Enter Windows 7 protected mode. How to restart your computer in safe mode: detailed instructions

In Windows 7, there are two ways to get into safe mode:
1) Entering Windows 7 safe mode at system startup.
2) Entering Safe Mode from the Windows 7 environment (from a running OS by changing the boot in System Configuration).

Entering Windows7 safe mode at system startup.

Turn on the computer and while the system is loading, press the F8 key several times; if the welcome window appears (Windows 7 logo), it means you did not have time to press the F8 key, in this case you need to wait for the system to boot and turn off the computer again and when loading, press again F8 key. When trying to get into safe mode, you need to consider:
- On some keyboards, the function keys F1–F12 are always disabled by default. To turn them on, you need to press a special key (usually Fn) and while holding it, press the F8 key.
- If your computer has two or more operating systems, use the arrow keys to select the one you want, and then press Enter.
- To use the arrow keys on the numeric keypad, Num Lock must be disabled.
In the window Additional download options select " Safe mode" and press the key " Enter».

After a few seconds, the system will boot into safe mode.

Entering Safe Mode from Windows 7.

Press the button " Start" and write in the search bar msconfig and press the " Enter»

In the window that opens system configuration, go to the “” tab and check the “ Safe mode" and select " Minimum».
For reference:
Safe Mode: Minimum- Boots the Windows graphical user interface (Windows Explorer) in safe mode, running only the most important system services. Network components are disabled.
Safe Mode: Another Shell- Boot Windows command line in safe mode, running only the most important system services. Network components and GUI are disabled.
Safe Mode: Active Directory Restore - Boots the Windows GUI in Safe Mode, running only the most critical system services and Active Directory.
Safe Mode: Network- Boots the Windows GUI in safe mode, running only the most important system services. Network components are enabled.
Without GUI - The Welcome screen does not appear while Windows is loading.
Download log - All information regarding the boot process is saved in the file %SystemRoot%Ntbtlog.txt.
Basic video- Boots Windows GUI in minimal VGA mode. This mode loads standard VGA drivers instead of display drivers that match the computer's video hardware.
OS information - Displays the names of loaded drivers during system boot.
Make these boot options permanent - Changes made to system settings are not tracked. You can change the settings later using System Setup, but only manually. If this option is selected, you will not be able to roll back changes by selecting Normal Startup on the General tab.

After this, you will be prompted to restart your computer to enter Windows 7 safe mode. If you want to boot into safe mode now, click "", if you want to do this later, select " Exit without reboot"And the next time you reboot or turn on your computer/laptop, automatically boot into safe mode.

The next time you boot Windows 7, the system will boot into Safe Mode.

In order not to boot into safe mode, you need to go into the system configuration again and uncheck the previously checked boxes.

The computer in safe mode (in English Safe Mode) loads a limited set of drivers and system files necessary for starting and subsequent operation of the system. This tool allows you to perform many troubleshooting tasks that are difficult or impossible to do in a regular OS session. There are plenty of ways to start Windows 7 safe mode on your computer, which are detailed in the instructions.

Safe mode is enabled in three options (see screenshot below).

  1. Basic - downloads all the necessary components to keep Windows running.
  2. With network support – the same as the basic version, only with the ability to work over a network or access the Internet. The mode is useful if, to fix a problem, you need to download updates, drivers, and other files.
  3. With the command line - requiring knowledge of commands.

Choose option 1 or 2, depending on the essence of solving the problem; you are unlikely to need option 3, because it requires knowledge of using cmd. Before restarting Windows, remove disks and USB drives from the drive. To get to the Safe Mode boot options, follow the steps below.

Launch via additional boot options

Additional boot options provide a list of tools to start the OS in various modes for troubleshooting. To display the list and start safe mode, do the following:

1. Turn on or restart your computer or laptop via .

2. If several operating systems are installed, on the system selection screen, use the keyboard arrows (up, down) to select Windows 7. Next, press the top row button F8.

3. If one Windows 7 OS is installed, immediately after reboot, quickly press the F8 key. If you do not have time to press and see the Windows logo, then the system has started. Repeat step 1 and 3.

4. The steps above will take you to a list of download options. Use the keyboard arrows (up, down) to select one of three options for starting safe mode, then click Enter.

Enabling via system settings (MSCONFIG)

You can enable safe mode on Windows 7 in the OS settings. Do the following series of actions:

2. There are 5 tabs available in the system configuration. Visit the "download" tab. If you see several operating systems, select Windows 7. Next, check the “safe mode” option and specify the boot option:

  1. Minimum – launching important drivers, services and graphical interface.
  2. Another shell is to enable cmd and load important Windows components.
  3. Active Directory recovery – the same “Minimal” option, only with the Active Directory service.
  4. Network - the same “Minimal” option, only with network support and Internet access.

