Android won't boot. Oversized updates. The phone takes a long time to start after a reboot or shutdown

If problems arise with a wet gadget, do not connect it to the mains and stop pressing the buttons. as soon as possible and only then follow the advice in this article.

If you are sure that the inside of the smartphone is dry, feel free to continue.

1. Force restart your device

Your phone may be turned on but just frozen. In this case, the screen may be dark and not respond to any actions. So first try restarting your device using the hardware keys.

How to Force Restart iPhone

On iPhone SE, iPhone 6s, iPhone 6s Plus, and older models, hold the Home key and the top (or side) button for 10 seconds or more until the Apple logo appears.

On an iPhone 7 or iPhone 7 Plus, hold down the Side key and the Volume Down button for 10 seconds or more until you see the Apple logo.

On an iPhone 8 or iPhone 8 Plus, hold and immediately release the volume up key and then the volume down key. After that, press and hold the Side button until the Apple logo appears.

How to force restart your Android smartphone

Press the Power button and Volume Down key at the same time and hold them for 10-15 seconds. If successful, the device will reboot automatically or display a menu on the screen in which you will need to select the restart command.

Some Android smartphones can reboot using other buttons. If the device does not respond, search the Internet for a key combination to restart your particular model.

2. Take out the battery and put it back

If your phone has a removable battery, remove the cover and remove the battery from the device. Wait at least 30 seconds and put the battery back. Then try to turn on the phone in the usual way - using the power button.

3. Put your phone on charge

Connect your phone to a power outlet using the original charger. If the charging indicator does not appear on the display within an hour and you cannot turn on the device, check the integrity and cleanliness of the connector, as well as the condition of the power cable and adapter. If possible, try different outlets, replace the cable and/or adapter.

4. Reset the device to factory settings

If after trying to turn on the screen the screen lights up, but the device does not boot properly, try restoring the factory settings using the hardware buttons.

During a system reset, you may lose personal data that was not synchronized with the server. Don't do this if you're afraid of erasing important information.

How to restore original settings on iPhone

Connect your phone to your computer using a cable and launch iTunes. Then force restart your iPhone (see step 1). When you see the Apple logo, continue to hold the buttons until recovery mode appears on the smartphone screen.

After this, a window with further instructions should appear on your computer monitor. Click "Update" and follow the system prompts.

iTunes will download the necessary software for your phone. If this process takes more than 15 minutes, the iPhone may exit recovery mode. In this case, press the forced restart buttons again and hold them until the device returns to this mode.

If the update works, the phone can turn on without resetting the system. If not, then in the iTunes window, click "Restore" to restore the factory settings.

How to restore original settings on an Android smartphone

Make sure your smartphone is turned off and try the following combinations to reset:

  • Volume up key + power button;
  • Volume down key + power button;
  • Volume down key + Volume up key + Power button;
  • Volume Down key + Power button + Home key.

You need to press all the keys at the same time and hold them for about 10–15 seconds. After this, a special menu will appear on the screen, in which you should select the Recovery item, and then the Wipe data / factory reset command. If you don’t see this command in Recovery mode, hold down the power button and momentarily press the volume up key.

After these steps, the smartphone should return to its original settings within a few minutes. If none of the key combinations work or you do not find the necessary commands in the service menu, look for reset instructions for your device model.

If you notice that your Samsung, Asus, Lenovo, LG or other phone/smartphone takes a very long time to turn on, you should not get upset, but get together and determine why this happened.

Maybe it sat for a long time and now does not turn on, it did not charge for a long time, no one used it, this happened after the firmware, after resetting the settings, simply after a long period of non-use, and so on.

As you can see, there are many prerequisites and there is more than one solution. If this happened immediately after purchase, then you need to either configure/optimize or return it (you can return it within 14 days).

NOTE: if you have an Android phone and you haven’t rebooted it for a long time, it may take a very long time to turn on (manufacturers recommend rebooting once a week).

The system will begin optimizing and verifying applications, and if there are many of them, the process may take up to 5–10 minutes.

Let's look at several specific options for what to do if the phone takes a long time to turn on or does not turn on at all

The phone has been sitting for a long time and now it won’t turn on.

If the phone/smartphone was left for a long time, it would not charge. For example, the Android system is designed in such a way that when the smartphone turns off on its own because the battery is low, it still has 10% charge, although zero is shown to you.

You need to charge bypassing the controller, and to do this the device has to be disassembled, which not everyone can do.

If the phone has been left without recharging, it may not turn on, even if it is recharged from the mains for a long time.

Many cell phone owners think that the device is broken for some reason, and they throw it in the trash or sell it for pennies for spare parts.

