Bootable flash drive livecd windows 7 password reset. How to reset a forgotten account password in Windows

A little earlier, I considered a situation where a bootable system image was required, but it may not always be at hand, in addition, usually the weight of the system administrator’s working disks (we’re talking about LiveCD with software) is much less.

Today we will talk about working with specialized software for editing the SAM (Security Account Manager) database. I once described a procedure in Windows.

The SAM file itself (what a pun) is located in the windows\system32\config (for a 32-bit system) or windows\syswow64\config (for a 64-bit system) directory and you won’t be able to access it (and especially write it). That is why we use various LiveCDs, which can be found in large quantities on a root tracker or other site dedicated to the work of a system administrator.

For example, here is the following assembly: LiveSeven (LiveCD AZJIO v5.6 from 01/01/2013 CD/USB WIM) from the root tracker weighs a little more than 270 megabytes, but allows you to quite passably solve various system administrator tasks in the operating system, so I recommend downloading and burning a disk or flash drive. Since the collection is the author’s, there is no piracy in this, I think the creator will only be glad that people are using his collection.

By the way, I found a very nice way to burn ISO files onto a flash drive. If anyone didn’t know, this is easily done without various third-party utilities, the usual UltraISO. Open the ISO image, insert the USB flash drive, select “Boot -> Burn hard disk image...”

And, of course, the “Record” button.

Read more in a separate article:

Well, okay, how to burn a disc, set the BIOS to boot from media - I think it’s not a problem. After loading we will see the system desktop - this is good:

Here is a kind of “Start” menu, select “Password reset -> Reset Windows Password”. Then I will analyze the work with the “Password Renew” program for comparison.

In the main program window, select Russian interface language and SAM operating mode. That is, we work with a local account database. I suspect that you can work with the AD database of a Windows domain controller; I haven’t tried it yet, but the opportunity is nice.

In addition, there is a drop-down list of actions; we are interested in resetting or changing the user’s password. Click Next.

Next, the program automatically determines the location of the SAM and SYSTEM databases (they are stored in the config directory) and represent registry hives. Why might you need to specify the paths to these files manually?

Case 1. We have several operating systems installed and we need to reset passwords in a specific one of them.

Case 2. We have separately located registry hive files taken from another computer (for example, we were sent these files by mail and need to reset the password and return it to the owner).

One way or another, the ability to specify these files manually is present and you need to remember this. In our case, the system was installed alone, so the program determined everything correctly.

Next, a list of users appeared that exist in the SAM file. Here we select the person whose password needs to be changed/reset. By the way, here you can see whether you have administrator privileges and whether a password has been set at all.

In the next window, we can perform certain actions with the already selected account - change the blocking, disabling, and expired password flags. Set a new password – I was pleased with this option; you can not only remove it, but also set a custom one. Mark the required actions and click the “Reset/Change” button.

All is ready!

As I promised, I will consider another program in the same area. It's called Password Renew.

After launching the program, we are prompted to select the Windows folder.

Click “Browse” and select our Windows directory. By the way, here is the difference from the previous program - there is no way to feed it third-party SAM files.

In the drop-down list, select the desired user and set a custom password. 123, of course!

I thought for a long time about what to reap next. It turns out that the second item on the left is “Apply”. Some kind of not very successful interface, the principle of the sequence “Left-to-right, top-to-bottom” is violated. Anyway. But the program worked.

In addition, you can create a new user. Select item 2.2 “Create a new user” and set a name and password. Also click 1.2 “Apply”. Well, we can add administrator rights 2.3 point.

To be honest, the program’s interface is not very good, but it works and this should be taken into account. Who knows what will be in our hands in a difficult situation?

Lazesoft Recover My Password is a Windows 10 password reset program. You can download the Windows password reset program from the official website. How to use the Windows password reset program:

After all manipulations, the system will reboot. This program is suitable for resetting Windows password from a flash drive and disk.

This method is suitable for those who have foreseen the situation in advance and are considering the option of having to reset the Windows password from a flash drive. Since for this method you need to log into your account and prepare a flash drive, or as it is called in the operating system - “Windows 10 Password Reset Disk”. Reset Windows 10 password via USB flash drive (via Windows 10 password reset disk):

As a result, the flash drive will be ready for resetting the Windows 10 password. The file userkey.psw, which is necessary for the reset, will be written to it.

To reset a password from a flash drive in Windows, connect it to your PC. When logging in, if you enter the wrong password, you will see a new item below the input field. With this item you can activate the reset. Click on it and follow the instructions.

Resetting your computer password in Windows 10 or other versions is necessary when you have forgotten your password but do not want to reinstall the system. How to reset your password on Windows 10 or 8:

  1. It is necessary to restructure the Sticky Keys function to display a command line
  2. Enter the combination that changes the password in Windows to reset the Windows password

In Windows, starting with XP, there is such an interesting function - sticky keys, it turns on if you press the Shift key five times in a row. After the sound signal, a window will appear in which we will talk about sticking.

Do you know other methods on how to reset a password on a computer running Windows 10 or 8?