3. After changes, click OK. To start Windows 7 safe mode on your computer, in the message, click “restart” (the PC will restart immediately) or “exit without rebooting” (restart itself).

4. After working in safe mode, open the system configuration window, on the “boot” tab, uncheck the “safe mode” boot option. Next, click OK and restart your computer. If you do not complete step 4, then this mode will load constantly.

Using the BCDedit Command

To use the method, . Type the command BCDedit, press Enter. In the "Windows Boot" area, note the "identifier" (in the screenshot (current)) and "description" (in the Windows 7 screenshot).

For example, to launch safe mode: minimal, for the data shown in the screenshot above, you need to enter the following construction:

bcdedit /set (current) safeboot minimal

Execute or close cmd and restart your PC in the traditional way.

After successfully logging in using one of 3 methods, you will see “safe mode” in each corner of the screen. At the same time, the visual design of the interface will disappear and many services will stop.

Fix any problems. Then do not forget to restart the computer if you used the first method or change the settings corresponding to normal mode (2, 3 methods) and restart the system. After studying the recommendations, you can easily start Windows 7 safe mode using a method that is convenient for you.

If the operating system has been infected by a virus or a software failure has occurred, then safe mode in Windows 7 is the best assistant in such a situation. What kind of mode this is and how to enter it will be described below.

What is Safe Mode?

Safe mode or limited functionality is a special state of the operating system that allows the user to eliminate software or hardware errors.

When this mode is launched, the OS loads the number of programs that are necessary for the minimal functioning of a personal computer:

  • Standard system services;
  • Input device drivers (mouse, keyboard);
  • Software for disk operation, etc.
There are three main differences between Secure Start and standard Windows boot:
  1. Minimum number of active programs;
  2. Instead of the usual video card software package, standard VGA is launched;
  3. The desktop loads with a resolution of 640 by 480 pixels. Below there is a corresponding inscription.

What is the reduced functionality mode for?

In this boot option, the computer user can take actions to correct errors associated with the operating system. In particular:
  • Removing viruses . Banners that block the user from accessing system controls during normal booting do not appear during limited functionality. This will allow you to quickly get rid of malware;
  • OS recovery . If Windows 7 does not start after updating the drivers, the system can be returned to a working state through the recovery tool, which can be enabled in this mode;
  • Uninstalling installed equipment . If, after installing new equipment, the system starts to malfunction, you can remove the software using the safe boot option.

Starting Safe Mode

There are two ways to start Safe Mode in Windows 7:
  1. When loading the operating system, select startup options;
  2. Login from a running OS by changing settings in the system configuration section.
The login method is chosen by each user based on the situation or preferences. Let's look at each method.

When loading the operating system

The essence of the method : after turning on the PC, click on the button responsible for launching additional boot options. Typically this is the F8 key. It may vary on some devices. This point can be clarified on the manufacturer’s website.

If, after pressing the button, the system continues to start with standard parameters, then you need to restart the PC and repeat the procedure.

Before starting Windows 7, you need to remember the nuances that inexperienced users often forget about:
  • On laptops, the function keys F 1-12 are disabled by default, so to activate them you need to hold down the keyboard Fn and click on the function key;
  • When the PC starts, the mouse is disabled, so if there are several operating systems, the selection is made using the keyboard arrows;
  • To turn on the arrows on the right side of the keyboard, you must press the Num Lock key.
After pressing F8, the user will be sent to the additional boot options section, where you need to select the “Start Safe Mode” option:

After clicking, the computer will boot with desktop settings that are unusual for the user.

Running from a running system

To run the OS with limited functionality through the user interface, you must:

The user decides which safe mode to start, based on the situation. For reference:

  • Minimal - the system loads the graphical (user) interface along with the services necessary for the functioning of the computer. In this setting, support for network components is disabled, that is, there will be no Internet;
  • Another shell - the OS starts without a user interface. Only command line + necessary services;
  • Active Directory – downloading important resources and desktop + Active Directory directories;
  • Network – network components are enabled;
  • Without GUI – in this case the welcome screen is not displayed;
  • Basic video – the system is turned on with video drivers in VGA mode, which allows you to watch video on a PC or on the Internet;
  • OS information – shows all loaded drivers.

