Inserting a zero-length space in Word. Inserting and removing page breaks and sections in Word, non-breaking space

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. A little earlier, we already managed to talk about that, and also learned about the design in it. Today we have in turn the concept of white space in HTML, as well as the associated code formatting when writing it (for the convenience of its subsequent reading and perception).

Well, due to the fact that we will touch on the topic of non-breaking space and soft hyphenation, we will have to focus our attention on the so-called special characters or mnemonics used in the Html language, which will allow you to add many additional characters to the web document code, like those already mentioned above . But first things first.

Spaces and whitespace characters in HTML

Before moving on to the issue of formatting text using tags specially designed for this (paragraph, headings, etc.), I want to dwell on how spaces, line breaks (Enter) and tabulation are interpreted in the HTML language, and how breaking is carried out text in the browser window when it is resized.

True, for this kind of visual formatting (which will not be visible on the web page), most often it is not the spaces themselves that are used, but rather the tab and line break characters. There is such a rule - when you start writing a nested Html tag, then indent using tabs(Tab key on the keyboard), and when you close this tag, remove the indentation (key combination Shift+Tab on the keyboard).

This must be done so that the opening and closing tags are at the same vertical level (at the same number of tabs from the right edge of the page in your Html editor, for example, Notepad++, which I wrote about). In addition, I advise you to immediately after writing the opening element make several line breaks and immediately write the closing one at the same level (number of tabs), so that you don’t forget to do this later.

Those. the opening and closing elements should be at the same level vertically, and the internal tags should be shifted by one tab character and the closing and opening elements should be placed again on the same level.

For simple web documents this may seem like overkill, but when creating more or less complex ones, they the code will become much more clear and readable due to the abundance of spaces, and it will also be much easier to spot errors due to the symmetrical arrangement of tags.

Special characters or mnemonics in HTML code

So, now let's talk about the so-called special characters, the ease of use of which I announced at the beginning of this article. Special characters are also sometimes called mnemonics or substitutions. They are intended to solve a problem that has arisen in hypertext markup language for a long time, related to the encodings used.

When you type text on the keyboard, the characters of your language are encoded according to a predetermined algorithm, and then they are displayed on the site using the fonts you use (where to find and how to install for the site) due to decoding.

There are a lot of encodings, but for the Html language the extended version of encodings was adopted by default.

In this text encoding it was possible to write only 256 characters - 128 from ASCII and another 128 for Russian letters. As a result, a problem arose with the use on sites of characters that are not included in ASCII and are not Russian letters that are part of the Windows encoding 1251 (CP1251). Well, you decided to use a tilde or an apostrophe, but such a possibility was not initially included in the encoding used by the Html language.

It is for such cases that substitutions or, in other words, mnemonics were invented. Initially special characters had a digital form, but then for the most common ones their letter counterparts were added to make them easier to remember.

In general terms, a mnemonic is a character that begins with an ampersand “&” and ends with a semicolon “;”. It is based on these characteristics that the browser, when parsing HTML code, extracts special characters from it. The ampersand in the numeric wildcard code must be immediately followed by a pound sign "#", sometimes called a hash. And only then follows the digital code of the desired character in Unicode encoding.

More than 60,000 characters can be written in Unicode - the main thing is that the mnemonic symbol you need is supported by the font used on your site. There are fonts that support almost all Unicode characters, and there are options only with a certain set of characters.

The full list of special characters will be simply huge, but most commonly used mnemonics you can borrow for example from this table:

