The call goes to two different iPhones simultaneously - disable the function. Create a second Apple ID and download apps in other countries

Greetings! When you have several iPhones in your family, then you are a very rich person, many people prefer to use one Apple ID account for all these devices. So what? At first glance, everything is really very convenient! For example, you downloaded a game (program) on one gadget, and it instantly became available on another device. Plus, you don’t need to remember the details of several accounts at once. It would seem that happiness has arrived. Live and be happy!

However, it’s not for nothing that Apple recommends creating your own unique Apple ID account for each iPhone. After all, there are also plenty of problems when using accounts at the same time (by different people on different iPhones). For example, iCloud backups. And in the event of theft of an Apple ID, all gadgets on which this identifier is activated are immediately at risk.

There is another problem that is associated with using one Apple ID on several iPhones - synchronizing the call log and calls. We'll talk about this today.

Brief description of the situation. When you make a call from one iPhone, the data instantly appears on the other. The same situation applies to missed and incoming calls. They called you, you didn’t pick up, and a notification about this is immediately displayed on all other iPhones with your account. It turns out that the call history and call log will be common for all iPhones on which your Apple ID is entered.

Comfortable? Certainly. But such call log synchronization is only good if all these iPhones belong to you. Otherwise, questions are possible - we are all curious and suspicious people :) But oh well, now it’s not about that, but about how to get rid of it.

Use different Apple IDs

The most correct and correct decision. We create our own unique account for each gadget and the problem will disappear on its own. Yes, this will require spending some time, and it is not always convenient for various reasons, but in the end this will have some advantages.

In addition to the fact that the synchronization of calls on the phone will stop (which is already good!), you will be able to use an iCloud account for each iPhone separately (and this is extra space for backup), and in the future protect yourself from various surprises (such as synchronization SMS, Safari browser tabs and others).

It takes 10 minutes, but that solves all the questions. However, if this method does not suit you for some reason, then there are other ways to remove duplicate calls, for example through the settings...

Disable call log synchronization through settings

You can also ensure that the list of outgoing and incoming numbers stops being repeated on different iPhones through the device settings. Another thing is that there are many settings and there is no universal solution. Try and experiment - one of the methods will definitely work. Here they are all:

The only thing to remember is that even if the slider has already been disabled in each of the points under consideration, it is recommended to turn it on and off again. Because software failures and glitches are also possible, more on that below...

Additional options or what else can be done

Let’s move on to various “bugs” in the iOS system. As Apple technical support assures, it is possible that the firmware “goes wrong.” That is why, even if you have completed all the steps listed above, the list of calls on different iPhones may continue to be duplicated.

What to do in this case? You will have to resort to extreme measures and completely reinstall the software so that iOS installs normally. This can be done, but what if something goes wrong?


My transition to would have been impossible without the convenient use of the service on phones. In the note I said that I had to configure one on two phones account iCloud.

I’ll tell you what difficulties I encountered, the advantages and disadvantages of this approach. By “two phones,” I mean my phone and my wife’s phone.

Saving individual data separately

To understand what's going on, think of the information on your phone as two different categories. Personal data. To avoid downloading all your devices, turn off automatic downloads. We now turn our attention to ensuring that individual personal data is separated.

How to prevent problems

Close programs when you're done. Close the program when you're done. Enter information for the new user. Disable automatic login if selected and save the settings. However, keep in mind that these methods only separate media files such as podcasts, music and video files. Create regularly backups your data as a general rule and before updating the software. So let's see how we can solve the problem.

One iCloud account for two: why is this necessary?

iCloud Photo Library does not allow you to work from two accounts with the same library. There are shared albums, but for 15,000+ photos and videos this is not very convenient. The way out of the situation is quite simple and old, when there was no Family Sharing yet, such problems were solved by using one iCloud account on two phones in the family.

Sign in to your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch

The app has a different presentation style and you may like it better than the official app. This feature is part of a Premium subscription and is not available to free users. Important: To sync, you must use the same registered email address on all your devices.

This is true if you have enabled syncing on your devices. If you choose to disable synchronization, your data will be deleted from our servers and it will only be stored locally on your computer. Remember to make regular backups if you have a problem with your computer.

It’s convenient for me when all the photos are “merged” into one stream or a single storage. I take photos on my iPhone and the photos are already available on all my devices, incl. on my wife's phone. All this is also relevant for the wife - everything that she photographs is immediately available on all devices.

It's comfortable:

  1. The entire media library is accessible from any device. You can access photos or videos in seconds.
  2. Organize your media library from any device. Creating albums, slideshows, processing photos - all this can be done from any device, and the changes will be visible to others.

Be careful. If you are having an affair or sharing intimate photos with your boss, then one iCloud account on two devices will work against you.

To change your sync settings, go to the Settings menu and then the Sync tab. You should know that your data is encrypted on our servers and the app uses your master password to decrypt that data locally on your computer or device, which means that data is useless without your master password. Please note that you cannot partially sync data.

Manage multiple devices

Here you can view all authorized devices in the Devices section. And how to manage your authorized devices here. You need to use the same email to sign in on all your devices. Make sure your email address there is no error on any of your devices.

be ready

Before you get started, it's worth weighing the pros and cons of using one account on two phones. There are a number of Apple services that will be difficult or impossible to use.

  1. iCloud Drive.
  2. Keychain keychain.
  3. Safari bookmarks.
  4. Find iPhone or share location with each other.

All four services use your main iCloud account settings, and Contacts, Notes, iCloud Mail, or Calendar can be connected through additional accounts.

Please note that the registered email address cannot be changed in Dashlan. If one of your devices uses a different email address and doesn't sync, sign in with the correct email address.

All your computers will now sync together! . If all your devices are using the same registered email address but are still not syncing, log into the web app and check if your data is synced. If you don't see any data in the web app, it means no data has ever been synced to our servers.

How to prevent problems

Save data from all phones, make backup copies of your photo library, copies of contacts, calendars and other important data.

Create three iCloud accounts:

  1. Basic or general. Will be configured on two phones.
    I use this account to make purchases at App Store, family access has been organized, 1TB of iCloud storage space has been purchased.
  2. Your personal iCloud account.
  3. iCloud account for wife.

Your account and your wife's account will be needed to personalize the phones. Contacts, Messages, Calendars, Reminders, Facetime - will work independently.

This can happen if you turn sync on on one device and turn it off on your second device, or turn sync on and off multiple times in a row. When you turn off syncing on one or all of your devices and then turn it back on, there's a good chance you'll get duplicates.

You can learn more about how to remove duplicates here. Tap Settings on the Home screen to view the Settings screen, and then tap Mail, Contacts, Calendars. Nick Peers writes technology related articles as he has a Master's degree in information technologies at the University of East London.

Problems I faced

    Facetime and call history combined from two phones.

    I activated a 1TB subscription under my account, and set up my account as the main one on my wife’s phone. After some time, the entire call history on both phones was merged. Call history syncs when you turn on Facetime. By default (most likely) the main account is used to synchronize calls (or from the Facetime settings + main account). Maybe it's just an iCloud bug, but I had to create a separate account for Facetime and iMessage. In addition, a phone number is an excellent account for these services.

    This protects the copyright holder from misuse of their media. However, there are many cases where people want to access other people's media for completely innocent reasons, such as family members wanting to share music with each other. You can only authorize five computers, but if you reach that limit, you can always "deauthorize" the computers.

    Personalize your data with Apple ID

    Emails have become the primary way of communication, and each of us has more than one email address. Having multiple email addresses also makes it easier to sort professional and personal messages. Step # Open Settings app from Home screen → Scroll down and tap on Mail, Contacts, Calendars.

    This is why only some messages that are sent to one device also appear on another device. Step 1: Click the Settings icon. Scroll down and select Messages. Operating system for smartphones and tablets. To complete your order, click. To the confirmation link you just emailed.

    I had to give up “sharing my geolocation.” There is only one account and offers to share from it, choosing which phone to do it from. We have become very accustomed to this service over several years, but we can live without it, it’s a matter of priorities.

As a conclusion

    Be prepared to leave. At any stage of the transition to using a shared account, you need to have a return plan “as it was.”

    Help your significant other understand how things will work in advance. Defend your interests and the interests of your family.

    No one owes nothing to nobody. Photos should be shared by mutual consent and with extreme caution.

    Back up your library on Mac. , the library is stored on the external drive, which is backed up to Google Drive.

    But the performance is a little unstable. Ultimately, you're spoiled for choice. You want to merge your accounts. You are logged into the wrong account. You new phone, and you have a new account. Accounts cannot be merged, but there are some things you can do.

    Maintain your accounts and make sure each of your accounts is associated with a current email address. Select the account you want to keep and the other account you don't want. Deactivating one of your accounts does not automatically provide an associated email address for the other account. You must change your email address in Settings before deactivating your account. If you don't have access to your first account, you must save your new account and the contacts from your old account to your new account.

Apple ID is an identifier, a kind of account, that is provided to users so that they can access various services Apple, such as the App Store or iCloud.

If you have several Apple devices (for example, iPad and iPhone), then you can use one Apple ID for two devices. You can organize the use of the same Apple ID on any several Apple devices - for example, iPad and iPhone.

Unfortunately, we are unable to transfer or move contacts. So you have to reconnect each pin. To fix the problem, simply open an account.

  • Go to your profile Click the gear icon.
  • Click Sign Out.
You may have accidentally created a new account instead of logging in.

In your settings you can disconnect from social network so you can connect to your new account. Account in your settings. . If you have multiple email addresses, try logging in with one of your other email addresses.

An Apple ID can be used in several available services at once, or in only one of them. In turn, each gadget can use several Apple IDs at once - a very common option is when several accounts are created to work in iTunes and iCloud.

You can link no more than 10 computers or 5 iOS devices to one ID. In addition, you cannot switch between different Apple IDs more than once every 90 days. This restriction was introduced several years ago, which caused dissatisfaction among many users. If previously users had the opportunity to link up to 5 computers and an unlimited number of iOS devices to one account, now this number is only 10. This includes not only personal computers, tablets and smartphones, but also devices such as Apple TV set-top boxes.

  • Click the Person icon.
  • Click the three dot menu.
Addition to our daily article. The Disable All button does not appear if less than two computers are turned on. . Of course, this operation is not possible, at least until now, but only for jailbroken devices. This gives us complete freedom to access two different accounts for the same service on one device.

After selecting the application, we just have to specify the name you want the new application to have a “custom name”, and can also change the color of the duplicate application. After completing these steps, we just need to click on Duplicate and wait until the duplicate application process is completed. Then all you have to do is sync your emails so they show everything you have in your inbox and across your different folders.

The innovation was caused, as some online publishers believe, by the appearance of third-party services on the network that, for a small fee, provided users with access to their Apple ID.

There, music and other files of interest had already been purchased, which were downloaded by clients. Thanks to the new account linking system, such schemes are no longer valid, because there is a limit on the maximum number of devices. The users themselves were not happy with the innovation, which they themselves accepted along with another 50-page agreement with iTunes.

The interface is very intuitive and you only need to select and add the accounts that you want to sync with the phone itself is responsible for showing notifications automatically if we receive any new mail, up to 5 email accounts. Click on the store in the main navigation menu. Select to end your session from the context menu.

Click the store again and select "Login" from the context menu. Click "Login". Alternatively, start a new account by selecting “Create” from the context menu. Enter your personal details and contact information in the appropriate input fields. Click the Sync button at the bottom of the main panel.

Linking multiple devices to one Apple ID is not difficult. For example, use one for two devices– iPhone and iPad.

You can create a new account with or without a credit card. The difference is that a credit card is required to purchase paid apps and files. You can tie it later, so we won’t focus on this. Launch the iTunes application on any device and go to the App Store section (you need to register for the Russian store!).

Okay, there's no reason not to use some extra storage space.

Remember that this content will be stored in the cloud, but you will be able to access it from devices you create.

Now enter your username and password, activate automatic download of the services you want and go.

Having found any, click on the “Free” button and select the line “Create an Apple ID.” Next, you need to fill out the registration form - there is a lot of information about this on the Internet, so we won’t dwell on this.

After registration you will need to confirm your registration by e-mail, after which you can use your Apple ID for several devices at once, such as an iPad, iPhone or iPod Touch.

Previously, the iPhone was only a sign of status and uniqueness. Now Apple products serve not only to create an image, but also improve interpersonal communication, interconnection between multiple devices and access to them.

This means that one family may well have several iPhones, iMacs, MacBooks and a number of other devices from Apple. And let the spiteful critics not grumble about fanaticism and adherents of the apple plantation.

Apple technology is convenient primarily because of the possibility of perfect integration between devices. For example, I write a grocery list in “Buy a Loaf” and in a minute it is synchronized with my spouse’s iPhone. Or I can issue a command for remote printing in a couple of clicks.

The list of system capabilities can be endless. One difficulty remains: the ideal balance will have to be adjusted once. This is why we need Apple ID accounts.

Before giving a definite answer to the question: “How much Apple ID does a family need,” you need to understand terminology.