In fact, in 95% of cases there is no reason to panic. In this case, the battery needs to be “pumped” with a little more current than in the original charger. You can swing it with a charging frog.

And so, if your phone does not turn on after a long period of non-use, then either take it to the workshop or “rock it”, then revive it yourself.

What to do if the phone does not turn on for a long time after flashing the firmware

If the smartphone does not turn on after flashing the firmware, then the reason or problem is obvious. The device was poorly reflashed.

It may not even be bad, but the firmware itself turned out to be unsuitable. What to do - flash it in a new way.

Why does it take a long time for a phone or smartphone to turn on after resetting the settings?

This is rare, but it still happens that problems appear after a reset (sometimes you need to reflash).

A reset removes your installed apps, accounts, data, and settings.

Only after the reset, some data may still remain on the phone and perhaps they affected the startup - try resetting again.

Why did my Android smartphone take a very long time to turn on?

Android maintains a cache, usually has little disk space and a large number of applications running in the background.

All this has an impact on performance and inclusion. The solution may be to install additional applications whose task is to clean the system and disable unnecessary services running in the background.

Such a program could be OneCleaner, which can clean the system of unnecessary files.

I won't describe how to clean the device because everyone should choose the files to delete on their own and I don't want to suggest a bad choice.

After completing these steps, the Android smartphone works and turns on noticeably faster. You can trust me because this post is not paid for and the reviews for OneCleaner are very positive.

For your smartphone to work correctly, you need to constantly monitor all updates.

The fact is that developers periodically release new updates for this or that model, which improve operation and performance in general.

If the developers have not stopped supporting your model, then all necessary updates can always be downloaded from their official website. Good luck.

On some phones, users who at one time enabled RTH rights sometimes encounter the following problem: when starting up, the phone writes the message “Starting Android, optimizing the application” and does not turn on. What to do in such cases? Sometimes you just have to wait, and for a noticeably long time (up to 30 minutes) - until all the planned synchronization takes place, which will subsequently need to be turned off.

If the phone still boots after synchronization, we recommend clearing the cache. It is the incorrect functioning of the cache on Android that causes this problem. The most convenient way to do this is to install a free application from the Google Play Market: Clean Master Lite. This is if, after much thought, your phone still starts up.

Download Clean Master Lite to clear the Android cache

If you do not have the Internet at hand or have other problems that prevent you from clearing the cache through the application, do it manually by launching recovery mode on Android.

1. Turn off the phone,
2. Press and hold the “Power” button and the lower “Volume” button,
3. Wait for the recovery menu to appear and select the “Recovery” item using the sound control buttons,
4. Next in the menu the line “No command” will appear,
5. Click on the “Power on” button and in the new menu select the “Wipe cache partition” item
6. Reboot the phone by selecting “Reboot system now”.

If the steps described in this guide did not help and the phone still writes when turned on: “Starting Android, optimizing the application” and does not start, you will need to reset to factory settings. It will affect the data on your phone - remember that. So back up the contents of your phone in advance.

It is almost impossible to imagine the life of a modern person without a mobile phone. Today, this gadget is constantly used for personal and business communication, and smartphone options are perfect for surfing the Internet, entertainment, and so on.

It’s a shame when at the most inopportune moment this device stops turning on.

Types of mobile phone malfunctions:

A malfunction with any device can happen for a variety of reasons, including cell phones. The factors that can cause problems with the device depend on the make and model.

At the same time, you can identify the main common reasons why the phone does not turn on, and try to eliminate them before contacting the service center yourself.

Let's look at the main reasons for cell phone problems in which it may stop turning on:

Battery check

The first thing you need to do if the gadget does not respond to pressing the Power button is to check the battery.

The main problems that may arise with a cell phone battery are:

  • low charge level;
  • wear and tear;
  • swelling and other damage;

A low battery may prevent the device from turning on. Depending on the level of remaining charge, they may be completely absent or show only some signs of the device’s life. You can easily solve the problem by connecting your phone to a charger.

Important! Some models do not turn on immediately after discharging and connecting the charger. In this case, it is necessary to leave the device on charge for a longer time, for example, 1-2 hours.

If you cannot solve the problem by simply connecting the charger, you need to open the back cover of the device and inspect the battery. If it is swollen, it needs to be replaced.

When the battery wears out, the device usually turns on, but the battery quickly drains. If necessary, you can check whether the battery is worn out by measuring the voltage and current.

Advice. You can also check the battery by installing it in another device of a similar model. If everything works there, then the problem with the battery can be ruled out.


If, after connecting to the network, the phone does not charge, then in many cases it is not the battery that is to blame, but the charger.

  • check the presence of voltage in the sockets;
  • replace the cable;
  • use a different charger.