In order to reset your password in Windows 8 and 8.1, you need to boot your computer from the installation disk or flash drive. Once your computer is booted, select the language you want and click Next. How to reset your password on Windows 8 and 8.1:

  1. Press Shift+F10 keys. A command prompt will open
  2. Save the file that triggers sticking, to do this, enter the command copy D:\windows\system32\sethc.exe D:\
  3. Enter the following command: copy D:\windows\system32\cmd.exe
  4. When the console asks for confirmation, enter the appropriate key (Y or N) and press Enter
  5. Close Command Prompt and restart your computer

After the computer boots, when entering your password, press the Shift key 5 times. If you did everything correctly, the command line should appear. To reset your password in Windows 8, you need to enter in the command line: net user Administrator 123456.

Let's decipher the command:

  1. net user - password change command
  2. Administrator is a required user
  3. 123456 - new password

Don't forget to restore the Sticky Keys launch file. To do this, boot from the installation disk again, open a command prompt and run the following command: copy D:\sethc.exe D:\windows\system32\sethc.exe.

And agree with the replacement. Done, now you can restart your computer and work peacefully.

Windows 7 password reset program. Quite often it happens that after setting a password for an account, the user forgets the information he needs. It seems that this problem cannot be solved, because how can you work with a computer without having access to it?

As a rule, most people contact service centers or reinstall the operating system. Although the first method of solving the problem incurs financial costs, it is still safer, since as a result of replacing the system, you can lose important information. However, you can do without these drastic methods.

There are several ways in which you can reset your Windows 7 password:

1) by making changes to the register;
2) using system file substitution. This method is not recommended, especially if inexperienced users do it.
3) using a password reset program.

The most common and most effective is the last method.

Windows 7 password reset program: features of use

To get started, you need to download the Windows 7 password reset program to your computer. This can be done even when the operating system is offline.

The first thing to do after this is to create a boot disk. This process is not complicated enough. After unpacking the downloaded program, the user receives an ISO image. Next, insert the drive and select the “Burn disc from image” command. As a result, several files appear on the disk.

In addition to the disk, you can use a flash drive for work.

How to create a bootable flash drive?

Resetting a password from an operating system using a flash drive is somewhat more difficult. First of all, you need to unpack the downloaded archive with the program into the root folder of the flash drive. If there is any other information on the removable media, it does not matter.

Now let's move on to the process of turning a regular flash drive into a bootable one. Open the command line. To do this, you can use the Win+R key combination, enter the command F:syslinux.exe –ma F.

In place F we indicate the letter of the partition with removable media. Press the “Enter” key. If after this a window notifying you of an error does not appear, the actions were performed correctly and you can proceed to the next step. Otherwise, you will need to repeat the steps again.

Final stage of action

Once the bootable media has been created, you need to download the folders on it to your computer. To do this, you need to enter the POST BIOS and press the F8 key. As a result, a window will appear in front of the user in which you need to indicate the boot media to be used.

In some computer models, other key combinations are possible, therefore, before starting work, you should read the instructions for the equipment.

When the Windows 7 password reset program has loaded, you need to select the partition with the installed operating system and follow the further instructions of the program. As a rule, for the utility to work, it is enough to press the Enter key from time to time.

In the event that it becomes necessary to make certain changes, you must shut down Windows. When the program is finished, the user gains access to the data.

The utility may prompt you to remember your password. It is not recommended to do this, as forgetting the old password and entering incorrect data in the drain can ruin all the work done.

Thus, you don’t have to worry that if you lose your password information, access to your computer and all the information on it will be restricted forever.

A fairly common problem is to recover a password that you forgot. I won’t write why this happens, but I wrote about it in articles and. But what if you have a different version of the system? To do this, it will be easier to use a program that works in versions of Windows from 2000 to 8.

Reset your windows password using a program from Lazesoft - Recover My Password .

You can download a free program to disable the Windows password by going to.

Password reset program features:

  • Password recovery.
  • Recovers the Administrator account password.
  • Determines all Operating Systems installed on the computer and allows you to choose which one to recover (or reset) the password from.
  • Unblocks accounts.
  • Includes accounts.
  • Disables accounts.
  • Disables the password expiration option.
  • Can find the product key of a broken OS.
  • The program is in English, but the interface is convenient and understandable.

    List of supported operating systems:

  • Windows 2000 SP4
  • Windows XP
  • Windows 2003
  • Windows Vista
  • Windows 2008
  • Windows 7
  • Windows 8

    The program is designed to burn a boot disk. With its help, you can not only record it onto a CD/DVD disc, but you can also record it yourself onto a disk or USB flash drive.

    Removing the Windows login password.

    choose one of three methods: via disk, USB or create an ISO.

    Of course, the flash drive must be formatted without your data.

    and click "Commit"

    We are waiting for this inscription to appear, which “tells” us that everything is done and now we need to boot from the device. You can read right there in the window how to boot from a disk or from a USB flash drive (only the site will open in English).

    We boot from our device (in this case from a flash drive).

