1s aibolit. "BIT.Aibolit" - management of veterinary clinics. Accounting for employees and equipment

The BIT Aibolit program for veterinary centers is used to automate operational, financial, warehouse accounting, medical activities and customer relationship management.

For whom is the BIT Aibolit program intended:

  • For pharmacies at veterinary clinics
  • For veterinary offices and clinics
  • For hotels and animal shelters
  • For nurseries for breeding animals.

What does BIT Aibolit give:

  • Full automation of the main processes of a veterinary clinic
  • Allows you to systematize the customer base of pets and owners at your discretion
  • Provides clear accounting and control of the activities of each department of the veterinary center
  • Allows you to provide the most up-to-date analytical and management information for a veterinary clinic.

Advantages of BIT Aibolit:

  • This is today the most developed solution for complex automation of veterinary clinics on the 1C platform, allowing easy synchronization with any other BIT and 1C programs, if the client so desires;
  • The program allows you to create cards for clients and pets in the forms accepted in the veterinary clinic where this program is being implemented.
  • You can maintain an electronic pet card;
  • BIT Aibolit allows you to quickly control any direction: clients, clinic staff, finances, stocks in warehouses, accounts receivable, etc.;
  • The program allows you to enter information using sms and paging communications
  • Allows you to introduce a loyalty system, set up a system of discounts for regular customers and notify about the priority of vaccinations or routine examination of your pet;
  • The program has flexible reporting settings and has the ability to analyze the veterinary clinic for all performance indicators;
  • The program has an intuitive interface
  • Easily customizable data exchange with 1C Accounting 8.

BIT Aibolit solves the following problems:

  • Creates a database of client contacts, photographs, and a complete history of visits;
  • Creates a database of pets, pet photos, visit history, and makes it possible to attach any files.
  • Provides clear accounting of materials in the warehouse by items: receipt, sale, movement, write-off of consumables according to clearly defined standards;
  • The program takes into account the balance of consumables, and also sets reminders about the need to purchase certain materials. Bandages, painkillers, blankets, surgical thread, brilliant green, etc.
  • BIT Aibolit allows you to set up a specific work plan: scheduling a pet visit, clearly rationing the time of a client session, maintaining schedules, separately taking into account special equipment and its costs, recording the employment of employees, and ultimately summing everything up in employee employment schedules, equipment load, up to waste of materials by each individual employee.
  • In special forms, you can conduct mutual settlements with clients, record the status of mutual settlements, and divide them into different types of payments, if necessary.
  • You can also take into account the direct output of employees, dividing output into categories according to their qualifications;
  • BIT Aibolit has a block for calculating employee salaries;
  • It is possible to set up reporting on the work of the veterinary center: on the sale of services and materials, on the production of employees, on warehouse operations, and calculations of the influx of visitors from various promotions. In one sentence: the program has extensive capabilities for customizing reports;
  • Each pet is given a medical record book in which you can keep medical records and then highlight a graph of the dynamics of changes. For example, taking a cardiogram and a cycle of work to restore the pet’s cardiac activity.
  • The program allows for a clear division of access rights to information.

Client registration

  • Maintaining an interactive recording calendar:
    • display of already assigned patient requests;
    • displaying the availability of working hours of employees and equipment;
    • convenient transition between dates;
    • input of basic documents with one click;
    • displaying reminders in the recording calendar;
  • Possibility of quick pre-registration of clients, control of registration for non-working or busy employee hours.
  • Make one application for an appointment with several doctors.
  • Convenient selection of services in the application.
  • Automatic booking of equipment time, if it is necessary to provide the service.

Maintaining a client base:

  • You can keep a separate file of owners and their pets. And software-assisted combination, when pets can have several owners, and the owners can have several different pets.
  • You can enter pets into the database in the form of properties: photographs of pets by year and visit, basic appearance parameters, breed, nickname. And add all this to a special planning calendar.
  • A well-functioning mechanism for receiving visitors, indicating the timing of the visit and the details of the pet.
  • Discounts are provided to regular customers, regardless of whether he came for the first time with a specific creature or brought a long-known pet, on which he earned discounts. Mutual settlements are carried out with the client, and certificates are issued to him.
  • At the same time, the opposite is also true: an animal that is constantly examined can enjoy discounts even if it came with another owner, the main thing is that its identification data is on hand.
  • The program allows you to select a separate section in which the analysis system for animals will be reflected.
  • Storing any photographs of animals that the owner wants to add.

