High ping - what to do? What is ping in games? Program to lower ping. What should be the Internet ping?

Every modern child who lives by playing video games, and adults too, has probably repeatedly encountered the concept of “ping”. It is also an integral part of the computer networks established by the master. Next, we’ll look in more detail at what this concept means and how to reduce ping in order to optimize gameplay or network performance.

What is ping and how to check it

Ping is the time period during which one information packet is transmitted from the client to the server and returned. Associating this process with real life, we can say that ping is like the time spent moving from home to the store and on the way back. The store is the server, and the person is the client. The unit of measurement is millisecond (ms).

To determine the Windows OS ping, simply enter the command line by entering the cmd command in the “Run” menu, which is called by the “WIN” + “R” key combination, or the search bar of the “Start” menu.

Then, you need to enter the “ping” command and, separated by a space, indicate the address of the remote machine/site to which the connection will be checked.

As you can see in the screenshot, the basic information allows you to see the average value and determine if there are sharp changes in it if the connection is poor.

How to reduce ping - current methods

There are a number of basic actions during which the user may have the idea that they should reduce the ping value regarding the connection to a particular server/site. Of course, this is necessary when it comes to playing online video games, where it greatly influences how the player's battle turns out.

This may also be required when setting up an integral computer network, where you simply cannot do without a high-quality connection.

  • If it is excessively high or constantly “jumps” relative to any direction of the client connection to the server, then the problem may be the following:
  • Outdated network card driver. Everything is quite simple - you need to update it by downloading the necessary files from the manufacturer’s website or any other thematic resource.
  • Viruses, startup list, loaders. All of the above can have a negative impact on the speed of the network. Naturally, the system needs to be cleaned of viruses, the startup list must be adjusted, leaving only what is necessary, and bootloaders must be disabled during the game or any other actions related to connecting to a specific server. The latter especially applies to torrent clients, which, when downloading, can “clog” the entire Internet channel allocated to the user.

You can also make certain changes to the system registry, but you should do this with caution, remembering that the consequences of actions performed with the registry are sometimes quite difficult to correct.

Having launched the registry with the “regedit” command, entered in the same paragraphs as for the command line, you must do the following:

Non-existing parameters can be created, but, again, we remind you that it is better to entrust such changes to a specialist who feels confident when setting up system registry configurations. All these actions will help reduce, but be careful.

How to reduce ping on a modem

People who use 3G modems to connect to the Internet are a separate category of users. The problem with working with such equipment is that they pick up signals from mobile towers of various operators, but this signal itself can be blocked by anything. All actions to improve the performance of a 3G modem and reduce ping require increasing the power of the device itself.

Experienced players and specialists who work with such devices recommend the following methods of signal amplification:

Each of these actions will have a positive effect on Internet speed and significantly reduce ping. You can check the connection level through the MDMA (Mobile Data Monitoring Application) application, which, after downloading and launching, will detect the connected modem (maybe not the first time), and then display the signal quality value in dbm units. Dynamic reading of information in real time with a delay of 5-30 seconds will allow you to determine the best place to place the modem.

How to reduce ping in games

Finally, we have come to the most important stage, since the decrease in online games worries users the most, because a poor Internet connection and other defects affect their success during battles. Let's look at making the necessary settings using the example of two very popular games: World Of Tanks and Counter-Strike: Global Offensive.

How to reduce ping in CS GO

When playing CS GO, you can change the ping using all the means described above, as well as by intelligently making changes to the launch parameters. To do this, you need to enter the game library of the STEAM platform and select CS GO from it. Further steps are shown in the screenshot.

In the window that opens, click “Set launch parameters” and enter the values ​​shown in the screenshot in the line that appears.

Also, to start the competitive mode, it is recommended that the player set the game to the optimal ping so that it does not select servers for him that exceed a certain level, if this is, of course, possible. To do this, in the “Settings” – “Game Options” menu, you need to set the slider to the minimum value.

How to reduce ping in World Of Tanks

The peculiarity of World Of Tanks is that the game is played on a large number of servers, each of which is located regionally in different places. Below is the geographical location of the main servers from the Russian cluster of the game.

You can control it by installing a special game modification or software, such as WOT Pinger.

