Sitemap analysis for errors. Using the Sitemap File. Changefreq indicates the frequency of page changes

Google was unable to view the addresses in the sitemap.

  1. Make sure the file is exactly where it says it is.
  2. Use the robots.txt file inspection tool to find out exactly how access is blocked.
  3. Use Google Site Crawl to determine whether page blocking is configured in your robots.txt file.
  4. If the URL from your Sitemap was crawled, check to see if there are any errors in the address.

URL failed

Typically indicates that Googlebot was unable to open some URLs when processing the Sitemap because they were receiving too many redirects. Change the redirect URLs in the sitemap and replace them with the destination URL (redirect target).

Below is a description of why this error might occur and how to fix it.

  • Test the site using a text browser (such as Lynx), since most search engines view the site exactly the same as Lynx. If you can't view an entire site using a text browser due to elements like JavaScript, cookies, session IDs, frames, DHTML or Flash, then search engine crawlers will likely have a hard time processing it, too.

  • If you always redirect from one page to another, use permanent redirects. We recommend that you opt out of redirects using JavaScript or the refresh meta tag.
  • Whenever possible, use absolute links instead of relative ones. For example, when linking to another page on your site, use the URL rather than just moya-stranitsa.html.

Invalid URLs

Some URLs are at a higher level than the sitemap or on a different domain.

Higher level: If the file is on then the following URLs are not valid for it:

  • – is at a higher level than the Sitemap file;
  • – located in a directory parallel to the current location of the Sitemap file.

Other domain: Make sure all URLs start with the domain where your Sitemap is stored. For example, if the file is located on the page, then the following URLs are not valid for it:

  • – missing www at the beginning.
  • – no protocol prefix (http).
  • – the protocol is https instead of http.

Compression error

Error when trying to unpack a zipped Sitemap file. Compress it again (using gzip, for example), and then upload it to your site and resubmit it to Google.

Blank Sitemap

The sitemap is missing URLs. Make sure it is not empty. If the file uses the Sitemap protocol, check that the tags in the URL are correct.

Sitemap file size error: Maximum allowed sitemap file size exceeded

The uncompressed Sitemap file size exceeds 50 MB. Split it into multiple files and index them, then send us each one separately.

Invalid attribute value

The attribute associated with one of the XML tags in the sitemap has an invalid value. Review Sitemaps to ensure that all attributes are used according to sitemap specifications. Check for typos in attribute values.

Invalid date

One or more dates in the sitemap have an incorrect format or value. Dates must be in W3C datetime encoding format. The time may not be specified. Make sure that all dates are written in one of the valid W3C encoding formats.

2005-02-21 2005-02-21T18:00:15+00:00

There is no need to set the time (the default is 00:00:00Z), but if you do, be sure to specify the time zone.

Invalid tag value

The sitemap contains one or more tags with an invalid value. They should all be listed in the error message. Check the specifications for the appropriate sitemap file type (index, standard, video, etc.).

Invalid URL

The sitemap contains an invalid URL. It may contain invalid characters (spaces, quotes, etc.) or other formatting errors, such as having the prefix htp:// instead of http:// . Check the URL escaping and encoding provided in the Sitemap. Check for invalid characters such as spaces and quotes. You can also paste the URL into your browser and see if the program can recognize it and load the page.

Invalid URL in Sitemap Index File: Incomplete URL

Some Sitemaps listed in the Sitemap index file do not have full URLs listed. Google searches for Sitemap files in the same directory as the index file. For example, if the index is located at and the sitemap file address in it is specified as sitemap.xml, our robot will try to load it at /folder1/sitemap.xml. If Googlebot doesn't find a sitemap for that address, the attempt will fail.

Update the Sitemap index file to include the full URLs of all listed Sitemaps, and then submit the files again.

Invalid XML: Too many tags

There are duplicate tags in the Sitemap file. For example, the following entry will cause an error because the tag It is repeated twice: 2005-01-01 monthly 0.8

The error message indicates the tag and the line number on which it is located. Remove the duplicate tag and submit the Sitemap again.

Missing XML attribute

One of the tags in the sitemap is missing a required attribute. Review your sitemaps to ensure all required attributes are in place. Correct any errors found in attribute values ​​and submit the Sitemap file again.

Missing XML tag

One or more entries in your sitemap are missing a required tag. The error message indicates the line number. For information about required tags, see the article about Sitemaps.

Video icon URL is missing

One or more video posts are missing a link to the video icon. Make sure the tags URLs of all such icons are indicated.

Video title is missing

Some video entries are missing titles. Make sure the tags The names of all videos are indicated.

Incorrect Sitemap index format: Sitemap index subfiles

One or more Sitemap index file entries contain its own URL or the URL of another Sitemap index file.

Remove entries pointing to Sitemap index files and resubmit the Sitemap to Google.

Parse error

Google was unable to parse the XML content of your sitemap.

This often happens due to unescaped characters in one of the URLs. As with XML files, any data values ​​(including URLs) must use escape codes for certain characters, such as & ‘ »< >. Check if URL escaping is configured correctly.

Temporary error

The sitemap file could not be processed due to a temporary system error. Typically, if this error occurs, there is no need to resend the file. Googlebot will try to retrieve it later. If this error message continues to appear after several hours, please submit the Sitemap again.

Too many sitemaps in index file

There are over 50,000 Sitemaps in the index file. Split it into several and make sure that each contains no more than 50,000 Sitemaps.

Too many URLs in sitemap

There are over 50,000 URLs in the Sitemap. Divide it into several, each containing up to 50,000 addresses. To manage them, you can create a Sitemap index file.

Unsupported file format

You have created an incorrect file. It must be in XML format and contain the correct header.

Common XML errors:

  • Sitemaps must have the correct headers. For example, if the file content represents information about a video, the title should be as follows:
  • The namespace in the header should look like .9 ).
  • All XML attributes must be enclosed in single (‘) or double (“) quotes, which must only be straight quotes. Attention! Text editors such as Microsoft Word can automatically change them to curly ones.

Invalid path: missing www prefix

The sitemap file path does not contain the www prefix (for example,, but all URLs listed in it do (for example,

If you want to remove the www prefix from the sitemap but keep it in the URLs specified in the file, select the option to use the prefix as the primary domain.

Otherwise, edit your sitemap to remove the www prefix from all URLs.

Invalid path: www prefix is ​​present

The sitemap file path contains the www prefix (for example,, but the URLs listed in it do not (for example,

Otherwise, edit your sitemap to add the www prefix to all URLs.

Incorrect namespace specified

The root element of the Sitemap file has an incorrect or missing namespace, a misspelling, or an incorrect URL.