Medical block of the program for veterinarians:

  • In the medical unit, you can record the results of all laboratory and medical tests; accordingly, you can build graphs and tables in which you can see the dynamics of changes in the creature’s health.
  • The block allows you to create real medical histories of your pet.
  • Create tables of regular vaccination procedures;
  • This program for veterinarians allows you to turn on “reminders” - automatically generate scheduled vaccinations. When recording data about the next vaccination, a mechanism is activated that tracks the time since the last vaccination and creates task reminders for users according to the schedule specified in the vaccination nomenclature card.
  • The program allows you to track the movement of laboratory materials. This is a very big plus from the point of view of the inspection authorities.
  • The program’s medical unit allows you to draw up treatment plans for each animal in advance and regularly monitor the implementation of this plan.
  • In the program, you can set your own templates for examinations and other medical forms for each doctor.

Warehouse accounting in the veterinary program BIT Aibolit:

  • The basis of warehouse accounting in the veterinary program is information on the range of materials, goods and medicines;
  • Nomenclature can be created according to any arbitrary characteristics, for example: color, volume, size.
  • The program allows you to automate the transfer from one unit of measurement to another, and you can set up a mass transfer.
  • The warehouse accounting block allows you to link items to specific storage locations.
  • Warehouse accounting records receipts from suppliers;
  • Allows you to track all movements between different storage locations, as well as each episode of issuing materials to an employee;
  • The program allows you to write off shortages and capitalize surpluses using a couple of clicks. You can also, if desired, significantly expand the inventory capabilities;
  • This warehouse block of the veterinary program allows you to control the balance of goods and when its quantity approaches a specified minimum, a reminder is sent to the responsible persons about the need for the next purchase.
  • You can set up automatic write-off of consumables according to the standards determined in each specific veterinary hospital for each service;
  • The program also allows you to set up reports on the movement of goods and materials, and statistics on the consumption of materials for each service or type of service.

Accounting for employees and equipment in the veterinary program BIT Aibolit:

  • The extensive capabilities of the program allow you to keep records of veterinary hospital employees. Full names, contact details of veterinarians and personnel are entered into the database;
  • The employee accounting block allows you to set up a reminder about birthdays and other holiday or precautionary dates (for example, the expiration date of a medical book, license, registration);
  • Builds and automatically fills out employee work schedules;
  • The program calculates wages;
  • In this program for veterinary clinics, you can maintain individual and general payroll schemes, and fully automate them;
  • Initially, BIT Aibolit included the most used payment schemes;
  • The program allows you to print pay slips for each employee for any period (day, week, month);
  • All wage payments to employees are recorded, including advances and accountable amounts;
  • This block allows you to set up reports on the popularity of a particular veterinarian with the client;
  • You can always get a report on an employee’s output by output categories;
  • Accounting for the equipment necessary to perform the work;
  • Reserving equipment operating time by one or another employee, setting equipment reminders (for example, the date of the next maintenance).

Pricing in the program for veterinarians

  • BIT Aibolit allows you to maintain several price lists for the same items of services and goods;
  • Prices can be set from any date of your choice and subsequently save the entire history of price changes;
  • You can also set automatic discounts (by item, by counterparty, cumulative, by time of client arrival);
  • From the program you can always print a price list, with a customized appearance of the user’s choice.