Apple ID– your personal identifier in the Apple system. This is a kind of bridge between the purchased device and the services provided. By registering with an Apple ID, a user can make purchases in the App Store, download content from the iTunes Store, share achievements in Game Center, sync and transfer data via iCloud, and much more.

– a virtual cloud that stores information from your device and is capable of transmitting data to other gadgets in real time. Each user has 5 GB of free access. For example, you can transfer photos, contacts, synchronize calendars and other entries across all devices.

So, let's assume that there is a certain couple: Alyonushka and Ivanushka. Everyone has an iPhone and an iPad, as well as one iMac between them. That is five Apple devices.

By default, no more than 5 devices can be linked to one Apple ID. This is the limitation of the system.

If you connect all devices to one Apple ID, then we will be faced with the fact that the available 5 GB of memory will quickly run out, and the family will not be able to fully use the functionality of iMessage and Face Time. There is also no talk about confidentiality of information: all documents, mail, calendars and notes will be mixed.

Each person needs his own corner of peace: personal documents, music, correspondence, meetings and events. This is why it is possible to create several Apple ID and iСloud accounts. The division of the iTunes library also contributes to the differentiation of content.

Common Apple ID for App Store and iTunes Store

Creating a single Apple ID for the App Store will save money in the family budget. Purchases are linked to your Apple ID and are available for download on all devices logged into it.

For example: [email protected]

  • Login to a common Apple ID on all five devices:

Settings application -> iTunes Store, App Store -> Enter login and password

You can also install automatic download of applications from your account. That is, no matter what application another user downloads, it will appear on your device. Automatic download settings can also be found in the iTunes Store, App Store menu.

This protects the copyright holder from misuse of their media. However, there are many cases where people want to access other people's media for completely innocent reasons, such as family members wanting to share music with each other. You can only authorize five computers, but if you reach that limit, you can always "deauthorize" the computers.

Setting up iPhone and iPad

Now let's start allocating personal data for each family member/device. In our example, each family member has an iPhone and an iPad. This means one additional Apple ID for Alyonushka and one more for Ivanushka. We enter the data in a similar field on iPhone and iPad.

Agree, it’s convenient when the data from your smartphone is synchronized with the information on the tablet. In reality, it looks like this: I wrote a note on my iPhone on the road, opened Pages on my iPad at home, and here it is!

1) Personal records, documents, contacts, photos and payment information

1. Create 2 additional Apple IDs in the iCloud menu (Settings application).

For example: [email protected] And [email protected]

2. Then, at our discretion, activate the sliders:

  • mail details
  • contacts, calendar events, reminders, notes and documents
  • bookmarks, reading list and history from the Safari browser
  • passwords and payment information (keychain)
  • passbook
  • full device backup

2) Setting up iMessage

1. Enter your personal Apple ID (in our example [email protected] And [email protected] ).

2. On iPhone, in the “ start a conversation with» mark the phone number

3. On iPad – indicate your email address.

4. In the field " your iMessage address» mark your email and phone number (for both devices). Then the messages will be duplicated on both iPad and iPhone.

Additional email addresses can be added on the Apple website. Login to the system. Click add email address. We confirm it using the link in the mail. All.

3) Set up FaceTime

The process is similar to iMessage. Application " Settings -> FaceTime -> Apple ID

4) Setting up Game Center

Once again, personal Apple IDs will come in handy. Application “Settings” -> Game Center -> Apple ID.

Setting up your iMac

In our example, Alyonushka and Ivanushka share one iMac between them. We solve the problem of personal space with the help of two accounts.

To create a new account, go to the application “System Settings” -> “Users and Groups” and click the “plus” in the lower left corner.

For example: Alenich and Ivanovich

1) Now we can split your media library– each user will have their own collection of music, applications and video files.

For example: iTunes Vanya and iTunes Alena.

2) Setting up purchases in the App Store on iMac occurs via App Store app. Enter a shared account: [email protected]

3) Keychain and iCloud data configure in the appropriate menu. Each desktop has its own address:

u/z Ivanushka – [email protected]

u/z Alyonushka – [email protected]

Please note that Find My Mac can only be used once, and therefore only on one account.

  • Setting up iMessage

We set up an iMessage account in the application itself. iMessage -> Messages -> Settings -> Accounts -> Apple ID

After all the manipulations, we wipe the labor sweat from our foreheads and enjoy. All five devices achieved perfect balance.