Make sure the namespace is set correctly based on the file type. Example:

  • Sitemap file: xmlns=""
  • Video Sitemap: xmlns:video=""
  • File index Sitemap:
  • Other Sitemap File Types...

Sitemap file starts with a space

Your Sitemap file starts with a space, not a namespace. XML files must begin with an XML declaration that specifies the version of XML to use.

This error will not prevent Google from processing your Sitemap, but it is best to remove the space so that the file complies with XML standards and this error message will no longer appear.

HTTP Error ( specific code)

An HTTP error occurred while trying to download the Sitemap. The message about it will indicate a status code (for example, 404). Make sure the Sitemap URL is correct and the file is in the specified location. Then resubmit it to Google.

Video icon is too big

The video icon provided in the sitemap is too large. Resize it to 160 x 120 pixels. If necessary, update your sitemap and resubmit to Google. Learn more about how to add video information to your sitemap.

Video icon is too small

The video icon provided in the sitemap is too small. Resize it to 160 x 120 pixels. Update the Sitemap if necessary.

Video and playback page locations are the same

The video and playback page URLs must not be the same. If both tags are used ( And ), URLs must be different.

The video location URL points to the playback page

in the video sitemap, points to the page where the player is located.

The sitemap file contains URLs that are blocked in the robots.txt file

Googlebot was unable to process the Sitemap because access to it or its content was blocked in the robots.txt file. Use the robots.txt file inspection tool to find out exactly how access is blocked and make changes to allow crawling.

Installing a sitemap using the Google XML Sitemaps plugin from version 4.0

In an earlier article “Building an xml map using the Google Sitemaps plugin” I already told how this type of map is created and perhaps those who are used to doing everything the old fashioned way will find useful information there, but most users still decided to switch to the new version of the plugin, and To do this you will have to perform some manipulations.

Those who have not yet used this plugin will have to download it from the official WordPress website using this link; as of the day this article was written, version 4.0.7 is already available.

For those who have an older version, below 4.0, you will have to update it from the WordPress admin panel.

Now a very important point, since for the previous version of the map to work, it was necessary to place files in the root folder of the site sitemap.xml And sitemap.xml.gz, then after the update they will no longer be needed, so they must be deleted.

If you go to the plugin settings, it offers to automatically get rid of unnecessary elements.

If it is more convenient for someone to do everything manually, then go to the end folder of the site, I use an FTP client for this, and delete the above files there.

Now if you look at your sitemap xml sitemap, you will be a little surprised, because the module developers decided to switch to a new format for storing information about site pages.

Setting up the Google XML Sitemaps plugin

Now let's go through all the settings of the updated plugin. For some reason, the new version does not fully translate the settings elements into Russian, although everything is clear, but it is better to use the online translator built into the browser.

Here I left the first checkboxes so that search engines Google and Bing are notified about changes on the site.

Since I already have the URL to the xml sitemap written in my robots.txt file, we uncheck the third box.

The penultimate line is responsible for displaying the map via the link http://your-site/sitemap.xml, however, if I removed it, then no changes occurred for me.

On my testing site, all articles have the same priority, so I disabled this option.

We mark the pages that will be loaded into the sitemap, and also mark the very last point "Include the last modification time" to help search engines determine when site content has changed.

The plugin offers to specify the time how often search engines should index pages. Personally, I consider this element useless, since PS robots still do not follow these instructions.

We prioritize importance for blog pages.

I talked in detail about installing and configuring a sitemap in XML format using the Google XML Sitemaps plugin in the video. Enjoy watching.

Checking the indexing of XML maps in Yandex and Google

Next, you need to resend the sitemap.xml file for verification in the Webmaster panel from Google. With Yandex, everything is much simpler, since the Russian search engine itself will pick up all the changes in a few updates, provided that you have checked this file there before.

Verification for Yandex

Then we indicate the full HTML address of the sitemap.xml of the map and click check.

You should be redirected to a validator page that will check the sitemap file for errors.

Check for Google

For Google, everything is a little more complicated, since you will need to re-submit the updated map file for re-checking. To do this, in the Google webmaster panel, go to the “Crawling” tab - “Sitemap files”

A message will appear indicating that the file has been sent and you can refresh the page. After which a table will appear with the time and date of processing of the new card, and below you will see the indexing status of individual elements of the xml file.

After a few minutes, or maybe hours, depending on the size of the file, Google will completely scan its contents, just make sure there are dashes in the “Problems” column.

Creating an xml sitemap using the All in One Seo pack plugin

Above we looked at the option of building a structured sitemap in xml format using a special plugin, but not everyone, including me, shares this method:

— Some people are scared by its strange appearance, because instead of the usual links to articles you will see something similar to sitemap-pt-page-2013-03.xml, that is, the usual list of links will be divided into several separate sub-maps.

— Others found a way to get rid of the extra module by building a map using the All in One Seo pack plugin.

So, let's begin…

First. First, we get rid of the Google XML Sitemaps plugin; to do this, deactivate it in the administrative panel and enjoy the slight speedup of the site.

Second. Go to the root folder and delete old files sitemap.xml And sitemap.xml.gz, but I still recommend keeping a backup copy of them somewhere on your computer.

Third. Go to the All in One Seo pack plugin tab “SEO tools” - “Other modules” and activate the “Sitemap” module.

In the main settings, we specify the standard file prefix and mark which search engines should be notified if you make changes to its content.

Next, we indicate what elements the sitemap of the site will consist of, I left only posts and pages, and also checked the very last item so that the plugin will automatically generate a new map as new links are added.

Here you can exclude unnecessary categories, pages and posts from xml.

We set priorities for site pages.

We indicate how often search engines need to index pages. The last two parameters do not have a significant role.

And of course, don’t forget to check the functionality of the new map at

Look like that's it. This is where I end the post; I wanted to split it into two separate articles, but at the last moment I changed my mind.

Does the sitemap.xml file affect website promotion?

If you do not have a sitemap, this does not mean that search engines will not index the resource. Search robots often scan sites quite well without this and include them in the search. But sometimes glitches can occur, due to which sometimes it is not possible to find all web documents. The main reasons are:

  1. Sections of the site that can only be reached by making a long chain of transitions;
  2. Dynamic URLs.

Creating a sitemap.xml helps solve this problem.

Sitemap.xml affects SEO indirectly: by facilitating and speeding up the indexing of pages.