Accounting for all services and sales for any period

  • You can always enter a sales document quickly, only on the basis of an application;
  • A convenient single document is set up for all operations: from payment for work to the issuance of certificates
  • BIT Aibolit allows instant selection of services, materials and goods into a document;
  • To fill out documents, it is strongly recommended to enable the ability to barcode documents. Connecting a barcode scanner increases the accuracy and speed of reading information;
  • Auto-fill for any consumables according to selected standards;
  • Automatic calculation of discounts;
  • It is possible to register in the program several different storage locations for materials and goods;
  • This veterinary program displays laboratory tests. It is possible to separately reflect the results of tests carried out in third-party laboratories in pets’ cards.
  • All sales reports are grouped by periods, veterinarians and forms of services
  • Every day you can make an administrator report, which includes all the information about money movements.

Accounting for cash flows and payments

  • Accounting for funds passing through the cash register.
  • Accounting for mutual settlements with insurance companies.
  • Possibility of entering payment:
    • Cash;
    • Cashless;
    • Certificates;
    • Polis;
    • At the expense of the company;
  • You can see a report on payment types and amounts for any period.
  • Accounting for gift certificates and service subscriptions.
  • Accounting for issued and unissued certificates and subscriptions and the balances of their nominal value
  • Accounting for cash transactions: receipt, issue of money by type of transaction.

Compatibility of BIT Aibolit:

· "BIT Aibolit" is a separate configuration, for which you need any 1C product, with the PROF multi-user platform,

· Easy to set up data exchange with 1C Accounting

  • Registry

    • Keeping records of patients for appointments in a journal, taking into account the work schedules of doctors and offices. Recording a patient in the register of another branch of your city.
    • Accounting and control of cash transactions.
    • Unified registry of a network of clinics.
    • Organization of a call center.
  • Call center (integration with the BIT.Phone software solution)

    • Creation of call lists
    • Recording conversations
    • Line/operator load reports
    • Automatic detection of clients with display of interaction history
    • Work without additional hardware directly with IP telephony providers
  • Customer loyalty system

    • Storing complete information about clients and visit history. Analysis of the client base.
    • Sending SMS and E-mail from the program.
    • Wide range of pricing options: maintaining multiple price lists, various discount schemes.
    • Maintaining and monitoring mutual settlements with clients.
  • Mobile application for clients (integration with the BIT.Med software solution)

    • Quick appointment
    • Reducing the number of missed visits
    • Promotion of new clinic services
    • Feedback from clients
    • Ordering a call from the clinic is effortless
  • Website for a veterinary clinic (integration with a ready-made adaptive website for veterinary clinics)

    • Attracting clients via the Internet: making an appointment, a list of services with descriptions and prices, a specialist page and feedback forms)
    • Modern design
    • Convenient and intuitive interface
    • The solution is adaptive
  • Assessment of the quality of services and personnel by clients of the clinic (integration with the BIT.Quality software solution)

    • Receiving employee performance evaluations from clients
    • Customer surveys
    • Obtaining statistics and generating reports
    • Customer Retention
    • Maintaining a competitive environment in the team
  • Medical records

    • Electronic pet medical history card
    • Recording medical indicators and the ability to view their dynamics
    • Automatic generation of reminders for routine vaccination
    • Drawing up a treatment plan and monitoring its implementation
    • Constructor of custom forms for medical appointments
  • Veterinary hotel

    • Registration of receipt, movement and discharge of animals, number of rooms
    • Drawing up contracts with the animal owner
    • Calculation of the accumulated cost of an animal's hospital stay
    • Prescribed procedures and examinations in the pet’s treatment plan
  • Employee accounting and payroll

    • Accounting for employee work schedules, automatic completion of work schedules
    • Reports on employee productivity and popularity
    • Payroll preparation
    • Accounting for payment of wages to employees
  • Warehouse accounting and work with suppliers

    • Automatic write-off of consumables with calculation of consumption deviations from established standards
    • Conducting all standard warehouse operations: goods receipt, inventory, etc.
    • Control of minimum material balances in real time and reminders of the need for purchases

Product " BIT. Aibolit" is designed to automate financial, operational accounting and medical activities of commercial veterinary clinics.