SymbolHTML codeDecimal
non-breaking space
narrow space (en-width as letter n)
wide space (em-width as letter m)
- en dash (en-dash)
- em dash (em dash)
­ - ­ soft transfer
A ́ stress is placed after the “stress” letter
© © copyright
® ® ® registered trademark mark
trademark sign
º º º spear of Mars
ª ª ª mirror of Venus
π π π pi (use Times New Roman)
¦ ¦ ¦ vertical dotted line
§ § § paragraph
° ° ° degree
µ µ µ micro sign
paragraph mark
´ ´ ´ accent mark
number sign
🔍 🔍 Magnifying glass (tilted to the left)
🔎 🔎 Magnifying glass (tilted to the right)
signs of arithmetic and mathematical operations
× × × multiply
÷ ÷ ÷ divide
< < less
> > > more
± ± ± plus/minus
¹ ¹ ¹ degree 1
² ² ² degree 2
³ ³ ³ degree 3
¬ ¬ ¬ negation
¼ ¼ ¼ one quarter
½ ½ ½ a half
¾ ¾ ¾ three quarters
decimal point
less or equal
more or equal
approximately (almost) equal
not equal
square root (radical)
summation sign
work mark
partial differential
for everyone (only visible if in bold)
empty set
Ø Ø Ø diameter
do not belong
is a subset
is a superset
is not a subset
is a subset or equal to
is a superset or equal
plus in a circle
multiplication sign in a circle
logical AND
logical OR
currency signs
Ruble. The ruble sign must be used in conjunction with the number. Unicode 7.0 standard. If you don't see the image, update your Unicode fonts.
¢ ¢ ¢ Cent
£ £ £ Lb
¤ ¤ ¤ Currency sign
¥ ¥ ¥ Yen and Yuan sign
ƒ ƒ ƒ Florin sign
. simple marker
· · · midpoint
double cross
" " " double quote
& & & ampersand
« « « left typographic quotation mark (herringbone quotation mark)
» » » right typographic quotation mark (herringbone quotation mark)
single corner quote opening
single corner quote closing
prime (minutes, feet)
double prime (seconds, inches)
top left single quote
top right single quote
lower right single quote
quote-foot left
quote foot upper right
quote foot lower right
single English opening quotation mark
single English closing quotation mark
opening double quotation mark
closing double quotation mark
left arrow
up arrow
right arrow
arrow to down
left and right arrow
up and down arrow
carriage return
double left arrow
double up arrow
double right arrow
double down arrow
double arrow left and right
double up and down arrow
triangle up arrow
triangle down arrow
triangle right arrow
triangle left arrow
stars, snowflakes
Snowflake sandwiched by shamrocks
Fat sharp-angled snowflake
Shaded star
Blank star
Unfilled star in a filled circle
Filled star with an open circle inside
Rotating star
Drawn white star
Middle open circle
Middle filled circle
Sextile (snowflake type)
Eight-pointed rotating star
Star with spherical ends
Bold eight-pointed drop-shaped star-propeller
Sixteen-pointed asterisk
Twelve-pointed filled star
Bold eight-pointed straight filled star
Six-pointed filled star
Eight-pointed straight filled star
Eight-pointed star
Eight-pointed star
Star with blank center
Fat star
Pointed four-pointed open star
Pointed four-pointed filled star
Star in a circle
Snowflake in a circle
clock, time

There is quite an interesting way to get HTML mnemonic code for the sign you need. To do this, just open the Microsoft Word editor, create a new document and select “Insert” - “Symbol” from the top menu (I use the 2003 version, so I don’t know how to do a similar operation in later versions).

In the window that opens, you need to select a font, for example, Times New Roman (or any other that will obviously be present on the majority of computers of your site visitors - Courier or Arial, for example).

Add all the special characters you need from the list that opens to your Word document and save this Word document as a web page (selected from the “.html” drop-down list when saving). Well, then all you have to do is open this web page in any HTML editor (the same Notepad++ will do) and you will see all the digital codes of the mnemonics you need:

The method is a little complicated, but if you want to use some rare special character on your website page, then it will be easier than searching on the Internet for tables like the one shown just above. You will need to paste the resulting special character code in the right place and instead of it on the web page the browser will display the character you need (for example, a non-breaking space).

Non-breaking space and soft hyphen in examples

As I already mentioned above and as you can see from the table of special characters given just above, some mnemonics in Html received, in addition to digital, also a symbolic designation for easier memorization. Those. Instead of the hash sign “#” (hash), words are used in symbolic variants. For example, the same non-breaking space can be written either as (digital mnemonic) or as (character).

When writing articles, if you need to insert an ampersand (&) or open angle bracket (<), то для этого обязательно нужно использовать спецсимволы. Дело в том, что эти знаки в Html означают начало тега и браузер будет рассматривать их именно с этой точки зрения и отображать в тексте не будет.

That is, if you are writing an article in which you will need to insert, for example, a tag display into the text< body>or you just need to insert a less than sign (<), то сделав это без использования подстановок на веб странице вы ничего не увидите, т.к. браузер, обнаружив «<» , поймет, что это Html тег, а не текст статьи.