Sitemap sitemap in HTML format

Sitemaps are divided into 2 main types or formats: sitemap html and a sitemap xml file. HTML sitemap is a site page, which lists the links. Usually these are links to the most important sections and pages of the site. HTML sitemap is more designed for people rather than robots and helps you quickly navigate the main sections of the site. For a sitemap in the form of an HTML page, there are serious restrictions on the number of links on one page. If there are too many links on a page, not all links may be indexed, or the sitemap page may even be excluded from searches for having an excessive number of links, even internal links.

In order for the html sitemap to be correctly indexed and adequately perceived by visitors, you should not place more than 100 links on the page. This is more than enough to place on the page all the sections and subsections that do not fit into the main menu.

Usually, sitemap file in HTML format has a tree structure, where expanded sections and subsections are indicated. Unnecessarily bulky HTML site maps are often designed with graphic elements, CSS styles and supplemented with Java script. However, an html sitemap is of little value to search engines.

An HTML sitemap is not a full-fledged sitemap. What to do if the site has hundreds, thousands, tens of thousands of pages? To do this, you need to place links to all pages in the sitemap in xml format.

Sitemap sitemap.txt

Another way to create a site map in the form of a file can be a site map in txt format:

1. 2. 3.

It's simple. The sitemap.txt file lists all the necessary links line by line. A sitemap in txt format is an “option for the lazy”. A similar sitemap xml limitation of 50,000 links works here. However, the TXT sitemap does not have the ability to indicate the last modified date and page priority.

XML Sitemap

An XML sitemap is a file in xml format, like sitemap.xml, which is usually located at the root of the site. A sitemap in xml format has many advantages over an html sitemap:

  • Sitemap xml is a special sitemap format, which is determined by all popular search engines, such as Google and Yandex.
  • You can specify up to 50,000 links in xml sitemap.
  • In sitemap xml you can specify the relative priority and frequency of page updates.

The contents of the site map are only recommendations for the search robot. For example, if you set an annual update frequency for a website page, search robots will still visit more often. And if you set the page refresh rate to be hourly, this does not mean that robots will index the page every hour.

How to create the correct sitemap.xml

Let's look at how to make a proper xml map. The following requirements must be met:

  1. The file size should be no more than 10 MB;
  2. The map should contain no more than 50,000 links. In cases where there are more links, you can create several maps and include them in the main xml map;
  3. The sitemap address should be entered in robots.txt;
  4. Also upload the sitemap to Yandex and Google (how to add a file is described below);
  5. Search engines must have access to the map. It is necessary to use special tags that let search engines understand that this is a map and not something else;
  6. The sitemap must have UTF-8 encoding.

The contents of the sitemap.xml file look like: 2015-10-18T18:54:13+04:00 always 1.0 2015-10-18T18:57:09+04:00 hourly 0.8 2015-10-18T18:59:37+04:00 daily 0.6

Where the following required tags are used:

  • - parent tag, it contains all URLs;
  • - тег, в котором указываются сведения о конкретном url-адресе;
  • - в данном теге указывается непосредственно url.
  • - этот тег заключает в себе дату последнего изменения страницы;
  • - тег используется, чтобы указать насколько часто изменяется страница: always, hourly, daily, weekly, monthly, yearly, never;
  • Указывает приоритет определенной страницы, относительно других страниц сайта от 0,1 – низкий приоритет, до 1 – высокий приоритет.

Changefreq указывает на частоту изменений страницы:

  1. Hourly – обновление ежечасно;
  2. Always – всегда обновляется;
  3. Weekly – обновляется раз в неделю;
  4. Daily – обновления происходят ежедневно;
  5. Monthly – обновления происходят раз в месяц;
  6. Yearly – один раз в год;
  7. Never – не обновляется (такое значение лучше не использовать).

Priority сообщает поисковикам о степени важности страницы, по сравнению с другими. Приоритет можно выставлять от 0,1 (низкий) до 1 (высокий).

Файл sitemap.xml должен содержать указание на пространство имен языка XML:


Если файл карты сайта включает более 50 тысяч ссылок или размер sitemap.xml превышает 10 мб, рекомендуется разделить карту сайта на несколько файлов. В таком случае, в карте сайта необходимо указать несколько ссылок на разные файлы карт. 2015-10-18T18:54:13+04:00 2015-10-18T18:54:13+04:00

Здесь используются уже знакомые нам теги и , а также обязательные теги:

  • - родительский тег, в который заключаются адреса всех карт сайта;
  • - тег, в котором заключается параметры для каждой карты сайта.

Как создать Sitemap.xml

Создание карты сайта важный процесс, в котором необходимо четко указать, какие страницы сайта нужно индексировать и как лучше их индексировать. В зависимости от того о каком типе карты сайта идет речь, используются различные способы создания карты сайта . Как создать html карту сайта обсуждать отдельно смысла нет. Рассмотрим как сделать карту карта в формате xml файла. Существует несколько основных способов создания карты сайта, но все их объединяет то, где находится карта сайта и как файл sitemap определяется поисковыми системами.

Как уже было написано выше - файл карты сайта размещается в корне сайта . Поисковые системы способны самостоятельно обнаружить файл карты сайта. Но существует несколько способов указания прямой ссылки на файл(ы) карты сайта(ов) для более скорого обнаружения поисковыми системами. Самый простой способ указать место расположения файла карты сайта - это непосредственное указание ссылки или нескольких ссылок на файлы карт сайта в инструментах для вебмастеров от Yandex и Google. Там же можно проверить карту сайта , провести анализ карты сайта на корректность , соответствие того, какие страницы из карты сайта найдены поисковой системой и сколько из них находится в индексации.

Второй способ указать поисковым системам на расположение файла карты сайта - это директива Sitemap файла robots.txt.


В robots.txt можно указать несколько файлов sitemap, после чего, он автоматически будут добавлены в инструменты для вебмастеров. Как найти карту сайта мы рассмотрели, теперь перейдем к тому, как создать карту сайта.

Основные способы создания карты сайта

  1. Генерация карты сайта силами системы управления сайта, если CMS имеет подобную встроенную возможность.
  2. Скачать карту сайта со стороннего онлайн сервиса. Существует множество online генераторов карт сайта с различным возможностями и ограничениями. Наверное, один из самых известных онлайн генераторов карты сайта - это Sitemap Generator. Он обладает достаточно большим функционалом и позволит вам бесплатно генерировать сайтмап на 1500 страниц, что достаточно много. Еще есть обладает возможностью настройки параметров карты сайта, но имеет ограничение по количеству ссылок в файле sitemap.xml в 500 штук.
  3. Скачать генератор карты сайта . Подобные программы генераторы обычно платные, но при их помощи можно можно регулярно генерить sitemap xml для одного или нескольких сайтов. Вот пара примеров подобных программ-генераторов: SiteMap XML Dynamic SiteMap Generator, WonderWebWare SiteMap Generatior.
  4. Автоматическое создание sitemap карты сайта в Joomla (Джумла), WordPress (Вордпресс), Bitrix (Битрикс), ModX.
  5. Создание карты сайта вручную .