Features and capabilities of the program:

Medical activities:

  • Maintaining medical history of pets;
  • Accounting for laboratory research;
  • Accounting for the conduct and frequency of pet vaccinations;

Reception work, customer relations:

  • Making an appointment in advance, forming a queue for an appointment, maintaining a history of communication with the client;
  • Calculating the cost of services, cashier work, accounting for sales and cash;
  •   Planning future communication with the client;

Work with personnel, planning the workload of doctors and offices, payroll calculations. Warehouse accounting, rationing and tracking of materials consumption for services; Analysis of the organization's performance in financial, trading, operational, medical, CRM, personnel and other aspects of activity.

The configuration is original, but not independent; for its operation, you must have the 1C:Enterprise 8.3 platform installed (not lower than version 8.3.5).

The configuration is available for editing and adaptation to the needs of end users, while it has separate closed software modules that are not accessible for change, aimed at protecting the configuration from unlicensed use using a software key.


The company "1C: First BIT" announced at the beginning of 2013 the start of sales of an industry product for the veterinary market " BIT: Aibolit" The program solves the problems of accounting for veterinary services, customer relationship management, operational, financial and warehouse accounting. "BIT:Aibolit" today is the only software product for veterinary clinics created on the 1C platform.

The program was developed in response to numerous customer requests and takes into account all the key features of accounting in enterprises providing veterinary services.

The BIT:Aibolit program allows you to solve industry-specific problems such as:

  • Separate maintenance of cards for pets and their owner-clients. At the same time, it is possible to indicate several pets for one owner and several owners for one animal; a function for storing pet photos has been implemented;
  • Electronic registration of pets for services;
  • Accounting for tests for animals with the ability to track the location of laboratory materials;
  • Drawing up a treatment plan and tracking its implementation, maintaining an electronic medical history of pets;
  • Planning vaccination procedures, drawing up a report on vaccinations performed with groups by pets and vaccines;
  • Conducting mutual settlements with clients who are animal owners.

Using this solution, two network veterinary clinics in Moscow have already been automated - “KIT” and “APOGEY”.

The main advantages of the solution include:

  • Simplicity and ease of use;
  • Possibility of SMS-informing clients-pet owners about the time of the next appointment, new promotions and services of the organization;
  • Possibility of setting up operational data exchange between several medical centers (for network organizations);
  • Possibility of operational accounting, planning and control of activities in all areas: clients, finances, inventories, personnel;
  • Prompt receipt of analytical and management information from a veterinary clinic with the ability to customize reports for individual user tasks;
  • Possibility of data exchange with 1C:Accounting 8.

The result of implementing the system is the presence of a single customer base with the ability to maintain medical history, which increases the loyalty of existing customers. Detailed cost accounting, operational analysis of financial results, monitoring the profitability of services and goods allow you to more flexibly manage the organization's pricing policy.

The management system implements the functions of automating operations for financial accounting and warehouse control. The program regulates medical activities in veterinary centers, animal shelters, nurseries, and pharmacies at veterinary clinics. In addition, the services provided to clients are recorded and their planning is carried out.

Using the program allows you to increase the efficiency of the veterinary clinic by automating the main areas of activity. Databases store client relationship data, displaying information about both owners and their pets. Transparency of the business structure of a veterinary clinic and clarity of control over operations is achieved by dividing them into interconnected blocks and business processes. The program allows you to quickly obtain information for the purpose of analysis and management of the enterprise.

Advantages of BIT. Aibolit"
The program, built on the basis of 1C, comprehensively solves issues that arise during the functioning of a veterinary center or clinic. It allows you to save data about visitors and maintain electronic cards of the owner and pet. Accounting is carried out for many types of business activities: finance, warehouse fullness, purchase planning, as well as for working with clients. At the same time, various loyalty systems for regular customers, discount systems and information about future events via SMS messages are supported.

Integrated solution “BIT. Aibolit" allows you to issue reports in the most convenient format: there are many settings for taking into account the parameters of the clinic for their subsequent analysis. The interface is maximally adapted to the needs of users, and it is also possible to exchange information with the program "1c accounting".

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Main objectives of the control system
The program allows you to create a universal client base: organize the storage of contact information, incl. graphic information and photographs, keep a chronology of visits. Based on the results of examination and treatment, a database is formed about pets, the dynamics of changes, and the attachment of various files is supported.

