Windows 7 as a remote key. How to change, remove or renew your Windows license

Those who have updated their computer system to Windows 10 are faced with the problem of having a watermark on the screen. This is a reminder to the user that the update version is not complete. Today we will talk about how to remove the Windows 10 Activation message.

Why does a message asking for activation appear?

Before trying to remove the inscription, let's consider the reason for its appearance. If, then after the initial boot the OS will require full activation. This is necessary in order to confirm the licensed version, while excluding the pirated use of Microsoft system products. Previously, the activation message was also found in Windows 8.

After thirty trial days of working with the new system, the period expires and an automatic notification appears. This sign does not affect the operation in any way, but a huge number of users are very annoying and want to remove it.

You can hide the inscription in three ways:

  • Purchasing a full licensed version.
  • Standard settings in the OS support center.
  • Using utilities, which are specialized programs for carrying out certain work with the OS.

How to remove using standard Windows tools

To fix the problem, you can use standard OS tools. The problem is that Microsoft has prohibited this action on some systems. If this option works for you, then we will explain how to remove the Activate Windows 10 message forever.

A more complex way to remove the watermark is by cleaning system32:

Hiding a watermark using Re-Loader Activator

This application has existed since XP. After the release of 10 it was updated. Re-Loader Activator is an easy-to-use program that will quickly help remove watermarks. Follow the following instructions:

  • Download Re-Loader Activator from the Internet. Download the program only through the official website.

Hiding a watermark using UWD

UWD is another great anti-lettering program.

  • We go to the UWD program website and download the file by clicking “Download Universal Watermark Disabler”. Or download directly from our website:

If you are going to sell a computer, and the new owner wants a PC with the system installed, but prefers to activate it with his own key, then information about the previous activation will need to be deleted. Of course, there are other reasons why users are becoming interested in how to remove activation from Windows 7 Ultimate or other versions. By the way, in this case the key can be saved and used on other devices. An exception may be codes for OEM distributions of the operating system that are tied to specific hardware, for example, a motherboard.

Removing activation

In order to perform this procedure in Windows 7, we will use the command line. You can open it by typing cmd into a search engine. We click on the program with the same name, and a command line window opens in front of us. It should be noted right away that to perform actions in it, you must log in to the system as an administrator.

In the window, enter Slmgr/DLV. In the list that appears, we need the Activation ID parameter, which we click on. Pay attention to the values ​​that appear in the line after the parameter name itself. We need them to delete activation information.

And for this we will use the command Slmgr/upk. After it, enter the copied values. If everything is done correctly, a message will appear stating that the activation key has been deleted.

Some users want to disable system authentication. In order to do this, you will need to add the KB971033 update to your cart.

Go to the Start menu - Control Panel. Here you need to switch to the Small icons view mode.

The vast majority of people in the CIS countries do not use licensed versions of operating systems. Windows is downloaded from the Internet, installed from flash drives and hacked using special activation programs. The technology consists of selecting a key and entering it into the system registry. However, your OS is not registered with the Microsoft network, so you won't be able to count on technical support or a free upgrade to Windows 10, for example. This article provides a detailed guide on how to remove pirated activation of Windows 7.

If you purchased a licensed version of the OS, you will probably want to enjoy all the benefits of the official Microsoft client. You can remove your current system and then install it again. But this is a very long and impractical method, especially if you have a lot of different programs installed. It would be much more correct to cancel the activation and register the official key.

How to delete records about an old key

In fact, the entire activation process consists of saving the key to the registry. It is quite possible that you can find all the necessary entries manually and remove them, but it is much easier to use a special utility. This guide describes 2 methods, each of which is presented in the form of detailed step-by-step instructions.

Alternative way

This procedure can also be performed using other commands:

The program will inform you that the removal was successful.

Registering a new key

Now you can activate your license.

Now your OS is no different from the licensed one. And at the same time, you did not need to remove and then install the system itself and all the necessary programs and utilities.