Sitemap WordPress

Создать карту сайта для WordPress можно будет с помощью плагина Google XML Sitemaps. Для нее вы сможете произвести множество настроек, которые позволят исключить часть материалов вашего сайта, а также можете задать предполагаемую частоту обновления. Кроме создания карты, плагин Google XML Sitemaps при публикации новых материалов на вашем блоге уведомляет об этом многие поисковые системы, приглашая их побыстрее провести индексацию.

Путь до файла сайтмап можете задать сами в настройках плагина и даже можете дать ему название отличное от классического sitemap.xml.

Sitemap Joomla

Создать карту сайта для Joomla можно с помощью компонента Xmap.

Проверить Sitemap на битые ссылки

Чтобы не обманывать поискового робота sitemap.xml должна быть настроена без ошибок. Поэтому после каждого обновления файла нужно проверить sitemap на битые ссылки.

Зайдите в Яндекс Вебмастер — раздел «Инструменты» — «Анализ файлов Sitemap».

Выберите один из способов загрузки файла:

  • скопировать текст sitmepa.xml;
  • отправить URL карты сайта;
  • загрузить xml файл в сервис.

Проверка sitemap.xml в Яндекс Вебмастер

Зайдите в Google Search Console — раздел «Сканирование» — «Файлы Sitemap».

Анализ Sitemap.xml от PixelPlus

Инструмент от — Анализ XML-карты сайта. Он простой, крутой и понятный.

  1. Указываем карту сайта (URL) или загружаем XML-файл.

    Выбираем, требуется ли проверка кода ответа сервера для каждого URL в ней.

Инструмент позволит проверить корректность карты сайта (файла формата *.xml), а также найти:

    Ошибки валидности файла.

    Те URL, которые отдают код ответа не 200 OK.

    Прочие ошибки (указание на URL с другого домена, избыточный размер файла или числа URL в нём и так далее).

Напомним, что число допустимых URL в одном файле - 50 000 штук, а размер файла не должен превышать 10 МБайт.

Если будут найдены ошибки (такое случается часто), то сервис подскажет, какие URL отдают некорректный ответ (удалены, лишние и так далее).

Sitemap.xml — важный инструмент

Карта сайта - один из важный инструмент SEO-продвижения сайта. Не важно, как будет создана карта сайта. Важно - какие ссылки будут перечислены в карте сайта и как часто она будет обновляться. Иногда, в карту сайта выгружается все подряд и даже те ссылки, которые запрещены в robots.txt или неканонические ссылки. А обновление карты сайта происходит раз в месяц или реже. Подобное отношение к карте сайта может не просто сделать ее бесполезной, но того хуже - запутать поискового робота, что негативно отразится на индексации и позициях сайта в поиске.

Создайте карту сайта для своего ресурса. Но будьте внимательны и хорошо подумайте, что выгружать в sitemap, а что нет.

Как часто после создания нового сайта для него создается карта сайта? Судя по нашей статистике вновь прибывших проектов, как минимум 50-60% сайтов создаются без генерации карты в формате sitemap.xml. Да, можно аргументировать тем, что дело разработчика – это создать сайт. Как он будет индексироваться и нас колько быстро попадет в индекс поисковых систем - это дело владельца сайта. В принципе, тоже верно, но создать Sitemap.XML и тем самым сделать как минимум приятный бонус для клиента – это вопрос нескольких минут.

Итак, что есть Sitemap.XML и чем может бать полезен? Расскажу об этом далее.

Sitemaps-XML-файл с информацией о страницах сайта для поисковых систем. Данный файл оказывает помощь поисковым системам в сканировании и индексировании страниц сайта. Стоит отметить, что данный файл не является директивой, а всего лишь своеобразным предложением к сканированию и индексации необходимых страниц сайта. Создавая такой файл для своего нового сайта, тем самым вы облегчаете (читайте, ускоряете) работу поисковых систем по сканированию и индексации сайта.

Пример Sitemap .xml

Привожу пример того как может выглядеть Sitemap в формате xml. (в нем описана только одна страница сайта)




Как создать Sitemap.xml

Для автоматизированного создания карты сайта есть достаточно много онлайн сервисов. Например: раз, два.

Как использовать Sitemap.xml

Как правило, файл располагают в корневой директории сайта, чтобы он был доступен по адресу

В файле должно быть не более 50 000 URL и размер его не должен превышать 10 МБ. Если требуется указать более 50 000 URL, создаем несколько файлов Sitemap.

Проверка корректности созданного файла Sitemap

Для определения элементов и атрибутов, которые могут появляться в файлах Sitemap, используются следующие XML-схемы:

  • Для файлов Sitemap
  • Для файлов индекса Sitemap

Оповещение поисковых систем о файле карты сайта

После создания файла карты сайта и его размещения, требуется оповестить создан и размещен на веб-сервере, необходимо оповестить поисковые системы о его местонахождени.

Данную операцию можно сделать несколькими методами:

  • с помощью панели вебмастера поисковой системы
  • указав местоположение файла в файле robots.txt
  • с помошью специального запроса к поисковой системе (как создать запрос описано ниже)

В таблице приведены запросы к некоторым поисковым системам


Стоит отметить, что создание таких файлов как sitemap.xml и robots.txt являются одними из первых «джентльменских» действий после создания нового сайта.

С помощью «проверки XML-карты сайта» можно диагностировать и проблемы индексации. Для удобства выводится не только число найденных URL, но число документов в индексе Яндекса и Google для домена и их можно сравнить.

Потенциальные проблемы с индексацией, которые можно выявить:

    Число документов в индексе какой-то из поисковых систем — сильно меньше найденного в файле. Проблемы индексации, которые требуется решить для роста поискового трафика.

    В индексе сильно больше документов, чем в карте сайта. Дубли? Или в файл попали не все нужные URL.

Доступна и история проведенных проверок.

Удачи в работе!

Зачем нужен файл Sitemap?

В большинстве случаев грамотной внешней и внутренней перелинковки страниц достаточно, чтобы поисковые роботы узнали о всем содержимом сайта. Вместе с тем использование Карты сайта может заметно ускорить процесс полной индексации, особенно если:

  • Интернет-ресурс создан относительно недавно и пока не может похвастаться богатым профилем внешних ссылок;
  • в структуре сайта присутствуют многочисленные архивы веб-документов, не связанных между собой;
  • проект располагает большим количеством страниц, разделов, подразделов;
  • в структуре ресурса преобладают динамические страницы.