Using this software, you can track the most optimal servers for the game and use them exclusively.

Thus, we can conclude that ping has a significant impact on the performance of certain servers/sites. To reduce it, you can use any of the methods suggested above. You can also contact specialists who will make the necessary adjustments to the system and specific applications, significantly speeding up the operation of your computer/laptop. It is recommended to order the same setting from the provider, where the user can be advised which high-speed Internet access tariff will be much more profitable for him.

Ping is the period of time it takes for a computer to respond to a user's request. In other words, this term can be understood as the time interval during which a packet sent from one computer reaches another computer on the network and returns back. The higher the ping, the longer the page will take to open in the browser. But we can still tolerate this shortcoming. The biggest inconvenience is a high ping value for those who like to play computer games online.

Ping in computer games

Many novice gamers are interested in what ping is in games and how it manifests itself. This can be clearly explained using the example of the computer game “Counter Strike”. In this first-person shooter game, the gamer controls a soldier while playing with other people on the Internet.

When the player presses the shoot button, a signal from the game installed on the shooter's computer goes through the network to the player's computer, which controls the character at whom the bullet will land, and then returns back. In case of high ping, this signal will travel its path for a very long time. This will result in the bullet not being fired immediately after pressing the fire button. The opponent will have time to hide, and after a few seconds (depending on the ping value) a shot will be fired.

What affects response time

The following factors influence how quickly a signal travels from one computer to another and returns back:

  1. Provider.
  2. Game server.
  3. Server location.
  4. Operating system settings.

If we talk about the provider, the channel width and its quality play an important role. Of course, quality plays a major role. There are cases when, with a 100-megabit channel, the ping reaches a value of 300 ms, and with a 10-megabit channel - 5 ms. An example would be a highway. It is faster to drive from point A to point B on a flat two-lane asphalt road than on a six-lane dirt road with a lot of potholes.

But don’t discount the width of the channel. Even with a good connection, a narrow channel can cause high ping due to simple overloads. Again, a parallel can be drawn with a beautiful road and a highway with a lot of traffic jams.

Also, the response time may simply increase due to the fact that the server is located very far from the gamer’s computer, and the signal is forced to travel a very long way there and back.

Reasons for high ping

There are six main reasons for increased ping:

  1. Problems with the Internet provider.
  2. Infecting a personal computer with viruses.
  3. Reinstalling Steam.
  4. Antivirus software and firewall.
  5. Problems on the game server.
  6. Active downloading of content.

All this can cause long page loading times and lags in online games. If the user is not an avid gamer, but is simply browsing the Internet, he does not even need to know what ping is. In the game, it plays an important role, and knowledge of how to solve this problem is simply necessary.

The provider has a problem

In this situation, the user himself cannot do anything. In order to check if the provider has problems, you need to open the command line and enter: ping IP address of the game server. In the case where the response time is more than 100 ms, the reason for the high ping is problems with the Internet service provider.

There is no other choice but to call the provider and tell about the unpleasant situation that has arisen. Usually this problem is resolved within 24 hours. However, technical support can make everything faster and even advise the user what actions should be taken to avoid similar situations in the future.

If contacting technical support does not help, you should consider changing your provider. You can consult with familiar gamers who do not have problems with ping.


Very often, the cause of high ping is infection of the operating system with viruses. Due to the simple presence of malware in the system, the ping will not increase, but this happens when viruses cause the operating system to independently begin downloading large files in stealth mode. This leads to slow Internet performance.

Solving this problem is simple - just download an antivirus and scan your computer for malware, and then remove those found. Situations arise when a virus blocks access to official websites of antivirus programs. In such cases, you can either download the file from other websites, or find additional utilities on the Internet that can scan your personal computer.

If the antivirus is not able to detect a malicious file, and the user is sure that the cause of the high ping is a virus, then there is a very radical way to solve the problems. It consists of reinstalling the operating system. But it comes to such measures very rarely.

Problems with Steam

If there is a high ping with good internet, the reason for this may be incorrect Steam settings. This can happen when the program has been reinstalled and the settings have not been set.