Possible faults

Problem #1 . “Automatic repair of Windows 7 at startup. Troubleshooting". This is due to a system failure that the OS is trying to fix automatically. After failure, the process is repeated.

There are three solutions:

  1. Roll back the OS to a checkpoint;
  2. Restore the system image using the installation disk;
  3. If you have a backup copy of the registry, restore it.

  4. Problem #2 . Unauthorized download of a system with limited functionality. If the computer starts to turn on in this mode without user manipulation, then the problem may lie in recently installed programs or hardware.
    1. Roll back the OS to a checkpoint;
    2. Go to the control panel and remove recently installed utilities or equipment;
    3. If the error has not been corrected, reinstall the operating system.
    4. Video tutorial: how to enter safe mode in Windows 7

      A short video with instructions on how to enable safe mode on Windows 7 when booting your computer:

In this article, we will talk about Safe Mode in Windows 7. First of all, we will briefly explain what Safe Mode is and how it works, and then we will look at ways to enter and exit it.

What is Safe Mode in Windows?

In safe mode, Windows loads only the essentials (a minimum set of drivers and services). Thus, in Safe Mode, you will only have access to basic Windows programs and functions, which, as a rule, do not need drivers for network devices - this means that you will not have access to the Internet either, if we are talking about standard Safe Mode . In addition, the Windows interface in Safe Mode will not look the same as you are used to seeing it. This is because Safe Mode is configured to run minimal graphics settings at the lowest resolution supported by Windows. In the case of Windows 7, this is 800 by 600 pixels.

During the Safe Mode boot process, a black screen appears on the screen showing drivers and services loading, and once the boot is complete, a Help and Support window automatically opens on your desktop, which explains what Safe Mode is and how to use it.

Remember that Safe Mode does not load any third-party services and programs that are loaded during normal startup of the operating system, but only the essential services and functions required to start Windows.

Everything written above makes it clear that safe mode itself is used to identify and fix problems in the operation of the operating system.

How to Boot into Safe Mode in Windows 7

There are several ways you can boot into Safe Mode, and the first one is to use the System Configuration tool. To open it, press Win + R on your keyboard, type “msconfig” in the Run dialog, and then press Enter. When the window opens, go to the "Download" tab. There you will find the Boot Options section.

Check the box next to the "Safe Mode" option, click "OK", and then select "Restart" or "Exit without reboot" - if you want the computer to restart right now, select the first, and accordingly the second if you want to restart computer later on your own. The next time you start Windows 7, it will boot into safe mode.

Please note that after this, the operating system will always boot in safe mode. To disable it, return to System Configuration, disable the Safe Mode option and click OK. Then restart your computer.

Another method of entering safe mode will be useful in cases where Windows 7 for some reason does not want to boot in normal mode, which is usually related to some software (drivers, etc.). To boot into Safe Mode this way, hold down the F8 key immediately after turning on your computer. This will bring up a menu with additional boot options, where you can choose to boot into Safe Mode, Safe Mode with Network Driver Support, and Safe Mode with Command Line Support. Use the arrow keys to move between menu options and the Enter key to select.

Also note that if you are unable to start your computer normally after installing new software or making some changes to OS settings, try selecting Last Know Good Configuration first. If this does not help, then boot into safe mode and look for the cause of the problem.

What are the other safe mode options for?

Good old safe mode comes in several forms.

If you may need the Internet in safe mode, for example, to download drivers, you must use “Safe Mode with Networking.” In this mode, the drivers necessary for the operation of the computer’s network card or modem are loaded, which will allow you to open web pages, download files and access computers on the local network.

Experienced Windows users often work in a Command Prompt window, and Safe Mode with Command Promt allows you to launch and use this tool in the operating system's safe mode.

Congratulations! Now you know how to boot into safe mode, which can be your savior in case of various computer problems.

Have a great day!

If you experience a significant computer problem, you may need to log in through Safe Mode. If launched correctly, this function will make it possible to boot the PC with a set of basic drivers - mouse, monitor, keyboard, video adapter, disks. Also included are standard services that help the system software function. Using this method, as a rule, it is possible to eliminate most failures associated with computer work. Find out how to carry out this procedure correctly.

What is Windows Safe Mode

Safe Mode is diagnostic in nature; it helps identify problems with device drivers. If problems occur when starting your PC normally, you should try turning it on with a basic set of services. If the device operates normally with these parameters, the essence of the failure should be sought in the recently appeared additional elements. This Windows download allows you to remove software that interferes with the adequate functioning of your laptop or desktop PC.