Therefore, you will need to insert the following construction to solve a similar problem:

The same applies to displaying the code of the mnemonics themselves, since they begin with an ampersand. You will need to insert the code into the text, replacing the ampersand sign with its substitution (special character):

This will need to be done to get on the page<, а не отображение левой угловой скобки (<), в которую преобразует браузер мнемонику <, обнаружив при разборе знак амперсанда. Хитро, но вы все поймете попробовав это на практике.

You will also most likely use a non-breaking space, which will look like a regular space on a web page, but the browser will not treat it as a space character at all and will not carry out transfers on it(for example, this will be appropriate for phrases such as 1400 GB, etc., which it would not be advisable to hyphenate across different lines):

1400 GB.

Sometimes the opposite situation may arise, when the text contains very long words and you want to make sure that, if necessary, the browser I could break these words with hyphenation. For such purposes, a special symbol “soft transfer” is provided -

A long, long word;

When it becomes necessary to move to another line, the browser will use a hyphen instead of the soft hyphen mnemonic and send the rest of the word to the next line. If there is enough space to place this entire word on one line, then the browser will not draw any newline. It's that simple.

Good luck to you! See you soon on the pages of the blog site

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If such a space needs to be inserted into a web page, then a special character (“mnemonic code”) of the HTML language should be used. In the page source code it will look like this set of characters: . For example: This is a sample of an unbroken text. This fragment can be placed anywhere in the text of the page, and everywhere the browser will place these words on one line, shifting the transition to the next line either to a position before or after this block.

This property of non-breaking space is often used on web pages not only to “glue” words together, but also as a “spacer” in tables and other block elements. For example, if a table does not have a width specified, then it can be inserted into any table (one or more), and the browser will not “squash” this column to zero width, even if all columns are empty. In addition, with the help of such spaces, you can change the distance without using the CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) language by inserting two or more of them.

If you need to place a non-breaking space in a text document stored in a file with the format of one of the office applications (for example, doc or docx), then you can use the corresponding option in the Microsoft Word text editor. For example, in Word 2007, to do this, go to the “Insert” tab and in the “Symbols” command group, open the drop-down list on the “Symbol” button. Select the lowest item in it - “Other symbols”.

Go to the “Special Characters” tab of the window that opens and find the line in the list that says “Non-breaking space”. Then click the "Insert" button and close the window. This entire procedure can be replaced by pressing the hotkey combination assigned to it: CTRL + SHIFT + Space.


  • The non-breaking space is no longer stretchable again

Microsoft Word's auto-formatting doesn't always match what you're trying to write, and sometimes the program edits the text format incorrectly. For example, there are cases when some words and phrases cannot be broken by automatically moving part of the phrase to another line. These include various dates, initials, units of measurement and much more. In this case, you can defeat auto-formatting, which transfers part of an important combination of words or characters to another line, by setting unbreakable, which prevents lines from breaking and prevents unnecessary hyphens. How to put a non-breaking space in your text?


Open the “Insert” section in the main Microsoft Word menu and select inserting symbols. In the window that appears, click “Other" and on the special characters tab, find “Non-breaking space” in the list.

By default, non-breaking characters are hidden characters, so to see them, look for the show hidden characters icon in the menu bar. They can also be displayed by opening the “Paragraph” section and clicking on the “Display all characters” item.

You'll see regular spaces as dots, and the non-breaking spaces you just set as small circles. To click on the hidden symbols visibility icon again, all hidden symbols will disappear. Their visibility can be turned on or off at any time.

Video on the topic

Text editors allow users to save time by typing words in full and not separating them when wrapping them onto the next line. It is, of course, more convenient to read the whole word, but sometimes it is advisable to use the transfer of several syllables.


If you adhere to a certain format when typing text, such as left alignment, you will inevitably encounter the problem of word wrapping, because it is important for you not to leave empty space that does not extend to . If this is an isolated case, you can install it manually. Just press the “ ” key before the end of the line, while observing the syllabic principle of dividing words. Remember that you cannot transfer just one letter of a word or a combination of a consonant and a soft sign to another line. Ideal for syllable division is a combination of a consonant and a vowel letter, forming a common syllable. You can hyphenate several syllables at once, dividing the word into half.