Во всех этих случаях всеобъемлющая индексация сайта поисковыми системами может оказаться под вопросом, если своевременно не позаботиться о файле Sitemap.

Базовые критерии создания файла Sitemap

К созданию Карты сайта выдвигается несколько основных требований, о которых веб-мастер должен всегда помнить.

Во-первых , количество URL-адресов в файле Sitemap не должно превышать 50 тысяч единиц. Если их больше, то необходимо создать несколько отдельных Карт сайта, которые прописываются в файле индекса Sitemap.

Во-вторых , максимальный размер файла – 10 Мб. Если несжатый файл превышает этот размер, его можно уменьшить при помощи архиватора gzip .

В-третьих , файл Sitemap должен находиться на том же домене, что и веб-сайт, для которого он создан.

В-четвертых , составление Карты сайта предполагает использование кодировки UTF-8, а также латинских букв и цифр.

В-пятых , ответом сервера на обращение к файлу Sitemap должен быть HTTP-статус с кодом 200 OK.

Допустимые форматы Карты сайта

Особое требование предъявляется к формату файла Sitemap. Так, Карта сайта может быть создана в виде XML-файла, текстового файла или посредством RSS, mRSS и Atom 1.0. При этом наиболее распространенным форматом, который распознают все поисковые системы, считается XML-файл. С его помощью поисковикам можно сообщить не только о правильном местоположение страницы в иерархии сайта, но и:

  • о частоте обновления веб-документа в принципе (атрибут – changefreq );
  • о дате последнего обновления на странице (атрибут – lastmod );
  • о разной важности тех или иных страниц ресурса (атрибут – priority ).

Пример Карты сайта в формате XML для, если бы он состоял из одной страницы и содержал упомянутые теги, мог бы выглядеть так: 2016-03-21 daily 0.8

How to create and where to place a Sitemap file?

If you wish, you can create a Site Map yourself (manually), which, however, looks like a very labor-intensive undertaking. Therefore, it is better to create a Sitemap file automatically by using free online services such as this one or this one.

After the Site Map is ready, the file must be placed in the root directory. In this case, the link indicating the path to the Sitemap file to search engines could be as follows:

For the following header I am getting the same two errors on all my sitemaps. This is confusing because if Google can't read my sitemap, then how can they tell that every URL has the same priority? The header lights up as line 2 after the XML declaration. Google claims to have indexed about 2% of URLs from maps. Please help.

UPDATE: I think the problem is that I don't know how to validate the schema. How to do it?

"" xmlns:xsi = xsi:schemaLocation => ==Parsing error We were unable to read your Sitemap. It may contain an entry we are unable to recognize. Please validate your Sitemap before resubmitting. ==Notice All the URLs in your Sitemap have the same priority...

UPDATE. Please be patient when checking XML for the first time. I don't understand the errors.

Errors in the XML document: 4: 80 SchemaLocation: schemaLocation value = "" must have even number of URI"s. 4: 80 cvc-elt.1: Cannot find the declaration of element "urlset". XML document: 1 !} 2 "" 3 xmlns:xsi = "" 4 xsi:schemaLocation = ""> 5 6 7 monthly 8 0.8 9 10 11 12 monthly 13 0.8 14 15

Structure of Sitemap.xml

The file is marked with XML tags, the main ones of which indicate:

  • Page importance ranges from 0.1 to 1.0 (with 0.1 being the lowest and 1.0 being the highest priority).
  • Update frequency (once an hour, once a day, once a week, once a month, once a year, never or always).
  • Description of the page and its beginning (this is a required element of the site map).
  • Website page address (this is also a required element of the site map).
  • The date the page was last modified (this is an optional element).

Placement of Sitemap.xml

There are rules for the location of the Sitemap.xml file, compliance with which will allow you to achieve the best results in promoting the resource.

  • It is recommended to place the Sitemap.xml document in the root directory of the site.
  • All links on the site must be placed on the same domain as the Sitemap.xml file.
  • Links contained in the Sitemap.xml document must use the same protocol as links placed on the site (http or https, with or without www.).
  • In the Robots.txt file you must specify the path to the site map.


It is allowed to post not only the main Sitemap.xml document, but also additional files similar to the main one. Each of these files can contain no more than 50 thousand links, and the total size of documents should not be more than 10 MB. If necessary, Sitemap.xml can be compressed with a standard archiver. Additional files are used if the size of the main file is exceeded. Each additional file is listed in the index, and its format is identical to the original one.

Use of Sitemap.xml

The Sitemap.xml document is used in search engine promotion and is especially important if:

  • The site is relatively young and there are too few links leading to it from other resources for effective promotion.
  • The site contains a large number of pages that are not connected to each other by navigation links.
  • The site contains multimedia data that is not indexed by the bot.
  • The content of the site pages is constantly updated.

Sitemap for Google.News

When promoting a news site in the Google News news aggregator, you must create a separate Site Map file for improved indexing.

Generating site maps (Sitemap)

Most popular CMSs provide automatic generation of sitemaps. If your site does not have such an opportunity, then you can use the service:

Article on the topic: How to create and configure a sitemap in XML and HTML.

Checking the sitemap for validity

The easiest way to check the validity of a sitemap file is to add it to search engine webmasters and, if there are problems or errors, you will see them in the panel.

With the Sitemap Report, you can submit your sitemap to Google, see your sitemap submission history, and any errors our system encountered when parsing your sitemap.

What is a Sitemap file? Do I need this type of report?

Sitemap file is placed on your website and contains information about all its new and changed web pages. If your resource is small (less than 100 pages), you may find it easier to request indexing of the main page, provided that it (or one of the pages it links to directly or through other pages) has links to all other pages.

Manage Sitemaps

How to submit a sitemap

Follow these steps:

  1. Place a Sitemap on your site. Requirements:
    • The sitemap file must be in .
    • The sitemap file must be accessible to Googlebot.
  2. You must have the owner's permission. If it doesn't exist, you can add a link to it in your robots.txt file instead of sending the file.
  3. Provide the file's relative URL on the Sitemap report page and click Send.
  4. Processing of the Sitemap file will begin immediately. Please note that it may take some time for the URLs listed there to be crawled. Sometimes not all URLs can be scanned (this depends on the size of the site, traffic and other factors).


If you've already sent us a Sitemap, you don't need to resend it, even if you've made changes to it (we'll notice them the next time we crawl your site).