To solve the problem, you should open the program and go to the “Downloads” tab, which is located in the settings. To fix the problem with a high ping value, you need to select your connection speed. In some cases, it is worth restarting your computer before turning on the game.

Firewall and downloads

As mentioned earlier, in order to lower the ping, you need to download an antivirus. However, there are times when it is the antivirus that can cause a slow Internet connection. The problem can be resolved very simply. All you need to do is turn off your antivirus and firewall, but don’t forget to turn them on again before you start surfing the Internet.

Another reason for high ping may be the active uploading of data to the network or downloading from the network. In this case, you just need to pause the data transfer.

Service problem

Very often, the cause of high ping in KS or another online game is a problem in the server. The user cannot solve it.

In this situation, there is nothing else to do but wait until the server administration independently eliminates the cause of the problem, after which the ping will return to normal. In order not to wait, you can simply change the server for a while.

Registry manipulation

This is one of the least effective ways to solve the problem. It involves making some changes to the operating system registry to reduce high ping, which is not advisable. Such actions can cause irreparable damage to the operating system and lead to the need to reinstall it.

First you need to open the registry and go to the following path: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Multimedia\SystemProfile. Then you need to open the file in this folder. In this file the parameter will have the value a. Instead, enter ffffffff. After this, you need to save all changes and restart the computer.

Checking the connection

To check ping, you need to open the Start menu and find and open Command Prompt in the list of utilities. You can quickly do this by pressing the Win + R key combination. In the window that opens, enter the following text and press Enter: ping server address -n 10.

You can also find special programs on the Internet that make it possible to check ping, but using them is strongly not recommended. Everything that is necessary to check the quality of the Internet connection is installed along with the installation of the operating system, and third-party programs can harm the computer by infecting the system with viruses.


This program can solve the problem of high ping in games. It allows you to increase throughput and reduce response time. CFosSpeed ​​aims to optimize traffic on every Internet connection using two or more data streams.

This ping lowering program also performs a number of other functions. Firstly, it is able to maintain high connection speeds even during active downloads. Secondly, CFosSpeed ​​reduces the number of problems during playback of audio and video files.

One of the latest updates to the version for smartphones was the optimization of the program, which significantly improved the quality of mobile Internet. The trial version of CFosSpeed ​​is available for 30 days, after which you must purchase the program.

Reducing ping in Counter Strike 1.6 using CS Ping

The game "Counter Strike" is one of the most popular in the world. And many gamers are wondering how to reduce ping to a minimum. The great popularity of the shooter was the reason that a large number of programmers began developing programs to lower ping. One of these is CS Ping.

The size of the utility is just over one megabyte. The operating principle of CS Ping involves installing the correct config automatically. The program generates a config depending on the computer data.

After downloading, you need to copy all the files to the game folder and run the program. In the window that opens, you need to go to the config and click “Show”. After this, CS Ping will automatically create settings that need to be copied and pasted into the game settings file, replacing the existing configuration.

Ping optimization in WoT

World of Tanks is another very popular online game all over the world, and the long response time is very annoying for many gamers. Leatrix latency Fix is ​​a program for lowering ping that initially supported WoT, but over time the developers expanded the list of supported games, which included such popular products as Warface and Point Black.

In order to lower your ping using this program, you just need to download and install it. After that, you can open the game and enjoy it. In many games, the ping decreases by about half.


This is a utility that makes it possible to check whether a personal computer or laptop has the rights to connect to the server.

To open Telnet on a device running a Microsoft operating system, go to the Control Panel and select “Turn features on or off.” In the menu that opens, check the box next to the Telnet client. Then you need to open the Start menu, find the command line and enter the following text: telnet site address 25.


Ping lowering software is not a panacea. Fans of online computer games are trying in every possible way to eliminate the problem of high ping, if any. And very often they resort to installing third-party programs. This is not recommended, as such software can harm your computer.

A much more effective way is to manually configure the ping. Also, very often the ping can be increased due to problems with the provider. Contacting your Internet service provider is the most effective way to reduce ping. Third-party programs can actually reduce response times or at least eliminate ping spikes. However, not all of them are safe. Even if the installation of such a program does not infect the operating system with viruses, such utilities can steal the user’s personal data. Therefore, before installing such dubious programs, you should think about whether it is worth it and try to find another way to solve the problem.