"BIT. Aibolit" carries out accounting of materials located in warehouses: time of receipt, movement within the enterprise, retail sale or capitalization of consumables according to write-off standards. It is possible to configure the minimum balance values, when approached, a warning will be issued about the need to replenish stocks.

Activities are being planned veterinary clinics, starting with the appointment of a time to visit the client in accordance with the availability of unused personnel. Time standards are established for performing certain work, and a schedule is drawn up personally for each employee of the enterprise. This takes into account the use of clinic equipment necessary to perform the planned services. Overlaps regarding the occupancy of specific equipment are not allowed, and personnel working hours are monitored. All information about employees and equipment can be displayed in a visual graphic form.

The program controls the following financial transactions: payment by clients for services received, accounting for mutual settlements and issuing information on various types of payment. The salaries of veterinary hospital staff are automatically calculated based on output, services provided and their categories. Reports are generated on the sale of materials and the provision of services, mutual settlements, movements in the warehouse, discounts for customers, etc. Reports are issued using a flexible system of settings in the form most convenient for control.

All information is classified according to user permissions to prevent unauthorized access. Installation of the program “BIT. Aibolit" will require the presence of any product from the 1C series on a platform similar to standard PROF products of version 1C. The program is compatible with 1C: Accounting. The delivery package includes a distribution kit on a CD, a user manual and a registration form.

Program functionality
Client registration performed using a recording calendar with interactive capabilities. It displays previously scheduled customer visits, automatically identifies “windows” in employee working hours and unused equipment. Basic data is entered with minimal time, and documents are entered with one click. A convenient transition between assigned dates has been implemented, and the issuance of calendar reminders has been organized in accordance with the entered entries.

Using the program makes it possible to quickly pre-register visitors, while automatically monitoring the free and busy time of staff. With one application you can make an appointment with several specialists at once. When submitting an application, a a set of services and in addition to this, appropriate time is allocated for the necessary equipment. The fact of booking a time is automatically registered in the database.

Program "BIT. Aibolit" allows you to flexibly organize work with clients: cards for visitors and their animals have convenient settings that allow you to assign an unlimited number of pets to one client and vice versa - many owners to one animal. A detailed file is kept for pets, where their names, breeds, names and types are indicated. All properties of each pet are displayed in detail in the calendar, and a specific animal is indicated for each appointment. Due to the flexible generation of cards, payments to visitors are made specifically based on the pet, so all necessary certificates and discounts are provided in a timely manner, regardless of the person who brought it. Photos of pets can be added to the database, and a system for storing animal test results is organized.

Maintaining a medical history pet, registration of medical parameters and the dynamics of their development - all this is implemented in the medical block. The program automatically issues reminders to complete scheduled vaccinations. After vaccination, a mechanism has been implemented that calculates the time from the date of the previous vaccination and automatically generates reminders in the planning schedule according to the data specified in the vaccination nomenclature card. The database stores information about the availability of medical materials and their location. It is possible to plan treatment for your pet and register its results using templates individual for each specialist. Grouping of reports on administered vaccines by various parameters has been implemented: pets, types of vaccines, etc.

Inventory control is carried out according to data on the list of medicines, laboratory materials and other goods. The list can be sorted by various parameters: category, grade, size, volume, etc. If there are different units of measurement, the program automatically recalculates them. Control of the range of goods in the warehouse begins from the moment of arrival from the supplying companies and is carried out taking into account storage locations, movements within the clinic and the issuance of materials to a specific employee. Based on preset minimum balance values, a reminder is issued regarding the need for future purchases. After the service is provided, the materials are written off without user participation in accordance with existing standards. Reports on the movement of goods, static data on material consumption for one service or their category have a flexible system of settings.