Despite the fact that the latest operating system from Microsoft Windows 10 is supposedly free, it still needs to be activated. Otherwise, after some time, the system will display a message on the screen about the need for activation, somewhat reminiscent of a watermark, and some functions will become unavailable (in particular, personalizing settings), and a spontaneous reboot will occur every one and a half to two hours of operation. But even if there are no such serious symptoms, the notification itself clearly irritates many. We'll talk about how to remove the “Windows 10 Activation” sign below. There is nothing particularly complicated about this, but all actions should be taken so that the operation of the OS is not impaired.

Activation of Windows 10: how to remove the inscription legally?

To solve this problem, you can enter a license or key at the system installation stage. If there is no such data, you can activate the system after this. Holders of licensed copies of the seventh and eighth modifications can use the data that was provided for them.

You can also use the activation method by phone, however, it is believed that this is not the best (and also not cheap) option. Thus, the user is faced with the task of getting rid of the annoying message while maintaining the functionality of Windows 10. How to remove the “Windows 10 Activation” message? To do this, you can use several simple methods. But let's start with the tools of the system itself, assuming that the user does not have official keys and licenses, but needs to get rid of the notification.

How to remove the “Windows 10 Activation” message through the registry?

The very first and most basic solution is to use the registry editor, which must be launched using the regedit command in the Run console with administrator rights, having first created a backup copy of the system.

The answer to the question of how to remove the “Windows 10 Activation” sign forever is simple. You need to change the parameter responsible for the appearance of this requirement. It can be found in the HKLM branch and through the SOFTWARE folder and the ProtectionPlatform directory, which has an Activation section. In the right field of the editor there is a Manual key, the value of which in the editing window, called via RMB or double-click, must be changed from zero to one, and then a complete restart of the computer.

A simpler way is to download a special REG file from the Internet AutoActivationOff.reg, after which you need to perform the merger by launching it by opening the file in the RMB menu. Please immediately note that when downloading such an object from dubious sites, you can easily pick up a virus.

Alert management

An equally simple and effective way to solve the problem of how to remove the “Windows 10 Activation” message is to disable the corresponding system notifications.

To do this, you need to use the options menu, where in the system section you select the notifications and actions item. To disable the appearance of a message about the need for activation, you need to disable the corresponding items. In principle, you can deactivate only the very first item, but to be safe, it is better to disable it, as they say, to the maximum (this way you can also get rid of other annoying messages and recommendations).

Using third party utilities

Now a few words about third-party software products. In the simplest case, you can use the Universal Watermark Disabler application or its analogue WCP Watermark Editor, in which you simply select the option to remove all watermarks, after which a complete reboot is performed. will no longer appear in the system's graphical shell after a restart.

However, this does not fully guarantee that the system will remain operational, so it is better to use activation programs (although this method is somewhat illegal).

Among the most common and popular are the programs Re-Loader Activator and KMSAuto Net. After launching such utilities, you just need to select system activation and click the start process button. As you complete the steps, reactivation may be added to the Task Scheduler task list, which you will need to agree to, and at the end of the process you will receive a message indicating successful activation of Windows.

Note: the utilities themselves are portable and cannot be deleted after activation. Therefore, it is better to initially (just in case) move the selected program to a logical partition. Repeated actions will be performed without user participation.

By the way, these same programs can be used if you have problems entering license keys for the Microsoft Office package of any year.

Which option is preferable?

Finally, the only unresolved question is what exactly to use from all this. It seems that it is best to give preference to automatic activation utilities, since using other methods you can get rid of the inscription, but full functionality of the system is not guaranteed, although disabling the notification in the registry will not particularly affect the operation of the OS tools.

- a fairly simple and understandable procedure (well, at least more or less) than what we are going to consider later in this article. What if you want to do something more advanced and complex with the license, for example, things like how to remove/change a product key, perform online activation or extend the activation time. It's not as simple as simple activation, which is performed using standard OS tools with a convenient graphical interface, but it's not that complicated either. In this article I will give you information on how and with what help this can be done.