Every more or less advanced user of the Internet and local network is faced with such a procedure as ping. Most often, the service center technician at the provider is asked to do this in order to understand the problem. In this article we will look at what ping is, what it is for, and how to ping correctly.

What is ping?

Ping is a process that allows you to check the quality of the network and its speed to a specific server. Most often, ping is carried out using the console (command line), both in Windows and Linux operating systems. There are also special programs for pinging. It is worth noting the convenience and quality of this method of checking the local network and the Internet, since it is quite simple and very informative.

Pinging means that you send a certain number of data packets from your computer to a specific device, both on a local network and on the Internet. Thanks to this exchange of packets, you can obtain information on the quality of the connection.

If sent packets are not returned, this means there is a connection problem. Packets that are not returned are called "losses". The more lost packets, the worse. If the packets are lost in full, then this means either a lack of connection to the network, or the inaccessibility of the device to which the ping was made - it all depends on what exactly you pinged. The response speed is also important: the lower it is, the better the quality of the connection from your device to the pinged one.

What is ping used for?

As the site experts said above, ping is necessary in order to check the quality of the Internet connection and the speed to a specific network device. Let's look at an example of situations in which ping is necessary and very useful.

The first situation when pinging occurs is problems with the Internet, for example: you are working in a browser, and Internet pages load very slowly or do not load at all. The second situation is when the Internet simply disappears or the Internet connection is interrupted. The third situation is when streaming audio and video playback slows down. The fourth situation is when there are problems connecting to something: a website, game server or other device on the network. Thus, thanks to ping, you can find out whether there are any problems with the network or Internet connection, where exactly the problem is and what it is.

Quite often, ping is checked for online games where high speed data exchange with the server is required.

How to ping correctly

In order to ping, you need to open the console and enter the appropriate command, indicating the address of the device or resource with which you want to check the connection.

In order to check the quality of your Internet connection, ping the Google DNS server using the command (which must be entered in the console):

In the same way, you can ping not only servers and network devices, but also websites. In order to check the quality of the connection to Yandex, enter the following command:

In order to check the connection to the provider's server, ping its DNS server or another local resource, for example a router on the roof.

To check the functionality of your home local network, ping your router with the command:


In the Linux operating system, ping continues endlessly until you stop it yourself by pressing Ctrl+C. In Windows, standard ping is performed by sending only 4 packets. In order to send a larger number of packets, the prefix “-n” is added to the ping command indicating the number of packets to be sent. In order to send 100 packets, for example, to the Google DNS server, write the following command:

ping –n 100

To send an endless ping in Windows, add “-t” to the standard command separated by a space, and to stop it, press Ctrl+C. For example, we perform an endless ping to the Google DNS server:

ping –t

After pinging is completed, a report will be displayed below, the analysis of which will help you understand the state of the network.

What is ping?

Before scrupulously calculating what ping is considered good, it is necessary to understand the very meaning of the concept “ping”. Ping (from the English ping) is the reaction time of an Internet connection: namely, how quickly the client computer, having sent a request, receives a response from the server. Ping is measured in milliseconds (ms).

What does ping depend on?

The ping value depends on many parameters. First of all, it depends on the number of “intermediaries” in the server-client chain, the number of which is proportional to the geographical distance of the server from the client computer.

Another parameter that determines ping is the type of connection: connecting to the provider’s network equipment via fiber optic is preferable than via ADSL or 3G channels.

Which ping is better: high or low?

Of course, the lower the ping, the better. After all, Internet speed ping is a delay in the signal between the server and the computer: high ping values ​​can be manifested by “freezing” of network applications, etc.

What should the Internet ping be?

The general rule is: the lower the ping (i.e., the faster the server responds to the client’s request), the better. However, it is impossible to say unambiguously which ping is normal and which is maximum and demanding. The fact is that this parameter is not regulated, and accordingly it is difficult to single out any specific values, since they are not standardized.

In addition, the contract with the provider only specifies the maximum data transfer speed (we recommend that you read the article), while the minimum threshold is not established or specified. Thus, de jure there is no “nominal” or “minimum” ping value.