Read the following materials on the topic:

Program "BIT. Aibolit" has a set of functions for working with veterinary clinic staff. The database stores information about employees (full name, contact information, etc.). Staff work schedules are maintained to accommodate operational changes according to planned services. Automatic calculation of wages is carried out according to standard for the entire enterprise or individual accrual schemes. It is possible to use preset calculation schemes, which can be arbitrarily adjusted by the user. The generation and printing of payslips is conveniently implemented: they can be issued per day, week or month for an individual employee. All types of payments to employees and the status of mutual settlements with them are taken into account. Reports are generated according to production categories for employees. The popularity of doctors among visitors is determined, as well as the reservation of equipment necessary for their work, with the addition of breaks for technological maintenance.

Pricing is based on several price lists by type of service or product item. The established cost is stored for the entire period of activity and can be updated at any date. Program "BIT. Aibolit" supports automatic setting of discounts based on a set of parameters: cumulative, service time, product range, etc. A price list is generated with the ability to customize the design.

The program database records the full range of services and all sales of the veterinary clinic. Based on this information, records are kept of services provided, goods sold and consumables; certificates and discounts. When creating documentation, you can quickly select services, materials, perform barcoding and calculate discounts. For goods and materials, their locations are indicated. The pet’s card displays the progress of laboratory tests both in its own laboratory and in other clinics, while their results are automatically displayed in the list. Implementation reports are grouped by type of service, time, and performers. A daily report on sales, movements of funds and payments is generated for the clinic administrator.

The program keeps records of the movement of money through the cash register, mutual settlements with insurance companies; carries out non-cash and cash payments, according to a policy or certificate, as well as at the expense of the company. Based on the results, amounts for all types of payments are calculated, subscriptions and gift certificates for services are taken into account.

Service capabilities of the BIT program. Aibolit" allow you to assign tasks or reminders to performers, regulate user access to information, and exchange data with others veterinary clinicsincluded in the common network. Implemented the ability to print specified barcodes for goods and services, as well as their selection into a report using only a scanner (without a keyboard and mouse). Each user has a set of individual settings; unnecessary functions can be disabled to simplify the interface and increase performance.

BIT: Aibolit designed to automate operational, financial and warehouse accounting, medical activities and customer relationship management in veterinary centers.

Buy BIT:Aibolit in St. Petersburg

BUHIT031OSNBIT: Aibolit. Main supply 35 000
BUHIT031OSN05BIT: Aibolit. Basic supply for 5 workstations 48 000
BUHIT031DOP01BIT: Aibolit. Add. license for 1 workplace 5 000
BUHIT031DOP05BIT: Aibolit. Add. license for 5 workplaces 22 000
BUHIT031DOP010BIT: Aibolit. Add. license for 10 workplaces 40 000
BUHIT031DOP020BIT: Aibolit. Add. license for 20 workplaces 73 000

The price is indicated in rubles. Free delivery and installation of 1C:Enterprise programs in St. Petersburg.


The product "BIT:Aibolit" is intended for use with client licenses "1C:Enterprise 8", increasing the number of jobs, as well as with a license for the 1C:Enterprise 8 server. If you need to connect additional workstations, you need to purchase the appropriate number of additional licenses

Support and update

Support and service for registered users is provided within the framework of Information Technology Support (1C:ITS) - 1C:ITS Techno or 1C:ITS Prof. The free subscription period when purchasing the program is 3 months. After the free subscription expires, you must purchase a paid subscription to ITS to receive product support services

Registered users can download updates from the website users.v8.1c.ru and from the ITS disk.

Functionality of BIT:Aibolit

Industry solution BIT: Aibolit is an independent configuration, but to work you must have the 1C:Enterprise 8 platform installed. The solution provides the following capabilities:

Client registration

  • Maintaining an interactive recording calendar:
    • display of already assigned patient requests
    • displaying the availability of working hours of employees and equipment
    • convenient transition between dates
    • input of basic documents with one click
    • displaying reminders in the recording calendar
  • Possibility of quick pre-registration of clients, control of registration for non-working or busy employee hours.
  • Make one application for an appointment with several doctors.
  • Convenient selection of services in the application.
  • Automatic booking of equipment time, if it is necessary to provide the service.

