main grammatical topics of the English language. Each chapter examines in detail grammatical phenomena, the features of their formation and use in speech. In addition, at the end of each chapter there are exercises for practicing the use of grammatical structures and keys to the exercises. With this manual, readers will be able to easily and effectively master or repeat a basic course in English grammar. Clear explanations and visual examples will help you understand all the intricacies of grammatical topics, and exercises will help you apply knowledge in practice and securely consolidate it in your memory. The textbook is intended for students of English at a beginner or intermediate level.

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This textbook is intended for adult students who are starting to learn English for the first time.
The textbook is designed for approximately 500 hours of classroom work and approximately the same number of hours of independent work. By the end of working on the textbook, students should acquire the skills of correct English pronunciation and master oral and written speech in English within the limits of the vocabulary and grammar covered.
The topics of the textbook texts are everyday and socio-political. It also determines the nature of the vocabulary. The dictionary contains approximately 1,250 words and phrases. The grammatical material corresponds to the grammar program for the first year of a language institute. The textbook consists of an introductory course (10 lessons), a main course (26 lessons), a lesson-by-lesson grammar reference book for the introductory and main courses, grammar tables and a lesson-by-lesson dictionary.

  • Lesson 7 Rules for reading the letters i, w and letter combinations oi, оу, ow, ou. Binder [r] Text. Word formation: Suffix -er, -or. Grammar: Personal pronouns in the nominative case. Conjugation of the verb to be in the present tense. Prepositions of place and direction.
    Lesson 8 Rules for reading letters e, i, y, and according to type III readings. Letter combinations wa, wh. Table III type Reading vowel letters under stress. Text. Grammar: Negative form of the imperative mood. Special questions. Participle. Present tense of the group Continuous.
    • Lesson 2 Text: We Learn Foreign Languages ​​(Continued). Word formation: Suffix -lon. . Grammar: Formation of the 3rd person singular form of the present tense of the Indefinite group. Questions about the subject or its definition. The phrase “to be going to” is used to express intention in the future tense. Place of adverbs of manner and degree