However, the following gradation of ping values ​​was obtained using an empirical method:

  • - up to 40 ms - ideal value. This reaction time allows you to comfortably use streaming services (Twitch, live broadcasts on Youtube, etc.), enjoy all popular multiplayer games and access web pages without delays;
  • - 40 - 110 ms is considered normal. Ping allows you to comfortably use Internet resources and is generally acceptable for online games;
  • - 110 - 210 ms - ping is too high for multiplayer games, especially for genres in which reaction speed is important (shooters, racing simulators, etc.). To access sites with text information, such ping remains normal, but media services will work slowly.

A persistent ping value above 300ms on any servers can be considered a symptom of serious network connection problems. This reaction time can be classified as extremely low.

If you often play online games, then the word “ping” is familiar to you, even if you are not particularly knowledgeable in computer networks. In this article you will learn briefly what ping is and how to check it, but we will dwell in more detail on how to reduce it or make it smaller. I’ll also answer a couple more questions related to it along the way.
I would like to note that you will not learn anything super new or innovative. All this was and will always be relevant and it is quite likely that you already knew everything without the article, but I think that some people do not know or do not know everything.

So, let's begin.

What is ping?

Ping is the time it takes to be transmitted to the server and returned back. This can be compared to how long it takes you to get to the store and back home. The store will be the server, you will be the client (computer), and the time spent will be the ping. Ping is measured in milliseconds (ms).

How to check (find out) your ping?

In order to determine your ping, you can use the regular and ping command.

Open it and write the address of the site or server there. For example ping site

Here we look at the last line “Approximate transmission and reception time in ms:” and Average this will be your ping to this server (for example 47)

If you want to find out your ping to the server with the game, then write its address in the line. For example, Counter Strike servers have an ip:port link (for example
We write ping into the command line and find out.

As you understand, to define it, it is not at all necessary to write the address (domain) of the site or server. It's quite enough.

How to lower ping?

What to do if the ping is high? Reduce! Logical...

In fact, many factors influence ping. Of course, if you have a powerful computer and high-speed Internet, then you won’t even think about it, but others still have to look for ways to reduce ping in order to play a game or access a resource faster.
By the way, maybe many of you have asked the question “Why do I surf the Internet and watch online videos normally, but when I start playing, the ping is immediately high?” The fact is that when you play a game, much more of the performance of both the computer itself and the network is used to display the image in real time.

So, let's start reducing ping by looking at the factors that influence it.

  • Change your Internet connection, provider or tariff.
    Are you using a USB modem? Fire it up!
    Do you use one operator? Change to someone else.
    Enjoy a cheap tariff? We take more expensive ones and higher speeds.

    Yes, although this costs money and not everyone can afford both wired and changing operator or tariff, it is still the most effective and trouble-free way to reduce ping. Perhaps the tariff does not always help, but it depends on the specific case.

  • Changing the server.
    Also, on the one hand, not everyone will be able to do this because... he is either alone or loved, but still this factor affects the ping. Have you noticed, for example, that in the “counter” there are servers with relatively low ping, and there are much higher ones? There are two things at play here:
    1) Depends on the remoteness of the server itself. For example, if you live in Kazan (and your provider’s servers too), and the game server is located in Moscow, then the speed will be the same. But if the game server is located in Kazan itself (or closer/further), then the ping will be less (or more, if further). Logical. The closer the servers are to each other, the less time they need to get to each other.
    2) Depends on the number of routers between you and the server. Derived from the first dependency. The further you are, the greater the distance and the more intermediate routers there are to connect you.
    By the way, you can also see on the command line how many routers are present on the path to the server. To do this, there is the Tracert command in which we replace the zeros with the necessary numbers and get complete information.

    Therefore, we are looking for a server that is closer and playing on it.

  • Update the network card driver.
    It may be that it has not been updated or you yourself did not know about it, that a new version has appeared. So this is a necessary task in itself, and for a network card this is especially necessary if you want to reduce the ping.
  • Commands to reduce ping.
    Many games have their own commands to lower ping. More precisely, these settings relate to the Internet connection. For example, for “counter” the following basic commands are used:

    Rate - indicates how much information in bytes will be transmitted in one second.
    Cl_updaterate – indicates the number of packets received from the server by the client. To determine the size of one received packet in bytes, you need to divide the rate by this amount.
    Cl_cmdrate – sets how many network packets will be sent to the server from your computer, that is, the client. To determine the size of one sent packet in bytes, you need to divide cl_rate by the specified amount.