First of all, you need to make sure there is current in the outlet to which the charger is connected. No matter how funny it may seem, this is the most common problem with charging any gadgets. That is why support specialists from large companies begin the conversation by asking whether the user is sure that there is voltage in the outlet.

The charger cable for connecting the phone suffers much more often than the adapter itself. This is due to careless operation, pets damaging the wire and other reasons. Most modern cell phones charge using a mini-USB or micro-USB connector and allow you to change the cable without changing the adapter.

How to set up IPTV through a ZYXEL KEENETIC START router? The answer is here.

You can purchase such a cable at any communication store or computer store; in addition, the user usually has several identical cables at home.

Advice. You can often check the operation of the charger by charging the device from a computer. If the process goes without problems, then it is definitely necessary to replace the adapter.

Power button

The power button can also cause trouble for cell phone owners. It may fail, for example, after an impact. Sometimes problems with a button can be seen during an external inspection, but in other cases it is difficult to diagnose the problem yourself.

Most users will not be able to solve the problem with the Power button at home, so if you suspect that the handset does not turn on because of it, you should contact a service center.


Installing updates is designed to solve identified problems with the device. In practice, this operation can lead to unpredictable consequences. It must be carried out only after understanding and taking into account all the risks. For example, handsets running Android often begin to consume battery power faster after an update.

In some cases, the update causes the gadget to stop turning on completely. Many users encountered this problem in 2015 when they tried to update the Android operating system to the latest versions.

Let's look at the main ways to solve problems that arise after the update:

  • rollback version or updates;
  • installing another version;
  • restoring the device through a special mode.

If it is impossible to apply one of the methods yourself, then you will have to seek help from specialists.

Important. In some cases, an update can significantly improve the performance of a gadget, for example, by increasing battery life. Therefore, it is necessary to evaluate the possible pros and cons before performing this operation.

Video: Solution for advanced

Mechanical damage

Very often, phone users encounter startup problems after various mechanical damages. They occur when the phone is dropped or dropped into water.

Many gadget owners do not even notice falls, or they occur even without their knowledge, for example, when children use a smartphone.

But the most common consequence - problems with the screen - is quite obvious.

In cases of mechanical damage, it is impossible to carry out repairs yourself and you must contact specialists. It should be borne in mind that the cost of replacing some parts may be comparable to the price of the device.

If the user accidentally drowns the phone, moisture gets inside, which can damage contacts and other electrical parts.

In this case, you need to contact the service center as quickly as possible. In this case, you should not try to turn on the device. This can only cause further harm.

Moisture can get into the phone not only as a result of getting into water. It is enough for the device to lie in a damp room for several hours and the consequences may be irreversible. This should be taken into account when operating the devices. A modern cell phone is a fairly complex device that is almost impossible to repair independently at home. The user, if the device does not turn on, can try to solve only minor problems, for example, by replacing the battery or charger.

In other cases, you will have to contact a specialized service center.
If you need to solve the problem of incorrect loading or freezing when turning on Android, then you must clear the settings and memory of your Android device to further load the operating system correctly.

The first step if Android freezes when you turn it on is to delete the settings. To do this, you need to hold down the power key and do not release it for 10 seconds - then the smartphone or tablet will turn off. The power button can be disabled when the screen goes completely dark. Next, you need to turn on the gadget again. To do this, press the volume key (+), and then the power button. In the menu that appears, use the volume keys to select Settings (possibly written in English – Settings). The selection button in such a menu will be the power key.

In the Settings menu you need to select system formatting. With this action, absolutely all files are deleted from your device, except system ones. There is no way to save them. You can also remove the memory card, because it cannot be formatted. This operation can be done separately, if you need to, of course. After formatting, select Reset Android and reboot the device. Now Android should not freeze when turned on.
Also, if the android freezes when turned on, then there is another way to solve the problem. The result obtained will not differ from the first method. All settings will also be reset with the loss of all data.
1.First you need to turn off your device. You need to hold the on/off key until you feel a slight vibration. Now you can let go.

2.Next, hold down both volume keys and wait for the context menu to appear.
3.In this menu, find the Clean boot item and select it. To select between menu items, use the volume keys. To confirm the selection of the desired item, press the camera button.
4.After resetting the settings, your device will reboot. Next, you can turn on your device and check if it works correctly.
Both methods are simple and accessible to all users. Therefore, if your Android freezes when you turn it on, now you can fix all the problems without the help of specialists and not spend a lot of money on services that you can provide to your Android device yourself.