Maintaining a client base

  • Separate management of cards for pets and their owner-clients with the ability to indicate multiple owners for pets, and the ability for clients to have multiple pets.
  • The ability to record pets and display their properties (species, breed, nickname, name) in the planning calendar.
  • The mechanism of techniques indicating the pet.
  • Conducting mutual settlements with clients, regardless of who the client brought, he is presented with his discounts and certificates.
  • Animal analysis subsystem.
  • Storing photos of animals.

Medical block

  • Recording medical indicators and the ability to view their dynamics.
  • Formation of a pet's medical history.
  • Possibility of vaccination procedures
  • Automatic generation of reminders for routine vaccination; when vaccination is carried out, a mechanism is launched that tracks the time elapsed since the last vaccination and creates task reminders for users according to the schedule specified in the vaccination nomenclature card
  • Ability to track the location of laboratory materials
  • Drawing up a treatment plan and tracking its implementation
  • Individual examination templates for each doctor
  • Possibility of compiling a report on vaccinations performed with groups by pets and vaccines.

Inventory control

  • Storing information on the range of materials, goods and medicines
  • Convenient accounting of items according to arbitrary characteristics (color, volume, size, etc.)
  • Automatic conversion of quantities from one unit of measurement to another
  • Accounting for items by storage location
  • Accounting for receipts from suppliers
  • Moving between storage locations, issuing materials to employees
  • The ability to take inventory, write off shortages and capitalize surpluses
  • Control of minimum material balances and reminders of the need for purchases
  • Automatic write-off of materials according to standards for each service
  • Customizable reports on the movement of goods and materials, statistics on the consumption of materials for each service or type of service.

Accounting for employees and equipment

  • Storing the full name and contact information of doctors and staff
  • Possibility of reminders about dates of birth and others (for example, the expiration date of a medical book, license)
  • Accounting for employee work schedules
  • Automatic completion of work schedules
  • Payroll calculation for employees
  • Maintaining individual and general payroll schemes
  • Automatic payroll calculation according to schemes entered by the user; The most commonly used payment schemes have been implemented
  • Printing payslips for any period (day, week, month) for each employee
  • Accounting for payment of wages to employees, as well as other distribution of funds to employees
  • Report on the popularity of employees with clients
  • Report on employee output by output category
  • Report on mutual settlements with employees
  • Accounting for equipment necessary to perform work
  • Reservation of equipment operation time, equipment reminders (for example, maintenance date).


  • Maintaining several price lists for the same items of services and goods
  • Setting prices from any date and storing the entire price history
  • Ability to set automatic discounts (by item, by counterparty, cumulative, by time of client arrival)
  • Possibility of printing a price list with pre-configured appearance.

Accounting for services provided and sales

  • Quickly enter a sales document based on an application
  • A single document to reflect all operations - sale of works, materials, goods, certificates, payment entry
  • Quick selection of services, goods materials into a document
  • Using barcoding to complete a document
  • Automatic filling of consumables according to standards
  • Automatic calculation of discounts
  • Ability to specify different storage locations for materials and goods
  • Display of laboratory tests carried out in your own laboratory or tests sent to a third-party laboratory with the results entered into the patient’s record
  • Sales reports with groupings by periods, types of services, employees
  • Daily administrator report with information about sales, payments, cash flow for the day.

Accounting for cash flows and payments

  • Cash accounting by cash registers
  • Accounting for mutual settlements with insurance companies
  • Ability to enter 5 types of payment
    • Cash
    • Cashless
    • Certificate
    • Polis
    • At the expense of the company
  • Report on payment types and amounts for any period
  • Accounting for gift certificates and service subscriptions
  • Accounting for issued and unissued certificates and subscriptions and the balances of their nominal value
  • Accounting for cash transactions: receipt, issue of money by type of transaction.

Service capabilities

  • Assigning tasks to users with reminder options
  • Setting up data exchange between several medical centers (for network organizations)
  • Separation of data access for administrator and manager
  • Ability to print barcodes for services and materials and select documents without a mouse or keyboard using a barcode scanner
  • Individual user settings
  • data exchange with