If you only care about speed when typing text, and you prefer to let the computer check it, use the “Automatic Transfer” service for text documents in MC Word. You can set this function in MC Word 2003 using the “Tools” menu located on the main toolbar. By clicking on the “Service” button with the left mouse button, move the cursor to the “Language” section. In the context menu that opens, select the “Arrangement” function. Check the “Automatic” box and confirm your actions by clicking the “OK” button. You can further customize the automatic hyphenation settings by selecting the width of the word hyphenation zone and the maximum number of consecutive hyphens. Enter the required numeric values ​​in the appropriate fields and click OK. Saved changes will be applied to all subsequent MC Word documents.

To set automatic in MC Word 2007 and higher, click on the “Page Layout” button, which is located on the main toolbar of an open MC Word document. Hover your cursor over the “Page Options” column and check the box next to the “Hyphenation” field. Select the Auto option. Save the changes by clicking "OK".

You can also set up automatic word hyphenation in a text document called Notepad. To do this, in the open program window, click on the “Format” button on the main toolbar. Check the box “Word wrapping.

Insert A in html is necessary for the correct display of text on a web page in accordance with the effects intended by the author. Depending on the complexity of the task, you can use either regular non-breaking spaces or control the number of spaces using CSS properties.

You will need

  • - html editor


If you need to insert one regular space between words (produced by pressing the Space key), you do not need to perform any special actions - any number of consecutive regular spaces in the html code will appear as one on the web page.

To maintain the exact number of spaces between words, replace each regular space with " " (without quotes) - this is the code for non-breaking space in html. For example: “Between each word there are two space" A non-breaking space is inserted between two words to prevent them from being separated when wrapped on another line. To automatically place non-breaking spaces in the text, it is convenient to use Artemy Lebedev’s well-known tool “Typograf” (

Another way to insert the intended number of spaces in html between words: enclose the desired part of the text in tags and. Then the words will be displayed in a monospace font, but all the normal spaces between words will be preserved when displayed on the web page. Please note that the tag has special features: the use of some other tags inside it is not allowed: and, .

A more complex method for controlling the handling of white space: use the white-space CSS property with the value pre or pre-wrap (without line wrapping within the element and with line wrapping, respectively). Specify this property in the description of the page style or individual HTML layout element. When using this method, the font is set to monospace, and the number of spaces between words is preserved. Example: How to insert a space into html code? Or: .free_spaces (white-space: pre-wrap;)… How to insert a space into html code?

Typing mathematical equations or functions in Word is not difficult. As soon as the cursor reaches the end of the line and moves to the next line, a problem appears, since a certain integral structure breaks, which cannot be allowed. Making a non-breaking space in Word will take a little time. Below are several ways you can use a non-separated space character.

Non-breaking space using a keyboard shortcut

To make a non-breaking space, you need to use the following key combination “Shift + Ctrl + Space”, where “space” is a space on the keyboard.

It is necessary to press the key combination “Shift + Ctrl + Space” after each character, then the desired function will be written and moved to the next line and will be a complete composition. For an example, look at the picture below.

The picture below shows an option; if you use the usual “space” sign, the text fragment will lose its integrity and stretch to the second line, which is very unsightly and incorrect.

How do you know if there is a non-separated space character?

Go to the “Home” tab in the “Paragraph” subsection and turn on the “Hidden Characters” button. Refer to the picture below.

This icon will appear throughout the text, in places where there is a space. Knowing this trick, you can remove or put a non-breaking space in the right place. The text where there is an unbroken gap is very neat. The main thing is that the non-breaking space performs the main task.

With a simple space, there will be dots between words; in the case of a non-breaking space, circles in the form of a degree sign will be indicated. If suddenly the phrase does not fit into one line, then use the “Hidden Symbols” button to check, which will show whether non-separated spaces are included everywhere.

Non-breaking space using the More Characters feature

You can add a non-breaking space using:

You can also remember the sign code “202F” for the future; it will work when you press the key combination Alt+X (x - in English).

While typing, MS Word automatically moves to a new line when we reach the end of the current one. In place of a space at the end of a line, a kind of text break is added, which in some cases is unnecessary.

So, for example, if you need to avoid breaking any whole structure consisting of words or numbers, a line break added by using a space at the end of the line will clearly be a hindrance.

To avoid an unwanted break in the structure, at the end of the line, instead of a regular space, you need to set a non-breaking space. How to put a non-breaking space in Word will be discussed below.

After reading the text in the screenshot, you probably already understood how to add a non-breaking space, but using the example of this screenshot you can clearly show why such a symbol is needed at all.

As you can see, the key combination written in quotes is split into two lines, which is undesirable. Alternatively, you can, of course, write it without spaces, this will eliminate the line break. However, this option is not suitable for all cases; moreover, using a non-breaking space is a much more effective solution.

1. To set a non-breaking space between words (symbols, numbers), place the cursor in the space space.

Note: A non-breaking space must be added instead of a regular space, not together with/next to it.

2. Press the keys “Ctrl+Shift+Space(space)”.

3. A non-breaking space will be added. Consequently, the structure located at the end of the line will not be broken, but will remain entirely in the previous line or will be transferred to the next one.

If necessary, repeat the same step to establish non-breaking spaces in the margins between all components of the structure that you want to prevent breaking.

If you turn on the hidden character mode, you will see that the regular and non-breaking space characters are visually different.

Actually, we can end this. From this short article, you learned how to create a non-breaking space in Word, as well as in what cases it may be needed. We wish you success in learning and using this program and all its features.

In Word or any other office application. This element, although not so often, is still used in the same word processor from Microsoft. This is what we will talk about in the future.


Non-breaking space in Word and not only can be set in the following ways:

  • Using a special key combination.
  • Using special ASCII code.
  • Using the program menu.
  • Using the clipboard.

This symbol itself is not visible in normal dialing mode. It can only be noticed in the mode for displaying non-printable characters, which is activated by the corresponding button on the toolbar.

Keyboard combination

This is the easiest way to type a non-breaking space in Word. In this case, the keyboard shortcut allows you to easily and quickly type this character. The dialing order in this case is as follows:

  • Place the input cursor at the location where the given character is typed.
  • Hold down the Ctrl and Shift function keys at the same time and, without releasing them, press the spacebar.
  • After this, we release all the keys at the same time and get a non-breaking space in the text.

We use ASCII codes

Any character can be entered using a special ASCII code into the input field of a Microsoft word processor. The Gap is no exception in this regard. The input algorithm in this case is as follows:

  • We set the input pointer in the required place using the manipulator or cursor keys.
  • We switch to English text input using the same manipulator on the language bar.
  • Hold down the Alt function key on the left side of the keyboard.
  • We sequentially type the key combination 2-4-8 (this is the ASCII code of this character).

After the manipulations have been done, this particular symbol should appear.

Using the menu

You can also add a non-breaking space in Word using the menu. To do this, place the input cursor at the typing location. In the menu, go to the “Insert” tab for “Office 2007” and later versions of this software product or select the “Insert” menu item for “Office 2003” and later versions of this software. Then we find the “Symbol” item and click on it with the left mouse button. In Office 2007 and later versions of this software, the Symbol option is usually located on the right edge of the display. In the menu that opens, find the non-breaking space, select it and press the “Insert” button. All these manipulations are performed using the mouse or the cursor and tab navigation keys, which allow you to switch between different elements of the user interface.

The situation in the Microsoft Office 2013 package

The most difficult situation with how to put a non-breaking space in Word is in the latest versions of this software - Office 2013. The usual key combination specified earlier does not function in it by default. Therefore, when you first launch this software, it is recommended to change its basic settings. To do this, go to the “Insert” menu or tab and find the “Symbol” item on it. In the “Character code” field, enter the combination 202F (this is the hexadecimal code of this character). After this, the system will automatically find a non-breaking space. Then click on the “Keyboard Shortcuts” button and after that in the window that opens, set the key combination we are familiar with for this character. We save the changes made using the “Assign” button. In the future, when entering text, if you need to type this character, you just need to simultaneously press the usual combination of two function keys and a spacebar - and that’s it.

Another universal way

Another way to enter a non-breaking space is to use a non-breaking space. In this case, the procedure is as follows:

  • We find this symbol anywhere and select it using the mouse. For example, on the Internet on any website.
  • We use the key combination Ctrl + C to add the non-breaking space character to the clipboard.
  • Next, go to the application in which you need to insert this character, and place the cursor at the input location.
  • Then press the combination Ctrl + V. After this, the copied symbol should be inserted into our document.

Be that as it may, the easiest way to insert a non-breaking space in Word is to use a special key combination. This is what is recommended to be used in practice.