    Let me remind you that to boot from a flash drive or disk, you need to press f2 or del(depending on BIOS version)
    and select in Boot divce pririty Your device.

    Tax. Loaded up. Now click on this field and select the system

    Next, we choose what we want to do with the password.
  • Let's describe the problem

    Initial conditions:

    • computer, laptop with Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8
    • the built-in user Administrator is disabled or the password is also forgotten
    • all users on the Windows login screen are password protected and you don't know a single one
    • user with forgotten password - a regular local account, not Windows LiveID (with mail)

    If any of the above do not match, the recovery process may be different.

    Problem solving process

    What is necessary:

    • ability to use torrent networks
    • be able to burn an ISO image to disk/USB
    • the disc itself (CD-R, CD-RW, DVD-R, DVD+R, DVD-RW...) or any blank USB flash drive of any capacity
    • changing the computer boot order

    The method and programs indicated below are supplied “as is” - AS IS, they are not responsible for POSSIBLE damage and inoperability. The author has used this method on several computers and so far there have been no problems.

    1. Download BootPass

    BootPass - boot disk (Windows 7PE x86).

    The disk contains full-featured programs for resetting and editing Windows passwords, programs for removing ransomware banners

    Like most bootable disks, they are downloaded in ISO format.

    Because a disk image in ISO format is already a standard and can be written by any program, even using standard Windows 8 tools.

    Download BootPass from a torrent network (for example,

    You can download not all files, but only the necessary ones - the BootPass.iso file itself.

    The rest are optional:

    • Iso-Burner.exe is a very small program (646KB) for burning an ISO image to disk.
    • Rufus.exe or WiNTBootic.exe to burn ISO image to USB
    • text files - for information and instructions

    2. Burn BootPass.iso to disk

    Now we burn the downloaded BootPass.iso image to a CD-RW optical disk or USB.

    There are many recording options, we will show only 3:

    2.1 Using standard Windows 8 tools

    In Windows 8 this is very easy to do. Right-click to open the context menu and select “Burn disk image.”

    Don't forget to insert a blank disc.

    2.2 ISO-Burner

    If you downloaded this program as part of a torrent, then when you launch it, the Active@ ISO Burner window will appear. There are only 2 fields - specify the path to the ISO image, select a CD-RW or DVD-RW recording device. Click "Burn ISO".

    2.3 used to UltraISO

    Because it can write both simple files and ISO images to optical discs and to USB, HDD, and it can also create bootable disks itself and save in ISO format. In general, an advanced program.

    You can download it from torrents, from the official website, from our website.

    P.S. UltraISO is a shareware product, you need to buy it later if you like it. By the way, you can check whether a recorded disc will open in Explorer or not.

    3. Change the computer boot order

    If your boot order is already set to CD-ROM (DVD-ROM) first, or you know how, feel free to skip this step.

    There are 2 ways to change the boot order of your computer:

    3.1 BIOS

    The BIOS of any computer has options for selecting the sequence for booting the system. If these options are not automatically displayed when you turn on the computer, press the F2 or Del buttons - they may differ depending on the model and build of your BIOS.

    In the BIOS you need to go to the BOOT section and in Boot Sequence select CD/DVD as the first boot device.

    Save the settings and exit (SAVE AND EXIT)

    3.2 without BIOS

    Most modern computers have the ability to assign a boot order without entering the BIOS. To do this, use the quick boot menu, which is called up by pressing a special key immediately after turning on the computer (for example, F10, F12 or even F8 - depending on the motherboard model).

    Usually, when loading, the BIOS itself prompts you on the screen which key you need to press.

    P.S. The disc must be inserted into the drive.

    We have a variety of programs to choose from that reset Windows passwords.

    Password Reset v3.0 is enough for us. If it doesn't work, you can try others.

    • Select the user with the forgotten password and click OK. The program asks if you are sure of your desires, the answer is YES! (OK)
    • Next it will ask whether to repeat (OK) or reboot (Reboot) the computer?
    • We repeat how many users need to clear passwords and reboot the computer.
    • Confirm reboot @Yes
    • Remove the disk from the drive and click OK

    5. Check

    As soon as Windows boots, it will ask which user to select. Windows will not ask you for a password.

    If all is well, don't forget to set a new password for your user.

    P.S. In your password, use capital letters, numbers, and even better, special characters - *-+-=/?...

    P.P.S. You can use phrases (rarely used) written on the English keyboard as a password. For example, "Saint Bagheera1002" -> "Cdznfz

    6. What to do if

    failed to reset Windows password

    Go to step 4 and try another program.

    Windows stopped loading

    Remove all drives and USB. In the BIOS, set to boot from the HDD/SATA/SSD hard drive. As a last resort, run Windows recovery or call a wizard.

    everything went wrong

    Call a technician and clearly explain the problem.

    Passwords are like underwear. They should be changed frequently (though not every day). Never share them with other people. Don't show them to anyone (no reminder stickers!). And they should be purely intimate. Sorry, I meant to say that they should be shrouded in mystery. In other words, your password should be completely incomprehensible to others. Advice