How to delete a sitemap

If you delete a Sitemap, it will be removed from the corresponding report, but will remain in Google, along with any URLs that were included in it. If you want Google robots to stop visiting your web pages, add a rule to your robots.txt file.

To remove a sitemap file, follow these steps:

How to interpret the report

  • The report only shows Sitemaps submitted using it, not those detected through links in the robots.txt file or other means. However, if we have already received your Sitemap from another source, you can still send it to us through this report so that we can verify the correctness of the data and determine the error rate.
  • The report only shows Sitemaps that are related to the current property.
  • You can include URLs for images, videos, and news articles in your Sitemap. However, the report does not currently show information about these address types.

The following information is provided for each Sitemap file:

Sitemap URL The address where the file is located, relative to the root directory of the resource. Type Sitemap file type. Possible values:
  • Sitemap– a regular XML file or text file Sitemap.
  • Sitemap Index File– a Sitemap file with information about other Sitemap files.
  • RSS– Sitemap file in RSS feed format.
  • Atom– Sitemap file in Atom feed format.
  • Unknown– the file has an unknown format or has not yet been processed.
Sent The date the sitemap was last submitted to Google. Date of last processing The date the sitemap was last processed by Google tools. Status Send or scan status. Possible values: Number of URLs identified The number of URLs listed in the sitemap. If this is an index sitemap file, this will indicate the total number of URLs in all files included in it. Duplicate URLs are counted only once. Clicking this icon opens coverage details for all URLs in the report. In the case of a Sitemap index, all URLs listed in its child Sitemaps are listed.

My sitemap is not listed

Here are a few reasons why a sitemap might be missing from a report:

  • It belongs to a different resource. Sitemaps associated with one property are not available to others. For example, files in the domain will not be reported for the or domains. To resolve this issue, make sure you add all versions of your resource URL.
  • You didn't send a sitemap to Google using the report. If you submitted Sitemaps using another method, they will not be listed, even if Google can find and use them.

Errors in Sitemaps

The following errors may appear in the Sitemap report:

URL failed

Google was unable to crawl all the URLs listed in the sitemap. Possible reasons:

  • There are too many redirects to the URL. We recommend replacing such URLs with addresses that can be crawled directly.
    • If you are constantly redirecting from one page to another, use a final redirect.
    • We recommend that you opt out of redirects using JavaScript or the refresh meta tag.
  • Googlebots are unable to crawl relative URLs in your sitemap. Whenever possible, use absolute links instead of relative ones. For example, when linking to another page on your site, use the URL rather than just moya-stranitsa.html.

Invalid URLs

Some URLs are at a higher level than the sitemap or on a different domain.

Higher level. If the file is located on , then the following URLs are not valid for it:

  • – is at a higher level than the Sitemap file;
  • – located in a child directory of the Sitemap file (you need to go to a higher level and then to a lower level).

Another domain. Make sure all URLs start with the domain where your sitemap is stored. For example, if the file is located on the page, then the following URLs are not valid for it:

  • – missing www at the beginning.
  • – no protocol prefix (http).
  • – the protocol is https instead of http.

Compression error

Error when trying to unpack a zipped Sitemap file. Perform the compression again (for example, using gzip), and then upload it to your site and resubmit it to Google.

Blank Sitemap

The sitemap is missing URLs. Make sure it is not empty.

Maximum allowed sitemap file size exceeded

The uncompressed Sitemap file size exceeds 50 MB. Split it into several files and index them, then send us each one separately.

Invalid attribute value

The attribute associated with one of the XML tags in the sitemap has an invalid value. Review Sitemaps to ensure that all attributes are used according to sitemap specifications. Check for typos in attribute values.

Invalid date

One or more dates in the sitemap have an incorrect format or value. Dates must be in W3C datetime encoding format. The time may not be specified. Make sure that all dates are written in one of the valid W3C encoding formats.

2005-02-21 2005-02-21T18:00:15+00:00

There is no need to set the time (the default is 00:00:00Z), but if you do, be sure to specify the time zone.

Invalid tag value

The sitemap contains one or more tags with an invalid value. Check the specifications for the appropriate sitemap file type (index, standard, video, etc.).

Invalid URL

The sitemap contains an invalid URL. It may contain invalid characters (spaces, quotes, etc.) or other formatting errors, such as having the prefix htp:// instead of http:// .

Video icon URL is missing

One or more video posts are missing a link to the video icon. Make sure the tags URLs of all such icons are indicated.

Video title is missing

Some video entries are missing titles. Make sure the tags The names of all videos are indicated.

Incorrect Sitemap index format: Sitemap index subfiles

One or more Sitemap index file entries contain its own URL or the URL of another Sitemap index file. The Sitemap index file can only contain links to regular Sitemaps, not indexes.

Remove entries pointing to sitemap indexes and resubmit the file.

Parse error

Google was unable to parse the XML content of your sitemap.

This often happens due to unescaped characters in one of the URLs. As with XML files, any data values ​​(including URLs) must use escape codes for certain characters, such as & " "< >. Check if URL escaping is configured correctly.

Temporary error

The sitemap file could not be processed due to a temporary system error. Typically, if this error occurs, there is no need to resend the file. Googlebot will try to retrieve it later. If this error message continues to appear after several hours, please submit the Sitemap again.

Too many sitemaps in index file

There are over 50,000 Sitemaps in the index file. Split it into several and make sure that each contains no more than 50,000 Sitemaps.

Too many URLs in sitemap

There are over 50,000 URLs in the Sitemap. Divide it into several, each containing up to 50,000 addresses. For convenience, you can create a Sitemap index file.

Unsupported file format

You have created an incorrect file.

To avoid the most common XML errors, check the following:

  • Sitemaps must have the correct headers. For example, if the file content represents information about a video, the title should be as follows:
  • The namespace in the header should look like .9 ).
  • All XML attributes must be enclosed in single (") or double (") quotes, which must only be straight quotes. Attention! Text editors such as Microsoft Word can automatically change them to curly ones.

Invalid path: missing www prefix

The sitemap file path does not contain the www prefix (for example,, but all URLs listed in the file do have this prefix (for example, ).

Edit your sitemap to remove the www prefix from all URLs.

Invalid path: www prefix is ​​present

The sitemap file path contains the prefix www (for example,, but this prefix is ​​not present in all URLs listed in the file (for example, .

Edit your sitemap to add the www prefix to all URLs.

Incorrect namespace specified

The root element of the Sitemap file has an incorrect or missing namespace, a misspelling, or an incorrect URL.

Make sure the namespace is set correctly based on the file type. Example:

  • Sitemap file: xmlns=""
  • Video Sitemap: xmlns:video=""
  • File index Sitemap:

Sitemap file starts with a space

Your Sitemap file starts with a space, not a namespace. XML files must begin with an XML declaration that specifies the version of XML to use.

This error will not prevent Google from processing your Sitemap, but it is best to remove the space so that the file complies with XML standards and this error message will no longer appear.

HTTP Error ( specific code)

An HTTP error occurred while trying to download the Sitemap. The message about it will indicate a status code (for example, 404). Make sure the Sitemap URL is correct and the file is in the specified location. Then resubmit it to Google.

Video icon is too big

The video icon provided in the sitemap is too large. Resize it to 160 x 120 pixels. If necessary, update your sitemap and resubmit it to Google.

Video icon is too small

The video icon provided in the sitemap is too small. Resize it to 160 x 120 pixels. Update the Sitemap if necessary.

Video and playback page locations are the same

The video URLs and playback pages specified in the Sitemap file must not be the same. If both tags are used ( And ), URLs must be different.

The video location URL points to the playback page

The sitemap file contains URLs that are blocked in the robots.txt file

Googlebot was unable to process the sitemap because access to it or its contents is prohibited in the robots.txt file. Use a URL inspection tool to find out which file is causing the problem and make the necessary changes to robots.txt.

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A sitemap is an html page of a site or a special xml file, which displays links to all important pages of the site. To understand what a site map is, just imagine a book’s table of contents and it will immediately become clear why do you need a site map. A site map helps a visitor, be it a person or a search robot, quickly find any page on the site, making a minimum number of transitions. On simple, small sites, all pages can be accessed within 1-2 clicks from the main page, but what if the site is large and its structure is complex? Such a site will not only be inconvenient for visitors, but also not obvious to search engines.

What types of site maps are there?

Search engines index the site gradually, level by level, starting from the main page. If the site has many levels of nesting of pages, then it will take many months for all the pages of the site to be indexed. So it is necessary create a site map, on which there will be all links to all pages of the site at once, so that the robot does not waste time navigating through nesting levels, right? Yes and no. The answer depends on why the map is being made and what it will be like. Let's take a look what are the types of sitemaps?.

Sitemap HTML Sitemap

Sitemaps are divided into 2 main types or formats: sitemap html and a sitemap xml file. HTML sitemap is a site page, which lists the links. Usually these are links to the most important sections and pages of the site. HTML sitemap is more designed for people rather than robots and helps you quickly navigate the main sections of the site. For a sitemap in the form of an HTML page, there are serious restrictions on the number of links on one page. If there are too many links on a page, not all links may be indexed, or the site map page may even be excluded from searches for having an excessive number of links, even .

In order for the html sitemap to be correctly indexed and adequately perceived by visitors, you should not place more than 100 links on the page. This is more than enough to place on the page all the sections and subsections that do not fit into the main menu.

Usually, site map in HTML format has a tree structure, where expanded sections and subsections are indicated. Unnecessarily bulky HTML site maps are often designed with graphic elements, CSS styles and supplemented with Java script. However, an html sitemap is of little value to search engines.

An HTML sitemap is not a full-fledged sitemap. What to do if the site has hundreds, thousands, tens of thousands of pages? To do this, you need to place links to all pages in the sitemap in xml format.

XML Sitemap

An XML sitemap is a file in xml format, like sitemap.xml, which is usually located at the root of the site. A sitemap in xml format has many advantages over an html sitemap. Sitemap xml is a special sitemap format, which is determined by all popular search engines, such as Google and Yandex. You can specify up to 50,000 links in xml sitemap. Moreover, in the sitemap xml you can specify the relative priority and frequency of page updates.

It is worth saying that the contents of the site map are only recommendations for the search robot. For example, if you set an annual update frequency for a website page, search robots will still visit more often. And if you set the page refresh rate to be hourly, this does not mean that robots will index the page every hour.

An xml sitemap has a specific syntax, let's look at the structure of an xml sitemap in more detail.

Example sitemap file sitemap.xml

The correct sitemap.xml must be UTF8 encoded. The contents of the sitemap.xml file look like this: 2014-09-18T18:54:13+04:00 always 1.0 2014-09-18T18:57:09+04:00 hourly 0.8 2014-09-18T18:59:37+04:00 daily 0.6

Where the following required tags are used:

  • — parent tag, it contains all URLs;
  • — a tag that contains information about a specific URL;
  •— in this tag the url is indicated directly.
  • — this tag contains the date the page was last modified;
  • — the tag is used to indicate how often the page changes: always, hourly, daily, weekly, monthly, yearly, never;
  • — indicates the priority of a particular page relative to other pages of the site from 0.1 – low priority, to 1 – high priority.

Also, the sitemap file in xml format must contain an indication of the XML language namespace:


If the sitemap file includes more than 50 thousand links or the size of the sitemap.xml exceeds 10 MB, it is recommended to split the sitemap into several files. In this case, in the site map you need to indicate several links to different map files. 2014-09-18T18:54:13+04:00 2014-09-18T18:54:13+04:00

Tags that are already familiar to us are used here And , as well as required tags:

  • — parent tag, which contains the addresses of all site maps;
  • — a tag that contains parameters for each sitemap.

Example sitemap file sitemap.txt

Another way to create a site map in the form of a file can be a site map in txt format:

1. 2. 3.

It's simple. The sitemap.txt file lists all the necessary links line by line. A sitemap in txt format is an “option for the lazy”. A similar sitemap xml limitation of 50,000 links works here. However, the TXT sitemap does not have the ability to indicate the last modified date and page priority.

How to create a sitemap

Creating a site map an important process in which it is necessary to clearly indicate which pages of the site need to be indexed and how best to index them. Depending on what type of site map we are talking about, different ways to create a site map. There is no point in discussing how to create an html sitemap separately. Let's look at how to make a map in xml file format. There are several basic ways to create a sitemap, but what they all have in common is where the sitemap is located and how the sitemap is determined by search engines.

As already written above - The sitemap file is located at the root of the site. Search engines are able to independently detect a sitemap file. But there are several ways to provide a direct link to the sitemap file(s) for faster discovery by search engines. The easiest way to specify the location of a sitemap file is to directly specify a link or several links to sitemap files in the webmaster tools from Yandex and Google. There you can check sitemap, conduct analysis of the site map for correctness, correspondence of which pages from the site map are found by the search engine and how many of them are indexed.

The second way to point search engines to the location of a sitemap file is .


You can specify several sitemap files in robots.txt, after which it will automatically be added to webmaster tools. We've looked at how to find a sitemap, now let's move on to how to create a sitemap.

Basic ways to create a sitemap

  1. Generating a site map by the site management system, if the CMS has such a built-in capability.
  2. Download site map from a third-party online service. There are many online sitemap generators with different capabilities and limitations. For example, has the ability to configure sitemap parameters, but has a limit on the number of links in the sitemap.xml file of 500 pieces.
  3. Download the site map generator program. Such generator programs are usually paid, but with their help you can regularly generate sitemap xml for one or several sites. Here are a couple of examples of such generator programs: SiteMap XML Dynamic SiteMap Generator, WonderWebWare SiteMap Generator.
  4. Automatic creation of sitemap sitemap in Joomla (Jumla), WordPress (Wordpress), Bitrix (Bitrix).
  5. Creating a sitemap manually.

A site map is one of the most important tools. It doesn't matter how the sitemap is created. It is important what links will be listed in the sitemap and how often it will be updated. Sometimes, everything is uploaded to the sitemap, even those links that are prohibited in robots.txt or . And the sitemap is updated once a month or less. Such an attitude towards the site map can not only make it useless, but even worse - confuse the search robot, which will negatively affect the indexing and position of the site in the search.

Create a sitemap for your resource. But be careful and think carefully about what to upload to the sitemap and what not.

A sitemap is a file with links to website pages that informs search engines about the current structure of the site. Yandex supports XML and TXT formats. The XML format allows additional information to be conveyed.

Note. Yandex does not guarantee that all URLs specified in the file will appear in the search results.

  1. File requirements
  2. Questions and answers

When is a Sitemap needed?

Yandex is developing special algorithms by which the indexing robot learns about the site. For example, using A link that links pages on the same site. Pages can\n be located in different directories of the same domain or on subdomains.

"}}">internal And A link that is located on another site."))"> external links - moving from one page to another. Sometimes the robot may skip pages. Use Sitemap if your site:

    a large number of pages;

    individual pages without navigation links;

    deep nesting.

Formats supported by Yandex

Limitation. Yandex Search does not support transmitting RSS and Atom feeds using a Sitemap file.

File requirements

    The maximum uncompressed file size is 50 MB.

    Place the file on the same domain as the site for which it is compiled.

    When accessing a file, the server must return HTTP code 200.

How to create a file and report it to Yandex

If necessary, you can remove Sitemap information.

Questions and answers

The sitemap is displayed in the service as an excluded page with the status “Invalid document format”

Displaying a Sitemap (as well as other XML files) as excluded pages is for informational purposes only and does not in any way affect site indexing or Sitemap processing.

The Sitemap file may be displayed in a group of excluded pages because the robot tried to index it as a regular page, while XML files are not indexed in the Yandex search engine and do not participate in search results.

"Unknown tag" error occurred while processing Sitemap

A Sitemap file can only contain certain XML elements. If the Webmaster detects other elements in the file (for example, an indication of a mobile or multilingual version, addresses of pictures), the “Unknown tag” error will appear in the Webmaster. Unsupported elements are ignored by the robot when processing the Sitemap, while data from supported elements is taken into account. Therefore, it is not necessary to change the Sitemap file.

If the contents of the file are changed, it will take up to two weeks to update the information in Webmaster.

The Sitemap file is in the "Not Indexed" status

The Sitemap file may not be indexed for several reasons:

    The robot recently crawled the Sitemap and has not yet processed it. Wait two weeks. If you are using a Sitemap index file with multiple files, they may take longer to process than a single Sitemap file.

    The site was previously unavailable to the indexing robot. You must wait until the next robot visit to the site.

Greetings, dear friends, on the pages of the site! Today I will show how to add Sitemap.xml to Google and Yandex. Let me remind you that a Sitemap file is a site map in XML format for search engines, which is not visible to blog visitors. It contains a list of site pages that should be indexed by search robots, information about their importance and update frequency. Creating such a sitemap helps improve on-page SEO optimization of the site.

How to add a sitemap Sitemap.xml in the Yandex and Google webmaster panels

To add a Sitemap file to Google and Yandex, you must first create it. Next, we add the site to the Yandex and Google webmaster panels and confirm the rights to the site. If you haven’t done this yet, I wrote earlier, and.

Now let's move on to adding the site map to search engines. There are two ways to notify search engines about the presence of a Sitemap:

  • Add a Sitemap directive to the robots.txt file. Read more about this in the article ““.
  • Add Sitemap files to search engines in Yandex.Webmaster and Google Webmaster Tools.

Even if you have already specified the paths to the sitemap in robots.txt, performing the second method will not be superfluous.

We go to the Yandex.Webmaster panel using the link, having previously logged in. In the list of added sites, select the one whose Sitemap file we want to add to Yandex. In the left menu “ general information"select the item" Setting up indexing” – “ Sitemap files “. On the page that opens, enter the full path to the site map in the special field and click the “Add” button.

Now the XML sitemap has been added to the Yandex search engine and the Sitemap file will be processed for about two weeks.

If everything is done correctly, then after a while you will see the following picture:

As you can see, I added two files to Yandex: Sitemap.xml and Sitemap.xml.gz. The second is a compressed XML file generated by the Google XML Sitemaps WordPress plugin. I think it is not necessary to add a compressed Sitemap file to Yandex, since when you click on any of the “More details” buttons, you can see exactly the same information.

I left both Sitemap files added, since the blog is indexed without problems, and I see no reason to change anything.

If you need to delete a sitemap, click on the cross next to the file name (see the previous figure).

How to Add a Sitemap to Google

Here we do everything the same way. Log in to Google and go to Webmaster Tools using the link Select the desired site from the list and select the item “ Site configuration” – “ Sitemap files “. Press the button “ Add/Verify Sitemap File“.

A pop-up window will appear where we enter the sitemap address and click “ Submit Sitemap“. Please note that the address http://site/ has already been automatically filled in and you only need to add the missing part.

As we see, add Sitemap.xml to Google and you can get information about it faster than in Yandex.

In the same way, if necessary, the Sitemap file is checked in Google. All you have to do is press the “ Check Sitemap” in the pop-up window.

If you encounter errors while adding XML files to Google, remove the files from the list (see image above) and try uploading them again.

Add Sitemap.xml to Yandex and Google you need it once. Now, when new articles appear on a blog, search engines will definitely not miss them during indexing, and the process itself will happen faster. The site map is automatically updated in the Yandex and Google webmaster panels. Therefore, there is no need to add a new Sitemap file every time.

As you can see, nothing complicated. However, many people simply forget to add the XML sitemap to search engines. Remind them by sending links to this article on social networks (buttons below).