Causes of failure and why it turns on but does not boot

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ If Android does not load on your phone or tablet when you turn it on, or your Android smartphone starts but does not go beyond the logo splash screen, then the reasons for this may be the following:

  • Errors when flashing the device. These include installing an inappropriate or damaged assembly, out-of-order firmware, power failure, and other factors.
  • Lack of memory. The system may not start or may boot very slowly due to low memory. The solution may be to optimize applications and remove unnecessary data.
  • Incompatible with memory card. If your smartphone turns on but does not boot completely, try removing the memory card and trying to restart the system.
  • Hardware problems that occur after impact, fall, liquid ingress, or exposure to extreme temperatures.
  • Damage to the power button or its cable, which “shorts” the phone and it goes into a cyclic reboot, loading up to the logo and then in a circle. We encounter this from time to time and can only be diagnosed at a service center.

Read How to check Android for errors

Before you try to troubleshoot Android, you need to understand why the system won't boot.

Restoring functionality

If the phone shows that the charge is coming, then the causes of the problem must be looked for in the operation of Launcher Android. If your device vibrates or its screen flickers, there is a possibility that the screen is damaged.

If you determine that the problem is software in nature (for example, the problem arose after a firmware update), then a simple reboot will not help. You need to reset the system via Recovery Mode or reflash the device. Let's see what to do:

  1. While holding down the power button and the volume down key (there may be other combinations, look for your model), go to Recovery Mode. If the phone does not enter Recovery Mode, it means that the problems are at a deeper level, so you need to contact a service center.
  2. Perform a factory reset by selecting “Wipe data factory”.
  3. Select "Reset" to reboot the device.

Resetting the settings will delete the user's personal data and settings. If this method does not help, perform a flashing. To do this, upload the file with the appropriate firmware to the root of the memory card, insert the drive into the phone and select “Install zip from sdcard” in Recovery Mode.


You can deal with a software failure yourself, but how can you fix hardware problems? The most reasonable option is to contact a service center for diagnostics and repairs.

Possible causes of failure

There are several reasons for this behavior of the smartphone. And depending on them, the decision on repairs will be made. The first (and most common) reason that the phone does not turn on beyond the Android screensaver is a failure during the installation of an operating system update. This happens because the Android OS is not very stable. That's not so bad. However, the same result can occur after the device is dropped from a considerable height. This is much worse.

Also common reasons may be a malfunction of the battery, charger, or the gadget charging connector itself. Now let’s look at what to do if the phone doesn’t turn on beyond the splash screen. In most cases, you can fix everything yourself. Fatal breakdowns are extremely rare. But at the initial stage, the main thing is to correctly diagnose the problem in order to avoid making mistakes in the future.

System failure

This is the safest thing ever. If the operating system crashes, you need to go into recovery mode and reset the factory settings with clearing the cache. Be careful! After this procedure, there will be no third-party applications installed by the user. You can enter recovery by simultaneously pressing the volume up button and the power button. True, there may be different combinations for different models of devices. Then you need to go to the point Wipe data and factory reset and confirm your choice. Then you need to check the box Reboot system now. after this the phone will reboot. If everything is fine, then the reason that the phone does not turn on beyond the Lenovo screensaver was precisely a system failure.

Sometimes resetting to factory settings doesn't help. Then there is another option. You just need to reflash the phone. It's not that hard to do. The Internet is full of instructions for each specific smartphone. And at any adequate forum they will be happy to help you implement your plans. Don't lose heart.

If the reason is the battery and charging

You can check this very simply. It is enough to find a similar battery and a similar charger somewhere. If, after replacing all the components, you do not see any changes, then the reason that the HTC phone does not turn on beyond the splash screen is much deeper than you thought. There are only two options: damage to the charging socket or the board itself.

Dealing with a faulty battery or a “glitched” charger is easy. These are not particularly expensive smartphone components. They can simply be replaced with new ones. The problem with the hardware board will be much more noticeable. Here (in most cases) you can’t do without a visit to the workshop. Sometimes you have to pay a very significant amount for repairs.

If the reason is the board and hardware

It is very difficult to do something about this on your own. You need to have some knowledge of radio electronics and own the appropriate tools. If you have all this, then you can easily solve the problem. But if the phone does not turn on beyond the screensaver due to a faulty board, and you do not understand anything about this matter, then it is better to take the gadget to a service center. Because by arranging repairs on your own, you risk turning your device into a dead brick.

You can try to find a familiar specialist who repairs smartphone hardware and save on repairs. But it is unlikely that he will resuscitate your device for free. Only if this is a very good friend. But, in any case, you will have to spend money on the Magarych. And it is unknown how much this will cost.


Now you know the main reasons why the phone does not turn on beyond the screen saver. There are ways to combat this unpleasant phenomenon. Unless it's a hardware problem. But, as statistics show, in most cases this problem is caused by a failure of the operating system. And eliminating this annoying misunderstanding is very simple with the help of a few buttons.