There is a command line tool called Slmgr.vbs that comes with Windows that provides capabilities not available in the standard activation interface, which is found in the Update & Security window, accessible by opening the Start menu and selecting Settings.

First: Open a command prompt with administrator rights

This is required to use Slmgr.vbs. In Windows 10 or 8, right-click the Start button (or Win + X) and select Command Prompt (Admin). In Windows 7, find Command Prompt in the Start menu, under All Programs > System Tools. Right-click on it and select “Run as administrator.”

View activation/license information

To display basic license and activation information, run the command below, which will tell you what version of Windows you have, part of the product key for you to identify, and will show you whether the system is activated.

To get more detailed information about the license, including activation ID, installation ID, and other detailed information, enter the following command:

View the license expiration date

To find out the current system activation period, use the command below. Since retail licenses for, say, home computers are activated on a perpetual basis, which will never expire, the command will be useful for commercial KMS organizations and servers. However, you can check the expiration date of your license to make sure it is permanent.

How to remove a product key

With Slmgr.vbs you can also remove the product key of your current Windows system. After running the command below, restart your computer and your operating system will not have a product key, which means Windows will become inactive - without a license.

This allows you to transfer the license to another computer if necessary. For example, if you want to give an old computer to a friend, but want to keep the license for yourself. However, as you know, Windows activation will be “tied” to the hardware of the computer on which it is installed, so it won’t be possible to simply transfer it, but it is still possible, but that’s not about that now (that will be in the next articles).

To remove a license key, enter the following command at the command prompt:

However, the command does not remove the activation completely. Windows also stores the product key in the registry because it is sometimes necessary when setting up your computer, and also to prevent malware from stealing the key and accessing the registry. In addition, the future owner of the computer (if he is more or less knowledgeable about computers) can easily pull the key out of the registry, so you should also be sure to remove it from the registry with the following command:

How to set or change your product key

Using slmgr.vbs you can enter a new product key. If the Windows system is already activated, using the command below you can replace the old key with a new valid one (instead of #####-#####-#####-#####-##### enter the new one key). After this, it is recommended to restart your computer.

This can also be done in the Activation Settings screen in Computer Settings, but the following command allows you to do this from the command line:

slmgr.vbs /ipk #####-#####-#####-#####-#####

Windows activation

Activate Windows online

Using the following command, you can try to activate Windows via the Internet.

Activate Windows offline

To get the installation identifier (ID) for offline activation, run the following command:

Now you need to receive a system activation confirmation code by phone. Go to the official Microsoft Windows Activation Help page. Following the instructions given, call the Microsoft Product Activation Center (there is nothing wrong with that, you will follow the instructions of the robot) and provide the installation ID received above and you will receive an activation code (if everything is confirmed successfully). This may help you activate Windows without an Internet connection.

Instead of ACTIVATIONID, enter the activation ID. which you received:

slmgr.vbs /atp ACTIVATIONID

After that, to make sure that your OS is activated, you can use the following commands:

slmgr.vbs /dli or slmgr.vbs /dlv

How to extend activation

Take Windows 7 for example, which has a 30-day trial period before it starts asking you for a product key. You can extend the trial period, i.e. reset this trial period back to 30 days by running the command below.


However, you will not be able to extend the trial period over and over again and indefinitely - the command can only be used a few times. If you want to know how many times, enter the command slmgr.vbs /dlv. I don’t remember exactly, but for each version, it seems, there is a different “number of times”. In Windows 7, if I'm not mistaken, 3 times, and 5 times on Windows Server 2008 R2. With the exception of Windows 10, the option works in all earlier versions.

Using Slmgr.vbs for remote computers

Slmgr typically runs on the current computer, but you have the ability to remotely administer computers on your network if you have access to them. For example, the first command below applies to the current computer, and the second applies to the remote computer. You just need to know the Computer name, username and password.

slmgr.vbs /option

slmgr.vbs computername username password /option

With the Slmgr.vbs command, you can use other commands related to system activation. See Slmgr.vbs Parameters for more details.