This is done through the App Store. Due to the ease of registration and the optionality of providing credit card information. In the future, as a rule, users use this identifier for all other Apple services.

This is perfectly acceptable if you have one iPhone. But if you have several devices in your family or friends, and you want to share purchased applications, exchange photos and take advantage of other benefits of a shared account. In this case, simply using one Apple ID is fraught with consequences. At best, you can lose personal information, at worst, get your iPhone locked.

In general, users are not very well versed in the issue of using Apple ID. You can judge this by logging into the iCloud shared account. Some users synchronize their phone book, calendar with it, or connect the device to the Find My iPhone service. And not only are your location and contact details known to all other participants, but your phone can also be accidentally/specially blocked.

It's important to know that: An Apple ID is not automatically registered for all Apple services. You can create several Apple IDs and register each one with the service you need.

You can create additional IDs directly on the Apple website -

You can use several Apple IDs on one gadget, each of which will interact with strictly defined services that can be specified manually.

True, there are rules and restrictions here.

Some Apple services can only be used once on one gadget at a time. For example, an iPhone can back up to iCloud using only one Apple ID. Unfortunately, you can't split your backup between multiple iCloud accounts. If your data does not fit into the allotted 5 GB, then either buy additional ones with money or from iTunes.

At the same time, mail settings allow you to use several iCloud mailboxes at once.

Here is a table of compatibility of various Cupertino services with one or more Apple IDs.

If you have several devices, then the best solution would be to create one common device for purchasing content.

For backups, it would be better to use separate Apple IDs, which will allow you to store the data of your gadgets in iCloud. A few more Apple ID accounts will be useful for various other purposes.

So, what is the best way to separate Apple ID accounts:

Activate a common account for purchases on all gadgets

This account must be activated on all iPhones and iPads, which will allow you to access all purchased applications from any family gadget. In addition, do not forget about services such as iTunes Match, which everyone in your household may also want access to, so be sure to activate it in advance.

I would like to remind you that you can use as many devices as you like with one Apple ID.

"Settings" - "iTunes and App Store" - "Apple ID"

Create a separate account for backup

After creating a single Apple ID for applications, be sure to create an Apple ID for backup on each of your gadgets. This will allow you to store all your data in the cloud and if something happens to any of the gadgets, you can restore all the data in just a couple of clicks.

In the iOS settings, be sure to specify synchronization of bookmarks and other personal data with the Apple ID of this gadget. The Find My iPhone service is automatically linked to iCloud. If you have connected several devices to the cloud at once, then you have the opportunity to track their location.

"Settings" - "iCloud" - "Account"

"Settings" - "iCloud" Turn on the switch "Find iPhone".

By the way, dear users, check that your iCloud account does not match the shared account ID. Or at least turn off the Find My Phone feature. Otherwise, your device can be monitored through the application of the same name and on the website.

And the most unpleasant thing is that your iPhone can be blocked or all content erased.

Who are all these people? :)

Create a separate account to monitor family gadgets

Of course, you shouldn’t forget about safety, because your gadget can simply be forgotten in a cafe or simply lost. This is precisely why the Find My iPhone service was created, which is tied to iCloud, and we wrote about this above.

But in order not to share personal data from the cloud, but to know the whereabouts of your household, it is better to use the “Find Friends” service, which was developed by Apple specifically for these purposes. It allows you to easily share your location.

Let's look at the situation with Apple ID accounts using an example

For example, there is a family that consists of a mother, father and son/daughter. And everyone has apple technology. All devices are linked to a common App Store account from which programs and games are installed. At the same time, the son/daughter doesn’t really want to share photos of the next get-together, so he synchronizes the photos, documents and notebook in iCloud under a different ID.

In addition, the Find My iPhone function is enabled on the same iCloud account so that, if necessary, you can find the owner of the phone and send him a message. And for the exchange of location between interested people, the “Find Friends” program is connected.

Well, individual programs: FaceTime, GameCenter, Messaging, HomeSharing, App Store can be configured to any other ID. This can also include an additional App Store account, for example, a purchased general account (the App Store ID can only be used to install programs/games).

You can specify any other account in the App Store application and install programs from it that you do not have on your iPhone.

The device can simultaneously contain applications installed under different IDs from the App Store application. They get along well with each other until they synchronize with iTunes.

iTunes does not allow such liberties. The program will ask you to select the main ID for synchronization, and applications installed from other IDs will be mercilessly erased.