    These commands are written either to the console or directly to the configuration file.

    Few people will give you the exact value because... they are individual for different providers and servers. For example, someone is comfortable playing with the following teams:

    cl_updaterate 25
    cl_cmdrate 25
    rate 12500

    and others have less ping with the following commands:

    cl_updaterate 101
    cl_cmdrate 101
    rate 25000

    It is better to calculate this yourself experimentally.
    I will not focus on this because... Many articles and many games have been written about this. Google to the rescue

  • Let's prioritize.
    We can indicate to the system that a certain process (namely our game) requires more attention, and therefore it will be allocated the most resources. It's a matter of priority. It's usually average for everyone.
    So, let's launch the game, then we need to launch it in any convenient way, and then find the process with the game and set its priority to "High" or "Above Average".
    Also, in some cases, you can, on the contrary, lower the priority. We do the same, but we set the priority to “Low” or “Below Average”.

    This must be done every time you start the game.
    To automate this process a little, you need to create a cmd file containing priority in the game folder. The text in it will be like this:

    start /belownormal wow.exe (for World of Warcraft)

    start /belownormal L2.exe (for Lineage)

    start /belownormal hl2.exe -game cstrike(for Counter-Strike: Source)

    start /belownormal hl.exe -game cstrike(for Counter-Strike 1.6)

    And so on. Depending on which process (file) you set priority.

    The text above makes the priority "Below Average". If you are interested and need more, write in the comments.

  • Changing registry settings.
    Some may call this a useless exercise, because... online games use UDP, but it works over IP, and TCP settings are useless (and we will change them), but I still want you to know that there are such parameters.
    ATTENTION! Before changing, be sure to make a backup!!!

    So, we need the following sections and these parameters:


    We look for our network interface (if you don’t know which one, you’ll have to do it in all of them) and change the TcpAckFrequency parameter to 1
    This option causes the TCP/IP confirmation message to be sent after each received segment and not wait for the next one.


    The TCPNoDelay parameter is set to 1
    This setting reduces latency by disabling one of Windows' internal algorithms (the Nagle algorithm).

    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Multimedia\SystemProfile

    NetworkThrottlingIndex parameter ffffffff (hexadecimal value).
    This parameter removes restrictions for non-multimedia traffic.

    There are also additional parameters that don’t change much, but still...


    SackOpts - 1 (0 - disable). Selective transmission of corrupted data.

    EnablePMTUDiscovery - 1 (0 - disable). Automatically determine the maximum size of the transmitted data block.

    EnablePMTUBHDetect - 1 (0 - disable). Enables the black hole router detection algorithm.

    DisableTaskOffload - 0 (1 - disable). Allows you to offload the central processor, freeing it from calculating checksums for the TCP protocol, shifting this task to the network adapter.

    DefaultTTL - 64 (to disable, remove this parameter). Determines the maximum time an IP packet can spend on the network if it cannot reach the destination host. This allows you to significantly limit the number of routers an IP packet can pass through before being dropped.


    NonBestEffortLimit - 0 . Disables channel bandwidth reservation for QoS.

    If some parameter is missing, create it.
    If it doesn’t help, it’s better to return everything as it was (either from a backup or from memory).
    Don't blame me later for breaking something. You do everything at your own peril and risk!

  • .
    It is quite possible that they use part of your traffic to send their data. Viruses are bad anyway. Therefore, check, search and eliminate.
  • Disabling the antivirus.
    Antiviruses often consume a lot of resources, including data transfer. Therefore, temporarily disabling them can help.
  • Disabling bootloaders.
    Turn off for a while everything possible that consumes traffic - online video (music), downloading something somewhere (if you know what and where), etc. In general, everything that consumes Internet traffic.
    You can also view and terminate processes in the Manager that are familiar to you and you know that they can go online.

    And... something else, and what exactly - I think you yourself will write in the comments how you managed to lower the ping, and I will add to the article