If the computer immediately turns on in safe mode, then there is a problem that is preventing the operating system from starting. Typically, this is affected by the programs you have installed recently. To fix the problem, you can use the “System Restore” function, which you will find in the “Start” tab, “Control Panel”.

How to boot Windows 7 in safe mode: instructions

There are two methods for launching in safe mode; they differ fundamentally from one another. In the first option, the procedure occurs at boot, and the installed Windows Seven does not start, so you can easily make changes to the operation of the devices. In the second case, the inclusion of a basic set of services occurs from the OS environment, which imposes some restrictions and will not make it possible to fully carry out repair procedures. However, both of these methods can solve some problems that arise during operation. Read more about them further.

Entering Windows 7 safe mode when starting the OS

If you encounter problems with the functioning of your PC, you need to know how to enter Windows 7 safe mode. If the device is turned on, click the “Restart” button in the “Start” tab. You need to switch to the special mode when the computer is turned off. Before the icon appears indicating that Windows is starting, you must click the F8 key several times. Try not to miss the moment, otherwise the OS will start and you will have to reboot the device again. A window with the following connection parameters should appear on the screen:

  • Safe mode. With it, you can launch using a set of standard driver programs. Only those services that are needed to start and operate the computer are enabled.
  • With loading of network drivers. You will need to select this method if you want to use the Internet or connect via a local network.
  • With command line support. The normal desktop interface will not launch. Selecting this option causes a command prompt to appear instead.

In addition to the tabs described above, you will see other options. For example, turning on boot logging creates a special file that records all the drivers that are in Autorun. This helps to detect a broken program. Launching VGA will help you set your monitor's ideal resolution. Selecting the Last Known Good Configuration will allow you to restore Windows with the settings that were in place when booting properly. The remaining options (directory service restore, defer) are intended for IT specialists.

Use the arrow keys to select the tab that best suits the task at hand. Once the selection is made, press the Enter button on your keyboard. Then you can log into Windows and figure out the causes of the problems. Using this method, you will be able to restore the system by rolling back to the moment when the device worked normally, remove virus programs, broken drivers and much more.

Possible problems when turning on:

  • A window opens indicating that Windows is turning on. This can happen if you press F8 too slowly or not enough times. Repeat the procedure by restarting your computer.
  • Buttons F1 to F12 are disabled. If this happens, you need to know which key turns them on. Hold down the Fn button, and then press F8, and the device will boot.

How to get into safe mode from the OS environment

In some cases, system logon may be accomplished using a minimal number of services from the operating system environment. This method can help in solving many problems, although it is less popular. If Windows malfunctions are too serious, enabling it from the OS may not bring the desired results. How to get into the mode you need (safe) using the operating system:

  • Find the Win key on your keyboard (it may have a Windows icon that appears when you turn it on). Hold it together with the R button.
  • The command line will appear. Enter the following letters there without the quotes "k". Press the "OK" key.
  • This will open the settings window. Among the tabs, open the section called "downloads".
  • Select your operating system. As a rule, most computers have one OS - in your case, Windows 7, loaded by default.

  • Below you will see a section called “Boot Options”. Select “Safe Mode”, check the box next to the “Minimal” value.
  • Click "Apply", then "OK".
  • Next, a small window will appear where you will see two tabs “Reboot” and “Exit without reboot”. If you want to restart your computer now, select the first option. In the second case, the next time you turn on the PC, the device will launch a basic set of programs.

What to do if safe mode does not start on your laptop

On some laptop models, a problem occurs that prevents the device from turning on with a minimum set of services. Then, after several presses of F8, the window in which you can select such a function does not appear, and the operating system begins to start. This may be due to the default key combination, which involves simultaneously pressing the Fn + F8 button. If this option does not work, the problem may be due to a broken keyboard.

When the operating system boots normally, you can enable the minimum set of services necessary for operation using the command line:

  1. To do this, press “Win ​​+ R”, enter the combination of letters “msconfig” without quotes. Click OK.
  2. Next, you can go to the tab where you need to select “Download” and mark the desired OS.
  3. In the Boot Options section below, find Safe Mode and select Minimal. Finally, click “Apply”, “Ok”.
  4. Select “Reboot” or “Exit without reboot” if you need to start with a minimal set of programs later.

Video: how to enable safe mode on windows 7

If you have never entered safe mode using the operating system, then the first time you may not understand how to do this according to the instructions. Watch the step-by-step video below from an experienced PC user to help you solve this issue and resolve your issue. The presenter of the video tells you in a few minutes how to enable the basic software set without effort. The method is simple, even those people who have never encountered such a problem can cope with it. Watch the step-by-step video instructions: