Recovering windows xp without disk. Proper system recovery for Windows XP

The Windows XP operating system today is outdated and does not release the necessary updates that eliminate its numerous “bugs”, freezes during loading and system failures. Therefore, even on the most modern computers, users may experience various problems. But not all Windows XP users immediately undertake to reinstall the system or completely format existing local drives. If only because the computer may contain important information for the user that he needs for various purposes. And it’s simply unlikely that anyone will want to reinstall all the necessary programs after reinstalling the computer, remembering pages and tabs on the Internet and restoring them in browsers. And for such a case, you can use operating system recovery. This will require either a special recovery disk or a program specifically designed for this process. Let us consider each of these two options in more detail, and let the reader choose the most suitable one for him.

Recovery using disk

If there are problems starting the operating system or the user simply is not able to access the Desktop to use special programs (and this may be due to viruses, access blocking, or a missing system file), then it is necessary to use a recovery disk. This disk is a regular bootable version of Windows XP, with which the operating system is installed on the computer. To restore your computer's functionality, you must follow these steps:

  • A boot disk with the operating system is inserted into the CD/DVD drive and the installation program is launched. After this, you need to wait until the following screen appears:

  • At the bottom you can see the inscription “Restore”. The recovery operation starts after pressing the “R” key, which is what the user needs to do. After this, you need to be a little patient - the system scans the hard drive for any operating systems installed on the computer. As a result, the following window appears:

  • Enter the number of the copy of Windows XP, which is located on one of the local drives (a common option is the “1” button). Then the Administrator password is entered, and if there is none, simply press the “Enter” key. If everything was done correctly, then direct system recovery will be available in the next step, when a special console appears in front of the user:

Such a recovery cannot be carried out because, due to some types of malfunctions, the boot disk may not detect copies of Windows XP on the computer (which happens quite often). But if such problems do not arise, then you can continue to use the recovery disk and begin the procedure using the fixmbr command, which is designed to restore the MBR. This is done as follows:

  • The fixmbr command is entered, after which the action is confirmed with the “Y” key;

  • After this, you must enter another boot command, fixboot, and confirm the changes in the same way. After this action, you need to reboot, for which you enter the exit command.

After all of the above steps, users are able to restore the functionality of the existing operating system, but if it was not possible to carry out all these steps (due to impossibility or complexity), then you can use standard Windows XP OS resources or use a special program.

Recovery using programs

The user has two options: you can either use system resources, or install a program that will help restore the system. First, let's look at what can be done without using programs.

“Rollback” the system to a previous state

This method is only possible for prudent users who have previously created a system restore point on their computer. This restore point allows you to return the functionality of your computer to the state it had at the time this point was created. System Restore can be found at the following location: Start menu – All Programs – Accessories – System Tools – System Restore. Next, everything is done very simply - the recovery wizard greets you, after which a calendar appears with marked system backup points. But such points must be created prematurely, since without their presence it is not possible to do anything. Users who have already worked with this component will immediately try to restore the system in this way. For others, the only option will be a program specifically designed for such situations.

System recovery programs

There are many different programs that can be used to restore your system. Most of them are “tailored” for all existing operating systems, so they are universal and can be used even if there is another OS. We will not describe all the features of working with each program - what is good for one user may not be entirely appropriate for another. All of the programs listed below have a simple and user-friendly interface and provide a very simple recovery procedure. The user can only choose which program is most convenient for him.

  • File Rescue Pro. An excellent program that can restore almost all existing data on a computer. Using it, you can recover both accidentally deleted files and damaged components of Windows XP or files that were damaged due to virus attacks. Can be used in file systems FAT12, FAT 16, FAT32, NTFS.

  • FomSoft Disk Doctor. A program that is intended specifically for working with the restoration of components and files of operating systems. Allows you to automatically build a directory tree, checks logical and physical sectors of disks and recovers lost files. Can be used in Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8 operating systems.

  • Raise Data Recovery for FAT. This program is specifically designed to work in the FAT file system, which is most often installed on users' computers. In addition to standard recovery functions, there is a special set of tools that can be used to restore even a severely damaged system.

  • BlueScreen View. A very useful utility that allows you not only to restore data on your computer, but also provides all the information about failures in a summary table. In the table you can see information about the name of the dump file, basic information that was output to the system during the BSOD, and all the necessary information about the module or driver that caused the system failure.

  • Recuva 1.49. A simple and intuitive program that is designed to recover deleted files. The main advantage is ease of use and a clear, accessible interface.

In addition to the above programs, there are others that can be no less useful and functional. We have given an example of free and universal programs that can be used not only exclusively for system recovery, but also for restoring other files.

OS boot problems are a widespread phenomenon among Windows users. This happens due to damage to the means responsible for starting the system - the MBR master boot record or a special sector that contains files necessary for a normal start.

As mentioned above, there are two reasons for boot problems. Next, we’ll talk about them in more detail and try to solve these problems. We will do this using the recovery console, which is contained on the Windows XP installation disk. For further work we need to boot from this media.

If you only have a distribution image, you will first need to burn it to a flash drive.

MBR recovery

The MBR is usually written in the very first cell (sector) on the hard drive and contains a small piece of program code that is executed first when booting and determines the coordinates of the boot sector. If the record is damaged, Windows will not be able to start.

  1. After booting from the flash drive, we will see a screen with options available for selection. Click R.

  2. Next, the console will prompt you to log in to one of the copies of the OS. If you did not install the second system, it will be the only one on the list. Enter the number here 1 from the keyboard and press ENTER, then the administrator password, if there is one, if it is not set, then just click "Enter".

    If you have forgotten your administrator password, please read the following articles on our website:

  3. The command that “repairs” the master boot record is written like this:

  4. The new MBR has been successfully written, you can now exit the console using the command

    and try to start Windows.

    If the launch attempt was unsuccessful, then we move on.

Boot sector

The boot sector in Windows XP contains the boot loader NTLDR, which “fires” after the MBR and transfers control directly to the operating system files. If this sector contains errors, then further start of the system is impossible.

Recovering the boot.ini file

In file boot.ini the order of loading the operating system and the address of the folder with its documents are specified. If this file is damaged or the syntax of the code is broken, then Windows will not know that it needs to start.

Transferring boot files

Except boot.ini files are responsible for loading the operating system NTLDR And NTDETECT.COM. Their absence makes booting Windows impossible. True, these documents are on the installation disk, from where they can simply be copied to the root of the system disk.

  1. Launch the console, select the OS, enter the admin password.
  2. Next you need to enter the command

    This is necessary to view a list of media connected to the computer.

  3. Then we need to select the drive letter from which we are currently booting. If this is a flash drive, then its identifier will be (in our case) "\Device\Harddisk1\Partition1". You can distinguish a drive from a regular hard drive by its capacity. If we use a CD, then select "\Device\CdRom0". Please note that the numbers and names may differ slightly, the main thing is to understand the principle of choice.

    So, we have decided on the choice of disk, enter its letter with a colon and click "Enter".

  4. Now we need to go to the folder "i386" Why are we writing?

  5. After the transition you need to copy the file NTLDR from this folder to the root of the system disk. Enter the following command:

    and then agree to a replacement if offered ( "Y").

  6. After successful copying, a corresponding message will appear.

  7. Next we do the same with the file NTDETECT.COM.

  8. The final step is to add our Windows to a new file boot.ini. To do this we run the command

    Enter the number 1 , enter the identifier and boot parameters, exit the console, boot the system.

All actions we take to restore the download should lead to the required result. If you still fail to start Windows XP, then most likely you will have to reinstall. You can “rearrange” Windows while preserving user files and OS settings.


A download “breakdown” does not happen on its own; there is always a reason for it. These can be either viruses or your actions. Never install programs obtained from sites other than official ones, do not delete or edit files that were not created by you, they may turn out to be system files. Following these simple rules will help you avoid having to resort to a complex recovery procedure once again.

  • You can catch a virus.
  • You can render the operating system inoperable by installing a large number of programs.
  • You may simply experience a critical crash, after which Windows will refuse to function normally.

The result in all these situations will be the same: you will need to restore Windows XP. Of course, you can reinstall the operating system, but this is a long process. It is much easier to use standard Windows tools, which do the required manipulations automatically. In this case, we are talking about the rstrui.exe application or downloading the installation disk.

Action diagram from download

You can bring Windows XP back to life from the boot menu. Naturally, you need to go into it first.

  • So, you should restart your computer. If Windows is so out of order that even the restart button cannot be found, then you just need to press the power button on the computer itself for a long time. When starting the download, you will need to hold down the F8 key.
  • A special menu will appear in which you can select a specific operating mode. Here you should use safe mode.
  • Next, log in to the system as an administrator.
  • Open the command line, usually it is presented in the Start menu under the name CMD. Type rstrui or the address c:\WINDOWS\system32\Restore\rstrui.exe into the command line and press the Enter key.
  • A very useful tool will launch, in which you should select Restore your computer to an earlier state.

  • Once the feature is installed, you will need to click on the Next button.
  • A list of recovery points will appear in the menu that opens. These are pictures of the system that it takes on its own. A snapshot is drivers and programs in their working settings and versions. You need to select a point that was saved before a serious computer failure occurred. After that, click Next.

  • The next step is to confirm the selection of the recovery point by clicking Next.

  • We wait for the procedure to complete, after which we receive a window with the result.

Recovery Console

It is also possible to return the system to a working state through the recovery console. To do this you need:

  • Insert the boot disk into the computer's drive and restart it.
  • Select boot from DVD priority in BIOS.
  • On the Windows XP installation screen, click the start installation button.
  • Press the R key on your keyboard to launch System Restore.

A tool like this may require a user password. It must be entered for the processes of returning to normal to start. This method is very convenient, as it helps bring the operating system back to life even if it does not start at all. Naturally, you will need a Windows XP boot disk. It can be downloaded on the Internet in an installation image and burned to disk using a special program. In this case, UltraISO is suitable. The procedure is as follows:

  • Download the program from the Internet.
  • We install it on the computer.
  • Download the Windows XP installation image from the Internet.
  • Open the UltraISO program and select this virtual image.
  • Click on the Burn CD image button.

  • Set the speed as shown on the slide. Place the bird next to the DVD disc.

We are waiting for the recording to finish. After this, the boot disk is ready and can be used to download the Windows XP installation program.


Restoring a Windows XP system is a typical situation for computer users. So don't panic if your operating system starts behaving abnormally. It is enough to use the resources of Windows itself. The point is that software snapshots are taken regularly. The user can also carry out such manipulations independently. Under no circumstances should you turn off the systems that are responsible for this process.

And you can prevent Windows malfunctions. . The fact is that the computer is often loaded with unnecessary programs and graphic effects. If you carry out regular cleaning on this issue, you can easily avoid typical troubles. You should also avoid suspicious sites on the Internet where everything is offered for free. Typically, you can only get malicious software for free. Vigilance and order in the computer will make work comfortable and fast.

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From time to time, in the course of a wide variety of actions, failures occur in the system: this could be a virus infection of the user’s computer, or incorrect installation of drivers and utilities. This may be a failure when updating drivers and programs, when the update is unfinished, or contains some kind of error. A software glitch may occur if the computer is turned off incorrectly when the plug is pulled out of the socket, or if the power goes out unexpectedly if the computer is not connected to an uninterruptible power source. Inept actions by the user themselves can lead to critical OS errors when trying to optimize or configure Windows XP. And there are a lot of other options in which the operating system either stops loading altogether, or loads but does not work correctly. In these cases, you need to restore the Windows XP system.

How to do a system restore on Windows XP

If the system boots, Windows XP has a special built-in recovery tool.

  • Let's go to Start.
  • Opening All programs.
  • Next, in the drop-down list we look for Service.
  • In the next drop-down list, select System Restore.

There are two items on the right side of the window: Select a point to restore an earlier state And Create a restore point.

Here you can select one of the available points to restore your computer to an earlier working state. In this case, the state of the computer will be returned to the moment when the problem did not yet exist. All installed programs, as well as some files downloaded to the computer after this period, will be deleted.

How to create an XP restore point

And here you can manually create your own recovery point by clicking on the second item. It's very easy to do.

  • We mark the second point Create a restore point and click Further.
  • Enter a description for our new point and click Create.

Everything is ready, now, when installing some suspicious software, we have a guaranteed rollback point if something goes wrong during installation.

We return to the window for selecting a task to restore and mark the first item. In the next window, select the day to which you want to roll back from, highlighted in bold. Not all days can be selected, but only those on which such points were created; this happens automatically when installing many programs, drivers and updates. Select a day and click Further.

The system recovery process is completely reversible and you can cancel the rollback at any time, returning to its original state.

If, for example, such manipulation did not bring the desired result.

Windows XP recovery via console

If the OS refuses to boot, in general, you can try to restore it through the console. To do this, you will need a system image recorded on a disk or USB flash drive. Only the image must be the same version and bit size as that installed on the computer.

  • To restore Win XP from the installation disk, you need to boot the computer from the disk, and in the installation program window, press ( R) to load the console.
  • Next, you will be asked to select the system that we will restore, if you have only one system, press the number 1 on the keyboard, if more, then 1 or 2, respectively, most often there is only one system installed on the computer, so select (1) and confirm your choice key Enter.
  • If your account is protected by a password, enter it and confirm your action again with the key Enter. If there is no password, then immediately press Enter.
  • A command line will appear in which you need to type the command - ( fixmbr) (in small Latin letters). And we confirm again - Enter.
  • Next, a warning will appear, here you need to confirm your actions by pressing the key ( y).
  • The boot record has been successfully restored, now you need to write a new boot sector.
  • We are recruiting a team ( fixboot ) – confirm the action with the key ( y) and then - Enter.
  • Now you need to exit the console by typing the command ( Exit ) and confirm Enter.

The computer should boot normally, provided, of course, that everything was done correctly.